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  • Report:  #210705

Complaint Review: Midwest Freight Lines Midwest Freight Logistics

Midwest Freight Lines, Midwest Freight Logistics Dishonest, Irresponsible, Selfish, Self-Inconsiderate! ~ DOES NOT PAY THEIR EMPLOYEES!! Liberty Missouri

  • Reported By:
    Grandview Missouri
  • Submitted:
    Wed, September 13, 2006
  • Updated:
    Wed, December 24, 2008
  • Midwest Freight Lines , Midwest Freight Logistics
    7600 S. Church Road
    Liberty, Missouri
  • Phone:
  • Category:

June 29, 2006

During the course of my six-week employment with Midwest Freight Lines, I had numerous problems:

The truck broke down, or needed repairs NINE TIMES in six-weeks (fuel filter, starter, oil sensor, tire blowouts on EVERY trip, air conditioning breaking three times). There has NEVER been a single trip I have done where there was not an incident with the truck.

Other problems:
I repeatedly asked for an extra key for the truck.
I repeatedly asked them to buy some curtains for the bunk so I could have privacy to change my clothes, and privacy and to block out the light while I slept.
I have REPEATEDLY asked for my paychecks also, and they will not give them to me.

The people in the office will not hardly ever answer the phone when I call them. They are very unreliably unavailable. When they fail to answer the phone, I found that if I block my phone number so they don't know who is calling, usually someone will answer.

I told them two weeks ago that something is wrong with the brakes on the truck, and they never fixed the problem. I even gave them comments written on a work order by a mechanic that told them the brakes needed to be fixed - the potential problem of not fixing it was that the brakes could lock up.

All of my requests have been repeatedly disregarded and ignored.

Another problem occurred on the day of June 27, 2006 at the truck stop in Houston, Texas. I went over my fuel spending limit of $300, and the company would not pay the bill for the fuel I bought the night before because they were mad at me for going over my limit. Kindra decided to play manipulative control-freak games with me, and told me that I was going to have to sit there the rest of the day because I went over my fuel spending limit.

The company kept telling people they did not have the money to pay the bill, and that they were waiting for a wire transfer to clear the bank, and that they would call me and let me know when it cleared so I could pay for the fuel. They told people at the truck stop that money was on the way, but it was unavailable until the wire transfer cleared the bank. When 6pm came around and they had not called me, I knew something was wrong because wire transfers would have cleared by the time the bank closed that day.

Because the bill had not been paid since I got the fuel from the night before, the truck stop starting telling me that I was responsible for the $660 fuel bill if the company didn't pay for it, and that I couldn't leave until it was paid. They were threatening to call the police on me too.

When 6pm came around, and the fuel bill was not paid, I went inside the truck stop and spoke to the manager. I told him that the company was not telling the truth about not having any money; that they were just playing games because they were mad that I went over my spending limit for the day. So the manager was nice enough to take some phone numbers I gave him, and call some people at the office. I don't know who he spoke to, but whoever it was, when the manager said the truck was going to be impounded if they didn't pay for the fuel, guess what? soon as he hung the phone up, the bill was paid!!!! All the sudden, THEY HAD MONEY!!!
I went to Midwest Freight Lines to WORK not to play GAMES!

The bill got paid, and I waited for MFL to call and dispatch me. They never called me that night. In fact, they never called me the very next day. There were no missed calls or messages on the cell phone they gave me to use. They also knew my personal cell phone number, and there weren't any missed calls or messages left on my phone from them that day either, or for the following two days. They never called me and asked where the truck was. But instead, they assumed the truck was stolen and called the police, while the whole time the truck was right on their lot!

When the truck stop started threatening to call the police on me and put me in jail, and threatened to make me pay for the $660 fuel bill, that's when I decided it was time for me to quit this company. This isn't the first time I had to sit around waiting for their wire transfers to clear the bank so I could pay for fuel or for truck repairs.

When the truck breaks down, such as it did in Houston on June 26, and I needed a tire late at night, I knew I wouldn't be able to get a hold of anybody, based on their unreliable unavailability in the past. So I tried to make the best decision I could and got the tire fixed so all I had to do in the morning was call the office and tell them how much it was, get the tire paid for, and I could be on my way to make my delivery and my next pick-up without any further delays.

I was only trying to keep the flow moving so I could get home and get the A/C fixed, and they got mad that I didn't call them at three in the morning and tell them I was getting a tire. Why would I call them at three in the morning when they hardly ever answer the phone during the daytime??? I get really tired of calling these people, chasing them down, and nobody answering the phone. I get to the point where I don't want to try any more. I have tested them several times to see how many times I had to call them before someone would answer. A few times I called them about 30 times (literally), and NOBODY ANSWERED! the calls went straight to voice mail! They don't answer, or they shut the phone off and all I get is voice mail. The people at the truck stop in Houston had the same problems when they tried calling the company about getting the fuel bill paid.

On a separate occasion on 6-6-06, when I couldn't pay for the fuel in Foristell, Missouri because another driver went over his spending limit, which made all the other drivers not have money to pay for their fuel; I was very upset because of all the other problems that had already transpired with breakdowns, and my repeated requests being ignored. So I told Kindra that I just wanted to go home when they couldn't pay the fuel bill. I was TIRED of all the problems this company has. I was only three hours away from the office, and I SHOULD HAVE turned that truck around then and gone home, because that trip was a trip FROM HELL; it was problem after problem.

