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  • Report:  #895695

Complaint Review: Mike Palmer -Eddystone: Finger of Light i

Mike Palmer -Eddystone: Finger of Light is a self proclaimed n**i. The Monkey Man Mike Palmer- Mike Palmer/Eddystone: Finger of Light is a self proclaimed n**i. Cornwall , Nationwide

  • Reported By:
    The Money Man — PARIS Texas United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Mon, June 11, 2012
  • Updated:
    Sat, May 07, 2016

Mike Palmer- Mike Palmer/Eddystone: Finger of Light is a self proclaimed n**i. The Monkey Man is Mike Palmer - All Lies His false information was removed from all
This Man Mike Palmer a Self Proclaimed n**i is behind all the lies and postings on The Empty Shoes and our life.

We were always going to pay Mike Palmer if the book was going to come out, but he is blackmailing us, and the family on the Internet. At this point, we have no choice but to go public. My Mother the Auschwitz Survivor has the right to choose who is worthy to write her story, and she has personally chosen not to include Mike Palmer, especially since he has said he is a self proclaimed n**i.
Date: Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 6:13 AM Subject: URGENT FROM MIKE PALMER -PLEASE

I want to tell you Sharon, why I have a bigger stake than you do in producing a feted book, worthy of your mother. It is something that may surprise you and it must stay between us. As you know I had Regression some time ago, it was a devastating experience for me, because in my previous life I was a n**i working in Auschwitz. I was involved with the expansion of the camp and did not actively assist in the murders of the gas chambers. I was a Polish citizen and my family were very wealthy and they had a big estate, I grew up a bit of a loner but always had a dog and one animal in particular was my soul mate. This animal was the catalyst for the n**i to find his own resting place and his peace in the after life, until I came along he was in limbo. I would often sit down by the tree at the little white house, the first of the Birkenau gas chambers, the same tree that I feel grounded to today. I would often sit there watching the death unfold about me, but remain detached and think about my childhood and this dog called Jelie. My rank as an SS officer enabled me to visit Hitler and Himmler frequently and I was respected by the two men, I was even asked to collect Hitler's personal property in Berlin. At the end of the war I was injured while at the Bunker in Berlin, my injuries were severe and I returned to the Polish estate to recuperate, at this time, I also found out that my entire family had been gassed in Auschwitz. Years later I went to London for an operation on my head, which proved successful in treating my medical condition and I think that I was then involved with the Russian secret service. Some time later, I was sitting by a tree on the Polish estate and
thinking about the times, when as a boy I played with my dog and it was then
that I was shot in the chest by military personnel. I sat there dying remembering my dog, when these men drove towards me, to check that I had been hit. My wounds were such, that they left me and drove off. A few hours later someone else came over to see me, but again walked away. Suddenly my old dog appeared before me and she lead me to the after life where I met my Guardian Angel, a faceless monk called Rufus. His and my question was 'Why had I ignored the suffering of the Jews?' I could not answer, but he said that I would return to the physical world to learn a lesson and would do better. The dog and the n**i entered their world and I was reborn into mine, to remember and to make a difference. So I believe that Sara's book, is my destiny, the reason I was sent back.
Date: Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 6:13 AM Subject: URGENT FROM MIKE PALMER -PLEASE

Hi again,

Further to my email yesterday, I decided to spend the entire night going through everything which you have sent me during the last 4 weeks. For  some some reason, I kept the earlier text which I sent to Mr Gray and so can use this as a platform to reconstruct the book again. If I begin work now and can complete one chapter every day, then hopefully we will have the book ready for him by the end of next week.

You, really need to think about what I said yesterday, I still maintain that the book text as it stands is a train wreck, but it's not a disaster because no one has died. I believe that I can rescue the situation and save the book, keeping everything that you have wanted intact, as well as remaining faithful to Sara's remarkable story.

This is what may well happen if you don't listen to me now:Firstly, Mr Gray will probably in kindness to Sara, give it to his publisher, but when they reject it, as I'm certain they will, 'the genie will be out of the bottle' and Sara's story will be recreated, using different names to produce a novel, then you will have nothing. This is common practice, even with the top
publishing houses, when they use their own pool staff to 'lift other people's work'. I myself had the same problem 30 years ago when I wrote a book, called 'Hollywood, its films and people'. The work took me five years to produce and was given (unbeknown to me) by the publisher, to a television company, who later produced the worldwide documentary 'Hollywood'. I stopped writing for around 3 years after that, before I took up a pen again for the BBC. It was here I created many television pieces and changed the format of 'Top of the Pops' a long running music show. From then on, I wrote every day for TV, but
eventually fell foul of the pool writers who are employed by all of the TV companies, to lift ideas, sent in by the public. My last brush with the theft of my work, came in the 1980's when a TV producer, sold my lighthouse series for $80,000, so you see Sharon, I have suffered from these cruel experiences and simply do not want to see a potentially BRILLIANT book, be thrown into the dustbin.

