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Nath Companies Incorporated Nath Companies Incorporated serves rotten food Bloomington Minnesota
I was eating in an establishment owned by Nath Companies Incorporated in St Paul. When I ate the fish I felt like I was going absolutely barf. It was putrid. I asked the waiter to get me something else. I had already eaten it before I realized how disgusting it tasted because the lingering aftertaste and that is was such a small size. He refused to get me anything else and he refused to get the manager. I threw up for the next three days. I'm sick of a restaurant that makes you puke and then doesn't even do anything about it. That meal was $127 for me and my wife. The least they could do is give me my next meal free.
Seattle, Washington
3 Updates & Rebuttals
Century City,California,
United States of America
Same person?
#4Consumer Comment
Mon, March 14, 2011
It seems to me that the same person is blasting this same company. Is it a competitor? Where does personal responsibility come into play?
Duh, Eat stinky stuff and you're going to puke
#4Consumer Comment
Fri, May 21, 2010
Hey, don't eat the you did the right thing. Just to let you know, restaurants will sell food just before it's on the edge of rotting in order to save money.
Santa Clarita,California,
United States of America
Eat stinky stuff and you're going to puke
#4Consumer Suggestion
Tue, February 09, 2010
Hey, if you eat stuff that smells like barf, you are going to barf. You should just avoid it and ask for a new dinner.