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  • Report:  #662497

Complaint Review: Michael Norris Harrison

Michael Norris Harrison Mike Harrison Attorney General's Lawyer Breaks the Landlord Tenant Act Tucson, Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Lora — TUS Arizona USA
  • Submitted:
    Tue, November 16, 2010
  • Updated:
    Mon, June 27, 2011
  • Michael Norris Harrison
    5567 E Lee St
    Tucson, Arizona
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Long-time employee of the Arizona Attorney General's Office, Michael Norris Harrison, has continued to recklessly and illegally violate and harass Samuel Leight's only son, this time by breaking the landlord tenant act, and attempting to fecklessly, cavalierly and illegally turn the water off at the house without any notice whatsoever.

Harrison was given, with his friends in law school many decades ago, to taunting and hazing Mr. Leight, and to wantonly take sadistic and juvenile privilege and ruin his early attempts at writing.  Attorney, your judgement regarding anything is completely suspect.  Surrender.

Mr. Harrison has clearly and repeatedly broken his oath to the State Bar of Arizona, and is being accused with Terry Goddard of the racist hazing of Hebraics and the violation of citizens, homes and families.

Mr. Harrison has allowed the house to remain without gas, electricity or water after Mr. Leight was stabbed in the chest in his home...after Mr. Harrison attempted to prevent Leight's bills from being paid by those not related to him and forbid him to have guests at his home.  You are utterly inhumane.

Mr. Harrison and some of what must be his former friends seem to take exceptional hubris at thievery, defamation, destruction and bad care of what were Mr. Samuel Leight's and family's possessions, and have for many decades.  You are courts and enforcement no longer; you have committed heinous, deliberate and pre-meditated Acts of War against individuals and families, have clearly with Paul Slosser broken Arizona Probate Law, disregarded the clear will and wishes of Samuel Leight, and continue to not correct yourselves.

The penalties for breaking the Laws of the State of Arizona are much, much more severe for attorneys.

2 Updates & Rebuttals



Michael Norris Harrison Deserves Felony Prison Term for Racist Murder

#3Author of original report

Mon, June 27, 2011

Mr. Harrison, whose conceit and, loveless, unwise vanity inspired him to keep 2x3 foot posters of men and women sucking each others' genitalia in the bedroom of a 10-year-old, has in addition continued his campaign of elder abuse against his mother, treating her domineeringly and sadistically - in addition to putting himself in charge of her estate and getting rid of Samuel Leight's precious writings and radio broadcasts, along with other property that belonged to and was of interest of Mr. Leight's only son.

What this state has is an attorney who has conspired with Slosser Struse to defraud an estate and has not corrected their grievous errors, one whose hubris and reckless, bored disinterest has not only cost hundreds of thousands of dollars from Samuel Leight's estate, but has led to unsafe conditions, and given rise to abuse resulting from his illegal acts.

This writing stands as clear and very well warranted felony and repeated felony accusation against Michael Norris Harrison, who has conspired to defraud an estate with Slosser and Struse, and this situation is well known to former Attorney General Terry Goddard, whose smiling vanity I have had the displeasure to talk to directly in his office from where Mr. Harrison is given to harassing phone calls to his mother ruining her loving - and wise -  son Lawrence's relationship - and others, without remorse.

One woman who Mr. Harrison illegally and wrongly - not only against the Landlord Tenant Act but clearly and surely against the wishes of a father Mr. Harrison never deserved to look at, let alone put his ungracious and ungrateful, vain, domineering and chauvanist person through law school - later was so distraut she attempted murder and was found guilty in Pima County of felony 3, significant bodily damage.

Mr. Harrison had the gall to actually call the victim of an over 5-inch chest wound in the University of Arizona Medical Center's intensive care unit and again declare adversarial intent.

Know surely and clearly, well beyond you knowledge, experience and expertise, you are clearly and surely being used by carreer racist and sexist Italian-American murderers in relations with the Catholic Church to do what you have done.  They are exceptionally good and well connected at perpetrating racism, sexism, murder and defamation for decades. 



Attorney General Goddard's Mike Harrison Violates Landlord Tenant Act

#3Author of original report

Tue, November 16, 2010


Michael Norris Harrison, who in fact arraigned to have himself put in charge of Joan Leight's estate, has been variously negligent/derelict in his duties, and this negligence has been pointed out to him both verbally and in writing, and he is the stepson/son of Joan Leight, previously Joan Harrison, maiden name Joan Mahall, in charge of her estate as fiduciary.