I really don't give a d**n what you might think about me after writing what I did yesterday, it's unimportant and the book as far as I am concerned, is much bigger than any of us. Please do not send anything to Mr X , because if you do, all of our efforts will have been in vain. Surely it is better that you heard this from me and not Martin. I can and will speak my mind, to give you my honest opinion, even if you don't like what I'm saying to
you. Just think of it as 'over cooking' some special meal and of the old adage, that too many cooks spoil the broth', it is very apt in this case. 

I need to be trusted by the three of you and I DEMAND some respect for what I have done so far, I do not like pecking orders and those people who you do trust, the lawyers, writers and others with letters after their names do not impress me much, unless they have the credentials to back up their perceived status. I will never be swallowed up in that type of shallow culture and in my world, cleaners have the same value as professors.

I feel that it is important for you Sharon to leave your comfort zone and stand outside the bubble for a while and look at the bigger picture. I understand why your identity still revolves around the photo of you on Facebook, but it is not you now, it was you then, surely you have grown as a person since that time. Your writings on the World Poetry site were superb and worthy of a book, this ethereal mystical writing is what you excel at, but writing about your mother's wartime experiences is totally different and you must accept that. 

I am NOT criticising you or your work, although it must seem like I am, we have had our differences all along the way and this journey is not over yet. I have NEVER let you or Sara down and have continued to walk the rocky road with you, even though many times, I would have happily left, but my promise to Sara is something that I intend to keep and her book will be finished to the standard I require.

'The Empty Shoes' if written correctly, WILL be a worldwide best seller, I have no doubt about it and the three of us will then enjoy the fruits of our labours. You will hit the TV Channels across the Americas and be recognised everywhere for your achievement. You will stand in the Sun once again and relish the experience of that fame and celebrity as you did before. On the back of the book, you will make money to put into rebuilding the drinks
business with Bob and I'm certain that this too will take off for you both. Sara herself will have left a legacy for the entire world and I know that her story will outlive us all.

This is what you now have to decide upon immediately because time is running out, so please give me your absolute trust and blessings and I will deliver for you, that is my promise to you.  I want to tell you Sharon, why I have a bigger stake than you do in
producing a feted book, worthy of your mother. It is something that may surprise you and it must stay between us. As you know I had Regression some time ago, it was a devastating experience for me, because in my previous life I was a n**i working in Auschwitz. I was involved with the expansion of the camp and did not actively assist in the murders of the gas chambers. I was a Polish citizen and my family were very wealthy and they had a big estate, I grew up a bit of a loner but always had a dog and one animal in particular was my soul mate. This animal was the catalyst for the n**i to find his own resting place and his peace in the after life, until I came along he was in limbo. I would often sit down by the tree at the little white house, the first of the Birkenau gas chambers, the same tree that I feel grounded to today. I would often sit there watching the death unfold about me, but remain detached and think about my childhood and this dog called Jelie. My rank as an SS officer enabled me to visit Hitler and Himmler frequently and I was respected by the two men, I was even asked to collect Hitler's personal property in Berlin. At the end of the
war I was injured while at the Bunker in Berlin, my injuries were severe and I returned to the Polish estate to recuperate, at this time, I also found out that my entire family had been gassed in Auschwitz. Years later I went to London for an operation on my head, which proved successful in treating my medical condition and I think that I was then involved with the Russian secret service. Some time later, I was sitting by a tree on the Polish estate and
thinking about the times, when as a boy I played with my dog and it was then that I was shot in the chest by military personnel. I sat there dying remembering my dog, when these men drove towards me, to check that I had been hit. My wounds were such, that they left me and drove off. A few hours later someone else came over to see me, but again walked away. Suddenly my old dog appeared before me and she lead me to the after life where I met my Guardian Angel, a faceless monk called Rufus. His and my question was 'Why had I ignored the suffering of the Jews?' I could not answer, but he said that I would return
to the physical world to learn a lesson and would do better. The dog and the n**i entered their world and I was reborn into mine, to remember and to make a difference. So I believe that Sara's book, is my destiny, the reason I was sent back.

