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  • Report:  #587152

Complaint Review: NCO Financial Group

NCO Financial Group NCO Group = BS, LIES, and SECRETS revealed! Humble, Texas

  • Reported By:
    Gary Nguyen — Spring Texas United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Tue, March 30, 2010
  • Updated:
    Fri, December 14, 2012

   I Gary Nguyen, have been working at NCO for almost 3 years now. As my very 1st job at 18 years old, I was excited to be part of what was said to be "A GREAT COMPANY"... Umm yeah right. Now im gonna try and make this as short as possible, for I can sit and type for HOURS about all the BS that goes around NCO.. Well actually I am. So here I go...

    During my 1st week of training, I learned quite a few things. Most of the things that we "learned" in class, were more like a review to me, since I was already knowledgeable in the computer field. As far as the selling, and customer service, that was entirely new and a different experience. At the end of our 2nd week of training we finally received our 1st paycheck. This was a good feeling for me. When I went to pick it up that morning, I noticed that I was missing a lot of hours... I thought to myself "I wonder if everyone elses is the same?"...Well it actually was, but only a few of us. Can you believe that? My 1st paycheck and it was already F@#$ !  I had to wait a few more days for HR to give me the rest. Anyways, weeks passed and we all finally graduated.

    After graduating and finally being on the floor with ABAY, I was finally getting a feel for the call center. I was taking phone calls and setting people up with services. It was somewhat stressful at 1st, but was easy to get use to.. After ABAY, I was given my normal shift schedule. That following Monday, I met my 1st supervisor ever. Her name was Jocelyn Hill. She was a very sweet and caring person, whom I still speak to til this very day. I also met the other members within my team.

    One day I started noticing a lot of strange things within the company. Most of what Ive seen, I have kept to myself and never brought to anyones attention. I also noticed the type of people that worked there. I seen employees harassing each other in inappropriate and sexual ways. As well as kissing outside in the break room. Now you would think that this type of thing isnt allowed. In my opinion this doesn't show professionalism whatsoever. I will actually be honest. I find it DISGUSTING to see 2 grown a*s men kissing outside next to me. Like seriously, keep that SH*T outside of work. PLEASE.

Time had passed and one day I decided to go on my lunch at 10:30pm. I go outside and dont see my car anywhere in site. I walk, walk and walk, til I finally knew for a fact that my car was not there. I looked at my watch and noticed my lunch was already over. I ran inside to tell my supervisor. She was somewhat worried. I logged out of my phone. I walked over to Fatima Reyes who was actually with a new supervisor during this time. Brenda Trevino is her name. I explained to them what had happened, and I was surprised to hear what they told me. 1st off BOTH of them found it funny that my car was stolen. I found this extremely rude and unprofessional. 2nd of all, Brenda made a little statement to me.."Gary if you go back outside, can you make sure that my Beetle is still their?" WOW like are you F*KING serious Brenda? How are you going to ask me such a stupid question like that? I had so much anger inside of me, and til this day VERY LITTLE respect for that woman. She is one that should NOT be in the position she is in today. And its not just because of that. There is MANY more things that I can discuss about her like when she was caught smoking WEED with another agent outside. EVERYONE knew about this. Brenda was gone for about a week or so, until Fatima called her back. Well anyways back on this topic, I turned around and went outside. I told the security guard what had happened. Well tells me "Oh you probably forgot where you parked your car!" Again I am thinking to myself like what is wrong with these people here. Are you kidding me? I told they guy that I already searched for my car and that it doesn't take more than 30 minutes to find a car in a small parking lot like that. He finally got off his lazy a*s and decided to go look around the parking lot using the small go cart or whatever its called. Well he finally realized that I was right. I called the police to file a report with them. There was issues with jurisdictions where NCO was located. They didn't know if it was Harris County Constable or HPD that needed to come to the scene.  Well the authorities never arrived. I had to get a ride home that night. I told my parents and they flipped out.

    The next morning, I called 911 and asked for help. They had actually located my car under the hardy toll road. That was actually 2 minutes away from NCO. I asked for details, but they refused to give me any over the phone. I was told that the car was near Tidwell and an impound. I had my neighbor drive me there. When I got there I was shocked to see my car was on the ground. Literally. Someone had stole my rims and my cds. I had to pay close to $300 dollars just to get my car out of the impound, and almost $200 dollars to get it towed to my fathers mechanic.

