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  • Report:  #138051

Complaint Review: National Healthcare Discount

National Healthcare Discount Company in financial disarray yippee Ripoff Overland Park Kansas

  • Reported By:
    Superior Wisconsin
  • Submitted:
    Fri, April 08, 2005
  • Updated:
    Tue, June 14, 2005
  • National Healthcare Discount
    Overland Park, Kansas
  • Phone:
  • Category:
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: nhcd ripping people off again, also known as NHCD ..same company same ripoff scam . *UPDATE Employee: EX-EMPLOYEE TWO TIMES WITH NHCD AKA NATIONAL HEALTH CARE DISCOUNT *UPDATE EX-employee responds: To the Ex LA Manager *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Strike! Stop giving reps to every single manager *UPDATE EX-employee responds: You'd just get punished for it *UPDATE EX-employee responds: You'd just get punished for it *UPDATE EX-employee responds: You'd just get punished for it *UPDATE EX-employee responds: You'd just get punished for it *Consumer Suggestion: addressing your concerns *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Load of Bull *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Manager pay was cut *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Doesn't surprise me... that they cut leads pay down to $1.50 for managers *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Oh how cute, Grant spoke! *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Oh how cute, Grant spoke! *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Oh how cute, Grant spoke! *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Oh how cute, Grant spoke! *UPDATE EX-employee responds: I want in!! When is this 20/20 special? *UPDATE EX-employee responds: 20/20 special is airing? *UPDATE Employee: NHCD FACTS ON PAY LMAO!! - The NHCD missleads everyone and even in their application websights, ads, and so on. *UPDATE EX-employee responds: That's not the half of it!! *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Numbers don't lie They always claimed that 1 out of every 10 would stay *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Great job exposing the truth R!! *Consumer Comment: Looking for work from home *Consumer Comment: Looking for work from home *Consumer Comment: Looking for work from home *UPDATE Employee: NHCD is still up to no good huh? *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Message Boards

This report is for those of you who still think NHCD is a legitimate company that isn't trying to make money off of its' reps. This company is in complete financial disarray at this time. This makes me quite happy. Not because people may lose their jobs, but because sites such as this are making a difference and influencing whether people choose to work for NHCD.

I've read many posts on this site, some defending NHCD, but most telling it the way it really is. I know for a fact that the posts from past managers are true. I am also a past manager, and was never fired or disgruntled. I simply wised up and left by choice. Partly because I know that NHCD is trying to make money off their reps. But mostly because I have a conscience and refused to lie to reps anymore. I still have friends within the company that let me know what's happening from time to time, and as long as NHCD continues doing business this way, I will do my best to dissuade others from working with this company.

Here come the latest facts:

4882 "hires" on Matrix since December of 2004. Out of those, 1939 went through successfully as hires and about 60%, or 2943 cancelled. They are currently overbudget in the sales dept by about $25 per sale. Why? The Matrix cancellations. Because of this, they are threatening current managers, telling them if they don't hire at least 3 people per week, they will stop giving them company provided reps to train. Does this tell you where their money is really coming from? It should. SB actually stated, "We need to get hires to make immediate cash."

Currently, new "hires" are required to pay a $19.95 security deposit which will be refunded if there's no "phone abuse." Then about a week later, each hire will have $19.50 debited from their checking or credit card for the "access code." Remember, this code costs the company nothing. So let's take this a step further: The company is shooting for 500 "hires" a week (ever heard of a company hiring so many every week?hmmm).

500 x 4wks/month = 2000 hires monthly
2000-60% who will likely cancel = 1200
2000-1200 = 800 actually move on to training

Now: 2000 X $19.95 deposit = $39,900.00 monthly
2000 X $19.50 for first month = $39,000.00
1200 cancellations X $29 cancellation fee(because you'll be charged if you cancel within 6 months) = $34,800.00
Grand Total for one month: $39,900 + 39,000 + 34,800 = $113,700.00 for one month!!

Is that black and white enough for you Grant? Maybe instead of trying to make money off folks who really want a work from home position and would really like to show off their talents and attributes, you could put your energy into figuring out why people are really cancelling? Is it because they don't want to pay to work for you? Any "real" company out there will take care of the phone charges and would never charge a "security deposit." Is it because they realize they were "recruited" instead of hired? Your recruiting department is a joke. Hence the name "Recruiting Department." Most of these folks you hire are in need of an income and you should be ashamed that you are paying so lousy and making money off your reps in any way you can. Or are they cancelling because they are reading the message boards and the rip off reports, asking questions, and getting educated?

Ya know Grant, in years past you could get away with your rotten business practices, but you're not the only duck in the pond anymore. And people are discovering that there are plenty of work from home jobs out there that pay well, don't charge you to work, and offer support rather than threats. I think it's time to get with the program, because as long as there are ripoff reports and message boards out there, and people continue to investigate this organization, your "hires" will continue to decline. I for one, hope the trend continues.

