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  • Report:  #1173726

Complaint Review: Michelle O'Neill

Michelle O'Neill Shelly O'Neill Fraud, Maternal Gatekeeper, Liar, User, Fake Huntington Beach California

  • Reported By:
    Ripped Off Father — Los Angeles California
  • Submitted:
    Mon, September 01, 2014
  • Updated:
    Tue, September 02, 2014

I have a newborn baby with the most horrible mother in the land! This woman Michelle O'Neill pulled on of the most used stunts in the history of family law. I spent thousands of dollars, before and after the pregnancy on her, her lies, and her cons to use me to have a baby and use it as a pawn. Below you will see the true manipulation of Ms. O'Neill and how she not only lied to the court, she also admitted to doing so via text message to one of my friends. This girl first claimed that her city Huntington Beach was racist and she was scared for the babies life there, then after she need to use the system for her lie she immediately went to Facebook and changed her whole life to fit back in.


This woman is very shady and has done shady stuff to others and myself her whole life including Bob Marley's son Kymani Marley. When I first met her she was living in a studio apartment of Lionel Richie's decorator claiming the home was hers. Turned out to be a sales tactic when she wanted to move to the beach with me and not pay for anything. This crazy lady used me for months and will do this again if someone else lets her. Michelle aka Shelly will lie, cheat, and cry wolf all day until she gets what she wants. So many times she would tell me lies about herself and her situation and I would later find out it was just that "a lie". I went to court with her for which was suppose to just be a small situation that came out to be her being on probation until 2015!!! Skipping along, she hired behind my back this shady Doula for $3500 that she didn’t have the money for.


Then when I declined it she quickly went on a warpath by, not giving me any parental rights, threatening to replace me as his father etc. Then when I finally had enough and decided to just co parent she continued her rant and took the baby and ran to Malibu knowing that would upset me. And when I threatened her she filed a restraining order claiming she was scared for her life. Knowing she only did this to get even which is shown in the text below. I have tried everything to get this crazy lady to let me see my child but she promotes herself as this great person on Facebook. She lied to all the monitors, told them I had a restraining order because I was (51/50) just to make herself look good and lied to the judge just so she could have her way. Here is how it has gone with this horrible excuse for a mother.


 After Court:

I called Faces of Placentia on July 3rd and was informed they were over booked and could only do one day a week for 2hrs on Sunday. With the drive and not knowing my anger management schedule I had to decline and look for a better situation that would allow me to schedule the visits and anger management accordingly as I am 45 minutes away.

On July 5th I again contacted probation department per the court order to arrange approval of services. Got no response and voicemails pointing me to numerous places. So I just started doing what I could do to follow the court order.

On July 4th Michelle posted this to throw up in my face that she had custody:

On July 6th I confirmed monitoring setup with retired sheriff Deanne Payne. Her response was:


Monitor Payne’s Response:


"Yes I did and just got off the phone with her. We're all set and can begin on Wednesday . I need to meet with you on Mi

Monday .. I charge 100 ea for the Intakes and 60 hr w 2 hr min for visits"


When I asked if fees were negotiable her response was:


Monitor Payne’s Response:


"No, sorry and I know there are cheaper monitors on the list but I have experience and expertise. That's what you're paying for.."


On July 7th I drove to Anaheim and completed the Intake for Ms O’Neill and myself. I asked

"Can we meet at rubios I have to eat?

Or reunion I'm already here" and her answer was:


Monitor Payne’s Response:

"I have my puppy.. She was injured and just picked her up. Get something and we can sit outside between Starbucks and Corner Bakert. Be there in a few. I'll be the one carrying the dog"


I was actually there before monitor was due to her dog situation.


She continued:


Monitor Payne’s Response:

"Please meet me where I requested, there is a lot of paperwork for you to fill out"

After we finally met I sat down paid her, didn't realize I was paying for her (Shelly O’Neill) stuff so I went to the ATM got more cash and paid a total of $200 for the intake. She then began to say things like " you have no say so" "you have to do what I say" etc. At that point I was super uncomfortable with the monitor but was just going along so I wouldn't prolong the setup of my visits.

