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  • Report:  #404814



  • Reported By:
    DUBAI Other
  • Submitted:
    Thu, December 25, 2008
  • Updated:
    Mon, August 15, 2016
    10020 164 STREET
    EDMONTON, Alberta
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I met with this gentleman by name vimal iyer with his sales representative in dubai at an office located in 11th floor, at the dubai world trade center and the marketed some land investment in alberta canada for me which the promised a high return on the investment, after they have provided several convictions for the land investment, i purchased an acre of land from them in a place called redwater - alberta for $50,000 canadaina dollars which i paid through a transfer from my bank account in dubai to their bank in hsbc alberta and all transfer papers receipts and evidence are with me. mr vimal iyer went to canada and promised that he will send me papers and invitation to visit canada but when i went to the canadian embassy, my visa application was turned down, i have also been trying to contact mr vimal iyer but he refuses to take my calls and when i whent back to the office in dubai, i was informed that they used the office temporarily and does not own the office, i met other peole in dubai who are also looking for mr vimal iyer as he has duped over us$840,000 from different people in dubai on the same land sale investment. i have wriiten letters to the canadian police but did not get any response, i have tried to call mr vimal iyer and when i got him on the phone over 3 months ago, he told me he will send my money back and after some days he told me he has actually sent the money to my account but it was lie and when i asked him to send me the proof of transfer he stopped taking my calls, now because i live in dubai and have no visa to come to canada to look for him, he completly stops taking my calls and asked me to do whatever i can do, i tried to call the sales lady also who is back in canada and she told me that mr vimal duped so many people and she no longer work with him and he lives in edmontoan and drives all kinds of exotic cars with his name on the plate number of his ferrari, i am helpless and need you to help me to get this man of file my report to any appropriate quaters that can help me recover my money, thanks ONYEOCHA JEREMIAH, DUBAI, UAE

United Arab Emirates

8 Updates & Rebuttals



Case has been closed, Now ready to discuss.

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, August 15, 2016


Dear all "Deer Haven" property purchasers,

My name is Shaneil Sewak,

Our law suit against Mount Everest Development has ended with a win!

We can now discuss the property and the events leading to the panic that is well showed in this forum.


If you purchased the Deer haven property, regardless from which company or vendor, I would like to talk to all of you and arrange a meeting so we can disclose why the project never went forward? who were all involved? if the land is still salvagable? and where do we go from here?


Please keep in mind I have no invested interest in this project but i am willing to help.


Please email me your name and contact information to





I bought land off Mount Everst

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, January 26, 2016



I bought land off Mount Everest.

I think land buyers are confused on what happened here. The land known as Deer Haven was originally owned by Trident Properties, Vimal Iyer is the owner of this company. He got charged for fraud for promises he made in Dubai in selling land in Red Water.


After charges the company shut down and sold all its assets. Mount everest bought Deer Haven and put forward development plans. Canada Advantage was only the selling agents for Mount Everest. They have no rights to this property and cant do anything. 


I know everyone is hitting the panic button because the economy is crappy right now but the land is still good land. some day it will be worth good money. No one was mislead, its just economy sucks now so expansion is delayed everywhere in Alberta.


Hope this helps.




Edmonton ,
United States of America

Shaneil sewak has nothing to do with this report

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, January 07, 2016

 shaneil sewak has absolutely nothing to do with Vimal iyer or trident properties. Shaneil sewak has never been part if this Dubai related incident and has never even heard of this Jeremiah.



Dear Consumer

#9UPDATE Employee

Thu, January 07, 2016

My name is Shaneil Sewak. We are not part of this rip off report. Please exclude my name from the excerpt.

The property named “Deer Haven” was a very good land when the economy was on the up in Canada, being its right across the street from a full residential development. 8 years ago we signed an agreement with Mount Everest Developments to help them sell some of the land in the area so that they could raise the funds to develop it. When the economy was great in Alberta, anyone that knew the land knew it was a good land to develop at the time, but obviously through recession times it’s not that good right now. This is a common problem in Alberta right now. We never owned this land but were simply the selling agents for the developers.


Canada Advantage International is still a valid company with no litigations against it. The company is still successful in its ventures and was only the selling agent for Mount Everest Development during a short period of time. My phone number hasn’t changed in the last 15 years and it remains the same number. We will continue to help in the background where we can.


We simply followed the seller’s instructions on selling the property. From the information that my office received was that development plans were in the process. Alberta’s falling economy has resulted in major delays. I continue to work with some of the original investors, but as the economy keeps falling, it gets harder. I would never ever be part of any type of scam or wrong doing. My businesses are all done properly, accurately, fairly and legally. We had a proper lawyer transfer all titles from Mount Everest Developments names over to customer’s names.


