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  • Report:  #509039

Complaint Review: Mr. Joe (Attorney)

Mr. Joe (Attorney) Internet Alias Person Claiming To Be An Attorney & Badgering, Slandering, Disclosing Personal Information On Others Internet

  • Reported By:
    Barbara — Roanoke Virginia USA
  • Submitted:
    Wed, October 14, 2009
  • Updated:
    Fri, October 30, 2009

Mr. Joe (Attorney) has literally blasted, slandered and disclosed personal information against consumers on WOGZRadio and frantically insinuating everyone on this website is one person.

No REAL ATTORNEY would attempt to post on a website and attacking others.

He personally has not done nothing to me yet I do have have an attorney and we have dicussed what actions I can take to prevent anyone of this hidious, immature and imagination attorney. He claims to be an attorney in North Hollywood, CA and all information that he has posted on this website is illegal as stated by the California Bar Association.

If he claims to know other people's emails, a message should have been sent out and talk to them on an individual basis. NOT POSTING ON A WEBSITE and INTENTIONALLY SLANDERING SOMEONE! The strategy he used is unprofessional and is a personal agenda to incriminate others who claims to know WOGZ Radio or listens to this station.

I, personally, want the public to know - DO NOT get bullied around from anyone. Ask questions and seek advice from a REAL ATTORNEY! This person is nothing but a Scandelous, CON ARTIST- SCAMMER hiding behind an alias name to protect his or her imagine. He or she won't even give you their REAL NAME to elaborate and talk on issues.

California laws are different from other states so I advise everyone who runs into this false attorney to contact the California Bar Association and make a report against him or her. A REAL NAME & ADDRESS will be provided once a lady is subpoena with a CH-100: Restraining Order of Harassment only good in CA. Unfortunately, this woman has not even posted anything about him. That's why this internet fictitious attorney does not know who to attack or slander next and disclose personal information on the internet. No REAL ATTORNEY would do such a evil and devilish act.

This is an individual who either knows someone and interacting with a paralagel or doing a bad job as an attorney.

Beware Individuals - This is not a REAL ATTORNEY and exercise your rights! Voice your opinion - United we stand, divided we fall!


24 Updates & Rebuttals


Grand Haven,

Sweet Shellie . . .

#25Consumer Comment

Fri, October 30, 2009

No problem! Looks like we were just the victims of communications that were, by nobody's fault, placed close together, making it seem that I was taking a particular side.

I didn't have much time to read most of the ensuing rebuttals and updates. Maybe some sense has been made of this matter. My only issue in the first instance was that I did not understand the report, and felt it needed some more background information.

And, just so we're all on the same page, I still don't have a dog in this fight, so,

best regards to all!


Attorney Joe

North Hollywood,


#25Consumer Comment

Mon, October 19, 2009

Carl aka DIANA HASTINGS; you know what is funny to read? Your posts! You leave a signature like no other! Yes, trust and believe this, I KNOW when it is you, due to some feedback, you leave a trail and it REEKS of profanity, amongst symbols. THAT and 'hahahahah' AND 'hehehehehe'.

Also, when you are angry, you have a tendancy to call people childish names; which oddly enough, in your post just left, you called me 'STUPID'; ok, now that IS laughable! YOU are a cretin; run along now and go look that one up!

Just because I chose the user name, Attorney Joe, you think that is a crime? Again, refer back to the dictionary; type in idiot! Have you ever thought that maybe I am studying to be an attorney? Maybe, maybe not. I can tell you, YOU are NO Cowgirl, and it was a good thing for you to change your avi, because the real deal is not a pretty sight! As much make-up as you paste on that face, it still isn't enough!

So, continue on with you multi-personalities; you are amusing. I actually have a JOB to do, unlike you. Have a stupendous day! 


New York,

Funny To Read

#25Consumer Comment

Mon, October 19, 2009

Just came to this site and read what Mr. Joe (Attorney) posted:

"And, you are correct, I have not once stated I am indeed, an attorney." Yet, you claim under this site you are an attorney from what world? Your imaginary world!

Everyone here is opening their mouths' and only &%$# S-H-I-T %$#@ is coming out! What a laugh to you and others, hahahahahahahahahahahaha!

The only mental and disorder people I see on this site is your name and others who keeps posting. What a laugh and disgrace.

And, you tell this "Heidi" person to keep quiet! She did not say who she worked for - she just posted her name and said "a company she worked" for without stating a name. Again, you just don't where she works - Maybe People Magazine, NY Times, National Enquirer or whoever as a freelance writer! But, you certainly DO NOT KNOW! Nor, others! I can read - CAN YOU! Look before you open your MOUTH STUPID!

People just want to assume always ... Remember what ASSUME Means, You make an *&%$ A-S-S $%#@ out of yourself!

What a joke to all of YOU!

Sweet Shellie


My apologies Tim

#25Consumer Comment

Mon, October 19, 2009

Tim, I apologize for sounding like I had my doubts about you. I was confused on what you were saying, and after your first post, then Barbara speaking to you as if you were agreeing with her - goes to show, all of us sometimes assume, which is not the brightest thing to do, I admit - but, I assumed you were just one of his/her many aliases. After reading your last post, then re-reading your first post, I now understand what you are saying, and can also understand why a lot of this appears to be non-sense to you. In all honesty, it is non-sense, and this particular report is just a detour from the original one, that he/she just took up on a new forum, which in all honesty, should have been classified as a rebuttal on the original complaint filed under wogzradio.

Well, that is all I came to say. I have found various other sites that have a magnitude of evidence against Michael Williams aka wogzradio. Now, whether or not you even want to get involved in this or not, as far as opinions and comments, I do not know. But, if you do want to, please do a search for wogzradio on here, (no spaces or it does not come up), you will have a lot of reading to do, and you see that this was started by a few ruthless individuals who stripped a poor woman of a prize she won on a radio station, simply for being upset that it was apparent that the prize (tickets), never existed to begin with. There are so many holes in the story. They said they sent the tickets in regular mail first, then told her they were apparently lost, so sent her another set (have no clue how they would have gotten a second set), but then, conveniently banned her from the station after she called them on the actual validity of the contest and tickets. So, instead of making it right, they simply got rid of her, by banning her and then slandering her, and actually even called her place of employment in an attempt to jeopardize her job! I am sorry, but no legitimate business would act this way. Then, when this woman tried to post on here to file a complaint, all sorts of anonymous people started to post, including some claiming to be employees, who used horrible obscenities in postings, which only added to the loss of any credibility wogzradio may have had, which was pretty much none anyway. Several other people posted on there, including someone whose screen name is Attorney Joe. I read through all his postings, and did not see once where he claimed to be an attorney, so why Barbara would even think this is a valid complaint is beyond me. This is why none of this makes sense! This report should have never been filed, and to top it off, filed based upon an assumption, which then makes Barbara look foolish!

So, again, I am sorry and hope you accept my apologies!  

Attorney Joe

North Hollywood,

Here I am!

#25Consumer Comment

Mon, October 19, 2009

Well, I am here to explain a few things. It appears as though a few people are confused on what this complaint filed is about, and also to clarify a few comments that have been made, that may not have been clear, or were misunderstood.

