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  • Report:  #27649


MOVE COST, NATIONWIDE RELOCATION SERVICE, AMERICAN VAN LINES, ALDO DISORBO, ANTHONY DISORBO ripoff cheated employees and screwed the customers even more Ft Lauderdale Florida

  • Reported By:
    plantation fl
  • Submitted:
    Thu, August 22, 2002
  • Updated:
    Wed, October 30, 2002
    1700 NW 64ST SUIT 400
    Ft Lauderdale, Florida
  • Phone:
  • Category:

On Friday July 13, 2002 Aldo Disorbo the president of NationWide Relocation / Movecost / American Relocation, Inc. also part owner of American Van Lines and ties to Universal Relocation physically and verbally attacted an employee. I dont care what my fellow employee was accused of doing but the owner of a company should not be strangling and threatening an employee to have him killed. Also Milton Campis the vice president held the employee down during the altercation.

This left a bad taste in every employees mouth in that office. The next day Aldo Disorbo pulled myself and other employees to the side and apologized about what had happend but when he was confronted by the police he denide the whole thing ever happened.

Milton Campis also gave his im sorry to myself and other employees. But denide the whole thing ever happened to the police. These people who I work for count on recieving a check from weekly and as a sales rep. I am supposed to say good things about our company to potential customers are conducting themselves in a manor of which common mafia thugs.

There where witnesses while this was going on but strangley they have been fired. Other employees also expressed my same views about the incident and we where told not to bring moral down or else we can join the other fired employees.

That entire week there was a bad vibe in that office, during my employment with this company I and other employees have endured to have listen to racial comments, physical threats, and sexual harassment by the president, vice president and sales manager, but always with a joking attitude at the end of every comment. But this time they have gone to far.

On Friday the 19 another employee was threatened with physical harm, but this time Milton Campis the vice president could not control his temper untill he got behind closed doors. He made the mistake of expressing his racial and angry views in front of the entire sales floor. When this employee notified the police our wonderful employers also denide the whole thing ever happened and went as far as claiming that they even expected the employee to come to work on Monday.

Some of us that felt very uncomfortable or just not affraid of these management thugs kept insisting that an explanation be given towards what occured. And as a result of that we where also terminated.

Till this day I have not recieved my last check from NRS / MOVECOST / AMERICAN RELO / AMERICAN VAN LINES and neither has any of the other terminated employees. One other employee that was fired for expressing his views even had his furniture in storage at AMERICAN VAN LINES warehouse on a verbal agreement as a favor and now they claim that they can not locate his furniture they claim that it was stollen but if they do find it there will be storage charges.

Bottom line this Aldo Disorbo has already been convicted by the state of Florida for running a bad business and banned from the moving industry for overcharging his customers.

People like this, that make it big in our country by hurting consumers and mistreating there employees, not paying any taxs on there entire sales crew, and American Van Lines not paying any taxs on there entire labor force. Claiming we are all independent contractors.

They should not be in business and need to made an example of, that in this great country of ours things like this should not happen. Because when it comes down to it this Aldo Disorbo would not have a business if not for all the guys on those moving trucks providing an honset days work that have no benefits they cant even count on retirement because no taxs are paid, or the sales crew at his brokerage firm making his company look good to consumers.

We are the ones keeping guys like this in business hopefully this statement will make a diffrence and changes will derive through my words today to keep the Aldo Disorbos from hurting anyone else.


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10 Updates & Rebuttals



Thanks for Saving me Thousands of Dollars I'm Sure !

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, October 29, 2002

Many thanks to all who have posted their horrific experiences here on the Rip Off Report...
I was just about to sign up with Nationwide Relocation with a $2960 deposit, but being an educated consumer I started searching for historical data either good or bad..and WOW did I find BAD... BAD.... experiences..ripped off customers and ex-employees statements surrounding this company and the carriers they contract..

Again Thank You for saving me potentially thousands of dollars.




You must work for them

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, September 03, 2002

First of all, you say that only 3 people have complained in 3 months. You seem to imply that this means that all the people they set up with moves in this time who DIDN'T complain here then must be satisfied. This argument is bogus because most people likely don't know about this board, and even if they did, that doesn't necessarily mean they would complain on it.
By the way, exactly how do you know that they moved 800 people in that time? I find it interesting you could quote a figure. Care to tell us how you came up with it?

Second, your argument that I'm wasting my time posting here is anything but the truth. That's the point of this system; getting the word out about crooks that other consumers should avoid. I want people to avoid NationwideLOSERServices like the plague, and I'm sharing my experience with this company to try to save others from what I went through or worse. If you feel that is a waste of time, then why don't you schedule your next move with them, and find out for yourself just what kind of broker they are?