You know so little about me, who I am and what I was, but the hour has now come to put your trust in the person that you yourself choose for the task of having the book published and honoured.

I can do no more, but wait for your answer, the decision you take is the biggest that you will make in your life, so consider it well, with no emotion, just trust your heart and I
will present you with all the things you desire, then you can really leave that Facebook photo behind you and begin a new phase in your life.  I have a specific plan which will ensure the success of THE EMPTY SHOES and I guarantee that I will not fail, so it's your call Sharon. I will work with Mr X, if you wish, until he is happy in putting his name to it. He
is the only man that can achieve such greatness to Sara's story, he is your friend and I appreciate everything he is doing for the book, and because of his input and dedication, I am more than prepared to spend the next twelve months  promoting the book around the world, but the rewards need to be shared and you must accept my own place in achieving this with you. We still can work together Sharon, but you need to trust me and let go, allow me to do what I do best, you won't regret it.

Mike x

9 Updates & Rebuttals

Truth & Justice Published

184 Rue de Rivoli,

Truth & Justice Published

#10UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 13, 2013

Madness you show your mental illness with your fabrications that have no truth whatsoever in reality. Sara does not spell her name this way and you never worked for her. Mike Palmers hatred is eternal and so be it. You will never win. Sara asked whomever you are she dares you to come to her home, and she will spit in your face. You know nothing of the Corrs and you never worked for Sara. The comments look like another mask by Mike Palmer. Moreover, Mike Palmer has a vendetta. 

Therefore, also does the vicious and diabolical sister who is behind this campaign of jealous and hatred all for worthless money.  You never worked for Sara and love to publish lies, deceit and vengeful gossip. Sara dares you to come to her home. There are two sides to every story. You posted defamatory lies much like the facts that Mike Palmer states are true. Sara does not need to EVER publish her story. The evil and greedy Mike Palmer who gives tours in Poland needs a
story to capitalize on the suffering of others. It is all about money. The root of all evil. The only one who is helping Sara is her daughter Sharon. 

Who is the Devil here? It is very easy to see. Again, Sara dares you to come to her home. You do not know her, and youcannot hide behind the Internet. IP addresses can be traced. You are a joke, no one has benefited. You show your stupidity because you jumped into a pool of lies. The only one who was going to profit here was Mike Palmer who was stopped cold.  Sara has the right to do whatever she desires. Show up at her home and you will get the truth spit
right in your face.

Paris France 

I''m not a Nazi

United Kingdom


#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, October 10, 2012

I am the 'Mike Guy' you slag off in your message; get your facts right before you write stuff you know nothing about.
FACT 1. I have a signed contract with Sharon and Bob Corr as well as Sara Brickman asking me to write 'The Empty Shoes', which I did and everyone concerned thought that I had done a brilliant job.
FACT 2. A few days after sending the Corrs the completed manuscript they went to their Lawyer and had my work copy-written with Sharon becoming the sole author.
FACT 3. For all of the work, expense and heartbreak I endured in writing this book I received not one cent, absolutely zilch; so take back what you have written as you know nothing about the lies and deceit that I've heard and experienced by these vile people.
FACT 4. As to the credibility of 'Sharon's book', well her own on-line profile quote states ("I am not the writer but the pen, I see where and I see when") says it all. The book has been reworked, edited and embellished by a score of other well meaning and intelligent people who have been manipulated by this woman. So yes, Sara should have been shown greater respect and I gave her so much more in my commitment to her in writing her memoir 'The Empty Shoes' or now entitled 'In Their Shoes'. For my generosity and trouble I was treated with utter contempt and stabbed in the back. When my work had been completed I had nothing but deep pain and sadness for the 14 months of my life that disappeared in a torrent of chaos and disruption during the unprofessional lunacy of the process that I had to go through to satisfy Ms Corr and her 'secret' writing ensemble. Writing the book was one of the most humiliating projects that I have ever undertaken, BUT because of my promise to the Holocaust survivor Sara Brickman, I finished it in spite of them all and may I also add the manuscript was originally to her complete satisfaction; but even then not a penny was offered for my efforts. I had discovered more than anyone about Sara and the fate of her family, things that she knew nothing about but these cruel facts finally brought closure to that terrible period in her young life. I had given her dates and locations of the killings of her brothers, mother and father, yet not one word has she spoken of my achievement even though I gave her everything I had because I felt it my 'duty' to do so.
Read and digest my previous posting and then consider your error in what you have written about me; you obviously have a lot of respect for your old friends if not for Sharon herself. I hope you discover who they really are and write more on this site. 

