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  • Report:  #951888

Complaint Review: MotionTech

MotionTech David Samson, David Rhys-Beauregar doesn't pay employees, steals money from aspiring models for "portfolio" work that never gets done Internet, British Columbia

  • Reported By:
    NK — Vancouver British Columbia United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sun, October 07, 2012
  • Updated:
    Tue, October 23, 2012

I responded to an ad on Vancouver's craigslist - under the category of "art/media/design jobs" - for a "Spokesmodel/Social Media/Graphic design" job on July 13, 2012. The ad stated that it would pay $20.00 per hour, to start. Here is the exact wording of that post, which has expired now: 

"Needed is a very fashion conscious student who can do great social media design, graphic design and add content to a website. Good organizational skills and quick at working and meeting tasks.

Start immediately!"

I was then contacted by telephone on July 24th, 2012, by a man who called himself David. He claimed to be in the Los Angeles, California area when we spoke, but he had a Vancouver, B.C. (Canadian) accent and said that he lived here. He hired me without us ever meeting in person, and I began working for him after extensive phone calls and emails. I began writing and posting ads on various U.S. cities' craigslist looking for models who wanted to participate in a reality TV show competition, similar to America's Next Top Model, called "The Most Beautiful Girl in the World"

The basic wording of the ads was like this: 

"The Most Beautiful Girl In The World Show!" Models/Actresses!"The Most Beautiful Girl in the World TV Show!" A reality show to run on Spike Channel.Looking for glamour models, bikini models, luxury models, pin up models, and runway models. Winner is awarded a $250,000 contract, then annual competition to win $1,000,000 contract.

Resume, portfolio, and/or pictures. 

Auditions starting right away!

Location: Van BCit's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interestsCompensation: $125/hr." 

He wanted me to advertise for positions similar to mine as well, and offer $25-$45/hour. He was quick to give me a raise to $25/hour for posting these ads, and wanted me to hire many ad reps and models. Almost every model who applied in every city was approved and to be sent a digital award letter. The award letter basically stated they needed to meet special portfolio requirements to participate. This was a cost of $1,000 to the model, up front. Obviously, as this information was laid out to me piece by piece, I quickly became suspicious of him, his business practices and motives and I quit. I quit before the end of July, a week in. I was told I would be paid on the 15th of August. I still have not received any of the $600 some odd dollars he promised to pay me. Not a single cent. 

Luckily I had not invested a full 40 hour work week doing these communications for him, and only one model had expressed she was interested in paying for the portfolio photo and video shoot up front. I left this in his court, as he wanted to have FedEx pick it up from her at her home. I wanted nothing more to do with this guy, but before resigning I did gain a bit more knowledge of how he planned to collect the thousand dollars from her. (She lives in Houston, Texas.) She sent $500 and it cost her $40 to send it to his specifications. Her contract had stated, "All checks must be either a bank draft or certified check, and must be issued to Dordick Investments Ltd" 

When I questioned David about all of this, his exact email response was this: 

"We are now going to use an Investment that is registered in Canada called Dordick Investments Ltd. to process all the cheques, it's been incorporated since 1967, and has an impeccable track record. It will be mailed to British Columbia where all the cheques will be sorted. will handle all the pickups.
As to my credibility I've worked for Dordick Investments for 25 years." 

August 15th was supposed to be a get together for the ladies who were to be on the show, which was supposed to start filming on September 2nd. August 15th was also supposed to be my pay day. On this day he sent me an email - pretending to be his "admin" person that said this: 

"We have reviewed your performance and come to the conclusion that you have been lacking in some hours where you were supposed to be on shift, and secondly, were not by the phone when you should have been. We had to contact you many times. This cost us many delays, and was not according to our contract agreement.
We have to discuss this with David, and get back to you on Monday when he will be back from being out of town on an island shoot.
Thank you, 
Admin for David" 

I followed up - and on August 20th received this message: 

"We are reviewing your paycheque, it seems we have had some issues with the girls trying to get a hold of you. Please refrain from talking negatively about the company. We have a contract and will get an injunction should you say things negatively about the company.
We have received Lauren's first $500, and will be waiting for it to clear the bank to issue you your commission cheque.
We will however have to evaluate how much to pay you on the 1st of month. Some of the hours have come into question that you claimed to have worked. 
Admin for David." 

I forwarded many emails proving the hours I worked, and also a detailed log of the phone conversations I had had with David himself. 

