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  • Report:  #13287

Complaint Review: National Wholesale Liquidators

National Wholesale Liquidators - Buyer Beware! New York *EDitor's Comment

  • Reported By:
  • Submitted:
    Mon, February 04, 2002
  • Updated:
    Tue, March 05, 2013

National Wholesale Liquidator stores are not so geographically close to where I live, and I can't afford the gas to keep driving there to return the many ripoff products that they keep advertising as "supposed buys".

That's why I still have some cans of BLACK (rather than green) olives I bought a few months ago which, frankly, taste like putrid lumps not worthy to be called food.

So... why did I buy them? Because the manufacturer, Kmart, DECEPTIVELY printed the word "Olives" in an olive green color. NOWHERE DID IT STATE "BLACK OLIVES", NOT EVEN IN THE INGREDIENTS LISTING. Since they were canned, I had NO WAY of knowing they were actually BLACK PUTRID OLIVES.

This isn't the first time that National Wholesale Liquidators has sold ripoff products. I recently purchased (& returned) a Holmes oil-filled space heater, with plastic wheels that were SUCH JUNK, I couldn't screw them into the junky plastic. The wheels were NON-ATTACHABLE, thus rendering the unit unusable.




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6 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

bad food products

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, March 05, 2013

I buy food products from this nwl located in hackensack and i can confirm about bad food products. this has happened to me three times already in few months that i bought bread from the store and it had mold i had to come back and tell them and they would simply tell me to go fetch another one. and once i checked three loafs all were having mold. i also talked to manager and he told me there is nothing they can do about it. i think they sell substandard rotten food products and should be some action taken against them.


District of Columbia,

My Thoughts on National Wholesale Liquidators

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, October 12, 2005

I have had the fortune of living within walking distance of National Wholesale Liquidators for well over a year now (a store was opened in the Old Hechinger Mall, if the readers are familiar with the DC Area), and I can honestly say that I've never had a problem with its products or services.

Granted, you must know to treat NWL just as you would any other discount store. That being said, there are something you just shouldn't buy, or if you do, to treat the purchase as though you were buying something from the dented can section of your favorite supermarket.

As a conscious consumer, I would not buy batteries manufactured by a name I have not heard of, or is named to purposely sound identical to a Big-Brand. Case in point, I would never purchase a brand of batteries by the name of "Puracell".

However, certain things like seasonings/spices, certain appliances, kitchen utensils (NOT kitchen knives), shoelaces, cleaning agents...those are things that I would (and moreover, have on numerous occasions) happily purchase from NWL. And not once have I ever been dissatisfied.

To the lady mentioning the NWL's so-called exclusive hiring practices, I would say that I disagree. The NWLs that I have visited are only as diverse as the people that a.) shop there, and b.) are willing to work there. Consequently, living in a primarily latino community, the NWL I live closest to is operated almost entirely by Latino-Americans. Purely demographical semantics as far as I am concerned.



West Hempstead,
New York,

NWL is good for some things...

#7Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 09, 2005

I was trying to find the NWL website (there isn't one) and stumbled onto this site. This article about NWL made me chuckle, because it's so true. However, I go to NWL very often, because there are just some things that I buy there that are a really good deal. You just have to be careful what you buy. It should also be noted that different locations may handle things differently, so try to be fair in your judgement. Some helpful suggestions:

I would NEVER buy food items that have no expiration date (this should be common sense). If the label that is not the same as one you would see in a regular retail store, don't buy it. It takes a while for a company to decide to change the packaging on a product, so those old packages can't possible be the freshest.

Even if the dates are good on bags, cans, etc., it is likely that they haven't been stored properly. The more reputable company will not sell something that has been left in the sun too long, or have been victim to some other kind of environmental issue.

The customer has to keep remembering, while they're shopping, that NWL is a LIQUIDATOR. What does that mean? It means that whomever was selling it first now feels that it's not good enough for their store. That doesn't mean that EVERYTHING is no good, though, and one should just use their judgement.