 The photograph I have added is of Auschwitz-Birkenau; it is where Sara was first held by the Nazis; for your information I visit there every year and have done for the past dozen of so. I take people there to REMEMBER and NO I am not paid for this journey; I do it because I believe it is important to do so; unlike the Corrs who only see the potential for financial gain out of Sara's tragic story.
Wake up and smell the coffee, you may actually learn something and have something worthwhile to say.


United States of America

Sara deserves far greater respect!

#10UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 03, 2012

I had the privilege of watching young Brandon for the Corrs and in the process met and eventually began assisting Ms. Sara. Sara is a remarkable woman who deserves far greater than anything Sharon or this Mike guy has to offer. As for Bob, I have been searching for years to find you and Bran, and I find all of this.

I am truly heartbroken that 1. Bob has allowed this evil woman back into his life, as if the 20 years of her physical and emotional abuse wasn't enough 2. That Sara is obviously still stuck in-between her love for her daughter and knowingly allowing her to reap more havoc in her life. 3. That Sharon's sister still allows her (sharon) to treat her mother this way. 4. That this Mike guy is trying to benefit from the loss, sacrifice, and testimony of this woman who has witnessed more torture and pain than anyone on this report. I am utterly disgusted at the behaviors herein, and I can only pray for Sara and Brandon peace and well being. Sharon you are truly an evil monster and I hope and pray that God will have his way with you in this life! I have witnessed first hand how this woman abused her family, Brandon and Sara especially.

Brandon loved his mother dearly and she tossed water in his face, attacked him physically and psychologically, and then handed me $1000.00 cash, a credit card and the keys to her Mercedes so she could go gallivanting around the country for a month. 

My many many prayers to Sara, Ive thought of you often, not sure if you still lived in mc, I wish you nothing but love and light my most of all deserve it! My prayers to Brandon, Ive thought of you so many times over the years, hoping that you turned into the wonderful man I always thought you would be. You always had such a kind loving spirit even through all of the pain I saw in your eyes. You were such a great kid, and I will always remember our fun times.

My Prayers to Bob that he get his head out of his a** and realize that life with that woman is not living, but rather dying a slow and painful death. The man that I knew, I respected and admired, I looked up to and always wanted the best for... I pray that man still exists because that man was worth knowing. God Bless

I''m not a Nazi

United Kingdom

My Final response to the supporters of Mrs Sharon Corr who have contacted me.

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, July 19, 2012

Without prejudice.

A final response to those people who have sided with Mrs Sharon Corr.

I quote from her recent Allpoetry website profile; I am not the writer, just the pen, but I see when.

Again let me say that I have never met Sharon Corr or anyone connected with her.

'The Empty Shoes was the memoir of Sharons mother Sara who survived the Holocaust. I wrote the entire story under the direction of both individuals after it transpired that virtually no research had been undertaken relating to Saras wartime experiences nor was there any accurate account of her familys loss and murder at the hands of the Nazis.

My involvement and in writing this story was at the request of Sharon Corr herself and that decision was supported by Sara also.

My contract with Sara and the Corrs stated that I would receive 17% of any royalties after publication of the book. This contract was based on the fact that much of the writing and research had already been completed by Sharon Corr but in reality it had not and therefore it seemed perfectly reasonable and professional to ask for a fee for the time, financial commitment and immense effort I put into the project, which lasted over 12 months of continuous hard work. I was assured that a reasonable payment would be made to me on the completion of a satisfactory manuscript draft and I achieved this undertaking with glowing words of appreciation from Sharon and Sara.

Mrs Corr has stated that she always intended to pay me for this work, however it has now come to light through her disgraceful and slanderous video about me that she had no intention whatever to do so. The video appears to confirm that soon after I presented her with the finished manuscript in 2010 that she went to an Attorney, Mark F Becker and had copy-written The Empty Shoes under her own name and afterwards began publicising the forthcoming memoir as her own.

I believe that Sharons secret associates systematically edited my work throughout the project in a cynical betrayal of my commitment and good will simply to change the books content and text just enough to prevent me from claiming my rightful royalties after the book's publication.

