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  • Report:  #31400


NATIONAL FINANCIAL PUBLICATIONS ripoff business from hell SLIDELL California *EDitor's Comment

  • Reported By:
  • Submitted:
    Sun, September 29, 2002
  • Updated:
    Tue, November 02, 2004
    SLIDELL, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:

The company charge me $50.00 for a small paper back book
that did not have that many jobs in it and that you have to pay $30.00 or more to get a start up kit. And some companies I call said they did not give them the ok to put their company name in the book. When I call customer service I got a busy signal it was busy every time I call so I email them and said I would like a refund and they said I could only have a refund if the company refuses me the opportunity to work. But I don't want the little
paper back book I just want my money back.

And the reason I want my money back is for one the book is not worth $50.00 dollars, and I was told on the phone if I was not happy with the book I could get my money back and as a customer I am not happey with the book they sent me!!!!

Colorado Springs, Colorado

14 Updates & Rebuttals


North Carolina,

I was ripped off, too.

#15Consumer Comment

Tue, November 02, 2004

I found an add for in the Employment Guide at Wal-Mart. I called the number about the Secret Shopper opportunity. They told me there was a $39.95 fee to get started. He told me I would receive an email receipt and information. All I got was a receipt. That was in July. I've still not received anything, when I try to call I can never get a real person. It's rediculous that the government allows this crap to go on.

My CC statement shows "Jul 25 NATIONAL FINANCIAL PUB 985-8471537 LA $ 39.95" But I've got absolutely nothing to show for it.


Bethel Park,

Getting Ripped Off

#15REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, July 23, 2004

To Whom It May Concern:

This company is such a rip off. Why did does your company such an outrageous about of money for that stupid paper back book. I bought the paper back book a year ago. Ever since i have tryed writing companies letters to get some information on their company, and to see what positions they have available.

All of the companies i have wrote letters too either want you you too pay to have the materials sent to you such as a $2.00 or $4.00 fee with a single sheet of paper that has information about the company. If you ask me i think that is ridiculous. One more thing, a couple weeks later I would get a response back from the company that i sent the letter to recieve infomration about the certain company what they offer, and what things you need to do in order to qualify with the special job.

Then, i would try calling the company one of the representatives would answer the phone from the company, and then i would ask them a question about their company, they would say that we no longer do that anymore, or we nolonger offer that. A few companies i called, and mailed said they were out of business. You better get things straight with your company, or things are just going to get worse for you.

Since i am not a happy satisified customer i would like to have a refund credit to my account of $50.00. In addition, how often does your company update their books, as far as putting new companies, and other opportunities of employment in your booklet. I started off fine with your company but, when i tryed contacting other companies that were in your booklet.

I began to wonder have I gotten ripped off. I feel as a loyal customer to trust your company i have gotten ripped off. I would like a refund. There were a total of like 30 companies that i called. Some of them responsded through returning mail, calling, or never even brothered to get ahead of me. So, what exactly is going on with your company is it a scam, and are you being invistigated by the United States Postal Inspectors? I just want the honest turth as an honest consumer, and constomer i feel for your scam, and i just want to get a refund that is all i am asking to get back in return.




NFP Inc used my STOLEN credit card info.

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, May 26, 2004

Someone with the email address was recently using my credit card to subscribe to porn sites. is regestered to NFP:

NFP Inc.
100 Executive Drive
Slidell, LA 70460

Registrar: DOTSTER
Created on: 29-AUG-96
Expires on: 28-AUG-04
Last Updated on: 22-MAR-04

Administrative, Technical Contact:
Terrebonne, Chris
NFP Inc.
100 Executive Drive
Slidell, LA 70460

Domain servers in listed order:

End of Whois Information

Wonder what other activities they are into?

PS: My bank and the authorities have been notified.



investigation by United States Postal Inspection Service

#15Consumer Comment

Sat, March 06, 2004

On February 5th I received a letter from Patricia S. Sweeney, a manager at the United States Postal Inspection Service. This company is now the subject of an investigation by said Service.