His negligence and adversarial intent, "I will always be your adversary," Mr. Harrison wrote in a letter to Mr. Leight since his occupation of what was his grandparents' house with full permission and knowledge of Joan Leight, by verbal agreement.

Specifically, A.R.S. TITLE 33, "33-1324. Landlord to maintain fit premises; i.e. he/she must:

Comply with applicable building codes affecting health and safety.  Make all repairs and do whatever is necessary to put and keep the premises in a fit and habitable condition.  Keep all common areas in a clean and safe condition.

Maintain electrical, plumbing, sanitary, heating, ventilating, air-conditioning systems and appliances, including ...

Supply running water, reasonable amounts of hot water at all times; heat and air-conditioning or cooling where such units are installed and offered."


Michael Norris Harrison has this week had the water shut off, after clearly being informed that the Landlord Tenant Act requires three (3) days notice before inspections.

Without quoting the passages, even under "tenancy at will", wherein the occupant occupies the house at the will of the owner/agent the landlord tenant act and peaceful, quiet enjoyment of the premises cannot by abridged by the landlord - the tenant at will does not by this fact give up any rights whatsoever (the landlord/agent cannot without agreement stipulate that no cars be parked in front of the house; that someone other than the tenant-at-will may pay his/her bills; that the resident cannot have guests).

However, and I am sure in both Samuel Leight's eyes and, perhaps, anyone's, including the State Bar of Arizona, Mr. Harrison has cavalierly, and for no good reason other than this own disinterest in life, love and the realistic pursuit of these possibilities, (the real reason falls under ORGANIZED CRIME, and more update may be posted depending on the continued disgraceful, goading, and illegal behavior of simply having adversarial intent, particularly against someone who spent five days in hospital intensive care after being stabbed in the chest in this house, to come home and find the gas, electric and water turned off remorselessly, knowing full well the Landlord Tenant Act, and both negligent and completely inhumane regardless.

Mr. Harrison is also credited with making complaint against Mr. Leight's Real Estate License.  Mr. Leight is somewhat familiar with the landlord tenant act - he scored in the top 25 in the nation of about 1500 Realty U School students participating.  It is difficult, if the Arizona Real Estate Office operates in honesty and good faith, to also add that Mr. Leight in fact not only never made a real estate deal, he was never involved in buying or selling real property as owner, purchaser or agent.

You are, like so many arrogant men involved in dysfunctional power structures and pride, being used to attempt to commit murder (at despicable and heinous excuse), and it is and remains more than "social murder", and providing adversarial intent and action, including illegal negligence, that makes you so very much more than an utterly noxious individual in the eyes of brokers, salespeople, fathers and tenants.

For those of you, and their are so very many, who are waiting for that complete TKO, Hell and Out of Business, AND for attorneys and in this case the Arizona Attorney General, you do not even have to pray, not even the sacrilegious prayers of the vain hubris of attorneys who both know that negligence and fraud are taking place, such as Paul Slosser, Timothy Struse, both Junior and senior, as well as (former) Attorney General Terry is done.  The rest will just not quite look like those who are employed in the media portray, particularly the media employed by racist and nationalist Italian murderers, fomenting racism and utterly dysfunctional pride and hatred to a very, very fine art.  It will take some time to translated the data structures of both why of a story whose data structures span generations, and whose despicable racism has become as much of a completely disregarded aspect of particularly local, home violating and drone-making spiritual racist terrorism, heavy and high handedness, and vigilantism, and the how to a generation of those who really, truly and various failed both the local and global penance that made the difference between heaven and hell on earth. 

If you continue indulging yourselves in utterly illegal, home-violating dominion and pride, you will in fact, surely and clearly, find your real place in the greater scheme of things significantly worse than a Dickens' novel.  The Landlord Tenant Act as it applies to both Residential and Commercial Real Estate and rentals is readily available on the internet.  The man who paid for you to go to law school would put you in hell, I assure you.  You are utterly unworthy, not only by your wonton disregard and negligence, and utterly mocking and vain, truly murderous adversarial behavior, of insufficient kindness, regard, professionalism, of clearly inappropriate intelligence, wit and goodness to ever have deserved to meet someone who, in more than ten languages and more than as many nations, prevented war and starvation.

The supplies will not arrive in time.  That is not even how deeply in hell you are.

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