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  • Report:  #496172

Complaint Review: Michael Louis Brittingham

Michael Louis Brittingham American Business Club, A Closed Circle, Michael Brittingham Club, Michael Jackson Museum@ Pickfair Beverly Hills, California Michael Brittingham, Michael Louis Brittingham, Fraud, Scam, Rip Off, Artists In Residence, Michael Jackson Museum @ Pickfair, American Business Club, Internet

  • Reported By:
    Sarah Dees — Pinellas Park Florida USA
  • Submitted:
    Thu, September 17, 2009
  • Updated:
    Mon, October 05, 2009
  • Michael Louis Brittingham
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Michael Brittingham, ( Michael Louis Brittingham ) is an international internet predator, posing as a wealthy, successful businessman and pretending to be a humanitarian. We have evidence that he is a fraud.

His "American Business Club" is not a real business and it is not registered  anywhere. He used this business name to perpetrate fraud on the bank that holds my mortgage and on letters to my creditors. He did this in a false scam to pretend he was providing me with employment, in order to gain entry and shelter in my home.    

Michael Louis Brittingham has scammed women in the US and Europe for money and goods, travel expenses, food, living accommodations, hotel and other expenses. He has taken these things for services and employment under false pretenses.

He offered false information to lure women into working for him without compensation. He has used offers of recording contracts and jobs overseas as artists to women in an "Artist in Residency" program to get money from them, work for him, and other things.

He preys on single women and single mothers with children. He seeks out the vulnerable and those who need help, ripping off those who can least afford to lose what he takes from them. I was one of them.

Brittingham administers the following NING networks;





We are working with NING in an investigation of his activities.

He is a member of 29 NING communities....a large preying field.


Beware this site! Don't make a profile there, or on any of his networks. If he finds out you are interested in this, he'll have access to your contact information and personal information about you.

He is actively seeking investors for this scam now. He wrote this entire "proposal" at MY house, on MY computer, eating MY food, while he was scamming me under the pretense of employment that was FALSE!

He had me packing up my house to move to Europe. He told me to sell what I could, and that we would be putting the rest into storage, which he would be paying for. I was to be given a contract for three years of employment in this Artists In Residence program, beginning the first week of October. I would be paid a yearly salary of $35,000 a year, and all lodging would be provided for me and my daughter, in a castle resort, first in Switzerland, then in Italy. He had promised, in front of a lawyer and debt negotiation specialist, to help me by settling my unsecured credit card debt, and catching up my mortgage so it was current. I was supposed to pay him back over the three years time I would be working for him out of my salary.

He also used his story of "helping me" to scam others for money, as he tried to establish credibility for himself as a true humanitarian.

I have proof, evidence I have submitted to law enforcement.

When he arrived at my home, to my surprise, he told me that, instead of going to Europe, Michael Jackson's death had changed all of his plans. My daughter and I were to go with him to establish a museum in California first, for Michael Jackson's collection. I would work for him as his personal assistant, "taking care of him", such as cooking, cleaning, doing his laundry, hemming his pants and ironing his shirts, driving him around wherever he wanted to go in my vehicle. That is exactly what I did, for the month of August 2009.

He promised me he would compensate me for this, as well as help me get my finances settled and up to date. He did not compensate me at all, or help me in any way, shape or form.

He left the country without paying me $1,000 he promised me for expenses, not even considering he didn't pay me for a month's work as his personal assistant. He showed me an Email he supposedly sent to his assistant in Zurich, directing her to wire the money directly to my bank account. That seemed plausible, as on all his NING site profiles, he had listed himself with

Business Address
Zurich, Switzerland

He also listed his HAVES (what he has) as

Ambition, intelligence, persistence and self confidence. Private equity, venture capital, New ideas, A monetized, networking community, married to group of Corporate Retreat/PRC Partnership opportunities. High-end, (individually 15-20 million USD) private estate partnership opp's in Switzerland, California, Nevada, Texas, Marbella, and Europe, for Private Club/Corporate Retreat project partnering and financing...

After the money he promised me didn't arrive in my bank account, I looked "underneath" his assistant's name, and saw he had actually sent the Email to himself, the administrator of The American Business Club. Smooth move. Turns out he has no assistant in Zurich. He has no home or business address there either. He is no longer welcome with the people he has been living with in Zurich for the past year, without paying them anything for his expenses or lodging.

He invented a "Foundation" to "buy Pickfair to house the Michael Jackson Collection" and make a museum there. He is sending out press releases everywhere, as if this foundation is legitimate.

