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  • Report:  #813510

Complaint Review: Mitt Romney Jon Huntsman

Mitt Romney Jon Huntsman A Mormon (LDS Church Affiliate) Presidential Candidate Rips Off Americans Why a Mormon (LDS) should not be president of the United States, Internet

  • Reported By:
    Lyndon Lamborn — Mesa Arizona United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sat, December 24, 2011
  • Updated:
    Sat, November 16, 2013
*Consumer Comment: OMG! *Consumer Comment: *****SPAM ALERT******* *Consumer Comment: Religious Bigotry *Consumer Comment: Ronny *General Comment: dumb liberals. *Consumer Comment: Dumb wing nuts they just cant stand to be in the wrong they always got to start their pity party because they dont have their way *Consumer Comment: Why a Mormon Should Not be President of the USA *Consumer Comment: Mitt Romney is nothing but a selfish greedy p***k $800,000,000 could help a lot of people mitt romney ruined a lot of people with the companies he bankrupted he would bankrupt all of us *Consumer Comment: Is Mitt Romney 'It"? *Consumer Comment: GOP - ILLEGALLY CHEATS RON PAUL DELEGATES *Consumer Suggestion: I am one of hundreds of thousands of Mormons that left the church. *Consumer Comment: All I can say is... *Consumer Comment: Hey stacy if you weren't such a mean horrible person people might respond back to you if anyone has a problem with me i don't care i have rights just like everybody else *General Comment: If JFK was a strict Catholic people would have been even more prejudd *General Comment: 100% ACCURATE INFO *Consumer Comment: Mormonism's Sins Exposed *General Comment: YOU HAVE TO NAME CALL AS IF A CHILD SIMPLY SHOWS INABILITY TO INTELLIGENTLY LOOK AT FACTS SAD FOR YOU AND SCARY YOU DO NOT HAVE ABILITY TO SEE THINGS FOR WHAT THEY REALLY ARE *REBUTTAL Owner of company: person name calling about why Mormon should not be president previous comment was to your *General Comment: LYNDON PLEASE get this accurate info out on every social network *Consumer Comment: Lyndon, *Consumer Comment: It's All True. Sad But True!! *Consumer Comment: These christians are willing to vote for a mormon and they always preach against mormons so why are they willing to vote for one now they'er crazy *Consumer Comment: TT, *Consumer Comment: Lyndon, *Consumer Comment: TT, SINCE THE DEMOCRATS AND THE REPUBLICANS BOTH SERVE... *Consumer Comment: Mitt Romney did pay his taxes. Only after IRS came after him *Consumer Comment: TT, *REBUTTAL Individual responds: the more I read, the more I can't BELIEVE it. *Consumer Comment: Lyndon, *Consumer Comment: Lyndon, *Consumer Comment: Lyndon, *Consumer Comment: 'BOMB-A CARE SONG...

Why a Mormon Should Not be President of the USA


This is not a diatribe on the LDS faith, nor is it a personal attack on Mitt Romney or Jon Huntsman on a personal level. Many Americans object to electing a Mormon to the Presidency, feel that a Mormon candidate is tainted goods, but seem to have trouble pinpointing the reasons behind this uneasiness in the pit of their stomachs. The purpose of this article is to delineate, point by point, the rationality behind this objection. Any affiliate of a dogmatic faith should give us equal pause when considering such individuals for the office of Chief Executive.

Handicap 1: Inability to Take the Long View

Humans are unique among the animal species in that we have the power to make our environment uninhabitable for us and for all animal species. With this power comes a grave responsibility for conservation of natural resources and husbandry of our planets health. It is the only moral and ethical approach to take. This is the reality of our situation on planet Earth, and it is a serious business.

The contrast of this reality with Mormon doctrine is stark. True-believing Mormons have been convinced that a millennium is pending, which is not unusual for religionists. But what is particularly insidious in Mormonism is the doctrine that the Earth has resources which are "plenty and to spare" for all Gods children who will be placed on the planet.

Former Prophet and President Ezra Taft Benson explained:

"The precepts of men would have you believe that by limiting the population of the world, we can have peace and plenty. That is the doctrine of the devil. Small numbers do not ensure peace; only righteousness does. After all, there were only a handful of men on the earth when Cain interrupted the peace of Adams household by slaying Abel. On the other hand, the whole city of Enoch was peaceful; and it was taken into heaven because it was made up of righteous people.

"And so far as limiting the population in order to provide plenty is concerned, the Lord answered that falsehood in the Doctrine and Covenants when he said:

"For the earth is full, and there is enough and to spare; yea, I prepared all things, and have given unto the children of men to be agents unto themselves. (

D&C 104:17 .)


"A major reason why there is famine in some parts of the world is because evil men have used the vehicle of government to abridge the freedom that men need to produce abundantly.

"True to form, many of the people who desire to frustrate Gods purposes of giving mortal tabernacles to his spirit children through worldwide birth control are the very same people who support the kinds of government that perpetuate famine. They advocate an evil to cure the results of the wickedness they support. (In Conference Report, Apr. 1969, p. 12.)




Translation: No matter what we do, including overpopulation, God will step in and heal the planet so there will be plenty for everybody. This is a core belief in Mormonism.

Native American tribes would leave the most important tribal decisions to the most elderly women in the tribe, with the directive that the women look forward six generations to weigh the effects. Native Americans understood that taking the long view and the humanitarian view should be the overriding considerations for any important issue. Electing a person who believes that it is impossible to deplete or irreparably damage our natural resources relegates Earth to the status of a disposable napkin and is unconscionable.

