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  • Report:  #1497707

Complaint Review: MV Brothers Construction Corp. 7 Valentine Street Roosevel NY 11575

MV Brothers Construction Corp. 7 Valentine Street, Roosevel, NY 11575 Rip off-Poor job on patio-I'vd been conned! Roosevelt New York

  • Reported By:
    Dominique — Woodside New York United States
  • Submitted:
    Thu, July 16, 2020
  • Updated:
    Fri, July 17, 2020
  • MV Brothers Construction Corp. 7 Valentine Street, Roosevel, NY 11575
    7 Valentine Street
    Roosevelt, New York
    United States
  • Phone:
    1 516 444-8819
  • Category:

Subject: Patio sabotage

       I'm frustrated and extremely disappointed-no Angry. When one has lived as long as I have and has managed to get a number of experiences under his belt, there surely have been some embarrassments along the way. If I live long enough, there will probably be others. I'll never learn to like them. However, to knowingly invite an embarrassing situation like the one I just experienced, would be simply intolerable. I had the misfortune of getting involved in a recently performed job using the services of MV Brothers Construction Corp. located on 7 Valentine Street in Roosevelt, NY.  11575-1609 and I strongly feel the needs to explain what transcended in order to warn any future potential clients who may wish to deal with this company.

After a great deal of thinking about the matter I've decided to write this review. I am confident that there was ample opportunity for the owner of this company Mr. Moises Villatoro to have done things differently as opposed to the way this business venture was concluded, especially when I was directly told and explained in details by Mr. Moises how the process will be. A patio job done on 6/15/20 and completed by Mr. Moises/workers on Wednesday, June 17, 2020 ( no work was done on 6/16/20) denotes a very poor, sloppy, lousy, and totally unprofessional work; to the point that it is nothing else than sabotage to the highest degree!

First off all, many short cuts were taken during the entire procedure such as : Not getting rid of the old patio material (all broken concrete slabs, stones, rocks, bricks) which were supposed to be discarded into a dump-truck as it is normally the norm, as originally stated by Mr. Moises. However, all this waste was nonetheless dumped into a large and deep path covered in soil/ground leading to the backyard. It has been previously discussed and agreed on that this "path" will then be completely cemented. This was done in order to save time, no needs to carry all this waste/material by hands into a dump-truck.

It is very obvious that regardless of how things were supposed to be done, what took place is a complete reversal of thoughts on the part of Mr. Moises. Short cuts folks....short cuts. Others included: Not having expansions joints put in place, steps that should had been taken in order to have a perfectly leveled patio were grossly and deliberately omitted, and the list can go on and on.  

 At first glance when workers started to engage in the finishing part of the patio at the end while the cement had been finally applied to the surface and was still wet and fresh, (smoothing it with the appropriate tools required and other cement items) one will get the impression that things looks good, so did I thought. However, this is an understatement on how the final work appeared. I was literally shocked, stunned and understandably disappointed the next day (6/18/20) when reality sets in on how the job looks like. It is only then that I came to realize how horrible and awful the work is, including the finishing "touch" needed to have a beautiful job as I thought I'll be getting.

Countless taken pictures shows a very uneven surface throughout the width and length of the patio. When anyone walks on it, one can "feel" going up and down as you walk through along with seeing "waves", and "bumps.". Several patches/pools of water are now present under each panel of the PVC fence as the water does not recede when watering the patio for only few minutes were pools of stagnant water can be observed and we are not talking here in having torrential rain or a down pour on a rainy day. What did Mr. Moises said when I explained this additional "problem" ? " I can come over, and I'll drill holes into each PVC panel throughout the length of the fence at the bottom in order for the water to "escapes," unfortunately all that water will end up in the neighbor's property. Unreal but true.....and I doubt very much this will work.

One can see and observe so many wrong things that it is simply scary how the work was completed. Weight of the cement has caused one PVC panel to be completely distorted and bent to the point that a clearly visible severe curve can be seen. When I complained to Mr. Moises about such, his response was " It was like that before." No Sir, it wasn't and I'll prove it to you: Several photographs taken before the job was even started and right during the breaking of the old patio, this particular PVC panel can be seen perfectly up and straight with absolutely no damages to it whatsoever.

Also a good portion of cement ended up under the fence in the neighbor's path. Should I mention that cracks have appeared in several place on the patio already? I now have 3 estimates from reputable construction companies to redo the entire job as it is nothing else than a necessity to do so, since problems will occur in a short time from now. Prices range from $6,000 to $10,500, the work will be done the way it should have be completed in the first place. As one might surmise by now, the entire patio needs to be redone.

I should mention that on Friday, June 19, 2020 Mr. Moises came to seal and correct some light cracks in the patio which were not done previously. He explained that," I will bring a circular saw and "open up" the light crack, seal it with a filler. He did came on that day...... but what he did was to simply pour a light coat of cement over the crack and did the same thing  at the bottom of steps where the patio was done. The work was so poorly executed and he and his co-worker were so much in a hurry, that it is again a very sloppy job. If I could show photographs of what they did that day, jaws will drop upon seeing the very poor job done in an attempt to "fix" the problems.

