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  • Report:  #570505

Complaint Review: Mp3 Rocket

Mp3 Rocket mp3rocket 'Damage control failing hoplessly', Internet

  • Reported By:
    barou12 — australia Internet Australia
  • Submitted:
    Wed, February 17, 2010
  • Updated:
    Thu, February 18, 2010

if you are thinking of paying to go 'pro' and receive 24/7 tech support from rocket. read this first,... PLEASE...

although i personally dont have any problems (presently) with their program, i cannot help but take pity on people posting at the support forum, complaining of getting no response from the 'pro' 'paying members only' 24/7 email tech support. (several years ago i did have three emails, sent over a six week period, requesting technical help for the same unresolved problem,... ignored.) so i feel their daily angst, awaiting a reply that never comes.

there were no emails lost in my junk file. at that time my AntiVirus program alerted me should it suspect an email of being junk, and i always checked the junk file as a matter of course, should an email be diverted there. i had previously added the rocket email address to my contacts as requested. so,...

i have raised this issue on the forum, and also, problems with the support forum itself, alas, my grievences have fallen on deaf ears. 

last May i sent one more email to the tech support regarding a new problem i was having with their program. to this email i did eventually get a reply. it stated " i should go to the 'mp3 rocket support forum' and ask for assistance there.".. well i submitted my query, waited a week for it to be approved then posted. two weeks later after no response was forthcoming i queried again. my answer arrived days latter. over one month from "please help" to "here's your  answer.".......... that was my introduction to the ' free to all mp3rocket support forum '.... 24/7 thinks that is where its members should go for quicker answers than they can provide. sadly, they are right. most posts do eventually get answered at the forum.

last week another 'paying member' complained that he hadnt recieved a reply from email tech support. i replied to his post, offered some advice, and latter, was going to refer him to some posts of mine. only to discover, several of my posts,... the truth about the failings of member support and the forum itself had been silently removed.

now they will not post, my 'new topic' regarding the removal of my posts. (not surprisingly)

they truly seem to believe they can just delete posts/decline topics and hope people will think there is no ongoing problem.

if they truly believe this is the case, let them explain this.

please insert picture1 here

smilinpete posted a complaint about not receiving a reply from member response. although now, (after i had imformed rocket i'd brought my concerns here) his post sings the praise of rocket and he tells us all how to ensure a quick, guarenteed reply from support. (and how come his post does not show up as being edited? any post that has been edited by the postee after its been replied to, is shown on the board as being edited by the postee.)

why would smilinpete join the forum and re-open a two year old post about support problems to tell us how satisfied he is with his treatment. mentioning GMail twice as a solution? if he had no problem..... wait for it the real irony is still coming.... NB: the date of his first post.

please insert picture2 here

note the date. why would smilinpete reply to himself three days latter affirming his satisfaction with just a bit too much exuberance, praising the product and the support. again mentioning 'GMail' as being the answer to a 'no problem'..... i will tell you,..... and the clue is in Diggys' first line of his 2nd reply, quote" Ouch! Barlou dropped the hammer.

what hammer?... where?.. my post has been deleted. the post i made is needed to make sense of Diggys 2nd reply to smilinpete. why would Diggy tell smilinpete all about using GMail (if smilinpete already knew) and the problems with getting responses from support. etc. etc.

now in-between these two post is where a reply from Diggy and yet another one of my post that has been removed (due no doubt, as some form of immediate 'knee jerk reaction,' damage control, after they became aware of my posting the matter at 'ripoff report')

please insert picture3 here

this was the PM (personal message) i sent to smilinpete. i also sent a courtesy copy (plus additions) to the forum for the general veiwing of all members awaiting replys to their posts.

having read my PM. if you can imagine,... smilinpetes first post as a complaint against  'no response' from email support............... Diggy replying with, "its lost in your mail" replying with, " congratulations on getting a response while so many others are still waiting " (complaing about email support always receives a quick response) 

Diggys full response can still (i hope) be veiwed at the 'mp3rocket forum' if you love irony, youll love the way the post reads now at the forum?????

you 'mp3rocket' offer 24/7 technical support for a fee,.. i paid,.. where is the support i and others have paid for?

so, to the good folk at rocket, explain away the above post and replies if you can. if you are going to try to match wits with me, make sure next round you send someone with both halves enabled.

the issue of unanswered emails to 24/7support also remains unresolved as far as i am aware.

see also links for mp3rocket, MP3ROCKET, et al.

1 Updates & Rebuttals



mp3 rocket. oh yeah, by the way, explain this.

#2Author of original report

Wed, February 17, 2010

silly me, i forgot to mention. are asking us to believe...nobody has surreptitiously edited smilinpetes' posts to try and cover up the amount of complaints you are receiving on the forum, about your failure to provide the support we have paid for.

then you must also be asking us to believe, smilinpete just posted his love of all things rocket, on the 3rd of February 2010

then, replied to himself, on 6th of February 2010 reaffirming his love of your product.

i cant help you with an explination as to why latter the same day, Diggy would go to so much pains, (yet again) to explian why ' THEY DO ANSWER ' when smilipete wasnt complaining.

regardless of all that, why would smilinpete after praising rocket so much, send Diggy and myself this PM on the 12th of February 2010 complaining that he is sick of not getting any useful help from anywhere.

please see the attached photo: (you may have to enlarge it to read it)





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