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  • Report:  #1438933

Complaint Review: Middle Tennessee 23rd judicial district court system and corrupt lawyers and cops

Middle Tennessee 23rd judicial district court system and corrupt lawyers and cops Hillary duke attorney Ronnie toungerte sherriff Martha bagger DHS worker Drove to the point of near suicide over a 20 year period by corrupt lawyers and cops in order to keep me oppressed so I couldn't contest 3 falsified DNA test McEwen, Dickson, Hoenwald Tennessee

  • Reported By:
    Corky — McEwen Tennessee United States
  • Submitted:
    Mon, April 16, 2018
  • Updated:
    Mon, April 16, 2018

I caught my wife swabbing my brothers mouth out with one of them home order DNA test and we had a 2 year old little girl. My mother was there in the room with them. I lost everything I cared about in that one single moment. This would be the start of about 18 years of a hellish nightmare that ruined my life and drove me to the point of near suicide. When I walked into my mother's house that day my wife at the time walked out of my older brothers bedroom and she had one of them home order DNA test in her hand . When I saw her and she looked at me I knew I was seeing something that I wasn't supposed to. My wife at the time immediately went into the bathroom and my mother and brother immediately engaged in conversation with me about anything and everything except what was going on in that bedroom. My wife came out of the bathroom later and I was told she had to have a DNA sample from me for insurance on a house I was buying and I wasn't there so she just took one from my brother because she figured it would be the same. I was gullible and I loved her so I just left it at that for the time being, but what I saw that day stayed in the back of my mind. We moved into our new home and I was excited and very thankful for this beautiful life that I felt like God had blessed me with. It was a beautiful cabin with 5 acres of land off of Indian creek rd. in McEwen Tennessee. Little did I know that this would be the start of a plan by my family and the people I loved the most to ruin my life.

I was about a 4th year apprentice in the electricians apprenticeship program through the IBEW Local 429 in Nashville Tennessee at the time we moved into our new home. I had a perfect life, a beautiful wife a healthy little girl, and I would soon top out of the apprenticeship program. Something was weird and I couldn't figure out what it was, but there was something very wrong with my marriage. My little girl started to talk. I would ask her Savannah who do you love and she would say "My daddy" and that was all I needed to hear and I was ready to take on the world. Me and my wife both worked and my little girl Savannah would stay with her "memaw" my wife's mother during the day. My little girl would soon be talking better and better maybe a little too much. She started coming home and saying things like " I'm gonna get a new daddy." I would ask her where she heard that and she would say memaw told her. It made me furious and my relationship with my in-laws would soon deteriorate. I topped out of the apprenticeship program and work got slow around Nashville. I met some union brothers that was going to Chicago where the work was plentiful. I discussed this with my wife and she encouraged me that I should go so I did. I was making more money there than I ever imagined about 4000 a week. I had been there about 3 months and my wife informed me that she was pregnant again and it was very awkward so I started asking questions. She insisted that she had gotten pregnant before I left and being gullible and not being able to fathom her being pregnant by someone else I believed her, but just like the day I caught her swabbing my brothers mouth out with the DNA swab. I put it in the back of my mind.

When I returned home my marriage would be weirder than ever, it was very "awkward" and I couldn't figure out why. The day came and my wife went into labor she was about 2 months early but I was there for the delivery of my second little girl at Baptist hospital. As soon as my wife gave birth to our little girl she raised up and looked at her and she laid back and rolled her eyes and grabbed me by the arm and said please don't leave me. I was an emotional wreck. I walked our little girl to the nursery and my father in-law walked with me . I gave the little girl to the nurse she was premature she only weighed about 3 1/2 pounds I was crying, I wanted her to be ok more than anything. My father in-law pulled me to the side and asked if I wanted to sign the birth certificate on this one, that's the first words out of his mouth. I said why wouldn't I Jerry and he said just forget I asked. I went back in the hospital room with my wife and everyone in there was staring at me. I felt like I didn't belong and I was told that I should go home. So I left. I wss very puzzled.