Los Angeles, California

27 Updates & Rebuttals


Los Angeles,

Message Boards

#28UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, June 14, 2005


Since I'm not familiar with your skills, I can't tell you directly which company to apply for. What I can tell you is to check various message boards that have great areas for job searching. Here are two that are really helpful: and They both have lists of some of the most popular companies. Search, stay at home moms, or moms message boards, etc. There are many out there. Some will be hiring, some may not. Also check job sites like

The competition for the best jobs is fierce so be patient and persistent (have a resume made up if you don't have one--you can find help at these same message boards)and you'll do fine. Here's the difference between a great opportunity and nhcd. Great companies aren't just looking for warm bodies, they want talented people and retain the people they do hire. And they will treat you right!!

I love your description of nhcd's corporate office!! Just about spilled my coffee when I read it! Reminds me of an evil ruler dominating his slaves. As far as retaining his reps, Grant would talk about it quite a bit, but then he couldn't collect cold hard cash from all the new reps that get hired and he wouldn't have his "immediate cash." I love to keep repeating that. Everytime it's mentioned on here certain people just cringe. They should.


North Carolina,

NHCD is still up to no good huh?

#28UPDATE Employee

Tue, June 14, 2005

Well, someone kept asking where they could get a true "free" RX card that saved them 15-50% on their meds. Well, here it is. Hows that for a nice FREE card? Sorry Grant, couldnt help but finally do something right to help people! After 3 years of dragging people through crap while working for you, I figured it was the least I could do to help everyone. Enjoy!

Now, a point was made on one of the other NHCD is a scam post, there are so many that I cant remember which one it was. But it was going over retention of reps and how people quit blah blah. Has anyone ever stopped to think that if NHCD retained even half of the people they hired, they would have to do a hiring freeze due to lack of work? I mean really, we were hiring 500-800 reps a week at one point! Hundreds, hundreds! Do you honestly think we needed to hire that many people because the demand to be screwed was that high? No, it was to replace all the reps that quit the first few days after going to training and realizing that they had been lied to and that this wasnt a job, it was a joke. Now if the company retained at least half of the 500 people they hired the first week, why hire anymore? You have 250 working reps, what is the point of hiring more reps unless you need the money you get from setting them up with the phone plan??? Nice referral program. When I was a manager, we went through so many different ways to screw new reps out of money. First it was the deposit that you had to basically threaten to sue to get back. Then we tried the "bring your own plan" and everyone jumped on that. NOONE paid the deposit and Grant couldnt make payroll so he very quickly changed to the Qwest program. Not a single dime was required to start, just switch to Qwest. The referral money he made was decent enough to stop changing for a bit. But then something happened with Qwest, they decided that they didnt want to do business with NHCD for some odd reason anymore. Hmmmmm, wonder why? So they switched to the other company, they charge you to join, refunded or not, its a freaking fee. So say they hire 500 people this week. 500 x $19.95 fee = $9975. Half of them quit, never to be refunded or paid for any work obviously. $9975 divided by 2 = $4987 in FREE money for Grant. If people cannot see the problem with that, then you need help. And this happens weekly. So $5000 a week for 4 weeks is $20,000 for Grant. And actually a lot more if you factor in the other people that quit a week or so later. He does pay his reps, he has to shut them up somehow and make them happy so they will continue to hire 500 people a week.


Someone also commented in another scam post about the main office needing to be more organized. That is a joke. I have personally been to the "corporate office" and its not worth talking about. Imagine a run down building, with a back door. Go in that back door and walk up a flight of stairs that give you the creeps to start out. Then you walk into a hallway with a desk. Thats the receptionst. And note, I said hallway, thats all it was.

Now to the right is a big room with long tables. Remember the old lunch tables in school? Yeah, getting a good image? Around these tables are those old school metal chairs! HAHA There are also a few desk at the end for the employees that work there. If you go through a door on the other side of the room, you walk into a room that looks like a janitors closet, then you go into grants office!

Oh yeah, nice office. Big cocky desk, executive chair, flat panel monitor, nice gadgets, beautiful corner fishtank ect. He spared no cost in his office. I went to visit the other side of the office which was for the tech department and the in office scammers, sorry, telemarketers. My god, they had to get up so we could squeeze in to take a peek. I was embarrassed to be there. It was a back alley trash building with back alley trash people. There is nothing nice about the "corporate office".

Yes, I like to put NCHD down, point out little things here and there that need to be pointed out. Too many people view this site for help deciding on a good work at home job to pass up a good chance to tell the truth. By the way, the company I work for now isnt hiring. They actually provide honest work, honest pay and lots of it. They are a legitimate company that can retain their reps, no need to replace them every 3 days. Oh yeah, they dont charge you a dime and they DO pay my long distance bill, every month, on time by direct deposit. Ever wonder why NHCD doesnt offer direct deposit? Because it would take 200 people to set up 500 accounts weekly just to delete half of them daily. And who the heck wants to have $20 direct deposited, thats really silly.

So again, to anyone wondering if they should join the NHCD Circus, I suggest you sit and think about what is more important. Making money or losing money? NHCD will cost you, and I dont just mean your money.



Looking for work from home

#28Consumer Comment

Tue, June 14, 2005

Hello board!
I have been contacted by nhcd and I want to work for them but I'm still keeping my options open.

Can somebody on the board supply me with a better work from home job than nhcd? I've searched the internet and there seems to be little out there.