Handicap 2: Expectation of an Armageddon

Anyone who has seen the movie "Thirteen Days" can appreciate the practical side of the proverb, "a soft answer turneth away wrath." John F Kennedy, if he harbored an Armageddon expectation, was able to suppress it completely. Kennedys actions were peace-making at every turn, and in direct opposition to the war-mongers who surrounded him. It was nothing short of a Herculean effort. He was exactly the right person to be the Chief Executive at that point in history. Many have asserted that the Vietnam War was touched off by a simple international miscommunication. Kennedy was determined that such a faux pas would not occur on his watch. I think a Mormon president would have the opposite mindset: anxiously awaiting the opportunity to go down in history as the one who valiantly defended the promised land against evil. It is quite likely that a Mormon Chief Executive would harbor the belief that touching off Armageddon is his divine calling. Consider the words of an LDS church authority, a relative of Mitt Romney.

Marion G. Romney, a cousin to Mitts father George Romney, gave an address about the last days and the associated prophesies. In 1966 he said:

".And certain it is that those who receive the blessings will have to prevail against great opposition, for the world in general is not improving. It is ripening in iniquity.

"As early as January 2, 1831, the Lord declared:

". . . all flesh is corrupted before me; and the powers of darkness prevail upon the earth, among the children of men, . . .
". . . eternity is pained, and the angels are waiting the great command to reap down the earth, to gather the tares that they may be burned. . . ."
(D&C 38:11-12.)

"About two years later he said again upon the subject:

"Behold, verily I say unto you, the angels are crying unto the Lord day and night, who are ready and waiting to be sent forth to reap down the fields;
"But the Lord saith unto them, pluck not up the tares while the blade is yet tender . . . lest you destroy the wheat also.
"Therefore, let the wheat and the tares grow together until the harvest is fully ripe; then ye shall first gather out the wheat from among the tares, and after the gathering of the wheat, behold and lo, the tares are bound in bundles and the field remaineth to be burned."
(D&C 86:5-7.)

It is clear that the LDS faith has a strong belief in an impending Armageddon, the final conflict of the last days. Many LDS look forward to that event, hoping it comes sooner than later, to vindicate their prophets, by default LDS affiliates are war-mongers at heart. I witnessed this groupthink first hand. See for more examples of LDS teachings on the subject.

Obviously, the Armageddon expectation is not unique to Mormonism, it is shared by many religions. But a companion prophecy to which Mormons ascribe is an expectation that the constitution will hang by a thread and be rescued by Mormons. This is documented in several places, one being the Mormon Church magazine The Ensign in June 1976.

"The time would come when the constitution and government would hang by a brittle thread and would be ready to fall into other hands but this people the latter-day saints will step forth and save it."

James Burgess Journal, 1818-1904, Church Archives, vol. 1-found among loose sermons. Also: D. Michael Stewart, "I Have a Question," Ensign, June 1976, 64-65

Add all this together and you have a disaster waiting to happen. There are hundreds of thousands of Mormons who assume that Romney or Huntsman will lead this charge. It is virtually certain that any Mormon elected would believe this himself, and it fuels his determination to be elected. He feels he has divine destiny on his side, to lead his fellow latter-day-saints to save the constitution. So the danger of having him elected would not be contained to the Oval Office. All LDS members at home and abroad, in the FBI, in the CIA, and branches of Government holding key decision-making positions would harbor the expectation of Armageddon and having the constitutional fabric at the brink of being shredded. The influence of expectations in humans must never be underestimated, because whatever we expect with confidence becomes self-fulfilling prophecy. In fact, a Mormon Chief Executives subconscious mind would be working 24/7 to find a way to bring to pass these calamitous events. This is not what we want churning around in the mind of our Chief Executive.

"You see what you expect to see, Severus. ? J.K. Rowling

Handicap 3: Mind Control Collateral Damage

Destructive mind control is a social process that encourages obedience, dependence, and conformity, while suppressing autonomy and independence. It is a system of influence that seeks to disrupt a persons authentic identity and displace it with an alternate. It usually preys upon the emotions of guilt and fear, promising great rewards for correct behavior. Conforming to the group think and obtaining the promised reward becomes everything, all else is irrelevant. Destructive mind control is strong in Mormonism, and many other religions.

Handicap 3a. Who Is on First?

Identity displacement is done subtly and by degree. Baptism is called a "rebirth". The member is asked to "become as a little child", completely innocent. The temple ceremony bestows a new name which will be invoked in the eternities. The temple ceremony also asks the patrons to consider themselves as innocent as Adam and Eve. These are regression techniques which serve to suppress the authentic identity, and the person becomes an actor, playing a role defined by the group. Critical thinking skills are also effectively suppressed using these methods.

Where is all this leading? Well, in actuality, we do not know who Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman really are. Whats more unusual is that Mitt and Jon do not really know who they are either. Discovering their authentic identities can only occur after breaking out of the mind control which binds them. Of course, Jon and Mitt think they know who they are, and will laugh off this assertion, as will any mind control victim. This is a common denominator among those thus duped; they unanimously deny the reality of mind control since its range precludes its recognition. With all due respect to Ronald Reagan, we do not need another actor in the White House.

Handicap 3b. The Fear Factor

Anyone watching the debates would conclude that all presidential candidates are utterly fearless. But fear can elude detection on the surface. Mormons grant power to an enormous host of fearful entities. Satan is credited with great power which is reinforced quite dramatically in the LDS temple endowment film. At one point in the ceremonys film, an actor playing the role of Satan says: "I have a word to say concerning these people. If they do not walk up to every covenant they make at these altars in this temple this day, they will be in my power." It is as disturbing as it is dramatic.

