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  • Report:  #964638

Complaint Review: MDG CANADA

MDG CANADA MDG MDG BEWARE! Contract with the Devil - Ignorance - disrespect - BLAMES bad Reviews on ALL PPL with bad Credit - COVER-ups! HIDDEN COSTS contract! DISGUSTED! Internet, Ontario

  • Reported By:
    Larry — Hope Quebec United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sun, November 04, 2012
  • Updated:
    Thu, December 10, 2015

Horrible Service! MDG SCAM! Ignorance with tech department, salespeople! DISGUSTED! was so close to signing, until multiple things added up including a 5 MINUTE ONLY LIMIT with Salespeople! According to Peter Russell whom kept Rushing me off phone After questioning contract , searching for answers, I was avoided , rushed, Given a TIME LIMIT! 

 I recently spoke with MDG. The salesperson Peter Russell, Slick, cunning, anything for a Sale. Lies, manipulates conversations. However, Once the CONTRACT was sent, I READ the CONTRACT in DETAIL and Dissected it. However, after cross-referencing the Contract within itself, and within the EULA of their Website (small print). Also, After Having done extensive research on the company, And any info Peter Russell gave regarding warranty with Manufactures, not with them, or anything mentioned. I Called said Companies to Verify their Products being sold by MDG and warranties etc. Furthermore, I investigated the Salesman, Background of Company, and Statistics of Satisfied customers opposed to Dis-satisfied customers. 85 percent dissatisfied customer ratio to satisfied.

 However, After Challenging the ONE-SIDED Contract which screws you so royally!! Even regarding the Product YOU THINK you will get, and when YOU will get it.

The Contract, I do not know how it could even be LEGAL. Anyhow, Peter Russell of MDG CANADA would NOT respond to the EMAIL, Would not talk about amendments, A Series of Phone calls were made, Peter Rushed me off the Phone, At the end of the Evening, I spoke to him. I was being TIMED. Peter said "Sorry, not to be rude, but WE ONLY Have a 5 MINUTE Maximum on the phone or WE get in Trouble with the BOSS, and Larry, It's been 11 minutes so far" I kept talking. Despite it all, I was considering still Doing this (signing)... and if anything, I would SUE.

Peter then said "Larry, it's been 17 minutes. I have thousands of Customers to attend, We are NOT allowed the time, My BOSS will Yell at me, he is Staring at me now! I will get FIRED for going over the 5 minute time limit" , Thus, my questioning was Evaded completely. Also, Caught Mr. Russell in a series of LIES. Also, after stating he never charges anyone beyond 29.9 percent interest, According to Website in small print, it's up to 59 percent! COMPOUNDED!

wow! Looking at the contract shows a HIDDEN FEE of amongst many, Being a WEEKLY or Bi -Weekly Administration fee exceeding almost more than half monthly interest! Therefore, it came to 59 Percent and ABOVE!! And even if you pay the Minimum for 4 years... you balance actually GOES UP! YOU NEVER get out of the Contract! And As many people on the net say, Even ones whom have paid in FULL, MDG Thinks YOU OWE THEM FOREVER!

Peter put down people with bad credit, Stating many things. Making them feel 3rd class. Also, the Lack of respect for Explaining things, or Having a TIME Limit on a Potential Customer/Client was also degrading.

Also spoke with Tech department, HE was SO d**n Rude! and LACKED in KNOWLEDGE! He was unable to Answer VERY Basic TECH Questions pertaining to their own products! About a Processor! and Max Ram upgrade! I was Rushed off the Phone. (The receptionist the night before, the Tech as I was told to contact, and others, were very unprofessional) The ACER Receptionist was even able to answer the question!

 I was Disgusted.
It FELT more like a HUMAN ASSEMBLY LINE, and a CONTRACT with the DEVIL!!

They want PEOPLE whom are desperate and also BELIEVING that they would be repairing some of their credit with credit bureaus. (not true) MDG wants people to SIGN BLINDEDLY, Because MOST people do NOT READ the details of the contract NOR do Most Understand the LEGAL TERMS and what rights they are signing, wavering away!

 Even to the point pre-arranged payments can and WILL be taken out on different dates, and That MDG Reserves the RIGHT To change the Amount ANYTIME! KiBOSH your BANK Account whereas Banks only recommendations is to CLOSE your Account, -(I also spoke with the BANK regarding this, and the manufactures who's products MDG sells, Finances).
And Then MDG incorporates FEAR FACTORS making YOU believe you CAN and WILL be Charged criminally with FRAUD and by other means which could cause YOU so much Distress that YOU just might SUICIDE over it! - Then in Contract, MDG GOES AFTER your FAMILY MEMBERS! (Should you die) 

 After checking the BBB Better Business Bureau now under Investigation for selling Grades, by allowing COMPANIES with LOW RATINGS to get automatically high ratings by BUYING IT! this info can further be found on the net.

