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  • Report:  #626103

Complaint Review: Michael K. Nunoo

Michael K. Nunoo Castro This man is a Scammer! Knightsdale, North Carolina

  • Reported By:
    Deb — Hermitage Tennessee U.S.A.
  • Submitted:
    Fri, July 23, 2010
  • Updated:
    Fri, July 23, 2010
  • Michael K. Nunoo
    1116 Rutledge Landing Dr
    Knightsdale, North Carolina
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

This man claim to be going through a hardship and need to borrow money. He claim to be a Christian man and just needed help.
He need to take a class to get a job on a Oil Ship.
Paid that(1000) for him with the promise to repay in 2-3 months when he got job on ship.
Behind on alllllllllllllllll bills and thinking of filing Bankruptcy and needed money for that or get caught up on bills until he could get work on ship in 2-3 months.
Took on Bank Loan for him(his credit was bad) with promise to repay in 2-3 months in full and make payment until paid off.
Repeated ask for repayment and to pay loan each month.
Never did!
Sister listed him on Dating Psychos due to him being one of those African Scammers(obtaining money by false pretense of never repaying)
He paid to have them remove post of all women he had scammed.
We re posted him to warn others.
Instead of standing up like a man and just saying "yes, I owe her and will repay"
He took the Sissy way and posted me for something my sister did.
Even tried to intimidate me by bragging to have pictures made up of me.
(This is really sick and I guess what these Africans do)
3 years later and  a email bragging of all he has, was taken to court.
After lying to Judge by letters to put off until he could get off ship, never showed up for court on July 22,2010(This made the Judge mad) Now they know he is a liar!
Won Judgment for 4500.00
Order of Protection taken out on this man.
This man has proven to truly be an African Scammer in his ways and action.
He runs from the law.
Only a Sissy would act like he does in not repaying a loan in good faith.
It would be better if he go on and repay the judgment like the Judge ordered him to and not suffer the embarrassment of what is to come in the future.
Judgment Lawyers get paid to collect your money in anyyyyyyyy means with in the law necessary.
Simple as this, Repay your loan and live your life with this behind you!

Below is what others had to say about this man after finding him posted on the site.

6/02/2009 @ 07:27:46 PM - Found this info for those looking for this coward

if he skips the country.

Name on Passport is Michel Kacou Nunoo and the number is H0106721 with a

birthday of 3/2/1953. Would post his SS but my sister really would KILL me

all the way dead. As it is with this, I can look for a half killing! Hope

this helps someone!

2/04/2010 @ 06:28:45 AM - This year 2010 this Con Artist is going down.

This is the year he will reap all he has sown on people.

Con Artist African Scammer, Whatcha going do when they come for you!

5/10/2010 @ 07:05:48 PM - I guess we can add Blackmailer to this African

Monkey profile now. I am the one that posted you up here Cockroach, not my

sister Deborah! All this could have been avoided if you had been a man and

not a sissy and paid back what you stole by not keeping your word.





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1/28/2009 @ 11:56:33 AM - ynv - KEEP HIS a*s UP HERE. WHAT YOU NEED TO DO IS POST




3/12/2009 @ 05:26:04 PM - Moco - Even though this site isn't as popular as others

if you Google or Yahoo search someone's name this site (as well as others he

is on) will come up. I posted some guy up and if anyone he knows takes the

notion to Google search him he will come up on these various sites.

4/11/2009 @ 09:23:25 AM - Therapist - I've recently had conversatins with this

individual and he has serious, maybe uncontrollable anger problems/habits. He

is what he does best...befriend anyone for money/sex to accomodate his

habits. He has not taken anything from me and I want to make sure that he

does not do it to others. I've contacted Immigration in DC and other

authorities in other states and countries abroad that he has traveled to

report his US

and other country operations. He travels with friend William (Bill) from Nigeria, Jonus (from Ghana where

Mike is from) and others that he gives instructions to. His wife is Ingrid

Denise Nunoo. His business is Nunoo's Import and Export, a shipping company

to Africa, of meds, food, vehicles, and

other promising goods. Until he is taken down by authorities...STAY AWAY FROM

THIS INDIVIDUAL, he's smooth...I will be checking back for additional


4/12/2009 @ 10:13:23 PM - ddmministry - Thank-you for posting this! I told my sister that

this man was a con artist. She also told me that new stuff was coming to his

house to be shipped to Ghana.(Maybe with stolen credit cards) He claimed they

were his sons but I think he knows about it. UPS or FedX should have a record

of all that went to that address. FBI need to check that out. My sister felt

sorry for him and tried to help him like she does others, after he said his

wife left him in so much debt. Found out that he is also trying to file for

bankruptcy to cheat others he owe out of what they are due. When I return

from NY, will call the Attorney General in Raleigh on this faker.