As I was walking out of the hospital I seen a guy from my home town. I considered him a friend, not a best friend but a friend. My wife was friends with him also. When he seen me he looked down at the ground and tried to walk away. I asked him what he was doing there and he said his mother was there. I asked him what is she doing having a baby and he just shook his head and walked on and so did I. Once again I put this in the back of my head with the rest of the lies. About a week later we got to bring our little girl home. She was perfect, she was healthy and I thanked God for this beautiful little girl that he had blessed me with Addison. She looked nothing like her older sister. Savannah was tall and blonde headed and Addison had dark curly hair. My marriage was weirder than ever and so was my life. I started drinking and I discovered that it slowed the thoughts of the things that was going on that I wouldn't let myself believe. I always hated alcohol because my father was an alcoholic and I never wanted to go down that road that I seen ruin his life. I was working nights at a TVA powerhouse in Cumberland City. I was working from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. 7 nights a week. I got off early one morning, about 2:00 a.m.. When I got to my house there was another vehicle in my driveway, it was the same guy that was at the hospital the day my little girl was born. I turned off my headlights and pulled in and the kitchen light was on. I looked in the kitchen from outside and there sat the guy holding my second little girl Addison, and my cousin was sitting there with him. I tried to open the door and it was locked so I started knocking. My wife came to the door and asked what I was doing home early and I asked her what was going on. She said they just came by to visit. I seen what was going on but couldn't make myself believe it. The guy and my cousin left and I told my wife we needed to have a talk . I asked her if Addison was his. I asked her if either one of the girls was mine. She said they'll both always be yours.

I called the guy that had just left and I told him if I ever caught him around my wife again that it would be bad. The boy called my wife about a week later and I answered the phone. I told him that I was coming to find him and I did and we had an altercation. I was arrested and I would be arrested several times in the next few weeks. My mother came to jail and seen me she was allowed a special visit because the sheriff at the time was her brother in law. My mother and father had divorced and my mother remarried a man named Stanley Hinson. His sister worked in the district attorney's office and she was married to the then sheriff Ronnie Toungette. My mother told me through the bars of the jail cell that I was sitting in that if I said anything about either one of the kids not being mine that I would never get out of jail and I just looked at her in disbelief and said what did you say and she said you heard me.

I stayed in jail quite some time. My bond was set extremely high. I was served with divorce papers and never allowed to go to my divorce hearing. The divorce finalled and I was let out of jail. I had very little will to live. I was told by my mother and my ex wife and her father who was an upstanding citizen in the community that if I said a word about anything that they would make my life hell or have me "done away with." I tried to go on and start over and live my life but they made it hell anyways. Every time I would start to make any kind of life for myself they would use their political pull or influence to knock me back down. I hired a lawyer to try to pursue some kind of justice but my mother and my wife's father would pay them off and I would end up worse off than I was. I was staying at my sister's house and my mother called me one evening and told me her husband Stanley was coming to kill me because she had heard that I had told some people about what was going on. I just hung up on her cause I didn't really believe her. A few minutes later her husband Stanley comes driving up in my sister's yard and he pulls right up next to the where the outside disconnect is on my sister's trailer and he jumps out of his truck with a shotgun and a pistol and he turned the main off so I wouldn't have any power. He knew that all I had was a cordless phone and knew that it wouldn't work if the power was off. I opened the back door to run out and that's when he fired the 1st shot barely missing me. I slammed the door and ran to the front to run out and he fired a couple more shots. He stood at the end of the trailer and kept shooting the gun. I was terrified. I knew I would be killed. I just sat in the middle of the trailer. Finally he kicked the back door in and I ran out the front. It was a couple hundred yards to get to the woods. He started shooting and the first shot hit me in the back and the back of the head . It was a 20 gauge shotgun he was using. I made it to the neighbors house and called 911. It was a very long time until the police showed up and when they got there they had an old warrant on me . I was taken to jail on a made up charge. The guy that shot me was never placed in handcuffs. All together he fired the shotgun 17 times and a revolver pistol 6 times. They did arrest him and charge him with felony wreckless endangerment but his brother in law being the sheriff and his sister working in the district attorney's office he was never prosecuted.

My life was hell I was terrified to do anything I didn't know if I would be killed or arrested or what would happen to me. I never could make any kind of life for myself, and my mother and ex father in law would do everything to continue to make my life hell with their political influence and power. I gave up on living I stayed drunk or high. It seemed that as long as I didn't try they would let me be. I would go see my father from time to time my mother had always made me and my brothers and sisters believe that he was no good and that he hated us all. I believed her for a long time, until I seen what she was doing to my life . I learned not to believe anything she said. I got to know my father for who he was and learned that he loved us very much. He was an alcoholic as so was I. We became best friends and my mother despised me more for it doing everything she could to ruin me and turn any friend I ever had against me. I just done the best I could to live my life and try to avoid her. My father got bladder cancer and he was dying . I stayed with him and watched him slowly pass away. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I felt like I was dying with him. I felt sorry for him. He didn't have much of anything. A little cabin in Tennessee City and a little ol junker car. He was pitiful I thought. Before he died he sat me down and told me that he was leaving me everything. He said his sister/ my aunt Dinah would be the executor over the will. He left me 6 hydraulic milling machines that he had got a patent on back in the late 70s/ early 80s. He had more money than David Crockett.

