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  • Report:  #634135

Complaint Review: Mobile Business Solutions / Edward Singleton

Mobile Business Solutions / Edward Singleton Zachary Singleton, Zach Singleton, Zach Sylvester Sex Offender!!!! Scum of the Earth! Piece of Crap! Thief! Lying Scammer! Maggot!! LOUSE!!!!! Cartersville, Georgia

  • Reported By:
    Sunset — Lakewood California United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Tue, August 24, 2010
  • Updated:
    Tue, August 31, 2010

WOW!! I am really shocked at what I just found!! I knew if I kept digging long enough I would find those skeletons in Edward Singleton's closet!!! I really did not expect to find this, but on the other hand, I should not be shocked about anything when it comes to Scum-of-the-Earth Edward Singleton!! He is a thief who stole $3,084.50 from the mouths of me and my family as well as thousands of dollars from many other innocent victims all across the U.S and Canada!! (Probably more but that is all I know about RIGHT NOW!) He wants me to stop telling the world about his thieving ways extremely bad!! I think he must be having problems finding new victims!! I SURE HOPE SO!!! That is MY goal!! I did tell him I have no problem stopping if he returns the $3,084.50 that he stole from me and my family!! It is that simple!! Until then I will be his worst nightmare and report to the world that he is a lying, scamming thief, low life and piece of crap!!! (And everything else I can find on the rest of the family!) He does NOT deserve to be a part or our society!!! He needs to be locked up in a cage and put away forever!! And if he continues on this path, it WILL happen! You can not continue to steal from innnocent victims forever and continue to get away with it!! "MY" GOD will NOT allow it!! And YOU can put money on that one!!

Now that I have become a victim turned ADVOCATE I refuse to be silent!!! Silence empowers the criminal and I will do everything I can to keep this low life named Zachary Edward Singleton from finding new victims!!! I INTEND TO CONTINUE BEING VERY LOUD ZACHARY EDWARD SINGLETON AND DADDY FRANK SINGLETON from Cumming, GA!!!! You WILL NOT cripple ME!!! You stole my money but I will continue fighting and letting the world know that you are a lying thief and to run whenever they hear YOUR UGLY, NASTY NAMES!!!

All of your victims are aware of the fact that you lived in South Carolina when you were scamming innocent people out of $10,000.00 "bogus" trained security dogs with your bogus company called Carolina Canines. (Later when you skipped town to Colorado you started Colorado Canines. Same bogus company! Just a new location!)

Well, in my recent digging to find his buried skeletons hiding in his closet, I went to the Charlston County Criminal Courts Filing Inquiry! And WHOA!!!! I did not expect to find what I found under the name of "Edward Singleton"! But from here on out nothing will surprise me anymore!! Charleston County Courts said Edward Singleton failed to register as a sex offender and was arrested on 10/20/98! Hmmm! I wonder if that is when he decided to skip town again and move to Colorado and set up the bogus business of Colorado Canines????? Hmmmm! I do not know but I intend to keep investigating!! I will also post this for you to view yourselves and everything else I can find! If for some reason it does not post just go to the Charleston County Criminal Courts and do a search of Edward Singleton and you will find it yourself!!

I WILL keep digging and searching!! I will always keep searching and find everything that he and his family try to hide and then I will post it!! Like they say, YOU can run but YOU can NOT hide!!! GIVE ME MY MONEY!!!

Edward!! Give me the money you stole from me and my family if you want me to stop!! I know you DO want me to stop so give me MY money!!

Oh! Do not even waste my time anymore sending me those hilarious "certified letters"! They do not scare me and I just laugh at how much of an idiot you are! (And of course, I post them at your expense while LMAO!) But then again you are just a whippersapper which is a young and unimportant person. So do not embarrass yourself anymore!! Anyway, I will refuse it and I have already instructed my office to refuse it also so it will be a waste of my stolen money!! See how nice I am??? There is only ONE thing you can say to me that will spark my interest. And that is, "Sharon, here is the money I stole from you!" Other than that, do not waste my time and save the five bucks of the $3,084.50 that you stole from me!

OH! One more thing! Since you are just an idiot of a whippersnapper I know I always have to give you definitions of the words I use so you will understand. I know you are a big idiot because I have told you many times that "our" is not spelled "are". Okay??? Should I repeat that to you one more time real slowly?

Anyway, the definition of a "Louse" is "an unethical person!" YEP!! Once again that describes YOU, Zachary Edward Singleton!!! Actually it describes Daddy Frank Singelton to now that I think about it!!

I sure could have a lot more fun with your idiotic self for days but I will stop for now and give you a break!!

One last thing! Your Daddy Frank Singleton told me a few months back that he was going to call you and get to the bottom of all of YOUR thieving ways and call me back the next day! I am still waiting!! What is up with that?? Does it take that long to get to the bottom of your lies or is he just a big liar like you??? Well, I have my own thoughts about that one!! I think YOU get it HONESTLY!!! Yep! Pun intended!! Like father like son!! Two peas in a pod!! I do not think that is anything to brag about though!!


2 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

Edward Singleton Lying Thieving Idiot!!

#3Author of original report

Tue, August 31, 2010


I am not going to waste my time arguing over lies from this disturbed idiot of a thief! As the saying goes, "Dont argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience".

Buyer Beware!!!




