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  • Report:  #1059359

Complaint Review: Meineke of Ohio Chris Early owner

Meineke of Ohio Chris Early (owner ) DISHONEST AND FRAUDULENT TO CUSTOMERS AND EMPLOYEES Columbus Ohio

  • Reported By:
    Justice for all — Columbus Ohio
  • Submitted:
    Sat, June 15, 2013
  • Updated:
    Tue, July 02, 2013
  • Meineke of Ohio Chris Early owner
    All Columbus Ohio Stores
    Columbus, Ohio
  • Phone:
  • Category:

BEWARE !! I would like for consumers seeking auto repair or maintence and indivisuals who are seeking employment in the auto repair indistry to STAY AWAY from ALL  MEINEKE STORES  in Columbus Ohio.

All stores have cameras recording and microphones so the owner and district manager can hear and see everything that goes on in every location, there is no such thing as privacy in any of the stores! 

They have hidden the michrophones and most of the cameras ,they even record every phone conversation ! they have stated this is for training but in reality it is all bout being a control freak and micro managing.

HMMM is that really legal  they have no signs posted stating your every word and action is being recorded !

Mr.Early has employed some reallym really good managers and mechanics in the past but he always finds a way to shaft them. there typical manager only last on average 3 months before they burn them out then fire them for no reason. Hmmm could this be because many of the good honest managers that worked there caught on to all of the wrongful doings of the dueo ?? . I wonder what Chris and Fred really have to hide I know for a fact they have shady dealings for that matter Chris is so stupid he has no idea of all the BS the district manager feeds him.Fred lies to Chris and blames ussuspecting managers for his short comings they are two peas in a pod! LOL

Are they that dumb to think every manager the put in a store fails , the manager is only as succesfull as they allow the reason they lose business is due to the high turn over rate they have , they have lost all of their good people so now they hire people who are not fully qualified , last time I knew they claim all techs they now have are ASE certified thats a crock too!

They are both liars and theives they shaft All employees on their pay oneway or another and make false promises .They shaft managers out of bonus by backing out sales , HMMM I bet Meineke would live to hear about that , I am sure Chris has attempted to distroy all records to this fact , I am willing to bet that somewhere out there their is an ex employee that was smart enough to get proof on most if not all of this type of activity.Any way for those seeking employment consider this fair WARNING  if you are seeking a reptable company to work for ITS NOT MEINEKE , they will shaft you out of you commissions , your hourly wage ,and overtime they have even changed the pay stubs to read commissions instead of posting how many hours each employee has worked.If you do work for them get it in black and white signed!

Now for consumers if you do not want to be scammed and ripped off want your car fixed right the first time then I suggest going elsewhere instead of Meineke, I have seen them all but force consumers into getting a credit card so the repair bill could be paid , problem is some of the consumers couldnt even afford the monthly credit card payment, but Chris & Fred dont care if they put you into debt and if you cannot afford as long as they get paid for the job.

Speaking of credit cards at one point Chris would doc a manager from his pay $25.00 if he did not process at least 6 new credit card apps per month, now Thats not legal !! this was a monthly maintence fee that the credit card company charged to Meineke per store ,but now the credit card company has a new program where if the manager process so many apps per month that he will get a $25.00 debit card that will be sent to his home, but guess what those managers werent even informed about this new program because Fred and Chris are trying to figure out a way to keep the award of $25.00 x 8 if the managers make it that is .Wow just another way to screw their managers !! WOW SOME TASTY STUFF HERE HUH

ALSO They dock their employees half an hour pay for lunch but they never get tom take a FULL 30 MIN lunch, they work you like slaves and if you quit on them they will shaft you on your final check, THEY DID ME I have seen so much dishonest pratice take place against all of the employees at one time or another ,even customers by Freds direct order Fred is a real good munipulator takes no responsibility for his actions.

LOLOLOL If Chris only knew how much Fred talked smack about him ,I am laughing so hard now its hard to type,REALLY WHO IS THE DUMB F**K*N* FOOL NOW LOLOLOLOLOL if Chris and Fred put a third of their energy into the business instead of foucs on spying on employees and customers maybe the would have a respectable business , I was always told people who act in this manner are doing so because they are so crooked themselves they feel they must always try and be up one over all.. accusers are alway the guilty ones!

The matter of fact is Chris Early (owner) and Fred Franks (District Manager) are nothing but theives and crooks they instruct their managers and employees to over charge consumers and sale products ,services ,repairs that are not needed WOW thism is alot to reflect on ,you know its businessmen like this that give the auto repair industry a bad name.  