After he passed away I stayed there in his little cabin for a few weeks beside my aunt Dinah/his sister. I asked her about reading the will. She was quick to say that the bible says to seek first the kingdom of heaven. I looked at her and said yes Dinah that's exactly what it says . I said that's Mathew 6:33 I said read on down a little bit to Mathew 7:1 it says judge not lest ye be judged. She just looked at me kinda puzzled. Little did I know that her and my mother and ex wife and whoever else had been plotting the whole time because my aunt knew what the will said. She knew it would be left to me and I guess she was bitter and felt like she should get it. Everything made sense to me the last 18 years of my life had been destroyed by people I loved to keep me from getting what my father left me. I was very bitter. I had left for a couple days and another one of my aunt's called me. My aunt Jeannette. She told me that she was at Dinah's and that my daddy's cabin had burned down. She told me not to come back because the fire department and police was there. I was a few hours away but I went straight there. All the inside of the cabin was burned. They said they didn't know what had happened. The neighbor from across the street came over and told me he had spoke with the fire marshal and the fire marshal asked if i had any enemies because the fire had been intentionally set. I would be arrested a few days later in Humphreys county again on some pretty serious charges and I stayed in jail for quite some time.

When I got out of jail I went where my daddy's cabin was to look around and I was gonna get the 6 hydraulic milling machines that he'd left me. They was gone. I would later discover that my brother had gotten them. And I would play hell trying to get them back. I went through a drug court program in the 23rd district in Dickson Tennessee. I won the judge Burch award and was asked to stay and help the new guys coming through the program, so I stayed for about 5 years and I started to build a life again. I was doing great I had a good job at New Johnsonville TVA I had a bass boat and I loved spending my time off on Kentucky lake. Life was good again for a little while but I knew it wouldn't last long. I knew my ex wife and her father and my mother wouldn't let me be happy for very long. You see my aunt is not letting me read the will because she says I'm not doing good so she's saying it's wrote in the will that I have to be doing good in order to read it. Well it's kinda hard to do good when you've got a crooked judicial system that's being coerced by people with a lot of political influence that I'm a piece of s***. See if something happens to me then everything that was left to me falls into the hands of the people that have been ruining My life. And just like I thought they would use one of their old scams to ruin me again I had dated a girl from Hickman county but we went our separate ways. We had been split up for a good while and she gets pregnant. She knew and I knew that it couldn't be mine. She even told me who's it was.

When she had the little girl I was subpoenaed to do a paternity test so I went and took the test but the girl never showed up. I discussed with the woman at DCS that the girl knew it wasn't mine so the woman at the DCS office told me that she was gonna close the case because the mother of the child wasn't "cooperating" with them." So I left. Well a few months go by and I get test results saying that the little girl is mine and I have to appear in court in a week or so. I knew that my mother and as wife was involved. This would be the 4th paternity test that DCS had falsified on me. Remember as long as I'm tied up in court my aunt says I'm not allowed to read the will. I hired 3 different lawyers and spent over 10 thousand dollars trying to fight them every time I would start to make any headway with an attorney they would tell me they spoke with my mother and they would want more money and I would make no progress. What I've told you here today is not even a fraction of the hellish nightmare they've put me through over the years. They've ruined so many lives and they use the DCS and the "kids" because it is harder to reverse once they've established a father to the child.

I left McEwen Tennessee labor day weekend in a 500 dollar ford ranger pickup truck with 30 dollars to my name and I'm about a thousand miles from there. I've secured a good job and I have started to make a new life for myself. But I live in the fear that they will eventually have me killed or do something to ruin My life. This all happened in middle Tennessee. I hired 3 lawyers to dispute the paternity test. Cliff Mcgowan who took my money and did nothing for me because he was being persuaded by my mother and ex wife . He said that he had a stroke and he just left me hanging. Then I hired Hillary Duke and she said I couldn't dispute the paternity test and she said I had to try to fight for full custody. I knew the paternity test was falsified. She was involved in the scheme to try and obtain the inheritance left to me by my father. Then I hired Lee Spratt and he discussed the case with my mother . Now I'm being harassed for child support for a kid that I'm not the biological father of. Will you please help me

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