Ed, leave it alone.

#11Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 02, 2002

I've been following this report for a while now. I have no affiliation with either of these companies or individuals. I can tell you its hard to run a moving company. Nobody is ever happy, and people make mistakes.

Hey ED, What about all the good people that Nantionwide Moved? If they are a broker like you say, they must do a TON of business. So in the 3 months that I have been following, only about 3 people came and expressed dissatisfaction with Nationwide. I think thats dam good!

Over 800 people moved and only 3 bad moves? That my friend is satisfaction. So yes, I'm sorry you MIGHT have been ripped off. But you seem a little to much into this report then someone who has been ripped off by a few $100 dollars. And looking from the other reports on Nationwide. I have reason to believe your nothing more then a disgruntle employee.

Bottom line ED and Others. When moving companies of this size do alot of business, of course a few are going to be unhappy. But lets not forget the thousands that are pleased with a service.

Ed, if your this unhappy with Nationwide, sue them. Dont waste your time posting hours worth of material that is only being read by select individuals.



Ed, leave it alone.

#11Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 02, 2002

I've been following this report for a while now. I have no affiliation with either of these companies or individuals. I can tell you its hard to run a moving company. Nobody is ever happy, and people make mistakes.

Hey ED, What about all the good people that Nantionwide Moved? If they are a broker like you say, they must do a TON of business. So in the 3 months that I have been following, only about 3 people came and expressed dissatisfaction with Nationwide. I think thats dam good!

Over 800 people moved and only 3 bad moves? That my friend is satisfaction. So yes, I'm sorry you MIGHT have been ripped off. But you seem a little to much into this report then someone who has been ripped off by a few $100 dollars. And looking from the other reports on Nationwide. I have reason to believe your nothing more then a disgruntle employee.

Bottom line ED and Others. When moving companies of this size do alot of business, of course a few are going to be unhappy. But lets not forget the thousands that are pleased with a service.

Ed, if your this unhappy with Nationwide, sue them. Dont waste your time posting hours worth of material that is only being read by select individuals.


Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
South America,

NRS is ran by Crooks

#11Consumer Comment

Mon, August 26, 2002

I was also ripped off by NRS. This company is not trustworthy at all. They lie al the time and after they get your money, try to talk to them. It's almost impossible.

Not even their "partners" (the companies they hire to make the moves) trust them.

NRS gave me an estimate, sent a company to pickup my belongings, and after that charged 50% more to my credit card without authorization. Fortunately for me, the company that made the pickup at my house detected the fraud and notified me. I worked with them to escape from NRS and save my belongings.

If you don't want problems and value your money, stay away from Nationwide Relocation Services.



I'm one of the unsatisfied.... you totally ignored me

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, August 23, 2002

You claim:

"If there are any customers out there who are unsatisfied with our service please feel free to give us a call and ask to speak to our customer service manager."

I was very unsatisfied with my move which you people arranged. I tried repeatedly to contact you via phone, and finally via certified letter.

You completely ignored me. So much for that.

You also state:

"If you have been sent to this site by Americas Moving Network, National Moving Network, or The Moving World do yourself a favor and check out their Better Business Bureau reports at"

Everyone who has spent much time on this site, or has had dealings with them, knows the BBB is worthless as far as providing an accurate accounting of crooked companies. Their sole purpose is to collect membership dues, not to keep tabs on the crooks. I would not be at all surprised to find you have an excellent rating from the BBB, despite the fact I filed a complaint with them about you, which as I said is based not on whether you are crooks but on whether you cut them a dues check. This is just a smoke screen. I trust consumers who have gotten the shaft and are mad enough about it to do something a LOT more than I trust the likes of you.

You also claim:

"Ever since we were awarded exclusive placement in the United States Postal Services Movers Guide, aka the change of address booklet, former employees of Nationwide have felt it necessary to post false reports about our company in order to gain consumer confidence."

How did crooks like you manage that? Did you pay off someone, or have an inside friend? There is no way it would be based on great service and customer satisfaction.

And since you seem to have this deep understanding of the motivations of your former employers, let me ask you this: what would make you think they have something to gain by making up lies about your company? Why would they care about trying to "...gain consumer confidence."? I would suggest that maybe their motivation lies in wanting to see consumers avoid getting screwed by you.

You state:

"If you are searching for a mover you should try to work with a company who can provide you with both Major and Independent Van Line service. (In order to do business with a Major Van Line a company must meet strict guidelines.)"