So, lets just go through a run down of everything posted that has caused some confusion here:

TIM:  I completely understand what you have just said, and Sweet Shellie I believe was confused as to what you did say. The last comment you made, helped clarify exactly where you stand. I think the comment made by 'Barbara' after your initial post was what confused some posters on here; but I understand what you were saying. If you don't mind, let me use a few of your statements, and I will explain them the way I understand them to mean. I appreciate that you clarified yourself in your most recent post.

Your post titled, Simmer down now, you stated: "No REAL ATTORNEY would attempt to post on a website and attacking others."  You were simply quoting the original statement made by Ms. Styles; this was NOT your statement, and I think Ms. Styles assumed you were saying that, in your own words.

"Your post is pure LUNACY! Pure and simple! Nothing you say makes any sense!"  Correct me if I am wrong, but you were referring to Ms. Styles, the person who filed this complaint? If I am right, then it appears Ms. Styles took this as a slam to myself.

"If you are speaking as to some REAL occurences, give us some details. Otherwise, I'm just reading the insane ramblings of a madman."  Again, my interpretation of this is, you were speaking again of 'Ms Styles', and possibly said 'madman' because of the allegations that Barbara Styles may in fact be Michael Williams. Am I right?  

Ok, I THINK I broke that one down correctly. Now, moving on, to 'Heidi' the 'reporter'.

"That's what a REAL ATTORNEY and Government Officials can do instead of running his mouth like a MADMAN! I like that!"  Ok Heidi, pretty sure if I am right about Tim's post, you are one of the poster that is clueless and do not know how to follow a plot.

"Okay Ms. Shellie? Or, should I pull up a report on you and see exactly where you are writing from & your email address?"   Well Heidi, I will be checking into ANYONE named Heidi who is a reporter in SLO, and I am sure I will NOT find you! ALSO, IF you DO exist, VERY SLIGHT chance though, but, you will be reported for using your so-called job and it's resources, as a way to just be down right evil!

"Since my company has receive the file report on this case, I found out how several IP's and a few emails are being posted by one or two people. Michael & this woman in Canada is clear from writing all these stories."   OK 'Heidi', do I even NEED to review your HORRIBLE grammar here? I just went ahead and underlined every mistake you made in this ONE statement of several that are poorly written, especially considering you are a reporter! BUT, more importantly, again, you are so FULL of it! You do not have anyone's IP addresses or emails, otherwise, we all know you would be posting them! Funny how your whole post defends Michael Williams and Diana Hastings!

"Hey, I know this guy in my area - so he is claiming to be an attorney. He's a Fire Chief at a fire department but not an attorney. This IP has shown up and is registered to: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and is shown exactly the same time as this attorney to be writing. How interesting!"  WOW! This was pretty bold of you! How EASY this will be to track down this poor 'guy', considering SLO is a VERY small town; not to mention, a Fire Chief would work for a government agency, which would include having a full time attorney at their disposal. I will personally find out WHO this individual is tomorrow, and inform him he needs to file charges against you for implying he has ANYTHING to do with this site and posting. Pretty sure you have made a big mistake going after a government employee!

"I won't say anymore about him. Let's just say I will visit him as well and make him feel like a piece of dirt when I am done with him."  AGAIN, not a smart move! Sounds like a threat to me, but we will let this individual decide for himself if he wants to pursue this or not. Sounds to me like you have a personal vendetta against him, for whatever your reasons are, BUT, I assure you, I AM NOT this person, and I also will be more than happy to assist him in any way I can, if he choses to go after you for slander!

"Don't be coming to this other site and insinuate anything unless you know the FACTS! I am a reporter and give the FACTS. I have spoken to Barbara Styles over the phone and that's why we collaborate on this story."   As you see, ANYONE can come on this site with an opinion, and Sweet Shellie is not exempt from this. You have NOT given facts, only more imaginary BS from the mind of a mentally unstable person! AND, as someone pointed out, sure you have 'collaborated' with Barbara Styles; you ARE Barbara aka Michael aka Diana aka etc.

Moving on, Just Interested:

I have to say, YOU have provided such valuable information to help get to the bottom of this, and for that I commend you! I think 'Carmine' is VERY confused about your comment, so next one, Carmine, this is for you:

"His name is shown all over the previous report case # 481301 - Mr. Joe Attorney"   The question is, are YOU sure? Just Interested's comment was 100% correct, but you were not intelligent enough,(not surprised), to figure it out! The laughable part is, right after your statement, you clearly cut and pasted:

Attorney Joe

North Hollywood

Do you NOT understand his/her statement when saying:

"There is no "Mr. Joe (Attorney)" registered as a user on Ripoff Reports, hence "Mr. Joe (Attorney)" cannot have been the person who "...literally blasted, slandered and disclosed personal information against consumers on WOGZRadio..."   What Just Interested is saying is, this report is basically a joke because the posts were made from, EXACTLY the way you cut and pasted it, as Attorney Joe, NOT Mr. Joe (Attorney), as filed. I REALLY HATE to question someone's intelligence, BUT, you are clueless, plain and simple! Maybe YOU should not post unless you can follow and UNDERSTAND the posts. You would be better suited as a bystander on this. 

"In not one single response posted by "Attorney Joe" did he/she make claim that he/she is or was an attorney. Rather, that implied claim came from responses posted by others."  SO true, and thank you again Just Interested! These MORONS look at a user name, and assumed!  And you are correct, I have not once stated I am indeed, an attorney. Which makes this report as much of a farse as the author herself! Also Carmine, funny you said, "She was gone from TWITTER and now back again?"  Are you the one then STALKING Ms.T? Appears that way, BUT, we will let authorities decide! And, once again, I can assure you, I AM NOT Ms. T! Since 'Heidi' is checking IP's and emails, lol, I am SURE 'she' can find that out! Matter of fact, I will go ahead and make a bold statement and say, 'Heidi' PLEASE provide on here my IP and email! Until then, keep quiet! You have been exposed as a fake, just another fictitious character of a mentally disturbed mind! AND, one who will be sought after possibly, by individuals you have made some pretty outlandish accusations towards; we will soon see. Yet one more quote from you, Carmine: "Don't be totally going mad & crazy on us now."   This WHOLE complaint has proven that YOU, (which i say very loosely, as we all know this is the same person posting), are the ONLY one who IS CRAZY!

Attorney Joe

North Hollywood,

Here I am!

