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  • Report:  #297083

Complaint Review: H.Martinez

Metro-PCS -BillMatrix Metro-PCS SCAM! Sacramento California

  • Reported By:
    Sacramento California
  • Submitted:
    Fri, January 04, 2008
  • Updated:
    Mon, February 22, 2010

I would like to first of, congratulate those that have any other cellular service that is not Metro-PCS. I would like to begin by saying that Metro-PCS is like the bad food thrown away, that no one eats and it's being sold to those that don't know any better.

I would like to unite people here, Metro-PCS is a bad company!. It's bad for many reasons, when have you seen a company that charges you to make a PAYMENT!. This is absolutely hard to swallow, they charge you to pay at the counter, they charge you to pay over the phone, they charge you to use the automated ATM looking like machine! Oh wait, they don't charge you to use the online service ( which is the point why I am writing this report ). Metro-PCS is making it difficult to individuals with Internet access like myself, to be able to make payments online. I know why, BECAUSE THEY CAN'T CHARGE THE $2.00 dollars. Well, let's see it's to their best interest to make the website not work for you.

I will explain, you see, Metro-PCS has a contract with BillMatrix, which handles the payments for Metro-PCS let me give you an idea of what they're supposed to do..

this is from their site word by word: BillMatrix provides electronic payment services for premier clients nationwide. Your consumers, customer service representatives and third-party agents may choose from credit cards, ATM cards, debit cards, electronic checks or PayPal to make payments. Online bill payments or phone payments made using BillMatrix are secure, fast and offer customer convenience. Payment experts from BillMatrix can also manage your walk-in payments, recurring payments and eLockbox services. Along with next-day funding, real-time reporting and treasury support, BillMatrix also provides the professional customer care and marketing assistance you need and your customers expect. :

Pay attention to the last part BillMatrix provides the professional customer blah blah blah. I just got off the phone with an agent from BillMatrix, which number is 1-800-967-9649 - agent ( Vanisha ) they actually are saying that they are unable to cancel an account online. She said, they cannot suspend an account online even when there is a potential of Identity Theft involved. She told me that my account had to many attempts in trying to make a phone payment when I only tried once. I enter my phone information and it tells me this message " You have exceeded the maximum number of payment attempts allowed on this account. If you have questions regarding this policy, please call 1-800-967-9649. " which is exactly what I did. I explained to her that this is weird and I was concerned due to the fact that I haven't tried or attempted to gain access to the payment center online and I wanted the account cancelled due to possible unauthorized account access. She said " the only thing I can suggest is pay the account at a local store". I can't believe this.

She is telling me to ignore this, and just go pay and go on about my business like nothing is happening. People, Metro-PCS in connection with this company are really screwing up customers. They are making up stories about the website so that you have to go to the store and pay the bill! in other words they want the extra money just to pay your own bill.

You have to pay for anything when using Metro, unfortunately for us, they know that some of us do not have a choice as far as picking up another company because we have credit issues, specially with the foreclosures going on that has damaged a lot of people. Now, companies like Metro know that if you once tried Metro for being cheap now you have to stick with them no matter what because you cannot apply for a new phone unless you are willing to drop a 500 dollars deposit. All I have to say is if you ever speak to anyone regarding to Metro-PCS tell them to be really careful or patient because it's going to be a long ride.!! plus it's IMPOSSIBLE ! to talk to someone on the line. I HOPE! Metro gets a hold of this, so they can see that it's all True.. prove me WRONG !. TEll me how you can get a hold of someone on the phone THE CUSTOMER service we deserve and that we are paying for. METRO-PCS and BILLMATRIX ARE BAD COMPANIES !

Sacramento, California

5 Updates & Rebuttals

Sacramento Black Bird

United States of America

Nothing's "Free" These Days

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, February 22, 2010

Allow me to point a few things out. 

I've been a customer of Metro-PCS for a few months now.  I've had solid, clear service with no complaints whatsoever.  True, I don't use the 'bells and whistles' that you can pay for, but there's really no charge that Metro throws down that the larger companies don't.

And let's be fair here, MetroPCS caters to those who don't have a good credit rating, and who can't afford the monstrous deposit that companies such as AT&T, Sprint, etc. ask for if you want to purchase a contract plan.

The only squawk that I've heard repeatedly on this is that they charge you to make a payment if you don't go through their online process.  The fact that the whole focus of this "report" was because of $2.00 is downright silly. 

If you don't like their service, try Trac-Fone - now there is a company that gouges for every minute you use.  There really aren't any freebies through their service, and it's spotty at best.

Bottom line, nothing's free these days.  And don't tell people not to use a service when you're still using it yourself.

The phrase (putting it nicely) is "Crap or get off the pot".


John Q Taxpayer


Total garbage...

#6Consumer Suggestion

Fri, April 11, 2008

To wolf, first off... you must not have read his report.. because in it he states that (like me) he does not have the wealth to afford a rediculous deposit that is required for anyone with a credit score less than 700 to obtain service with any other contractor. Which means, they have sort of a monopoly in place.. they provide service to people when nobody else will... obviously, this fact is nothing to take to court under the monopoly law, as there are prepaid phone services out there (that stink, but are there). But the fact is, a lot of people are forced to obtain service with them if they want a cell phone.

Also wolf, he didnt sign any contract... you obviously know not of what you speak of, because you would know Metro's biggest montra: "unlimit yourself"... contracts pose a limitation... not to mention, "no signed contracts" is written all over anything with the metro pcs logo...