Consumers TRUST and Confidence even in regarding the BBB is no longer there. Can you say CORRUPTION, and the fact that money will Always Talk, no matter what!

Anyhow, MDG is the SCAMMIEST and SCARIEST company to deal with!
People who work there Cannot have a conscience! Former employees have also Spoken up via Net and various other Complaint Forums on the net. If YOU SIGN a CONTRACT with MDG, be PREPARED to literally SIGN YOUR LIFE AWAY! YOUR BANK ACCOUNT! and much more! A Permanent DEBT! Anyhow, there is much, much more I can tell you also regarding my 3 days of RESEARCHING everything said to me, written, emailed, and with companies I contacted pertaining to MDG products, claims, and more. However, I won't for now.

BELOW is the EMAIL Cross-Referencing the CONTRACT (if You have a copy of it, look at it and my email, see for yourself) and Some Explanation of the meanings! I sent this to Mr. PETER RUSSELL of MDG CANADA!, Again, who will take NO TIME explaining the CLAUSES, or anytime for a CLIENT IF THEY QUESTION the contract or question things.

Also stated in CONTRACT
that the salespeople and employees CAN LIE, MISLEAD, Willfully, or Unwillfully, Deliberately, or Undeliberately. That by NO MEANS CAN YOU Sue or HOLD responsible anyone, employees, representatives, affiliates, or MDG, for ANYTHING.

Below is the ACTUAL EMAIL I SENT Mr. Russell, But despite the RISKS, what really got me is the Disrespect people get, and the so-called 5 MINUTES ONLY TIME-LIMIT as each CALL is TIMED to the second! I could NOT believe it!

Sent to Mr. Russel a couple days ago. Followed up this past Friday by several calls from me. and each time immediately Mr. Russell had no-time for me, but did state that my Email was the Longest email he had ever received, and that it would take at least a minimum of 2 hours for him to read it. With calls spaced throughout the day until an hour before the end of Peter's shift (9:00pm), Mr. Russell refused to Send anything in Writing, made promises on the phone, (more Lies), and evaded answering questions pertaining to my contract. I explained to Mr. Russell, that I have to PROTECT myself, my FAMILY. As for I have 4 children, one adopted. all very young. My 3yr old recently had Heart Surgery with complications. I am disabled. We have to travel 2000 klm round-trip frequently to Montreal Children's hospital. And stay a week in a Motel. Explained how we Suffered a Serious Tragedy a year ago, lost our home, everything we knew, owned, and much more. And that we were just rebuilding life. Told him, I need honesty please. Also explained that my 3yr son has other serious complications medically, and the hardships of it all. Explained, We can make the payments, but we have to adhere to a specific budget. I Explained that we are poor, And how I am currently disabled, but would and will sacrifice anything for my children. anyhow, as I explained these things, I was hoping that Mr. Russell would be sympathetic towards me, and tell me whether or not I should perhaps re-consider this contract. Nope. He just wanted it to be signed or don't waste his 5 minutes of allotted time.

Official EMAIL::  (Names removed in place of XxNamexX)

----------The CONTRACT: (Some Highlights) The rest can be discussed via phone.-----

1) - Section (5), subsection (f) in bold, Waving the Right to notification of 10 days ( Changes in the AMOUNT based on TAX) we need to clarify this section. 

2) - Section (6), (Ongoing Administration fee) ?? Is this fee calculated in the total as mentioned in the contract? is this an additional fee added to the FIXED Payments. ( This fee technically raises the 29.9% interest. Just another form of obtaining further amount. (Technically, when added would exceed the MAXIMUM of the PERCENTAGE limit as we discussed on phone as mentioned in SMALL print on front page of your website) ?? We need to Discuss this. (equals more than 59%) in addition to even MORE hidden Fees!