After that I left and received the following message from monitor of her canceling the first visit after she approved it with the monitor:


Monitor Payne’s Response:

"We are going to have to start on Sunday... First visit can be at a park in HB from 12-2 or what's convenient for you also. Shelly does have to breast feed every hour and a half for medical reasons. I will give you the xtra time at the end so you have a full 2 hrs..."

"We can do Wednesdays at a mall if you want. Fashion Island? South Coast Plaza? Wednesdays can be 11-1 like we discussed"


My response was:

“Why not wed? Also can I see a medical doc containing this info? She is using that breast feed thing as a pawn. The judge already told her no go and she knows it.


Shortly after Michelle posted the following:

Shortly Michelle post the following to Facebook

(Her at the pool the same day of her “emergency work meeting)

Monitor texting me while im looking at post:


“I can get the Drs note, she said she has it. She has an emergency work meeting.”

Comment: (I know she is using the breast feeding excuse due to her stating before that I can't get him because he breast feeds, prior to restraining order. She has pumped milk before and monitor Payne asked me why she couldn’t pump. Then after talking with Michelle monitor Payne became even more negative toward me.)


I then messaged her saying:


It’s not true she’s just trying to cut the time.

It’s a game”

Monitor replied:

“No, I giving her the extra time at the end of the visit”

I replied:

“She has until tomorrow to show proof or my attorney is taking back to court.”

Monitor replied:

“No Problem”

I replied:

“Also no tomorrow? And did she say why?

Monitor replied:

“Read the above text”

I replied:

“Lol, omg this is gonna be crazy”

Monitor replied:

“Please only text me regarding the visits. I am running a business and don’t have time for irrelevant stuff”

Also when I requested that she document the cancelled visits her response was:

Monitor Payne’s Response:

"I don't do that. I document the visits . Her atty was going to call your  atty. The Court doesn't ever request that info”

“Did you get the last message I sent”


When I asked about the coming Sundays visits Monitor responded:

Good we’re on.. Just need to get address of park. 11-1. I’ll bring the baby to her to breast feed and then I’ll make up that time at the back end.. 10 min or so.

I responded:

“No she can pump in bottle that’s a bonding thing. She is suppose to be nowhere around when I have him”


Monitor responded:

“Well she has a Drs note so there is nothing I can do. You’re not going to miss any time. I know there’s a restraining order but I will be there. We need to get this straighten out by Friday. She picks one place and you pick another so it’s fair.”


I replied:

“I need to see dr note ASAP

That note needs to be confirmed

The Judge says 2hrs period

Don’t care what she says the note is fake”


Monitor Payne’s Response:

"No problem, I have a call in to both attys so

They can handle these issues. I do have an address for the park assuming these issues get resolved"

I haven’t heard back from either atty yet so you might want to give yours a call. These issues need to be settled before Sunday… Or I’ll need to cancel myself. There are too many issues that are not part of what I do


Monitor Payne’s Response Continued:

"Think about a location for next Wednesday also..

I haven't heard back from either atty yet so you might want to give yours a call. These issues need to be settled before Sunday... Or I'll need to cancel myself. There are too many issues that are not part of what I do

“I need to see my son pls don't cancel"


Monitor Payne’s Response:

" I'm not going to be a fight.. She said she has to breast feed at 12:30... I'm not ok with switching strollers and stuff. You have to bring whatever you need for the baby"

I understand but you have sent me some very strange texts insisting you’re not going to do this and that.


My Response:

“What are you talking about? Probation dept, which is on the order! They called saying order needs to be fixed. I want to see my son, I am very busy and don't have time for drama with people. I have employees, lawyers, paper work, meetings etc! I came, setup and did what I was told! All I asked for was to change the place we met at! It was next door! That's all I asked which was a better spot anyway! Threatening? I am doing everything I am supposed to! I setup the visitation, I drove an hr almost to get there, then she changes it and it's strange? Really? Don't worry about calling my lawyer! I'll deal with it myself! I'm not some dumb guy that has to take getting treated like this! Period!”


