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  • Report:  #391729

Complaint Review: Metro Protective Agency

Metro Protective Agency One of the most Unethical Security companies in Utah Murray Utah

  • Reported By:
    Woods Cross Utah
  • Submitted:
    Sun, November 16, 2008
  • Updated:
    Thu, February 13, 2014
  • Metro Protective Agency
    355 West %300 South
    Murray, Utah
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I want to say that I have looked into all security companies out there and I will forewarn all readers that those that chose a company your best option would be with Chapman Investigations. They are equipped with most highly tactical training and equipment out there! These so called security agencies are a joke specially the bigger they get! Private sector of security should go through what we have to because of the knowledge and advancement of skill that we developed.
But I don't want to talk about security companies but be more direct for the public and let them know what is out there and to be warned for to speak. So I am going to report factually information about individuals in the security industry that are running their so called security companies.

"HUM" Let see who should I start with first?
Davis Security which is a BIG time joke they hire people off the street that are underaged and not able to work in the security filed. One of their officers got caught stealing Perry who was working clothing store and tried to haul out clothes and other merchandises from the store. Davis still allowed him to do security knowingly know that he had past criminal record and what he did at Walgreens. Also Jim Davis allowed a employee to work for his company which he had no license to do so Matt Eike that has had criminal record for impersonating a cop and was being paid under the table to do service which was a joke.

Then there is Salt Lake Valley
One of the most unethical security companies that you can hire or work for. They don't keep tabs on their employees because management is just as bad. That's what happens when you hire murderers and think they are the law. They are terrible and far the worse NO MORE to be said to a company that is going out of business!

ANOTHER IS Wasatch Security, Nate Harris who claimed he was not the Nate Harris who wrecked the cruiser as a Deputy. I found out through the technology and resources that we have that he was never a deputy-why? He couldn't make it as a deputy out there he could not make it into law-enforcement. So when he says he never was a deputy that's why and why did he leave the sheriffs office...? Well he was in trouble for use of force and got terminated. He was charged with aggravated assault along with Domestic Violence. He is dangerous person and does not belong in security. He is also a thief he stole company away from a honest man that had brought great things into the security industry Cory Green. Cory Green that had Community Protective Services was one the best in the industry and had the most advanced training and personnel. He made sure his people had the best training from Navy Seal instructor and knowledgeable in the law from state District Attorneys. They were more then your average Joe employees out there. Cory brought the best in the industry he was very well known for his customer service and training. He was very well liked from every client to employee. He was also well known with local law-enforcement that knew him on personal basis form his dad who was in law-enforcement that had the highest regards as Cory has in the security industry. In-fact he assisted many police officers out there from different agiences in back up calls. Wasatch Security personnel is poorly trained by another terminated law-enforcement officer Chris Welden who worked for University Police and was terminated for unethical conduct this what we lowered our standards to? Why is the state allowing people like Nate and Chris to be in security industry and train security personnel on how to be unethical.
Say NO to Wasatch!!!

Metro Protective Agency
It's funny that people from different security companies get on line to bash each other specially oppsman from Metro. Is that Aaron Pearson or Mike Gunn or does it matter because they both have the same creditability. Look at their record all their doings; I think that property managers speak loud and clear when they speak what kind of service they are truly getting. Aaron was investigated for unethical misconduct for sexually harassment with in the company. There were more then just few complaints. He has a lot to stand on! Specially getting on line speaking about SLVP when he's no better. Having sex with a female that's barely over the legal age while being married at the same time, speaks loud enough! How can you be honest in your remarks when you can't even be truthful in your personal life? Far as Mike Gunn goes, You speak of reporting a lot of officers misconduct to DOPL well YOU ARE WHAT YOU HIRE! CRAP-O! Aaron being a martial artist right! He watches Ralph Machio and pretends to be the next karate Kid. This is not the 80's loser!
Then talk about a successful manager...right! Take some classes on managing maybe you will not have the problems you already have or wait I forgot Mike Gunn hires in-experience people that he can pay minimum wage so he can pay for his new toys. So every client out there that does read this that's why your not getting service what you paid for because of that reason. Be warned for the new clients. Every one in the security industry knows what Mike Gunn is and it's not for the (clients) security industry. Oh by the way it was your son Dustin Gunn that broke into Salt Lake Police vehicles to steal shot guns laptops and other equipment. Check with investigators of DOPL at (801) 530-6301 for any one that has question about that, like you Sonia S.. Runs in the family Mike Gunn is a BIG time thief You were right talk about Hypocrites, talk about other companies when they have the most skeletons in the closet then any one in the industry. SO BE HONEST OK, STOP LYING!!!
"Then Mike he is a liar of all liars." Talk about embelzement and fraud Mike is ripping off everyone in the security industry. He coveres certian sites and steals merchandise from the owners. Then he well charge for coverage that isn't being covered MAYBE THAT'S WHY HE IS BEING INVESTIGATED FOR EMBELEZEMENT! THAT'S WHY HE IS BEING AUDITED FOR IT! RACKETEERING!