3) - Section (9), Subsection (a) "We MAY MOVE YOUR PAYMENT, due date to the LAST date that banks are open for business IMMEDIATELY BEFORE your scheduled Payment" ???!! ( I do not like this. This could CAUSE potential NSF charges or Budget Complications. Bank NSF charge of $42. dollars, and MDG of $35. dollars as mentioned in Section 10.) ( If we have SET DATES, I want it in WRITING that these dates will NOT be MOVED PRIOR to the DUE DATE. XxNamexX Accepts it being the NEXT BUSINESS DAY with NO Additional Interest rate added as LATE fees)

4) - Section (12), SECURITY DEPOSITS - (It is to my understanding that the Potential Upcoming Security Deposit on the 8th of November, 2012 (of 400plus dollars) is NOT deducted from the Total Price as stated in the Contract. (not even mentioned in the contract regarding the deposit they are demanding), It is my understanding that this Security deposit in which gains NO INTEREST will be Applied as a FINAL Payment) - Is this Correct? (But no mention on Contract of the Deposit?) also, if we have only a $400 dollar Balance remaining, will this Security Deposit be applied to Clear FINAL Balance??  

5) - *** Section (14), CHANGE OF TERMS - States "We reserve the right to make changes to this agreement at ANYTIME in our discretion, including CHANGES that AFFECT the INTEREST RATE, DUE DATES (Again, cross-referencing Section (9)....) TERMS of USE, and MINIMUM PAYMENT REQUIREMENTS" ------ !!!!!!(THIS IS NOT GOOD! and can ROYALLY SCREW the Person signing the contract) (This Section gives MDG the Right to MODIFY the FIXED PAYMENTS as agreed, to anything they want, and MAKE CHANGES otherwise potentially UNSETTLING, or thus, FORCE the Signee to PAY IN FULL within 30 days! ). (Fear factor applied here with threats of Criminally charging the Signee! ---

WE NEED TO DISCUSS THIS! At this time, XxNamexX is NOT in Agreement to this SECTION. - I Would like to Discuss an AMENDMENT in WRITING pertaining to this section. ONCE WE ARE AGREED ON A PAYMENT PLAN, WE do NOT EXPECT NOR WANT any UNFAVOURABLE CHANGES MADE that could Potentially affect our ROUTINE BUDGET with MDG) Meaning: Once XxNamexX has DATES and a BUDGET for MDG, He/She will be in a routine. And does not want this routine to be MODIFIED by any means that could potentially off-set her budget routine. 

6) - Section (16) Remedies. (Discuss on phone)  (adding this in now: You are responsible for all legal costs, if MDG wants to Sue you. They can seize your products, Dispose of them, and YOU still Owe the Full amount with accrued interest! and more!) - (MDG will likely then Refurbish and re-sell, not dispose of)

7) - *** SECTION (19) LIMITATIONS and LIABILITY, Subsection (b), CLAUSE - *** and Subsection (c) -     (This section allows YOU (refering to Peter) or any employee to mislead a customer deliberately or unwillfully, and HOLD NO Responsibility for "MDG", "AFFILIATES" Any and all "ASSOCIATIONS", "YOU" or "Any other Personelle, employee of MDG" Actions intentional or unintentionally. Willfully or Unwillfully.

-(States after purchase Product you receive MIGHT not be the product you are expecting, thus you are still LIABLE and Legally committed to PAYING the FULL amount of contract regardless of a less and inferior Product) Furthermore, This Section (19) Allows, Protects, MDG from Everything associated with WRONG Products being Delivered, and/or Product SPECS, etc. Also Cross-referenced in SECTION (26), "RETURNS, REFUNDS and EXCHANGES". Also CROSS Referenced in another section (in small print on their Website) -****whereas it STATED that MDG RESERVES THE RIGHT to CHANGE Specs, Modify, etc. WITHOUT NOTICE. ***

(This is Horrible, and Correlates with some of the Negative Reviews I have read and researched via Internet). - Whereas, some customers Applied for a product based on Product Description, and received a Wrong Product and/or a Product whereby the Specs, Hardware/software etc were NOT what was ordered or expected. THEN MDG REFUSES to ACCEPT the RETURN and Send the CORRECT Products, or Products with Corrected SPECS as AGREED. - This in itself should be illegal. (XxNamexX) FEAR - NOT Getting the EXACT PRODUCT "Laptops" with EXACT "SPECS" as specified and/or "DESIGN" as Seen in Pics). Should this happen, MDG CAN and LIKELY WILL REFUSE the RETURN and the Signee is STILL OBLIGATED TO the CONTRACT regardless whether or not HE/SHE Received the Correct Product! (This is Fact)    (update: Peter did NOT like this question, and tried to assure that I/We will get what we see. (again, they are allowed to Lie without repercussions once you sign that contract!)