Oh yeah? Precisely which "Major" van line do you do business with? I've only heard of the fly by night outfits you hire that are at best unprofessional, and at worst practically criminals. Moving Unlimited was the winning outfit you got for us, and while they weren't exactly crooks, they did not complete the job they were getting paid (good money) to do. And you use FAR worse than them, judging by the reports I've read.

You claim:

"Always check them out with the BBB. Why? The BBB investigates every complaint brought its attention with both the consumer and the company. If a company is unresponsive to complaints, the BBB will let you know."

BS. In fact, the BBB refused to investigate the claim I filed with them against you. You must be paying your dues, and I'm here to tell you, it's paying off.

You state:

"Always ask how long the company has been in business. Unfortunately there are many fly by night companies in the moving industry so you shouldn't work with anyone who hasn't been around for at least 3 years."

I guess you would know about dealing with fly by nighters. I gotta tell you, I wasn't too impressed when Moving Unlimited showed up with a Ryder style truck and just 2 guys to move an entire family household.

You state:

"Bottom your homework and don't believe everthing that you see on the internet or that an estimator attaches to an email."

I can't argue with doing your homework. Folks, if you check these people out, which you should do, it's not likely you'll go with them. Trust them, and the BBB, and you could end up in a world of hurt. Check out some independant sites, like this one, and you'll find out that they are good at taking your money and blowing hot air, and not much else. Don't take my word for it, check them out. Use your search engine and see what experiences people have had with them. It will make you grab onto your wallet.

And as for believing what an estimator attaches to an email, you got that right Milton. Your estimate was one that I definately shouldn't have believed.

Lie all you want to on here, but I'm going to rebut you every single time and let it be known how your company operates. You are going to pay for screwing me one way or another. If I cause even one person to think twice about contacting you bunch of crooks, the money you screwed me out of is already more than taken back again. That makes my day.



I'm one of the unsatisfied.... you totally ignored me

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, August 23, 2002

You claim:

"If there are any customers out there who are unsatisfied with our service please feel free to give us a call and ask to speak to our customer service manager."

I was very unsatisfied with my move which you people arranged. I tried repeatedly to contact you via phone, and finally via certified letter.

You completely ignored me. So much for that.

You also state:

"If you have been sent to this site by Americas Moving Network, National Moving Network, or The Moving World do yourself a favor and check out their Better Business Bureau reports at"

Everyone who has spent much time on this site, or has had dealings with them, knows the BBB is worthless as far as providing an accurate accounting of crooked companies. Their sole purpose is to collect membership dues, not to keep tabs on the crooks. I would not be at all surprised to find you have an excellent rating from the BBB, despite the fact I filed a complaint with them about you, which as I said is based not on whether you are crooks but on whether you cut them a dues check. This is just a smoke screen. I trust consumers who have gotten the shaft and are mad enough about it to do something a LOT more than I trust the likes of you.

You also claim:

"Ever since we were awarded exclusive placement in the United States Postal Services Movers Guide, aka the change of address booklet, former employees of Nationwide have felt it necessary to post false reports about our company in order to gain consumer confidence."

How did crooks like you manage that? Did you pay off someone, or have an inside friend? There is no way it would be based on great service and customer satisfaction.

And since you seem to have this deep understanding of the motivations of your former employers, let me ask you this: what would make you think they have something to gain by making up lies about your company? Why would they care about trying to "...gain consumer confidence."? I would suggest that maybe their motivation lies in wanting to see consumers avoid getting screwed by you.

You state:

"If you are searching for a mover you should try to work with a company who can provide you with both Major and Independent Van Line service. (In order to do business with a Major Van Line a company must meet strict guidelines.)"

Oh yeah? Precisely which "Major" van line do you do business with? I've only heard of the fly by night outfits you hire that are at best unprofessional, and at worst practically criminals. Moving Unlimited was the winning outfit you got for us, and while they weren't exactly crooks, they did not complete the job they were getting paid (good money) to do. And you use FAR worse than them, judging by the reports I've read.

You claim:

"Always check them out with the BBB. Why? The BBB investigates every complaint brought its attention with both the consumer and the company. If a company is unresponsive to complaints, the BBB will let you know."

BS. In fact, the BBB refused to investigate the claim I filed with them against you. You must be paying your dues, and I'm here to tell you, it's paying off.

You state:

"Always ask how long the company has been in business. Unfortunately there are many fly by night companies in the moving industry so you shouldn't work with anyone who hasn't been around for at least 3 years."

I guess you would know about dealing with fly by nighters. I gotta tell you, I wasn't too impressed when Moving Unlimited showed up with a Ryder style truck and just 2 guys to move an entire family household.

You state:

"Bottom your homework and don't believe everthing that you see on the internet or that an estimator attaches to an email."