And as for them having to pay people to take your payment, lets face it... EVERYWHERE YOU GO THAT REQUIRES YOU TO SPEND MONEY HAS SOMEONE TAKING IT FROM YOU!!!!!!! and Best Buy, McDonalds, Home Depot, Your local movie theater, the gas station down the street, NONE OF THEM charge you for their representative standing there and taking your money... and their actually standing up! their moving! their picking up items and bagging them and counting change and all kinds of stuff! not dealing with 1500 transactions daily, spending all of 30 seconds typing in a 16 digit card number, expiration date, and payment amount into a computer over the phone... AND YOU HAVE TO PAY EVEN FOR AN AUTOMATED SYSTEM OR ATM MACHINE TO TAKE YOUR PAYMENT! so "workforce" is no excuse here...

Theres only one situation that would merit the charges associated with paying your bill... is if a live person CALLED YOU UP THEMSELVES to remind you to pay your bill, and then took the payment... why? toll charges... fact is, business like that is conducted in other states.. why? because california taxes are outrageous for businesses and unless it HAS to be localized (stores, and other on-site businesses) call centers are stationed in states like georgia, and elsewhere back east... so yeah, if they called me to pay my bill.. fine... ill pay their toll... but 9 times out of 10 someone is calling them on their metro pcs phone that they pay for... and are CHARGED to do so... there is no right in this... none whatsoever... there is no cause for it, there is no need for it, it should be illegal, and I for one am in the process of finding out if it is, and from there I WILL be proceeding with a class action lawsuit... i have my own complaint listed in this site about the same thing...

So to the original author, I salute you! hopefully you, me, and the rest of those affected by this will reap the benefits once/if the suit closes.



Looking For Excuses

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, January 31, 2008

I think you are jumping the gun here Hector. MetroPCS was made to be simple. You pay X amount per month, and you get X amount of service. It's when you start adding things and expecting the company to do everything for you that you end up screwing yourself over.

I know Billmatrix doesn't make ANY money from the payments you make in the why do you think they are asking you to pay at the location instead of through their system? Because something is wrong with your account and they don't want to take the chance of getting involved, which is very smart!

MetroPCS tells you from the start that they charge to make payments because they must pay either the person who is taking your payment, or the company who is processing your payment. Instead of raising everyones rates, they keep their prices low by only charging those who wish to make payments in that method.

No, we don't get much training at MetroPCS, but theirs not much to learn. In your situation, you need to be speaking with your bank, NOT us, about fraud. Why? Because a fraud issue is ONLY between you, your bank, and the person who commited the fraud...NO ONE ELSE! We assist as best we can to keep that from happening, as does Billmatrix, but nothing is perfect.

The only reason a customer would be blocked and refered to a payment location is if they completely(pardon my language) F'd themselves.

Also, instead of claiming that we're ripping you off, why not doing what we's not for our profit, it's for your benifit.


Los Angeles,

...And BTW

#6Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 24, 2008

You keep complaining over the fee Metro is charging you...yet you still decided to have them as your phone provider...hmm...sounds like SOMEONE didn't read the fine print when you agreed. In fact, I believe they spell it all out for you in the agreement you sign.

I'm sorry, but I almost broke into laughter when you said that they are "Making Up Stories" to get you to pay the $2 you think payments are all processed by magical elves? No, it takes lots of people and machines working together to get your payments what in the world makes you think it's for free?

COME ON PEOPLE!!! THINK BEFORE YOU SIGN! Nothing in life is free or easy...except love..and love doesn't have fraud...


Los Angeles,

Oh Come On!

#6Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 24, 2008

Ok Hecter, now I do understand why you'd be upset about driving to a store to make your payment, as much as gas is now, but to blame a 3rd party like Billmatrix for your incompitence is just wrong!

You said yourself that they are a THIRD PARTY PAYMENT SERVICE, so why would THEY have the ability to cancel your account when THEY are NOT MetroPCS? That's like me asking a cop to pay my speeding ticket...IT'S NOT THEIR JOB!

As far as your unauthorized payment, I work at a bank, and it's NOT your job to get those payments canceled, it's ours! Also, if you don't mind me asking, why are you trying to pay a phone that has an unauthorized/fraud history to it? Sounds suspicous! Which brings me to the "too many attempts"...until you have your card stolen and see 13 charges of $85 going to a cell phone company that you've never heard of, you'll never appreciate the services that Billmatrix gives to customers. Understand, it's blocking the payment to protect US from fraud...DUH!

If you weren't the one trying to make the payments on your phone, then someone's not like computers think "hey...lets screw with this guys account today so we can't take his money to pay his phone bill!" It's not Billmatrix's fault that you can't keep tabs on who is paying your phone! Although, I don't think they have a program to prevent idiots from screwing up their accounts, so I guess you're screwed!

You may be asking why I'm defending Billmatrix, and well, I'm really not! But I do know how business works, seeing as how I have a degree in it. If they are taking the payments of other companies, then they get paid by the company, not the customer, so the fee they charge is not for them, it's for the cost to process it electronically.

I do use billmatrix for my electric bill, and I've never had an issue with them, in fact, they have the most intelligent customer service agents I've ever spoken with.

Now, Hector, I know it's hard to accpet responsibility when you're wrong, but please don't try to blame others for your mistakes! You want to recieve, and I quote, "THE CUSTOMER service we deserve and that we are paying for."....from what I understand, MetroPCS is NOT exactly the most expensive cell phone provider out fact, the whole company is based on paying less for less I think you got EXACTLY what you paid for!

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