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  • Report:  #1510205

Complaint Review: Mike Glaspie

Mike Glaspie Total scam investment Internet

  • Reported By:
    cool_skeptic — Paradise Valley United States
  • Submitted:
    Wed, July 21, 2021
  • Updated:
    Wed, January 11, 2023

I was approached to invest in a super lucrative deal by someone in this scam. I personally know 5 people who have LOST a total of $50,000 to this moron.

The basic idea is there is a secret company...and if you give Mike G'll get an outrageous amount back. You can't know the company name behind the investment though....It's "secret" due to an NDA Mike G and his scam buddies signed.

That’s weird and stupid and I’ve never heard of something like that.

Let's break this down further:

-I was told Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos were involved in running the company. Since those guys are both trying to go to Mars, I doubt they’re involved in a crypto deal that runs updates on a website with a 90’s aesthetic and stock photos of convertibles:

-I was told a $500 investment would make $12 million dollars. Those are not typos: the price of a used laptop would make $12 million dollars. I believe this is false because those proportions are literally incredible, as in not credible. They make Bernie Madoff look like Honest Abe, especially since they won't even tell us the name of the company. Also, at a social level, why would Mike Glaspie want to give me, a total stranger, this sort of opportunity? With these proportions, if he gave this investment opportunity to a few dozen people, the payouts would exceed the amount of money in the entire world. It is more likely that he is trying to use people’s greed to swindle them.

-Mike Glaspie has a Cease & Desist order from Michigan, and hasn’t taken the most basic and fundamental steps to provide legitimacy to his business. I spoke to the investigator from Michigan, Eric, and he was familiar with Mike’s MO and fraudulent history. At the minimum, if I’m going to give someone money, I appreciate if they don’t have investigators in other states who are intimately familiar with the details of fraudulent investments that have never made money for anyone. I don’t feel that’s asking too much.

-He keeps giving my family deadlines: “Prepare for your payout at the end of this week! Can you taste the smell of the sea on your new yacht?” And then, wow, so unfortunate: the payouts can’t happen because of something trivial. Here is an example from his update on June 9, 2021: “Yesterday because of a couple of emails I felt were totally inappropriate, I ask Garry to ask the seller late yesterday, to write a brief letter from him personally which is below.

We are all very sorry for for our closing delay. This is a small delay and is expected to be resolved at tomorrow's board meeting.

Why the delay? One of the big members feels his ego has been bruised. We have had this in the past! YOU CAN BE INVITED IN, and if you make waves the Board can replace you by VOTING YOU OUT! That said, it is unlikely he will want out and he'll decide  tonight at the Board meeting.”

The point of this poorly written passage is that the payouts have been delayed, and it’s because of some idiot on the “board”…feeling bad. Literally, a bruised ego is holding up billions of dollars. Ridiculous.

In the same update: “Tonight the Board will find out if the current 5th buyer wants to swallow his pride over his hurt feelings because he could not wrestle from the board the top spot, the Chairman of the buyer's group, which had already been awarded to Mr. Jeff Bezos.”

Bezos literally just got off a rocket ship. He is actually deboarding it, in the news, and this guy is claiming Bezos is doing this crypto deal. I’d feel better if Santa Claus was running things, just from an availability perspective, but I digress.




5 Updates & Rebuttals



Looks like the authorities have finally caught up with Mike T Glaspie

#6General Comment

Tue, January 10, 2023

Mike T Glaspie has been formally charged by the SEC

cant wait for Ivan's response


United States

You people need to stop

#6General Comment

Mon, September 20, 2021

Mike G is a good man I am heavily involved in his most recent project known as the Mike G project I am so thankful Mike has allowed ordinary people to be a part of this life changing project We are going to change the world for the better once this deal closes and it is closing very soon! Stop spreading false lies about his latest project You are just opening yourself up for possible libel lawsuits! Sincerely Danny Atlanta Ga


United States sure showed Mike! lol

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, September 13, 2021

In response to the OP "cool skeptic," and for anyone reading this, I want to say first I have known Mike a long time and my partner and I have also been a LP for a long time. Here is what I want to say and what I want people to know:

1.) You are obviously not a loan partner and have never met or talked to Mike. Your opinion is limited to a few things you Googled.

2.) Read a book. NDAs for investments are not abnormal or unreasonable. You've "never heard of something like that..."? In all the complex and high-level business transactions you've facilitated or been a part of? ...Oh, ok.

3.) His cease & desist from Michigan was from an aggravated loan partner who was frustrated it hadn't closed yet. This does NOT mean this deal isn't real. It means it hasn't closed yet. Read that as many times as you need to before it makes sense. People get squirrely when they expected a return in a certain time frame (which Mike has NEVER promised – he is not in charge of the information, he just communicates what he is told). That is exactly what happened here. Who cares, next.

4.) This is the most important part. You asked "why would he give you this opportunity?" Mike has talked about this before and I have also talked to him regarding his values and mission. When Garry came to Mike 4 years ago to help raise money for the seller's company, Mike 1.) did his due diligence for 6 months prior to signing on and agreeing to be involved and 2.) he 100% knew that he could hit up 3, 4, 5, 10 of his wealthiest friends and make them astronomically more wealthy. He had no desire to do that.

Mike has a heart of gold and cares deeply about his legacy and reputation and his ONLY intention in positioning himself the way he has is to create an enormous group of millionaires who can change the world and make a philanthropic difference. He knew that all this wealth concentrated amongst his 10 rich friends would never do that. It doesn’t matter if you laugh at that or don’t believe it – it’s the truth.