These are the facts as I know them and I fail to understand why the supporters of Sharon Corr are happy to ignore this truth.
For me this has NEVER been about making money from the suffering of others; it is about the first hand account of a Holocaust survivor, one of the last remaining alive; it's a story that must be told.

I sincerely believe that in my hands Sara memoir would have made its mark and would have continued to send the message that we must never forget.

The sadness for myself as a non-Jew is not the fact that I was duped as that is my fault; it is that fact that this personal story has been tainted and side-lined through the incomprehensible behaviour of someone who should know better.

I simply ask those who doubt my integrity and honour to stand back and consider the facts before them; look and you will see, listen and you will hear.

My life and that of my family has only been disrupted by Sharon Corrs actions. The emails and telephone calls I have received are as a consequence of her malicious actions to discredit me; I am NOT a n**i and I visit Auschwitz-Birkenau for answers and understanding, it is a place where I need to spend time, not as a tourist but as someone who cares.

Sharon has never felt the need to make that difficult journey and if she had then just maybe she would realise the absurdity of her misguided actions.

As I wrote in my previous update Every action has a consequence.

Now I'll get back to my life

I''m not a Nazi

United Kingdom

Update to my previous correspondence and in answer to questions asked.

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, July 16, 2012

'Without prejudice'

With reference to the questions raised by those who have contacted me regarding this story; I freely offer my response with the following answers.

1. I am not a n**i and in this life have never been one; as to the relevance of my past life regression, all I can say is that if you believe in such things then who knows. The experience of this on my own life has enabled me to make sense of why I have been so interested in the Holocaust but especially of the Death Camps at Auschwitz and Birkenau. I believe that writing 'The Empty Shoes' was fate and perhaps my atonement for the crimes I did not commit there. Does this make me a n**i today? No.

2. Sharon Corr has accused me of blackmailing her and her family but this is completely untrue, I have never blackmailed anyone and have done nothing to warrant her slanderous attack on me.

3. I completed 'The Empty Shoes' to the satisfaction of all concerned; it was scheduled to be edited by a Literary Agent before being submitted to a publisher. The 'Draft' manuscript was just that 'a draft' and I had no doubts that the entire story would have been reworked before publication, something that is normal practice and a worthwhile procedure within the industry.

4. Form watching the video I believe that shortly after the 'draft manuscript' was sent to Sharon Corr in 2010, she and her family informed their Attorney Mark F Becker that 'The Empty Shoes' had been written by Mrs Corr and that although I had originally contributed to the work that our association had since ended but that I was now harassing them. In the video it appears that Mark F Becker sent me a letter dated 13th August 2010 stating that I was in breach of my contract with the Corrs and that I had no further connection to the project; my conclusion is based purely on the information I have viewed in the video, which I watched for the first time on July 15th 2012. I never received a letter or any other communication from Mr Becker and the last email from the Corr family was sent to me on 7th July 2010.

5. I believe that Sharon's friend Linda Rose Cantor and others contacted various bodies to discredit me stating to the authorities that I was a practising n**i and also that I was blackmailing the Corr family.

6. I had nothing to do with the fire at the former Majdanek Concentration Camp.

7. I have never been paid for any of my work or research relating to 'The Empty Shoes', an undertaking that took over twelve months to achieve.

8. Sharon Corr states that everything I have posted on the Internet in conjunction with this matter is ALL LIES; but in fact nothing I have said has been an untruth.

9. I have never met Sharon Corr or anyone associated with her or any member of her family and my involvement in the project came only at the request of Sharon herself.

10. The Allpoetry website took down the publicity of 'The Empty Shoes' after I had sent them proof of my rights to the book.

11. Sara Brickman has not contacted me or responded to her memoir since I sent her the finished draft of 'The Empty Shoes' in 2010.

12. The book title and cover artwork were mine and it was approved by Sharon and her mother during the writing process.

13. Since 2010 I have fully investigated the Corr family but will not comment here on the many accusations and legal or criminal allegations made against them.

14. I believe that because Sharon was unable to write Sara's memoir herself that she actively searched for someone to do it for her and unfortunately I fitted the bill and was duped into believing that
the Corrs would honour their word and contract.

15. Sharon Corr and her associates have committed a serious crime against me and my family; by putting all of my private details on the Internet my privacy has been infringed, I have been slandered and have endured defamation of my good character. This is an illegal act and I wish to take action against them; I am therefore prepared to disclose to legal sources, police bodies and the media all of the communication between myself and Mrs Corr during my association with her along with the other details relating to my exact involvement with 'The Empty Shoes'.