#25Consumer Comment

Mon, October 19, 2009

Well, I am here to explain a few things. It appears as though a few people are confused on what this complaint filed is about, and also to clarify a few comments that have been made, that may not have been clear, or were misunderstood. So, lets just go through a run down of everything posted that has caused some confusion here: TIM: I completely understand what you have just said, and Sweet Shellie I believe was confused as to what you did say. The last comment you made, helped clarify exactly where you stand. I think the comment made by 'Barbara' after your initial post was what confused some posters on here; but I understand what you were saying. If you don't mind, let me use a few of your statements, and I will explain them the way I understand them to mean. I appreciate that you clarified yourself in your most recent post. Your post titled, Simmer down now, you stated: "No REAL ATTORNEY would attempt to post on a website and attacking others." You were simply quoting the original statement made by Ms. Styles; this was NOT your statement, and I think Ms. Styles assumed you were saying that, in your own words. "Your post is pure LUNACY! Pure and simple! Nothing you say makes any sense!" Correct me if I am wrong, but you were referring to Ms. Styles, the person who filed this complaint? If I am right, then it appears Ms. Styles took this as a slam to myself. "If you are speaking as to some REAL occurences, give us some details. Otherwise, I'm just reading the insane ramblings of a madman." Again, my interpretation of this is, you were speaking again of 'Ms Styles', and possibly said 'madman' because of the allegations that Barbara Styles may in fact be Michael Williams. Am I right? Ok, I THINK I broke that one down correctly. Now, moving on, to 'Heidi' the 'reporter'. "That's what a REAL ATTORNEY and Government Officials can do instead of running his mouth like a MADMAN! I like that!" Ok Heidi, pretty sure if I am right about Tim's post, you are one of the poster that is clueless and do not know how to follow a plot. "Okay Ms. Shellie? Or, should I pull up a report on you and see exactly where you are writing from & your email address?" Well Heidi, I will be checking into ANYONE named Heidi who is a reporter in SLO, and I am sure I will NOT find you! ALSO, IF you DO exist, VERY SLIGHT chance though, but, you will be reported for using your so-called job and it's resources, as a way to just be down right evil! "Since my company has receive the file report on this case, I found out how several IP's and a few emails are being posted by one or two people. Michael & this woman in Canada is clear from writing all these stories." OK 'Heidi', do I even NEED to review your HORRIBLE grammar here? I just went ahead and underlined every mistake you made in this ONE statement of several that are poorly written, especially considering you are a reporter! BUT, more importantly, again, you are so FULL of it! You do not have anyone's IP addresses or emails, otherwise, we all know you would be posting them! Funny how your whole post defends Michael Williams and Diana Hastings! "Hey, I know this guy in my area - so he is claiming to be an attorney. He's a Fire Chief at a fire department but not an attorney. This IP has shown up and is registered to: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and is shown exactly the same time as this attorney to be writing. How interesting!" WOW! This was pretty bold of you! How EASY this will be to track down this poor 'guy', considering SLO is a VERY small town; not to mention, a Fire Chief would work for a government agency, which would include having a full time attorney at their disposal. I will personally find out WHO this individual is tomorrow, and inform him he needs to file charges against you for implying he has ANYTHING to do with this site and posting. Pretty sure you have made a big mistake going after a government employee! "I won't say anymore about him. Let's just say I will visit him as well and make him feel like a piece of dirt when I am done with him." AGAIN, not a smart move! Sounds like a threat to me, but we will let this individual decide for himself if he wants to pursue this or not. Sounds to me like you have a personal vendetta against him, for whatever your reasons are, BUT, I assure you, I AM NOT this person, and I also will be more than happy to assist him in any way I can, if he choses to go after you for slander! "Don't be coming to this other site and insinuate anything unless you know the FACTS! I am a reporter and give the FACTS. I have spoken to Barbara Styles over the phone and that's why we collaborate on this story." As you see, ANYONE can come on this site with an opinion, and Sweet Shellie is not exempt from this. You have NOT given facts, only more imaginary BS from the mind of a mentally unstable person! AND, as someone pointed out, sure you have 'collaborated' with Barbara Styles; you ARE Barbara aka Michael aka Diana aka etc. Moving on, Just Interested: I have to say, YOU have provided such valuable information to help get to the bottom of this, and for that I commend you! I think 'Carmine' is VERY confused about your comment, so next one, Carmine, this is for you: "His name is shown all over the previous report case # 481301 - Mr. Joe Attorney" The question is, are YOU sure? Just Interested's comment was 100% correct, but you were not intelligent enough,(not surprised), to figure it out! The laughable part is, right after your statement, you clearly cut and pasted: Attorney Joe North Hollywood USA Do you NOT understand his/her statement when saying: "There is no "Mr. Joe (Attorney)" registered as a user on Ripoff Reports, hence "Mr. Joe (Attorney)" cannot have been the person who "...literally blasted, slandered and disclosed personal information against consumers on WOGZRadio..." What Just Interested is saying is, this report is basically a joke because the posts were made from, EXACTLY the way you cut and pasted it, as Attorney Joe, NOT Mr. Joe (Attorney), as filed. I REALLY HATE to question someone's intelligence, BUT, you are clueless, plain and simple! Maybe YOU should not post unless you can follow and UNDERSTAND the posts. You would be better suited as a bystander on this. "In not one single response posted by "Attorney Joe" did he/she make claim that he/she is or was an attorney. Rather, that implied claim came from responses posted by others." SO true, and thank you again Just Interested! These MORONS look at a user name, and assumed! And you are correct, I have not once stated I am indeed, an attorney. Which makes this report as much of a farse as the author herself! Also Carmine, funny you said, "She was gone from TWITTER and now back again?" Are you the one then STALKING Ms.T? Appears that way, BUT, we will let authorities decide! And, once again, I can assure you, I AM NOT Ms. T! Since 'Heidi' is checking IP's and emails, lol, I am SURE 'she' can find that out! Matter of fact, I will go ahead and make a bold statement and say, 'Heidi' PLEASE provide on here my IP and email! Until then, keep quiet! You have been exposed as a fake, just another fictitious character of a mentally disturbed mind! AND, one who will be sought after possibly, by individuals you have made some pretty outlandish accusations towards; we will soon see. Yet one more quote from you, Carmine: "Don't be totally going mad & crazy on us now." This WHOLE complaint has proven that YOU, (which i say very loosely, as we all know this is the same person posting), are the ONLY one who IS CRAZY! Back to Tim, quote: "But as for this one, I just don't get it. The author is assuming that we all are privy to the back-story here, and honestly, it just sounds like hillbilly hogwash to me." Again Tim, thank you for explaining yourself on here, and if you want to see more of the original valid complaint, search wogzradio. AND, you are correct! The author, 'Barbara Styles', is assuming too much, and ONLY filed this complaint to try and prove a point, which has back-fired. And, yes, I would consider her claims to be 'hillbilly hogwash' as well, and that's really putting it lightly! I have the utmost respect for you after reading what you have said, and look forward to hearing back from you. As far as Barbara wanting to hire you; well, lol, MAYBE you should take her up on that! Then you can report back to this thread as to IF she is real or not. As I suspect, there are 2 people involved in this slander and deceit, and you may very well speak with a female, BUT, my bet is the real name will be Diana Hastings! Be careful though, she uses some pretty foul language if she doesn't agree with you. By the way Tim, this initial report was filed against wogzradio, an internet based station, who held several contests, but never paid out on the prizes. One person, Ms.T, filed a report here, and got blasted for doing so. After further investigation, it was discovered that wogzradio was owned by a Michael Williams, who is a well known con artist, and has been and is at the present, being investigated for multiple, various scams! When running this internet radio site, he somehow acquired a 'groupie' to help him with these scams, named Diana Hastings, who lives in Canada and is mentally unstable, to say the least. The actual thing that started this story, is they claim that Ms.T forfeited her prize she won, by jokingly stating in chat on their site that she would jump off a bridge if she didn't receive the tickets she won, as she had invested money on a flight and hotel already, due to the prize being concert tickets. NOW, interesting enough, I have learned recently that the very person who literally beat her up for making this statement, is the same person who actually DID in fact, threaten to commit suicide back in May of this year, and was escorted off by the local police to a hospital for observation. These records can be obtained and confirmed. Hope this brings you up to date somewhat on the actual story, I know, very confusing! Now, next comment goes to a posting on the original report filed, made by none other than, 'Barbara Syles'. Quote: "I will see you in Hollywood and on TV. The local media and authorities will have a feast along with the California Bar Association." Well Ms. Styles, what happened? I am still here, and not had my 'fifteen minutes of fame or shame' as of this point! NOW, this should be interesting for anyone one here who is real, and trying to figure out who is telling the truth and who is not. 