Please be crystal clear about what this "Proposal" actually is...nothing but a fantasy in this man's head, with nothing "real" to back it up.

He is trying to raise money to buy the property, other people's money. He has never actually seen the Michael Jackson collection or the property he claims is perfect to establish the museum in except from pictures on the internet. Every shred of information on that proposal was downloaded off of the internet. I know that this is all nothing but an idea of his to get rich off of other people because I saw him put this whole thing together.

It is no more real than the proposals were that he sent to me and the other artists he scammed into thinking we were hired for a nonexistent "Artist In Residence" program, in castles he was "purchasing", where the owners had never even heard of him.

Starting from the first dollar he scams, he will spend any money he gets on himself. He wrote the first sentence of the proposal "My simple aim is to secure the most appropriate home in the world to house Michael's spirit and his collections, so that there is a feeling that he is just out of the country for a bit and shall be returning shortly. " ( I have the PDF file of this fantasy he wrote. He used MY HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER ON IT, WITHOUT MY PERMISSION, AS HIS USA DIRECT TELEPHONE. )

His true "simple aim", which he told me, is that he plans to live the rest of his life as a millionaire in California. He wants to live in the 12 bedroom Guest House on the property that is adjacent to the main mansion in which he plans to house the museum. He is already telling women they are hired to be on his staff. I was one of them. He wants his own entourage to wait on him at his beck and call.

He has written himself a cushy job as "Project Manager" of this museum, and he wants to control every aspect of it, so that under this title, he can allocate every dollar he wants as his "salary," starting from the first dollar.

He writes, as a "benefit" in this proposal, "The inclusion of an on-site Project Manager and General Director to oversee all aspects of this task, and thereby free-up the executors to focus on other important matters regarding the estate."

I'm sure the Jackson family is so grateful for the relief this con artist is giving them, by taking the museum collection out of their hands, to free them up! Clearly, he thinks they can't manage to figure out what to do about Michael Jackson's collection without him telling them what to do with it!

What are his qualifications to run this museum? Well, let's see....He doesn't have any money of his own. He is NOT a successful businessman. He doesn't own the Pickfair property, or ANY property. He doesn't even have ONE credit card or a valid Driver's License. He doesn't have any experience or credentials that qualify him for this position. All he actually HAS is GREED.

I'll let him tell you himself what he plans to do with this museum....This is copied directly from the proposal he wrote and is peddling. Read it carefully...he is already claiming the museum as his own and wants to exert TOTAL CONTROL over the property and the collection.

The Michael Jackson Neverland Museum

Stages which encompass the following:

* Contracting Michael Brittingham to supervise the
aggregation of the investor pool (10 people),
who shall each contribute ten million USD
($10,000,000) to the non-profit foundation
holding the property and the museum, and who
shall receive a 5% equity stake in the property.

*The remaining 50% of equity shall be held by
the MJ estate, and administered with a Board of
Directors chaired by the executors of the estate.

* Contracting Michael Brittingham to project
manage the purchase, renovation, installation,
design, usage conversion, and then to oversee
the administration of this property and private
museum enterprise open to the public.

* Establishing a foundation for the museum,
appointing the board of trustees, and sponsors.

* Preparing the material justifying the creation of
such a museum and gaining the support of the
Beverly Hills neighbors, politicians, local
authorities and enthusiasts.

* Purchasing Pickfair as the most appropriate
place to house this special collection.

If you think you are actually making an "investment" in this project, please be aware that he is first paying himself to raise money with your investment money!

When the Jackson family tells him, "thanks, but no thanks" and to "BEAT IT!" as they have never given him permission to do this, as he himself admits in his web site, do you think there will be any way to get any of your money back, ever?

He wants to be KING of all this, and wants his own court:

* A VIP Private Membership Club shall be
created and maintained for important Friends of
the Museum and supporters to frequent the
Clubs Special Events and avail themselves of
the atmosphere and upscale food and beverage
facilities for business and social meetings.

He has been asking women he knows only from finding them on the internet to pay for his airplane tickets, travel expenses and asking them to let him stay in their homes. Since when do wealthy businessmen ask to crash on your sofa? Since when do "Big Boys" like him leave a trail of women behind them that have been scammed out of money just to pay his day-to-day living expenses?

If he contacts you, please contact the Internet Crime Complaint Center. I have filed a report with them, at this internet address:   (IC3) is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C), and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). My Complaint Id # is I0909160104071672

For more information, please see the story of how he ripped me off and scammed me with false employment in the Artists - In - Residence Program, one of his schemes to defraud women.