When I told Kindra I just wanted to go home, she began threatening me saying if you do, then I will hit your DAQ Report so hard, that you will NEVER be able to work again! Kindra has repeatedly made threatening comments to me, and played manipulative, coercing, control-freak games with me.

[A DAQ Report is like a credit report that truck driving companies use. The Report tells companies everything about you: your driving record, your current and previous addresses, unpaid tickets, accidents, if you have ever abandoned a truck, been arrested, etc. It's very invasive and intrusive; it gives the employee no privacy.]

As I said, about three weeks ago, when I couldn't pay for the fuel I bought in Foristell, Missouri because another driver went over his spending limit, and money wasn't available for me to pay for my fuel, I ended up spending the whole entire day at the truck stop in Foristell, Missouri. And then the next day I spent the whole entire day in Franklin, Tennessee where I had to get truck repairs done. The mechanics were finished fixing the truck within two hours, but Midwest Freight Lines couldn't pay the bill until 5pm that day because they didn't have the money, and they were waiting for a wire transfer; or so I was told. So I lost two whole entire days because of their stupid wire transfers.

Furthermore, the air-conditioning broke down for the third time since I've been driving this truck. Kindra would not let me get it fixed, and I was suffering in 110 degree weather in California and in Houston while I was driving all day long, and when I was trying to go sleep. I could not get any sleep because it was unbearably hot! And I had to keep the windows open which scared me a lot, because I didn't know if someone was going to try and get inside the truck in the middle of the night and rob me or rape me because I couldn't close the windows because there was no AIR-CONDITIONING.

I think it is very sadistic of Kindra to not allow me to get the air-conditioning fixed, knowing how hot it was. I don't think Kindra cares. She got to go home and lay in her nice comfy cozy bed without sweating in tumultuous heat and get her rest she needed at night while I was suffering in the heat and couldn't get any sleep.

After the company had finally paid their bill for the fuel I bought from the night before, and after Kindra's threatening manipulative control-freak comments to me that I was going to sit there all day, I was afraid that they would made me stay in Houston the rest of the week. This may be true, because all day the next day, they never called me a single time to dispatch a load to me.

Because of all the problems I have listed, and ESPECIALLY because I had no air-conditioning, and they would not pay the fuel bill and lied that they didn't have the money to pay it, but just wanted to play dishonest manipulative CONTROL-FREAK games with me, I drove the truck home from Houston, and left it in their yard. I'm not going to pay someone else's business expenses or be put in jail for them not wanting to pay their bills. So when someone starts doing that to me, that's when I have to make decisions in order to protect myself.

I have NEVER ever, under any circumstances, EVER driven a truck home with any other company I have worked for. If Kindra hadn't been playing manipulative control-freak games with me and my life, I would never have left Houston and driven the truck home. All I can say, is that MFL brought this on themselves. If they had've fixed the air-conditioning so I was suffering from the heat, and so I could get some sleep, and if they had paid their fuel bill instead of lying that they had no money and getting me in trouble with the truck stop, and if they hadn't been playing manipulative CONTROL-FREAK games with me, I never would have driven the truck back to Kansas City from Houston, Texas. I only did it because of Midwest Freight Lines hostile work environment.

As I stated already, I have REPEATEDLY asked for my paychecks also, and they will not give them to me. They keep telling me that Larry has them, and nobody else can give me my paychecks. When I go into the office, LARRY IS NEVER THERE!!! And when I call Larry, HE NEVER ANSWERS THE PHONE!!! This company has my address, but they won't mail my checks to me. I have received only ONE PAYCHECK since I have started working for them! Getting paychecks from MFL is like pulling teeth!

But anyway, these are my complaints against this company.

Payday was July 7, and as of today, July 14, 2006, I have not received my paycheck!

July 14, 2006: I went to MFL today around 1pm to get my paycheck. They still would not give it to me. I had a long conversation with Kendra. She was being verbally abusive with me, calling me stupid. She told me she hit my DAQ Report, and that she wasn't through with me yet whatever that means!

She also told me that she had intentions of making me sit in Houston until she felt like letting me leave. That could have possibly been the rest of the week, for all I know! Afterall, they never called me to dispatch me for two days! Her childish, manipulative, malicious actions scared me, and they are the reason I drove the truck home. Not only that, I could not longer stay in a truck with no A/C in 100 degree temperatures and not get any sleep at night, and being unable to leave the windows closed for my own personal safety at night.

Before I even accepted the job, Kendra told me that MFL does not charge drivers for damages done to the truck. Now they are trying to charge me for the scuffed up bumper, and for supposed damage done to the axle on the trailer when the tire on the truck blew out they claim the tire came off the truck and wrapped itself around the axle. I never saw this when I looked at the truck. They could have wrapped an old tire around the truck themselves for all I know.

Kendra has been consistently threatening and verbally abusive in her comments toward me. She is malicious, manipulative, vindictive, and a control-freak. She tries to use manipulation and intimidation to control people and bully them around.