16. Linda Rose Cantor states that I called the family 'weird' but this is untrue and the word was used in the context of Sharon's unique writing style.

I have spent the last couple of years getting over this terrible period in my life of having had the misfortune of being associated with the Corrs but now with posting of this vile video and the numerous written statements about my character being sent all over the web, has made the old wounds resurface and they have reopened.

I believe that Sharon Corr and her family including Sara have brought shame on the Jewish people by their disgraceful behaviour towards me. They have allowed a remarkable memoir and one of the very last 'first hand accounts' of the Holocaust to be tainted by ignorance and sheer greed. I really don't understand why Sara is happy to have her remarkable story embellished by her daughter with untruths and pure fantasy.
The sole reason that Sharon wanted the book written was in my opinion for financial gain alone and it had nothing to do with her mother's heartbreaking experiences.

I wrote Sara's memoir believing that I was using Sara's own words and feelings, I kept to the truth and was able to endorse much of what she told me. By attaching other important stories and events to her own journey the book developed and broadened its gravitas, providing a detailed harrowing memoir and offering a glimpse into Sara's incredible life, within the bigger picture of the Holocaust itself. Sara's story is one persons account of survival through the Hell of it all and it deserved an audience. It is therefore a total tragedy for me to accept that this book will not be published in the form it was meant and that if Sharon finds a publisher then her 'sole' work will not be a fitting tribute to her mother, nor will it be acknowledged as an accurate and honest work by those who have the ability to see through the veneer. Because of my research and interest in the Holocaust and through my visits to Auschwitz - Birkenau I have been able to speak with some of the survivors and also to Nazis who worked there, as well as a Russian liberator of the camp; all of them had a voice that I listened too in order to gain a better understanding of this time in our recent history but this does not make me a n**i.

Mike Palmer.

I''m not a Nazi

United Kingdom

My side of this ludicrous story for anyone interested in the truth.

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, July 15, 2012


In June 2009 Sharon Corr contacted me through Facebook and asked me to help write her mother's Holocaust memoir; I have always been interested in this period of history especially so with regard to the Auschwitz - Birkenau Concentration Camp in Poland, a place that I wanted to visit from an early age.
To communicate with a living survivor from the death camps of Auschwitz and Bergen - Belsen was an honour for me and I dropped everything to help write this very important first hand account of survival.
I had suffered an accident two years earlier and at this time I was not employable although I was just about to produce a second tribute DVD of my late friend the artist Robert Lenkiewicz; it was then that Sharon unexpectedly contacted me about her mother's story. Of course I jumped at the opportunity and was reassured by Mrs Corr that much of the work had already been completed by her. Sharon was and remains a contributor on the allpoetry website and enjoys the support of a collective of other 'writers' who give her encouragement to improve her own poetry writings; it would be her alliance with this group that would in time prove to be the undoing of our partnership.
I had originally undertaken a little Internet research into the Corr family and discovered that Sharon had tried to research her mother's story years earlier but failed to find anything and gave up on the project, there were also other more serious matters relating to their business interests and a court case with Coca-Cola, however that was their business and I simply ignored the various postings and news articles about them and concentrated on writing Sara Brickman's memoir, which I had titled 'The Empty Shoes'. In the beginning of our association we pledged that only the three of us would be involved in writing the story, myself, Sharon and her Mother Sara. We spoke about money and a fee for my work but this was based on the fact that most of the work had been completed by Sharon. It was a nasty shock to eventually find out that virtually nothing had actually been written and I therefore reconsidered my position. Stupidly I decided to put 110% into the project with having the 'safe guard' of a signed contract between myself, Sharon and Robert Corr and Sara Brickman. I considered it appropriate and right to ask to be paid for the work completed and to settle for 17% of any Royalties from a successful publication. My error at that time was to trust the family and believe that they would honour their word and pay me for my time and effort in the research and writing of 'The Empty Shoes'. The fact soon emerged that I would have to begin Sara's story from scratch and as no research had been carried out into the loss of Sara's entire family, the priority for me was to establish the facts and evidence of truth. I took on the challenge with the full understanding that The Empty Shoes would be a truthful and honest account of Sara's life; I would not accept embellishments or untruths during the writing process and this was agreed by all concerned. As a previously published Author I had the ability to use my research material to expand the story of Sara's life by bringing in factual accounts of other things that were happening around her within the camps and at other locations. These extra findings brought a deeper knowledge base to Sara's memoir by providing a bigger overall picture of events and the people involved. My enthusiasm and efforts were gratefully acknowledged by the entire family and within a few weeks I had unearthed the facts in relation to the murders of Sara's entire family; this was a very moving period for me as I knew that after nearly 65 years Sara now knew the truth about their fate.
My relationship with Sharon and her mother seemed OK but I felt that there was something lacking and I put this down to me not being Jewish. My unease however grew when I had a Skype call with Sharon and her husband Bob, along with Sara and another person called Linda Rose (a contributor to this site).
Now there was another 'writer' within the project and gradually my work started to require more and more rewrites. It was obvious to me that Sharon was sending my work to her 'collective' allpoetry gang' and although she denied this it was clear from the emails I received that a variety of people were now editing my work. This situation continued throughout the project and eventually another individual called Noah was brought in to improve the storyline. My patience and anger was near to bursting point and Sharon and I had a 'clear the air' Skype meeting but by now I was finding the whole thing a chaotic mess and because there were so many enforced changes being made the narrative flow was lost and a disjointed memoir was emerging from the rubble. Every individual who had been invited into the project by Sharon saw the importance of the story and wanted a bit of the action; everyone had a view and tried to express themselves through the text changes being made. The entire process was becoming a joke and I decided to write two separate books and play in their silly games. The correct book was the factual account of Sara's life with my research material endorsing her memories. As a constant visitor to Auschwitz it was possible for Sara and I to have discussions about locations within the camp, ones that she believed were correct. We were able to identify her barracks, the exact train that brought her into Auschwitz and a variety of other important facts. This enquiry continued with the people she knew in Auschwitz and of the tragic events and happened there; my working relationship with Sara allowed me to ask the right questions and acknowledge the pain in her answers. The 'right' book with my work took shape while the collectives effort continued to be changed and embellished with untruths and fabrication.
I had made a promise to myself and to Sara that I would complete the book and despite Sharon Corr achieved the impossible; this was what she wrote about the book when I sent Sara the draft manuscript:

