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  • Report:  #173383

Complaint Review: Michele Conklin

Michele Conklin Ripoff slept with my boyfriend and when someone told me about it and I confronted her, she looked me straight in the eye and denied it. She is a dirty w***e with five kids who can't get a man of her own, so she sleeps with other women's boyfriends. I believe in karma, and I hope that when it comes back to her, she gets what she deserves. Mesa Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Mesa Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Thu, January 26, 2006
  • Updated:
    Sun, August 24, 2008
  • Michele Conklin
    1400 S. Dobson Rd.
    Mesa, Arizona
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Michele Conklin was supposedly a mutual friend of ours (me and my boyfriend), but she was only pretending to be my friend with the hope that she could steal my boyfriend from me. One day after she had given my bf a ride home after work she said her back hurt, so to re-pay her for the ride home, he rubbed her back for her. She turned around and kissed him, and it went on from there. They had sex that day and the next time she came over she went down on him. After that he told her that he didn't feel right about what they were doing, and that he didn't want her to come over anymore. I hope one day you read this Michele. I want you to know that you are a slutty home-wrecking w***e. Mike just used you and threw you away like the dirty trash you are. I hope and pray that some day someone you are in love with does this to you, so you can experience what I felt when I found out about this. Remember that everything you do in life comes back to you, so I know that eventually you will get yours. When you do I want you to think of me, and know that you deserve every bad thing that happens to you from now until the day you die.

Mesa, Arizona

25 Updates & Rebuttals



Come on!

#26Consumer Comment

Sat, August 23, 2008

Y'all cut Amy a little slack. She's hurt! She had no control over either one of them and she can't control what she feels for her boyfriend. Perhaps she is a person with a forgiving nature. Remember forgiveness, folks? I've been there and no matter what my head said, my heart screamed differently. You don't know the depth of her feelings for this man and none of you are in her shoes. Oh and as far as the comments about whether or not this is a rip-off; it may not have been a commercial venture or the like but personally, I read these because, well, yes, I admit it, I'm curious.

I know a predator male myself but I've not put anything up about him. He makes his rounds sponging off of women and his friends. I kicked him to the curb a long time ago and moved on but I kind of wish I'd put a little blurb up because it's all about warning and protection and sometimes, yes, a little venting. It beats slashing tires and doing something stupid like that. We've all been wronged at one time or another so for some of you on here, you'd do well to remember what that pain feels like and how you felt at the time. You've never given someone a second or third chance? I'll be you have.

Amy, let go of the pain, you've had your say now and girl just get back to living! If you love him, you make a go of it and he trips up again, then you only have yourself to blame for taking him back. I've done it too, though because I loved my guy very much. However, I could only blame myself for giving him another chance to hurt me again. Life can, will and does move on. I wish you love and happiness, Amy.



Hey Mary

#26Consumer Comment

Fri, July 06, 2007

That communication should have happened before he strayed. There is absolutely no excuse for cheating. I'm glad you're doing fine now, but answer me this. Are you very sure he hasn't strayed? Do you know this for sure other than the fact taht you trust him?



There is no "good" or "bad"

#26Consumer Comment

Thu, April 12, 2007

I don't believe there is any such thing as a "good" man or "woman", there is only "good for me". The reason why so many people have trouble finding a life partner is because they aren't looking at what is important. If you are looking for a monogamous relationship, then stop dating someone who cheats on you, simple. If you are ok with an open relatioship and you cannot remain monogamous then be open with it, and then you too will find a happy relationship with someone else who is looking not to be mongamous. It's all about being honest with YOURSELF and having RESPECT for yourself.

AMY- your boyfriend cheated on you and you want to be in a monogamous relationship, he clearly does not want a monogamous relationship...where is the confusion? You are looking for two different things so you should go your own ways. There is someone out there for you, anything worthwhile takes some work, so go out there and work to find someone who will make you happy.



I understand

#26Consumer Suggestion

Mon, February 12, 2007

Amy, I understand where you are, how you are feeling because this happen to me. In the aspect that people feel this will happen again.. it may unless you can find what is going on in your relationship that causes your lover to stray.

When my fiance and I go together after 3 years together he cheated. He was unhappy with how little attention I was giving him and my short temper but didnt want to leave me because I loved him and knew him inside and out. He almost did leave me but fait steped in and he didnt and we communicated.

Now its been 5 1/2 years and we are getting married, no slip ups from either party and all we needed was alittle time for each other and some communication. People that throw their mates away like garbage are not as committed as they say they are to people.

Yes I could have thrown him away even found myself a man more handsome or wealthier but its all about personality isnt it. You will never forgive him, or forget, but its a learning exp. plus you came back to him with the understanding that you may or may not be hurt again.