'Barbara Styles' was involved in a scam, Kisntell, back in 2005-06. You will see below a post of hers. My question is this; suddenly, she re-surfaced in 2009, on Wogzradio, as a new member? Wow, what a coincidence! Barbara Styles , Michael Williams , WogzRadio CONS & SCAMS Internet This is to report a poster who uses the name Barbara Styles, and as we all know is Michael Williams aka WOGZ Radio aka ect...... Although, Michael does have someone helping him with the posts and his scams. To read more on that, please go to search and type in wogzradio, the whole thread is there. Now, I am here to expose this 'Barbara', as she is now making threats to me about the validity of me being attorney. NOW, this does however prove, once again, that they are not very bright! I NOT ONCE claimed to be an attorney, it is my user name on here, and I in fact have never stated anything about it. Goes to show, people should not assume. Anyway, someone recently posted on the complaint against wogz radio, some very interesting alias emails and also scam sites, ran by Michael Williams. Let me just post what this person uncovered, which was a blessing to have these sites revealed, as it most definately made some aware of the many more scam sites Michael Williams and 'Barbara Styles' run. See below for post from Just Interested: name just a few from the rather large list I have accumulated in just a few minutes of my time. (Hopefully the above listings will not be redacted by the good and honest folk at ROR) Mr. "Williams" uses a plethora of throw-away email addresses in his seemingly endless quest to raise monies by nefarious means via the internet. Addresses such as: Eva Wallace - total blessings 2u at gmail dot com Kathy Frank - world wide mega laptops at gmail dot com Victor Ellington - Gas Cards Cash Promotions at gmail dot com Lizzie Blevins - Kaikoakir at peoplestring dot com BigBubba - world wide mega products at gmail dot com Betty Johnson - Fast cash in hand at gmail dot com Barbara Styles - party line sponsorship program at gmail dot com ...and many, many more. (Hopefully the above listings will not be redacted by the good and honest folk at ROR) ** Please note, I have added spaces, took out the @ symbol and used 'dot' instead of '.' Sure you get the picture. This post uncovered hundreds of scams, all involving Michael Williams and many including Barbara Styles. Looking into it further, also revealed that the picture of Barbara Styles is a stock photo, that you can get from numerous sites on the internet. See below for more detailed information about 'Barbara', along with a 'DJ Sara'. This whole thing is a scam, and Michael Williams, along with the person who lives in Canada who is helping him (see wogzradio under search), need to be held accountable for their many actions of trying to destroy innocent victims of their sick games! See below for more detailed information that was just brought to my attention: Barbara- You have stated on this site that you had been a listener for about a month and had heard and read about the incident regarding the banned prize winner at WOGZ Radio. How You were hell bent on defending WOGZ and Michael Williams. But after some investigation I have found that you conveniently left something out of your posts. How about your past connection with Michael Williams the Con Artist? It is interesting that you forgot to mention that you were a key employee in one of Michaels Investment Fraud Companies called KisNTel aka Kige Investments in 2005 and 2006. You stated in writing on the below site that you were the Security Chief Assistant - Department of Internal Security at Kige Investments. You also stated that you have been in law enforcement for 22 years. How is that possible when your posted pictures on WOGZ Radio, and Triple25Cycler and Twitter is that of a 20 something year old super model. Now dont go trying to tell us you look good for your age, because you would have to be at least 42 years old if you have worked 22 years in the business and I dont care how much Oil of Olay products you use, that picture is no way a 42 year old woman. So why are all these posters who are all pro Michael Williams all Con Artists themselves? Probably because they are all one and the same. I guess it takes one to make one. Good job Michael. DJ Sara of Charleston- You were an employee of WOGZ Radio as a DJ as I have read in the posts. And now you are working out of the country for the new owners right? And from what I have read, apparently it seems that you have a problem conveying your thoughts without obsenities. On top of that, it has been discovered that even you are a poser. Does the name Hansika Motwani mean anything to you? Probably not because the person who created your character was probably too stupid to even think anyone would notice that your photo is of a very famous Actress from India. Just google the name Hansika Motwani photos, and it will be the first site that comes up. Take a look and be amazed. So how do I know this? I have been in touch with some members thanks to your people posting their information and they have told me this interesting fact. Hey dont kill the messenger, lol. The fact is that the photo of you on WOGZ Radios site is identical to the actresses photo, not just a look alike, but the exact photo, unless you have a twin that wears the same exact clothes and jewelry, explain that one. It just goes to show that the very employees/characters created by Michael Williams are as fake as this whole situation is. I want to say that Con Artists must move in packs, but then I remember that there is not pack, just a man and his groupie. See below post from Barbara Styles from July 2006 on a scam investment website: And, I will call you a fool ... like our company said if you can read, we had over 101,000 people come into this organization between December, January, February & March .... not all 101,000 people can't be verified especially when you have false applications, alias names, non-delivered email address, bounce emails, wrong telephone numbers in one day. Common sense can tell you that Style & Magician. We verify only 150 or less applications a day - maybe more if we are lucky. Each individual is called to verify their complete application. Same way for their swiss bank account through us. If you are so sure --- of yourself, why can't you state your name for the record and put your name on the internet?? I work for the Internal Security Department along with Roger, Clifford and his crew. So, for the record and to others on the internet ... Barbara Styles is my name. I have worked for the law enforcement for 22 years now and covered cases all across the world. I have written a blog containing all the facts about KIGE and who we are. This will be done in a few days because the company is providing hard facts and testimonies from others. Ignorance goes a long way especially if you don't know what you are talking about. If you are intelligent, then act it towards us ... you are only showing your a*s and making you look stupid in front of others. This is only gossip anyway because that's what we all live on - just like the National Enquirer, The Star, etc. We know who we are and will continue to serve the world. If you are so worried about this now - then, my question to you is ... what the hell were you thinking of when you joined?? We never stated, you will get rich!! These investments are done by offshore banking, investing into commodities and e-currency exchange. You need to do more homework on that matter. We are not a HYIP Programs - they do not exist. That is a SCAM!! We are known for doing business in Inter-Banking: working with businesses and major corporations. The KIGE is down to 2321 people to be verified from this big group of people. We also have been paying out others as well once they have finished their cycle. As of today ... our estimate payout for December, January, February & March is $427,876,223,996.64 If you are a member, I would recommend you to send a email to: kige5 at kigeinvestments dot com stating "You are waiting to be verified." Our crew and staff has been working hard to bring our records up-to-date. Also, we already have 4,963,312 people in our organization and our sign-up page will soon be taken off the website. Once we reach our goal of 5,000,000 people - we will be working directly with you one-on-one basis - phone and email. All members will receive the KIGE VIP Card. This entitles you to obtain your medical, dental and life insurance, discount auto insurance and more. Plus, you can use your card at our restaurants and receive 1/2 price off your meals and mixed drinks. (Prices varies from different countries) Our Waterpark Hotels will also be located all across the world. As a member, you will only pay $25.00 per night. And, much more! So, I have given you and others something to read and understand about our business. If you think we actually take your money and run ... then, why in hell - we have been in the loan business and financial world so long?? We must be doing something right ... you just can't comprehend or understand how someone can earn large amounts of MONEY by investing ... ((Period!!)) FOREX Trading has been around for a while and many businesses are using this same technique in order to make money. Governments and others countries are always investing overseas ... do they really want you to know how this is being done?? If that's the case - everyone in the world would be rich and living wealthy. Unfortunately, the world is programmed telling you to go to school, get a higher education - college and want you to work for someone. Who's making all the money?? - Businesses and Companies!! Only 3% of the world is really millionaries and rich! Why not take advantage of something that's been around and become among those 3% of the people in the world. Amway, Mary Kay & Others are doing just that and we are in this 3% group as well. You tell me that I'm wrong - Harvard University teaches just that ... and successful people graduated from this college. So, I advice you Mr or Mrs Style and Magician to get your facts straight before opening your mouth. You better hope for your sake - we don't find out your real names ... in our organization or if you are in it! from ... thinkuknowitall ... Barbara Styles, Security Chief Assistant - Department of Internal Security As anyone can see, this is ALL to familiar! These people are scam artists with a capital 'S'! Please, if you ever come across these names, steer clear and be warned! Please note, this is in NO WAY a threat, it is a warning to all innocent people on the internet, to beware! I hope this sheds some light to what is going on, and also just how ridiculous this report is! So apparent WHO we are dealing with on here, and just what an ignoramus he/she really is! Thank You! JOE