    This was all of NCO's fault. Why? Well because I parked towards the front of the parking lot where my car can be seen at all times. And what happens? Someone decides to take it in front of security and the cameras. Gimme a break. And I will tell you now that this is NOT the 1st time someones car has been stolen from NCO. A few other occurrences and MANY break ins happened at this company. There was definitely something fishy going on within the security.  Something wasn't right. All because of the shitty security that NCO contracted. Well the next day I went to work because I needed some answers. This was a Saturday actually. I was off on the weekends. The 1st person I crossed paths was Fatima Reyes...Not guess what the 1st words that came out of her mouth?... "Gary are you here to make up the hours that you missed from last night?" Again I was shocked at her response to me. I told her that I was NOT going to do overtime, because I came to speak to someone in upper management OR Corporate. Then she tells me that their is NO point of me speaking to them. She started telling me that, I should NOT try and attempt to sue the company. Well these were not my intentions anyways, so she was just putting thoughts in my mind. She then told me this... "Gary you know my car got broken into and their wasn't nothing I could do" Wow that's a great comparison isn't it? Her car broken into, and mine STOLEN? She then tells me "If you go to the mall, and your car gets stolen, you think the mall is responsible? The same applies to NCO. We are NOT responsible..!" That makes no sense and is a STUPID comparison. 1st off the mall is a public area for people to go to. Obviously you are going there at your own risk. Now 2nd, NCO IS PRIVATE PROPERTY! I AM AN EMPLOYEE THERE. WHY IS THERE SECURITY IF THEY ARE NOT DOING THERE JOBS>?! So don't compare a NCO to a dumb mall. PLEASE. Now I walked away from her an finally got to speak to a guy from upper management. He actually understood my situation and was more empathetic. He told me that I could ask security for the tape so I can see what time they took my car. Well when I requested to see the tapes, they refused and told me it was against "company policy" and I needed permission from someone else. I told the idiot that I did in fact get permission from upper management. Long story short I was never able to review to tape with my own eyes. Now one of the guys from security actually watched the tape and informed me that my car was stolen 3 hours after my shift had started. I recall my shift was from 3:30 to 11pm.. or something like that. This was ridiculous because I didnt know my car was gone until 10pm that night when I had took my lunch. In the end, I was NOT able to do anything about the situation. I was at a loss of money and time, all because of the carelessness and lack of everything from security. Not only that, but there were A LOT MORE break ins at work. Doesn't this sound suspicious, if security NEVER knows what is going on? Well guess what, one of my friends was close to one of the guards WHO ADMITTED calling his friends to steal my car/break in tp others. She reported this to HR and they eventually hired new security guards.

    Now I will start to get to the actual point of my rant(s)... NCO besides what was stated above has A LOT of fraud and corruption. The company is ran by a bunch of idiots. Especially within the upper management. You would be surprised to know, who is sleeping with who, and how some got in the position they are in today. There is also a lot of favoritism within the center.I know there is many "supervisors" that DO NOT deserve to be in the position they are in. In fact I know some of them HAVE NOT taking any type of "management preparatory" classes. But it seems nowadays, one must kiss someone elses a*s in order to move up. Even then I don't see why anyone would want to be a supervisor with all the BS you go through. Now there is a lot of mis-communication within superiors and their agents, as well as lack of motivation and knowledge from a supervisor. I swear I have had atleast 6-7 superiors within the short period of time working at NCO. A good handful of them were dumber than a rock, I couldnt ask a question without them stuttering or having NOT ONE F*KING CLUE of what I was talking about. Some of these supervisors, back then and currently now ARE A JOKE. Im not gonna embarrass them and say any names at the moment.

