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  • Report:  #26994

Complaint Review: Mormon Church; Mesa Police

Mormon Church, Mesa Police Mormons, Mesa Police, Mayhem Part 2 of 4 Mesa Arizona *UPDATE ..Police caught in a lie.

  • Reported By:
  • Submitted:
    Thu, August 15, 2002
  • Updated:
    Thu, May 22, 2003
  • Mormon Church; Mesa Police
    Arizona Temple Visitor's Center
    Mesa, Arizona
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Mormons, Mesa Police, Mayhem (Part 2 of 4)

[See Part One, which has some background info.]

On Wednesday, March 27, 2002, Mr. Craft was standing on the sidewalk adjacent to the street corner of a Public Park across from the Mormon Easter Pageant. He was preaching his litany of hellfire and brimstone, warning people that the Mormon Church isn't true. (He loves them enough to warn them.)

As you can imagine, this type of activity sometimes upsets Mormons, and a Mormon man got in Mr. Craft's face. Mr. Craft ignored him, and eventually the man left. But he returned a few minutes later, walking past Mr. Craft into the park.

There happens to be a rock garden in the park (you wouldn't know this unless you'd been to the park before) and while most of the rocks are cemented in place, a few are loose. This man came back with a sizable rock in his hand, yelling again at Mr. Craft, with the rock chest high, ready to throw at him.

Fortunately for Mr. Craft, a Mesa Policeman (off duty but in uniform) was at a sweet roll stand across the street (no joke). Mr. Craft yelled for help, and the cop started across the street. Whereupon the man changed his stance, tossed the rock underhand at Mr. Craft, and walked to meet the cop.

Threatening someone with a large rock is what you and I call attempted murder - but the legal system makes it sound a little less evil and calls it "aggravated assault." Here in Arizona it's a felony - a pretty serious crime, as it should be. In this day and age if you were to hold your hand up to a cop the wrong way, you'd find your butt in jail ostensibly for assaulting a police officer - a felony offense. Clearly, holding a rock, unlike your hand, makes you a legitimate threat, so we want the same justice.

Unfortunately, despite Mr. Craft's repeated instructions that he wanted the man arrested (here in Arizona, Police officers are REQUIRED to take someone into custody if you claim they commit a felony), the officer, Officer Yunker, did not to this. Instead, he talked with the man for a minute or so, and then LED HIM INTO THE PAGEANT!

Mr. Craft protested about this for 20 minutes after the fact, to no avail. Unfortunately, no Christians were around to witness the attack, and the few Mormon witnesses seem willing to forfeit entry into the Highest Heaven for the sake of their Church. (Their own Gospel Principles teach they can never get to the Highest Heaven unless they've repented of ALL their sin, a process that includes apologizing to those they've wronged (Mr. Craft) and righting that wrong (telling the truth). I also point out that one of the 10 Commandants is "Thou shall not bear false witness." But apparently it's okay if it's for the sake of "The One True Church."

This Mormon man (Photo) is a witness.

Will he tell the truth or fall on his sword for the Church?

Mr. Craft decided to call the police on the police. Well, you know how that went. Needless to say, lots of obfuscation. No one officially interviewed officer Yunker, the cop who let the felon go.

He met a few other bad actors. Meet Officer "This is MY town and we do things MY way" Brooks. Brooks Photo below

In apparent retaliation for calling the cops on the cops, the Mesa Police decided - two months after all this - to "arrest" (in absentia) Mr. Craft, the victim, for the misdemeanor of "Disorderly Conduct." No one called the police on Mr. Craft that night - all the witness statements alleging disorderly conduct were gathered the next night, at the urging of the Police. He was not arrested that next night either. (Pretty impressive how diligent they are tracking down those non-reported crimes, and misdemeanors at that.)