I can't argue with doing your homework. Folks, if you check these people out, which you should do, it's not likely you'll go with them. Trust them, and the BBB, and you could end up in a world of hurt. Check out some independant sites, like this one, and you'll find out that they are good at taking your money and blowing hot air, and not much else. Don't take my word for it, check them out. Use your search engine and see what experiences people have had with them. It will make you grab onto your wallet.

And as for believing what an estimator attaches to an email, you got that right Milton. Your estimate was one that I definately shouldn't have believed.

Lie all you want to on here, but I'm going to rebut you every single time and let it be known how your company operates. You are going to pay for screwing me one way or another. If I cause even one person to think twice about contacting you bunch of crooks, the money you screwed me out of is already more than taken back again. That makes my day.



I'm one of the unsatisfied.... you totally ignored me

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, August 23, 2002

You claim:

"If there are any customers out there who are unsatisfied with our service please feel free to give us a call and ask to speak to our customer service manager."

I was very unsatisfied with my move which you people arranged. I tried repeatedly to contact you via phone, and finally via certified letter.

You completely ignored me. So much for that.

You also state:

"If you have been sent to this site by Americas Moving Network, National Moving Network, or The Moving World do yourself a favor and check out their Better Business Bureau reports at"

Everyone who has spent much time on this site, or has had dealings with them, knows the BBB is worthless as far as providing an accurate accounting of crooked companies. Their sole purpose is to collect membership dues, not to keep tabs on the crooks. I would not be at all surprised to find you have an excellent rating from the BBB, despite the fact I filed a complaint with them about you, which as I said is based not on whether you are crooks but on whether you cut them a dues check. This is just a smoke screen. I trust consumers who have gotten the shaft and are mad enough about it to do something a LOT more than I trust the likes of you.

You also claim:

"Ever since we were awarded exclusive placement in the United States Postal Services Movers Guide, aka the change of address booklet, former employees of Nationwide have felt it necessary to post false reports about our company in order to gain consumer confidence."

How did crooks like you manage that? Did you pay off someone, or have an inside friend? There is no way it would be based on great service and customer satisfaction.

And since you seem to have this deep understanding of the motivations of your former employers, let me ask you this: what would make you think they have something to gain by making up lies about your company? Why would they care about trying to "...gain consumer confidence."? I would suggest that maybe their motivation lies in wanting to see consumers avoid getting screwed by you.

You state:

"If you are searching for a mover you should try to work with a company who can provide you with both Major and Independent Van Line service. (In order to do business with a Major Van Line a company must meet strict guidelines.)"

Oh yeah? Precisely which "Major" van line do you do business with? I've only heard of the fly by night outfits you hire that are at best unprofessional, and at worst practically criminals. Moving Unlimited was the winning outfit you got for us, and while they weren't exactly crooks, they did not complete the job they were getting paid (good money) to do. And you use FAR worse than them, judging by the reports I've read.

You claim:

"Always check them out with the BBB. Why? The BBB investigates every complaint brought its attention with both the consumer and the company. If a company is unresponsive to complaints, the BBB will let you know."

BS. In fact, the BBB refused to investigate the claim I filed with them against you. You must be paying your dues, and I'm here to tell you, it's paying off.

You state:

"Always ask how long the company has been in business. Unfortunately there are many fly by night companies in the moving industry so you shouldn't work with anyone who hasn't been around for at least 3 years."

I guess you would know about dealing with fly by nighters. I gotta tell you, I wasn't too impressed when Moving Unlimited showed up with a Ryder style truck and just 2 guys to move an entire family household.

You state:

"Bottom your homework and don't believe everthing that you see on the internet or that an estimator attaches to an email."

I can't argue with doing your homework. Folks, if you check these people out, which you should do, it's not likely you'll go with them. Trust them, and the BBB, and you could end up in a world of hurt. Check out some independant sites, like this one, and you'll find out that they are good at taking your money and blowing hot air, and not much else. Don't take my word for it, check them out. Use your search engine and see what experiences people have had with them. It will make you grab onto your wallet.

And as for believing what an estimator attaches to an email, you got that right Milton. Your estimate was one that I definately shouldn't have believed.

Lie all you want to on here, but I'm going to rebut you every single time and let it be known how your company operates. You are going to pay for screwing me one way or another. If I cause even one person to think twice about contacting you bunch of crooks, the money you screwed me out of is already more than taken back again. That makes my day.



I'm one of the unsatisfied.... you totally ignored me

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, August 23, 2002

You claim:

"If there are any customers out there who are unsatisfied with our service please feel free to give us a call and ask to speak to our customer service manager."