But there is more to fear than just Satan. Mormons believe that during our pre-Earth life, there was a war in heaven, and Satan convinced 1/3 of the spirits in heaven to follow him and become his soldiers. His minions surround us, trying to deceive us and occupy our bodies if we are not valiant.

The only reliable way to effectively suppress these fears is through strict obedience. Obedience becomes a shield and a protection from the fiery darts of the adversary and his vast host of soldiers. It is also the primary self-defense against the fear and self-loathing which will be imposed if the demands of the group are not met. It is a precarious existence, and obedience to God and His emissaries comes first, not the interests of the USA or the human race. Many will say; "But we want a God-fearing person in the White House." That might not be a bad thing up to a certain point, but when this fear dominates decision making and suppresses objectivity, we have to weigh the risk that the fear and strict obedience to God mindset might cloud objectivity at a critical moment.

Handicap 3c. The Closed Mind & Adherence to Fundamentalist Dogma

Michael Shermer observes:

"In the study on religiosity and belief in God . We found openness to experience to be the most significant predictor, with higher levels of openness related to lower levels of religiosity and belief in God."

Of the popular religions in the USA, Mormonism is arguably the easiest to disprove. I have a friend, who, starting as a true believer was able to disprove to his complete satisfaction, the foundational claims of Mormonism in about eight hours, using the internet. The person who was able to do this held multiple PhDs, and was particularly open-minded. For most, including me, it takes 6-18 months of intense research to become satisfied that leaving the Mormon Church is the right thing to do with no risk of having drawn an incorrect conclusion, or basing the decision on contaminated/biased information.

I think we have some limited empirical evidence that any Mormon candidate is closed-minded, at least with regard to things which are close to home, like their heritage religion. I assert this because they have not taken time to show Mormonism to be false, a relatively easy task, which would have freed them from the toxic environment of Mormonism.

Note that in each instance, it is the trait (the core belief, the residual mind control damage, the fanaticism, the closed-mindedness) that is objectionable. One can find a large number of these same traits in any fundamentalist religion, Christian, Muslim, or otherwise. I would have the same objections toward candidates of other fundamentalist religions. Many of my friends and business associates are LDS, they are all nice people, genuinely likeable. However, I would not vote for any of them if they ran for the Presidency.

What do I mean by a fundamentalist religion? Winston Churchill, quoting Disraeli, observed "Sensible men are all of the same religion." What did Churchill mean? Disraeli also said "Sensible men never tell." Churchill, being a sensible man, did not tell, even when pushed by his public to expound on that quote. Well, most of those reading this do not need me to tell, they know already. For those who have any doubt, I will spell out what I think he and Disraeli meant (since I have no public). Sensible people:



Embrace uncertainty



Realize that religion is not about truth. Rather, it is about finding comfort, belonging to a community, and contributing to a service network



Do not fall into destructive mind control or fanaticism



Appreciate other faiths (do not try to convert others to their faith)



Regularly dismiss fundamentalist dogma when encountered



Are not motivated by fear, guilt, feel obligation, or assume superiority

If there has been any time in the history of the USA when we could use an open-minded Chief Executive, it is now. The past successes of the USA have biased our government to stick with outdated policies and methods. It is the hindsight bias, and its roots are strong in a closed-minded person. He already thinks he knows what life is about, he knows what to do, he knows what is going to happen, he knows how he is going to react and he becomes impervious to new ideas and information which might set aside the old ideas. A closed-minded person is not what is needed in the White House, not now, not ever.

Handicap 4: The "Saying is Believing" Bias & Deception Tendency

From a very young age, Mormons are rewarded for bearing their testimony. Testimony bearing is a declaration of knowing that which is unknowable by definition: that God exists, that He talks to prophets, and so forth. Members of the Mormon church are encouraged to make these declarative statements when giving lessons, and even devote a meeting each month to foster this behavior, having the members make these statements to the largest possible audience; the entire congregation. Young children are encouraged and rewarded for declaring what they cannot know in this meeting. This they do to protect themselves from the emotional wounds of being ostracized from the group. The pressure on young people to declare their testimony is intense, reaching a fever pitch by age 17. I know because I lived through it. If the monthly meeting venue does not work, the adults take the youth away to camps to accomplish the psychological blackmail needed to extract the declaration of testimony from each young man and woman.

Over time, young Mormons create a sophisticated denial system, where critical thinking is effectively suppressed, and replaced by obfuscation and even lying. They deceive so perfectly that they do not even notice the deceptions, they have come to believe their own lies. Once this skill is in place, the Mormon member is taught that deceptive declarative statements are a safe harbor, a last bastion of security in the event anyone challenges their core beliefs. This is labeled testimony bearing, and the more a person bears testimony, the more readily the person will receive forgiveness for sin, and the stronger the testimony will become. This stronger testimony claim, of course, is just a reinforcement of the Saying is believing human bias, which does work! The transformation is complete at this point. The member has become a self-policing, thought-stopping, self-deceiving robot. This is not overly difficult to accomplish with adolescents, when thinking is mostly black and white and the need to believe and belong are overwhelming. Over the decades, many Mormon members soften and realize they do actually have some doubts and stop making outrageous declarations, but a large percentage remain in the blind declarative state their entire life.

Simply making declarative statements does not make them true, yet in the Mormon culture, it is a popular delusion, accepted and encouraged. This tendency for Mitt to declare that he knows something that is impossible to know came out recently when he claimed that Iran would not become a nuclear power if he were elected. By simply declaring it, he somehow believes it to be so. This is a hallmark of Mormonism, where the saying is believing bias is very strong, and not a desirable trait for a Chief Executive.