MFL is are angry that I drove the truck home from Houston, and now they are being vindictive and they are retaliating against me by hitting my DAQ report so I can never get a job again (defamation, libel, slander, and defamation of character), withholding my paycheck, and not giving me all the money they owe me, just because they don't like what I did.

I want a restraining order on these people before they cause me any more harm or damage.

Kenny told me in his office on July 7, that I was a good driver until the very end. I suppose what he meant by the very end is because I drove the truck home without a load. I had no choice I decided to quit the job. I HAD to return their equipment. The only way to return it was to drive it home. The only other option available to me was to leave their truck in Houston, and I didn't want to do that because they would have hit my DAQ report for abandoning the truck.
Now MFL is being malicious, vindictive and retaliating against me for doing this.

Can you hit MFL for Slander, Libel, Extortion, Defamation of Character, Retaliation, and Harassment, as well as slap a fine on them for withholding my paycheck?

Could not pay for the fuel I bought because Kendra said another driver got too much fuel, and I had to wait for a wire transfer to clear, so she could put money on my card to pay for the fuel. She told me I would receive detention pay. I did not get paid for my time. I sat at the truck stop from 9am to 4pm.

Truck broke down in Franklin, Tennessee. By the time I to a shower and came back out, the mechanics were finished replacing the starter and fixing the A/C. But again, MFL did not have any money to pay for the repairs. Again, I had to sit all day at the truck stop and wait for another wire transfer. Two days of driving lost because of their stupid wire transfers! Kendra told me I was getting paid for my time. I was not paid.

I started out loading at Excel in Kansas City, Missouri. I picked up a load of Harely Davidson motorcycles. I had 14 stops, the first originating in Franklin, Tennessee, and the last one ending in Savannah, Georgia. I was supposed to be paid for 13 stops at a rate of $25 each which equals $325. I did not get paid for this either.

My total trip miles (with deadhead miles included) from Excel in Kansas City to my last stop in Savannah, Georgia was 1885 miles.

Another problem is Kendra told me upon my hire that I was going to be paid .35 a mile, but my paycheck says I am being paid only .34.

For this trip I need to be paid for:

2 DAYS DETENTION pay sitting at truck stops waiting for wire transfers to clear. They never told me how much my detention pay was supposed to be when I asked them about it.

1885 x .35mile = $659.75
Plus 13 stops = $325.00

I took a $40 cash advance.
But I used only $21.28 of it to pay for:
Cell phone charger ($7.44)
Log Book ($5.34)
Scale (8.50)

Next trip: Savannah, Georgia > San Antonio, TX = 1256 miles x .35 = $439.60
Next trip: San Antonio, TX > Yuma, AZ = 1669 miles x .35 = $584.15
I made 3 stops, but they pay for only 2, so that would be = $ 50.00
Broke down because tires blew out. Replaced them in Austin (4 hours).
Next trip: Yuma, AZ > Manteca = 316 miles x .35 = $110.60
I picked up a load of watermelons. The broker told MFL and me the load was ready. But when I got there, the load was NOT ready. So the broker and MFL agreed to pay me detention time.
Next trip: Martinez > Norman, OK = 1723 miles x. 35 = $603.05
Next trip: Norman, OK > Houston, TX = 455 miles x .35 = $159.25
these TOTAL = $1946.65
PLUS trip to Savannah, GA (amount includes 13 stops) = $ 984.75

FINAL AMOUNT DUE FOR THESE TRIPS (minus $3.72 for what was left over from the cash advances I used for their business expenses = $2927.68

This amount does not reflect 3 days detention pay I was supposed to receive, so the amount due is actually greater than what is stated, but MFL never told me how much detention pay is, so I cannot add it in to the final amount.

There are problems on ALL my paychecks I received, such as not being paid for deadhead miles, and the total miles I was paid is not accurate. I also used my own money for their business expenses, and have not been paid back.

On all these trips, I took a combined total of $200 cash advances.
I spent $196.28 of the cash advances on tolls, scales, NM permits, log books, and a cell phone charger for the phone they gave me to use. So the remaining amount from the cash advances would be $3.72, which I kept.

I met with Kenny Wilson at my attorney's office on Friday, September 8, 2006 to settle this issue of my unpaid wages. I arrived early at 12:30pm for a 1:00pm appointment. I guess Kenny Wilson decided he had more important things to do than to have the courtesy and respect to show up on time to pay me. He did not arrive until after 4:30pm!

After he finally showed up, we talked for about a half hour, and came to an agreement that he would pay me, would not withhold any money from my paycheck for so-called damages I supposedly did to the truck, that I would pay only half of the fuel (even though I did not like that agreement), that he would pay the ticket for non-registration on the truck (which he SAID he mailed several dozen times but the court has not received payment as of yet! [September 12, 2006]).and we had an agreement to meet on Tuesday, September 12, 2006 at 4:00pm to give me my paycheck.

On Tuesday, September 12, I arrived at Midwest Freight Lines office EXACTLY at 4pm, and when I walked through the door, I was told that Kenny was not there that he was at the dentist! So I did not get a paycheck today as promised.

There is a repetitive pattern from people in this company of being exceedingly inconsiderate, irresponsible and disrespectful of me and my time.

