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  • Report:  #1049857

Complaint Review: My Lineage Inc

My Lineage, Inc. TRUSTED BUSINESS REVIEW: My Lineage commitment to customer satisfaction 100% of the Time. Swords hand crafted in Toledo, Spain using techniques from hundreds of years ago. “priding ourselves on standing out in this industry with unsurpassed craftsmanship of our products that will become heirlooms passed down through the generations” San Diego, California

*UPDATE: Recognized by Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Program as a safe business service – My Lineage, Inc. pledges to always resolve any issues, feel safe, confident & secure when doing business with My Lineage, Inc.. Ripoff Report Verified™

  • Reported By:
    MLTruther — San Diego California
  • Submitted:
    Fri, May 10, 2013
  • Updated:
    Fri, May 10, 2013

The following is an offical copy of the My Lineage Sales Script. This is unedited and exact to-the-page presentation that they use on EVERY military base. If this leads to an investigation, I can supply proof that this is the official script as well as correspondence with the president of the company.


Please review:



  My Lineage, Inc. Script


Script Structure


  1. The Hook
    1. Name
    2. “I’ve seen this before” counter if needed
    3. Handshake & 30 seconds of ice breaking
    4. The Pitch
      1. Who we’re contracted through
      2. Why we’re here
      3. HRC and how the research
      4. COA
      5. Shield
      6. Sword
      7. Sword and Banner
      8. The Close
        1. 5 month breakdown
        2. Price breakdown
        3. Now bear in mind….
        4. Family Pride
        5. AAFES, MCCS, NEX & refund.
        6. Rebuttals



  1. 1.     The Hook: When you can see the guy’s last name


a. Name and Handshake


Murphy that’s Irish right?


b. “I’ve seen this before” counter if needed


Customer Potential Responses:


  1. I’ve seen it before. OK, well if you don’t mind me asking where you did see it?

Fort  Benning. OK, did you get a run down on what it is we provide?

No. Ok, well check it out real quick, we’re just about to wrap it up.


  1. 2.       I’ve seen it before. OK, well if you don’t mind me asking where you did see it?

Fort Benning. OK, well did you get a run down on what we provide?

               Yah I heard it all before. When was it you said you seen it in Fort Benning?

               Two months/ Two years ago.  (His response on time lines does not matter) AAhh yah that’s a                                different company, those guys print out the family history on a computer system. We’re COMPLETELY different we contract professional historians back in Europe and they research your family lineage. This is a 5 month process.  Oohh Yah. Yes in your case we would contract out historians in Dublin Ireland – Check it out real quick we’re just about to wrap this up.


Sales Guy must be assertive and sound confident. The more confident you sound the more believable you are to a potential customer.


Tone of voice must be raised in order to gain customers attention.


ALWAYS have a break between the HOOK and the PITCH.


INTRODUCE YOURSELF (Mention their first name at least 4-5 times throughout the pitch as it makes them feel more comfortable and builds trust and rapport)


c. Handshake & 30 seconds of ice breaking


When shaking their hand smile and ask them how their day is going. How long they have been on the base.  Immediately makes the customer feel at ease.


Always use open body language, example open palms when speaking suggests sincerity.


DO Not stand too close to the customer as it may make them feel uncomfortable. However, if the customer is slowly moving closer towards you then their trust is increasing.


  1. 2.     The Pitch:


a. Who we’re contracted through


Well Tom we’re contracted in through the NEX, MCX, AAFES to research your family lineage.


  1. The reason we say this is that the customer is 100% confident that we are a legitimate company contracted onto the base.
  2. Use a sincere tone of voice.


b. Why we’re here


Now you might ask yourself how we do the research, obviously, we don’t research it ourselves personally we contract out professional historians in Dublin Ireland (must change with each specific country and capital) and they conduct all the research for you.


c. HRC and how they research


What they do is conduct a 12-14 week you’re looking at a 3 ½ month in-depth research process that averages upwards 1200 – 1400 hundred year history on your lineage. Now you know yourself Tom that Murphy is not the original spelling of the last name right? (ALWAYS LET THE CUSTOMER ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS – you can get great information from the customer that can later help you close the deal)-  as on average most European last names changed spelling 5-6 times from the original until it eventually came to the United States through battles, emigration and the change in language.