The response was still just this nonsense: 

"We have just had a long day with Admin, they have said they were uncertain about the hours you claimed.
Lauren has paid her first $500 for her portfolio. We will give you your commission when it clears the bank. 
Please refrain from making negative comments about us as we are evaluating statements received from someone where you slandered the company and we could begin legal proceeding and issue an injunction.
Human Resources for David" 

I could go on and on with the dialogue, but basically I was accused of slander. A fake legal document was emailed to me from the Vice President of the company from this email address:
and some lawyer supposedly named Matt Wolf, LLB ordering me to "Cease and Desist immediately and pay $5,000.00 damages" for supposedly posting on craigslist that this company was a scam. I was not actually the one who had posted on CL about it, but I had responded to an ad on the site that said exactly that. 

I began forming an alliance of ex-employees who had also not been paid and models who had either paid him or considered doing so... and also continued badgering David for my paycheck as if his company was real. 

I was told I would be paid on the 1st of September if I submitted my cell phone records. I gave up after doing some research. The guys name came up when I googled it, associated with many other financial type scams around the Vancouver area. Apparently the guy has a long history of not paying his employees and also of trying to scam investment money out of people. 

At the end of August I filed a few reports. One with The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC) - file number 746380. Another with the Vancouver Police department - report number 12-141947. A police officer contacted me and shared that David was in serious financial distress, had a history of mental illness in this delusions of grandeur type of way, and had recently been evicted. 

On September 4th I decided to email the one model in Houston who had wanted to pay the portfolio fee because of me contacting her. I just alerted her to his lies/scam and she never sent the other half. 

He had originally claimed that Steven Spielberg was co-producing the show with him. Steven Spielberg's agent's office confirmed that this was untrue, and shortly thereafter some of the adverts no longer use his name. However, at the time that I am posting this detailed report, you can still see it on the flyer type image on the website. 

I hope this was detailed enough, and that no other victims get cheated out of their time, energy or money by this David person. 

11 Updates & Rebuttals


South Carolina,
United States of America

If he is so rich.....

#12General Comment

Tue, October 23, 2012

Out on a yacht, really... Why does the website change weekly??? This is bigger than the nigerian scam... I really hope he/they/and all the people that are all the same person get nailed!!! And I pray my recruiter has not been harmed! 

Motion Studios

Beverly Hills,

I am David Rhys-Beauregar's close friend. I'd like to say to this looney tunes, I've been at his house!

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, October 18, 2012

I'm with the Canadian Federal Police, shut your f**ken mouth you trashbag! No one cares what you want. Your the f**ken hired help who set the Guiness record for worst employee and most stupid fool, you pitiful nuisance! He's worth millions you idiot! I've been to his multi million dollar house and on his 120 ft. yacht!

I hope this trash burns in jail for quite some time! You're a stocker! Your a trashy thief!

Your going to hell in the press you haven't got a clue! So for all of us in Hollywood, you're a piece of trash! Get a f**ken job you dumbass!


United States of America

who verified this math

#12Author of original report

Thu, October 18, 2012

I would love to see some proof of the math cited here.
$30,000,000 is your salary? 
Did you earn that by being a super model nobody has seen? 
Did you win thirty million martial arts competitions? 
Really rich business men who do legitimate work come forward. 
They do not hide, making up stories about why they aren't paying any employees. 

Motion Studios

Beverly Hills,

Last Words for the RCMP. New Internet Laws deem these scam campaigns illegal. New Criminal Internet Laws. Motion Studios pioneers anti-scam legislation.

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, October 18, 2012

The RCMP are now issuing warrants for all scam attacks on legitimate business. If you have nothing good to say against an incorporated company like Motion Studios, you are now by law subject to warrant and arrest . Purgery under Oath can be assessed at the discretion of an RCMP officer or US Marshal.

If anyone can claim they worked for someone else and then ended up here with a contract in place, you are subject to criminal law. The cost incurred to the corporation could be families being destroyed and that company losing millions! The RCMP will have more on the "Thrift Store Negotiators" internet scam scandal in the media in the next 6 weeks or so.

Motion Studios is relieved of this and other negative reports. Apparently being convicted of an Indictable Offense was more important than their own futures and 1000 other peoples lives, so selfless dedication to their job isn't what these people were about. They wanted all the others in the company to suffer because they were heartless, unmotivated, and unsuccessful independent contractors.