Grand Haven,

Wow, is this some odd s**t

#25Consumer Comment

Mon, October 19, 2009

Shellie (I believe)

You are correct. Grand Haven is a city in Michigan. I live and practice in Michigan, although my license is out of Indiana. If you dig a bit, you will find many posts from a Tim in Valparaiso, Indiana, dating back to 2007 and before.

I passed the Indiana State Bar Exam in 2006. I was licensed on October 20, 2006, by the Supreme Court of the State of Indiana and the federal court for the Northern District of Indiana. I lived and practiced in Indiana until 2007, when family concerns drove me back to my home state of Michigan.

In September of 2007, I was admitted to practice in the federal courts for the Western District of Michigan. I now practice solely in the federal courts, so it makes no difference what state I am licensed in. As long as I am licensed in any state, I can practice in any federal court.

Naturally, I'm not going to give out a whole lot of information re my credentials online. Suffice it to say that I graduated from the Valparaiso University School of Law in 2006, I am registered on the roll of attorneys for Porter County Indiana, am a member of the Porter County Bar Association, the Indiana Bar Association, the American Bar Association, and the ACLU.

I practice bankruptcy law primarily, but I contract out, whenever I can, to cases involving civil rights or intellectual property issues.  

As regards the complaint at issue, I have no clue what the OP is even complaining about. So, until some sense can be made of this madness, I am going to bow out of this one.

Every now and then, I like to keep non-sensical threads alive (see, e.g., a complaint from "Charles in Phenix City, Alabama" against the EEOC).

But as for this one, I just don't get it. The author is assuming that we all are privy to the back-story here, and honestly, it just sounds like hillbilly hogwash to me.

So until the author can explain what the hell he/she is talking about, I'm throwing in the towel on this one.

Sweet Shellie


? ? ?

#25Consumer Comment

Sun, October 18, 2009

Well, I think this has gone too far at this point, and that this report is bogus. I agree with Just Interested.

Now, to Tim, the attorney. Really confused on your posts all together. Your first one, you stated,

Hey, I'm a REAL attorney, and I post on this website and attack others all the time. Just ask the multitudes of enemies I've made over the course of my nine year tenure here, and check my Indiana Bar licensure!

Not that i really want to get into questioning if you are or are not an attorney, but, you did not give any information on how to check. You stated that anyone can check for themselves, yet, the only information you left was, Tim, from Grand Haven. Now, correct me if I am wrong, but Grand Haven is not in Indiana (which is kind of funny in itself actually, Indiana) - Grand Haven is in Michigan. I searched all over on here and have not located you, not even in the referral section. Not that I need an attorney, I am just posting as my freedom of speech here, luckily I am not a victim of Michael Williams AKA ? ? ? 

My suggestion to anyone here who does have a valid complaint - contact the detective that was named on the other thread and also, file a claim on another site as well. I do not think I can name the other site on here, but, just think about it for a minute. A site where actual people investigate the case. I bet Michael Williams is already named on such a sight, and I think maybe his partner needs to be named as well. Let it be known to people who are the law and can do something, instead of on here, where it becomes just a bashing party. I see only a few judiciously written posts on here, one person on this thread, Just Interested - good job! The majority of the others, in all honesty, does sound like the same person, as there is a pattern to the bad grammar mistakes that are being made, almost, I want to describe, as a trademark.

At any rate however, I personally am done posting on here, and will be posting on a site as I described - where action will be taken, not as someone who has been conned, but as a concerned citizen for anyone who has, by these lunatic criminals!

As far as this report - there is no valid complaint here. It is a completely bogus report made up by a completely bogus person. Now it is time to report to somewhere that counts! The best thing to do is ignore "Barbara" and let her keep talking to herself. She has already made herself look like a complete fool, filing a complaint on a site she claims is a con in itself! The old saying comes to mind here - It takes one to know one! And, funnier yet - all the false claims on talking to reporters (well, ok, I guess since she is Heidi, technically she can talk to herself), and attorney friends, etc. Obviously, she has no life at all, and nothing else better to do, and as I read from someone on the other thread, has serious mental problems. Lets leave her alone on here, "Barbara", it's all yours! Feel free to keep posting, I do not believe you have convinced anyone you have a brain that functions properly. The only thing you have proven is just how uneducated you really are.



Don't like this site

#25Consumer Comment

Sun, October 18, 2009

Then stop posting your ignorant rants - YOU started both reports not anyone else - I could care less about some "Joe" attorney - There is no rip off here!


New Mexico,

If You Are This Good - Explain Yourself?

#25Consumer Comment

Sun, October 18, 2009

What is your explanation? You are saying there's no Mr. Joe registered on this site around the 7th of October? Are you positive? And, you get your resources from where?

