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  • Report:  #282120

Complaint Review: MyTypes CEO/owner Vipin Singh

MyTypes, And CEO/owner Vipin Singh non-paying client, deadbeat client, deadbeat publisher, non-paying internet publisher, deadbeat internet publisher Seattle Internet

  • Reported By:
    Chicago Illinois
  • Submitted:
    Wed, October 31, 2007
  • Updated:
    Mon, November 12, 2007
  • MyTypes, CEO/owner Vipin Singh
    316 West Nickerson St
  • Phone:
  • Category:

In May 2007 I was contracted by Vipin Singh, the CEO and owner of MyTypes, ( to write daily blog posts (5 a week, one per business day) at the rate of $25 an hour. I was paid in full for my work during May and June 2007, but then everything went haywire in July. He owes me $1625 for the work I did from July 1st - August 15th (2007), and despite acknowledging this fact earlier today, he refuses to set up a payment plan nor give me a date when he will be able to pay, citing that the company has no money (they are still operating, however), and various extenuating circumstances ( e.g. he'll pay me when he sells a piece of property he has, he can't pay me because the real estate market has tanked, etc.).

He has been continuously breaking promises as to when he'll get me the money (although it states in my contract I'll get paid shortly after my monthly invoices) - telling me he'll have the money in a couple days, but when the day comes, he'll say that the deal or the financing fell through.

I'm not sure as to what the company's real situation is, however, because the owner continuously misrepresents himself on his own blogs ( and and on the blogging coach blog, which he took over when I stopped doing it (

I am the Jacqueline mentioned in his posts and in the blog URL. When I first started working for them, Vipin Singh claimed that the company had lots of financing and was doing extremely well, but obviously that is not the case, or else they probably would have paid me.

The last date I was supposed to be paid was August 1st, 2007.Currently, they owe me $1625.

My work on their site is still up, and I have dated screen shots of everything to prove that I did indeed meet all deadlines (Vipin is not contesting the fact that I actually did the work or anything like that though - he and others were very happy with what I was doing, they just have money issues). I've also got every single email/other correspondence he has sent me as proof of everything. In addition, google adsense ads are currently running on my unpaid-for content, although I'm aware that doesn't mean they are actually making lots of money off them.

Chicago, Illinois

9 Updates & Rebuttals



Assumptions by consultant is not misrepresentation by company and bottomline is we want to pay her ASAP

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, November 12, 2007

Everyone knows that young people make assumptions all the time. They than jump on the internet and feel hurt and misled so they go on to defame a honest hard working person or business. Some times these honest hard working businesses run in to financial trouble, as we did. Things can doing really well in one day, week, and business climate can change. Every business person in US and the world understands the business climate changing, but this fall's sub-prime mortgage crisis has had a much bigger impact on the world ecnomic outlook. The stock market is down 10-20% from it's highs, the banks stopped landing, the FED Reserve had to come in and rescue to put more liquidity in to the marketplace.

We were a startup, and we NEVER claimed that we were strong financial company. We had solid investors who wanted to invest in us, but they invested much less. Our Last resort back up plans were to borrow or sell our real estate holdings, that is why we were never worried. And, still to this day we are not depressed as a lot of home owners and investors across the country are. We did cut and layoff people as soon as we were told that the investors were not coming through. We thought that we could float Jacqueline because she was a part time consultant, and a very good blog writer.

We wanted to keep her on a limited time basis, and we could not get the refinancing, and a bonified third party real estate developer walked away from the property. So we are guilty of not having our backup plans come through, we admit this. We deeply regret as mentioned before, we did not misrepresent Nor will we agree to that. Business conditions dramatically changed on us, and the impact and end effect no one still knows. Only a non-financecialy savvy business person would make such assumptions, and go on to cause harm to a business person doing their best. Because if the harm is actually caused to the business by wrongfully accusing them, the POSITION of company becomes more difficult in paying the consultant.

The hard working business owners of are still plugging away to pay off all debtors, in fact their outlook is getting better. Why do they not make any payment plans? Because they have very little money coming in, nothing that is predictable. And, if they make a payment plan, which they hope to keep, but can't than they Will/Could be blamed again for not keeping their word. So that is why there is no payment plan, but they plan to make payments to pay off this writer consultant ASAP. When will that be, soon, which is much sooner than never. They don't want to share any details as the writer might try to jeopardize their business or plans, how can they trust anyone? Their have been victims not only of a Bad business climate, but one young non-understanding defamatory consultant. That dear readers is why the CEO is spending his time writing long rebuttals, instead of focusing on his core business. So he cut off the Blogging coach section, and is working to make a payment to her in the next few days and week.