[Mr. Craft's lawyer is still trying to figure out how they could file charges that late, and manage to call it an arrest, when no one called in a complaint. Nonetheless, charges were somehow filed in Court (the Prosecutor was caught off guard as well), and as of this writing, the case is to be tried. Only in Mesa. Well, maybe Mr. Craft can win a million dollars from the Mesa P.D. for malicious prosecution so he can travel back to Mesa to preach to the Mormons. Wouldn't that be ironic justice? (We can always pray.)]

There's more to this story developing - look for an update in September.

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The Saint
Phoenix, Arizona

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5 Updates & Rebuttals



The Saint...

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, May 21, 2003

Hi people do you know that the vast majority of slamming done on the Mormon church at this site is one man? This "Saint" is a hate machine cranking out garbage.

Apparently someone granted him total domination over what is right and wrong. Religion is no longer a matter of belief, because he said the Mormon church is wrong it must be so. Wow, I hope everyone wants to convert to whatever he is.

Persecution would be like when whites lined up and harssed blacks who went in to vote. Wow, that is kind of like harassing families who are on their way to worship. Who are you to start siting minority opression anyway. It is abundantly obvious that you sir are lily white. I am not, I am black, and "Native American", and Jewish along with a couple other white bloods. Interesting how you talk about blacks as "the blacks" like put "the dog" out. Obviously you don't see minorities as people. But I got to hand it to you... you brushed up on what is politically correct. You can even reel it off like a pro is no one pays attention to the details.

What do you mean if someone wants to join my church it is their business. I am not fishing for converts here. I am defending my beliefs. The activities that Mr.Craft plagues are not to obtain new members.They are activities to celebrate our faith.

Obviously for you this is a misguided attempt to warn people about the evils of the Mormon church so they won't join. News flash idiot, no one joins the the Mormon church because of the garbage you are debating. You are stopping no one from believing anything. Except possibly that people who spread anti-Mormon literature are bigots and fanatics.



Dear Emily, will you recognize the beast when it comes for you?

#6Author of original report

Sun, March 23, 2003

This is Part 2 of a 4 part series.

Part 1 is here:
Part 3 is here:
Part 4 is here:

For a full rebuttal to Emily's rant, see Part 4. http://ttp://
Let me just add that those of you who are interested should check out what Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon Church, said that "God" told him about your church! Did you know you're ALL corrupt, and ALL your creeds are an abomination? Also, check out why Joseph Smith, good man that he was, was jailed in Carthage, IL. (Do a GOOGLE search.) Or do a search for The Mountain Meadows Massacre. Emily is once again wrong when she claims We leave you alone.

If you want to join her Church, that's your business. I just want you to know what you're getting in to and what kind of justice you'll see. They're almost White Supremacist like. (You know that for years, blacks could NEVER inherit the Mormon priesthood, right?)

Poor, poor "persecuted" Emily. Since when did telling someone "you're wrong" become persecution? (Think of all those school teachers persecuting students who get the wrong answer on a test - or loving parents who discipline their children when they're wrong.) I thought persecution was, like, being thrown in jail unjustly. Stupid me, I thought it was Mr. Craft who was being persecuted.

Isn't it amazing how blind people can be? I've demonstrated a pattern and practice of lying by Mormons in the Mormon Church and Mormons in the Mesa PD. (See Parts 3 & 4 if your eyesight is still weak.) There's only been ONE Mormon in this whole fiasco who's been honest. And yet, Emily thinks it's Mr. Craft who's the monster. Now who's the bigot?

[If nothing else, this is insightful for those of us who never lived in the South in the 60's and saw the unfounded hatred whites had for blacks. Here, instead of whites hating blacks, it's Mormons hating Anti-Mormons. Maybe now you can understand a little how the blacks felt when they were (and continue to be) persecuted by law enforcement for just being alive - let alone exercising their Constitutional right to free speech.]

Dear Emily, will you recognize the beast when it comes for you? But thanks for loving your enemy, as you were commanded. Great Mormon testimony.

The Saint
Phoenix, AZ



I have heard enough in defense of this monster!

#6UPDATE Employee

Mon, March 17, 2003

This Sunday I am going to stand in front of your church and tell your children that your beliefs are garbage and that you lie to them.