We warn and caution people to be careful who your hiring or doing business with, you just might end up with the "Thrift Store Negotiators" in your business associates, so take the time to avoid letting too many people talk amongst themselves about who is not succeeding and who might be wet behind the ears about proper etiquette in making friends, because in a "Thrift Store" no one usually buys because they can't really afford to be there, believe it or not!

So when they can't afford it, they go even harder to collect because, that 25$ is for drugs, cocaine, crack, or alcohol and to them they try anything to steal that money. In a "Thift Store" the price is low, but no sales are common because they can't afford to buy, they end up seling on consignment whatever they have to buy the new stuff. So it's a never ending cycle they all stay home and dream of their next fix. So when working for Motion Studios they thought "well I guess I'm not getting paid, why not see if I can get some one to pay for my next crack hit."

Then they come up with why don't I stay at home and see if these rich guys can give me some cash to walk away! They're doing so well, why not start calling all their clients to see if I can get my next hit?

See the thing is a "Thrift Store Negotiator" gets things for free, so why not refrain from doing work, and calling in once every two days and saying I did the work, get one sale and lounge in front of my phone talking to my friends about my Movie Studio Job!

Then the company figures out those friends were the broke people along with them who never made it in the entertainment business and all have a chip on their shoulder about the rich Hollywood celebs who made it and sit with the best, cool group, while the loser group can't see themselves for what they are.

They have too much time on their hands and can't get to that "Thift Store" to buy the latest used fashions. So the "Thrift Store Negotiators" could not even buy those used clothes.

Now they face the same problem, will their money run out in Jail or will it run out because no one will hire them because they lied, stole, and robbed the company who only told them like it was. Your not doing your work and lying, stealing, and marking their own grave on the internet.

So when do you go and get a job? Well you don't. You spend your days ripping people off. Then you finally say, I might as well go take in my clothes and sell them on consignment at the thrift store, and take what I can get.

The point is, when you can't get the job done, and other people can, don't waste anyones time because writing this article costs more than the company supposedly owed you! People can't figure out what it costs companies to have you do nothing and want to get paid. Alot more than you might imagine. This campaign against Motion Studios cost at least $150,000.00.

These people think they have what it takes to make this in a lifetime, but the RCMP and Motion Studios think that our lowest producing employees are right here. We made -$150,000, that's negative $150,000.00. That's got to be a record, give or take, for the worst employees of all time.

Making money using Rhona Karbusicky, Vancouver, British Columbia, and Nikole Klinkhamer, British Columbia, was not worth anywhere near what they thought Motion Studios was. Otherwise, if David Rhys-Beauregar is mentally ill, so these criminals say, at negative $150,000 he must be more mentally disturbed, disturbed he hired them! These two must be lower than most in intelligence, perception, mental aptitude and the like, so you start calling multi-milionaires insane, one could see how that would happen with people like these in your employ. They would drive you insane with their lack of competance!

After verifying his income to be nearly $30,000,000.00 and these two saying he's not rich, something is seriously wrong here. These are the people who end up in jail, people with perception problems and a lack of awareness that there are other families working for the company.

For that reason, "Thrift Store Negotiators" end up never having the clothes they want unless they step up the pay cheques. You have to bring in pay cheques for the company or you should not be hired. At negative $150,000, maybe they hired these people and backed out fast because they saw they lied about what their skills were.

The point is, Motion Studios fought this one for the principle of it and set new internet laws. They also have jobs for Canadians. We want to see other people have a chance and not stop everything because our worst to date employees are criminally carrying on a campaign.

"Thrift Store Negotiators" although the price is cheap, can't leave without feeling maybe their not good at negotiating when they can't get what they want because their too eager to get home and spend their last pennies on drugs, alcohol or worse.

Get a job and quit blaming everyone else because you can't find the time to work! When "Thift Store Negotiators" hits the stands, make way for Nikole Klinkhamer and Rhona Karbusicky, B.C. they were Guiness book of World Records best fed low payed employees. They also got the biggest expense accounts and had the longest breaks in history. Once more they still had their hands in the company's till.

Well we'll just say, compassion for them is not there from the company and it's 15000 new employees who again almost could have lost their jobs because of the two fat cat overpriced and overpaid lying till swindlers.

Motion Studios Staff

ps. no one in Motion Studios is listing their name here because Rhona or Nikole may call to try to convince everybody to quit. Sorry we're not buying your story, and who would, your negative $150,000 employees " the worst employees in history". Is that a world record?

Motion Studios

Beverly Hills,

Motion Studios is not in the thrift business. Mental Health articles here are not very well received. Testimony then mental health issues? The RCMP warrant says no.