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hello Mike,
The book is Fantastic! 
Thank you.  Marin spoke with Noah on Sunday. He told Noah he is going to take the book to either his publisher or a larger publisher in France.  The books first printing will be French and English.
Martin was in Berlin fighting the Nazis April 27, 1945, and Noah Mxxxxxxl was there May 6, 1945. 
There is a connection. He told Noah he is going to promote the book with Sara as the Living Anne Frank.
He did ask Sara if she would go on the Oprah Show, and she said yes, with Sharon.

Wonderful Work Mike a fantastic Journey  Full of hope, love, and inspiration.
Thank you from our hearts.  Sara and Sharon.

Although I had yet to been paid for the time it had me to write and research 'The Empty Shoes' I still clung to the hope that Jewish honour would ensure that a fee would be paid to me for my effort; however that was not to be and another email soon arrived from Sharon:

Subject: RE: The Empty Shoes Draft by Mike Palmer.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010 
RE: The Empty Shoes Draft by Mike Palmer. 
Mike Palmer,  
The draft you completed is not in professional shape to show to a publisher. The feedback from professionals is the draft is sloppy, contains numerous misspellings, grammatical errors, and changes in tenses. The entire draft must be rewritten.  
We are pursing other sources.  
Sharon & Robert Corr  
Sara Druckier