  1. Every time throughout the pitch when you ask questions make eye contact with the customer to keep them involved and interested in the pitch.
  2. When asking a question and answering it Right for them you are giving the customer continuous positive reinforcement.


These guys can find out all that information for you, the original spellings of your last name, where exactly your family is from in the country of origin what exact village, the first documentation of your family members, the very first family members to come to the United States and what ship they sailed to the US on and where they originally settled in the US.


Even cool things you may not even be aware of like royalty in the blood lines, knight hoods, what battles your ancestors would have been involved in.




d. COA


But the main thing we do is find the original family COA’s.


Now have you ever seen your family COA’s Tom? - No


Did you even know you had one?


NO – Well that’s a common misconception here State Side in fact all European families have a COA’s its only when you go out to Asia and the Middle East they did not exist  as it was not within their culture.


Do you even know what a COA’s represents? – No

Well Tom, you know the way you wear your uniform proudly today. YES. Back in Medieval Times there were no uniforms, each family fought under a common banner but they all had their own individual COA’s, and on that COA’s would have been what they represented on the battle field. For example, RED is for HONOR, a LION is for COURAGE, a FLEUR DELIS is for royalty.


In fact most European families have 6 or more coat of arms, as they change over the centuries, emigration change of spelling so on and so forth. And as I said Tom how we find the original COA’s is we don’t do it ourselves personally we contract out the Historical Research Center (highlight the stamp at this stage) who are the world leading historians in the field of genealogy and they guarantee 100% to find the original which is obviously the one you want anyways RIGHT? - YES


e. Shield


Of course every guy has his own preference, some guys like the shield Murphy – Ireland. Now obviously it would be entirely different it would be customized to the family – Because you know what they used to do in Medieval Times RIGHT? You seen Brave Heart RIGHT? How they painted the colors of the family on their face and wore it on the shield, kinda like you guys wear the uniform today to differentiate in battle. Now when these historians find the information, we get the shields hand custom made to the exact replicas of what your ancestors would have used in battle.  That’s awesome RIGHT? Now obviously it cannot be done overnight Tom it takes 4-5 months which I’m sure you can appreciate RIGHT?


f. Sword


Then we do the swords you like swords RIGHT? Take a hold of that. Now these are very well made, the blade runs the whole way to the bottom of the hilt so its battle ready, its folded 440 times and their all hand custom made in Toledo Spain.


You know the US military Sabers the officers have? There all hand made in Toledo Spain. These are all made in the same place. That’s pretty sweet right?


g. Sword & Banner


NOW WHAT MOST OF THE GUYS LIKE TO DO is get the sword with the family COA’s slides right onto the sword. That’s sweet right?


Just imagine that displayed in home Tom, for all your family and friends to admire. Creating a visual for the customer creates and builds value.


  1. 3.     The Close:


  1. The close is all about building the value of the product and the emotional want. This is a want not a need so by stating how much their family would appreciate it builds emotional value. If the customer has mentioned that his family is interested in this perfect, (reiterate to him that he mentioned his Granddad would love something like this) he feels good about buying it for them. If you can increase a customer’s self esteem they will buy the product for sure.


a. 5 Month Breakdown


Now obviously this cannot be done overnight Tom it takes 5 months, which you gotta appreciate because of the 3 months research by the professional historians getting everything hand custom made to the exact replica that your ancestors would have used on the battle field in Toledo Spain and shipped States Side.


b. Price Breakdown


Obviously it’s not cheap Tom, which I’m sure you can appreciate. Usually this would run active duty guys $1300 because of the research that’s involved, it takes many, many man hours, these guys got to get paid, and that’s obviously the main expense. Couples with the original COA’s hand embroidered in gold stitching and French silk and the swords all hand custom made to the exact replicas.