Monitor Payne’s Response:

"Good I'm glad you're handling it because she just called and told me her Mom is dying in the next 48 hrs and she won't be here Sunday. Her atty apparently contacted your atty"

Finally after I realized what was going on I sent the monitor the screen shot and said to the monitor Payne:


"Some meeting that was”

How do I get refund pls?

What needs to happens

She's not gonna follow the order and you helped her not follow it

Pls just refund me my money"


This is monitor Payne's response, which was intended for Shelly O’Neill and not me.

On July 10th Michelle immediately went to Facebook and posted a phony goodbye to her mom to justify her lie.

July 13th once people close to her questioned the legitimacy of her dying mother comment from people who know she didn’t like her mother at all, she quickly removed their post and responded


“@Jennifer Robyn Laskey she's still my mom and we got closer due to the baby. I'm sad beyond belief.”

(FACTS) Her mother abandoned Michelle, at age 15. Her uncle Johnny and Aunt told me the story. She has zero history with her mother.


The visit for Wednesday July, 9th that was scheduled but cancelled claiming she had an emergency work issue turned out to be another excuse to not let me see our son I later saw this after I received a screen shot of her Facebook page of her our son and some unknown person stating "he is loved I am truly blessed" with a picture of them in the pool taken the day she claimed to have a work meeting. She did this to throw it up in my face and show that she has all the control and can violate the order without consequences.


Monitor Payne’s Response:

"I have every single one of them! He sent 7 yesterday.. One was a pic of you and him with Micha.. Last was about him finding a monitor and "he's not a racist" insanity !"

Basically siding with Shelly and admitting to sending my screen shot messages to Shelly O’Neill. When I inquired about the message her response to me was:


Monitor Paynes Response:

"Please stop harassing me Dejuan... I don't know what your texts mean and would really appreciate it if you would cease and desist. Thank you."


On July 11th Michelle posted a picture of our son and captioned it with:

“I can't believe how big he's getting! He's wearing 12month size clothing and he's just 5 months as of tomorrow. My super power organic mama's milk is making him huge! #bigboy


More attempts to keep using breastfeeding as an excuse to not let him bond with me.


After which I began calling other monitors and reached

LOR Protection Inc.

4202 Atlantic Avenue Suite 212

Long Beach, CA 90807

(Who is court approved)

On July 12th

The monitor asked for details, I submitted my and Michelle’s info when the monitor called back she said Shelly "was having a retired Sherriff check her out". Then she explained that Shelly had concerns and had to consult with lawyer because she felt the monitor was secretly working for me. She then asked monitor if she could be around during my visits because she had to breast feed.

She keeps saying he has to eat every hour and thirty minutes but goes to bragging on Facebook again about nanny singing to him for two hour 

She was very un cooperative with officer however after some back and fourth she met with monitor on Sunday, July 13th which previously she told the other monitor Payne she couldn't do because of her being out of town due to her mothers death.

After her meeting with monitor LOR, Sunday July 13th, I was informed by monitor that Shelly wanted to talk to her lawyer about changing the visits, reducing my time and accepting the new monitor.

Monitor then contacted me and said her lawyer responded by saying “we no longer represent her”

On July 14th I reached out to Faces and setup appointment for July 17th

On July 14th after speaking to Lorna Winterrowd, of probation department for a few days to find a solution, probation provided the following email for my records.

On July 15th I received an email message from one of my product distributors Arnie Holland at Universal Pictures stating he received a slandering email from Shelly. (Attached) The email contained very disturbing references to visitation and her trying to belittle me. She continued in the email about saying “He will never be alone with his son” “He has issues from childhood” Etc.


On July 16th she kept antagonizing and slandering me on Facebook by posting a picture of the Dos Equis brand ambassador with a quote saying:

“I don’t always fall in love, but when I do, I do it with a completely wrong person and then f*** my life up a great deal, because I am obviously retarded.”