Handicap 5: Theocracy is the End Game

A core belief of Mormonism is that Christ will return to rule the world and usher in a perfect theocracy through the channels of the Mormon Church. Another core belief is that the laws of God are perfect are perfect and the laws of the land are flawed. Preparing the planet for a theocracy will be in the back of the mind of any Mormon elected to the presidency, and theocracies are historically proven to be the least humane governments. The expectation of an imminent theocracy is not what is needed in the White House.

Handicap 6: Diminished Critical Thinking Skills

To get a grasp on the fundamental doctrines of Mormonism, which do not pass reasonableness tests for an unbiased evaluator, let us review some of them. Keep in mind that the member is required to believe these things in their heart of hearts, and ignore contradictory evidence. In fact, they are trained to self-police, discarding anything which does not agree with the groupthink and labeling it anti-Mormon.

1. Adam and Eve were literally the first humans on Earth. Archeological population estimates put the number of humans at about 5 million at the presumed time of Adam and Eve. The Garden of Eden was in Missouri.

2. The flood at the time of Noah literally covered the entire Earth to a depth exceeding the altitude of Mt. Everest. This because the Earth required baptism and renewal. The evidence contradicting a universal flood is overwhelming and conclusive.

3. A book (The Book of Mormon) dictated by a man looking into his hat through a peep stone must be accepted as the most correct of any book. Among other fantastic claims, this book asserts there were horses, chariots, sheep, steel, cattle, wheat, silk, etc. on the American continent before the arrival of the Europeans. Archeological evidence contradicts these claims. It also claims that people built submarines made of wood to cross oceans a few thousand years before Christ.

4. Despite an overwhelming need to combat suffering and oppression among the living inhabitants of the world, God has revealed that enormous resources must be directed to do work for the dead. Every member is expected to devote a significant portion of their time redeeming the dead.

This list could be expanded to several pages, but these four points suffice to illustrate the issue. How can someone who ascribes to nonsensical and illogical thinking, ignoring or discounting hard scientific evidence, and wasting time and energy chasing ghosts possibly be considered fit for the office of Chief Executive? We need the opposite in the White House. We need someone who will consider all the evidence, embrace science, readily identify and segregate myth from reality; an individual who is capable of pragmatic thought.

Handicap 7: Discrimination

All fundamentalist religions discriminate against some element of humanity. That all humans are of the same race the human race and that men and women should have equal status is self-evident. That all humans, regardless of gender, skin color, lineage, and sexual orientation should have equal rights is equally self-evident. Throughout history we have seen a pattern where humans blame discriminatory treatment of minorities and women on policy from God. We have heard the cry over and over "I am subjugating my woman because God says her place is in the home", "blacks chose in the pre-Earth life that they would not hold the Priesthood", "AIDS is Gods judgment on gays", "fighting gay marriage laws is what God wants", and so forth. This argument no longer carries weight in an advanced society. It is a morally bankrupt and delusional society that blames discrimination on a higher power.

This presents a big problem for Mormon candidates. The LDS church has a long and lurid history of discrimination, which has been gradually improving, but only takes a step forward when forced. Polygyny essentially treated women as property (outlawed and banned under intense Governmental pressure and enforcement). The discrimination of blacks is well known, finally taking a stride in the right direction in 1979 under intense pressure. Women continue to be second-class affiliates in Mormonism. The LDS discrimination against gays is well known and mostly overt, although there is quite a bit of maneuvering of a covert nature as well. The documentary "8; The Mormon Proposition" documents this quite thoroughly. Less well-recognized is doctrinal-based discrimination against Native Americans, who according to Mormon doctrine are descended from a blood-thirsty and morally bankrupt savages. The exact opposite is true of course. The conquering Europeans were the blood-thirsty and savage oppressors.

We simply cannot justify electing a Chief Executive who does not regard each and every citizen as equals. It disqualifies him outright.


A Mormon candidate should not be considered for the office of Chief Executive for the following reasons:

Handicap 1: Inability to Take the Long View

Handicap 2: Expectation of an Armageddon

Handicap 3: Mind Control Collateral Damage

Identity Obfuscation

Fear Factor

Closed Mindedness & Fundamentalist/Dogmatic Tendencies

Handicap 4: The "Saying is Believing" Bias & Deception Tendency

Handicap 5: Theocracy is the End Game

Handicap 6: Diminished Critical Thinking Skills

Handicap 7: Discrimination

A similar case could be made for any candidate who is affiliated with a fundamentalist religion or other psychologically manipulative organization.

Apologist Arguments Answering Up Front

Argument #1: The Mormon candidates do not really believe, therefore, being a Mormon is not an issue.

Response to #1: If a Mormon candidate does not really believe, all that makes him is a good pretender. We have no need of a pretender as Chief Executive. If he is afraid to declare his true beliefs for social reasons, then we have someone who places more importance on group acceptance than principle, not somebody worthy of our vote.

Argument #2. Withholding a vote based on a persons faith is bigotry.

Response to #2: None of the elements which disqualify a Mormon as a candidate are based on that persons faith. Rather, it is an aversion traceable to dogmatic doctrines and fanaticism, mind control, and related damage which would be prevalent if that person were a member of any one of a dozen mind control institutions, be they fundamentalist religions, gangs, military units, pyramid sales schemes, etc.

Argument #3. Mormonism is no better or worse than dozens of other religions. You are just grinding your axe. Why arent you writing the same thing about Rick Perry?