#12UPDATE Employee

Mon, October 15, 2012

When the RCMP show up at your door with a warrant for your arrest, we at Motion Studios will smile! So let's wrap this up. As we speak RCMP began to add up along time ago these scammers testimony was Fraudulent. This ex employee she calls it, works for a guy who has delusions of grandeur and mental health issues and yet stays employed with him? Doesn't add up! Secondly, this person writing here is obsessed! But it's not sad, it's criminal!

Amateur scam artists have a way of sooner or later being found out! It just so happens that she's been found out sooner rather than later. They will write anything to get money! Usually they are flat broke and are unemployed and everyone get's this, they have nothing better to do in life!

After saying that a self made millionaire and Martial Arts Supermodel like David Rhys-Beauregar has got mental issues, we'd like to say, Nikole are you dreaming? You're going to be arrested! We guarantee it!
Then you say what do they know at Motion Studios that would result in us knowing she's going to be arrested? Motion Studios will in one month have Nikole's picture all over the net for not getting that she's going to be arrested!

Everyone at Motion Studios wants to say to the author of this article, Nikole Klinkhamer, Vancouver, British Columbia has been found to be associated with a scam group of the worst kind. People who cannot succeed and try to scam a company out of money they never earned and worse tried to steal it, have no business in business and we'll see you arrested!


United States of America

David is insane

#12Author of original report

Mon, October 15, 2012

There must be some mental health issues here. I hope you get help. You have delusions of grandeur. It is a symptom of schizophrenia. Read this, and stop misusing words and pretending you have a studio, or work in TV.

Motion Studios

Beverly Hills,

Can you please take Rhona **** off the air? Listen to the amateur writing letters here to Motion Studios asking us questions! Rhona your going to be arrested and Motion Studios can't wait!

#12UPDATE Employee

Mon, October 15, 2012

Internet Fraud is at an all time high. People rely heavily on internet search engines for many sources of information. One of the single biggest mistakes on the internet is to assume a scam report or even 20 of them are real reports.

Rhona ****, Vancouver, BC has created a panic using the elderly as a ruse to bring more favor to her in her illegal smear campaign against Motion Studios. She has been quoted as saying over the phone in police tapped conversations that she was an elderly lady who was taken advantage of by a respectable legitimate TV studio.

There were investigators who had been staking out her place for weeks due to longstanding leaks to the press through high security breach and leak of secure information to the press and to competitors.

No one can explain why scam reports are not outlawed because the US Senate and Canadian Government are begining to look at scam reports to be a violation of the Constitution of the United States and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Big company like Motion Studios about to hire 15,000 employees and someone starts writing Scam reports with intent to damage the new child of the two countries to unite the two countries in a better opportunity for the unemployed and to make peoples dreams come true. She would therefore be like a terrorist thinking only of her self fulfillment in taking away the fabric of the basis of what Canada and the US is all about.

So the US and Canadian government are contemplating stopping scam reports on the internet from killing the spirits of millions. Google has indicated interest in this case because of all the civil law suits it's been faced with due to scam reports 85% of the time being utter lies.

Follow here as we give you up to date news on Rhona ****, Vancouver, BC being a traitor to Canada and the U.S.. Contemplation that she could be a paid terrorist trying to destroy the US and Canadian economy may not be far off.


United States of America

warrant provided how?

#12Author of original report

Sun, October 14, 2012


A warrant provided how? Like you have a piece of paper and will be scanning it in and uploading it here? Please. I'll believe it when I see it.

Motion Studios

Beverly Hills,

Scam artists have no money enough to take anyone to court. Motion Studios will provide in one month a list of those we have had a warrant issued by Federal Authorities.

#12UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 13, 2012

We at Motion Studios will provide you here with warrant for Rhona Karbusicky, Vancouver, BC. arrest and we will have a list of all the others who are involved by next month after our investigation is complete.


United States of America

David tries to cover up this scam exposure with more lies!

#12Author of original report

Sat, October 13, 2012

It is pretty sad, but David has been trying everything to cover his lies with more lies since these RipOff Reports were published. I am working on a civil lawsuit to slow down his scheming ways. 

Motion Studios

Beverly Hills,
United States of America

Motion Studios Invigorates It's Investigation By Contacting Local Authorities.

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, October 08, 2012

The RCMP of Canada, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, similar to the US Marshals in the US have found this Scam artist to be after money from Motion Studios. She was found to be lying under oath.

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