Then there is Aaron Thearualt that is working for Metro another pervert! Let me expose him so that everyone that can know what they are dealing with. Here's a guy that can't make it into law-enforcement why? Well let's see lets look at his background he had his children taken away for domestic problems and allegations were and they were allegations is that he molested them. So how come you don't have your two children hmm! So Metro wants to talk about hiring people that are upstanding DOPL needs to do a thoroughly back ground on these so called people that I have mentioned!

Oh by the way when they mocked Valley for being unethical which they are, well look at them 'METRO' for making their officers work long hours and double shift because they are slave drivers. Recently one of their patrol man wrecked the SUV at Sapp Bros. hitting a Semi-truck didn't kill any one thank GOD! But if there was someone there they would of been mangled into pieces!!! Talk about these companies out there that kill every one gee, look at you! When will DOPL look at these companies and the danger and threat they impose to the public. All these individuals have no integrity or ethics in the company or individually!

Then CBI to Peak Robert Atherton who sits on the board and regulates his staff when there is so many complaints about Peak Alarm and CBI. Maybe that's why Cooper can't manage the company that's why Robert is coming over. Cooper would not have issues if he knew what he was doing! Then Robert can and wipe away all the complaints and unethical practices that has been going on like in Peak since he is on the board. Talk about fair! Here is a guy that can't even see his toes let alone see what is going on around him. He hires individuals with records that have felonies and allows them to work...? How is that talk about morals...right! Then have a female officer named loner J. Baker who use to work for unethical Wasatch Nate Harris who pursued charges of tresspass against her. Then she goes to the next loser company such as CBI, go figure. J. Baker complains about the dumbiest things such as pay which she violated company rules and policies that's when she waist the time of the investigators sending them on a witch hunt that never occurred.

Security companies need to be protecting people not hiring felons, being a thief, killing people or playing bumper cars with semi-trucks.
When Oppsman from Metro mentioned that Joe was not a Seal I about flip a lid. Coming from them is like Tabloid confessing their sins/lies to a priest on Sunday.
When you think of security think Chapman we are not just security but we work as Private Investigators that's how we get all these factual information and were also bail enforcement agents as well. Not to mention that we have apprehended few employees from these companies that hires criminals.
Joe has served on several Covert Missions that you retards would never understand. He is well trained as he is a trainer in Specwarops! Course you probably would not know that because eating Cherri-O's and watching GI Joe cartoons doesn't cut it. Joe has to stay low when he is called out.
He is trained in Asymmetric Warfare:
Convectional Warfare:
Guerrilla Warfare:
He fought against Serbian Guerrilla's as he did in Desert Storm and
He had to rescue lame Marines that placed themselves into trouble and into a predicament. Joe and other trained Seals had to come in and rescue them because the poor judgment and training they had. Also Army National Guard had to back up the assigned team. People don't appreciate the sacrifice these people had made because he can't reveal or go into detail of their mission. Some had to leave town to protect you guys while you guard a door,gate or play on the Internet while we were dealing with specialized combat mission. Some had to sacrifice their own security company to protect the lives of civilians that get on line and state cowardly comments like Oppsman, fyi and J. Baker. Some complain they never been paid, well is your life more valuable? If those that truly want to know what security is about and know what is going on in the industry go to JOE HE KNOWS! He can teach you the best under any circumstances from physical to psychological stress to any other conditions that is thrown out there. He will train you to be the best because secondary is is death. Excellence is a commitment in Joe's book! Just being average scares the hell out of Joe!
So when you want the best call Joe: Clients, Applicants, Residences and anyone that wants the best in the industry. Say NO to the rest out there!

