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  • Report:  #1473651

Complaint Review: Mike G Glaspie Mike G Marketing

Mike G Glaspie, Mike G Marketing The Webinar of the Year Spoke to Mike G. over the phone, and he tried to sell me a completely WORTHLESS website for $1500.00. I have been trying for years to get off his mailing list, and the link at the bottom of his e-mails NEVER works. Jensen Beach Florida

  • Reported By:
    Joseph — Surrey Canada
  • Submitted:
    Sat, February 16, 2019
  • Updated:
    Wed, May 11, 2022

I live in Canada. Somehow, I got on the mailing list of this con artist, scammer, crook, creep, jerk, ripoff artist, thief, and all-round "nice guy." Now, he has sent me the e-mail which I have copied below -- see for yourself. He outright states that he works with criminals. Don't you have ANY law enforcement agency in your country that can put this guy in JAIL once and for all?

A lifetime sentence for him would be TOO SHORT! Look at this e-mail from him: Coin Deal Update: If you have not joined me in this very lucrative program this is likely your last opportunity to earn 10x your money Joseph, If you are already a participant with me in this venture (remember I have over $35,000 of my own money in it), you have been receiving updates at least twice a week keeping you in the loop, but I wanted EVERYONE to hear the latest.

Please feel free to listen to the recording at this link where I share with you why I am convinced this is not a scam and why I have put so much of my own money in it already: This morning's update I sent participants, pointed out the bank in Seoul, South Korea, is supposed to give us disbursement dates around next Tuesday (U.S. banks are closed on Monday due to President's Day here in the USA.) But for the owner it is that time of the month again, as you may know he entered into a court approved settlement keeping his derriere out of ClubFed as long as he pays the $18,000 fine monthly and pursues the sale of the business.

It's an enormous deal, hundreds of millions of dollars, with three separate buyer groups - U.S., China, and South Koreans. If you act now before Wednesday close of business day, as per the order form at: we will be able to fund the owner's fine and ongoing operational costs as he must keep the business open in order to sell it.

In fact, the buyers had a vote this week at a big meeting in Nevada where Chinese and South Korean buyers traveled to the meeting and they all agreed to hire the current owner as the Director of the new company once they take it over. Also earlier this week, my merchant bank, which I have done business with for 21 years, notified me they do not process credit cards for anything related to crypto currency. And if you have been following this new crypto industry you realize that over time it will cost all of the conventional money handlers - banks, lending institutions, investment institutions, and yes even merchant accounts - it will cost them all money as crypto in various denominations gradually but albeit assuredly take over the way people receive and spend their money.

Therefore, on the order form you will see my bank wire information, just print it and take it to the bank and send your desired amount. Then, and this is important, send my personal assistant Amy an email at amysue.ican @ (without the spaces) with the subject line "Coin Deal" and this information:

1) The amount you sent

2) Your full name

3) Your email address

4) What it cost you to send the wire, because... I want to accurately match up your wire with you and when I get paid for helping the owner out and he pays me back at a 10-to-1 plus the original amounts tendered, I will also reimburse you for the cost of sending the wire (but not at 10-to-1, just whatever it cost you to send the bank wire).

Any questions then please immediately email Amy also. Please hurry. If I reach the desired economic goal before the close of business Wednesday I will take the form down early.


Mike G. CEO

When this closes, not before, I may receive compensation for sharing this with you but I would not tell you anything unless I felt very good about it. The details of the deal and opportunity are as per the recorded discussion. There are NO refunds or guarantees, and every penny is being sent to the man/company who must have it.

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4 Updates & Rebuttals


Palm Beach,
United States

#5Consumer Suggestion

Wed, May 11, 2022

Maurice sounds like Mike G!! Its been a year and the Mike G Deal has not come any closer to closing. Still think its real???

Mike Glaspie aka Mike G belongs in prison. He has spent his entire life living off lying and stealing from elderly victims. The truth is out there do not fall for his slick talking conference calls backed by his circle of known scammer friends. Do your research on this criminal!