I'm not sure why the person representing NFP seems unaware of this, but I have the letter right here if he'd like me to fax or e-mail him a copy.

Anyway, I consider this progress for us.

Also, you can see my rip-off report on this company to see how interested they really are in customer satisfaction.



Re: Mike (Book sounds like a "who's who")

#15UPDATE Employee

Thu, March 04, 2004


Thank you for taking the time to respond. Your intentions are well grounded, but with regard to our company, are not accurate. There in fact are a great many very satisfied home workers. As I mentioned earlier, if anyone is hoping to get rich this way, they are looking in the wrong place. But an honest income can be earned with any of the opportunities that we give customers access to.

Admittedly there are many companies who seek to take advantage of people looking to work from home. We are not in that league. Our Craft Assembly companies do really provide and income for assembly of their items. We take the quality of our list very seriously. We investigate any complaints that even hint of a scam and in turn remove companies that do not provide the customer what they promise. The majority of assembly companies are simply individuals who have developed a product that they market on the craft show circuits. They are unable to produce the quantity that they require, so they outsource.

The NFP database offers far more than just Craft Assembly companies. As I stated earlier, there are over 2000 opportunities in almost 100 categories to choose from. If an individual determined they did not want to do the assembly job, they can simply explore the other options available. We are constantly taking steps to improve and expand the information. The best part is, each customer has lifetime access. So as the product expands so does the value to the consumer.

An employer should not require a employee to pay for work. We are not an employer. We make no claims to be. We provide organized, researched information in one easy to use package that give the consumer the ability to obtain independent income opportunities. We have done all the footwork. In a risky field such as this one, it's tough to find your own independent income opportunities that you can trust. We have compiled the largest most reliable database of these opportunities available so that consumers can find exactly what they are looking for.

The refund policy that was stated on the website pertained to the craft assembly only and didn't really apply to the other opportunities. When we developed a web presence that policy was put out there by default. Due to the confusion and the non-relevance to the other opportunities, it has since been removed from the website.

Thank you again Mike for expressing your concerns. I hope to continue addressing these concerns so that we can correct the inaccurate perception of our company. We are not a fly-by-night work at home company, running out of a P.O. box. We have been in business for 24 years, we offer an honest, legitimate product, and we provide what we promise.

Thank you again for your time.



Book sounds like a "who's who" of ripoffs

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, March 04, 2004

Chris, there are no "web sites dedicated to satisfied home workers" because there aren't any. The "Craft Assembly" scheme is a decades-old scam. These companies either just take the victim's money and deliver nothing, or they reject the finished work on "quality" grounds. Of course it is of good quality, but they would be unable to sell it with what they would have to honestly pay an American to assemble it, considering how cheaply similar merchandise can be obtained from Asian sweatshops. Their real scheme is to sell the materials at a huge profit.

Vickey and Beth realized that they shouldn't throw good money after bad, and that was the only opportunity the NFP book offered.

ANY "EMPLOYER" THAT REQUIRES SOMEONE TO PAY MONEY UP FRONT BEFORE THEY CAN WORK IS A SCAM. A reputable company will always front the money (often considerable) necessary to bring a qualified applicant into their workforce.

The National Financial Publications refund policy is a farce, because all the places listed will accept anyone (to be ripped off) as long as they pay the money up front.



Irresponsible employee posting and Company clarification

#15UPDATE Employee

Wed, March 03, 2004

First, please let me sincerely apologize for the comments made by John. His comments are in no manner endorsed by National Financial Publications. Although unjustifiably hostile, his motivation stems from the fact that we as a company do not tolerate any misleading of our customers. Employees endure severe consequences for misrepresenting our company or any of our products. Given this fact, employees are often very territorial of the information they provide to customers and as a rule of employment, follow very strict guidelines.

The satisfaction of our customers is taken very seriously and if this person did not understand what was being purchased, then that is our responsibility not theirs. Vickey, if your situation has not been satisfied to your liking, please write to, quote this letter, and I will personally make sure you are taken care of. Each customer who uses our information should be completely satisfied and the fact that you weren't I again sincerely apologize.