However, as there is a lot of training going on, on base everyone is eligible for a 40% you’re looking at a $510 discount right off the bat – which drops it straight down to $790.


But how we make it affordable for all you guys is the sweet part, there is no money down, payments don’t kick off until next pay day and most of the guys work it out to $50/$60 every two weeks with zero interest, no interest whatsoever.


c. Now bear in mind…..


Now bear in mind what comes with this Tom, the original sword stamped that its hand custom made  in Toledo Spain, the stamped, certified and registered original COA’s hand embroidered in the gold stitching,  with all the 1200-1400year supporting documentation and a mount display.


And for a guy like yourself that is obviously very proud of his family heritage, it’s a really great opportunity of getting your lineage researched by professionals back in Dublin Ireland affordably all interest free through AAFES/NEX/MCX.


  1. You must stress the payment plan clearly with zero interest. Use sincere tones and make eye contact as must as possible during the close.


d. Family Pride


And you know yourself Tom the main reason a lot of guys are picking this up is because it’s not just for yourself it’s something for your Mom, Dad, Brothers, Sisters, Grandparents but the main reason is it’s an heirloom for your own family later on down the road.


And as I said Tom your eligible for the $510 right off the bat, there’s no money down zero interest.


Your obviously very proud of your family heritage RIGHT? Let me show you how some of the guys have been doing it. (Get the order book and show the guy)


All we do is take your Name, Address you want it shipped to, phone no., email – now the reason we take your email is to update you every 4 weeks on what the historians have been finding out. When they find the original COA’s we scan it and send it to you via e-mail to make sure you are happy with it before its hand embroidered in the gold stitching, plus we send you a video link of your sword getting hand custom made down in Toledo Spain, so it’s very interactive and your kept updated throughout the whole process.


Your lineage is Murphy, doesn’t kick off until the 15th and its $50/$60 every two weeks.


I’m sure both you and your entire family would get a huge kick out of this Right? – Yes


Let me tell you how we do the payments, it’s very convenient Tom it’s not an allotment because we all know an allotment is a pain in the neck for you guys. It’s set up on an electronic funds transfer, kinda like paying your cell phone bill, automatically comes out on the 1st and 15th, but the main advantage is it stops BANG (click your fingers here to emphasize) automatically after the last payment so you don’t have to worry about it.





e.  AAFES, MCCS, NEX & refund




I must emphasize the quality of the research Tom, as I said we solely work with the military a fact we are very proud of. Obviously the NEX, MCX with the Marines and AAFES with the Army and Air Force Exchange, now these three organizations scrutinize the research techniques that the Historical Research Center use every 12 months and we’ve had a revolving contract with the military for the past 18 years. Now if we’re not providing a superior service we’re not getting our contract renewed every 12 months plus all you guys have a 100% money back guarantee, if you or anyone of your family members are not happy with the quality of the research or any aspect of the display you get all your money back no questions asked.


And as I said Tom your eligible for the $510 right off the bat, there’s no money down, payments don’t kick off until the 15th, $50 every two weeks and we ship it directly States Side when it’s all said and done in 5 months. Might as well right ship one back to the folks…..


  1. 4.     REBUTTALS


The script is designed to build value correctly and answer many questions before they can be asked in the customers mind.  Going through it in its entirety will eliminate the need for many rebuttals.  If you are getting several of these during the course of every sale then go though the script again.


  1. 1.       How do you find the original coat of arms?


As I said the research is done back in the capital of the country of origin, to find the very first documentation of the name. If it originates in another part of the country, then these historians travel to that area to do further research and find the original family coat of arms. It all comes stamped certified and registered for authenticity.



  1. 2.       How is this true research?


We solely work with the armed forces, AAFES with the Army and Air Force, MCCS with the Marines and Nexcom with the Navy. Now these three organizations scrutinize the research techniques that the HRC uses every 12 months, and we’ve had a revolving contract with the military for the past 15 years. Obviously if we are not providing a good service we are not getting our contract renewed, plus through AAFES you get a 100% money back guarantee.


