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  • Report:  #1454973

Complaint Review: NBC/Universal Short Film Festival

NBC/Universal Short Film Festival NBC/Universal Shorts Fest NBC Shorts Fest Festival Programmers Engage in Reverse-Racism & Sexism Other

  • Reported By:
    Ed — Brooklyn United States
  • Submitted:
    Sat, August 04, 2018
  • Updated:
    Sat, August 04, 2018

The NBC/Universal Shorts Film Festival engages in reverse racism and reverse sexism, often discounting films made by white male directors. We might not be a minority in the grand scheme of things, but that doesn't mean we do not work hard for our accolades and it does not mean our vision is less important than any other persons.

Due to NBC's refusal to acknowledge white male directors as worthwhile creatives, it's clear one cannot trust their decisions as it concerns their finalists and winners. Obviously there is a bias and one can see this when they look at the list of those that made it in the festival and mirror that with the list of those on their judging panels. White people are few and far between.

Obviously this complaint goes agaist the grain, but the willful destruction of career opportunities isn't the answer to bringing balance to the social and professional order. All it does is shift such injustice the other direction in a seesaw-like movement that constantly shifts back and forth.

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