***(XxNamexX) would Like in Writing via Email that HE/SHE will RECEIVE the EXACT PRODUCT as Expected, with the Exact SPECS, and should the Wrong product, or product not containing the the EXACT SPECS as Purchased/Financed, CAN be RETURNED and the PROPER PRODUCT/UNIT be sent in it's place according to what is Expected. - Also contained in the body of that email, YOU as the Salesman (Whom is NOT mentioned on the Contract) ???(why is the Salesmans NAME NOT mentioned in Contract by no means?) and/or the Person Endorsing the FINANCING "Abdul H." (Whom we have no idea who He is?) must acknowledge the CLAUSE as stated in the Contract and ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY, and will Personally RECTIFY any issue regarding this.
Accept this as an Amendment to the Contract on a personal basis to Ensure with CONFIDENCE that XxName'sxX Needs, Expectations will hereby be met. 

Please understand that this is no small amount of money, thus, XxNamexX would like to Protect some of his/her rights to ensure she receives what is agreed upon. 

----------------------------- QUESTIONS-----(to Peter Russell in email)----

1) Will All Payments be Reported to the CREDIT Bureau? -Showing his/her Timely Payments ?- (No, only when You default- to further get more negative impact) (there is 3 in Canada) and now a New 4th has surfaced past year.-------------------------------------
2) (a) Can YOU please Verify whether the Keyboard has a Back-light? (you believe it does) But can you verify it please. 
(b) Please Verify that we will receive the Acer Laptop the Same as in Picture (with no more than possible minor detail). Want same colour, layout, etc.  (also Peter Agreed, Admitted, that the FREE LAPTOP for the approval of the 3000 thousand plus dollars... that YES, the actual price of this so-called FREE laptop was actually configured in the Price in FULL. Should a person not Qualify, that person is entitled to a discount) (Also, Peter agreed and admitted that over 1040 dollars in the HIDDEN Administration Fee based on the fixed amount ALSO subject to Change at MDG's discretion and based on 4 years 104 payments - (although Peter confirmed on phone it was 34-38 months for us, that actual contract stated 4 years, 48 months)  is a part of His Commission in addition to other commissions).

3) Was the SHIPPING Calculated in the FULL Price? Mentioned additional shipping charges in ink on contract, but nothing showing ACTUAL shipping costs which also is Financed with high interest! as seen in the Contract?? I did not see a Shipping Breakdown. And XxNamexX would not like any SURPRISE Payments in addition to what is agreed, or any Extra he/she decides to Send in a month. (in order to pay-off quickly).

4)(a)- PLEASE VERIFY IN WRITING VIA EMAIL the Length of "FULL TERM" for XxNamexX. As discussed on the Phone, I believe you said 36 months? or 38 Months. - However, in Contract, I do not see the FULL Term based on what was discussed on phone. I see FULL TERM of 48 MONTHS HIDDEN within the Small Print of TERMS and No fixed Time Limit/term mentioned therein as agreed. ???? ----------------------------------------

- (b) - With SECURITY DEPOSIT as a FINAL PAYMENT, ... security Deposit of apprx. $400, Doesn't this Shorten the Term by 4 months? (based on current agreed FIXED Payment" ??? )Also Security deposits GAIN no Interest?!!!) (And should You cancel there is a 20% RE-STOCKING FEE!!! (Plenty of STOCK! and 20 percent of maximum Loan of 3000 is $600!!!!!) That should be ILLEGAL!! (no Returns! by law 72 hours to cancel a contract! and YOU will have PAY anyways!)

Updated::  (website) - What a SCAM! furthermore, just for ****talking with a REP, or making an attempt on their website which requires YOU to Immediately PROVIDE Banking information before being Assigned a REP,*** ... YOU could END up PAYING up to $600 dollars plus additional charges EVEN THOUGH you have decided NOT to COMPLETE the Order, especially after READING the CONTRACT!) 

He/She will want to see the TERM in Writing as discussed via phone. ---
----------- End of Email.        --------------

Personal Notes and opinions:::  

 I cannot believe it People! The BIGGEST d**n SCAM still ALLOWED to Operate since the company began in 1991 Oakville Ontario Canada!


However, THEY PREY on PEOPLE WHOM Cannot AFFORD LAWYERS! But WILL MAKE YOU PAY for THEIR Overpriced High-End Lawyers and everything else SHOULD you CHALLENGE THEM AFTER SIGNING the CONTRACT!!"