If you could please provide me with web addresses and any other information I'd appreciate it! If not I guess that I'll take the lead rep job with nhcd. Thnk you very much!



Looking for work from home

#28Consumer Comment

Tue, June 14, 2005

Hello board!
I have been contacted by nhcd and I want to work for them but I'm still keeping my options open.

Can somebody on the board supply me with a better work from home job than nhcd? I've searched the internet and there seems to be little out there.

If you could please provide me with web addresses and any other information I'd appreciate it! If not I guess that I'll take the lead rep job with nhcd. Thnk you very much!



Looking for work from home

#28Consumer Comment

Tue, June 14, 2005

Hello board!
I have been contacted by nhcd and I want to work for them but I'm still keeping my options open.

Can somebody on the board supply me with a better work from home job than nhcd? I've searched the internet and there seems to be little out there.

If you could please provide me with web addresses and any other information I'd appreciate it! If not I guess that I'll take the lead rep job with nhcd. Thnk you very much!


Los Angeles,

Great job exposing the truth R!!

#28UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, June 10, 2005

Way to go R!! Haven't heard from you much lately, it's good to see you!!

I love the way you laid out the real staffing numbers!! What NHCD will probably say now is either that your numbers are incorrect or more likely, that the 1.9% of reps that stay are the smart ones, and the rest of the reps just couldn't cut the mustard. It's always someone else's fault. More likely, the 1.9% that stay are stuck with it, can't find a more lucrative position, or have fallen prey to the brainwashing that happens on a daily basis!

Thank you!!


Rhode Island,

Numbers don't lie They always claimed that 1 out of every 10 would stay

#28UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, June 09, 2005

It's been awhile since I posted, but I have followed the boards, popping in now and again.

When I stepped down from management in December, I kept a lot of my spreadsheets that they have us do on a daily basis (that no one ever really looks at anyway) and a few other things that could be construed as questionable if ever anything came back on me from NHCD.

When I was a manager, I knew we were going through reps like hotcakes, but I never realized how many reps I actually went through until I added them up today.

1245 total reps given in 9 months
138 per month
34 per week

They always claimed that 1 out of every 10 would stay, which I find to be completely inaccurate because when I left I had 24 reps that would pop in and dial at least once a week.

24 divided by 1245 is only 1.9%

Makes you wonder why so many people leave, huh? Could it be because they work so hard and either don't get leads, don't get their paycheck when they are supposed to, or is it because they get leads that get returned which takes their lead pay away? That's just the major issues, not even all the other issues that cause a person to leave.

Returned leads is a big one. As a manager, even if we sit down and call back each returned lead, and we fight for that person's lead because the sales rep lied, we would only ever get 40% (which is high) of those leads credited back.

This is one major reason why the company loses so many people. When the sales reps actually call the leads and they don't get a sale they don't mark it as not interested, they mark it as something that will get returned because they feel since they wasted their time and couldn't close the sale, the lead rep should not get paid for it either.

Heaven forbid you go a week without working, because by the time you are ready to start back, you're in the negative and owing money to NHCD because of return leads before you even generate your first lead when you are ready to start working again.

Bottom line is - this job doesn't pay. I've had many reps underneath me start working and dialing at least 200 numbers a day. After 1 week of dialing, they still don't have their first lead and for all the hours they work they get frustrated and quit. Who wants to work for nothing? Obviously not the 1200+ people that quit on me in my time as a manager.

And I know someone is going to say that I was a horrible manager, but I was available for my people from early in the morning until midnight and sometimes later. I spent a lot more time with my team than most managers did. I never had one of my reps complain that I never called them back when they left me a message. I never left my house because I was so devoted to my team. Where does that devotion get you? Nowhere.

I asked to step down from management and was given a bunch of crap because they knew I had a team that I could get motivated to produce. It's all about the bottom dollar for the bigwigs in the company and not about the rep. Yes, they say you can work from home to spend time with your family, but only if you're willing to make peanuts for your time.



That's not the half of it!!

#28UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, June 07, 2005

Alicia, it's even worse than reported. These people get on here and swear they get their paychecks on time, to the penny, every week. That's a load of bull!! One time not too long ago, people weren't paid AT ALL for weeks, because the company couldn't make payroll!!

Another manager I know was getting out of the company but still collecting commission from lead reps, so they started making up phony reasons to deactivate her reps or send paychecks late or not at all (with lousy excuses) anything they could pull to get people to quit. Then blamed it on something else.

I've had reps paychecks in the past not arrive on time. So to deal with it I had to submit a form with all the info from that weeks' payroll report, then listen to a baloney excuse from someone I won't mention that usually wasn't correct, then by a miracle that reps check showed up 3 days after I hollered. Too coincidental for me. Their payroll department should be more organized and professional. But then, the entire company should be more professional!!

This company is a joke and should be put out of business!!



NHCD FACTS ON PAY LMAO!! - The NHCD missleads everyone and even in their application websights, ads, and so on.

#28UPDATE Employee

Tue, June 07, 2005

Here is some more missguided info.
We will provide you with training and materials.
We will pay long distance charges that you may incur while doing your job.
NOT TRUE= They will have you pay 18.95 deposit (refunded LOL) and in 2 weeks take it out again!