  1. 3.       I have to call my parents?


I can understand that Tom, however, you just said your family would really appreciate something like this. Bear in mind I had a guy up here early who snapped one up, he reckoned his Dad was online and was going to pick one up for $3,500. As I said Tom your eligible for the $510 right off the bat and most of the guys are shipping it back as a surprise to their folks anyways. Might as well ship one back as a surprise.





  1. 4.       Nowhere to ship the product?


Not even a problem Tom, would you believe 40% of our customers change addresses before we ship due to PCSing. We call you on your cell phone before we ship to verify your address.



  1. 5.       My Mom, Grandmother has done the research


Perfect, well their obviously into their lineage then right? Now I’m not saying that the research they have conducted is not correct, but it’s probably not 100% accurate as they do not have access to the documentation back in London. As I said these guys average 1200 years of history Tom.


Never state the current research the customer has is wrong as this creates bad feeling from the customer. If a customer has a tattoo it may not be the original, however it may be a correct version.



  1. 6.       You guys here all week?


We’ve been here all week, have you not seen us? We are supposed to finish tonight, but we are trying to get an extension on the contract. It’s not looking good I got to meet the manager in the morning, but you said yourself Tom your family would really appreciate this…


  1. 7.       My Grandmother already has the history/COA’s.


Great Tom, then your family is obviously very proud of their heritage. I have yet to run into somebody who hasn’t had a family member do some research on their lineage, and I’m sure they’ve done an admirable job. However, they don’t have access to the documentation back in your case Dublin Ireland. Now, I’m not saying that the COA’s they have is wrong, but more than likely it’s the 4th, 5th COA’s simply because they don’t have the access to that documentation. As I said we contract out professional historians who have the access and can guarantee it will be the very first original, which is obviously the one you want anyways RIGHT?




Listen intently to the customer at all times

Consistent positive reinforcement (Right)

Ask questions, keeps customer involved

Build value, emphasis on customization

Convenience of payments

No need to hustle, pressurize customer


If you maintain your focus that will not only differentiate you from your competition it will win you more sales.


A study conducted by the Entrepreneur proves that sales guys with higher levels of focus consistently out sold the competition by 20%.


How well do you use your voice to express emotion and emphasize the importance of your sales message? If you've been selling to "see mores"--low-level, buyers who always want to see more--chances are good that you've been delivering your sales pitch without any emotion.


  • Change your tone based on what you're saying and feeling.
  • Change your tone based on what's most important.  So "lean" on important words and phrases.
  • Emphasize the ends of statements and questions. The important stuff almost always comes at the end of the sentence or query. That means you should raise the pitch of your voice during the last few words--whether you're asking a thought-provoking question or making a powerful statement of fact or value. This takes practice, but it's imperative that you invest the time and effort necessary to get it right!
  • Close By Repetition - This method not only takes patience it must also not appear to be repetitive. Some people need to think carefully about their purchases and it helps if the benefits are outlined for them a few times within your sales pitch. You should not necessarily draw attention to the fact that you are repeating the information, but say things in different ways to make sure you get your point across.
  • Create a Sense of Urgency - If your potential customerthinks there is a time limit on what you are trying to sell then they may be inclined to act quickly. Putting expiration on your order gives you a reason to contact them again, especially if they walk away without a firm decision, and it also ensures they put some thought into your offer.
  • Close By Association - By letting your buyer know who else has bought your product you allow them to associate your product with a certain type of buyer. If they like your crowd then they may try your product.
  • Work it Down to a Daily Cost - If something is on the expensive side one trick is to break the cost down into the smallest unit. $3 a day.
  • Make it Exclusive - This involves a bit of reverse psychology. By introducing pre-qualifying elements into your offer, the client automatically wants to be able to buy your product or service because nobody likes to hear that they don't qualify.
  • Opportunity Cost of Not Buying - By drawing the potential client's attention to how "expensive" it is not to have your product or service, the purchase price seems relatively cheap. Comparing to online price of $3500.





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