This was the last I heard from them; I soon discovered that Sharon intended to publish The Empty Shoes under her own name and that I would be erased from the book entirely. Her promotion began with an amended Foreword, which gave a false statement that she had written and researched the story herself and had produced a remarkable book. This was untrue and I decided to contact the web sites that were publicising the book to have it removed; the allpoetry website took it down even though she has stated that all of my internet responses made by me are LIES!
Sharon's friend Linda Rose Cantor contacted the US Homeland Security service in order to discredit me and several internet blogs were posted as to my character, one even indicated that I had been involved with the fire at the Majdanek Concentration Camp during 2010. An email arrived from Linda it read:
Once again you bring up the subject of money for your year's work. I was only aware of one agreement. If any other written agreements were made, Ihave not been made aware. Your manuscript was in no way acceptable to anyone. I was asked to help out. I had already written 3 chapters and a preface that I was told were very good. You completely deleted all of mywriting. I am sure it was not of Sharon's asking that all of my words would be deleted. She would never do that to me and I was helping for the sheer love of Sharon and Sara. Money has never even been mentioned on my part. In the letter copied below, you said YOU had been in touch with the Chicago FBI and Homeland Defense. Rather, you were contacted by both of those bodies. I have absolutely nothing to hide from either of these groups. I am not with 'Bob'; even if I was, that would have nothing to do with the book. In almost every letter that you write, you complain about ill health and talk about 'money'. The rights to Sara's story belong to Sara and to my knowledge have been copy-written. I DID NOT THREATEN YOU IN ANY WAY! LET ME MAKE THAT CLEAR!
During your year's work with Sharon and Sara, you called them 'weird' and then proceeded to tell them about your 'former' life'. Why would you do that to 2 sweet women who were trying to write an honest account of Sara's terrible years at the hands of those monsters? I told them when you started name calling that I would have let you go then and there. Sharon is such a kind woman that she chose to not let that interfere with the book. 
Now Sharon has not been in touch with me and I want her to know that I made no threats. I still have the letter I sent. You pose no threat to me as I have done nothing wrong. As for editing Martin's introduction, I did that only to make it easier to read. I did NOT change any of his meaning. If Sharon decides to use his original copy, then that is up to her and Sara. Nothing has been published as yet, so every word is always subject to further editing.
Stay well and I'm so happy you did not 'peg' it!  Regards Linda

The situation remains that Sharon Corr has now produced a video, which has gone onto various websites; in this film my private address, email and phone number have been exposed to the world but the most damning accusation is that she states that I am a n**i - but I am not. I believe this act to be a criminal offence; the video also shows that they have the Lawyer Mark F Becker of Ilinois to defend them but I have heard nothing from him.
I have written this letter to put the record straight and to ask for help in exposing the crime committed on me by Sharon Corr and her associates.

As someone who at an early age became interested in Auschwitz and the Holocaust I have grown to understand the suffering of the victims and the ideology of the perpetrators; the Nazis. I have met both Auschwitz serving Nazis and Russian liberators as well as Holocaust survivors. My thirst for knowledge allows me to ask the questions I need answers for and because of this I am comfortable exploring this subject more deeply than most.
I once owned a water colour painted by Adolf Hitler and had signed photographs of Rommel and Airman Gallant; I am not ashamed to had had these items and it does not make me a n**i.
I underwent Past Life Regression and again found myself connected with Auschwitz - Birkenau; I was a Polish n**i who worked in the drawing office during the expansion of the Birkenau Camp and at times I would sit and watch the gassings. On my first ever visit to Birkenau and long before the regression appointment I was attracted to an old tree that sits near to the first gas chamber there; so coincidence or not that is what happened, I can't change that but for me it now makes sense and the reason for my writing 'The Empty Shoes' call it atonement for the crimes I did not commit and I am still not a n**i.
My sadness is in the fact that Sara's true story is lost forever because of greed, envy whatever maybe the reason for Sharon Corr's actions against me. For me Sharon and her family including Sara have wronged the Jewish community and denied one of the last remaining first hand accounts to be told.
Every action has a consequence and all Jews are not good people and there again not every n**i was evil.

Yours sincerely,
Thank you -




#10Consumer Comment

Mon, June 11, 2012

You do realize what a past life regression is don't you? This man believes that in a previous life he was a n**i solider. Not the current person that he is now. He believes that he lived, died, and was reincarnated. He never says that he IS a n**i. Clearly you are from a jewish family, does judaism believe in reincarnation? Last time I checked none of the judeo-christian religions bought in to that nonsense. This man has never been a n**i, he's invented some story to try and tug at your heartstrings. Ask yourself, is this man old enough to have been a gaurd at a concentration camp? He would need to be in his 80s.

How did he rip you off again? Did he steal money from you? Why are you slandering this man on this site?

The Money Man


I was a n**i working in Auschwitz.

#10Author of original report

Mon, June 11, 2012

 He Said:   I WAS a n**i working in Auschwitz. He said nothing about I thought I was, he said:

As you know I had Regression some time ago, it was a devastating experience for me, BECAUSE in my previous life I was a n**i working in Auschwitz.  His own writing condemns him.



I'm lost

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, June 11, 2012

Where is the ripoff in this story? I just see where the guy is pleading with you to let him help you write a book. Have you given him money and he ran off with it or something? As for calling him a n**i, he said he had a past life regression done where he thought he was a n**i in a previous life. No where in your story does he claim to be a n**i now. Be careful with slinging accusations like that around.

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