We will pay you on a weekly basis.
True if you make 20$ or above in commission For that week!!!
If not then the money will be added to the next weeks leads. If the leads are contacted and are sucessful not if you just contact the people in the Lead Department and have them as a "CALL BACK" it has to be fully compleated!
Sound correct everyone?
This is a pain in the Butt job.
Hire and smile! hahah funny.

The NHCD missleads everyone and even in their application websights, ads, and so on. NHCD states a pay rate of 7$ to 20 AN HOUR NOT PER LEAD, AND THAT ISN'T EVEM CORRECT!!!! NOW IS IT?





20/20 special is airing?

#28UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, May 09, 2005

Does anyone know when this 20/20 special is airing? I'd love to see it!!

Last I heard, the company was still up to their tactics. It's been about a month since they threatened their management team and basically forced everyone to start recruiting. So in a month's time, they've probably made over $100,000 off of their reps. Since their sales levels stink, this is their main source of income.

Those still considering this company----stay away!! I'm keeping my ears open to hear the next round of garbage from this company and will let you know as soon as I hear more.



I want in!! When is this 20/20 special?

#28UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, April 19, 2005

Leasa!! When is this 20/20 special? I want in on it!! I didn't stay with the company very long, just long enough enter management and catch wind with whatever's happening on a daily basis. But I've seen enough!! This company needs to be shut down! Ya know what's funny? After the last bullying session by SB, The original post on this thread was written, followed by a suck-up, "we're no longer threatening anyone" session by Grant once he got wind of it. And some of the manager's are hiring!! I can't believe people are falling for this crap!! I know some of them are just hanging on until they find something else, but there are others that really feel they are "helping" the company and will be rewarded in the end. C'mon folks!! Don't you see what's happening here?

Let's just say I hope your conscience is still clear when you get to know these hires and realize the vast majority of them need to work, need an income, and are paying Grant monthly to make peanuts.

Leasa, contact me!!


North Carolina,

Oh how cute, Grant spoke!

#28UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, April 18, 2005

Hiya Grant, of course you wont remember me, even though I spent nearly 3 years dealing with NHCD and actually met you in person.

Let me refresh your memory a little. Lets start with leads, that was fun. This was back when we had to have 15 leads a week for so many weeks before we could try recruiting. FINALLY made it to recruiting, after 2 managers. Got into recruiting, was assigned to an assistant manager of the purple team. She decided to go off on the senior managers and quit. I got passed off to Dawn, co-senior manager with Candy. All was good. All was so good that I was doing Dawns job for her. She was getting praised for the awesome things she was doing and how great her team was doing, but in reality, she was going to school and dealing with personal issues and it was me that was doing her job. Dawn was moved to the Green team when Candy refused to deal with her anymore, I had a choice to stay with Candy or go with Dawn. I chose to stay with Candy, figured at least I wouldnt have to do her job as Sr manager while only gtting asst manager pay. WRONG again.

I covered Candys butt more times that I care to say, with her cruises and days off and emotional issues in her life. Again, handled the purple team, she got all the praise, I got yelled at because my team was slipping. I asked for a day off to fix my car, how do you think that went? I got the guilt treatment. I put up a pool for my kids, 4 days later, I got told that I was spending way too much time with my kids in the pool and I needed to focus on NHCD. Granted we hadnt been in the pool yet as it hadnt warmed up enough.

Got called by Candy on a few occassions when I was putting my kids to bed, and got yelled at because I had the phone muted while she was talking because I was giving my kids kisses and tucking them in. I was flat out told to pay attention to what was important, so I hung up on her. I finished putting my kids to bed, did the dishes and chatted with my husband. That was important. When I finally answered the phone the next day, I got yelled at for that. Funny huh? Candy was a trip, I tell ya. I did senior manager work for the longest time, did the advertising class, attended meetings, helped with training packets ect. Who do you think got all the praise and the pay? NOT ME!

I got the usual, work on your team, get your team going, you are next in line for senior management. And since I was covering for Candy, doing her work, my team wa slipping. When I finally put my foot down about it and said I wasnt doing this crap anymore, what do you think happened? YEP, I was moved to a new team. Most of my team quit because moving to a new team just doesnt go over very well for some reason. The green team was cool, although we were not allowed to speak to each other unless there was a meeting, which I think ruins your whole support structure. Then that senior manager quit and we all went back to the purple team, the rest of my team quit.

And since I didnt have a team that could produce the numbers you were looking for at that point, I was punished by not getting new reps. When my team of 4 people produced 20 hires in a week, did anyone say good job, great work? NO, I got told that since my manager didnt hit her goal, I didnt get any people. Always a way to screw the little folk. So I had 7 managers, held a position in leads, asst rec manager, did sr manager work, did the advertising class, smiled at all the changes, dealt with all the crap and for what? To walk away empty handed without even a goodbye. Noone cared, simply because me and my team had slipped down to the bottom due to all the changes and it was easier to ignore. Am I bitter that I did all that I did and never made it anywhere? Yes, but thats alright because I knew how you treated your upper management.