It is very unfortunate that each time Mr. Moises explain how he is going to proceed, he end up changing his mind and do another short cut in the process. As I had anticipated water now goes thru the small window seen on the patio that leads to the house basement which was flooded on Friday, July 10, 2020.. In 24 years in living at my home this has never happened., all this because the work was not done properly; not counting that the original woden frame of such window was completely " destroyed" by an employee while using a 15lbs sledge hammer!. Frame has collpased as there is a huge gap at the top where the water can be seen going into the basement.

The condition of the patio is getting worst as day (s) passes to the point that it has become and looks in a more stronger degrading state with cracks appearing everywhere throughout the patio.. Also as one can see in many pictures each panel of the PVC fence was seriously left in terrible condition at the bottom ( cement splashed all over) took overb one hour per panel to be cleaned!

       I am now very upset and concerned about something that took place. For over 20 years I had a very heavy-duty pick ax in my possession which was kept in a tool shed in the backyard. This tool was there on June 15, 2020 when one of the worker ( the one that broke the entire patio using his own sledge hammer) asked before leaving around 1:30 PM Monday, JUne 15, 2020, if he could leave some of his tools on the premises. I offered that his tools can be placed inside the tool shed where my pick ax can be seen at all times. On Wednesday, June 17, 2020 this same worker/employee went to retrieve all his tools,( four)  and of course my pick ax was still there. Without a doubt this tool was removed  during the same day without my consent, knowledge and authorization; in other words someone stole it. 

Unfortunately it is only on June 21, 2020 late in the afternoon that I came to realize that the tool is missing. I was planning to use it to dig around a tree stump that had been left when the entire tree was cut years ago , to my astonishment it wasn't there anymore. In the early morning of June 22, 2020 I called Mr. Moises and explained that a missing tool has been removed from my house without my knowledge, consent and/or authorization. He did express at first some concern (was he truthful?) and was asking why did they took it ,knowing that this item does not belong to his workers or to any of us.  

He indicated that I will now quote exactly what Mr. Moises told me on 6/21/20  quote: "  I knows exactly what you are talking about and will bring it back to you on June 24" unquote.   I recognize to have placed several call on Tuesday, June 23 in order to ask what time does he thinks he can be at my house. He repeated that he will be there on Wednesday and hang up the phone. As of today Thursday July16, 2020 the tool has not be returned. Calls placed to the cell phone of Mr. Moises since 6/24/20 automatically falls on voice mail to the point that I am unable to get in touch with this person while a voice states ," Mail Box is full." It is very regrettable that as of today, Thursday July 16, 2020, this person has not made the slightest attempt to contact me, indicating that the tool has been located and that it will be returned.

It would had been the proper thing to do had he showed some good faith, but to no avail, he didn't. I feel that I am simply been ignored, and somehow deliberately "blocked" from contacting such person as any call cannot get thru. Enough time was given to Mr. MOises to do the right thing in  getting this item back, but the fact that I can no longer get in touch with Mr. Moises in unacceptable to say the least and speak of his integrity..

To conclude: This tool has been in my possession for 20 years, kept inside a tool shed and it is now gone! Under no circumstances will I accept the fact that no one took it-that will be a gross distortion of the truth and a blatant lie as well. Someone took it, and someone deliberately chose to retrieve this particular pick ax while going inside my tool shed . I went to 3 Home Depot, they do not have anything that can even come close to what I had. This pick ax had a very long, large, thick yellow handle, a large, long curved/spike/pick and a very large h*e steel plate sometimes refer as an adze on the other side-weight was about15- 20 lbs.  A real true working gardening tool, landscaping item that cannot be replaced to date.

I want it back and I want it back now. Dealing with this company has put me to a great deal of trouble, stress,aggravation, not counting unnecessary and unexpected futures expenses on their behalf.  I do not wish to have any worker and/or Mr. Moises to do or attempt to engage in any repairs knowing that everything needs to be redone again as my trust in them has failed. The work performed by workers of this company is nothing else than a botched  job at its best and one of the worst if not the worst work that could have been executed in the most unbelievable and despicable manner, I've been conned and ripped off. Spent $6,000.00  for a job that I know was overpriced to begin with since I asked all 3 companies how much money would they had wanted to have to do the exact same type of work-you'd be shocked to hear their prices-much less than the $6,000.00 price that I paid. 

It is obvious that I am not happy, I cannot be and that things did not work out in this business venture. I learned some facts here and will never made the same errors again. I have spoken to so many contractors and all came to the same conclusion: The actions of MV Brothers Construction Corp. in this matter are considered  by many as being very unethical. In the world of construction/renovation businesses, a well earned reputation is the owner's most valued asset, this doctrine in this case cannot applies when dealing with such company-. Anyone who could see the final work/job can and will be shocked and stunned on how it was performed, and  jaws will drop. Shame on them.        

The irony of this story is that the company was highly recommended by a lady who resides close to my residence. Upon seeing the beautiful, flawless,  and very neat work they did for her, and upon seeing the final result,  I saw no further needs in trying to locate other contractor (s) as I was very impressed by the end result, and did not bother to look elsewhere. That is the biggest mistake that I made as I should had inquired to have several more estimates before committing to hire this unreliable company. Little that I know MV Brothers did not do for me what they did for this person   Note: Since the STAR reading goes from 1 to 5 and one cannot put a zero Star I will click on one STAR.
  . Enough said. I remain.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
United States

Patio Sabotage

#2Author of original report

Fri, July 17, 2020

See text.

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