John butte
Woods Cross, Utah

6 Updates & Rebuttals

Utah Smokey 523

Salt Lake,

Mr. Green is one of the only HONEST Security Professionals in Utah.

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, February 13, 2014

Wow, there is a lot of slander on here!  Makes me glad I worked in the Public Sector and not the Private Security Industry in Utah.  I just wanted to clarify some of the slanderous remarks and misconceptions in these posts, with regards to Mr. Green who has always been one of if not the most honest guys I know. 

I have known Mr. Green (personally and professionally) since 1992.  He is one of the most honest and forthright people I know, and I have several friends who I referred to go to work for Mr. Green's security company between 2002-2007.  Mr. Green according to what these three friends of mine told me over the phone today, always paid his employees on time, treated his employees with respect, and he had an awesome training philosophy and management team, and Mr. Green ran his two security companies successfully.  Mr. Green, is a college educated very intelligent and smart guy, and he knows his stuff when it comes to security and police work.

I am particularly concerned about all the dishonest slander against Mr. Green and I will be calling him tonight to notify him of this.  He has great Attorney's, that I am sure would be thrilled to file libel, and slander lawsuits. *I do appreciate Mr. Joe Chapman's remarks in this thread, and he appears to be a squared away individual.

I wanted to make some statements rightfully rebutting Aaron T's lies, and false allegations and accusations against Mr. Green and his character.  Mr. Green NEVER committed any unlawful acts of any kind, criminally or civilly against any one under age, or anyone else.      I can absolutely attest to the fact that innocent people get wrongly accussed and set up for things all the time.  If Mr. Green committed any unlawful "sexual acts" with minors, as (Aaron T), malliciously, and flagrantly alleges, then Mr. Green would currently be on the offender registry, and guess what? -- Mr. Green is not on the registry, and he is not on there because he did not commit any acts period, as absolutely falsley alleged by Aaron T, in this posting.  Any allegations made against Mr. Green, were, and are purely speculation and false allegations, and in fact the ladies who made accusation, where actually on juvenile probation, for drugs, and a whole mess of other sick stuff and in fact tried to extort Mr. Green.  So just some sound good advise to Mr. Aaron T, check your facts before slandering people.  I know Mr. Green well enough that if anyone has questions for him about anything, he is very approachable, go to him face to face, he will talk to anyone. 

I have done some research amongst friends I have inside the Security Industry in Utah.    Mr. Green, paid his employees well, and timely, never over worked them, and treated them like family.  According to research I have done (including State Data Bases) I find it interesting that a guy named Mike Gunn that (use to own Metro Protective Agency) allegedly got nailed by the Labor Commission and another Agency, for not paying his people and had to sell out Metro Protective to a company called "Pacific National", in order for Mr. Gunn to pay off his debts owed to former employees.  I also found another issue with a guy by the name of Charles Snively (ABC 4 News Website), who apparently use to own his own security company, but was recently was arrested for tax evasion around early 2013, and who didn't pay his employees either, and who allegedly committed tax evasion, and was fined nearly $500,000.00, and given 6 years probation.

One of the reasons I really like and respect Mr. Green is he always spoke highly of his competition in the industry in Utah, and Mr. Green would always comment that his competition- only make his company stronger, and Green also said, "thankfully my clients all like our service model" and thats why competition never took accounts or business from him".  