You threatened them with no reps, cutting their base pay, bully bully bully. I knew that when they got mad and threatened to leave, you bribed them with more money weekly. And frankly, I was above that. I am tickled to death to see that NCHD is finally coming to an end, you might be able to pull your little company off for another 6 months, but it wont be much more than that. Oh and Grant??? 20/20 is doing a special next month on work at home scams, with actual interviews with previous employees of some of them.

You might wanna watch it, will be very interesting to say the least.


North Carolina,

Oh how cute, Grant spoke!

#28UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, April 18, 2005

Hiya Grant, of course you wont remember me, even though I spent nearly 3 years dealing with NHCD and actually met you in person.

Let me refresh your memory a little. Lets start with leads, that was fun. This was back when we had to have 15 leads a week for so many weeks before we could try recruiting. FINALLY made it to recruiting, after 2 managers. Got into recruiting, was assigned to an assistant manager of the purple team. She decided to go off on the senior managers and quit. I got passed off to Dawn, co-senior manager with Candy. All was good. All was so good that I was doing Dawns job for her. She was getting praised for the awesome things she was doing and how great her team was doing, but in reality, she was going to school and dealing with personal issues and it was me that was doing her job. Dawn was moved to the Green team when Candy refused to deal with her anymore, I had a choice to stay with Candy or go with Dawn. I chose to stay with Candy, figured at least I wouldnt have to do her job as Sr manager while only gtting asst manager pay. WRONG again.

I covered Candys butt more times that I care to say, with her cruises and days off and emotional issues in her life. Again, handled the purple team, she got all the praise, I got yelled at because my team was slipping. I asked for a day off to fix my car, how do you think that went? I got the guilt treatment. I put up a pool for my kids, 4 days later, I got told that I was spending way too much time with my kids in the pool and I needed to focus on NHCD. Granted we hadnt been in the pool yet as it hadnt warmed up enough.

Got called by Candy on a few occassions when I was putting my kids to bed, and got yelled at because I had the phone muted while she was talking because I was giving my kids kisses and tucking them in. I was flat out told to pay attention to what was important, so I hung up on her. I finished putting my kids to bed, did the dishes and chatted with my husband. That was important. When I finally answered the phone the next day, I got yelled at for that. Funny huh? Candy was a trip, I tell ya. I did senior manager work for the longest time, did the advertising class, attended meetings, helped with training packets ect. Who do you think got all the praise and the pay? NOT ME!

I got the usual, work on your team, get your team going, you are next in line for senior management. And since I was covering for Candy, doing her work, my team wa slipping. When I finally put my foot down about it and said I wasnt doing this crap anymore, what do you think happened? YEP, I was moved to a new team. Most of my team quit because moving to a new team just doesnt go over very well for some reason. The green team was cool, although we were not allowed to speak to each other unless there was a meeting, which I think ruins your whole support structure. Then that senior manager quit and we all went back to the purple team, the rest of my team quit.

And since I didnt have a team that could produce the numbers you were looking for at that point, I was punished by not getting new reps. When my team of 4 people produced 20 hires in a week, did anyone say good job, great work? NO, I got told that since my manager didnt hit her goal, I didnt get any people. Always a way to screw the little folk. So I had 7 managers, held a position in leads, asst rec manager, did sr manager work, did the advertising class, smiled at all the changes, dealt with all the crap and for what? To walk away empty handed without even a goodbye. Noone cared, simply because me and my team had slipped down to the bottom due to all the changes and it was easier to ignore. Am I bitter that I did all that I did and never made it anywhere? Yes, but thats alright because I knew how you treated your upper management.

You threatened them with no reps, cutting their base pay, bully bully bully. I knew that when they got mad and threatened to leave, you bribed them with more money weekly. And frankly, I was above that. I am tickled to death to see that NCHD is finally coming to an end, you might be able to pull your little company off for another 6 months, but it wont be much more than that. Oh and Grant??? 20/20 is doing a special next month on work at home scams, with actual interviews with previous employees of some of them.

You might wanna watch it, will be very interesting to say the least.


North Carolina,

Oh how cute, Grant spoke!

#28UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, April 18, 2005

Hiya Grant, of course you wont remember me, even though I spent nearly 3 years dealing with NHCD and actually met you in person.

Let me refresh your memory a little. Lets start with leads, that was fun. This was back when we had to have 15 leads a week for so many weeks before we could try recruiting. FINALLY made it to recruiting, after 2 managers. Got into recruiting, was assigned to an assistant manager of the purple team. She decided to go off on the senior managers and quit. I got passed off to Dawn, co-senior manager with Candy. All was good. All was so good that I was doing Dawns job for her. She was getting praised for the awesome things she was doing and how great her team was doing, but in reality, she was going to school and dealing with personal issues and it was me that was doing her job. Dawn was moved to the Green team when Candy refused to deal with her anymore, I had a choice to stay with Candy or go with Dawn. I chose to stay with Candy, figured at least I wouldnt have to do her job as Sr manager while only gtting asst manager pay. WRONG again.

I covered Candys butt more times that I care to say, with her cruises and days off and emotional issues in her life. Again, handled the purple team, she got all the praise, I got yelled at because my team was slipping. I asked for a day off to fix my car, how do you think that went? I got the guilt treatment. I put up a pool for my kids, 4 days later, I got told that I was spending way too much time with my kids in the pool and I needed to focus on NHCD. Granted we hadnt been in the pool yet as it hadnt warmed up enough.