There is another Artist, who is living in Germany, who wrote to me and told me about her experience with Brittingham and how it connects to my story.

Ripped off for Euros by Michael Brittingham, from Artist in Germany

While he was staying in my home, he told me this woman was working for him, and sending him small cash payments of his own money that was coming into his business from draws on deals he was working on. I took him to the Western Union office twice, where he picked up cash from this woman, sent in HIS name to MY address.

Telling me these small cash transfers were for his immediate cash flow needs, like his cigarettes, he explained that she would soon be sending him the big cash payment he was waiting for, and with that payment he would be paying me funds that he had promised me.

We now know that the money I saw him pick up was HER money, sent to him for HER bank account, which he was supposed to be opening for HER in the United States. She is another SCAM VICTIM connected to my case, and here is her statement.

An artist from Germany was approached by Michael Louis Brittingham through the internet. Following his pattern of preying on women using scamming and deceit, he ripped her off for money and messed up her life with his lies.

"Here I am, willing to tell my story, to help catch Michael Louis Brittingham, so that others will not fall into his traps again.

He asked me to come over to the United States to have my studio in Beverly Hills beside the Michael Jackson Museum at Pickfair Mansion.

I started to sell my stuff and clean out my apartment.

Then he wanted me to open a bank account in the United States. I sent money for him to open it for me.

He told me it wasnt enough.

He said that I should send more money.

So I sent more and more money.

None of the things he said would happen did happen!!!!!

Please see attached the western union papers. (She sent me copies of her receipts.)

He spent all the money for personal things and also for the flight to Germany from Florida, as I know now.


In another note from her:

Brittingham has planned to go to New York on the 17th of September as far as I know.

I think its necessary to catch this fraud ASAP!!!
I used this page to send a hint to catch that fraud!

His lies are unbelievable!

Here is my story for you to know how he lied to me.

I joined the Prince and Princess Network on NING and (woman's name) made a comment on my wall. She wrote that she needed to have proof of whether or not I am a Nobel.

I received an Email from Michael Brittingham, telling me that I should not care about it.

He invited me to join his NING group, A Closed Circle. This was a nice reaction of a person I didn't know.

Then, when Michael Jackson died, Brittingham sent out this mail: Michael Jackson is dead and Michael Brittingham is crying.

I read it and I cried also, because I grew up with Michael Jacksons music. It has touched me, that a man was crying about the death of Michael Jackson.

So, I wanted to have a cup of coffee with this man and went to Zurich to visit him.

I understood him well and I thought, This is a real nice man.

Then he went to Miami and wanted to help you, as he said.

He wanted me to come over to live near Pickfair and to have a huge Atelier there. ( a printmaking studio )

This was a nice challenge for me, because I am by myself and was a bit lost here in Germany.

So, I sent some money over to Brittingham so he could open a bank account for me. I started to sell my furniture and quit my apartment here.

Then I received an Email, where Brittingham was telling me that it is unbearable for him to stay in your house because you are awful. I didn't understand that, because he told me he wanted to help you and also wanted me to come there to take care of your daughter, when you are going to die of your cancer.

I was in sorrow regarding you and the situation there and then he told me that it is all not true.

I felt confused, but what would you think about it,  if things are changing that often and totally unexpected?

I have sent him 480 Euros + 350 Euros air fee.

Then Brittingham came to Frankfurt and visited me. It was a nightmare!

I kicked him out of my apartment in a minute, which was a great thing I did for myself. It was unbearable for me to have a parasite here.

I found out that he has spent all my money and he will never give it back.

So, finally, I don't know where he is now or what he is doing.

I noticed all the warnings and blogs you and your friends had posted on the internet.

I decided to be with you all to fight against this person who betrays anybody.

Well, this is my story...I heard that he told people that I am working for him.

I never worked for him and I did not even know about him telling such things.

I will go to the police and hope that they will catch him and lock him in, so that he will not have any possibility to betray people anymore.

I also talked with a man in Zurich. Even men fell into his traps!!!

Lets go forward and see how we could help to stop this scandalous person!

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Michael Brittingham


Now, things are getting a bit "out of hand" so I am going to confront this "head-on!"