A Clarification: Why I used the term "misrepresentation"

#10Author of original report

Sat, November 10, 2007

I used the term "misrepresentation" in my report because I believe that Vipin Singh, CEO of Mytypes, Inc. misrepresented himself to me.

In our original discussion (I answered his job and he responded to my email), he spent much of our conversation telling me about his track record of successes (illustrated in the link I provided above), the expensive Seattle neighborhood he lives in, and even how his children have every toy they could ever want.

While he considers himself a positive thinker and an optimist (not necessarily bad qualities), he painted a picture of himself as this very successful businessman who owns a stable company (and the evidence I could find through the search engines corresponded with that at the time), and while he might not have actually been lying, he certainly omitted lots of important details and presented a misleading image when he originally contracted me.

I'm not sure he had a malicious intent or actually intended to scam me (since the company did pay me for my work in May and June), but the end result - them taking over 100 days, at this point, to pay me what owe, is the same.

While it is obviously no one's fault that the housing market and the general economy are in decline, I feel that this company handled things badly. Number one, don't hire more people if you are not stable financially, period, or if you must, make things clear that they might not see an immediate return on their investment of their time. If things go badly, don't let them keep working for you and promise you'll pay them on a certain date, and then don't pay them (yes, I have emails to back this up).

Number two, I have made numerous suggestions to them to set up some kind of installment plan, which they have not done. The only reason I have posted to Rip Report is because I feel that I have no other avenue of recourse here - attempts to work out a payment plan in a reasonable and professional manner are thwarted.

I feel duped and ripped off because Vipin Singh essentially caused me, UNWILLINGLY AND UNKNOWINGLY, to take on his and his company's financial risks.



A Clarification: Why I used the term "misrepresentation"

#10Author of original report

Sat, November 10, 2007

I used the term "misrepresentation" in my report because I believe that Vipin Singh, CEO of Mytypes, Inc. misrepresented himself to me.

In our original discussion (I answered his job and he responded to my email), he spent much of our conversation telling me about his track record of successes (illustrated in the link I provided above), the expensive Seattle neighborhood he lives in, and even how his children have every toy they could ever want.

While he considers himself a positive thinker and an optimist (not necessarily bad qualities), he painted a picture of himself as this very successful businessman who owns a stable company (and the evidence I could find through the search engines corresponded with that at the time), and while he might not have actually been lying, he certainly omitted lots of important details and presented a misleading image when he originally contracted me.

I'm not sure he had a malicious intent or actually intended to scam me (since the company did pay me for my work in May and June), but the end result - them taking over 100 days, at this point, to pay me what owe, is the same.

While it is obviously no one's fault that the housing market and the general economy are in decline, I feel that this company handled things badly. Number one, don't hire more people if you are not stable financially, period, or if you must, make things clear that they might not see an immediate return on their investment of their time. If things go badly, don't let them keep working for you and promise you'll pay them on a certain date, and then don't pay them (yes, I have emails to back this up).

Number two, I have made numerous suggestions to them to set up some kind of installment plan, which they have not done. The only reason I have posted to Rip Report is because I feel that I have no other avenue of recourse here - attempts to work out a payment plan in a reasonable and professional manner are thwarted.

I feel duped and ripped off because Vipin Singh essentially caused me, UNWILLINGLY AND UNKNOWINGLY, to take on his and his company's financial risks.



A Clarification: Why I used the term "misrepresentation"

#10Author of original report

Sat, November 10, 2007

I used the term "misrepresentation" in my report because I believe that Vipin Singh, CEO of Mytypes, Inc. misrepresented himself to me.

In our original discussion (I answered his job and he responded to my email), he spent much of our conversation telling me about his track record of successes (illustrated in the link I provided above), the expensive Seattle neighborhood he lives in, and even how his children have every toy they could ever want.

While he considers himself a positive thinker and an optimist (not necessarily bad qualities), he painted a picture of himself as this very successful businessman who owns a stable company (and the evidence I could find through the search engines corresponded with that at the time), and while he might not have actually been lying, he certainly omitted lots of important details and presented a misleading image when he originally contracted me.

I'm not sure he had a malicious intent or actually intended to scam me (since the company did pay me for my work in May and June), but the end result - them taking over 100 days, at this point, to pay me what owe, is the same.