But hey Mr.Consumer do not worry not all repair shop pratice to rip off consumers , its not even the employees there who do , but it is what they are instructed to do .I know several ex employees that have left once they found work at a reptable shop and are doing much better now and are happy to be employed by honest companies. Now for all ex employees I suggest you go to wage and hour dept of labor  to report EARLY ENTERPRISES and get paid what is rightfully owed to you, the complaint is free and they will investagate.

I will close with this thought for consumers and those looking for employment stay away from Meineke in Columbus Ohio !  

 Chris & Fred  you must have known that sooner or later someone would speak out ! the lesson to be learned here is being honest is ALWAYS THE BEST POLICY ! YOU HAVE HAD SOME GREAT EMPLOYEES IN THE PAST BUT YOU CHOSE TO USE AND ABUSE THEM, YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED BUT INSTEAD OF BEING HUMBLE YOU CHOSE GREED. YOU WOULD RATHER SCREW OVER LOYAL CUSTOMERS AND EMPLOYEES THAN BE A HONEST BUSINESSMAN. And that my friend is a real shame how do you sleep at night I will never know.

I hope someday you repent for all the wrong doings you have done to good honest people who trusted you!

2 Updates & Rebuttals



Sad, but true...

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, July 02, 2013

Since I've already wrongly received credit for the preceding report, I just wanted to share my experience.  I'm a former manager as well who was fired recently.  I can only hope my experiences can help other potential employees and customers to fully understand the type of people they're dealing with.

I was hired four months ago as a Store Manager.  I responded to an ad on for the position and have regretted that decision.  I had one interview and was offered the position.  I was excited and hopeful to what the future might hold. I started as a traveling manager who would run a store for existing managers on their days off.  I had barely any training and was basically thrown to the wolves.  There was barely any training and what training was given was a quick briefing on passwords, vendors, etc...  There was no training on the expectations, pricing or policies to make a successful Store Manager.

The lack of training aside, I was given a store to run on my own after two or three weeks.  In my four months of employment I was witness to three Managers being fired.  Out of a total of five stores that makes for a pretty high turn around rate.  As soon as I got my bearing in my new store, around two weeks, things quickly changed for the worse.  Every decision made at the store level was quickly over ruled and changed by upper management.  They would also tell the Techs and Assistant Manager one thing, and then tell me another.  This creates an air of confusion and completely destroys the chain of command.  Therefore, it is a receipe for failure.  I was told it was my store to run, but never given the chance since upper management would undermine everything that I was trying to achieve and change.  Customers were expected to be treated as "marks" and we were expected to lie to them and get as much money out of them as possible.  Now, I understand a business is expected to make money.  But, Meineke fosters an atmosphere where it is encouraged to rip off the customer and bury the complaints. 

Let me now introduce you to a concept known as 'Cost of Goods'.  Basically, Cost of Goods is the total cost of parts on a total sale.  These stores require a 20% total cost of goods and this percentage is one part of the Manager's pay.  If a customer comes in and needs a front brake job, then this is roughly how it works out.  Brake pads: $99.99 + front rotors: 2x $69.99 + one hour labor: $105.00 = $344.97 (+ shop supplies and tax).  Those brake pads cost the company ~$18.95 and the rotors cost ~$18.55 each.  That brings your total parts cost to approxametly $56.05 and a Cost of Goods percentage of ~16.25%.  Anything under 20% is encouraged and expected on every transaction.  Almost every single part sold is marked up by 300%.  That is why it costs almost $900 to replace an alternator and battery at Meineke while the dealership only charges $450.  The "business model" Meineke runs takes advantage of every customer, and employee, which comes through the door.  

Store Managers are required to follow this pricing scheme since their pay is based in part on Cost of Goods.  They are required to follow this model then if the customer complains enough, and they've spent enough in the past, then a small refund may be issued.  Assuming the District Manager can be bothered to return your call.  After the Store Manager follows the pricing plan dictated by the company the Manager is then fired for appearances.

Ever since I was fired from Meineke the Owner and District Manager's true ethics showed.  After my termination my paycheck was shorted by over $350.  When I asked what happened to my pay I was told I was paid Minimum Wage because the owner couldn't pay me any less.  They just changed my pay rate and expected me to just accept the shortage.  I was told I need to recover another employee’s uniforms, since I was terminated this was not my place as I was not a representative of the company anymore, in order to receive the proper wage owed.  I made one phone call, which they could have placed, and had the uniforms returned.  I have been promised the wages owed, but as of today I still have not received proper payment.  