I am going to tell them all sorts of sick things like that you have multiple wives, entire other families, because maybe your ancestors come from a country that practices that, even though you don't.

I am going to tell them that your religion is a cult. I am going to tell them lots of fun rumors, like that you hate minorities and cook and eat their babies. I am going to tell them that you worship a graven image, how about the cross, the instrument of Christ's death because you hate Jesus. Then I will tell them that you don't even believe in Jesus, you just say you do. Them I am going to tell them that they are going to burn forever in hell. Because they don't belong to the church I think they should.

Do you like that? Neither do we. We go to the temple to worship. We don't like hate mongers screaming these things at our children.

Where does your right to bad mouth us to anyone, and our right to raise our children by our faith begin?

We don't go to your churchs and worship places and do these things? Why do you do them to us?

I wanted to punch out protesters at a circus I took my children to because they were following me down the sidewalk telling my young children that I hate the earth and animals because I was taking them to a circus... for the first time in their young lives. I was mad enough to do it too.

They are my children... I will raise them in my beliefs... as you raise your children in yours. I fully believe you can defend your family in whatever means you deem necessary. I am sorry my Brother in the church attacked the man protesting. But I do not blame him... did not Christ himself turn the moneychangers out of his temple?

You are a bunch of bigots! You hate a church for it's beliefs... so you are bigots! We leave you alone, why is it okay for a man of another religion to badger Mormons on their way to worship? This isn't the first time he has been attacked, and it won't be the last. He isn't doing it because he loves us, he is doing it because he enjoys the attention... get crucial you idiots.

Thank you for contributing to the persecution of a people for their beliefs and culture... you would have been great little Nazis for Hitler!

Some good news, some bad news


Sat, November 16, 2002

The Mesa Prosecutor, after much hemming and hawing, finally decided to drop the charge of disorderly conduct against our victim, Mr. Craft. (Remember, HE was the one who called the police. But they decided to make him the criminal.)

The Prosecutor probably wouldn't have dropped the case, except that Mr. Craft retained a lawyer, who deposed the two witnesses. To the credit of the Mormon dressed as a Roman Centurion, he did not lie. He said he never saw Mr. Craft assault anyone. In fact, he said he didn't know where the Police got their information for their report. He never said what they wrote in their police report.

So the Mesa Police are caught in a lie.

We're thankful Mr. Craft is off the hook. We're sad it cost the price of a lawyer to have justice. Our hearts go out to those who can't afford lawyers and will probably not get justice in Mesa. We're thankful that the Mormon in the Centurion outfit didn't fall on his sword for his church, but told the truth. There may be hope for him yet.

Mr. Craft is still looking for an aggressive lawyer to sue the pants off the Mesa P.D., the Mormon Church and Mr. Rowley. (The money to be used to evangelize Mormons. Wouldn't that be ironic?) Three false arrests in one week clearly shows a pattern of religious discrimination. Mr. Craft has video tape of most of the events, and is willing to be generous with contingency fees. He was jailed twice, which should command a sizable settlement. If you know an aggressive lawyer who is not afraid to tackle the Goliath called the Mormon Church, please have them contact me at mormonassault@ badbusinessbureau .com


Los Angeles,

This is awkward, even for a tourist...

#6Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 05, 2002

I was foolish enough to come to Mesa to

watch the Easter Pagaent at the Mormon Temple there. I saw several ugly incidents.

I have been all over the world, and I have not seen such criminal discrimination and monstrous actual crime by police officers.

It is one thing if they want to protect their religion. But this is ridiculous! More, it is awkward for a tourist, and I became actually frightened when I was informed that this is how this entire city works. I will never come back, and am advising all my friends to never venture to Mesa.

I was also offered, in my trip back to my motel, all sorts of drugs ( I do not do drugs at all, never have ) within a block or two of the temple, and at the other end. What kind of a place is this? Why do the citizens tolerate this?

You really need to start getting rid of these people.

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