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  • Report:  #16442

Complaint Review: National Association of Home Builders

National Association of Home Builders ripoff by not pursuing results of R&D dollars null Upper Marlboro, Maryland

  • Reported By:
    Willard Ut
  • Submitted:
    Sun, March 10, 2002
  • Updated:
    Tue, March 12, 2002
  • National Association of Home Builders
    NAHB Research Center 400 Prince George's Boulevard
    Upper Marlboro,, Maryland
  • Phone:
  • Category:

The National Association of Home Builders research center uses tax money to claim an illusion of research and development. When "progress has been made", It assigns a "Partner" to demonstrate it without a champion of the cause. This is a failure path for new ideas. When asked for a progress report, "the partner did not submit one" with none held responsible, all new ideas fail. Those assigned demonstration funding are concepts already proven by private industry.

My most documented, yet undocumented example subject is Truss Framed Construction. It had a full media news blitz about 24 years ago. This started an over 5000 home demonstration claiming 14 benefits for energy and cost savings. Further non demonstrated developments have increased the list of benefits to 67. Today ,I can not get a copy of any report detailing nor summarizing those efforts nor their cost savings. It was the first big stride toward the industrialization of home building.

The route that present manufactured homes are following is lumber wasting and needs to be replaced by something sensible.

The route that stick built homes are taking is labor and lumber wasting.

The route that the U. S. Forest Service took with Truss Framed Construction 24 years ago was an incomplete start without a champion of the cause knowing the other potentials.

The full potential of what I am talking about can mean up to 70% savings for every home regardless of size or style. Then there is on going energy savings and downstream remodeling savings. There is 20X the roof hold down strength for tornado resistance. Fire resistance is increased without increasing the thickness of the gypsum board.
It is the first concept to claim easy de-construct ability into reusable modules.

Willard, Utah

1 Updates & Rebuttals



I'm not impressed with the NAHB either

#2Consumer Suggestion

Mon, March 11, 2002

Homeowners may think the National Association of Home Builders is their "friend," but in reality this organization lobbies for less regulation on builders, including being able to build on brownfields, (contaminated ground), with no liability or requirement to disclose to buyers.

One only has to visit the NAHB's website and read the articles on brownfield legislation, attempts to reduce liability and regulation on builders, etc, to realize this organization is a prime example of the Fox Guarding the Hen House.

Their website is It wouldn't surprise me if what you say is true, regarding keeping new building techniques out of the picture even when they're sound. The auto makers have been accused of doing the same with regards to cars for years. Ties with the lumber industry, politics, etc, make for much corruption and hidden agendas. The public is rarely aware of what's going on, nor does the majority of the public have the time to look into it.

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