Her and her friends immediately started having a laugh and she (Michelle) and her friends began commenting:

Jessica Grande right! Reminds me of my ex and his "current" lol”

“Xiou Ping I couldn't stop laughing!! LMAO!”

On July 17th I drove to Faces Placentia and paid for 3rd intake and completed orientation. Faces representative informed me that they only do 2hrs per week and it would take a week to process. They also informed me that it could take weeks to get you in to see your child.

On July 17th Michelle posted another message to Facebook saying:

Just got my windows tinted for free on my new car — feeling happy.”

On July 18th I received a call from LOR Protection (3rd Monitor) that Michelle called her saying:

“I wont hire you as a monitor but I will hire you for an event, I am looking at doing an event in November.”

 Monitor explained Michelle didn’t want me to ever see the child by myself and that I was “51/50” that’s why she has a restraining order. She also continued with she is not putting him on a bottle.

Monitor said she couldn’t write report unless she signs up. Monitor also said she explained to her that she has to do “something” because she is violating the order but Michelle was still uncooperative.

Monitor would not provide statement based on her companies policy to not do so unless both parties are cooperative.

On July 19th I began calling more monitors and finishing the setup of my anger management and co-parenting courses with:


Choices Life Management Services.


On July 19th Monitor #4 John Bernal of The JCB Investigative Group spoke to Michelle and informed me that she responded using the same excuses, Breastfeeding, she has to be around, and slandering me to this monitor as well. She also said based off Deanne Payne she is not doing any monitored visits. She also again declined putting him on a bottle.

On July 19th I also spoke to Monitor Number #5 Ilene Fletcher who also concluded by saying Michelle was totally uncooperative, slandering other officers, slandering me, saying she is not doing the visits, and she is in a family function. She also declined putting him on a bottle.

On July 19th Michelle continued her lies and told Lynn Klein monitor #6 of A Kidz Time Professional Visitation that, I was 51/50 and that she had to again, breast feed every hr and a half, I was not to get 4 hours on Sunday, she had to be around when I was there, and that she was not complying with the court order. And once again she told monitor she is not putting him on a bottle.

On July 20th Lynn Klein called and said she spoke to her again and Michelle is still saying she has to be there every hour and half to breast feed also “I am not putting him on a bottle” “I am not giving him visits” “I have to go back to court and make the judge change the order”. Michelle also told monitor that “because of what Deanne Payne said” she is not giving me visits.

On July 21st Monitor #4 John Bernal of The JCB Investigative Group contacted me again to let me know that Michelle said again she would not use ANY professional monitors.

On July 21st around 4pm Michelle posted the following picture of her staying at the expensive LOEWS hotel in Hollywood California with the following caption throwing it up in my face and the courts face that she does come to LA almost everyday when she told the Commissioner that she didn’t have the means to



“Stay-cation I love my life!”

It is now August 3rd and I have only had one visit. Michelle continues to slander me and continue her Malicious Prosecution with no intent on ever telling the truth. Michelle has no respect for our son having a real father. She has hired new council and is set on trying to destroy my life.

After my visit Michelle said out load “I know this is a bad place little baby” as she exited the building.

On August 4th I contacted faces to schedule next visit but they could not due to having no monitors. Michelle started again with her games and called John Bernal knowing his company couldn’t accommodate so she could have a way out of giving me visits.


Visits for Aug 10th were also cancelled.

Michelle continued to slander, and taunt her frivolous court win to my friend Alicia by texting her messages saying I cheated on her and “this is tough love” I also began receiving antagonizing messeges from her friend “Juan”

On August 11th I began looking into filing an appeal, sue the orange county courts, and filing a malicious prosecution suit against Michelle.

  I then received a call from Faces saying my August  13th visit would go forward at The Placentia location ( more miles on my car) while Michelle, who lied in court saying she didn’t have transportation, and didn’t come to LA because of it, is freely able to only drive a few miles.