Got called by Candy on a few occassions when I was putting my kids to bed, and got yelled at because I had the phone muted while she was talking because I was giving my kids kisses and tucking them in. I was flat out told to pay attention to what was important, so I hung up on her. I finished putting my kids to bed, did the dishes and chatted with my husband. That was important. When I finally answered the phone the next day, I got yelled at for that. Funny huh? Candy was a trip, I tell ya. I did senior manager work for the longest time, did the advertising class, attended meetings, helped with training packets ect. Who do you think got all the praise and the pay? NOT ME!

I got the usual, work on your team, get your team going, you are next in line for senior management. And since I was covering for Candy, doing her work, my team wa slipping. When I finally put my foot down about it and said I wasnt doing this crap anymore, what do you think happened? YEP, I was moved to a new team. Most of my team quit because moving to a new team just doesnt go over very well for some reason. The green team was cool, although we were not allowed to speak to each other unless there was a meeting, which I think ruins your whole support structure. Then that senior manager quit and we all went back to the purple team, the rest of my team quit.

And since I didnt have a team that could produce the numbers you were looking for at that point, I was punished by not getting new reps. When my team of 4 people produced 20 hires in a week, did anyone say good job, great work? NO, I got told that since my manager didnt hit her goal, I didnt get any people. Always a way to screw the little folk. So I had 7 managers, held a position in leads, asst rec manager, did sr manager work, did the advertising class, smiled at all the changes, dealt with all the crap and for what? To walk away empty handed without even a goodbye. Noone cared, simply because me and my team had slipped down to the bottom due to all the changes and it was easier to ignore. Am I bitter that I did all that I did and never made it anywhere? Yes, but thats alright because I knew how you treated your upper management.

You threatened them with no reps, cutting their base pay, bully bully bully. I knew that when they got mad and threatened to leave, you bribed them with more money weekly. And frankly, I was above that. I am tickled to death to see that NCHD is finally coming to an end, you might be able to pull your little company off for another 6 months, but it wont be much more than that. Oh and Grant??? 20/20 is doing a special next month on work at home scams, with actual interviews with previous employees of some of them.

You might wanna watch it, will be very interesting to say the least.


North Carolina,

Oh how cute, Grant spoke!

#28UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, April 18, 2005

Hiya Grant, of course you wont remember me, even though I spent nearly 3 years dealing with NHCD and actually met you in person.

Let me refresh your memory a little. Lets start with leads, that was fun. This was back when we had to have 15 leads a week for so many weeks before we could try recruiting. FINALLY made it to recruiting, after 2 managers. Got into recruiting, was assigned to an assistant manager of the purple team. She decided to go off on the senior managers and quit. I got passed off to Dawn, co-senior manager with Candy. All was good. All was so good that I was doing Dawns job for her. She was getting praised for the awesome things she was doing and how great her team was doing, but in reality, she was going to school and dealing with personal issues and it was me that was doing her job. Dawn was moved to the Green team when Candy refused to deal with her anymore, I had a choice to stay with Candy or go with Dawn. I chose to stay with Candy, figured at least I wouldnt have to do her job as Sr manager while only gtting asst manager pay. WRONG again.

I covered Candys butt more times that I care to say, with her cruises and days off and emotional issues in her life. Again, handled the purple team, she got all the praise, I got yelled at because my team was slipping. I asked for a day off to fix my car, how do you think that went? I got the guilt treatment. I put up a pool for my kids, 4 days later, I got told that I was spending way too much time with my kids in the pool and I needed to focus on NHCD. Granted we hadnt been in the pool yet as it hadnt warmed up enough.

Got called by Candy on a few occassions when I was putting my kids to bed, and got yelled at because I had the phone muted while she was talking because I was giving my kids kisses and tucking them in. I was flat out told to pay attention to what was important, so I hung up on her. I finished putting my kids to bed, did the dishes and chatted with my husband. That was important. When I finally answered the phone the next day, I got yelled at for that. Funny huh? Candy was a trip, I tell ya. I did senior manager work for the longest time, did the advertising class, attended meetings, helped with training packets ect. Who do you think got all the praise and the pay? NOT ME!

I got the usual, work on your team, get your team going, you are next in line for senior management. And since I was covering for Candy, doing her work, my team wa slipping. When I finally put my foot down about it and said I wasnt doing this crap anymore, what do you think happened? YEP, I was moved to a new team. Most of my team quit because moving to a new team just doesnt go over very well for some reason. The green team was cool, although we were not allowed to speak to each other unless there was a meeting, which I think ruins your whole support structure. Then that senior manager quit and we all went back to the purple team, the rest of my team quit.

And since I didnt have a team that could produce the numbers you were looking for at that point, I was punished by not getting new reps. When my team of 4 people produced 20 hires in a week, did anyone say good job, great work? NO, I got told that since my manager didnt hit her goal, I didnt get any people. Always a way to screw the little folk. So I had 7 managers, held a position in leads, asst rec manager, did sr manager work, did the advertising class, smiled at all the changes, dealt with all the crap and for what? To walk away empty handed without even a goodbye. Noone cared, simply because me and my team had slipped down to the bottom due to all the changes and it was easier to ignore. Am I bitter that I did all that I did and never made it anywhere? Yes, but thats alright because I knew how you treated your upper management.