I filed for unemployment since I was terminated without any just cause.  Meineke is appealing my claim just as many companies do these days.  But, they have simply lied and fraudulently provided incorrect information to the State regarding my claim.  I hope to have this resolved as soon as possible.

This is just my experience while working for Early Enterprises and I hope it can influence future employees and customers.  Obviously not everyone will believe me or listen to me.  I'm sure some "concerned customer" that may, or may not, be on Chris Early's payroll will post a reply.  All I know is what happened while I was there.  Any customer doing business with Meineke is paying twice what they should and any employee...well, history repeats itself.  Ask as many questions as possible and get everything in writing so this doesn't happen to you. Or, when it does you'll have some legal recourse.




It's Called "Running A Business"

#3General Comment

Tue, June 18, 2013

Your report doesn't seem to hold any water with your accusations of a fraudulent business being ran.  From what I've read, all I can gather is this owner is just being a smart business man:

1.  Any person who has money invested into a business has every right and reason to have cameras and microphones installed, and recorded phone conversations.  The only place in a repair facility this would be an illegal violation of privacy would be in the restrooms or changing rooms.  Any successful business person should want to know what's going on in their facility at all times, and has every right to know.  This is their money they have insvested in these companies.  I would want to know if my employees are stealing from me or planning on stealing from me.  

I would want to know how my employees interact with the customers who my the wages of my employees and myself.  I would want to know who the hell broke into my facility and stole from me.  Cameras and microphones aid in finding the culprit.  I can guarantee you at least 75% of the establishments you walk into have live cameras.  Did you know Walmart parking lots are filled with cameras?  You can't even make it into the store without being recorded.  Visible camera's help to lower insurance rates AS WELL AS CRIME's a known fact.

2.  If a manager is being fired within three months, that means they were hired on as a manager.  If they were hired on as a manager, that means they probably made certain promises with their resume and and job interview.  If they couldn't follow through with these promises, or couldn't prove themselves to do the job they promised, any smart business owner will have that newly hired person gone before the end of their 90 day probationary period.  

This person who pays your wages probaby pays about $1.15 for every $1.00 they pay you, when you take into consideration FUTA/SUTA/Worker's Comp, etc...this doesn't include the extra money paid by the wage-payer if you have child support payments taken directly from your paycheck.  If this business owner is not making a profit after they pay all employees wages, utlities, shop tools, parts costs, insurance, etc, then why keep employeeing that manager?  Why keep paying a tech who doesn't have the knowledge or proficiency to make the business owner a profit?  Why should a business owner lose money and take food off of their table in an effort to keep food on YOUR table?

3.  I don't get the impression that you work for free.  I doubt this business owner ever advertised to run a non-profit organization.  Most people cannot afford to work for free.  We have ourselves and a family to support.  We want reliable sources of transporation, a good solid comfortable home for us and our families to live in, niceties for our family members to own.  We have our own opinions of what we decide to be comfortable living for our families.  Some of us are comfortable and contevt with where we are at when it comes to the things we own in our home lives.  

Some of us settle for lesser than we would probably like, because we have made decisions in our lives which prohibit or inhibit us from being able to afford to front an investment of 10's of 1000's of dollars which me might exponentially profit off of.  Some of us have fronted that 10's of 1000's of dollars up front in hopes of being rewarded with a successful and profitable business so we can afford to provide our family members with what we think they deserve.

As far as any hourly employee being unable to take their lunchbreak, that is against labor laws...if indeed, the employee is paid an hourly wage (not to include flat rate or commission).  However, if a person is being paid flat rate or commission, and they insisted on taking a full lunchbreak everyday, right in the middle of lunch at our busiest time, I probably wouldn't want them employed, either.  Theyre not being starved... snack throughout the day, drink plenty of water, take breaks when it's feasible.  Other's are using the times alloted for their lunchbreaks to go to your facility and spend your wages.  Any smart business owner is not going to want for any of their employees to take time off during the day during the busiest time when customers are paying money.  

I know this might sound a little bit off the wall, but terrorists dont take breaks, so why would those fighting terrorism take a break during a terrorist attack?  Heart attack vicitims, criminals, and forest fires don't take breaks, so why would those employed in saving heart attack vicitims, fighting crime, and fighting forest fires take a break during such an event?  I have a really hard time believing pay is docked for taking a full lunch break, but I don't have a doubt in my mind that an employee insisting on taking a full lunch break during everyone elses prime lunch break would be kept on staff.

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