It takes me at least 40 minutes one-way for me to drive to their office. I have made at least 5 trips up there and back home now at my own expense to get my paycheck. Every single time I have gone to the office, they conveniently don't have it. I have spent countless hours and gasoline chasing these people down to get my money. I have also burned up many minutes on my own cell to call the court, babysitting Midwest Freight Lines, to see if did what they SAID they were going to do PAY THE $186 TICKET on THEIR truck that was not registered while I was driving it!

I have spent COUNTLESS hours of MY OWN time, and in gasoline trying to make these people pay me from the day I quit my job in June. I already worked my butt off to earn my money. Now I am having to work, and even spend my own money in gas, attorney's, cell phone minutes, etc TO GET THE MONEY I EARNED, because these inconsiderate, irresponsible, selfish people can't be respectful, responsible, or considerate enough to pay their employees when they are due a paycheck!

I have given them chance after chance, after chance, after chance, after chance, and all they do is slap me in the face every single time! ALL THEY WANT TO DO IS HURT ME! All they care about IS THEMSELVES! These people are EXTREMELY selfish, evil and wicked people. If you are looking into working for this company or doing business with them, go somewhere's not worth the stress, the aggravation, and the hardship.

They obviously don't care what hardships and problems they have, or are causing me by not paying me for all this time.what their excuses are.I don't know, and I really don't care. There ARE NO EXCUSES for not paying an employee their wages!

They have not only hurt me, but they have hurt other people in my life whom I have not been able to pay because Midwest Freight Lines keeps playing childish, inconsiderate, irresponsible games with me. All I can say is, this world would be a much better place without people like them!

Grandview, Missouri

6 Updates & Rebuttals

Another One Screwed Over


Midwest Freight Logistics Kenny Wilson back in business and running Liberty Auto Worx- BEWARE!

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, December 24, 2008

Midwest Freight Logistics Kenny Wilson back in business and running Liberty Auto Worx- BEWARE!
Kenny Wilson is now back in business and running Liberty Auto Worx, 1114 Southview Drive Suite G Liberty MO Shop Phone# (816)429-7415 and is also back involved with Twin Cities Trucking.


Overland Park,

midwest freight / twin cities trucking are the worst ppl to work for

#7UPDATE Employee

Tue, June 12, 2007

I worked for Twin Cities Trucking which is also Midwest Frieght Lines for 6 weeks. When I started I thought Kindra and Jesse Herd were nice people, (I have never been more wrong in my life). Thier trucks are dangerous (they wanted me to drive from Topeka KS to Michagan with a trailer that has cracked drums pieces missing out of drums, breaks that were no good, one completly not working. The truck leaking oil( had to put 2 gallons of oil in every day). Leaking air, wheel seal out, no ac, clutch needed to be replaced, and 8 bald tires.

When I first started with Twin Cities I was teaming with my dad we ran 4000 miles and my paycheck was only $370.00 (that was the highest check I recevied) I went solo thinking I could make more money by myself I was so wrong.

I went from Savanna Ga to Yacima Wa a trip that was over 2800 miles. On this trip My truck broke down with a major engine problem. Kindra and Jesse put me up in a hotel with my dog for a couple of days. They then flew me home. I told Jesse since I have my dog just send ethier my dad or my friend to come and get me. Jesse said he wanted to fly me home. I was not able to bring my dog with me on the plan because he does not like new people. I had to leave him in Wa with the manager at the hotel. I came home and they wanted me to go to Michagin not Washington to get my dog. I found out on the Michigan trip that my dog (my best friend) died. I would still have him if they just sent someone to come get me.

I received my paycheck for the Washington trip and it was $67.32. They said the trip was only 1400 miles not over 2800 miles. The paycheck for the Michagain trip was $32.37. The gross was $274.14 they put my federal taxes at 33.5% which was $91.00 all toghter the taxes came to $171.00 for a $274.14 gross check, how can that be? The check he gave me was not singed so I had to run to the truck stop on the Turnpike to meet him and have it signed. He then told me he did the wire transfere late so the check might not be able to be cashed. I went to his bank and they told me they could not cash the check becasue there was not enough money in the account. I had to go to the dillons on Shawnee Mission Parkway to get cash for the check. I spent $20.00 in gas driving around to meet them for my pay. I talked to Jesse and told him my check is wrong he said he would look at it. The next day Kindra called me to tell me to call Jesse. I called Jesse and he said the check was right. How can that be $171.00 in taxes for $274.14 gross? I quit that day and got another job. No more being screwed over in pay.



Owners of Midwest Freight Line: Cheats, Thieves & Liars!!! Wicked, Evil People!!! Children of Satan!

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, September 21, 2006

I had to make ANOTHER extra trip - at my expense again - to the MF'rs office to pickup my paycheck because these people don't keep their word and do what they say they're going to do, WHEN they SAY they're going to do it! They do whatever they want and to hell with anybody else!

When I got to their office to pick up my paycheck, I had to wait an additional half-hour before they would even give me my check! And Kenny had the nerve to tell me to be patient!

I was already patient enough for THREE MONTHS! I had already waited to get my paycheck that I already worked for and earned THREE MONTHS beforehand, and now they made me wait even longer to get my paycheck while I was standing outside their office!