I bought a backpack for my son. Yes, it was inexpensive, about $15.00. But after two, yes two, days, the canvas ripped. Not at the seams either. Idiot that I was, I thought it was just a freak thing, and went and returned the damaged one and exchanged it for the exact same backpack. The same thing happened again! That one I just chalked up to a lesson learned.

Most textiles are "seconds". If you're going to buy these things, you have to expect some weirdness. The pattern might not match up right, the size may be off alittle. Usually nothing too crazy and it's not going to hurt anyone. This week, they had a sale on men's Avia sneakers for $20.00 a pair. Anyone who buys Avia knows they're pretty expensive. I bought two pair, for my husband and my son. They fit great and they haven't fallen apart yet! Sometimes you get lucky, but it's still early!

I like to buy paper goods there. Usually they're less expensive. I always buy paper napkins, hot cups, plates, that type of thing. Been doing it for years, never a problem. On the other hand, I bought a bunch of Halloween cake plates once, because they were 50 cents a pack and they were really cute. A couple of the packs' plates were stuck together badly. The others were fine.

I will NEVER buy a television, computer, or other large electronic item there. I don't care how many signs they put up that they're all first quality. Especially something as dangerous an an oil heater. God forbid there is just one short circuit in the wiring, there could be a fire. I have bought small things there, like a small "boom-box". Not too bad; a little issue with the tape player sounding alittle warbly. However, I have bought a vaccuum cleaner, as well as two cordless electric brooms, there and have had no problem. These items will not be left on and walked-away from, so I'm not concerned about any fires breaking out!

I have bought yard furniture there. Metal framed chairs with the faux wicker seating. Not a problem, and got them at an excellent price. I've had them for about three years now. I just bought a couple of resin benches for my sister-in-law for $20.00 each. The legs fold under, then the whole thing folds in half, with a handle for easy carrying. They're being used now, and with all the heavy people in our family, they seem to be doing fine!

I have bought film and batteries there. Haven't had a problem yet, but that's just luck. These items are highly suceptable to heat and cold, so if you have doubts, don't buy them.

I have no problem buying notebooks, paper, or envelopes there. I'm wary about the pens, erasers, glue, or markers. All these items can dry up or break down molecularly, if stored improperly. Again, buy at your own risk. You CAN get some really good buys there at the start of the school season, and so far this year, everything seems to be first quality and packaged just like the other retailers (my first rule of buying at NWL).

This is a really good place for buying brushes, clips, etc. I would definately stay away from any makeup. I bought a lipstick the other day and it tastes a little funky.

Last, but not least, they DO only hire indians, or some other middle-eastern crowd. My brother-in-law is boycotting them because on 9-11 they were seen dancing around happily IN THE STORE by his wife's friend. I'm pretty sure the company is owned by a jewish guy, so what gives? I have NEVER seen a caucasion cashier. Once I saw a black girl. But usually it's just the idians. I'm just making an observation.

I'm sorry this is so long. However, my point is, that use NWL for what they're good for, and don't use them for other things. Be an educated consumer; use your head. A lot of it is trial and error. Enjoy!

EDitor's Response to the above employee, ..critical thinking is not one of your strong suits.


Thu, December 05, 2002


I have so many questions and points to make, I don't know where to start. First, what is an "adjenda?" Second, how far down on the list were you when they were selecting an HR Director?

Obviously, critical thinking is not one of your strong suits. I would next like to point out that there could be no slander since the website deals with the written word and slander is only spoken. Next, since you make gratuitous assertions without supporting your argument, I will dismiss your assertions just as gratuitously.

If you are serious about resolving the problems you have created please contact us. We are just as serious about helping companies improve their image and their customer service procedures.

It is our experience, however, that when we get the sort of defensive response from a company, like you have done, they are only in interested in dodging and covering until the fray has passed. Unlike, the bullets you have dodged in the past, we are dedicated to helping your victims. The longer this drags out, the worse you look. Just take care of these problems to our satisfaction.