This whole ordeal has been proven to be one of Michelle’s tactics to control, slander, and exclude me if I don’t do what she wants.

The order given allows her to run around monitors, abuse the judicial system, and constantly instigate and call authorities.

Below are her messages between Michelle and Alicia:


Michelle's info is used as - To: +1310707****


8/25/14 8:15 AM
To: +1310707****

They have footage of ur car same day of court. Smh


8/25/14 8:16 AM
From: +13107075412

The judge said she didn't want the baby being packed up and sent to LA for his visits anyway!


8/25/14 8:22 AM
From: +13107075412

That doesn't matter


8/25/14 8:23 AM
From: +13107075412


None of the BS that he things matters actually does! That's what he doesn't get but he's about to see it all in court,



8/25/14 8:23 AM
From: +13107075412


That has nothing to do with the safety of the child!



8/25/14 8:26 AM
From: +13107075412

He wants his son in a foster home so he can grow up as f***** up as his father no thank you!


8/25/14 8:27 AM
From: +13107075412

Lavae is a product of an abusive mom and foster system that's why he has anger issues. I'm trying to break the chain and make sure his son doesn't take on that ********!


8/25/14 9:33 AM
From: +13107075412

Some men are just wired to be polygamists it is what it is!


8/25/14 9:37 AM
From: +13107075412

No I want peace. I also would accept another monitor for Sundays if he found one!

8/25/14 9:39 AM
From: +13107075412

I sent a bottle with Brest milk to prove to him the baby doesn't take a bottle! So at least he knows I'm not lieing!

8/25/14 9:41 AM
From: +13107075412

Okay, I'm just living my life taking care of our son he should he thanking me!


8/25/14 11:12 AM
From: +13107075412


Maybe now but there was for a long time! And his are on hers! Until they are off hers I won't believe a thing!




8/25/14 11:12 AM
To: +13107075412


That baby has a good dad and you constantly deny him his biological father


8/25/14 11:13 AM
From: +13107075412


Sunglasses are like a facial condom but it's still him lol



8/25/14 12:40 PM
From: +13107075412


never going to happen I know this for a fact.




8/25/14 12:40 PM
To: +13107075412




8/25/14 12:40 PM
From: +13107075412


There no paternity paper work or DNA text until that's don't he can't even sue for custody



8/25/14 12:41 PM
From: +13107075412



8/25/14 12:43 PM
From: +13107075412


The fact that I stood up to him and said NO MORE ABUSE CPS was commending me and told me please make sure you get counseling and never get back with him!



8/25/14 12:43 PM
From: +13107075412


I had two case workers come to he house and commend me on how well our child was being taken care of and they are on call for me for what ever I need in form of support or free counseling which I took them up on!



8/25/14 12:44 PM
From: +13107075412


I'm taking a pep class and going to counseling why? Not because I was ordered too but because I want to be the best mother for my child and I put up with a lot of abuse for a long time and it wasn't healthy or okay for me to deal with that.




8/25/14 12:44 PM
To: +13107075412


What agency


8/25/14 12:45 PM
From: +13107075412


Child protective services



8/25/14 12:45 PM
From: +13107075412


They are on call for me if I need them with LOTS of support they are a great resource!




8/25/14 12:46 PM
To: +13107075412


Ok thanks that's all u can stop texting just needed to get the truth to print for his lawyer. You gave me enough for him. Liar


8/25/14 12:46 PM
From: +13107075412


They came to my house three times all times were so happy to see a safe, clean environment with a happy healthy baby!