Keep in mind we didn’t even get our commission on most of the property we sold for Mount Everest Development. We are in current litigations with Mount Everest Development and have been advised by my lawyer not to discuss the case or contact any of the buyers that bought the property off Mount Everest Development.


 From my knowledge Trident sold controversial land in red water. That has nothing to do with us and from what I have been told, the original case in Dubai was a controversial promise made by trident a long time ago it has absolutely nothing to do with us and we have no relations with Trident properties.


I ask anyone that was part of this project to please stop dirtying my name. We were only the selling agents for this project. I regret ever doing business with Mount Everest Development. I will take any future wrong accusations and negative comments against me and/or my companies as slander and defamation and will prosecute it with the full extent of the law.


Good luck to all the investors, I wish you and your families’ success and happiness in the future.



Canada Advantage International - Shaneil Sewak

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, January 03, 2016

 If Shaneil Sewak is truthful, honest, and loyal, and Canada Advantage International owners are honest, transparent, and loyal, then why were his / their clients never informed of this situation that arose between CAI and MED? And why were the clients never notified of a change of office address for CAI? And why would Shaneil not respond to phone calls or emails, other than to say he was out off town / country (conveniently always was the answer), until he changed his phone number and stopped responding to email all together? At first I just wanted some explanation from Shaneil on what was happening, but as time went on and based on the lack of response, it appeas like Shaneil is involved in this scam, or knew more about MED and Trident (and the relationship) than he lets on. Not speaking to any buyers because he is in litigation is bull. There is no reason that he couldn't have sent a letter out explaining the situation. Also, why would he not want clients to be able to contact him for future projects? It doesn't make sense as a professional. It's suspisious. If Shaneil was innocent, why wouldn't he want to inform everyone and take any blame off himself and his company. In my opinion, until Shaneil contacts all owners and gets everyone into a room to update them on what is going on and allow questions to be asked, Shaneil Sewak and Canada Advantage International will always be tied to the Deer Haven Property Scam, Mount Everest Developments, and Trident Properties... Like it or not! You state that CAI continues to move the project forward without pay... How so ??



To whom it may concern,

#9UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Thu, September 17, 2015

 Shaneil Sewak is a truthful, honest and loyal business man with a great reputation with his business doings in Canada and around the globe.


6 years ago, Shaneil Sewak and his team at Canada Advantage International signed an agreement with Mount Everest Development to manage property with the proposed name of Deer Haven near Morinville, AB. The property originally was owned by Trident Properties. Canada Advantage International were aware of the past investors including Shaneil Sewak’s father as one the investors who had their money stuck with this project. Canada Advantage International stepped up to the plate to help move the project forward and get the development started to help previous investors recover their money since Mr. Vimal Iyer was arrested and charged for fraud due to property transactions in Red Water, AB and business deals in DUBAI.


The new company Mount Everest Development detailed the new projects motives and strategies to move forward and hired Canada Advantage International to help manage the Deer Haven project which is located south of Morinville, AB. Canada Advantage International was instructed to sell more acres of the parcel of land to help move the project forward. Canada Advantage International were simply the selling agent at this stage of the project. When Canada Advantage International were aware of new information of the project Deer Haven, of Mount Everest Development and because of the breach of agreement from Mount Everest Development, Canada Advantage International withdrew themselves from the project. Mount Everest Development still to date has not paid the bill owing to Canada Advantage International. Canada Advantage International are now in litigation with Mount Everest Development. Neither Shaneil Sewak, Canada Advantage International nor Shaneil Sewak’s father have received any of the money owed to them. Because of the litigation, Shaneil Sewak was ordered not to speak to any of the land buyers. Canada Advantage International used its own lawyers during any of the transactions and flowed all rules, laws and regulations.  Canada Advantage International were never the bad guys and they do not wish to be tied together with Mount Everest Development , Trident Properties or Mr. Vimal Iyer. Canada Advantage International respectful owners are honest, transparent and loyal business men. Canada Advantage International continue to help move this project forward without pay.


Spokesperson for Shaneil Sewak, C.E.O of Canada Advantage International


St. Albert, ,

Trident Properties - DEER HAVEN

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, June 23, 2015

 I too have been scammed into purchasing a UDI by Trident Properties, Mount Everest Developments, and Canada Advantage International in a so called Land Development named "Deer Haven" near Morinville Alberta. The information given to investors by Sales Rep Shaniel Sewak (CEO of Canada Advantage International) was completely false and mis-leading, just to get our money. There are approx. 50 investors / owners of this piece of land that are in the same situation. Looking for anyone who can help.



contact me

#9General Comment

Thu, October 07, 2010


Sir your information may be relevant to a proceeding. Please call Canada 403 462 0453.

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