Response to #3: I wholeheartedly agree about Mormonism not being head and shoulders above many others when it comes to fundamentalism, dogma, mind control, and the emotional poison and collateral damage which accompanies them. I would have equal objections regarding an affiliate of another fundamentalist religion running for President as I mentioned in #2. However, it would not be my place to comment, since I am not familiar with the doctrinal details and methods of psychological blackmail used by these other faiths. With Mormonism, I have the insiders scoop and the outsiders view.

Argument #4. The doctrines you are citing are out of date. No Mormons really truly believe in any of the key doctrinal issues you mention.

Response to #4: Mormons are taught that the gospel and its precepts are the same, yesterday, today, and forever. None of the quotes or doctrines have ever been retracted or overruled by the LDS church. Furthermore, I know for a fact that most of the members with whom I was acquainted in 2007 believed in all the key doctrines I mention in this article. There is no wiggle room here, these doctrines are on the books and the beliefs and attitudes are very much alive among the membership.

32 Updates & Rebuttals


Highlands Ranch,


#33Consumer Comment

Sat, November 16, 2013

is available at this website. Just type in 1088808 and it appears in the consumer comments section at Ripoff Report #1088808.


Highlands Ranch,


#33Consumer Comment

Wed, October 09, 2013

Are you beginning to understand that the United States of America is a country whose foundation is based mainly on lies, deception, fraud, manipulation, greed, trickery, deep corruption, and the constant pursuit to financially injure the innocent people living here and all over the world? 

Our government is corrupt! Wall Street is corrupt! Most of the legal system is corrupt! And the bankers, who control the entire system, are CORRUPT! Our country is collapsing right in front of everyone's eyes and our so-called 'leaders' in Washington DC obviously do not understand that all of the CORRUPTION has DESTROYED this country. Please feel free to give me your thoughts when you have a chance. Thank you.

WELCOME TO AMERICA- ONG BIG CORRUPT LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Highlands Ranch,


#33Consumer Comment

Thu, April 11, 2013

Did you get a chance to read the important Thursday message from our leaders in Washington DC? If not, just stay this website and type in- ROMNEY CARE, and click on Ripoff Report #933089 and scroll down to Consumer Comment #11 and read it.

Have a great day!


Highlands Ranch,


#33Consumer Comment

Wed, November 07, 2012

Mitt Romney lost the election.

Have a great day!



the more I read, the more I can't BELIEVE it.

#33REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, November 01, 2012

Thank you for even more disturbing facts.  Lucky b**tards who are going to be livin it up in Florida while the rest of the slaves row.  Thanks for depressing me even more! lol


Highlands Ranch,


#33Consumer Comment

Thu, November 01, 2012

I'll bet that there are some people in the top 1% who will be arriving in West Palm Beach, Florida today.

Feel free to stay at this site and type in- MOB SONG 24, and go to Ripoff Report #269041 and read what is posted in 'Consumer Comment #3', entitled "Blame it on a Lawyer".

Here is how paragraph six starts-

QUOTE: "The highest concentration of wealthy individuals in the world reside in West Palm Beach, Florida, between the months of November and March."

Today is November 1, 2012.

Have a great day.

n flake

United States of America

Mitt Romney did pay his taxes. Only after IRS came after him

#33Consumer Comment

Mon, October 22, 2012

Do very disappointed in the media for not asking the right questions. I should have spoken out sooner. Mitt did pay all his taxes, but not till the IRS had to come after him on more than 2 years. He paid his taxes plus fines.

Just ask Mitt the question if there were years he did not pay his full share of taxes he was supposed to pay and only paid the money after the IRS came after him that he paid the taxes due plus interest.

There is more. Ask Mitt how many times when serving the LDS church as a Bishop did he hide sexual crimes of incest from the authorities never reporting them to the police.  Incest is common among Mormons families.

I went to school in Boston and became good friends with other Mormons. I have since left the church in disgust.

The information I have given here is reliable thru family members and others that worked with Mitt Romney over many years in Massachusetts.


Highlands Ranch,


#33Consumer Comment

Sun, October 21, 2012

a cartel of corrupt bankers who are ultimately in control of the U.S. government, Wall Street, and even the price of oil, it makes sense that neither Romney nor Obama will be able to alter the course of our country and put it on a better path that would benefit all Americans, wouldn't you agree?

Let's face it, corruption is what drives much of Wall Street and the government, right? And since corruption is obviously here to stay, we can logically conclude that there will be another collapse of the system in the near future, correct?

Make sure to 'Google' this- EX-SALT LAKE MAYOR ROCKY ANDERSON FORMER DEMOCRACY NOW, and watch that video on the web. Here is a quote from the video-

QUOTE: "We launched the Justice Party because the entire system is so corrupt. It's so diseased. We know that the public interest is not being served by anyone in the system right now, particularly the two dominant parties who have sustained this corrupt system and who are sustained by it." - Rocky Anderson


Highlands Ranch,


#33Consumer Comment

Wed, October 17, 2012

Did you watch the debate between Obama and Romney last evening?


Highlands Ranch,


#33Consumer Comment

Wed, October 03, 2012

You can learn more about the handful of people who are in the top 1% that ultimately control the U.S. Government, Wall Street, the Mainstream Media, and much of the Legal System in this country by simply 'Googling' the following videos and watching them on the web-


Feel free to 'Google' this- WHO OWNS THE FED?, and go to the site with the five charts and read through them for additional information. Pay attention to the fact that Twentieth Century Fox Corporation is listed in 'Chart 4' and General Electric (NBC) is listed in 'Chart 5'. These are the same charts being displayed at the beginning of video #2 above.