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, October 05, 2009

Good morning, I hope everything is going well with you. Listen, for some three weeks now, I have been the target of a person in Florida, a certain Ms. Sarah Dees, and 3 or 4 of her cohorts who have evidently been infected with this "poison". I was initially contacted by this person, recommended by another woman in Australia, whom I know and whom I believe had no idea who this person was when she recommended her to me. A couple of month's ago, I began receiving emails from this Ms. Dees to "beg for my help"... she indicated to me in a few of those emails that she "had cancer with a few months to live, had debts over her head and her ability to pay, a daughter who would suffer if she died and left it all to her, and a home which was being foreclosed upon." I felt sorry for her in what I had believed was a tragic set of personal circumstances. I thought that if there was any way that I could help, that I would try and do so. During a trip to Florida in August, I messaged her and then telephoned and arranged to visit her and her daughter. I saw that the debts dated back to 2002 and exceeded $40,000. And that the debt to the bank mortgage holder was around $10,000. I could see that this woman had done nothing for seven years to handle her own financial responsibilities, except to max-out several credit cards all of whom were not paid to-date. Even so, I still believed the "cancer story" and I met with her lawyers and indicated that if the aggregated creditors would agree to a "settlement agreement of approximately 25-30% of the debt, I would "see what I could do to help her." I subsequently wrote to each of her creditors offerring to negotiate a debt reduction settlement on her behalf. The next day, she indicated to me quite forcibly, that "this was not enough, that I should hire her in what she knew was my Michael Jackson Museum Project", and that I should "take responsibility for her current and daily expenses in the meantime." This was also written to me in email, the copy of which, I of course, have retained. I told her at that time, that "this was a preposterous proposal, as I was not willing to be responsible for her daily expenses, and that since the MJ Project was in the development phase, that I actually had no job openings at all", and that after it becomes concrete, "I would only be hiring functional professionals." I could see that this was an irrational person with serious problems, and I left on the very next plane out of there. Some 10 days later, I received messages that all sorts of online postings in NING communities, Twitter, online blogs, and emailed messages were being sent-out acusing me of being "a child molester - just like Michael Jackson (Her words, certainly not mine), a predator on defenseless women, a fraud, and that the MJ Museum Project was a fraud." Of course, this is totally preposterous. I have issued a formal CEASE AND DESIST NOTICE to each of these people, forwarded it to the various host administrations, and tried to stay above the fray by not putting "wood onto a small flame". Now, things are getting a bit "out of hand" so I am going to confront this "head-on!". I am not sure if you have received any of this nonsense, but if so, and you would like me to forward any/and/or/all of the documents backing all of this up, I would be more than happy to, and you may simply send me a request at my email address.
The other perpetuators of this outrageous defamation of my character and integrity are simply disgruntled "artists" who had submitted information to me in order to be possibly included in a hotel project in Switzerland, which failed to materialize because the primary investor pulled-out. As with a couple of other artists, each was dutifully notified that this project was not going to go through as planned. Understandably they were disappointed, and had believed, as I did until the investor pul-out, that this would be a tremendous oportunity for them to participate in what was going to be an "Artist in Residence Program" created and maintained in what was the Annex of the hotel property. One individual, a Ms. Danielle Libine has a legitimate claim to an invoice presented for some graphics work on a seperate poem publishing project. It is as simple as that.  Unfortunately, with the Internet, and in various communities like this one and others, anyone can post anything that they wish, whether true or not, whether libel or slander, and it gets read as if "it may be true". It is just amazing the lengths that a few people will go through, to stop anything positive being developed to preserve Michael's legacy, or to attempt a personal character defamation... but I will not be deterred, nor will I shirk from bringing up and dealing with a sensitive matter , even if it means that you, or anyone else decides not to have anything to do with me, this community, or what I am doing. You may simply delete me as a "Friend" or voluntarily withdraw your membership from any community of which you are a member. I will NOT interpret it as a personal affront. Sincerely, Michael Brittingham