4/13/2009 @ 07:20:33 AM - Therapist - To ddmministry, The FBI has not been contacted, as

of yet, to my knowledge. Email me at I have

words of encouragement for your sister as well. God Bless

4/13/2009 @ 03:20:30 PM - Therapist - Back off...

4/15/2009 @ 05:44:42 PM - ddmministry - Therapist, check out and

look for Cuffs(Internet swindlers) on the left hand side, we listed him


6/01/2009 @ 08:50:11 AM - no123 - This man thinks he is smooth, he knows how to work

people to get what he wants. This man has a serious anger problem and will do

what ever it takes to get what he wants. What ever he says believe none of

it. He is a complusive lier and he cheats people for money. He has an

uncontrollable need for sex and power over women and the sad part about it he

does it all under the name of GOD...Ladies be aware...This man came over to

the USA and married a woman, to get his papers and when he got his

naturalization as a citizen he later didn't need her and forced her out of

their home by doing all kinds of strange things, he stole cars, televisions

and other personal things from her and he called himself a Christian. He claim

his wife ran up debt and received a settlement and left him. I found out that

was a lie, he is blaming everything on this poor woman, sadly to say really

loved and believed in him. He cheated on her with many woman including the

minister, whose sister placed this notice. He lied to her from the beginning,

about the ages of his children to the fact this his sister in Ghana

is really his wife. So ladies run fast and don't look back you will not be

missing out on anything good.

6/01/2009 @ 09:04:48 AM - no123 - Therapist on 4/13/09 you wrote "back

off..." Did he pressure you to stop posting on this site? If he did

contact the police from what I here the Wake County Police Dept. of

Knightdale, NC knows him very well from all the false 911 calls he made

against his now ex-wife. Don't allow his anger to stop you from protecting

yourself or other women from the COWARD!

6/02/2009 @ 07:18:13 PM - ddmministry - no123, my sister did not go with this coward! She

would never go with someone that she knows is married. Let alone cheat with a

married man. He told her, he was divorced. She really did not like him, as

she does not care for African or Jamacian Men. So all that stuff bought with

stolen credit cards coming to his house she told me about was his and not his

son's stuff(as he claim). I really think this whole situation was a mission

for my sister. His son talked to her alot about how crazy his daddy was and

they became friends. He would throw the son out the house and really was

crazy my sister said. Trust me, I know my sister and she maybe a Minister but

I bet he did not run over her! She just tried to help this scammer like she

does everyone else and he tried to get over on her. It is not over and he

will get his, sooner than he thinks! God is still good, for that little money

that he stole from her, you should see the house she just bought, God has

blessed her with. He has blessed her so that she is completely out of debt

and still able to bless the true people of God.

When you are good to people and they repay you in evil like him, then they

are cursed(like this freak)

What kind of suppose to be Christain sends you a picture of his private

parts.(it came to my sister phone while I had it and I erased it after I

emailed it out to my friends for a good laugh) Who would want him anyway,

what I saw was burn up and black and about the height of your thumb.

My sister wants me to remove this post, but I want people to beware of this

Black, Ugly Freak.

6/03/2009 @ 04:21:28 PM - no123 - ddministty, I was only stating the fact of him

being married at the time she befriended him and of course he was going to

say he was divorce. Please remember we are on the same team. I was not

judging your sister, I was clearly stating the facts as I know them to be. I

too believe that GOD bless those whose hearts are sincere in all that they do

even when you run across men such as this one. Also the son is just like the

father and be very aware. He came here from Ghana

knowing that his father was lieing to his wife about everything, and so does

his other adult children that are still in Ghana. So please be very careful,

he is a carbon copy of his father and he knows exactly what to do and say

just like his father.

