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  • Report:  #459104

Complaint Review: Menu Master

Menu Master Nasty and Belittle emails from Cynthia Sweeley, president of Menu Master Spring Mills Pennsylvania

  • Reported By:
    Montgomery Alabama
  • Submitted:
    Sat, June 06, 2009
  • Updated:
    Tue, April 27, 2010
  • Menu Master
    332 Harter Road
    Spring Mills, Pennsylvania
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I recently made the mistake of contacting Menu Master in an attempt to gain employment. Thank goodness I googled her name and came across! I only wish I had done this first before contacting her! The reports made about Cynthia Sweeley and Menu Master made me reconsider taking a job with them and I emailed her back to let her know I didn't want the job after all. Then she started sending snotty and beligerent emails to me. I don't even know this lady from Joe Shmoe down the street and she's sending me crazy emails about listening for me to "gnash my teeth" over missing out on working for her! THIS LADY IS CRAZY! When I told her that I don't think that would be the case, then all hell broke loose. One email I was Sweetheart the next she was calling me a freak! Then she threatened to call the police for harassment after she sent me all these DERANGED emails! I finally had to block her before my inbox became full of her obnoxious and childish emails.
A MILLION THANKS TO RIPOFFREPORT.COM AND THE HEROES OUT THERE WHO REPORTED THIS FESTERING BOIL! If not for you, I might have got a job there and been up the proverbial creek. I only regret not checking these people out before I contacted them. It surely would have saved me the hassle of this deranged woman's emails.

Carol rastings
Montgomery, Alabama

6 Updates & Rebuttals

Judy R.

United States of America

A little advice

#7General Comment

Tue, April 27, 2010

Ever since I first learned of Ripoff Report several years ago, I check it daily because I find it quite informative and, well, in some cases, amusing.

I have no dog in this fight, but thought I could perhaps sow some words of advice in the killing fields.  First, to those who feel they have been wronged by Menu Master/Proof of Life/Cynthia Sweeley: you have stated your complaints quite clearly.  I see no need to continue to defend your statements.  It obviously provokes the owner to rages, and if that was your intent, you've suceeded.  Most definately.  You have made your point.  Let's just leave it at that.  No need to send her off on a rampage like she has gone on in these last few days.

To Ms. Sweeley/Ms. Amnell: The best time to reply to these comments is when you have had time to think about it and can form a rational statement.  Flying off the handle and ranting about how much better you are than other people puts you in no good light.  In fact, I am almost certain that this will have detrimental effects on any future dealings with potential clients if they happen to read it.  Your rather outlandish attempts to put these people in their places seem to instead backlash against you and your company.  Your replies tend to give more credence to their assessments of your character than what you would prefer people to see you as.  A polite, well-worded, and above all, professional response can go a long way in gaining the confidence of others.  Unfortunately, after seeing all your various rebuttals, I don't think you will be able to salvage much of a good reputation from them.  I am afraid you have already done more harm than good to yourself.

Cynthia Sweeley and PROUD OF IT!

Spring Mills,
United States of America


#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, April 21, 2010

People fear what they don't understand and so like 5 year olds, you MOCK to cover up your fears.  PATHETIC!  People like you, Carol are a WASTE OF PEFECTLY GOOD HUMAN SKIN.    And Ignorant people like you Carol, or whatever you REAL name is,  are the worst.  If I were President I would use my power to put people like you in psychiatric counseling until you passed the test of being NORMAL, RATIONAL, SANE-MINDED people.   You can call me crazy, insane, deranged, or my personal favorite, 'festering boil',  until the end of time,  but when any stranger compares YOUR life to MY life, guess what?  I am the one people come to for employment, I am the one with the business growing NATIONWIDE,  I am the one who gives a d**n about people to launch a non-profit ministry using horses to heal humans - and most of all,  Carol dear,  I am the one that total strangers CALL FOR COUNSELING!  Yes, sweetheart, you see I am a certified Christian Counselor so all your childish and unprofessional name-calling doesn't do anything to me but it does show the whole world how emotionally unstable you are.  So PLEASE,  respond to this letter and show us all more of your JEALOUSY,  your personality disorders,  your selfishness.  Oh how society could use more people like you Carol!  America would IMPLODE within 24 hours if everyone was just like you, such a shining example of the giving American.  Meanwhile you 'hero - wannabes',  try actually doing something with your lives, like I don't know,  GIVING TO SOCIETY.   I have a life complete with a ministry using horses to heal humans and it's gaining NATIONAL ATTENTION.  What exactly are you doing with your pathetic life Carol? that CRICKETS I hear?  Hello???  Take a good hard look in the mirror before you go casting judgements on anyone else.  You are in NO position to be judging anyone Carol.


Carol Rastings


Dear Sam from State College


Sat, September 05, 2009

Sorry that I can't be any use to you, but I don't know the person you are inquiring about.  I live in Montgomery Ala., and have never been in your area and luckily never took a job with crazy lady, Cindy Sweeley.  The only contact I had with Crazy Lady and her "business" was when I made the mistake of emailing them for information about a job.  Thanks to Ripoff Report and the heros who reported her, I fortunately avoided taking said job, but not before the deranged Mrs. S. sent me snooty and childish emails and threatened to call the cops on me.  My advice is if this person you're hunting for worked for this lady, maybe you can sue her for the money that is owed you.   