We have removed your phone number, because obviously these victims have already tried your customer NON service without satisfaction... you know, perpetual hold and transfer. Now it must be done in the open so that everyone can see how you resolve them. It is the only way to redeem yourself.

ED Magedson

We are not lawyers.

We are not a collection agency.

We are Consumer Advocates.

...the victims' advocate

WE are Civil and Human Rights Activists

We are a Nationwide Consumer Reporting News Agency consumers, for consumers


New York,


#7UPDATE Employee

Wed, December 04, 2002

December 2, 2002

Re: Rip Off Report.Com

To whom it may concern:

Recently, I read a report on This report was entirely false and slanderous. The writer must have had another adjenda besides a valid complaint. First, National Wholesale Liquidators sells only first quality brand new merchandise.

No re-manufactured goods and no refurbished goods are sold. Most of the clothing items are first quality, we do sell seconds in clothing, but all merchandise is clearly marked. Our return policy is 20 days, with a receipt. We gladly refund all customers purchase prices.

Some items, for our customer's protection, are not returnable. Some examples are underwear, ready to assemble furniture, medicines, and food products. If an item is found to be defective, a replacement will be offered in these cases. Our refund rate at our stores is approximately the industry standard.

We are a New York based company, and employ over 3000 employees. We are very proud of our business and take great care to respond to customer complaints in a courteous manner. Of course, not all complaints are resolved in the consumer's favor.

Food products purchased months before cannot be returned. One of my responsibilities is to handle customer complements and comments. Our Long Island City store has an excellent rating of customer service. We employ a diverse group of people from all national backgrounds.

We are proud of our 100% non-discriminatory hiring practices and we look forward to continue to provide value to our customers and to grow our business as we expand to new markets.

If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me [via this report].

Now, the record has been set straight.


Robert Pidgeon

Director of Human resources


New York,

A little insight from a good NWL employee.

#7UPDATE Employee

Sun, August 18, 2002

I have been employed at National Wholesale Liquidators for almost a year now and having worked the customer service counter this entire time, I can safely say a few things concerning this company and our very trusting public. While I have not been able to get any member of our management team to admit it, I believe that most of our merchandise, mainly appliances and electronics items, are either reconditioned or refurnished in some way. There are certain articles of merchandise I have seen returned repeatedly, so much so, that it could not possibly be a coincidence to have a "damaged" item be returned so often in such a short period of time.

Please also be aware of food items (food is not returnable, you know) that are severely outdated and stale. I have witnessed grey chocolate, bags of party mix, so old you could smell it without putting your face close to the bag. I have seen bags of rice with insects inside it. The stories are endless. The Board of Health would have themselves a field day.

Another area of concern, is our Health & Beauty products, including toothpaste that has expired 3 years ago, and baby wipes with black mold growing inside.

My point is, our refund rate is sky high and our return policy is completely unforgiving. No returns on food, furniture, CD's and videos that never work and only 20 days with a receipt to do anything about problem merchandise. And all damaged material gets resold the next day. That's a fact.

And let's not even talk about the poor health conditions of the restrooms!!

I come today because I feel, as a customer service representative, my duty is to the unsuspecting public. Not everyone at National agrees with their policies. Please be aware of the merchandise you are intending to purchase. Read all expiration dates (on everything!) and swing by the customer service counter to find out any inside information you might want to know. Some of us really are there to help you whenever we can. We'll even open up the boxes to check the merchandise for you whenever we can.

I am currently seeking new employment. I liked my job for a long time, until I saw things that I chose not to accept as part of everyday employment conditions. Another thing people should know is that National does not offer equal opportunity employment. The store manager at Long Island City only hires people from India, some of whom are nice, but many of whom barely speak english and have bad attitudes toward customers in general. He continuously claims we are not hiring and then the very next day, we will see two or three new Indian employees. He also treats them better than employees who work very hard. That is also a fact. This has happened on numerous occasions.

Thank you for your time. L.N.

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