8/25/14 12:56 PM
From: +13107075412


Take care of your boy and tell him to just work on himself




8/25/14 1:00 PM
To: +13107075412


We are on the ph w cps sicial



8/25/14 1:01 PM
To: +13107075412


Social worker girl bye


8/25/14 1:08 PM
From: +13107075412





8/25/14 1:09 PM
From: +13107075412


I can give you our workers number




8/25/14 1:09 PM
To: +13107075412


Send it


8/25/14 1:09 PM
From: +13107075412


Larry is awesome




8/25/14 1:09 PM
To: +13107075412


Send it


8/25/14 1:15 PM
From: +13107075412


Listen to KPFK 90.7


>>Next Page




8/25/14 1:15 PM
To: +13107075412


What? Where is the number for cps worker


8/25/14 7:14 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


If he would have been cool he could have maybe had more visits but not now



8/26/14 12:48 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


One day he will be thanking me for protecting out son from the same issues he has - once he realizes what he has actually done!




8/26/14 12:48 PM
To: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Stop contacting me! I'm not selling your drama! I'm selling you are crazy get away fast! You are not worth it!


8/26/14 12:48 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Our son



8/26/14 12:48 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)





8/26/14 12:48 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Thanks peace




8/26/14 12:49 PM
To: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Stop texting me!


8/26/14 12:52 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Okay. It's called tough love btw



8/26/14 12:52 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


It's also a test to see if he really loves his son or not. If he does he will stick around and change himself if not he will bail.




8/26/14 5:59 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Just did a huge licensing deal with forever 21!




8/26/14 5:59 PM
To: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Lost ur baby daddy!!!


8/26/14 5:59 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Baby is a trust fund baby now!




8/26/14 5:59 PM
To: Michelle O (+13107075412)




8/26/14 6:00 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Ya baby daddy who cares! I'll have a husband soon anyway!



8/26/14 6:01 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


I did hence the RO real alone!




8/26/14 6:01 PM
To: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Bye dummy


8/26/14 6:01 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


He's on the way I don't have to get s***




8/26/14 6:01 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


My crowd is way more classy then his bull s*** play del ray alcoholics



8/26/14 6:02 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


My new place trumps his hole in the wall




8/26/14 6:02 PM
To: Michelle O (+13107075412)


That's great


8/26/14 6:02 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


I knew he would give up



8/26/14 6:03 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)

He will blame me for years until s**t happens over and over then maybe he will realize he's the common denominator


8/26/14 6:04 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)





8/26/14 6:06 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


I refuse to raise a well dressed monster!




8/26/14 6:06 PM
To: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Chica you have mental issues



8/26/14 6:07 PM
To: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Lmao!! You do realize you are the only one who.says.that about him!!!


8/26/14 6:07 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


I cut the cord just in time!



8/26/14 6:07 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


He was making me crazy



8/26/14 6:07 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


His lies drove me up a wall



8/26/14 6:08 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Trish says so too she just Likes to f*** so she keeps him around



8/26/14 6:08 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Cause she knows he's always down!



8/26/14 6:08 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)



8/26/14 6:09 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


F****** player a** fool




8/26/14 6:10 PM
To: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Ok bye we dont want you around. Lavaes to good for u!

>>Next Page


8/26/14 6:11 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Or post pis of him and another woman kissing under our sons photos!



8/26/14 6:11 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


So low class



8/26/14 6:11 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Zero class with that move!!! ZERO CLASS



8/26/14 6:11 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


I'm way too good for him and I proved it by doing the pregnancy by myself!



8/26/14 6:12 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)




8/26/14 6:13 PM
To: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Omg trish said that's.not true! Said you are a lying pices and you guys believe your own lies! Lmao she said he sent her a song nothing sexual! And she has a man!!!! Lmao lavae is cool w trish because her kids love him!!! She said you are crazy!!!




8/26/14 6:14 PM
To: Michelle O (+13107075412)


You just don't stop! He was there help you and you wouldn't let him i know everything.


8/26/14 6:14 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


I made enough for us to be in our dream house on the beach right now instead he's in a beach shack with that girl who's not even pretty!



8/26/14 6:20 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Look chica you only know one side of everything



8/26/14 6:20 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Great then I will collect child support soon.



If we got back I would cheat on his a** and he would cheat on me



8/26/14 6:21 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)





8/26/14 6:22 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


If I file he has no choice



8/26/14 6:22 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


I didn't file so he had an open door to walk out of if he wanted.




