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  • Report:  #292105

Complaint Review: Mesa Police - Chief Gascon - Wanted Mormon Felon & Officer - Mesa Arizona Police Department

Mesa Police, Mormon Felon Attacker, Officer Dearing, Mesa Police Help us find a felon because the Mormon controlled Mesa Police won't. No free speech in Mesa. Chief Gascon puppet for city. Mesa Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Somewhere near Mesa Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Mon, December 17, 2007
  • Updated:
    Sat, March 05, 2011
  • Mesa Police - Chief Gascon - Wanted Mormon Felon & Officer - Mesa, Arizona Police Department
    130 North Robson Street
    Mesa, Arizona
  • Phone:
  • Category:

No free speech in Mesa if it antagonizes Mormons
We're trying to find a Mormon lady (felon) who punched a Christian minister in the eye on Christmas Eve 2005 near the Mormon temple in Mesa, Arizona. (A photo of her and her friend / sister below.) Her punch caused the Christian minister a torn and detached retina. He needed emergency surgery and still does not have his vision back after 2 years.

This is felony aggravated assault, but if you read these RipOff Report pages, you know there's a lot of discrimination against non-Mormons in Mesa, especially when Mormons are the bad guys. The Mesa police wouldn't even list this victim as a victim for a year and a half! Even now that he's finally listed as a victim, the Mesa police refuse to investigate. They won't even show the woman's photo around at the temple. So we're asking ROR readers' help. Maybe you know the woman attacker?

In addition to trying to find the felon, we're also trying to get a little justice in Mesa for non-Mormons by trying to get a bad cop, Officer Dearing, #16349, disciplined. He told the victim that you have no free speech in Mesa if it antagonizes Mormons.

[You can listen to the audio clip at

Christian ministers have learned that you have to record everything when you're evangelizing to Mormons or they may lie to the police about you.]

Writing to Chief Gascon of the Mesa P.D. was fruitless. Can you help? We'll tell you how below.

Here's the story. A couple of Christian ministers were standing on the sidewalk in front of the Visitor Center in Mesa. They aren't the street preacher type. They simply hold small signs with something catchy about Mormonism on them, and if Mormons want to talk to them about the Bible and Mormonism, they talk. If not, the men mind their own business.

While they were minding their own business, an angry Mormon man jumped out the passenger side of a car passing by slowly. Swearing at the men, he shoved one up against a truck, made a threat and then hopped back in the car. The men got a license plate and called the police, but the license plate of the good Mormon lead to a vacant lot.

Officer Dearing responded to the scene. He was cordial and took all the information. After the police left, the men went back to the sidewalk. Almost immediately, two Mormon women came by and started harassing the men. One of the women tried to steal a Bible sign off one man's truck. When he pulled her away from his property and told his friend to call the cops, WHAM! The other woman punched him in the eye. (This woman has had some training. She hit him with a text book closed fist right cross. Very unusual for a woman.)

Then another Mormon man, Chris Jack, who saw the first woman try to steal the minister's sign, decided to "help." But instead of focusing on the criminal, his Mormon sister, he jumped the minister from behind and took him to the ground! Nice testimony, Chris!

The police were called again, and as last time, Officer Dearing responded. This time, he wasn't cordial. As you can hear from the audio clip above, he threatened to arrest the minister because the minister knew that sometimes Mormons get upset when you talk to them about Jesus. Officer Dearing says that's "antagonizing." HelloOOOoo? Can you say "1st Amendment right?" (We trust ROR readers know you can't silent speech just because someone is offended. Where would the ROR website be if it wasn't for free speech.)

Officer Dearing said, "If I had a victim, you'd be going to jail." He said this while the man is bleeding, has a black eye, is the one who called 911 and didn't flee! Remember, too, that Officer Dearing knew that the first assault on his man was completely unprovoked. Even a Mormon witness on that one said so. And yet Officer Dearing doesn't have a victim on this one.

[The audio clip picks up with the other minster saying "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" to the cops who had just accused him of starting a verbal altercation with the women. In fact, that minister had walked away from the women, like baseball umpires do when an angry ball player comes after them. You can hear Officer Dearing and Officer Shilling (#15296) telling him "Don't ever tell ME to whoa!"

Aren't cops great?]

This time, Officer Dearing took witness statements from Mormons only. They were off on church property with another cop who had intercepted the radio call. We suspect the cop was Mormon and told the women to leave, but we can't prove that. He sure didn't want his face on cameras though!

In Chris Jack's witness statement he says he saw one of the women try to "remove" the man's sign. (We call that stealing, Chris.) Even with that information, Officer Dearing was going to arrest the minister. This is Mesa, after all, where even the Radio Dispatcher in the 911 tape referred to the ministers as "Anti's." (Short for "Anti-Mormon.")

Fortunately, a year and a half later, Officer Dearing's new supervisor saw things differently, and listed the minister as a victim. But still, the detectives refuse to investigate. Which leaves us on our own.

If we did this right, below are the pictures of the women. On the left is the attacker. On the right is the thief. If you know either one, please call Detective Gomez and/or Sgt. Scott Martin of the Mesa P.D. (480-644-2211) and tell them you have information on the felon for the assault that occurred on December 24, 2005 at 525 E. Main Street. The last 4 digits of the DR are 0676. And, please, also send us an email so we can follow up. justiceinmesa @ yahoo dot com. The statute of limitations runs out this Christmas Eve, so if you have any information, please call the detectives immediately. They drag their feet a lot.