You threatened them with no reps, cutting their base pay, bully bully bully. I knew that when they got mad and threatened to leave, you bribed them with more money weekly. And frankly, I was above that. I am tickled to death to see that NCHD is finally coming to an end, you might be able to pull your little company off for another 6 months, but it wont be much more than that. Oh and Grant??? 20/20 is doing a special next month on work at home scams, with actual interviews with previous employees of some of them.

You might wanna watch it, will be very interesting to say the least.


Rhode Island,

Doesn't surprise me... that they cut leads pay down to $1.50 for managers

#28UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, April 15, 2005

Doesn't surprise me that they cut leads pay down to $1.50 for managers, but is it all managers or just senior managers? I know before I left they were thinking of doing that to managers who couldn't get up over 100 group leads like it would motivate them to get there. I never understood that because they say they wanted to motivate them by doing that, but it basically translated into even more work for the manager and less pay. Make sense? Hell no.

NHCD is so desperate that they even take managers back that couldn't even send a simple email, let alone do their job.

Maybe they should think about cutting other people's salaries...people that are earning $1500 a week base, people that don't even have to deal with a real team. Those are the people they should be taking it from, not the managers who bust their butts everyday.



Manager pay was cut

#28UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, April 14, 2005

R- I forgot to tell you in my last post: Manager pay for team leads has already been cut to $1.50 a lead, and the recruiting override was down to 50cents before Grant decided to save face. It's now up to $1.50. Yippee.....yeah right.....



Load of Bull

#28UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, April 14, 2005

Grant.......nice try. and I quote, "We need immediate cash." You can try and cover this up as much as you want, but you said it, SB relayed it (she definately didn't think that up on her own--and she didn't make up the threat to stop giving managers reps), and now you're trying to cover your rear because finally someone called your bluff.

NHCD is the only outbound telemarketing company I've come across that charges their reps anything to complete their calls. Most have their own systems set up where their reps dial into their server or their server connects to reps' telephones. The Reps pay nothing. If you can't afford to do that for your reps, then maybe you need a better product to sell.

As far as managers needing to know why people want to work from home-----another line of bull if you ask me. Firstly, don't most managers go through recruiting before they become managers?

Secondly, recruiting numbers have been WAY down lately (yes some people see these things). Your statement implies that your managers don't make an effort to get to know their reps and find the answers to these types of questions. Nice try. And if you ALWAYS want your managers recruiting, then why did you have to retrain the vast majority of your management team when you decided to push recruiting? And why did you start pushing managers to promote anyone and everyone that qualifies into recruiting? Not enough recruiters? People tired of the scam?

Here's another inconsistency in your figures that hasn't come out yet. What does your sales percentage have to do with the number of recruits being hired? In research terms, their is no correlation there. Can't you keep your sales reps? Can't they sell the product? That's hardly the fault of the recruiting department or the lead managers.

I've heard your song and dance before Grant and I'm glad the ex-manager from LA has spoken out. I can only hope that folks still working for NHCD start looking around at the other opportunities that are out there. I no longer work for NHCD and I'm not disgruntled, just wiser, so please don't try to pin that one on me.

To the ex-manager from LA: I hope you continue to point out the garbage coming from Grant's mouth.


Overland Park,

addressing your concerns

#28Consumer Suggestion

Wed, April 13, 2005

Dear Ex-Manager,
Los Angeles, CA

Your report was brought to my attention. After having read your report, I certainly must apologize to you. It is, and always has been, the company's responsibility to prevent problems such as these. It is obvious from the tone of your letter that you feel that the company had treated you wrongly. Whether or not that is in fact the case, the ultimate responsibility rests with NHCD and not yourself.

I did learn a great deal from your report and how we can improve as a company. One example is how the security deposit and access code may be misconstrued. The fact is that the company has to pay for calls placed when the access codes are used whether the calls are for business or personal use. Prior to implementing a security deposit, NHCD had been billed for as much as $24,000 in non-business related calls in a month. After the security deposit was implemented, there was a precipitous drop in phone abuse. The security deposit by no means offsets our losses for phone abuse but it has certainly lessened the occurrences. The only people who forfeit their deposits are people who abuse the phone privilege. Fortunately, most people don't and receive their deposits back.

As for managers recruiting, the real purpose in asking the managers from other departments to learn how to interview is so that they have a better understanding as to the reasons why people are looking for work from home. I believe that when someone takes on the responsibility for management of people, they need to understand how important the job is to the people they work with. In conducting interviews, the manager learns of the reasons why people are looking for jobs and has a better understanding of the people they are working with.

If you would like to call me directly for more details, I will be happy to visit with you. I can be reached at 1-800-720-5055 ext 114.
Grant Wilms


Rhode Island,

You'd just get punished for it

#28UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, April 13, 2005

Hey C! No, they would still give out reps to their managers only since the income wouldn't be coming in the way they want it to, they would threaten to take away manager pay. They would try and talk the managers into getting only $1.50 for each lead their team generates instead of $2.50 or something like that.