I just got off the phone with Mr. Green regarding this posting and it's threads, and boy what a classy guy good man he is, he just laughed it off and said, "that is just the antics of the Kindergartener's in the Security Industry in Utah, that talk the talk, but will never own their own companies".  He told me he has to many other important things to do then to read over slander, but he did comment his lawyer will look into it.

In closing, I feel really bad for those of you on here that have nothing better to do then to impersonate Mr. Green and then slander him, as he is one of the greatest guys I have ever met in my life.  I wish all of you a great 2014, and convey my disappointment to all of you on here talking smack behind folks back, that's a maturity issue, and frankly unproffesional!  


United States of America

Metro Security

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, June 18, 2012

WHoever wrote these things is a complete idiot. First your Grammar is all over the place which leads me to believe you didn't even graduate High school. You have many mis-spelled words as well. Any how, you are right on some things as far as these companies go, however, you dare talk about people from metro such as Aaron Person who sleeps around? But yet say Corey Green was a good man? Is that the same Corey Green who WAS ARRESTED for unlawful sexual conduct with a minor?? Yes I think it was. That took place in Murray City folks. And you say Aaron Theriault had his kids taken away? I'm pretty sure he has all his kids right now. You're such a p*ssy. Aaron Theriault would rip you face off if you ever dared to say anything of those lines to his face. But you wouldn't, thats why you're here on the internet. And if you are Corey Green, you'll never read this, cuz your in jail still.


Joe Chapman

United States of America

Response from Chapman

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, March 06, 2010

This blog was just brought to my attention by one of my employees on March 5, 2010.  I felt that some things need to be addressed:

First of all, I do not appreciate my name and my companys name being dragged into this.  I have no knowledge of any John Butte and have never had an employee by that name in my company.  If this was, if fact, written by Cory Green, Cory was only in my employment for less than 2 months in 2009.  I had never even heard of him in 2008. 

During his short employment here, Cory did NOT work closely with me at all, he was simply an armed security guard at a site.   Cory worked for a very short time for me as an armed security guard never in investigations or bail enforcement and, just for the record, our bail enforcement agents have never apprehended anyone in the security industry.

I do NOT share the authors feelings and assessments regarding my competitors and I certainly do not condone what was said against them nor did I ever ask anyone to investigate, or disparage, any other security company or individual.  I have never used my people or my resources to investigate any other security company or their personnel.

Just to clarify, I was NOT a Navy SEAL, and have never claimed to be one.  I was never even in the Navy my service was in the Army and Marines.  I have no knowledge of these fantasy military operations created in this blog or if any such operations even existed; I certainly wasnt part of any of them. 


Joe Chapman

Chapman Security & Investigations



Mr. Cory Green

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, October 09, 2009

 Attention all Utah business owners, mainly apartment complexes and such.

Cory Green Has Returned with, yet, another Security Company. He has attempted to run, and has failed, over 4 different Security companies in the last 4 years.  If you think I lie, if you do a simple Google search you'll find his name on DOPL's meeting list, named as a Qualified Agent For the Following, Coleman Facilities Management,  CPS, Black Lake Patrol, and now Statewide Patrol Agency.

I cannot figure out why DOPL keeps allowing for this clown to keep opening up security companies and not busting him on his lies, cheats, and cons.

Hopefully you're not in business with this man. You can read many jaded accounts about those he's screwed over, and taken advantage of. The man has not honor, no integrity, and will attempt to sue you at the drop of a hat.

Don't worry, he'll make a big fuss about suing you, then never doing it, because he has no leg to stand on. Could you imagine him in court? All you'd need to do is parade his victims in front of a jury to tip them off as to the kind of guy he is.


Careful, Here's info from DOPL's site




City, State, Zip:




License Type:


License Number:


Obtained By:


License Status:


Status Change Reason:


Original Issue Date:


Expiration Date:


Disciplinary Action:


Docket Number:



 Here's his old one



City, State, Zip:




License Type:


License Number:


Obtained By:


License Status:


Status Change Reason:


Original Issue Date:


Expiration Date:


Disciplinary Action:


Docket Number:



How he has no disciplinary action amazes me



City, State, Zip:




License Type:


License Number:


Obtained By:


License Status:


Status Change Reason:


Original Issue Date:


Expiration Date:


Disciplinary Action:


Docket Number:


Don't be a sucker, avoid this man like the plague


A Concerned Citizen 



Your Private Feud is going VERY Public and Nobody in UTAH will want to hire ANY of you

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, January 05, 2009

This is going to hurt your business and your reputations.