[If the photos are not here, you can see the attacker at
And her friend or sister at

You can also call the Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board, and complain about Officer Dearing. You've heard the audio clip. The number there is 602-223-2514. Tell them a complaint was already sent to Chief Gascon but he didn't act. You will need to send a letter in writing to make it formal, telling them what you heard and that Officer Dearing's conduct has "diminish your public trust in the law enforcement profession." (Use those words! That's the only way they'll act.) This is the only way things will change in Mesa. Mesa certainly isn't going to clean up it's act.

The Saint
Somewhere near Mesa, Arizona

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5 Updates & Rebuttals


Sun City,

Mesa Police, Mormon Church, and CIA drug operations

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, March 05, 2011

This writer is almost correct. The Mesa police are controlled by the Mormon Church, but this is much bigger than you think. I have a relative (Sidney J. Zabludoff, do a Google), who runs the drug operations at the CIA. The CIA, FBI, NSA, etc, constantly recruits Mormons. In fact the CIA and FBI both have recruitment offices at BYU. 9 years ago, the CIA tried to recruit me for a DRUG operation in Miami, and when I said NO, a chain of harassment events started almost immediately. In 2002, 2 cars in Utah tried to run me off the road…..In 2008, I was visited in a very threatening manner by a black man from the Mesa police department, even though I live in Surprise, to speak to me about my knowledge about CIA ILLEGAL operations.
I can prove that the Mormons are involved in these drug operations. There is a CIA Mormon law firm in Mesa by the name of Maxwell & Morgan. Mr. Charles Morgan owns many multi-million dollar homes in Mesa, paid for by the “skim” money off the dope ops…..He represents over 600 HOA’s here in the valley. The dope houses in these neighborhoods are run by another Mormon, David Hendershott, the deputy sheriff of Maricopa county.
I would like to help your Minister friend. I have contacts in Mesa, and I am sure I can finder her. The Mormon Mafia is in full swing…….Make a posting here if you would like my help. I know what you are going through, these animals hiding behind a fake religion are the lowest of the low. And please, all you LDS members that read this, don’t bother to rebut, I have proof of what I say, with information provided by some very good Mormons, that do not like the involvement by Church members in the CIA dope ops……..
Hopefully to help you!


South Haven,

Yet one more reason I can't stand religion

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, January 07, 2008

It seems like religious people are full of these incoherent statements. I have no idea what you just said or what your point was. Was there one in there?



San Diego,

Read 3 Nephi 11:11! That's what!

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, January 06, 2008

It's because you already have no free speech! It's been taken from you before you even knew what the phrase meant! Read 3 Nephi 11:11, especially the part where the Christian Savior says that He'd taken "...upon me the sins of the world, in the which I have suffered."

Now, what does that mean? "In the which?" What does "in the which" mean? It doesn't mean anything at all! "In that which I have suffered" might mean something, that's a coherent statement and not a typo. But "in the which" is a dead end street, it isn't even a typo or bad grammar, it's blasphemy! That's right, it is a real heretical statement as it's supposed to be from Jesus Himself! But it can't be a quote from the Christian Savior because it's meaningless, it is true babble. A Christian following his Savior's foortsteps exactly as Jesus was said to have walked them, following the road to salvation, has met his match in 3 Nephi 11:11 because it's led him into a closed corridor, a trap! It's a one way street to nowhere because 3 Nephi 11:11 means nothing!

There are other typos, I have found them myself. But 3 Nephi 11:11 is the worst, it is from Jesus who could not make mistakes. It so then could never have been said by Jesus, it is false.

You listen to your Mormons until you've lost your home, your land, and your job. You listen to these Christians until you're threatened and jumped every time you leave your home. Listen to the LDS Church as they profane and brutalize your family. You listen to them if you can, because whatever language they speak isn't English. Free speech? What is free speech?

Is free speech "in the which?" Then you now have it, there's your free speech. Except it isn't free, it costs you more than you'll ever know. It costs you your immortal "in the which!"


South Haven,

Mormons and Christians?

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, December 21, 2007

I actually can't stand religion in any form and here is just another example of why.

Anyway, aren't Mormons Christians? Don't they believe in this Christ guy?

If they do, then what the heck is this all about?

Than Ranis


There are ways to fix this problem

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, December 20, 2007

There are two places in the entire world that momons have flocked to, because they have experienced extreme threats and physical abuse.

One is obviously Utah, and the other is the mormon communities of Arizona. Since the legal system doesn't protect mormons in the rest of the world and they do in these two locations i would suggest moving. and since you don't believe that mormons are christians then why are you surprised if a little girl punches you in the eye. and since you as protestors of other faiths are such good christians maybe you should practice the art of forgiveness and get over it. if you forgive them and be the better person then you will be saved in the end and the mormons will burn in hell for not believing in Jesus Christ. but since you are saved only by grace i guess you can do what ever you want and still be saved. that sounds great i might have to convert. don't worry about your mormon lady felon she is only saved by grace after all her works. so if she really threatened your life then she will spend eternity in hell for her actions, so you have nothing to lose. keep protesting mormons because we know that is what Jesus would do.

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