GOOD LUCK... and watch him and protect yourself.



Troy and Amy

#26Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 08, 2007

I have advice for you Amy and some advice for you Troy.

Amy, kick your cheater man to the curb and find a good man that will respect you.

Troy, you want to find a good woman? Go to South America...Brazil or Colombia, the women are beautiful and sweet and will stand by you through thick and thin.




#26Consumer Comment

Wed, May 31, 2006

If you are so concerned about this site being used for Consumer Comments than why do you keep coming back to this page? If you read all the information on here it's also about Revenge so maybe if you don't think it's a place to air out the dirty laundry don't read it!!!!


Lake Oswego,


#26Consumer Comment

Thu, April 13, 2006

You didn't offend me, I hope I didn't offend you.
I know it was for another poster, but I kinda felt like I should say something before you gave up on the female race! LOl

I think it was wrong of the poster too, to say all men are alike and I felt like some woman should stand up for the GOOD GUYS OUT THERE!
You seem like a decent man and YOUR girl is out there looking for you as well, just keep your heart and eyes open! You'll find eachother, and you being a nice guy, well, I admit you guys don't grow on trees, this posting is proof of that. I can't help but feel sorry for this author, she is settling, and he knows she loves him enough now , that he can do it and not take any blame,so many of my own friends , whose husbands and boyfriends have done this BLAME the girl, and they do it over and over , he says "she came on to me hon, I didn't WANT to, it didn't FEEL right" but then a couple months go by and guess what , another girl another lie. Sad but true and he knows she'll blame her not him so WHY NOT?!

I was just trying to help this girl see the problem was HIm not HER, she isn't committed to her, HE IS. I still think she could do lots better.
Troy keep looking and I know you'll find her. Good LUCK TO YOU, and your welcome:)



Not You Ruth

#26Consumer Comment

Wed, April 12, 2006

I was replying to rebuttal # 3, posted by the original author Amy. I was not hurt by what you said.

You seem like a nice woman with some sense. You are older than me, and your generation does have more values and morals than mine.

I'm sorry if you thought I offended you, or you offended me. It just makes me mad to be labeled "all the same", because "I" am not. Maybe 95% of men are but not me.

And thanks for wishing me luck Ruth, I know she is out there somewhere.


Lake Oswego,


#26Consumer Comment

Wed, April 12, 2006


I don't think all men are the same,I know they aren't. My husband of 23 years is a great guy and we have a strong happy marriage if he is going to be late he calls, he comes home on time and is a great provider and father,he believes when you are with someone you don't cheat and our marriage is one of equals we discuss everything together and respect eachothers opinions, maybe I got lucky, but I was picky about who I chose to marry.

I am no saying we don't have our problems we do but, we work them out we never argue in front of the kids, and we don't 'down eachother".
You have to be picky, and all I was trying to tell the poster is she could do loads better than a guy that has already breeched her trust, that is the worst thing on a relationship, she will constantly wonder if he is cheating, since it came so easily, right now she loves him, ( don't ask me why) thats why she chose to blame her and not him, I was merely saying that , he made the choice to cheat andshe is single he is not, therefore it is HIS responsibility to say no.

There ARE good men out there, men that have morals, and this guy obviously doesn't, I wanted her to know she COULD do better, there will be a next time no matter what he said or how sorry he is, he did it to easily, that is bothersome.
I just hate to see a woman settle for that, not to mention the obvious reasons, if SHE is that easy as well and has the morals of an alley cat, he could have brought her a disease she would have ot live with the rest of her life, or maybe even kill her. He isn't worth that, I understand she is hurt and angry, who wouldn't be?

I still think she should dump the jerk and put the blame where it belongs on him not entirely her, now she has channeled her anger to the wrong person, and when he does it again, he knows she will balme the other woman not him.
Anyways I wasn't trying to hurt her,OR claimall men are the same they are not,I wasn't a w***e as it was put women are,I believe in morals,so to say all men and women are alike is dead wrong.
Finally Troy, I do hope you meet a nice girl and find happiness, it is out there you just have to look really hard.




#26Consumer Suggestion

Tue, April 11, 2006

Three in a single post is more than enough D, but how about the part where you give explicit sexual details if you insist on more?

You know, there might be a category for "adultry", but you gotta leave it to Jerry-Springer-guest-show-wanna-be's like you to actually use it. Frankly, I don't see how YOUR personal dealings with this woman and wonderful catch of a man would have anything to to with a SINGLE OTHER PERSON visiting this site.

It's called the Bad Business Bureau, babe. People come here to investigate bad dealings with businesses, hopefully to gain a little insight into their own troubles or to prevent a purchasing mistake in the future. Others might have advice on how to rectify consumer problems. It's also a gathering place for CONSUMERS to organize potential class-action lawsuits.

