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  • Report:  #369842

Complaint Review: Mike "Doc" Murdock SEO Expert

Mike "Doc" Murdock SEO Expert Quit Service without Notice, Refusal to participate and horriblely negative experience Phoenix, AZ Internet

  • Reported By:
    Phoenix Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Thu, September 04, 2008
  • Updated:
    Wed, September 17, 2008
  • Mike "Doc" Murdock SEO Expert
  • Phone:
  • Category:

This was a really bad experience.

** Really upset at referral **

After a continual eroding relationship with Mike Murdock at and, I feel really upset, and I need to speak up. Although I am still trying to make my relationship with him work, it has been a horrible process of listening to his denials, accusations and a constant stream of telling me 'no' upon any and every request I've made of him this year that I hired him for.

I hired him primarily because of a recommendation from IBI Global, now called CEOSpace. When I asked him for client referrals, they were weak. And the deliverables in his advertising were also unclear. Despite this, I mistakenly moved forward because I trusted the referral.

** No guarantees and a lot of shirking responsibility **

What I constantly asked him for before hiring him was a relationship of accountability - that's what I asked for - a coach. He said he could provide that along with all these other SEO services. My first red flag was that he wouldn't put these verbal agreements in writing, and now I know why.

We signed a one-year membership agreement to work together. And his entire format for 'coaching' me was to tell me that he wasn't doing anything until I sent him an article or press release. Ya, that's not really helpful, and certainly doesn't motivate someone to start writing: no accountability and no support. In fact, I asked for a monthly coaching and accountability call several times, and there were always excuses why he wasn't interested in talking to me.

And then, with 4 months left in our 1-year contract, and right when I started publishing articles to send him (yay!), he is invoking a 'you snooze you lose' policy in the fine print. So after no motivation, no support and no coaching, I get a no-refunds and "I'm tired of you" departure from our 1-year member agreement, just when I needed him most.

** Frustrating attitude, no warnings, no grace periods **

I think his "no" attitude is the worst part for me. Its one thing to feel like you wasted your money because you didn't take advantage of an opportunity. It's another to feel that your investment actually made you feel more negative, frustrated and slapped in the face by all the things he wouldn't do. I guess this flies in the face of my own service-oriented attitude, and it's really upsetting!

In the middle of the year, I asked him for a temporary respite from our working together so I could find the coaching to get articles done (since he wasn't providing that at all). He said that we could absolutely take a break while I figured things out and found a 'boss' to hold me accountable to get the work done. Resuming a membership that you've already paid for in advance is a standard and ethical business practice for any membership service. If my clients buy 3 months, and they want to pick back up the last month, that's perfectly fine. Instead, I get an email from Mike, just one in a long string of negative responses to work.

I've watched him destroy several business relationships, and I thought I was the exception - because of my charm and persistence, I could somehow make it work, and even make a profit from the $1200 investment I made in him.

Although I wanted to make this relationship last (or at least work at all), it's probably better to just take my medicine, like any other bad business decision. I could probably work really hard to charm him, but I think I'm all outta steam (which says a LOT for me to be outta steam!) It has been a slow evasive negative feeling from him, ever since the "honeymoon" of our 12-month relationship wore off in February last year (the 2nd month). I'd rather just let the money and relationship go, and be glad to have learned a good lesson in clearer deliverables and getting specific client referrals before hiring someone.

Phoenix, Arizona

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Michael Murdock


Apology accepted, a business decision made

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, September 16, 2008

I have spoken with the person who filed this report and appreciate their reply. I also respect the decisions of ROR to not remove reports. It's unfortunate in this case as the individual chose not to reveal their real name, wrote in masquerading as a woman when they are a man, and lied in their tale that they told.

All that being said. I am a person of honor and have spoken with them, found out that they had a bad evening and decided to write what they did.

They have spoken with me and text messaged me that they would not blame me if I did not do business with them again.

After that, they basically told me to do my own SEO to cover up this mess that they created. I think that's beyond the realm of reason for this situation, so since there is no pleasing this person and they're apparently out to try and make my life miserable, I've had to make a business decision not to continue to do business with them.

In business, we business owners have to things in place to protect ourselves and our businesses. When I work with clients, I do have them agree to terms and I do point them to my policies page. If they don't read the terms and they do business with me, they agree to those terms. The terms are specific and have been in place for over 5 years (for this company), longer for my other companies.

I hope that ROR can respect that I've done everything I have needed to do, including spending more time with this individual trying to remedy this situation. He neglected to read the fine print on your site (more than likely, since this is a repeat of my situation with him, he read it, ignored it and we are where we are).

Life happens, business happens and this is one of those cases where you have to bite the bullet and move on. I am doing that and I refuse to expend any more energy on this matter.

I wish that ROR would remove the report as it's false, based in lies, and concealed by this person claiming to be someone they are not, but I respect your rules here.

Thanks for all that you do and consumers do have a right to know the whole truth.

Michael Murdock, CEO



Appology and Retraction

#4Author of original report

Fri, September 12, 2008

I apologize for posting the above statement about Mike, and I retract this statement completely.

I also apologize for posting anonymously as "Rebecca." It takes courage to admit who you are, and I lacked that courage at the time.

Mark B
(((ROR redacted)))

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Michael Murdock


Rebecca Misspelled her name

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, September 12, 2008

I guess the best part about this is that I keep really good records. Rebecca does not exist. This is a false ripoff report filed by someone who did not hold up his end of the agreement as discussed in emails, phone calls and documented in googledocs by both of us.

The sad part about it is that he was told to read the fine print and refused to do so. He was told that there was no grace periods and no refunds. Nobody died. He fell off his horse and refused to get up and do the work.

I am a coach and a damned good one. I get people results including him and I get them traffic to their websites.

See unlike the individual who I will not name here as this will be going to court, I am someone honest and direct and I hold my clients accountable for their vision.

He was told to keep in touch. He was told that there was a limit to good graces and he was told there are NO REFUNDS.

Now it's his game to get on the net and post something false like this to try and do damage to my good name. Sad to see him have to deal with his fears of success and lack of stones that way.

My personal suggestion for him is to extract his head from his backside and figure out what he wants to be and just plain grow up.

Sorry Mark (his real first name). There are no refunds. And yes, my lawyer will be calling you.

Thanks Ripoff Report for doing what you do and allowing us to rebutt such garbage.

Oh and he was offered the chance to put things in writing and refused to do so as he was not sure he'd sign a contract with a NO REFUNDS clause as he "could not commit to doing his side of the work"

Give me a break.

Michael Murdock, CEO

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