How RUDE and INCONSIDERATE! You would think that if they really wanted to settle this, that they would have had the check already to go as soon as I walked through the door. It would only be out of common courtesy and respect to do so.

But none of the owners at Midwest Freight Lines understand the meaning of the words "courtesy", "respect", and "do unto others as you would have them do unto you", or "you reap what you sow".

I took the check to my bank the same day and deposited it. Good thing I didn't use any of the money to pay my rent that I'm a MONTH behind on, OR any of my utility bills that I have not paid for nearly THREE MONTHS now! Because I called the bank yesterday (Tuesday, September 19, 2006) to make sure the check cleared, and just as I expected - THE CHECK DID NOT CLEAR MY BANK because of INSUFFICIENT FUNDS!

I was hoping and counting on that check to clear I didn't think it would, but I was giving these rotten people the benefit of the doubt. NOW I HAVE ONLY $100 in my bank account! If I had used ANY amount of that money for ANYthing, I would now have several bounced checks all over the place, and additionally, bounced check FEES that I would have to pay out of my OWN pocket thanks to MFL!

Kendra laughed at me the day I left their office with the check in my hand. ONLY SICK PEOPLE TAKE PLEASURE IN CAUSING OTHER PEOPLE PAIN! You know as the saying goes, "Pride goeth before a fall", and "he who laughs first will laugh LAST!"

Good on you Kendra! Good on you Kenny! Good on you Jesse! LAUGH ALL YOU WANT! WHEN YOU STAND BEFORE GOD, guess what? YOU WON'T BE LAUGHING ANYMORE.

When sitting in my attorney's office, Kenny told both me and my attorney that the ticket was taken care of on Wednesday. Then he said Thursday. Then he said it would be paid on Friday.

So within less than five seconds, Kenny Wilson changed his story three separate times about when the ticket was/or was going to be paid! He also said that he wasn't trying to "hurt me". Can you say L-I-A-R??? YOU ALL HAVE DONE QUITE ALOT TO DO AS MUCH HARM TO ME AS YOU COULD POSSIBLY CONJURE UP IN YOUR WICKED, TWISTED, EVIL MINDS. YOU HAVE HURT ME A LOT! Like I said, ONLY SICK PEOPLE TAKE PLEASURE IN CAUSING OTHER PEOPLE PAIN!

Kendra told me almost three months ago that the ticket was paid. IN THE YEAR 2006, of jet planes and cars, IT DOESN'T TAKE 10 DAYS OR EVEN THREE MONTHS FOR A PIECE OF MAIL TO GO 60 MILES!

You cannot trust these people. These people are cheats, thieves and liars!

As a result of their failed promises, bounced check, and all the heartache and financial hardship they have caused me, I am turning Midwest Freight Lines over to the Prosecuting Attorney's office.

Thanks MFL. I gotchya right where I want ya! (You think you're soooo smart! - LOL!) Taking you directly to the Prosecuting Attorney is the best thing that could ever happen to me. Now you will have to pay up, OR GO TO JAIL! AAAHAHH!! It sure beats attorneys, and having to wait three to six months to fight it out in court with you fecal covered buttfaces!

Is this what you teach your children to do? Is this how you tell your kids to treat others? I hope not! Or this world is in really big trouble. I hope your kids don't turn out to be like you!

I really wish I had never met any of you!
Other countries would probably kill you for doing what you did to me; they kill people for drunk driving and adultery, and cut hands off for stealing. And what you did to me is STEALING!

"I want to remind you that in the last days there will be scoffers who will laugh at the truth and do every evil thing they desire." 2 Peter 3:3

"Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who substitute darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who substitute bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter.

"Therefore, as a tongue of fire consumes straw
and as dry grass shrivels in the flame,
so their roots will become like something rotten
and their blossoms will blow away like dust,
for they have rejected the instruction of the Lord of Hosts, and they have despised
the word of the Holy One of Israel. Therefore the Lord's anger burns against His people.
He raised His hand against them and struck them; the mountains quaked, and their corpses were like garbage in the streets. In all this, His anger is not removed, and His hand is still raised [to strike]." Isaiah 5:20, 24-25

"Ye shall not afflict any widow, OR FATHERLESS CHILD. If thou afflict them in ANY wise, and they cry AT ALL unto me, I will SURELY hear their cry; And my wrath shall WAX HOT, and I WILL KILL YOU with the sword; and your WIVES shall be WIDOWS, and YOUR CHILDREN FATHERLESS." (Exodus 22:22-24 KJV)

**ATTN: Kendra, Jesse and Kenny: This will remain on for all eternity for your children, your grandchildren, and their children's children to read how you people really are!



Owners of Midwest Freight Line: Cheats, Thieves & Liars!!! Wicked, Evil People!!! Children of Satan!

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, September 21, 2006

I had to make ANOTHER extra trip - at my expense again - to the MF'rs office to pickup my paycheck because these people don't keep their word and do what they say they're going to do, WHEN they SAY they're going to do it! They do whatever they want and to hell with anybody else!

When I got to their office to pick up my paycheck, I had to wait an additional half-hour before they would even give me my check! And Kenny had the nerve to tell me to be patient!