I'm sure you'll tell us how whining about Michelle and your boyfriend bumping uglies helps actual consumers (yah, right).

Take your trash talk to a tabloid show more befitting the subject matter. I'll not respond to you again and hopefully no one else will - then others won't have to come across your disgusting drivel.



So you woman have faults too, But I won't sit here and say ALL women are the same

#26Consumer Comment

Tue, April 11, 2006

All men the same? That's ridiculous! I could say all Women are the same too!

Every woman I have ever dated has had sex on their mind on the first date! If you don't jump in bed with them they leave!

If A woman has no more respect for her body than this, How can you expect any GOOD man to want you?

I would say 95 percent of women are easy lays, wh***s, and mess around. I know from experience.
I cannot find a decent woman anywhere!

Those 5 percent that are good are already taken, or hard to find. EVERY date that I have been on in the last 10 years, the woman made moves on me!

I will not jump in bed with a woman that quick. It takes months or years to build up to that, after all the fun is in the chase.

No fun with the woman standing there with her pants down on the first date or few.

I AM a GOOD guy no matter what you say. I can't find a GOOD woman. I am 32 years old and single because I can't find a decent woman.

So you woman have faults too, But I won't sit here and say ALL women are the same, Because I would have no hope of finding a "good one".

That's the price you pay not being married as well. Get married, then you have a right to complain. I would never expect a woman to live with me without me wanting her to be my wife.

It's all about respect and morals which so few men or women have these days!


Lake Oswego,

Lord AlmIghty

#26Consumer Comment

Tue, April 11, 2006

Why is it Amy that you soley balme her?! She isn't in a relationship with you, YOUR boyfriend is, It never ceases to amaze how the wife/girlfriend always lets their "MAN" off the hook, I can tell you if my husband of 23 years,was with someone else HIS BAGS would be checked with out any excuses , about how it didn't feel right, DOING IT ALL, when you two had a relationship wasn't right, and he is NOT the victim, if anything HE SHOULD be held MORE accountable than her, afterall, she is not in a relationship with YOU, HE IS!

Obviously, now you let him get away with it by blaming her soley, and guess what? I bet he does it again, if he truly LOVED you it wouldn't have happened at all, he should have come right home told you she hit on him, instead he chose to accept another ride home for oral sex. THAT was HIS decision , there will always be women out there to cheat with, if he wants to, he is the one that was suppossed to uphold HIS commitment to you, sorry HON, I feel bad for you, but he is not the victim, he enjoyed it so much he went back for more.

I am not saying this to hurt you okay? BUT, YOu can do better, I would advise you to dump the lying cheat, and go find a nice guy who truly loves you and only you, this relationship now has a MAJOR trust breech,that is no way to have a honest relationship, you can never trust him again. PUT the blame ON HIM, he was suppossed to be man enough to tell her no, and he didn't.
As far as posting this, when you do that you are in fact, opening yourself up to others opinions,so as one poster said if it was just for her than send it to her only, but by posting it here, you have opened yourself up for public opinion, sorry.

I wish you the best, and I hope you truly dump this cheater, once a cheat always a cheat and if he wants to he WILL find another woman to do it with some women like to date ATTATCHED GUYS, for reasons I cannot explain, and when will you realize after another woman that it is HIS fault for doing it period. I think you owe to yourself to do laods better than a lying cheat, my best to you .This guy isn't worth a broken heart.




#26Consumer Comment

Tue, April 11, 2006

Heather, YES this isn't the typical consumer report, but this web-site does accept reports on all sorts of subjects. That is why this report is listed under "ADULTRY". And you must have a very short small list of derogatory coments in your book. I counted 2, "S**T" and "W**RE" mybe even 3 if you count the word TRASH. If I missed any please tell us. And WOMEN can be cheaters and liars as much as men. Pleas respond Heather.




#26Consumer Comment

Tue, April 11, 2006

Heather, YES this isn't the typical consumer report, but this web-site does accept reports on all sorts of subjects. That is why this report is listed under "ADULTRY". And you must have a very short small list of derogatory coments in your book. I counted 2, "S**T" and "W**RE" mybe even 3 if you count the word TRASH. If I missed any please tell us. And WOMEN can be cheaters and liars as much as men. Pleas respond Heather.




#26Consumer Comment

Tue, April 11, 2006

Heather, YES this isn't the typical consumer report, but this web-site does accept reports on all sorts of subjects. That is why this report is listed under "ADULTRY". And you must have a very short small list of derogatory coments in your book. I counted 2, "S**T" and "W**RE" mybe even 3 if you count the word TRASH. If I missed any please tell us. And WOMEN can be cheaters and liars as much as men. Pleas respond Heather.