The majority of the American people have become brainwashed by the ones who ultimately control the entire system, wouldn't you agree?

"Knowledge is power."



United States,

These christians are willing to vote for a mormon and they always preach against mormons so why are they willing to vote for one now they'er crazy

#33Consumer Comment

Wed, October 03, 2012

Even these so called christians are willing to vote for mormon.  This is to the people who "HATE" me you can post your hear say crap about me all you feel like.  I will continue to speak my mind!.



It's All True. Sad But True!!

#33Consumer Comment

Tue, October 02, 2012

I don't understand how people can look past what Mormons believe.  All that you wrote in this is true, and it looks like you finally woke up and are trying to help others see behind the Mormon front. 

That being said, I don't think Obama is any better choice of a President.  Look at what he promises the poor and does not deliver to them what they need.  They need training/schooling and jobs...not hand outs...which come from the middle class...who are about to be poor too!

Ron Paul was the best choice....but the media squeezed him out and Big Government.  He was the only leader who was willing to say how things REALLY are!  He wrote a book A-Z about what he stands can buy his books on Amazon.  I would love to see a candidate for presidency write a platform book as easy as Ron Pauls is to understand.  He just puts it out there in black and white.  But guess what, NO ONE READS....they all watch the propaganda that we call NEWS. What a bunch of trash the Mainstream NEWS is.  What a joke it is....sad thing is---people just pick sides over stupid parroted things the Media tells you to believe. He just didn't have the backing from what really runs the government---BIG MONEY.  Who has BIG MONEY?????  The top 1% who actually RUN the Government and Media circus.

Wake up people!!!!  


Highlands Ranch,


#33Consumer Comment

Tue, October 02, 2012

Are you going to watch the debate on TV between Romney and Obama tomorrow?

Have a nice day.


Round Rock,
United States of America

LYNDON PLEASE get this accurate info out on every social network

#33General Comment

Sun, September 23, 2012



Round Rock,
United States of America

person name calling about why Mormon should not be president previous comment was to your

#33REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, September 18, 2012

this information about a Mormon is 100 percent accurate and people need to be aware of which they already are of what Mitt Romney's personality and dangerous tactics are really all about has nothing to do with a Democrat or Republican read entire article it's States rational intelligence rational facts


Round Rock,
United States of America


#33General Comment

Tue, September 18, 2012

Very interesting that you lower yourself to name calling instead of intelligently understanding facts of mitt Romney that even republicans themselves know he is one of the most disastrous republican to ever run and interesting you
take this so personally hum maybe you have Brent taught in life to ignore warning red flags

Mormon Revolt

San Diego,

Mormonism's Sins Exposed

#33Consumer Comment

Tue, September 18, 2012

Here are two of the sins that stem from the belief in Mormonism:

1.  Racism against darker races:  This is revealed on where I will highlight the relevant parts to expose such and I quote:

"Black people and early Mormonism
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

...there were varying degrees and forms of discrimination against blacks. When the Mormons migrated to Missouri they encountered the pro-slavery sentiments of their neighbors. Joseph Smith, Jr. upheld the laws regarding slaves and slaveholders....

New York era (1820s and early 1830s)

The first reference in Latter Day Saint writings describing dark skin as a curse and mark from God refers to Lamanites. The Book of Mormon, published in the late 1820s, states the following about a group of people who rebelled against God:

And [God] had caused the cursing to come upon them, yea, even a sore cursing, because of their iniquity. For behold, they had hardened their hearts against him, that they had become like unto a flint; wherefore, as they were white, and exceedingly fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people, the Lord God did cause a skin of
blackness to come upon them
. And thus saith the Lord God; I will cause that they shall be loathsome unto thy people, save they shall repent of their iniquities." (2 Nephi 5:21)


2.  The Doctrine of Blood Atonement:
  Here is something that Mormons will not tell you and it concerns this doctrine that the site known as exposes and I quote a part of what they have found that comes directly from the Mormon church:

"The Mormons believe in blood atonement. It is taught by the leaders, and believed by the people, that the Priesthood are inspired and cannot give a wrong order. It is the belief of all that I ever heard talk of these things and I have been with the Church since the dark days in Jackson County that the authority that orders is the only responsible party
and the Danite who does the killing only an instrument, and commits no wrong.... Punishment by death is the penalty for refusing to obey the orders of the Priesthood.

I knew of many men being killed in Nauvoo by the Danites. It was then the rule that all the enemies of the Prophet Joseph should be killed, and I know of many a man who was quietly put out of the way by the orders of Joseph and his apostles while the Church was there. It has always been a well understood doctrine of the Church that it is right and praiseworthy to kill every person who speaks evil of the Prophet. This doctrine was strictly lived up to in Utah...
(Elder John D. Lee, Brigham Youngs adopted son and member of the Danites, John D. Lee Diaries)

But under certain circumstances there are some serious sins for which the cleansing of Christ does not operate, and the law of God is that men must then have their own blood shed to atone for their sins.
(Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, page 92)

Will you love your brothers and sisters likewise, when they have committed a sin that cannot be atoned
for without the shedding of their blood? Will you love that man or woman well enough to shed their blood? That is what Jesus Christ meant.
(Brigham Young, Deseret News, April 16th, 1856)

This is loving your neighbour as ourselves; if he needs help, help him; and if he wants salvation and it is necessary to spill his blood on the earth in order that he may be saved, spill it.
(Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, volume 4, page 220)

In the excavations made within the limits of Salt Lake City during the time I have resided there, many human skeletons have been exhumed in various parts of the city. I have never heard that it was ever the custom to bury the dead promiscuously throughout the city; and as no coffins were ever found in connection with any of these skeletons, it is evident that the death of the persons to whom they once belonged did not result from natural causes, but from the use of criminal means.
(R.N. Baskin, Reminiscences of Early Utah, 1914, pages 154-155)


1.  Their own book the book of Mormon puts darker skinned people under a curse.

2.  They have a doctrine that teaches that they must find a way to see someone forgiven of sins because Jesus' blood does not forgive all sins and so the way to get forgiveness of sins is to shed the blood of someone.