While it is obviously no one's fault that the housing market and the general economy are in decline, I feel that this company handled things badly. Number one, don't hire more people if you are not stable financially, period, or if you must, make things clear that they might not see an immediate return on their investment of their time. If things go badly, don't let them keep working for you and promise you'll pay them on a certain date, and then don't pay them (yes, I have emails to back this up).

Number two, I have made numerous suggestions to them to set up some kind of installment plan, which they have not done. The only reason I have posted to Rip Report is because I feel that I have no other avenue of recourse here - attempts to work out a payment plan in a reasonable and professional manner are thwarted.

I feel duped and ripped off because Vipin Singh essentially caused me, UNWILLINGLY AND UNKNOWINGLY, to take on his and his company's financial risks.



Shouldn't the rebuttal be shown and/or is it OK to just summarize it?

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, November 09, 2007

I am a little disappointed that the rebuttal to a complaint against me is not found, any where near the complaint. I had to do another search to find it, interesting. Maybe this site is less about the truth, and it's about one sided victims stories?

On top of it all, I wrote a heartfelt apologetic and truthful response, and you the Ripoff report editors just summarize my comments, which are 100% accurate. Taking them out of context and my rebuttal of her making claims or misrepresentation are accurate. In her reports she starts to admit that maybe I am not misrepresenting the situation.

Things can change in a matter of days, does anyone know of stock market and financial crisis, Hello are people just fools. Can't we, aren't business situations allowed to deteriorate?

All I can say dear editors of the Ripoff Report, if you want to be a honorable site, do not take rebuttal's and edit them. That is where you leave your self for law suits, editing content. If you want to provide the truth, you have to provide both sides, not just one side, and the truth means the whole truth, not just your truth.

Thanks for your honesty and conscience!



We deeply regret of our Financial difficulty, and will pay but currently we have no Income or cash

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, November 07, 2007

Jacqueline is correct that we have not paid her as we were suppose to pay her. But, we NEVER misrepresented what we said or continue to say. We have apologized to her numerous times, and plan to pay her as soon as possible. We also have a few other people that are owed amounts, but all less than her. We got squeezed and our backup plans did not come through due to the real estate lending collapse.

We were promised investments by certain people and collateralized real estate loans by others. All of those sources dried up in a matter of 30 days, in Late July and Early August. As a back up, an investment property is on the market and as soon as it sell, we pay Jacqueline as soon as possible. But how can we make a payment plan, when we don't have any income. We are not making very little money on Google ads, basically enough to keep the Hosting fees. Our strategic partners and mnaagement have not been paid for months. We keep going, as it does not cost any money to keep a business going. Two partners are left in the company from 11, and both of us are looking for full time employment, one is actually working full time.

There never was any misrepresentation or will there be, as soon as we found out that we were not going to get the money, we told all of our people and had them stop working. We expected our back up plans to come through, but they did not. We regret and deeply apologize for the pain we have caused our contractors such as Jacqui, and plan to make them whole as soon as possible.



More information on this former client

#10Author of original report

Tue, November 06, 2007

If this former client is actually having the money problems he claims he is (and I recently found this posting of his - scan down to the comments - that seems to corroborate with that -, I have found this posting that corroborates that; however, it was buried far down in the comments section of his blog so it was not immediately apparent.

However, in my opinion he has handled the situation incredibly badly - contradicting himself and omitting details (e.g. telling me all about his successes and leading me to think that his company was doing very well, etc. - which I should rightfully blame myself more than him for when it comes to falling for that, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't get paid for work I performed). Upon uncovering this evidence, I'm not even sure if he is deliberately misrepresenting himself or if it is all some kind of positive thinking/law of attraction kind of thing (it's misleading, whatever he's trying to do).

In addition, I have made every effort to encourage him to set up some kind of payment plan (I've been open to discussion on this every step of the way), but all of my efforts have been for naught.

I suppose every freelancer has to learn this lesson somehow - if any writers are reading, consider this a warning!



Additional Background

#10Author of original report

Fri, November 02, 2007

Here is additional background on Vipin Singh - a bio published on (another website he owns), which serves as evidence for my initial impression of him and his companies as highly successful.



Additional Comment about Vipin Singh of

#10Author of original report

Thu, November 01, 2007

I previously forgot to include that Vipin Singh claims to have sold a company for several million (Enthusiam Technologies, according to the link below), and was (or still is, I'm not sure) working on a book about living a life of abundance (according to him, it was/is of the self-help genre).

Here is a link to a profile of him that is readily available on one of the other websites he owns, Urban Tango:

It details his holdings and his history in real estate and technology, which was the basis I had for contracting with him and believing that his company (Mytypes) was financially healthy and sound.

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