National Financial Publications has been in business for 24 years and we take pride in the information that we provide to consumers. Our goal is to provide honest, legitimate independent employment opportunities, and I believe we do that quite well. We do not sell Envelope Stuffing or Get Rich Quick schemes. We provide honest employment opportunities such as Craft Assembly, Mystery Shopping, Sales, Medical, etc. so that individuals can explorer alternative, independent employment.

Let's be honest here. If anyone is looking to become rich from any of these opportunities, look somewhere else. It's not going to happen. But, if you are willing to work, you can make a nice income with any of the opportunities we provide.

The Craft Assembly that Vickey was interested in works very well for people who like crafts. The Start Up Kit that she mentions is not from us, it is from whichever company she contacted. Craft Assembly companies provide the materials and plans for objects that they wish you to assemble. Many years ago, those companies used to send out the materials freely. The problem was that some people determined that for one reason or another, they didn't wish to complete the project but they didn't return the materials. The unreturned material costs began adversely affecting the companies. To protect themselves, many companies now request a small deposit for the material. That deposit is always reimbursed when the projects are completed.

As for the claims that we are a scam, that is an unfortunate portrayal that is simply untrue. We make every effort to ensure that the customer understands what they are purchasing and that our product is the absolute best that it can be. When National Financial Publications first began, it offered only Craft Assembly opportunities. When our customers began asking for more, we expanded. We grew our database from one category to almost 100 categories contains 2000+ opportunities. With our dedicated research staff, who's sole responsibility is growing and cultivating the product and employer relations, the quality and quantity of our product is and will continue to be our top priority.

To address the postal investigation claim, that is also untrue. That information was pulled from our local BBB which, due to our industry, has a patented bias against our company. The previous managers of National Financial Publications did nothing to improve this relationship either, which eventually caused problems that I today am still working diligently to recover from. We are in an admittedly tainted industry (i.e.: working from home), which causes consumer organizations to take notice. But our goal (unlike others in this industry), is to provide the absolute best resources we can. Anyone is welcome to contact the postal inspector themselves to see that we are not under investigation.

Actually, our total number of unsatisfied customers are quite low. Unfortunately there are no websites dedicated to satisfied home workers, so in turn our unhappiest customers get the stage. Hopefully this site can be a resource for us to help those whom we have not satisfied.

National Financial Publications is not in the business of creating unhappy customers. We simply want to provide you with honest, legitimate employment opportunities. If you have used our services, and don't feel satisfied, please contact and we will do everything we can to help you.

Beth, if you are reading this. I have personally made sure that the entire amount of your purchase has been credited to you. I have also given you access to our entire database that also includes Mystery Shopping and Medical Research/ Donor Programs. I hope this allows you to find the independent employment you are looking for.

Thank you for your time and allow me to speak in our defense.


Pearl River,

This company is a major rip off!

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, February 19, 2004

I worked for this company for a period of time and this is the biggest rip-off. They sell a bunch of b*llsh*t and the make thousands of dollars a day off of innocent people. mostly people who really need work and cannot afford to pay this fee but they pay it because they are promised work.I was fired because they thought I was not lieing enough for them and not making them enough money, and if you ask me I think they should be put out of business. I wish there was a way I could tell the entire world not to purchase this package.



I feel for you I have had troubles with this company as well.

#15Consumer Comment

Tue, January 20, 2004

I have the same address information, but my CEO is listed as James Scott Polk. Of course I dealt with the entity, so that may be why. Their refund policy is unclear and deceptive. (They have the same policy for their web-site.) Basically in order to get your money back they want you to request work you may not want from I guess an endless list of assembly companies until one of them decides to send you a rejection letter. The problem with this is, most of them just want you to send a deposit and aren't going to refuse you work. So, basically even if you didn't want to work for an assembly company, the only way to get your money back is to keep sending money to these assembly companies until one says no..? Even if decide to try an assembly company (paying even more money to work) and don't like it, they word the refund policy so that it doesn't matter, there really is no way to get your money back. I have my own report filed on this web-site about this company and filed a report with the BBB in Louisiana where they are located. I posted an update just today because of the nasty letter that Mr. Polk himself sent in response. He gave me less than half my money back and is keeping me from the web-site. He claims in his letter that I seem to be trying to get 'something for nothing'. When you look at the facts that I have seen about this company and experienced first-hand, they are the ones that seem to be trying to get something for nothing.