I was very unsatisfied with my move which you people arranged. I tried repeatedly to contact you via phone, and finally via certified letter.

You completely ignored me. So much for that.

You also state:

"If you have been sent to this site by Americas Moving Network, National Moving Network, or The Moving World do yourself a favor and check out their Better Business Bureau reports at"

Everyone who has spent much time on this site, or has had dealings with them, knows the BBB is worthless as far as providing an accurate accounting of crooked companies. Their sole purpose is to collect membership dues, not to keep tabs on the crooks. I would not be at all surprised to find you have an excellent rating from the BBB, despite the fact I filed a complaint with them about you, which as I said is based not on whether you are crooks but on whether you cut them a dues check. This is just a smoke screen. I trust consumers who have gotten the shaft and are mad enough about it to do something a LOT more than I trust the likes of you.

You also claim:

"Ever since we were awarded exclusive placement in the United States Postal Services Movers Guide, aka the change of address booklet, former employees of Nationwide have felt it necessary to post false reports about our company in order to gain consumer confidence."

How did crooks like you manage that? Did you pay off someone, or have an inside friend? There is no way it would be based on great service and customer satisfaction.

And since you seem to have this deep understanding of the motivations of your former employers, let me ask you this: what would make you think they have something to gain by making up lies about your company? Why would they care about trying to "...gain consumer confidence."? I would suggest that maybe their motivation lies in wanting to see consumers avoid getting screwed by you.

You state:

"If you are searching for a mover you should try to work with a company who can provide you with both Major and Independent Van Line service. (In order to do business with a Major Van Line a company must meet strict guidelines.)"

Oh yeah? Precisely which "Major" van line do you do business with? I've only heard of the fly by night outfits you hire that are at best unprofessional, and at worst practically criminals. Moving Unlimited was the winning outfit you got for us, and while they weren't exactly crooks, they did not complete the job they were getting paid (good money) to do. And you use FAR worse than them, judging by the reports I've read.

You claim:

"Always check them out with the BBB. Why? The BBB investigates every complaint brought its attention with both the consumer and the company. If a company is unresponsive to complaints, the BBB will let you know."

BS. In fact, the BBB refused to investigate the claim I filed with them against you. You must be paying your dues, and I'm here to tell you, it's paying off.

You state:

"Always ask how long the company has been in business. Unfortunately there are many fly by night companies in the moving industry so you shouldn't work with anyone who hasn't been around for at least 3 years."

I guess you would know about dealing with fly by nighters. I gotta tell you, I wasn't too impressed when Moving Unlimited showed up with a Ryder style truck and just 2 guys to move an entire family household.

You state:

"Bottom your homework and don't believe everthing that you see on the internet or that an estimator attaches to an email."

I can't argue with doing your homework. Folks, if you check these people out, which you should do, it's not likely you'll go with them. Trust them, and the BBB, and you could end up in a world of hurt. Check out some independant sites, like this one, and you'll find out that they are good at taking your money and blowing hot air, and not much else. Don't take my word for it, check them out. Use your search engine and see what experiences people have had with them. It will make you grab onto your wallet.

And as for believing what an estimator attaches to an email, you got that right Milton. Your estimate was one that I definately shouldn't have believed.

Lie all you want to on here, but I'm going to rebut you every single time and let it be known how your company operates. You are going to pay for screwing me one way or another. If I cause even one person to think twice about contacting you bunch of crooks, the money you screwed me out of is already more than taken back again. That makes my day.


Ft. Lauderdale,

False Reports

#11UPDATE Employee

Thu, August 22, 2002

If you have been sent to this site by Americas Moving Network, National Moving Network, or The Moving World do yourself a favor and check out their Better Business Bureau reports at

Ever since we were awarded exclusive placement in the United States Postal Services Movers Guide, aka the change of address booklet, former employees of Nationwide have felt it necessary to post false reports about our company in order to gain consumer confidence. If there are any customers out there who are unsatisfied with our service please feel free to give us a call and ask to speak to our customer service manager.

If you are searching for a mover you should try to work with a company who can provide you with both Major and Independent Van Line service. (In order to do business with a Major Van Line a company must meet strict guidelines.)

Always check them out with the BBB. Why? The BBB investigates every complaint brought its attention with both the consumer and the company. If a company is unresponsive to complaints, the BBB will let you know.

Always ask how long the company has been in business. Unfortunately there are many fly by night companies in the moving industry so you shouldn't work with anyone who hasn't been around for at least 3 years.

Bottom your homework and don't believe everthing that you see on the internet or that an estimator attaches to an email.

Milton - Fort lauderdale, Florida

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