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  • Report:  #495966

Complaint Review: Michael Louis Brittingham Michael Brittingham MLB MB

Michael Louis Brittingham, Michael Brittingham, MLB, MB ,on AmericanBizClub, & several other groups on his sites. Ask for plane fare from Zurich to Barcelona, then Miami, then pay for hotel in keys & pick him up to either stay at my house or take him to Sarah Dees house to work on bus cont/promsd job Internet

  • Reported By:
    Carolyn Hawkins — Murdock Florida USA
  • Submitted:
    Wed, September 16, 2009
  • Updated:
    Wed, September 16, 2009
  • Michael Louis Brittingham, Michael Brittingham, MLB, MB
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Michael Louis Brittingham invited me to join his group called aclosedcircle, and then ask me to join several of his other groups which he acted as if they were by special invite only.  Within a short time, I was not rcvng any feedback per the postings I was making regarding seeking prospective home buyers or investors for properties, so I emailed him to ask him if he knew of any investors.

Then I rcvd an email saying sometimes you get what you ask for - so he proceded to tell me that he was looking for two homes in Florida that he could run his businesses out of, and that he was also planning to assist several people from the site with financial situations, and Sarah Dees who he said only had about six months to live, and he was going to save her home, and that would be one location he would work out of, and that she had no one to take guardianship of her daughter, and he was going to do that as well, and he wanted to hire me as an assistant and a consultant on his projects. which included the Michael Jackson Museum at Pickford in Beverly Hills, and several castle projects in France that are to be rennovated and turned into Brittingham Clubs for the rich and famous - mainly music stars, complete with recording studios.  I told him that I worked on a contractual basis only and that I would need to have an advance to start. He said to meet him in Key Largo and we would work it all out.  I had buyers in town and told him I could not be there but I would meet him at Sarah Dees.  He became very upset and emailed me several statements from the hotel trying to get me to pay for his hotel stay.

When I arrived at Sarah Dees I questioned him in length regarding all of his activities and discussed everything with Sarah, and came to the conslusion that he was bad news, had no money, and was out to scam everyone he came in contact with. I left right away, and then recently rcvd email from Sarah confirming everything and that several women had come forward with the same stories. 

There were many unreal stories that he told me that evening, and when questioned several things did not make sense.  I feel very sorry for all of the women that may have fallen for all of this and actually paid his hotels, plan fares, etc. and felt it is the right thing to notify everyone that comes in contact with him to be aware of what is going on.  

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