I was already patient enough for THREE MONTHS! I had already waited to get my paycheck that I already worked for and earned THREE MONTHS beforehand, and now they made me wait even longer to get my paycheck while I was standing outside their office!

How RUDE and INCONSIDERATE! You would think that if they really wanted to settle this, that they would have had the check already to go as soon as I walked through the door. It would only be out of common courtesy and respect to do so.

But none of the owners at Midwest Freight Lines understand the meaning of the words "courtesy", "respect", and "do unto others as you would have them do unto you", or "you reap what you sow".

I took the check to my bank the same day and deposited it. Good thing I didn't use any of the money to pay my rent that I'm a MONTH behind on, OR any of my utility bills that I have not paid for nearly THREE MONTHS now! Because I called the bank yesterday (Tuesday, September 19, 2006) to make sure the check cleared, and just as I expected - THE CHECK DID NOT CLEAR MY BANK because of INSUFFICIENT FUNDS!

I was hoping and counting on that check to clear I didn't think it would, but I was giving these rotten people the benefit of the doubt. NOW I HAVE ONLY $100 in my bank account! If I had used ANY amount of that money for ANYthing, I would now have several bounced checks all over the place, and additionally, bounced check FEES that I would have to pay out of my OWN pocket thanks to MFL!

Kendra laughed at me the day I left their office with the check in my hand. ONLY SICK PEOPLE TAKE PLEASURE IN CAUSING OTHER PEOPLE PAIN! You know as the saying goes, "Pride goeth before a fall", and "he who laughs first will laugh LAST!"

Good on you Kendra! Good on you Kenny! Good on you Jesse! LAUGH ALL YOU WANT! WHEN YOU STAND BEFORE GOD, guess what? YOU WON'T BE LAUGHING ANYMORE.

When sitting in my attorney's office, Kenny told both me and my attorney that the ticket was taken care of on Wednesday. Then he said Thursday. Then he said it would be paid on Friday.

So within less than five seconds, Kenny Wilson changed his story three separate times about when the ticket was/or was going to be paid! He also said that he wasn't trying to "hurt me". Can you say L-I-A-R??? YOU ALL HAVE DONE QUITE ALOT TO DO AS MUCH HARM TO ME AS YOU COULD POSSIBLY CONJURE UP IN YOUR WICKED, TWISTED, EVIL MINDS. YOU HAVE HURT ME A LOT! Like I said, ONLY SICK PEOPLE TAKE PLEASURE IN CAUSING OTHER PEOPLE PAIN!

Kendra told me almost three months ago that the ticket was paid. IN THE YEAR 2006, of jet planes and cars, IT DOESN'T TAKE 10 DAYS OR EVEN THREE MONTHS FOR A PIECE OF MAIL TO GO 60 MILES!

You cannot trust these people. These people are cheats, thieves and liars!

As a result of their failed promises, bounced check, and all the heartache and financial hardship they have caused me, I am turning Midwest Freight Lines over to the Prosecuting Attorney's office.

Thanks MFL. I gotchya right where I want ya! (You think you're soooo smart! - LOL!) Taking you directly to the Prosecuting Attorney is the best thing that could ever happen to me. Now you will have to pay up, OR GO TO JAIL! AAAHAHH!! It sure beats attorneys, and having to wait three to six months to fight it out in court with you fecal covered buttfaces!

Is this what you teach your children to do? Is this how you tell your kids to treat others? I hope not! Or this world is in really big trouble. I hope your kids don't turn out to be like you!

I really wish I had never met any of you!
Other countries would probably kill you for doing what you did to me; they kill people for drunk driving and adultery, and cut hands off for stealing. And what you did to me is STEALING!

"I want to remind you that in the last days there will be scoffers who will laugh at the truth and do every evil thing they desire." 2 Peter 3:3

"Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who substitute darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who substitute bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter.

"Therefore, as a tongue of fire consumes straw
and as dry grass shrivels in the flame,
so their roots will become like something rotten
and their blossoms will blow away like dust,
for they have rejected the instruction of the Lord of Hosts, and they have despised
the word of the Holy One of Israel. Therefore the Lord's anger burns against His people.
He raised His hand against them and struck them; the mountains quaked, and their corpses were like garbage in the streets. In all this, His anger is not removed, and His hand is still raised [to strike]." Isaiah 5:20, 24-25

"Ye shall not afflict any widow, OR FATHERLESS CHILD. If thou afflict them in ANY wise, and they cry AT ALL unto me, I will SURELY hear their cry; And my wrath shall WAX HOT, and I WILL KILL YOU with the sword; and your WIVES shall be WIDOWS, and YOUR CHILDREN FATHERLESS." (Exodus 22:22-24 KJV)

**ATTN: Kendra, Jesse and Kenny: This will remain on for all eternity for your children, your grandchildren, and their children's children to read how you people really are!



Owners of Midwest Freight Line: Cheats, Thieves & Liars!!! Wicked, Evil People!!! Children of Satan!

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, September 21, 2006

I had to make ANOTHER extra trip - at my expense again - to the MF'rs office to pickup my paycheck because these people don't keep their word and do what they say they're going to do, WHEN they SAY they're going to do it! They do whatever they want and to hell with anybody else!