Go to these sites that expose this thief:


Join our group on Telegram 'Mike G Uncensored'


Some of Mikes criminal circle of scammers include:

Neil Suresh Chandran

Garry John Davidson

Linda Knott

Samuel Anderson Sr.

Ivan Heckscher

His new Ponzi Scheme is called WOW: Win on Wealth (With Arthur AJ Lewis)

His new fake software is called ICANAUTOTRADE

Everything about Mike G is a scam and everyone he works with is a known scammer


Long Beach,
United States

I’m a victim of this scam I was lost get help

#5Consumer Suggestion

Sun, March 27, 2022

They are scammers, Please beware of them. People have lost ample amount of money because of them sleeping became luxury when I lost my money and my account to this company


United States

Response to Mike G cheerleader Maurice

#5General Comment

Sun, July 18, 2021

Let's look at the facts. 

Payouts for Pardners - On the updates that MikeG releases periodically regarding "the deal", he has begun to include a section called "Save This Deal".  This is an appeal to his audience to send him more money supposedly to save the "monster deal" that his is supposedly working on.   There is a table that lists how much to "loan" vs how much you are to receive when the deal gets finalized.  Here are a few examples:

  • $500 will make you $12 million
  • $5,000 will make you $562.5 million
  • And a top loan of $100,000 will get you $56.25 billion [that's billion with a "B", people]). 


Oh, before that payout, every lucky partner who "loaned" money at any level amount will get an **initial** $500,000 payout....every single partner.  He states that here:


So, how much total money will all the partners get to split after the sale has been finalized?  Just under $8 trillion (that's with a "T", people)!!  Never mind that this amount is larger than the GDP of most countries in the world.  It must be true - MikeG says so, right here:


And Mike G wants you to know that President Biden has actually funded this deal through the US Federal Reserve.  Yep, he said that, too.


Summary:  Most people would look at this deal proposal that MikeG and his organization are trying to rope people into and laugh at the preposterousness and detachment from reality of it all.  But, sadly, there are folks who are guided by "hopium" and have sent real money to this fraudster.  It seems like MikeG lives by the motto, "The bigger the whopper, the more they'll fall for it."  

Beware - Play "head-up" ball.



United States

Mike G Deal

#5General Comment

Wed, June 30, 2021

Hello, I want to say that I am also one that has been a part of this Mike G Deal and my experience was totally different.  I am a retired Police Detective who Specialized in the Crime Investigation Unit for 25 yrs In New York. I then retired and moved to Florida.  My Son spoke to me regarding this and I'm always looking to support him in anything he does. So first I looked to see if this guy was a real person and after checking ( a little inside help )  it was confirmed that he is a real person that I Actually spoke with on a verified Zoom call.

I believe at the time you shared this information the deal was in its beginning stages. This man Is a verified  Multi Millionaire been in business for over 40yrs. His Ican Network is worth over 400 million dollars and has phone technology all over the world. There are many wealthy individuals that I know ( Can't mention names ) that have heard of this gentleman. After verifying all this I proceeded to support my son through this venture. It was a 500.00 dollars investment he never asked us for anything more.

My thoughts " If it is a scam ( Which I didn't feel it was after verification ) then I'm out of 500 dollars !!!  Just the same feeling I get when I'm in Las Vegas gambling, I went by the notion of a feeling when I was working the streets of  New York we call it a "Hunch"  So we decided to stay with it and I'm Blessed to say that it worked out just fine for Me and my son for will never have to work again!!  God is GOOD

 I don't normally get on here at all and make comments, May never make one again...  May I Repeat... WE WILL NEVER HAVE TO WORK AGAIN!!!  That was the Magnitude of this deal.   You may feel the way you feel However, I had to mention this and give Props to that Man Mike T Glaspie As they say in NYC  " If you don't know Now you Know" Thank you for Listening 

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