*** I have Much More that I can share with my Pre-Experience regarding MDG. Not everything is written here. CONTACT ME if YOU want to HEAR more! or Discuss more! ***   (now I am just Waiting to See if they will Attempt to Take the 400plus dollars from the Bank account, since they seen OUR statements! and know the Exact dates! I am WORRIED!  I had sent the info prior to Reading the Contract in Great Detail. That was a bad move. Either-way, they already had the 2 dates set. but were unabel to process originally because on the website, the info was entered wrong. Peter Russell assured me that should WE not accept the contract, that WE will NOT be billed. However, I somehow DOUBT this to be True.... From what I have been reading, and seeing how this corrupted, scamming company operates. Even just a few days with that amount is an Interest rate for them.... if it is taken without authorization, and perhaps returned. 

Also, Note: That in the contract, if YOU have legal issues with MDG, YOU must Continue to PAY THEM during the procedure in which could take months or even years, depending on the courts.

!AVOID MDG! And SHARE THIS WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW in order to protect them from being VICTIMIZED!

I can share many stories from the net, even starving WOMEN with 4 or 5 children.... whom NEVER even SIGNED an agreement, Declined after reading it etc, thus, MONEY was still taken from her ACCOUNT because MDG had it from the beginning! And She Never got it back to the best of my knowledge. That complaint is, I believe, listed here on this site.

 For anything under $200 dollars, Most people do NOT want the Headache of Small claims court, the costs associated with it, and then the MEANS of Collecting on a Judgement thereafter for Garnishing MDG's BANK! Just ask your bank which Bank was the PAYMENT was sent too, and serve papers on that BANK! BEWARE PEOPLE!


5 Updates & Rebuttals




#6Consumer Comment

Thu, December 10, 2015

 I have taken out a loan with MDG, signed the contract and had my payments taken out every 2 weeks as set out in the contract. I did my research on the desktop i had gotten from them at the time and compared the prices. The actual price of the desktop in any retail store was $899 and MDG charged me $1390 just for the desktop before adding the fees and interest rates. I was paying $68 every 2 weeks, i only paid them for 15 weeks which came to about $1070 and i went to my bank once the payment came out and closed the account. Since i have done this (and seriously think i have overpaid for the desktop) MDG as never attempted to contact me for defaulting on the "sham contract" they never attempted to sue me or have the account into collections and was NEVER rreported to the credit bureau. If you take that contract to a lawyer, he/she will tell you that the contract is illegal and is also a sham. ONLY PAY WHAT YOU THINK IT'S WORTH PEOPLE, THEN, CLOSE YOUR BANK ACCOUNT.


New York,

yeah, but try 49% interest

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, April 15, 2015

I had to close my bank account to stop them from taking the payment out.

So far I've paid over  $400 for $300 tablet. 

There is no limit stated to when the payments are to stop. Also at that interest rate, the balance hasn't gone down in a year.

They take advantage of the less fortunate ones like myself.

Fingerhut is cheaper 



MDG COMPUTERS- What an Amazing experience

#6General Comment

Thu, October 16, 2014

Contrary to what a few numbers of people have been saying about MDG Computers, I still find them to be one of the very best companies around. I had to deal with them months ago to procure a lenovo laptop. The whole experience, I must say was excellent. I got to speak with some of their employees, who were very courteous and prompt. Treated me with dignity, and respect. I got approved, signed the contract, sent my documents as requested, my laptop came and was a super new machine, and I was even able to make arrangements after few months to pay off my remaining balance.



Doesnt sound like MDG at all...

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, July 15, 2014

There are SOOOO many satisfied customers of MDG. Sometimes you get the rare upset customers, but so does any multi-million dollar company. How many times have your friends complained about Rogers or Bell or other Call Centre businesses. If you want to read reviews to determien whether or not you should buy from MDG then you should read both the good and the bad. But Ripoff report only displays the bad. Thats why its called Ripoff report... if people don't think its a ripoff they wont post here. Check out or 

 I have had nothing but excelletn customer service and a happy relationship with MDG. I would recommend it to all my friends and family. 



MDG REVIEWS Best customer experience!!!

#6Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 31, 2014

I asked for a TV... And MDG help me to make my dream come true... I received my Samsung Smart TV 40". I'm so happy, it's great!
Thank you to MDG and their agents! They were fantastic! I didn't feel like I was pressured, or blown of, and even after my order shipped out I had a few questions, I called up my sales rep. She spent 20 mins on the phone with me making sure I understood everything. Explained it in detail and answered every question. 

THey were so helpful! Even if you have bad credit, you can get a high end, tier 1 brand name product at a price you can afford. 

I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but I'm thankful I did not!


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