    There is so many misconceptions and misleading things that you are brainwashed with when 1st applying. When you 1st get hired, they promise you SOOOO many benefits that you will receive. This goes with compensation/commission/payout, or whatever you wanna call it. There is always some obstacle that WILL get in your way when trying to achieve it. At 1st you think "Oh this is gonna be simple to get some extra commission" Well actually NO because s**t is always changed around with the rules of what you can and cannot do. And if you do get "Payout" or something, well chances are you gonna get F*KED anyways and NOT get your money. TRUST ME. This has happened to me numerous amounts of times. There was a few times where I was the number one agent on my team(Back when we were ranked) and I never received my money. I met all my qualifiers. My AHT, CLOSE RATE, and everything else were on point and close to perfect. I never missed a day of work, and was always on time. Were was my money then? This was something that kept continuing to happen. At a certain point, I no longer cared about selling services... What for? Just to bring more money to Best Buy and I not get my share? I dont think so. I then started to troubleshoot all of my clients that called in. Whether it was a hardware or virus related. I was helping clients remove viruses over the phone. I was helping them save hundreds of dollars, since Geek Squad obviously likes ripping people off with their ridiculously overpriced services. I continued each and every day, helping clients with their needs. It was to the point where they would call back and request to speak to me again. I swear these people had such joy in their voices, knowing that someone wasn't worried about taking their money. Again this continued on... By this time I was probably on another team. My schedule was changed so many times as well as my days off. I don't recall what supervisor I had during this time, but I do remember when I was "caught in the act" of troubleshooting. As a matter of fact Fatima Reyes was the one that was monitoring me that day. I was on a call for about 1 hour already. She told me to get off the call, but I didn't. I was already half way through resolving the clients issue. After I got off the call, I was sent to the 1 on 1 room where me a Fatima had a conversation. She basically gave me a verbal warning or something like that. Well Ill tell you know, that did not stop me whatsoever, as I continued my successful troubleshooting with my clients. Again time passed and once again I was being monitored, and here we went again...

    Now at this point im not sure what had happened, but apparently someone from upper management, liked the fact that I and others were going "above and beyond" with my clients. Some corporate guys from Minneapolis Minnesota, flew from over there to Houston just to speak to us.They knew the great job I and others were doing even before the troubleshooting. They wanted to start a new program at the call center where it would consist of myself and another small handful of knowledgeable agents. I would say it was only like 8-13 of us AT MOST. We had a corporate meeting one day where we all discussed what we'd do with our clients. It was funny because all of us stated the same thing. Corporate knew we were great agents. As a matter of fact, each one of use were ranked one of the highest on our teams. So we all had much in common. The people from corporate and upper management had a proposition for us. Basically they liked the idea of what we did, and wanted to bring a program called "STEALTH" to the table. It was funny because I and some friends had a little thing called "Stealth" as well. But ill discuss that a little later. Back on point, we were all interested and wanted more details. From what we were told, we were going to be the ONLY ones in the whole entire call center, that would basically offer FREE TECHNICAL SUPPORT. This sounded great to us, but we knew there was a catch to all of this. Well they stated that we were NOT allowed to troubleshoot or assist with virus issues, but could help with any other need. This sounded like a pretty good deal to us. So we agreed. They had us come in for more meetings with them within those few days. We discussed many things and finally they made us official. They promised us benefits as well as a possible pay raise...Which Ill tell you now, NEVER happened.

    After they gave us our own little bay and supervisor, we were pretty happy with ourselves. We felt as if we made an actual difference. I actually always looked forward to going to work each and everyday. It was a great feeling that I could go home knowing I made a difference to my clients. I brought joy and satisfaction to them. They saw Geek Squad differently in a good way. Well time passed, and the decided to break us up and have us on other teams. They wanted us spread throughout the center, so if someone had a technical question, they could ask us. I didnt mind at all. Infact I thought it was a great Idea. Well during this "Stealth Era" myself and a few others that worked at NCO, had already started a side business outside of work. Coincidentally we called ourselves "Undercover Stealth Agents" or USA. Basically we had our own website which was created by Lissette from work. She was our web designer. Anyways long story short, word spread around the center and site leaked to management.. We were sent to HR individually the day we started our shifts. Basically they interrogated each one of us to see what information they could get. I was asked all these silly questions like "What do you do when you receive a local caller from Houston?" "Do your write down their information and call them later and offer your cheaper services" "Have you stolen or gotten anyones credit information?" WOW like SERIOUSLY?  Afterwards all 5 of us got suspended because of "Conflict or policy of interest." I had no clue what this had meant, but HR explained this to us then we signed some BS paper. I swear that document or policy was so fake. When they made me read it, I could tell immediately, that it was recently typed up for us. It had so many typos and grammar mistakes. Well they also accused us of possibly stealing the name "Stealth" from them... That's BULLSH*T because we had stealth and our website up and running far back months BEFORE this other "Stealth" was brought to NCO. It was just a huge coincidence, and we never mentioned anything.HR then said they were gonna have IT look back into our computer history and everything to see if we had did any type of fraud. They had that look of certainty in their eyes as if they were gonna find something we did wrong. Well guess what they didnt.  After like 3 days of suspension, they brought us back. Im sure they felt so stupid, they must of had there heads way deep up their asses.