Who do you think is going to want to hire any of you people after reading about all of this?

I am tired of reading about this.

Why don't you guys just go behind a building and settle it with your fists instead of this ridiculous diatribe.

HOW STUPID is this!

Aaron Theriault


Nice try Mr. Green

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, December 09, 2008

First, let me start by saying that the person who wrote this report is not named John Butte, his name is Cory G, and he is likely one of the most despised, unethical and dishonest people in the Utah security industry. You want proof? Here it is, and this also shows how smart Mr. G is. His wife's name is Sheena, by the way. Check the name of the author of the below posting on

Utah Security Companies!
Report Commentby Sheena G @ 6:45am - Sun Nov 16th, 2008

I want to say that I have looked into all security companies out there and I will forewarn all readers that those that chose a company your best option would be with Chapman Investigations. They are equipped with most highly tactical training and equipment out there! These so called security agencies are a joke specially the bigger they get! Private sector of security should go through what we have to because of the knowledge and advancement of skill that we developed.
But I don't want to talk about security companies but be more direct for the public and let them know what is out there and to be warned for to speak. So I am going to report factually information about individuals in the security industry that are running their so called security companies.

"HUM" Let see who should I start with first?
Davis Security which is a BIG time joke they hire people off the street that are underaged and not able to work in the security filed. One of their officers got caught stealing Perry who was working clothing store and tried to haul out clothes and other merchandises from the store. Davis still allowed him to do security knowingly know that he had past criminal record and what he did at Walgreens. Also Jim Davis allowed a employee to work for his company which he had no license to do so Matt Eike that has had criminal record for impersonating a cop and was being paid under the table to do service which was a joke.

Then there is Salt Lake Valley
One of the most unethical security companies that you can hire or work for. They don't keep tabs on their employees because management is just as bad. That's what happens when you hire murderers and think they are the law. They are terrible and far the worse NO MORE to be said to a company that is going out of business!

ANOTHER IS Wasatch Security, Nate Harris who claimed he was not the Nate Harris who wrecked the cruiser as a Deputy. I found out through the technology and resources that we have that he was never a deputy-why? He couldn't make it as a deputy out there he could not make it into law-enforcement. So when he says he never was a deputy that's why and why did he leave the sheriffs office...? Well he was in trouble for use of force and got terminated. He was charged with aggravated assault along with Domestic Violence. He is dangerous person and does not belong in security. He is also a thief he stole company away from a honest man that had brought great things into the security industry Cory Green. Cory Green that had Community Protective Services was one the best in the industry and had the most advanced training and personnel. He made sure his people had the best training from Navy Seal instructor and knowledgeable in the law from state District Attorneys. They were more then your average Joe employees out there. Cory brought the best in the industry he was very well known for his customer service and training. He was very well liked from every client to employee. He was also well known with local law-enforcement that knew him on personal basis form his dad who was in law-enforcement that had the highest regards as Cory has in the security industry. In-fact he assisted many police officers out there from different agiences in back up calls. Wasatch Security personnel is poorly trained by another terminated law-enforcement officer Chris Welden who worked for University Police and was terminated for unethical conduct this what we lowered our standards to? Why is the state allowing people like Nate and Chris to be in security industry and train security personnel on how to be unethical.
Say NO to Wasatch!!!