State College,

Sounds Oddly Familiar

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, July 16, 2009

I was wondering since you had worked there if you happen to know if a young man named Coady R. is employed there or is related to the family. I had a business deal go awry with this individual and he vanished. He vanished so much so, I have not been able to locate him as he owes me some funds. I know he *was* in this area and would like to know if you or anyone had any kind of information on this individual. Thanks!

Carol Rastings


Dear GA from Harrisburg

#7Author of original report

Tue, June 23, 2009

WOW! I must say that my correspondences with Mrs. Sweeley left me with the exact opposite of what you have to say about them. Tell me, did she pay you to type up all this lovely BS? If she didn't, you sure have a future in fiction writing. That little bit you typed should get a Pulitzer Prize for fiction. She was mean, nasty and very belittling towards me in her emails, a total stranger, she wouldn't be able to pick out off of the street. If this is how she behaves towards strangers, than I have no doubt she is guilty of the other atrocities that have been brought up against her. And just what is her side of the story about her obnoxious emails towards me? I'd love to hear them. Exactly what excuse does she have for being so snotty towards me then threatening to call the police on me afterwards? I'm glad you have a good standing with her because by the looks of her other former employees' accounts, you don't want to get on her bad side. I don't think God would chose a person like Cynthia Sweeley for any kind of missionary work after seeing first hand her spiteful and childish emails. It certainly doesn't repeat anything I've seen in the bible. And I know nothing is perfect but these aren't oops! I forgot to turn off the light! kind of mistakes. These are deliberate actions preformed by this woman for what can only be explained as vindictiveness and fraud! What about the lady from San Diego who complained about them screwing up her ad 6 years ago and never got refunded? Or the lady who Cynthia's stalking and calling all those names? Or the guy they tried to rip off of his credit card number when all he wanted was info about a franchise? Or pissed in pv who she tried to cheat out of her last check and called child protection services on? And these reports aren't just from employees she's mistreated but from customers and business associates as well. I understand that no business is perfect but these aren't mistakes. Mrs. Sweeley seems out to deliberately screw people over. And I don't care what she has to deal with, you just don't treat people that way. There is no excuse for her to act so horribly. If she does have problems I have no doubt that she brought them on herself and are well deserved.
So as for getting to know them better and giving them a chance or benefit of the doubt or whatever, I'll have to say NO THANK YOU! I've gotten to know this woman as well as I want to.

And FYI you won't be having a job there for very much longer seeing she has to sell her own house and business. That doesn't sound like a very successful business to me.



Insider's View

#7UPDATE Employee

Fri, June 19, 2009

Since there's been alot of talk about Menu Master and its "unprofessional" practices as well as the owners themselves, I wanted to give the readers a quick Inside View of what goes on behind closed doors. I am a friend of the Sweeley family and have been for a few years now. They hired me a while ago to do graphic designing for MM. I started out working from their home office in Spring Mills, then my family and I had to relocate to Harrisburg and I continued as a freelance artist for them.

I have to say from the very beginning I noticed that this business was unlike any other. I knew the owners were Christian and didn't think much of it, but when I had my interview it started out with talk about my availability and portfolio, and ended with me accepting Lord Jesus as my personal savior. I was utterly shocked when I left that day. I didn't know what to think, all I knew was that I had found an amazing, once in a lifetime opportunity and I wasn't about to screw it up.

I have enjoyed every moment of working for Cynthia & Robert. Not once have I felt forced into anything or pushed to believe something I didn't want to. It hurts me to see all these bad remarks about this couple and this business. I know for a fact that deep down these 2 people have a gift that goes unappreciated everyday! Everybody has their own views on religion, and sometimes when they are introduced to something new and different it scares them so they react with hate and disapproval. But honestly, both Cynthia & Robert want nothing more than to help you.

I have seen the cycle that goes on in that office. Most of the people that come on board are in desperate need of help and assistance. Whether they be single parents on poverty or someone stuck in a life rut just trying to get back on their feet. I can't remember one person ever being turned down for a position with MM regardless of what their skills were. So they are hired, they love it at first, are accepting of EVERYTHING that goes on professional or personal, then something happens that doesnt quite meet their approval, they confront the owners about it, and either Cynthia or Robert try to solve it, but still its not to the satisfaction of the employee, so they leave on a bad note, and from there they tell everyone they know that MM is the worst thing that every happened to them.

I think its funny that people will accept Cynthia and her speaking about God when everything is ok. But the moment something inconvenient happens she goes from being a woman of God to a false prophet in a split second. I guess its human nature to dislike something when it doesnt go your way. But after everything she does for her employees, than to be turned on so suddenly like that.... doesnt seem quite right if you ask me.

I understand that people are going to run their mouth to the entire world when they are upset about something, especially when it comes to money. But first of all understand this, nothing on this planet is to perfection. Accidents and problems occur every second of everyday in fact. Has MM made mistakes? Yes. Could certain events been handled alot better? Absolutely. But you name me one business out there that has never made a mistake in the history of their existence. MM strives to be everything it can be for its customers and employees. Point blank.

I myself have had bad experiences with both Robert & Cynthia. But instead of just assuming that they must be terrible people I work the problem out face to face with them. These 2 people have ALOT on their shoulders, everyday. They are only human and deal with problems as best as they can. I am willing to bet anyone reading this that if you were given the chance to step into their shoes and live their lives for a week, you wouldnt last but a few days. Everybody reading these reports are getting once side of the story and are now under the assumption that all these ex-employees have been through oh-so much and "how dare" MM treat them this way. Try getting the other side of the story before making your minds up so quickly. Then see just how you feel about all these people and their remarks. It will make you think, I promise you that much.

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