Are you kidding? This is too much

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, August 29, 2010

This is too much, so I must post a response.  I have not posted or had any contact with this person set on attacking me and my family.  For the main reason it is not going to help.  Second we have a law suit being filed, This person has been notified of that law suit and it goes on.  Every email she sends (About 12 per week) simply get sent straight to the law firm handling this matter. 

I am simply posting a quick punch list to show this person is not only false, but vindictive, and apparently crazy.  If anyone reads all these postings they can quickly conclude the individual behind these attacks is 100% wrong, and cruel. 

Please read these are all truthful and easy to fact check statements.

1.  No one stole anything from this poster.  She gave a non-refundable deposit, we gave services and support.  We were out material, labor, and design time when she pulled her order.  She opted to use are services, then find a cheaper cart on the used market.  She had every right to pull her work order, and we did not chase the balance due.  However we felt since we were out time, and money a refund was out of the question.  We are all very glad to hear she has a cart up and running.  It is good to see all the work and coaching we did on her behalf is paying off. 

2.  She did call the Sheriff.  They said it was a square deal and no theft or crime had been committed.  Hence I am sitting here writing to all of you!  They also told this woman she was wrong and she had no criminal case, and doubted she had a civil case.  Hence why we are suing her and not her suing us!  If a fraction of this persons posting were true I would be in trouble.  However I am not!  Makes since right!

3.  Having no legal recourse available to her, she began attacking me, my family, and my company on this site.  (If she was right she would have a legal recourse as we do)

4.  Reason we have a legal recourse?  She is posting liable, which is the written form of slander.  False statements written to hurt someones lively hood, there personal standing in a community etc.. 

So we have already explained the truth behind her purchase and NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT. 


LIE-    She posted I robbed my fathers house in Alaska? 

Truth- My fathers house was robbed in Alaska, however I was 10 years old and on vacation with my family when it happened.

-LIE  I have gun charges in Alaska??

Truth-  I left Alaska with my family when I was 16!  I doubt I was running around packing heat at that age :). 

Truth-  She did call and request air time with Peoples Court and other TV shows, You know the ones.  The day time drama show, we all say "Who would go on that show"??  Well this lady would!

Lie-  We did not run or hide, we simply turned down the invite to make a serious problem into a horse and pony show.  This lady posted on this site, we ran.  "Why else would we turn down a free vacation"???  Hmmm.  I do not call a Peoples court taping for 1 day in NY a vacation. 

The biggest one to date!!

That I am a sex offender????

She found someone with a similar name in South Carolina that I guess did not register as a sex offender??  I would doubt she even saw this. this poster just does not think past the second she is in.  I have never lived in SC- Easy to fact check.

Truth-  I am NOT NOT NOT a sex offender.  In 1998 I was a senior in High school- As this lady posted my date of birth is 1979 March 24.  And in the US Marines recruiting program!  In 1999 I joined the US Marine Corps.   They do not accept Marines into Boot camp with such crimes, really any crimes at all.  Easy to fact check! 

I spent 4 years in the Marines and was Honorably Discharged, with a Good conduct Medal and several other medals/ribbons for my service to this country.  

I have a wife of 12 years and 4 children.  Again, I doubt the law would allow me to have my children if this were true.  I am not registered any where for any crime. 

I know this lady will blast this site and my email.  I want her to know she is not getting to me.  We have hired a law firm, she knows that.  Part of this is simple.  You wait a little bit and allow the person to hang themselves.  She has done that with this latest post.  I know she understands what she is doing, because she emails me and laughs.  She send Bible verses then drops the F- bomb four or five times.  

All of you can decided if this is crazy talk, by a very mean person or the truth.  I believe the more you read, the more you will understand this lady has serious issues.  She has conversations with herself on this site.  She makes up whatever she wants, and she laughs at the hurt it causes.  If you have a problem with a company, you write or call that company.  You then work something out, if you cannot and you have a case.  You go to a court room, and have them decide. 

When this mess is over, I will post the court findings in our law suit.  I will post the judgment and the damages awarded. 

You can write truthful statements. They cannot be your own version of the truth.  They must be fact checked and certified truthful statements.  Whenever you go off and add to it, with the sole purpose of hurting someone that becomes a civil crime. 

Poster- You and I know who you are.  We will see you in court soon enough.  Just like my Law firm notified you.  I really want to see how you address all these postings. There is No truth to any of them and you know it. 

Last the BBB

Based on BBB files, this business has a BBB Rating of D- on a scale from A+ to F.

Reasons for this rating include:
  • BBB does not have sufficient information to determine how long this business has been operating.
  • BBB does not have sufficient background information on this business.
  • One complaint filed against business that was not resolved.
The above was copied right off the site.  We just learned we have a D-  Why??  The three above reasons.  So we are signing up with the BBB and providing any info needed.  Guess who are ONLY complaint is with?????   That's right this ONE single lady who is posting all this vial garbage.  Shocking. 

When I sent the BBB all the Emails from this lady, they were shocked!  She had lied to them as well.  But once they read all the death threats, Bible and Muslim religious threats, and we began to peal back her lies.  They were very helpful and told us exactly how to handle it. 

Again, EVERYONE who has talked to this lady says the same thing.  She is not right mentally.

This has become nothing more than someone going off half cocked, without any remorse or respect for the laws. 

I am truly sorry to any customer this has effected, and I am very great full for all the support our customers have given. 



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