Oh, and thanks to the ahem, person (I will be nice) who works for the scamsters that rebutted for showing what this company's true attitude is towards it's customers. He's laughing because he knows that he pulled another fast one.. Nice business practices this company uses..

EDitorial Comment to this Unwarranted Attack on the Victim:


Tue, November 05, 2002


Oh you are so slick, Slick!
Don't you dare hide your scam behind an attack on your victims. Let me tell you about this company. This is their OFFICIAL address:

800-467-5566 or 985-649-5672
61235 Grist Mill Dr

This company is currently under investigation by the US Postal Inspectors and also goes by these names:

The REFUND referred is based on a LIMITED REFUND POLICY and is provided only if any of the businesses provided reject the client. A letter of rejection is required. In other words, you have to jump through their hoops to get you money back.

It is also interesting to note that since this company solicited business in Colorado, they must have a registered agent to accept service of legal actions against them. We have been not been able to identify any registered agent in Colorado. In most states, this would be considered illegal business by a foreign entity. You might want to consider filing a small claims lawsuit against this company in your local court in Colorado. Joan will have to fly out to defend herself.

We hope to provide more information if this company has not made ammends to the satisfaction of the victim.

ED Magedson


LaRose, 225 Gemini St,

report was very amusing

#15UPDATE Employee

Mon, November 04, 2002

I am an employee for National Financial Publiactions, and this rip off report was very amusing. This is another example of consumers hearing what they want to hear. First off, we are located in Louisiana, NOT California, so you messed that up.

Send, when you called the number they told you, and I quote "If any of the home assembly companies refuse you to work, then we will gladly refund you THE PURCHASE PRICE of 43.00". All you did was close your ears after you heard refund, because all you hear is JOBS, FEE, and REFUND. If you did listen to everything, you would have known


LaRose, 225 Gemini St,

report was very amusing

#15UPDATE Employee

Mon, November 04, 2002

I am an employee for National Financial Publiactions, and this rip off report was very amusing. This is another example of consumers hearing what they want to hear. First off, we are located in Louisiana, NOT California, so you messed that up.

Send, when you called the number they told you, and I quote "If any of the home assembly companies refuse you to work, then we will gladly refund you THE PURCHASE PRICE of 43.00". All you did was close your ears after you heard refund, because all you hear is JOBS, FEE, and REFUND. If you did listen to everything, you would have known


LaRose, 225 Gemini St,

report was very amusing

#15UPDATE Employee

Mon, November 04, 2002

I am an employee for National Financial Publiactions, and this rip off report was very amusing. This is another example of consumers hearing what they want to hear. First off, we are located in Louisiana, NOT California, so you messed that up.

Send, when you called the number they told you, and I quote "If any of the home assembly companies refuse you to work, then we will gladly refund you THE PURCHASE PRICE of 43.00". All you did was close your ears after you heard refund, because all you hear is JOBS, FEE, and REFUND. If you did listen to everything, you would have known


LaRose, 225 Gemini St,

report was very amusing

#15UPDATE Employee

Mon, November 04, 2002

I am an employee for National Financial Publiactions, and this rip off report was very amusing. This is another example of consumers hearing what they want to hear. First off, we are located in Louisiana, NOT California, so you messed that up.

Send, when you called the number they told you, and I quote "If any of the home assembly companies refuse you to work, then we will gladly refund you THE PURCHASE PRICE of 43.00". All you did was close your ears after you heard refund, because all you hear is JOBS, FEE, and REFUND. If you did listen to everything, you would have known

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