    Months and a year passed by, and there I was still working in that sh*t hole. I stayed with them and tried to move on not thinking about what had happened to my car and all the BS I had been through. There had been opportunities to advance to another department called MAGNOLIA HOME THEATER. My 1st attempts to getting over there were not to good. I had an interview with Jesus Faz. After interviewing with him, I was told that someone or himself would get back to me.. Months passed and nothing. I heard from no one. Well turns out they were no longer hiring and the spots were filled. I waited months again to get another chance. Finally that time came. This time I found it strange how I had to get re-interviewed not by one but 4 people. My 1st interview was with Faz and Claudia. After passing that one, I waited a few days. Now I had an interview with Jarod, who was the manager of Magnolia Home Theater. After passing that one I waited a few more days once again.. This time I had my last and final interview with Greg*Crack head*. He was someone within the upper management. Well it seemed to have went well. A few weeks had passed and I was finally accepted to Magnolia Home Theater. I was pretty excited because I was pretty knowledgeable in the home theater area. I was also told that my pay would increase to 12 per hour + my extra 1 dollar since I was bilingual. I was really happy.

    Days,weeks and months had passed with home theater. I had made new friends and gained much more knowledge. I was still getting paid less than everyone else. I had NOT received my pay raise. I kept getting the run around with supervisors and upper management once again. I was continuously told that emails were sent and phone calls were made. To who is what I wanted to know? Because if I saw them in person, I would probably slap them in the face. It literally took 5-6months for me to FINALLY get my pay raise and RETRO. Meaning they owed me for every hour I worked from that period of time. Now the thing was they originally tried to give it to us as COMPENSATION and not RETRO. Now the thing with this is that you get taxed much higher that way. We reported this to management because this was not right. Now we had to wait about 2 more weeks while "who knows who" was contacted. Finally after waiting I got my retro.

    Well there I was still working at NCO. More and more time had passed and I was getting closer to my official 3 year mark. One day Claudia went up to me and said "I heard you are knowledgeable with cars?, could you come in tomorrow morning so we can have a corporate meeting?" I asked what this was about, and she just told me that it was "mandatory" that I come in. Well I actually did come in the next day since it was my off day. I also canceled my morning plans I had arranged. When I arrived to the center, I go into the corporate room, and I see a few of my co workers in there. So there we were,sitting and asking each other whats going on. Finally Claudia walks in with a small group of people. 2 of them in which looked VERY familiar. Actually I remembered them perfectly. They were the same guys from Minneapolis Minnesota, that had originally came the 1st time when I and the others helped bring "Stealth" or what is now called EMC. Well turns out that they were NO LONGER contracted with Best Buy and they had some partnership with AAP(Advance Auto Parts). Anyways there they were asking us about "what we could bring to the table" They basically wanted to bring AAP to the call center, and start a new program. One of the guys that was in the room was recording the whole meeting we had. They had brought us food and stuff also. We thought it was pretty cool and wanted to know what was in it for us. They stated that we were possibly gonna get the same or better pay if we moved to that department. Well Ill tell you now, that NEVER happened. Not only that, once that department was made official at NCO, we were NEVER asked if we wanted to transfer over with them. So there we were stuck in Magnolia, thinking we were gonna try something new. A few weeks had passed and they already had hired some agents for AAP. That day, they were gonna graduate. During that time, those corporate guys were there and also NCO management. They had the graduation in the conference room right across home theater. What really upset us, was the fact that we DID NOT, get any type of recognition or a simple thank you from anyone. It would have been real nice if they could have atleast gave recognition or a simple handshake for what we had brought to the center.. but no.. It was upsetting to know that we were just being used...