5.) Do you REALLY think a successful 70 year old man with grandchildren and a wife and kids, who has already made many millions of dollars woke up one day and said "You know what I am going to do, at this stage in my life, I am going to put it all at risk and risk spending THE REST OF MY LIFE IN JAIL..." No, he didn't.

Mike has invested MILLIONS of his own dollars in this, more than any loan partner. He believes in it, and our seller, that much.

6.) Scammers don’t offer free and wide-open access to them with an email address, phone number and an easily findable presence in the country. The only reason you think it’s a scam is because of the payouts and the look of the website. The payouts are real and the deal is real. It might not close, as can happen with ANY business deal. Things fall through ALL the time. But that doesn’t mean that Mike isn’t trying to do something really special and genuine.

I agree the update site leaves much to be desired and that it doesn't have the professional look it could. Again, Mike is 70, not a millennial. When this started 4 years ago, the only purpose of the site was updating 100-200 of his closest and long-time associates (he initially offered it to a small group of people who had known him a long time and had done prior business with - he never expected it to take this long). So I am sure he thought who cares about a fancy website.

I don’t think there is anything wrong with having questions.  However, if you aren’t willing to talk to the source and actually educate yourself on the intricacies of the deal and Mike’s mission/goal/intent, your opinion is completely uninformed and irrelevant.

Harry Tuttle

United States

MikeG - Selling the sizzle without the steak

#6General Comment

Sun, August 08, 2021

Can we bring some rationality into this discussion.  The pitch for this so-called "investment" is so ludicrous on it's face that I'm baffled why otherwise intelligent people would switch off their brains when it comes to this likely scam.

As user cool_skeptic stated in his report, and what MikeG's deal updates reflect, you will receive a whopping $12 million for providing a $500 "collateralized loan" to MikeG's con game.  But that's not all!  If you send money at the highest loan level - $100,000, you can expect to receive an eye-popping $56.25 BILLION (plus a Bentley GT convertible).

And just to prove he's legit, every "partner" ("loan" contributor) will receive a $500,000 advance, regardless in you came in at the low $500 level or the top $100,000 level.   And you'll get that advance...once the secret deal closes.  And the secret deal has been "just about to close" for 4 years!!

Now, don't let the fact that this $56.25 BILLION is an amount greater than the Real GDP of one-half of the nations in the world stop you.  I'm sure you'll receive every penny of that pot of gold!   You just gotta trust what MikeG says because he's so honest.  We know this because he tells us himself every chance he gets.

And what about hard business numbers, MikeG?  You know, any financial numbers so folks at home can do some due dilegence before handing over a wad of their hard earned cash to you?   Well, you're outta luck there.  MikeG says he had to sign an NDA (Non-disclosure agreement) and that he cannot divulge certain details about the deal.  And MikeG is never at a loss to pull the NDA card when partners who give him money have concerns and start to ask deeper questions about the deal.

Now, hold onto this last point about the NDA...

MikeG is fond of saying that the Central banks of several countries are involved in this "monster" deal.  The Central banks are like the Federal Reserve Bank in the US.   In his July 9th update, MikeG wondered if the seller might "go to Hawaii to the Central bank of South Korea satellite office that has been set up there"   This immediately sent up a red flag because the Central banks of nations (just like the Fed) make decisions on monetary policy and are responsible for maintaining the economy of their own nations they don't enter into direct negotiations regarding buying and selling businesses. 

While the Bank of Korea does have representatives in the financial center of the US (New York City) and the political center of the US (Washington, DC), they do NOT have a "satellite office" in Honolulu, Hawaii.  I confirmed this fact when I called the Bank of Korea and the Consulate of South Korea in Honolulu myself.  By the way, MikeG, the official name is not the "Central bank of South Korea", it is called Bank of Korea.  You can verify this here.  

MikeG replied to me in a huff that he's just reporting what he is told and that he gets his information 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and even 5th hand! 

Okay, stop!  Think about that last statement.

MikeG wants you to turn over anywhere from $500 to $100,000 and he's getting some of his deal information 5th hand!?!  Does this fill you with the confidence needed to turn over your hard earned money to him and his co-conspirators?  

But think about this:  If MikeG is getting his information anywhere from 2nd to 5th hand and, as he states, has no direct knowledge of the deal, then why in God's name would MikeG need to sign an NDA?  He doesn't know anything!

But somehow he does fill his update with information from somewhere or someone.  That someone is his man on the inside, named Garry.  Garry portrays himself as someone who does attend the meetings between buyer and seller.  But then that begs the question - if Garry is providing this information to MikeG, then maybe Garry is not abiding by his NDA.

I don't doubt that there is some sort of deal in the works.  But if you think any of the following are true:

  • All of the Central banks of the 6 or 7 nations are involved in this deal
  • That President Biden told the Fed to approve this deal (that's another whopper he told)
  • That you will receive $12 million for a $500 investment
  • That you will receive a $500,000 advance when the deal closes

then you might have larger issues at work and may need some professional help to re-engage with what we call R-E-A-L-I-T-Y.  

Don't fall for this!  Best of luck to you.  Caveat emptor.





Paradise Valley,
United States

Additional information

#6Author of original report

Thu, July 22, 2021

Other names he uses: Mike Glaspie, Michael Glaspie, Michael T Glaspie, MikeG

Websites: he has so many, but I'm including them here for SEO purposes so potential victims will find this report.,,,,,, and


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