7/14/2009 @ 01:34:50 AM - eonjeci - WOW!!! i know these people. although, i don't know

much about the father that well. The son is a very good person. he is really

sincere and has been a great friend to me and my family. and has been there

when we needed him. Has never taken anything like money from us , but gives.

He is a very generous, kind-Hearted gentleman. I know he loves his father

very much , but at the same time has nothing to do with anything his father

does. he is actually the total opposite of everything described. Even if he

did come from Ghana

knowing of his father's prevarications, what is he to do about it? NOTHING.

Really what is he supposed to do? tell on his dad. Its not his place. he

didn't marry the woman. Therefore, his name should be left out of anything

pertaining to his father.

7/14/2009 @ 01:54:24 AM - unknownguy - How old is the son?

7/20/2009 @ 05:39:36 PM - no123 - This site is to warn women about this man and not

for his son to come and curse out adults. If he has nothing to do with his

father then he should have no comments. The son should be posted on this site

too...he is not as great as eonjeci makes him out to be. The money he gave to

you and your family was stolen money. So you too be very careful.

7/22/2009 @ 11:05:12 PM - nobile3mike - woooooow lol funny funny funny hahahaha is soo sad

for a soo called grown up to be writing lil childish comment who's gonna

believe u God save u from your childish thinking and pls pray and ask God to

give u wisdom lol cos u comment like a day care child

2/15/2010 @ 09:20:22 PM - no123 - I hope this year is the year he is arrested and

jailed for all the dirt he has done. I hope he is caught before he runs back

to Ghana West Africa, he has stolen and cause pain to women and has not yet

to suffer. Be careful he is like a snake!!!!

5/02/2010 @

09:05:22 AM - ddmministry
- (This is

a Post from the real Deborah.) My sister posted him on this site and for

revenge has posted me. As of today, he has not paid any of the loan and yet

brags about what he has. Here is a copy of the email sent to me from him on

5/2/10. Have forwarded to PD and FBI. Mike, any person that does not honor

their word and repay what was borrowed is a Thief in the USA. If you

are willing to repay, Take the money to the Knightdale Police Dept and move

on as I have.

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Sunday, May 2, 2010 4:55 AM


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"mike nunoo"

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"deborah alston"

You can never destroy what GOD has put togather.Now you have my picture with

all the make ups on the internet.WHY????? Because you decided to help me

financially and you have not gotten what you thought you were going to get???

How could a MINISTER(A WOMAN OF GOD) be so distructive. You know very well

that I,m not Gay,Thief,and all the negative things that you have said about

me.Your supporters Ingrid alias no 123 and (Therapyst)Jeanine Godfrey of

Conway SC,Jeanine came to sleep or had sex with a man in my she has never

seen before in my HOUSE.She begged to use my PC to check her so mail,instead

she sneaked intoe-mail and picked whatever and left.when I refused to visit

her in SC she decided to say all kinds of rubish about me even to the extend

of having the FBI come after me.For Ingrid I have nothing to say about

her.I,m being blessed every day by the almight GOD.I have a very good

job,well paid with a nice home and 4 good vehicles,all infront of my drive

way.Why would I steal cars and suv and pack them onmy drive way? Finally Let

me warn you that enough is enough delete my Picture,ssn and all the Bull

Shite from the Psychodating and every websit.I hope You and your son would

not want to see your half naked and nippleless breast on the internet.I,m

prepared to pay for that professional job.I am prepared to repay you every

dime that you have ever spent on even the food you bought for the house

during each visit. So please take you help back and leave me alone

5/20/2010 @ 09:11:38 AM - no123 - Mike likes to make people think he is smart and

knows everything but really he is just loud and stupid. He talks about all he

has parked in his yard, when the truth is if it was not for his ex-wife he

would not have anything. It is so sad this man who likes to talk about women

being ministers(WOMAN OF GOD) has forgetten that he told all these women that

he was a so called MAN OF GOD, a PASTOR in Africa. This man is a lier and has

used the name of GOD to deceive people men and women to get what he wants. So

what he is bragging about he has, he got it all through his lies from his

green card, his natualization in AMERICA, his house and everything in it.

Mike thinks he has accomplished all he came to AMERICA to get, but the best is

yet to come for us and the worse is to come for him. Ladies be not afraid for

we have power and protection from this fraud of a man

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