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Metropolitan Lottery Commission Aka Kingsway Financial Management Group false winning notice, scam lottery Nova Scotia Halifax Canada
After a long day at work, I come home to a letter stating that I was a winner in a lottery! They even sent me a check only one catch.... I had to deposit it and then call the company back to collect my winnings of 98,000.00!!!!!!!!!!
The letter or award notice is screaming scam all over it. I am mad simply because around the holiday's who couldn't use the extra cash? And of course how dare they get away with this. I have read other reports of this same scam and it is unbelievable what is going on. If there is a way to put these people in jail let me know and i will be there 100% of the way. The biggest tip off is that the check is for tax purposes, as I would have to pau the US money because this is from an oversea's lottery. I live in a state that does not even have a lottery!
mobile, Alabama