His name is shown all over the previous report case # 481301 - Mr. Joe Attorney


Submitted: Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Modified: Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Attorney Joe

North Hollywood

and other entries!

Interesting! Then, the story is TRUE! He is NOT A TRUE ATTORNEY as you claim.

What makes Barbara's case more believable than others - this website has posted rules, however; this is similar to a forum where everyone can express their opinions with no objections!

This was posted from the original site: "You can not provide a forum to allow consumers to legitimately post their concerns then violate all sorts of laws in the meantime. The people who post things should know better on what they can and cannot put in print in regards to accusations, allegations, slander and libellous statements."

Shellie claims this is an open forum and right to the public which is good but there are rules to follow in what can be posted. Interesting comment!

But, on this report Barbara is claiming is technically true! My father and older brother is an attorney. They wouldn't dare attempt to post such claims on a site or forum. They are risking their credibility and ethics as an attorney. That is very true! In our state, we'll just throw you in jail and make you sweat it out before seeing an attorney. It makes you think about the crime you committed.

Illiterate People? I see many people posting senseless issues and exchanging words back and forth, name calling and more! It all started from Margaret Trentacosta, this is the main issue here people. But, that story is on the other site!

Mr. Joe (Attorney) is nothing more than blowing HOT AIR from his mouth and out his BUTT like others are saying. I like that quotation!

Our laws are different in New Mexico and you don't know my REAL LAST NAME here so no chance in trying to claim false pretenses against me. My husband and I with our kids are happy. We know what can be said on this website and everyone should follow. It's just sad how mouths keeps running back and forth when the case is about Margaret Trentacosta. Not Michael, Sarah, Carol or others. You are responsible for your actions!

Mr. Joe and others here is nothing more than Margaret and still causing problems on the Internet. She was gone from TWITTER and now back again? She is the CON ARTIST/SCAMMER! She probably blackmailed WOGZRADIO to make things go her way during this contest and got caught on their website for misbehavior actions. Now, she is doing it again only under alias names. Was the harassment report delivered to Margaret at her job? Or, WOGZRadio needs more evidence against her? These are questions that needs to be asked because if so, she certainly is violating the judgement against her and can be thrown in jail.

Mr. Joe (Attorney) aka Margaret Trentacosta and others certainly has major issues. Don't be totally going mad & crazy on us now. I like to see what comes out of your mouth again.

This is entertaining to watch! You don't know who is who anymore from these sites.


Grand Haven,

What the heck is the story here?

#25Consumer Comment

Sun, October 18, 2009

Here's the issue with your report:


You launch into conlusory allegations, apparently regarding slander and harassment, but I can't for the life of me:

1) Tell WHO you are complaining about; or

2) WHAT it is that they did.

From what I can glean, it sounds like there is a lawyer with a radio show that has a habit of disclosing personal information?

It also seems as though you have some sort of beef with this website, that you claim it is a sham and that there is but one person writing all of these complaints and rebuttals.

Not only must that person be an INCREDIBLY fast typer, but doesn't the fact that you've been allowed to post your writings belie your contention?

Maybe I just don't understand this AT ALL. A little background information would be very helpful.


Just Interested


There is no Mr. Joe (Attorney)

#25General Comment

Sun, October 18, 2009

Roanoke, Virginia

The above individual has laid claim that a "Mr. Joe (Attorney)" "...has literally blasted, slandered
and disclosed personal information against consumers on WOGZRadio..."

It would appear that "Barbara" has completely deluded "herself"

1. There is no "Mr. Joe (Attorney)" registered as a user on Ripoff Reports, hence "Mr. Joe (Attorney)"
cannot have been the person who "...literally blasted, slandered and disclosed personal information
against consumers on WOGZRadio..."

2. After perusing the Ripoff Report that prompted the report filed by "Barbara" I find that there
IS/WAS an "Attorney Joe" registered as a user on Ripoff Reports and he/she DID, indeed, post
several responses in the WOGZRadio thread.


3. There is no record of a "Mr. Joe (Attorney)" posting in that WOGZRadio report.

4. In not one single response posted by "Attorney Joe" did he/she make claim that he/she is or was
an attorney. Rather, that implied claim came from responses posted by others. To wit:





So... what we have here is a fictitious name (Barbara - Roanoke, Virginia - USA) filing a fictitious
claim under (of all things!), the Civil Rights Violators Category against a non-existant name
(Mr. Joe (Attorney).

Oh, for you non-involved folks readin this, PLEASE DO NOT read the responses posted by Barabara,
Sarah or Carol in the WOGZRadio report. You might soon see the "...literally blasted, slandered and
disclosed personal information..." they placed there.


Quite interesting indeed.

Just Interested


Barbara Styles? Oh yes...

#25General Comment

Sat, October 17, 2009

Responding to:

Roanoke, Virginia

San Luis

I find it quite interesting to note that one of the many, many bogus names that
were used by Mr. "Williams" in his WOGZ Radio scam and other nefarious get-rich-quick
schemes on the internet is now being used to file a report here on ROR. And under
the Category: Civil Rights Violators. Quite interesting.

(The WOGZ scam is what prompted "Barbara Styles" to make her initial posting here)

Quite interesting that a "Barbara Styles" now shows up here with a complaint when "Barbara Styles"
is one of the many, many bogus names used and being used by Mr. "Williams".

The same "Barbara Styles" who operated the now defunct multi-level marketing scam at ( An archived copy of that scam site is
available at: )

Hopefully the good folk at Ripoff Report will not redact the link data. removed the site due to violations of their Terms Of Service (TOS).

So, "Barbara Styles" who used (still uses?) the email address of
is again posting in defense of the WOGZ scam and pontificating about violation of civil rights?

Mayhaps it would serve Mr. "Williams" well to learn how to use a proxy IP address when posting under fictitious names?

Quite interesting indeed - So many names used in these on-line scams, hard to keep track of them all, ehh?



Now I'm confused

#25Consumer Comment

Sat, October 17, 2009

Did I just get accused of being a made up person to respond to posts? If so that is new to me.

I assure you, I am not a made up person by anyone else on this site. Just go look at vonage, bank of america, us bank, directv and various other companies and you will see.

Sweet Shellie


Could not resist

#25Consumer Comment

Sat, October 17, 2009

Heidi, I could not resist this one!  But, you said, I will post anything but the TRUTH and what has transpiredThank you for saying that. You will post anything BUT the TRUTH. Well, if that is not convincing enough for someone, I just do not know what is, lol. You are a funny girl! Oh wait, one more, Miss Reporter, lol, too funny!  It's doesn't state Barbara has written all these rebuttals  Ok, think my point is proven! You have no clue how to write you imbecile! Another fraud, thanks, come again.

Sweet Shellie


Truly unbelievable!