Metro Protective Agency
It's funny that people from different security companies get on line to bash each other specially oppsman from Metro. Is that Aaron Pearson or Mike Gunn or does it matter because they both have the same creditability. Look at their record all their doings; I think that property managers speak loud and clear when they speak what kind of service they are truly getting. Aaron was investigated for unethical misconduct for sexually harassment with in the company. There were more then just few complaints. He has a lot to stand on! Specially getting on line speaking about SLVP when he's no better. Having sex with a female that's barely over the legal age while being married at the same time, speaks loud enough! How can you be honest in your remarks when you can't even be truthful in your personal life? Far as Mike Gunn goes, You speak of reporting a lot of officers misconduct to DOPL well YOU ARE WHAT YOU HIRE! CRAP-O! Aaron being a martial artist right! He watches Ralph Machio and pretends to be the next karate Kid. This is not the 80's loser!
Then talk about a successful manager...right! Take some classes on managing maybe you will not have the problems you already have or wait I forgot Mike Gunn hires in-experience people that he can pay minimum wage so he can pay for his new toys. So every client out there that does read this that's why your not getting service what you paid for because of that reason. Be warned for the new clients. Every one in the security industry knows what Mike Gunn is and it's not for the (clients) security industry. Oh by the way it was your son Dustin Gunn that broke into Salt Lake Police vehicles to steal shot guns laptops and other equipment. Check with investigators of DOPL at (801) 530-6301 for any one that has question about that, like you Sonia S.. Runs in the family Mike Gunn is a BIG time thief You were right talk about Hypocrites, talk about other companies when they have the most skeletons in the closet then any one in the industry. SO BE HONEST OK, STOP LYING!!!
"Then Mike he is a liar of all liars." Talk about embelzement and fraud Mike is ripping off everyone in the security industry. He coveres certian sites and steals merchandise from the owners. Then he well charge for coverage that isn't being covered MAYBE THAT'S WHY HE IS BEING INVESTIGATED FOR EMBELEZEMENT! THAT'S WHY HE IS BEING AUDITED FOR IT! RACKETEERING!

Then there is Aaron Thearualt that is working for Metro another pervert! Let me expose him so that everyone that can know what they are dealing with. Here's a guy that can't make it into law-enforcement why? Well let's see lets look at his background he had his children taken away for domestic problems and allegations were and they were allegations is that he molested them. So how come you don't have your two children hmm! So Metro wants to talk about hiring people that are upstanding DOPL needs to do a thoroughly back ground on these so called people that I have mentioned!

Oh by the way when they mocked Valley for being unethical which they are, well look at them 'METRO' for making their officers work long hours and double shift because they are slave drivers. Recently one of their patrol man wrecked the SUV at Sapp Bros. hitting a Semi-truck didn't kill any one thank GOD! But if there was someone there they would of been mangled into pieces!!! Talk about these companies out there that kill every one gee, look at you! When will DOPL look at these companies and the danger and threat they impose to the public. All these individuals have no integrity or ethics in the company or individually!

Then CBI to Peak Robert Atherton who sits on the board and regulates his staff when there is so many complaints about Peak Alarm and CBI. Maybe that's why Cooper can't manage the company that's why Robert is coming over. Cooper would not have issues if he knew what he was doing! Then Robert can and wipe away all the complaints and unethical practices that has been going on like in Peak since he is on the board. Talk about fair! Here is a guy that can't even see his toes let alone see what is going on around him. He hires individuals with records that have felonies and allows them to work...? How is that talk about morals...right! Then have a female officer named loner J. Baker who use to work for unethical Wasatch Nate Harris who pursued charges of tresspass against her. Then she goes to the next loser company such as CBI, go figure. J. Baker complains about the dumbiest things such as pay which she violated company rules and policies that's when she waist the time of the investigators sending them on a witch hunt that never occurred.