Still want to believe in Mormonism or will you wake up and realize how misled you actually are?  The Bible says this:

Galatians 1:6-9 King James Version (KJV)

6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
9 As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

With Mormonism we can see clearly a perverted gospel.  The real gospel is found in (John 1: 1-5, 12, 14) which states that Jesus Who is the Word is God and NOT ONLY the Son of God as Mormonism believes:

John 1:1-5,12, 14  King James Version (KJV)

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

1 Timothy 3:16 King James Version (KJV)

16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

True salvation ONLY comes when we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ CORRECTLY.  To Believe on Jesus Christ correctly is to first believe that He is God (as well as the Son of God of course see John 3: 16) when we truly believe CORRECTLY we confess Him as Lord and then we are truly saved or changed by Him for an eternity.

Acts 16:31 King James Version (KJV)

31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

Romans 10:9 King James Version (KJV)

9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.


Wake up Mormon church you are NOT in a true belief but in a false one and therefore you are NOT truly saved or changed by God as you truly claim to be because God is NOT
a racist and He defintely does not believe in taking other people's lives in order to cause them to be forgiven of their sins.  What absolute Nonsense.  Wake Up.

1 John 1:7 King James Version (KJV)

7 ...and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from
all sin


Round Rock,
United States of America


#33General Comment

Tue, September 18, 2012

This explanation is very true for the reasons why Mormons should not be president pay attention America!!pat


United States of America

If JFK was a strict Catholic people would have been even more prejudd

#33General Comment

Mon, July 09, 2012

Kennedy was Catholic and good vibs were had during and following his term. Puru had a President as Japanese ancestry and a women President of Pakistan just made things worse for woman. I see a big difference in lingering fear of Mormons if Huntsman became President than Romney. The author was unfair in putting then both together.

See, Mormons beware of a Romney Presidency at Reader Supported News,

Huntsman might give Mormons reason to hope to be accepted as part of Americana and the good news is that Romney hasn't yet got the Republican nomination and Mormons could push for a candidate that will more likely lead to Mormons belonging.


Sno Flake,
United States of America

I am one of hundreds of thousands of Mormons that left the church.

#33Consumer Suggestion

Sun, July 08, 2012

My family has been a member of the LDS Church since it was founded.

I left the church because of all the lies and abuse. Corruption and sex abuse. Why the main stream media has not covered this has been disappointing and disturbing. The church as I know it is a cult. People think Mormons are so clean and honest. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

I found the main article above very informative.

There is another article on this website everyone should read. I don't know the author personally, but I have read his book. Everything he says is completely true.

I love my family very much. This is why I will stay with the church. I have tried to make changes but I cannot do that without making waves and causing embarrassment and pain to the ones I love.

See why so many have left the Mormon church by doing a simple Google search.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=ce19979f0aca28f&biw=1334&bih=734

I strongly urge anyone to look into the LDS Church and get a full understanding on how deep into the LDS church Mitt Romney is. If Mitt Romney won the election, this would be a travesty to all Americans. They have no idea what they would be getting themselves into.

Thank you for this website.


United States of America


#33Consumer Comment

Thu, April 19, 2012

Randy Reudrich Anchorage Alaska Republican Party GOP - ILLEGALLY CHEATS RON PAUL DELEGATES

The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign condemned today the efforts of the Alaska Republican Party and its chairman Randy Reudrich to disenfranchise Paul and other non-Romney delegates to the party's upcoming state convention. In doing so, the Paul campaign also announced that it will utilize all legal tools at its disposal to prevent or reverse the state party's illegal efforts to omit non-Romney delegates to the convention.

The state party-initiated conflict in this regard is especially worrisome and politically sensitive as the Paul campaign believes it won a significant portion of delegates at the Alaska State House district conventions already held. The Paul camp anticipates that its delegate tally at the upcoming state convention will increase as supporters of former candidate Rick Santorum -- including fellow prolife supporters -- defect to the Paul camp or become non-Romney delegates to the Republican National Convention to be held late August in Tampa, Florida. In light of this, the issue has national party and political implications because it affects the conversation that will occur in Tampa over whether constitutionally-limited government and an authentic commitment to the sanctity of life will prevail over the status quo.

The Alaska Republican Party state convention is set to be held from April 26th-28th, and all previous communications to would-be delegates have stated that a delegate fee of $250 would be accepted up until the convention registration deadline, which is 2:00 p.m. Alaska Time on April 26th. However, on Monday the 16th state party chairman Randy Reudrich called a state committee meeting at which he stated that delegate fees would be accepted no later than 48 hours from the time of the meeting, which would be Wednesday, April 18th. However, on Tuesday the state party said that delegate fees had to be paid by 6:00 p.m. that evening. As individual delegates and campaigns scrambled to pay delegate fees, the state party erected bizarre and allegedly extra-legal obstacles in front of Paul, prolife, and other non-Romney delegates, and communications between self-identifying non-Romney delegates and state party personnel degraded.