When I got to their office to pick up my paycheck, I had to wait an additional half-hour before they would even give me my check! And Kenny had the nerve to tell me to be patient!

I was already patient enough for THREE MONTHS! I had already waited to get my paycheck that I already worked for and earned THREE MONTHS beforehand, and now they made me wait even longer to get my paycheck while I was standing outside their office!

How RUDE and INCONSIDERATE! You would think that if they really wanted to settle this, that they would have had the check already to go as soon as I walked through the door. It would only be out of common courtesy and respect to do so.

But none of the owners at Midwest Freight Lines understand the meaning of the words "courtesy", "respect", and "do unto others as you would have them do unto you", or "you reap what you sow".

I took the check to my bank the same day and deposited it. Good thing I didn't use any of the money to pay my rent that I'm a MONTH behind on, OR any of my utility bills that I have not paid for nearly THREE MONTHS now! Because I called the bank yesterday (Tuesday, September 19, 2006) to make sure the check cleared, and just as I expected - THE CHECK DID NOT CLEAR MY BANK because of INSUFFICIENT FUNDS!

I was hoping and counting on that check to clear I didn't think it would, but I was giving these rotten people the benefit of the doubt. NOW I HAVE ONLY $100 in my bank account! If I had used ANY amount of that money for ANYthing, I would now have several bounced checks all over the place, and additionally, bounced check FEES that I would have to pay out of my OWN pocket thanks to MFL!

Kendra laughed at me the day I left their office with the check in my hand. ONLY SICK PEOPLE TAKE PLEASURE IN CAUSING OTHER PEOPLE PAIN! You know as the saying goes, "Pride goeth before a fall", and "he who laughs first will laugh LAST!"

Good on you Kendra! Good on you Kenny! Good on you Jesse! LAUGH ALL YOU WANT! WHEN YOU STAND BEFORE GOD, guess what? YOU WON'T BE LAUGHING ANYMORE.

When sitting in my attorney's office, Kenny told both me and my attorney that the ticket was taken care of on Wednesday. Then he said Thursday. Then he said it would be paid on Friday.

So within less than five seconds, Kenny Wilson changed his story three separate times about when the ticket was/or was going to be paid! He also said that he wasn't trying to "hurt me". Can you say L-I-A-R??? YOU ALL HAVE DONE QUITE ALOT TO DO AS MUCH HARM TO ME AS YOU COULD POSSIBLY CONJURE UP IN YOUR WICKED, TWISTED, EVIL MINDS. YOU HAVE HURT ME A LOT! Like I said, ONLY SICK PEOPLE TAKE PLEASURE IN CAUSING OTHER PEOPLE PAIN!

Kendra told me almost three months ago that the ticket was paid. IN THE YEAR 2006, of jet planes and cars, IT DOESN'T TAKE 10 DAYS OR EVEN THREE MONTHS FOR A PIECE OF MAIL TO GO 60 MILES!

You cannot trust these people. These people are cheats, thieves and liars!

As a result of their failed promises, bounced check, and all the heartache and financial hardship they have caused me, I am turning Midwest Freight Lines over to the Prosecuting Attorney's office.

Thanks MFL. I gotchya right where I want ya! (You think you're soooo smart! - LOL!) Taking you directly to the Prosecuting Attorney is the best thing that could ever happen to me. Now you will have to pay up, OR GO TO JAIL! AAAHAHH!! It sure beats attorneys, and having to wait three to six months to fight it out in court with you fecal covered buttfaces!

Is this what you teach your children to do? Is this how you tell your kids to treat others? I hope not! Or this world is in really big trouble. I hope your kids don't turn out to be like you!

I really wish I had never met any of you!
Other countries would probably kill you for doing what you did to me; they kill people for drunk driving and adultery, and cut hands off for stealing. And what you did to me is STEALING!

"I want to remind you that in the last days there will be scoffers who will laugh at the truth and do every evil thing they desire." 2 Peter 3:3

"Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who substitute darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who substitute bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter.

"Therefore, as a tongue of fire consumes straw
and as dry grass shrivels in the flame,
so their roots will become like something rotten
and their blossoms will blow away like dust,
for they have rejected the instruction of the Lord of Hosts, and they have despised
the word of the Holy One of Israel. Therefore the Lord's anger burns against His people.
He raised His hand against them and struck them; the mountains quaked, and their corpses were like garbage in the streets. In all this, His anger is not removed, and His hand is still raised [to strike]." Isaiah 5:20, 24-25

"Ye shall not afflict any widow, OR FATHERLESS CHILD. If thou afflict them in ANY wise, and they cry AT ALL unto me, I will SURELY hear their cry; And my wrath shall WAX HOT, and I WILL KILL YOU with the sword; and your WIVES shall be WIDOWS, and YOUR CHILDREN FATHERLESS." (Exodus 22:22-24 KJV)

**ATTN: Kendra, Jesse and Kenny: This will remain on for all eternity for your children, your grandchildren, and their children's children to read how you people really are!



Owners of Midwest Freight Line: Cheats, Thieves & Liars!!! Wicked, Evil People!!! Children of Satan!