Security companies need to be protecting people not hiring felons, being a thief, killing people or playing bumper cars with semi-trucks.
When Oppsman from Metro mentioned that Joe was not a Seal I about flip a lid. Coming from them is like Tabloid confessing their sins/lies to a priest on Sunday.
When you think of security think Chapman we are not just security but we work as Private Investigators that's how we get all these factual information and were also bail enforcement agents as well. Not to mention that we have apprehended few employees from these companies that hires criminals.
Joe has served on several Covert Missions that you retards would never understand. He is well trained as he is a trainer in Specwarops! Course you probably would not know that because eating Cherri-O's and watching GI Joe cartoons doesn't cut it. Joe has to stay low when he is called out.
He is trained in Asymmetric Warfare:
Convectional Warfare:
Guerrilla Warfare:
He fought against Serbian Guerrilla's as he did in Desert Storm and
He had to rescue lame Marines that placed themselves into trouble and into a predicament. Joe and other trained Seals had to come in and rescue them because the poor judgment and training they had. Also Army National Guard had to back up the assigned team. People don't appreciate the sacrifice these people had made because he can't reveal or go into detail of their mission. Some had to leave town to protect you guys while you guard a door,gate or play on the Internet while we were dealing with specialized combat mission. Some had to sacrifice their own security company to protect the lives of civilians that get on line and state cowardly comments like Oppsman, fyi and J. Baker. Some complain they never been paid, well is your life more valuable? If those that truly want to know what security is about and know what is going on in the industry go to JOE HE KNOWS! He can teach you the best under any circumstances from physical to psychological stress to any other conditions that is thrown out there. He will train you to be the best because secondary is is death. Excellence is a commitment in Joe's book! Just being average scares [no swearing please] out of Joe!
So when you want the best call Joe: Clients, Applicants, Residences and anyone that wants the best in the industry. Say NO to the rest out there!

Wow, thats amazing!!! That is the exact same thing that is posted here, and they were posted about 20 minutes apart. Check Mr. Green's military record, he never served overseas as he would have you believe. By the way cory, the driver of that SUV that you speak of above, is an active duty Army Sniper, who had some issues related to his multiple tours in Iraq, that caused the crash. He didnt fall asleep and he didnt crash because he was over worked. He served his Country with honor, which is more than what can be said for you. You are what seperates the groupies from the rock stars, for you are the ultimate in being a groupie.

Now lets get to the point. My name is Aaron T and Mr. G has posted some pretty inflamatory and libelous remarks on here concerning me and my children, all of which are false and absurd. Mr. Green states that I was accused of molesting my children?! That statement is not only absurd and false, it is disgusting and libelous! Mr. Green states that I do not have custody of my children. Again, false. I was divorced in the Douglas County courts in Colorado and enjoy shared custody with former spouse. Go ahead and check it out. I would challenge ANYBODY to find any accusatory statement or report filed with ANY police department with my name on it. I will pay out $1000 for each police report filed against me for abusing my children in ANY WAY!!! As far as DOPL doing any background checks, I would welcome the chance to match my record against Mr. Gs any day of the week. Mr. G states that I cannot get hired by law enforcement, which is correct, because I have not applied to be a law enforcement officer. I make a VERY good living at Metro Protective Agency and the owner of this company treats me very well and does NOT engage in questionable business practices. If he did, I would not be here. I have worked for Mr. Gunn for many years now, and he has always erred on the side of caution. If there is an issue that may or may not be within the scope of our practice, he forbids that action until we receive clarification from DOPL or law enforcement. He talks about this Joe Chapman guy and calls him a SEAL. (Yes Cory, SEAL, not Seal) Joe Chapman WAS NOT a Navy SEAL!!

In summation, just read through the post that Cory placed on here. He attacks virtually EVERY security company in the Salt Lake City area, except for the one left that might hire him. He has burned every bridge he may of had here, and I guarantee, he will burn the bridge with Chapman as well, just wait and see. Cory, I told you that I was going to research this and find the truth. I did that and I found the truth. I am going to sue you, ripoff report, KSL and if Joe Chapman has knowledge of this posting, him as well. This blatantly false, libelous and inflamatory posting has now circulated through the industry here in Salt Lake City and has damaged my reputation due to the false statements that were posted here by you and published by this web site without any form of proof that there could be any truth to your dribble. I have also recommended that those that are also harmed in this join in on a suit against all above parties. Good luck surviving this Cory, you picked the wrong guy this time. Unlike some of your other victims, I actually have resources available to me. My wife works in one of the top 5 law firms in Utah, which has its advantages.

Respond to this Report!