One example of the state party trying to frustrate Paul delegates was in exactly when and how delegates could remit their $250 fee. Acceptable methods of payment ranged from online credit card payment on the state party website -- although the link to such had been inexplicably removed -- to personal checks that were later said to be unacceptable, to money orders that in at least one case were termed unacceptable and returned. The state party, the Ron Paul campaign argues, capriciously moved its payment deadline and modified its acceptable ways of paying the $250 delegate fee expressly to frustrate Paul delegates and in general any delegates outside the tight circle of party-sanctioned non-Romney delegates.

The Alaska GOP also wrongly stated that individual Paul, prolife, or non-Romney supporters were prohibited from sponsoring the $250 delegate fees for surrogate delegates, disbursements used to cover airfare, accommodations, and the like in as large a state as Alaska. In the example, the party told a grassroots Ron Paul supporter that he could not sponsor four surrogate delegates for an amount totaling $1,000 without a waiver yet the party subsequently refused to make the waiver form available for examination or use ostensibly to burn the clock.

The Ron Paul campaign, in its letter, informed the state party organization and its chair that prohibiting sponsorship of delegates has no legal or factual basis.

"Saying 'Your money's no good here' is an affront to the many Ron Paul and other prolife supporters who labor to support the candidate of their choice and build the Republican Party," said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Manager John Tate.

"Moving the goal post, setting up hoops for delegates to jump through, establishing arbitrary deadlines, and sending conflicting messages to frustrate Paul supporters is wrong and will fail. Instead, Ron Paul supporters and other prolife supporters will be further energized, and this invented conflict will have the added benefit of shaming the Alaska Republican Party establishment, which obviously is in the tank for Massachusetts moderate Mitt Romney," added Mr. Tate.



I Agree

South Clearfield,

Is Mitt Romney 'It"?

#33Consumer Comment

Wed, April 18, 2012


...Because He is Full of Crap...



United States,

Mitt Romney is nothing but a selfish greedy p***k $800,000,000 could help a lot of people mitt romney ruined a lot of people with the companies he bankrupted he would bankrupt all of us

#33Consumer Comment

Tue, April 17, 2012

Mitt Romney will be worse then any other republican in history. He said he would buy the white house if he could he cannot do that!. All mitt romney will do is cause all of us to go bankrupted! & rape us financially.

That is all the greedy republicans want to do is bankrupt the american people,  yet they want to blame all of george w bushs mistakes on President Obama.  Why would anyone spend $800,000,000 for a job that only pays $450,000.

It don't matter how much a**hole romney has.  It will be up to the voters to put him in office.  I can't wait to laugh that half of Billion $$$$$$$$$$$$$ will not make him president.


United States of America

Why a Mormon Should Not be President of the USA

#33Consumer Comment

Wed, April 11, 2012

Anyone, so energized about anothers religious belief, is one to be avoided.  The very idea that you could have spent so much time and energy to produce such screed suggests that you have some serious adjustment problems.  I am not a Mormon,  nonetheless, if you were to speak aloud in my presence the nonsense that you so cowardly displayed from behind the internet, for weeks I would be picking bits of your butt out of the toe of my boot.   


United States,

Dumb wing nuts they just cant stand to be in the wrong they always got to start their pity party because they dont have their way

#33Consumer Comment

Tue, March 13, 2012

These wing nuts get dumber by the minute.


United States of America

dumb liberals.

#33General Comment

Tue, March 13, 2012

yes that's right, dumb liberals.  You can't seem to understand that your political party has been taken over by the communists and Americans don't want a communist for POTUS>  0 will be defeated in November and by Romney.  Get over it. 




#33Consumer Comment

Tue, March 13, 2012

Usually I take extreme defense of anything related the n**i Germany for family reasons but you are on the money on this one.  Read that two individuals were arrested in Highland Ranch, CO for human trafficking!  Hummm


United States of America

Religious Bigotry

#33Consumer Comment

Tue, February 14, 2012

This article is not about harm that was brought to the individual that did some cutting a pasting a lengthy article about mormons.  It was nothing more than a diatribe about their hatred of Mormons and the thought that one of them could become POTUS.  

This is hatred pure and simple.  biggoted hatred.  And showing no harm to themselves by these two individuals the "report" is demeaned by the hatred, misstatements and flat out lies by the author.  

This poorly written badly researched article has no place on a forum dedicated to exposing con artists and crooks.  

Hopefully the owner of the forum will have enough sense to tear it down since it holds no truth in it. 


United States,

Hey stacy if you weren't such a mean horrible person people might respond back to you if anyone has a problem with me i don't care i have rights just like everybody else

#33Consumer Comment

Tue, February 14, 2012

I have rights like everyone else to live. But people on this site don't want me to live a good life. Hypocrite.



*****SPAM ALERT*******

#33Consumer Comment

Thu, February 02, 2012

Christians should stop fighting and unite against the terrorist breeding religions. 
Karl you hate everything and everyone.  Why not focus your hate on the people that are trying to destroy the U.S. instead of supporting them?  We are not perfect by no means and GOD knows we are doing our best to change that but, you are not helping.  I kiss the ground everytime I land in the U.S. after spending time in other oppressive countries where they execute people like you.
And everytime I hear bitching and complaining about no chicken mc nuggets or I cannot park there or I must stand in line to get service, I lose a little bit of my soul.  Maybe the Mormons are right and there is just too many people.




#33Consumer Comment

Tue, December 27, 2011

Who could possibly get through that long winded diatribe!  After Obama, who cares!  We could weather anything.


North Carolina,
United States of America

All I can say is...

#33Consumer Comment

Mon, December 26, 2011

Lyndon, you better pray that Ripoff Reports never restricts a post to 150 characters like Twitter does.

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