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, September 21, 2006

I had to make ANOTHER extra trip - at my expense again - to the MF'rs office to pickup my paycheck because these people don't keep their word and do what they say they're going to do, WHEN they SAY they're going to do it! They do whatever they want and to hell with anybody else!

When I got to their office to pick up my paycheck, I had to wait an additional half-hour before they would even give me my check! And Kenny had the nerve to tell me to be patient!

I was already patient enough for THREE MONTHS! I had already waited to get my paycheck that I already worked for and earned THREE MONTHS beforehand, and now they made me wait even longer to get my paycheck while I was standing outside their office!

How RUDE and INCONSIDERATE! You would think that if they really wanted to settle this, that they would have had the check already to go as soon as I walked through the door. It would only be out of common courtesy and respect to do so.

But none of the owners at Midwest Freight Lines understand the meaning of the words "courtesy", "respect", and "do unto others as you would have them do unto you", or "you reap what you sow".

I took the check to my bank the same day and deposited it. Good thing I didn't use any of the money to pay my rent that I'm a MONTH behind on, OR any of my utility bills that I have not paid for nearly THREE MONTHS now! Because I called the bank yesterday (Tuesday, September 19, 2006) to make sure the check cleared, and just as I expected - THE CHECK DID NOT CLEAR MY BANK because of INSUFFICIENT FUNDS!

I was hoping and counting on that check to clear I didn't think it would, but I was giving these rotten people the benefit of the doubt. NOW I HAVE ONLY $100 in my bank account! If I had used ANY amount of that money for ANYthing, I would now have several bounced checks all over the place, and additionally, bounced check FEES that I would have to pay out of my OWN pocket thanks to MFL!

Kendra laughed at me the day I left their office with the check in my hand. ONLY SICK PEOPLE TAKE PLEASURE IN CAUSING OTHER PEOPLE PAIN! You know as the saying goes, "Pride goeth before a fall", and "he who laughs first will laugh LAST!"

Good on you Kendra! Good on you Kenny! Good on you Jesse! LAUGH ALL YOU WANT! WHEN YOU STAND BEFORE GOD, guess what? YOU WON'T BE LAUGHING ANYMORE.

When sitting in my attorney's office, Kenny told both me and my attorney that the ticket was taken care of on Wednesday. Then he said Thursday. Then he said it would be paid on Friday.

So within less than five seconds, Kenny Wilson changed his story three separate times about when the ticket was/or was going to be paid! He also said that he wasn't trying to "hurt me". Can you say L-I-A-R??? YOU ALL HAVE DONE QUITE ALOT TO DO AS MUCH HARM TO ME AS YOU COULD POSSIBLY CONJURE UP IN YOUR WICKED, TWISTED, EVIL MINDS. YOU HAVE HURT ME A LOT! Like I said, ONLY SICK PEOPLE TAKE PLEASURE IN CAUSING OTHER PEOPLE PAIN!

Kendra told me almost three months ago that the ticket was paid. IN THE YEAR 2006, of jet planes and cars, IT DOESN'T TAKE 10 DAYS OR EVEN THREE MONTHS FOR A PIECE OF MAIL TO GO 60 MILES!

You cannot trust these people. These people are cheats, thieves and liars!

As a result of their failed promises, bounced check, and all the heartache and financial hardship they have caused me, I am turning Midwest Freight Lines over to the Prosecuting Attorney's office.

Thanks MFL. I gotchya right where I want ya! (You think you're soooo smart! - LOL!) Taking you directly to the Prosecuting Attorney is the best thing that could ever happen to me. Now you will have to pay up, OR GO TO JAIL! AAAHAHH!! It sure beats attorneys, and having to wait three to six months to fight it out in court with you fecal covered buttfaces!

Is this what you teach your children to do? Is this how you tell your kids to treat others? I hope not! Or this world is in really big trouble. I hope your kids don't turn out to be like you!

I really wish I had never met any of you!
Other countries would probably kill you for doing what you did to me; they kill people for drunk driving and adultery, and cut hands off for stealing. And what you did to me is STEALING!

"I want to remind you that in the last days there will be scoffers who will laugh at the truth and do every evil thing they desire." 2 Peter 3:3

"Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who substitute darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who substitute bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter.

"Therefore, as a tongue of fire consumes straw
and as dry grass shrivels in the flame,
so their roots will become like something rotten
and their blossoms will blow away like dust,
for they have rejected the instruction of the Lord of Hosts, and they have despised
the word of the Holy One of Israel. Therefore the Lord's anger burns against His people.
He raised His hand against them and struck them; the mountains quaked, and their corpses were like garbage in the streets. In all this, His anger is not removed, and His hand is still raised [to strike]." Isaiah 5:20, 24-25

"Ye shall not afflict any widow, OR FATHERLESS CHILD. If thou afflict them in ANY wise, and they cry AT ALL unto me, I will SURELY hear their cry; And my wrath shall WAX HOT, and I WILL KILL YOU with the sword; and your WIVES shall be WIDOWS, and YOUR CHILDREN FATHERLESS." (Exodus 22:22-24 KJV)

**ATTN: Kendra, Jesse and Kenny: This will remain on for all eternity for your children, your grandchildren, and their children's children to read how you people really are!

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