8/26/14 6:22 PM
To: Michelle O (+13107075412)


My hubs is smart hes making sure lavae never gets w you! Lmao.


8/26/14 6:23 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


I know me and my child will do well no matter what.




8/26/14 6:23 PM
To: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Ok that's why lavae can leave then right?



8/26/14 6:23 PM
To: Michelle O (+13107075412)




8/26/14 6:23 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Kool I think the RO helps too that's the idea



8/26/14 6:23 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Open door



8/26/14 6:23 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


He can leave if he wants




8/26/14 6:23 PM
To: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Then there is nothing else to talk about!


8/26/14 6:24 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


I'm not going to force him to be a father



8/26/14 6:24 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


All things are his choice



8/26/14 6:24 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Kool the he never cared



8/26/14 6:25 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Which is what I thought



8/26/14 6:25 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)





8/26/14 6:25 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


I will marry and find a replacement before the baby knows what's going on.




8/26/14 6:25 PM
To: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Ok bye then gawd d**n! Leave him alone!!!


8/26/14 6:26 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


He failed the text bye



8/26/14 6:26 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)






8/26/14 6:26 PM
To: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Ok go ahead and stop talking me to death about it


8/26/14 6:30 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


I will have my lawyer draw up papers to sign away his rights



8/26/14 6:30 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Oh wait he doesn't have any!



8/26/14 6:30 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


No paternity nothing



8/26/14 6:30 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)






8/26/14 6:30 PM
To: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Ok good bye


8/26/14 6:30 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


He sure does love us




8/26/14 6:31 PM
To: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Sure does enough to say bye w ur drama


And stop lieing about his relationship



8/26/14 6:32 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


I know for a fact they are still together



8/26/14 6:34 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


All he had to do was be cool and follow court orders and he couldn't ?




8/26/14 6:34 PM
To: Michelle O (+13107075412)





8/26/14 6:35 PM
To: Michelle O (+13107075412)


You have all the space u need! And he's already cancelled all visits!



8/26/14 6:35 PM
To: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Bye dumpy white girl


8/26/14 6:36 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


I will always send him love no matter where he is.



8/26/14 6:40 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


He's my child's father I will always pray for him and send him love.



8/26/14 6:44 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


If he loved us he would change and fight for our family! Instead he plays the victim and blames me for everything. Nothing true and good comes easy!



8/26/14 6:45 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


I'm sure Maria came easy that's why he's denying he's with her now!




8/26/14 6:51 PM
To: Michelle O (+13107075412)


He was fighting for his family


8/26/14 6:51 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


He gives up real easy



8/26/14 6:52 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


He needs to do the work his talk is cheap



8/26/14 6:52 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


After being stabbed in the back a few times it's real hard to believe his words!



8/26/14 6:52 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


I only believe actions



8/26/14 6:53 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


If he wants his Sundays I'm happy to accept another monitor. I could use the time to do stuff for myself without Paying a nanny and he needs to bond with our baby.



8/26/14 6:54 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Men that want their families don't blame and complain they DO the actions necessary to make it happen!



8/26/14 6:55 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


They also don't vandalized cars or start smear campaigns or sue



8/26/14 6:56 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


If he really wanted us he just needed to prove with his actions that's his truth.




8/26/14 7:05 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


I thought he would rise to the challenge and prove he was a good man and tame his anger issues because he wanted his family back!



8/26/14 7:06 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Instead he blames me for everything goes on a vindictive rampage and walks out the door. He's just not read for the real.



8/26/14 7:06 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Real love



8/26/14 7:06 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


Not ready for real love, he's scared that's why he went south anyway. I'm real and he couldn't take it.



8/26/14 7:07 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)


I'm too real I can't be lied too or f**ked with and neither will my son.



8/26/14 7:36 PM
From: Michelle O (+13107075412)

okay. Let him know I'm always sending love, and I will find a father for his son who loves us both!

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