#26Consumer Comment

Tue, April 11, 2006

Heather, YES this isn't the typical consumer report, but this web-site does accept reports on all sorts of subjects. That is why this report is listed under "ADULTRY". And you must have a very short small list of derogatory coments in your book. I counted 2, "S**T" and "W**RE" mybe even 3 if you count the word TRASH. If I missed any please tell us. And WOMEN can be cheaters and liars as much as men. Pleas respond Heather.




#26Consumer Suggestion

Mon, April 10, 2006

No personal attacks forthcoming from me. However, I do have one question...

This is a CONSUMER ripoff how??? This entire post is a waste of space.

(And I'd like to know how this original post past the censors since it included nearly every sexually derogatory comment in the book.)



Let's go with your premise

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, April 10, 2006

Fine. Let's go along with your premise that all mean are cheaters and liars. It follows then, that your BF is a cheater and a liar. Yet, you blame Michelle for what your BF did to you. That makes no sense.

It's unfortunate you have such a low opinion of men in general. It's even more unfortunate that you have such low self esteem that you would allow your BF to disrespect you like this.


Saint Charles,


#26Consumer Comment

Mon, April 10, 2006

Just a little FYI for ya - if you have a message for one person and one person only then send them an e-mail. Post it on the world wide web and you're going to get our opinions. If you don't want them then don't post here.

Oh and for the record - generalizations such as "All men are cheaters and liars. Any man that says he's "different" is full of crap." are ignorant. There are good and bad in both sexes, its not their fault you have lousy taste in men.


Saint Charles,


#26Consumer Comment

Mon, April 10, 2006

Just a little FYI for ya - if you have a message for one person and one person only then send them an e-mail. Post it on the world wide web and you're going to get our opinions. If you don't want them then don't post here.

Oh and for the record - generalizations such as "All men are cheaters and liars. Any man that says he's "different" is full of crap." are ignorant. There are good and bad in both sexes, its not their fault you have lousy taste in men.


Saint Charles,


#26Consumer Comment

Mon, April 10, 2006

Just a little FYI for ya - if you have a message for one person and one person only then send them an e-mail. Post it on the world wide web and you're going to get our opinions. If you don't want them then don't post here.

Oh and for the record - generalizations such as "All men are cheaters and liars. Any man that says he's "different" is full of crap." are ignorant. There are good and bad in both sexes, its not their fault you have lousy taste in men.


Saint Charles,


#26Consumer Comment

Mon, April 10, 2006

Just a little FYI for ya - if you have a message for one person and one person only then send them an e-mail. Post it on the world wide web and you're going to get our opinions. If you don't want them then don't post here.

Oh and for the record - generalizations such as "All men are cheaters and liars. Any man that says he's "different" is full of crap." are ignorant. There are good and bad in both sexes, its not their fault you have lousy taste in men.



This was not for you

#26Author of original report

Mon, April 10, 2006

My message was intended for one person and one person only. I don't care what anyone else thinks. All men are cheaters and liars. Any man that says he's "different" is full of crap.



LOL! I'm always amazed...

#26Consumer Comment

Sat, April 08, 2006

I'm always amazed when someone's bf/gf/spouse/partner/whatever sleeps with someone else- and they blame the 3rd party, not the person they are in a relationship with. Where's the logic in THAT?

Your boyfriend is rubbing her back? Having sex one day, then oral sex the next, and its HER fault??? He was unable to stop her or himself? He did exactly what he wanted to do in that situation, nothing more, nothing less.

If you are in a committed relationship, than you should be with someone who has enough respect for YOU to use the word "NO".




#26Consumer Suggestion

Fri, April 07, 2006

You stated:
I hope one day you read this Michele. I want you to know that you are a slutty home-wrecking w***e.

How do you wreck a home when you're not even committed enough to be married? Sounds like an over-exaggerated version of "Elimi-date" where someone else was competing for his attention.

And for a few days, you were "the weakest link".

In my opinion, if you're still with him, you still ARE the weakest link. Have fun picking up the pieces and blaming someone else in the future, not to mention your shattered emotions, for the next girl that asks for a backrub.

Find a guy with some class that would tell the other woman, "Hell no! I'm with Amy. I love her, and it's not worth it to lose her over a humm or a night with someone else".

But no, you took him back, and have given him the greenlight to go and do it again. He was, after all, a "victim" with no say so about it.

Wow. What a man. "Didn't feel right" about cheating on you twice. I'm no so sure that "Mike threw her away" as much as he did her a favor. And I'm sure he was the victim of getting kissed, and he must have been SO surprised that he didn't think to keep his pants on! What kind of logic is that?

Find a man who will be faithful before you blame women for throwing themselves at guys. If goes two ways.

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