They are always pushing for managers to hire because at least 90% of the people they hire end up quitting in the first two weeks. That's why they hire 500+ people a week.

Grant likes to talk about retention and keeping all the reps that are hired, but he can't even keep his senior managers and managers so I think there is an obvious problem right there.


Rhode Island,

You'd just get punished for it

#28UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, April 13, 2005

Hey C! No, they would still give out reps to their managers only since the income wouldn't be coming in the way they want it to, they would threaten to take away manager pay. They would try and talk the managers into getting only $1.50 for each lead their team generates instead of $2.50 or something like that.

They are always pushing for managers to hire because at least 90% of the people they hire end up quitting in the first two weeks. That's why they hire 500+ people a week.

Grant likes to talk about retention and keeping all the reps that are hired, but he can't even keep his senior managers and managers so I think there is an obvious problem right there.


Rhode Island,

You'd just get punished for it

#28UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, April 13, 2005

Hey C! No, they would still give out reps to their managers only since the income wouldn't be coming in the way they want it to, they would threaten to take away manager pay. They would try and talk the managers into getting only $1.50 for each lead their team generates instead of $2.50 or something like that.

They are always pushing for managers to hire because at least 90% of the people they hire end up quitting in the first two weeks. That's why they hire 500+ people a week.

Grant likes to talk about retention and keeping all the reps that are hired, but he can't even keep his senior managers and managers so I think there is an obvious problem right there.


Rhode Island,

You'd just get punished for it

#28UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, April 13, 2005

Hey C! No, they would still give out reps to their managers only since the income wouldn't be coming in the way they want it to, they would threaten to take away manager pay. They would try and talk the managers into getting only $1.50 for each lead their team generates instead of $2.50 or something like that.

They are always pushing for managers to hire because at least 90% of the people they hire end up quitting in the first two weeks. That's why they hire 500+ people a week.

Grant likes to talk about retention and keeping all the reps that are hired, but he can't even keep his senior managers and managers so I think there is an obvious problem right there.



Strike! Stop giving reps to every single manager

#28UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, April 11, 2005

Ya know what I think current managers should do? I think they should all strike for the next 3 weeks, all turn in 0 hires, and see how NHCD reacts to that!!! They won't have anyone to train their people!! At least until they get some more suckers thinking that management's the way to go (like I did).

How about it managers? What are they going to do? Stop giving reps to every single manager?


Rhode Island,

To the Ex LA Manager

#28UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, April 11, 2005

Here here! Thank you for finally laying out the facts and figures on what actually happens with these hires!

I sure wish I was lucky enough to work with you while I worked for NHCD for a year. You tell it straight! Way to go!


Broward County,


#28UPDATE Employee

Sun, April 10, 2005

Hello everyone. I worked for NHCD two times and quit twice. The first time was 2 years ago when I had to give a deposit for a 10-10 number.Of course I never made money, worked like a dog and 10 months later quit. Suddenly, I discovered this passed summer NHCD was hiring with no deposit, had a choice of being an employee or independent contractor.I thought, wow, nothing to lose, everything to gain. So I contacted my ex-manager and was rehired as a recruiter.I was assumiming I got paid minimum wage per hour plus per hire.I was thrilled.Suddenly, two weeks later I received my first paycheck, again worked like a dog, and was very conservative in submitting my hours.Shocked to see my huge paychek of $35.00 when it should have been at least $150.00.You know why, I was lied to again and was told by my manager, oh no, you are not paid by hours Plus hires, only whichever is greater.Again I was sucked into a scam.I thought how naive can I be two times around.I immediately quit again because I realized you will never ever make a decent paycheck with all the hours you are expected to work. Also I need to comment, that if anyone reads good reports about NHCD it is only the Managers who respond trying to say we are lazy thinking we want to work at home and do nothing and receive a big paycheck.Anyone who was employed with this company knows what is expected of you or you are Fired.Please, anyone, who is thinking of working for NHCD AKA National Health Care Discount, don't even get involved.All managers and recruiters will sweet talk you and double talk you just to get a hire.You will never ever make money with this company.Don't think it's legit because NHCD is a scam of all scams.Again, I don't understand how all these lying recruiters and managers live with themselves and look at themselves in the mirror.Most are parents themselves.Is this how they raise their children.Lying and cheating the seniors?I don't think they would like this done to their own family.Just warning potential employees not to work for NHCD.If I saved at least one new hire from working for this rip off of a company then taking my time to write this report was well worth it.Also checking out NHCD with the BBB is also a waste of your time.Read a report on the BBB and you will see what I mean.Good Luck to All.New potential employees, please understand why would there be over 50 ripoff reports about NHCD AKA National Health Care Discount if this was not a scam of a company.Sit, think and digest everything you read on this website.All of us have been disappointed with this company.Remember, we all wanted to be home,work and raise our children,but receiving these little paychecks was a joke



nhcd ripping people off again, also known as NHCD ..same company same ripoff scam .

#28UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, April 09, 2005

This company is also known as NHCD ..same company same ripoff scam .

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