#25Consumer Comment

Sat, October 17, 2009

Heidi, you are not a reporter, this I am sure. I have family in SLO, so I too can check into your validity, but I will not, only because it is such a waste of time. I can tell by the way you write, and to compliment Barbara for her write up? It is called cutting and pasting, not too hard. But again, keep talking to yourself Diana, I do not think you have anything else better to do. I have looked into this a little deeper myself, and the whole thing is a joke, just like you are. I just read one of Joe's comments about you needing help for your mental condition, I do hope you get that help. I am done, thank you for the laughs, its been real. (NOT)


San Luis,

What Are You Talking About Shellie?

#25Consumer Comment

Sat, October 17, 2009

I work for a publishing company and have followed the story about WOGZ Radio.

Do you know what you are saying Shellie? It's doesn't state Barbara has written all these rebuttals ... you must be as crazy like all others in here.

Don't be coming to this other site and insinuate anything unless you know the FACTS! I am a reporter and give the FACTS. I have spoken to Barbara Styles over the phone and that's why we collaborate on this story.

I will post anything but the TRUTH and what has transpired if you want to know anything else. Okay Ms. Shellie? Or, should I pull up a report on you and see exactly where you are writing from & your email address?

That's what a REAL ATTORNEY and Government Officials can do instead of running his mouth like a MADMAN! I like that!

This website is nothing more than SCAM and is ran by a C-O-N ARTIST & S-C-A-M-M-E-R himself for breaking his own rules. There's are too many loopholes in what they have regulated. Even my boss has stated this - that's why I have here and talking to others. Reading stories and see exactly what people are posting.

Since my company has receive the file report on this case, I found out how several IP's and a few emails are being posted by one or two people. Michael & this woman in Canada is clear from writing all these stories.

Hey, I know this guy in my area - so he is claiming to be an attorney. He's a Fire Chief at a fire department but not an attorney. This IP has shown up and is registered to: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and is shown exactly the same time as this attorney to be writing. How interesting!

I won't say anymore about him. Let's just say I will visit him as well and make him feel like a piece of dirt when I am done with him.

If you like to follow this story, that's fine but please don't come in here and accuse something you don't know.

Thank you for listening ...

I will be talking to another victim from this story and keep everyone posted.

Nice written article Barbara. Everyone needs to know the definition of Harassment, Slander & Defamation on a Persons Character. The law is suppose to work for you, not against YOU!

Sweet Shellie


Forgot something

#25Consumer Comment

Sat, October 17, 2009

One last comment I forgot to say. Joe, if you even come across this, the best thing to do is ignore and laugh about it. Today was the day we were all suppose to see who you are, because the media was going to be there as well as Barbara, which I think is obvious now, that is not the case and she or he is full of lies. And if I was you, I would file a complaint on Barbara Styles. Just something to ponder.



Receiving Information From This Website

#25Author of original report

Fri, October 16, 2009

For your information, a REAL ATTORNEY does not need to hide behind this website and profess such misbehavior action and bicker, slander, harass, incriminate & defame someone.

If they would follow instructions like my attorney & my associates in California, life would be very simple.

You see, this website claims to be for the people and by the people. 162 people and myself has filed a petition to request certain files that has been posted here. A REAL ATTORNEY and other government officials can request this and gather information pertaining to any case. My attorney has done just that ...

In reality, if this so-called website is suppose to be real - they would comply to the government officials or a subpoena can be served to gather everyone's cases.

Mr. Joe (Attorney) Blow may know a little about the law but he is not above the law. He has to follow their rules & bylaws that was awarded to him when passing the BAR Exam. Unfortunately; there are always two sides of a story - what's right and what's wrong. Good & Bad ... and this Mr. Joe Blow is NOT A GOOD So-Called ATTORNEY by all means.

For me to go after an anonymous attorney or person? Let the government and a REAL ATTORNEY do their work. This site has too many loopholes and no rules to follow.

So, basically - anyone can post anything on someone or something you hate. But, only you know the truth!

More updates will follow ...

Sweet Shellie


Just another opinion

#25Consumer Comment

Fri, October 16, 2009

I was following the thread about Wogz Radio, and was led here. With that said, it appears as though Joe was right about someone coming on here and making up different names. I was not sure what to believe to be honest, then the more facts that were presented, it became very clear what was going on, and who the guilty parties are. With that said, you are now on this thread, doing the exact same thing.

Proof is, post by Ashley of Springfield. If you look at the very top of this page, it clearly states the updates. I will cut and paste what it says.

*UPDATE by author... Out of yoru mind



If it were from another party, it would read.

*Consumer Comment


Well, Barbara, you are the author of this report, so why do you feel the need to make up names to attach to more comments? I am sorry, but I now know who to believe, and you, I do not, and believe you are just as much of a con artist as Michael. Or Joe may me right, and you are Michael or Diana. You may want to be careful when posting and trying to convince people there are more than one person posting, to sign out of your account first. You can say whatever you like after this, I will not be back to read anymore, because you are the one out of your mind. I have researched the sites that someone else posted on the complaint against Wogz Radio, and yes, they are all scams, and although there is nothing I can do, because I have not been scammed by you, this is a public forum, free to post. So, you are entitled to that right as well, have fun talking to yourself.



Out of yoru mind

#25Consumer Comment

Fri, October 16, 2009

You are clearly out of your mind.

Good luck with your lawsuit going after an anonymous person on the internet.



Then, Let Me Ask You ...

#25Author of original report

Fri, October 16, 2009

You mean someone finally responded back? Mr. Tim - if you are an attorney, answer a few questions ...

You know what this means:



SECTION 16-3-1700. Definitions.

As used in this article:

(A) "Harassment in the first degree" means a pattern of intentional, substantial, and unreasonable intrusion into the private life of a targeted person that serves no legitimate purpose and causes the person and would cause a reasonable person in his position to suffer mental or emotional distress. Harassment in the first degree may include, but is not limited to:

(1) following the targeted person as he moves from location to location;

(2) visual or physical contact that is initiated, maintained, or repeated after a person has been provided oral or written notice that the contact is unwanted or after the victim has filed an incident report with a law enforcement agency;

(3) surveillance of or the maintenance of a presence near the targeted person's:

(a) residence;

(b) place of work;

(c) school; or

(d) another place regularly occupied or visited by the targeted person; and

(4) vandalism and property damage.

(B) "Harassment in the second degree" means a pattern of intentional, substantial, and unreasonable intrusion into the private life of a targeted person that serves no legitimate purpose and causes the person and would cause a reasonable person in his position to suffer mental or emotional distress. Harassment in the second degree may include, but is not limited to, verbal, written, or electronic contact that is initiated, maintained, or repeated.

(C) "Stalking" means a pattern of words, whether verbal, written, or electronic, or a pattern of conduct that serves no legitimate purpose and is intended to cause and does cause a targeted person and would cause a reasonable person in the targeted person's position to fear:

(1) death of the person or a member of his family;

(2) assault upon the person or a member of his family;

(3) bodily injury to the person or a member of his family;

(4) criminal sexual contact on the person or a member of his family;

(5) kidnapping of the person or a member of his family; or

(6) damage to the property of the person or a member of his family.

(D) "Pattern" means two or more acts occurring over a period of time, however short, evidencing a continuity of purpose.

(E) "Family" means a spouse, child, parent, sibling, or a person who regularly resides in the same household as the targeted person.