CEASE AND DESIST ORDER September 15, 2009
TO: Ms. Sarah Dees, Ms. Danielle Libine, Ms. Eve Adams, Ms. Avigail Teumin, Isabella Devinast, Birgit Friedberg, et al
This CEASE AND DESIST ORDER is to inform you that you and/or your associates harassing and intimidating actions against Michael Louis Brittingham and/or any associates of Michael Louis Brittingham has become unbearable. Such anti-social behavior is completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated in any way, shape or form. This letter is to demand that you and/or your associates continuing involvement in, planning and encouragement of, information gathering, harassment and intimidation must CEASE AND DESIST immediately. Should you and/or your associates continue to pursue these activities in violation of this CEASE AND DESIST ORDER , we will not hesitate to pursue further legal action against you and/or your associates including, but not limited to, civil action and/or criminal complaints.
You and/or your associates continued information gathering, harassment and intimidation of Michael Louis Brittingham and/or associates of Michael Louis Brittingham includes, but is not limited to, statements made by you in public locations regarding Michael Louis Brittingham and/or associates of Michael Louis Brittingham. Additionally, you and/or your associates post libelous and defamatory remarks on an internet site: ( ), ( ) ( ) and/or any other blogs or community profiles purchased and maintained by you about Michael Louis Brittingham and/or associates of Michael Louis Brittingham. You are aware there is an official investigation regarding these libelous remarks and all internet protocol (IP) addresses of the previously mentioned remarks are forwarded to the investigative agencies.
Many of your statements about Michael Louis Brittingham and/or its associates in your web postings are untrue and defamatory. You made them maliciously to injure Michael Louis Brittingham and/or its associates in its trade, office and profession. As such, they are defamatory per se . Under O.C.G.A. 51-5-11, this letter constitutes a demand for immediate retraction in writing of these false and libelous statements. In accordance with O.C.G.A 51-5-11(b)(1)(C), Michael Louis Brittingham demands that your retraction and correction be accompanied by a removal of the webpage containing your libelous statements.
Under California Civil Code 47, this letter constitutes a demand for immediate retraction of these false and libelous statements. Your web postings and conduct also constitute tortuous interference with the business and contractual relations of Michael Louis Brittingham and its affiliates. As such, they are actionable and expose you to the imposition of compensatory as well as punitive damages. Below, we have noted one of the more malicious, and libelous comments made by you and your associates.

Michael Louis Brittingham American Business Club, A Closed Circle, Michael Brittingham Club, Michael Jackson Museum@ Pickfair Beverly Hills, California Michael Brittingham, Michael Louis Brittingham, Fraud, Scam, Rip Off, Artists In Residence, Michael Jackson Museum @ Pickfair, American Business Club, Internet

Michael Louis Brittingham, american business club, a closed circle!, ambizclub, michael brittingham fan club, michael jackson museum foundation project at pickfair, friends of oprah international business man promises artist in residence program participation + orders + contacts to clients, takes money and is not willing to deliver anything (or give back the money) Internet

These patent, malicious, and libelous comments made by you on your webpage evidence your tortuous interference. If Michael Louis Brittingham and its affiliates is forced to file suit to stop your wrongful conduct, it will also seek an award of its attorney fees and litigation expenses.
  [ Newton v. Family Federal Savings and Loan Association , 48 Or App 373, 376, 616 P2d 1213 (1980). A person who is not directly named in the defamatory statement may still bring suit if he or she can prove that persons hearing the remarks would understand them to refer to the plaintiff.]
Michael Louis Brittingham and/or associates of Michael Louis Brittingham have legal rights to remain free from information gathering, harassment and intimidation by you, your associates and other persons and Michael Louis Brittingham and/or associates of Michael Louis Brittingham will take the responsibility upon ourselves to protect that right. Note that a copy of this letter and a record of its delivery will be stored. Also note that it is admissible as evidence in a court of law and will be used as such if need be in the future.
This CEASE AND DESIST ORDER demands that you immediately discontinue and do not at any point in the future under any circumstances do the following to Michael Louis Brittingham and/or associates of Michael Louis Brittingham: speak to (except in connection with making arrangements to settle your dispute with Michael Louis Brittingham and/or associates), contact (except in connection with making arrangements to settle your dispute with Michael Louis Brittingham), pursue, harass, attack, strike, bump into, brush up against, push, tap, grab, hold, threaten, telephone (via cellular or landline), instant message, text message, page, maintain a website, fax, email, follow, stalk, shadow, disturb our peace, keep us under surveillance, gather information about Michael Louis Brittingham and/or associates of Michael Louis Brittingham and/or conduct any actions that may interfere with the work of Michael Louis Brittingham, its associates and its clients.
You and/or the behavior of your associates acting on your behalf is a violation of Federal laws 18 USC Subsection 2261A Interstate Stalking, 18 USC Subsection 875(c) Interstate Communications.
This letter does not constitute exhaustive statement of my position nor is it a waiver of any of my rights and/or the rights of Michael Louis Brittingham and/or associates of Michael Louis Brittingham and/or remedies in this and/or any other related matter.
We demand your immediate compliance, and furthermore that you confirm in writing that all violative activity will cease immediately.
Michael Louis Brittingham
September 15, 2009

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