(F) "Electronic contact" means any transfer of signs, signals, writings, images, sounds, data, intelligence, or information of any nature transmitted in whole or in part by any device, system, or mechanism including, but not limited to, a wire, radio, computer, electromagnetic, photoelectric, or photo-optical system.

(G) This section does not apply to words or conduct protected by the Constitution of this State or the United States, a law enforcement officer or a process server performing official duties, or a licensed private investigator performing services or an investigation as described in detail in a contract signed by the client and the private investigator pursuant to Section 40-18-70.


Title 16 - Crimes and Offenses




SECTION 16-13-290. Securing property by fraudulent impersonation of officer.

It is unlawful for a person, with intent to defraud either the State, a county, or municipal government or any person, to act as an officer and demand, obtain, or receive from a person or an officer of the State, county, or municipal government any money, paper, document, or other valuable things. A person who violates the provisions of this section is guilty of a:

(1) felony and, upon conviction, must be fined in the discretion of the court or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both, if the property or thing obtained has a value of more than two hundred dollars.

(2) misdemeanor triable in magistrate's court, and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than one hundred dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days if the property or thing obtained has a value of two hundred dollars or less.



SECTION 16-17-310. Imitation of organizations' names, emblems and the like.

No person, society or organization shall assume, use, adopt, become incorporated under or continue to use the name and style or emblems of any incorporated benevolent, fraternal, social, humane or charitable organization previously existing in this State or a name and style or emblem so nearly resembling the name and style of such incorporated organization as to be a colorable imitation thereof. When two or more of such societies, associations or corporations claim the right to the same name or to a name substantially similar as above provided, the organization which was first organized and used the name and first became incorporated under the laws of the United States or of any state of the Union, whether incorporated in this State or not, shall be entitled in this State to the prior and exclusive use of such name, and the rights of such societies, associations or corporations and of their individual members shall be fixed and determined accordingly.

Any person who shall wear a badge, button or other emblem or shall use the name or claim to be a member of any benevolent, fraternal, social, humane or charitable organization which is entitled to the exclusive use of such name and emblems under this section, either in the identical form or in such near resemblance thereto as to be a colorable imitation of such emblems and name, unless entitled so to do under the laws, rules and regulations of such organization, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars or imprisonment in the State Penitentiary for not less than thirty days nor more than one year.

SECTION 16-17-320. Injunction to restrain improper use of name and emblems.

Whenever there shall be an actual or threatened violation of the provisions of Section 16-17-310, the organization entitled to the exclusive use of the name in question, under the terms of said section, shall have the right to apply to the proper courts for an injunction to restrain the infringement of its name and the use of its emblems. If it shall be made to appear to the court that the defendants are in fact infringing or about to infringe upon the name and style of a previously existing incorporated benevolent, fraternal, social, humane or charitable organization in the manner prohibited in said section or that the defendant or defendants are wearing and using the badge, insignia or emblems of such organization, without the authority thereof in violation of said section, an injunction may be issued by the court under the principles of equity, without requiring proof that any person has been in fact misled or deceived by the infringement of such name or the use of such emblem.

Now, the reason I posted these articles is simple ... when an attorney does profess to be an attorney yet can get away from harassing others, making accusations or slandering one's imagine, don't you think it's against the law? Or, would you like it if someone post CRAP about you throughout the Internet? Your credibility & imagine would certainly be damaged wouldn't you think?

I like you to read an article that was posted on this so-called FICTITIOUS website. If you are an attorney, you should have done your homework and find out exactly you is running this website and what legistration would allow all these posting be allowed?

Please check out under search "WOGZRADIO" and read what has taken place.

And, you decide if your bylaws and standards as an attorney allows you to post all such acts. Each state is different but no one would get away with all of this in the jurisidiction system when you suppose to represent yourself in a professional manner.

All this was posted because of some woman who acted inappropiate on a business website and they terminated/banned her immediately. WOGZRadio has all testimonials from listeners who was in their chat room and those who observe this behind their monitor. And, for what? A pair of tickets to see Adam Lambert. They were forfeited and stripped by the station owner: DJ Michael W.

Here's part of their RULES & GUIDELINES:


d. For Internet contests: WOGZRadio.99Music in its sole discretion, reserves the right to disqualify any person tampering with the entry process, the operation of our stations Web Sites or, is otherwise in violation of any rules. It further reserves the right to cancel, terminate or modify the contest if it is not capable of completion as planned, including infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention or technical failures of any sort.

8. Failure to comply with the contest rules may result in a contestants disqualification at the sole discretion of WOGZRadio.99Music. We has the right to terminate all entries or prizes that has been won from an individual based on the violations on our network.

If someone can't follow, read or understand rules - they should ask questions? Correct? Well apparently Margaret acted a plotted scheme and tried to SCAM the station which backfired on her with her friends.

WOGZRadio has already made a public appearance about this on other stations as this was heard throughout the world. Now, everyone wants to express their point of view which is fine. But, you can't disclose personal information, harass, making threatening phone calls and slander someone. You think it's right or the law only protects you to make such claims?

Just like to get your opinion on this matter!

I am going to California and speak to a few of my friends since this so-called attorney has a big imagination. He doesn't know who is who on this site and I can account my schedule activities.

I would like to hire you and see what you find out but there's only two people left who knows this Diana Hastings and they don't like her because she continued on listening to WOGZRadio. Such childs! Some people never grow up!

Yes, there are laws that has been broken and YOU are NOT GOD! You are suppose to uphold the law! Unless you can twist these laws and make them useful in your favor, we might can talk but right now ... I am taking this to the media.

Justice will be served one way or another! Thank you!


Grand Haven,

Simmer down now

#25Consumer Comment

Fri, October 16, 2009

"No REAL ATTORNEY would attempt to post on a website and attacking others."

Hey, I'm a REAL attorney, and I post on this website and attack others all the time. Just ask the multitudes of enemies I've made over the course of my nine year tenure here, and check my Indiana Bar licensure!

Your post is pure LUNACY! Pure and simple! Nothing you say makes any sense!

If you are speaking as to some REAL occurences, give us some details. Otherwise, I'm just reading the insane ramblings of a madman.



Futher Information To Be Known ...

#25Author of original report

Wed, October 14, 2009

Just spoke to my friend's attorney and others in California ...

He's in trouble. Contact CA's Bar. Claiming to be an attorney is UNLAWFUL and the Bar can sue you for that, and criminal charges can be brought. Call the Bar ASAP at 1-800-843-9053, and tell them the background, and send them the link. They're pretty good at catching pretenders. This guy might be a little sorry...

All information that he posted can be used against this "So-Called Attorney" - YES!!!

No REAL ATTORNEY would even attempt to make such allegations and have them posted because this would jeopardize his creditability.

Use his website as your weapon against and see how he really states his case under WOGZRADIO ... this guy is NOT A PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEY!

So, chalk up a major blow to this person and now ... like you say "Climb back into that hole where you came from."

I like to hear your excuse of this rebuttal Mr. Joe (Attorney) ...

Shall we continue?

Respond to this Report!