    One day they decided to split up home theater into different teams. They obviously dont like the fact that we were all together. I can also bet that they didnt like the fact that we got paid 12-13bucks per hour as well. I went from Faz's team to Vanessas team. I was told that my scheduled time was changed from 230-11pm to 2-10:30pm, with the same off days. I was coming in on my "new" scheduled time. Well one day I go to check my aspect, and it shows that I have been working the wrong shift the whole time. This was BS. I told Vanessa and she told me that I needed to work my normal shift again. I was like WOW. Also another thing was when I was given a new login supposedly. Well actually it wasn't new because it was my old Geek Squad Avaya login(28653)... When I had moved to home theater I was told NOT to use that one anymore and my new Best Buy Avaya login was (26421). There was some issues one day. Nestors f*g*ot a$s, told me to use some other weird login. I did so, only to later tell me there was a mix up with mine and another agent on my team. I was like ok.... So later on that night, that stupid b***h from workforce who I hate, comes and tells me that I am NOT shown present in her system. Meaning she thought I was absent all day, even though I was at work taking calls. Well turns out that there was lack of communication within the people of workforce AND superiors. I was given all these stupid logins that didn't work. I was even given some login id that was only for T-Mobile calls. Come on now, T-Mobile calls? Anyways when my check finally came in it was really REALLY short. I got paid maybe half of what my check normally was. I went to work the next day and looked at my hours. It showed that I had only did about 28hours within the 2 week pay period. That was such BS. I told Brenda, and she is gonna tell me "Its probably because of all your log outs Gary." I just stared at her. There was NO WAY IN HELL that I log out that much for my check to be that short. I did of course have a bad habit of logging out an average of 1-2 hrs a day at most. So obviously I wasn't doing my full 80hrs. My checks were around 15-20 hours short each time. So maybe around 60-65hrs average each pay period. So if my mathematics are correct 28hrs in 2 weeks is completely off. I told Vanessa and she told me that she was gonna "email someone". Again there I was listening to this email crap. I was also told that I was gonna get the missing hours on my next check. Well guess what happened? That day came and I DID NOT have my other hours and I was also at 48hours this time! Not only were my hours short AGAIN, I didn't get the amount from the last pay period. Remember those "emails" that were sent? Well I talked to Brenda and she didnt even give a d**n of the situation. Basically blew me off and said there was nothing she could do about it. I then went to HR and payroll and explained the situation. The lady there was shocked because she was never informed of what had happened in the 1st place. So I had to explain the whole story to her. Well afterwards she said that she was gonna get back to me. Well I waited about 1 week or so until I finally got a response. My hours were basically messed up because of all the different logins I was using. Well she said that I need to speak to my supervisor(Vanessa) in order link all my hours on each login I used. This process took about another 2-3days. After they were all linked my hours were still too short. Turns out that the system should be absent for 5 days straight. I don't see how this was possible. Well if you add the 20hrs found + the 28hrs I was paid that equals 48. Isn't it ironic how my last check was also 48hrs. I was so fed up and knew there was nothing else I could do. So I just accepted the check they gave me. After that I went back to my normal login and my pay checks were about normal as always.

   Now just recently, (I dont know who),had a bright idea*sarcasm*,to "cross-train" all the Geek Squad and Best Buy agents at NCO. Umm basically meaning, EVERYONE would take each others calls and vice versa. Well I think this was one of the STUPIDEST ideas one can come up with. And I will tell you why. 1st of all 95% of the people working there are so dumb, they can only rely on their "training" abilities. I can assure that without training they wouldn't have a clue, what the client is talking about or what to even say. I cannot begin to say how much escalations this brought. I was constantly receiving all these complaints from clients telling me that "someone" supposedly assisted with their issue, and actually made the situation worse. So now I'm sitting there wondering WTF is going on here? 2nd of all there is NO notes from the agent and I don't have a clue of what department they come from since EVERYONE takes Home Theater calls also. So there I am having to put up with this irate client who is now expecting ME to help with whatever issue it is. This was getting ridiculous. I then started to receive EMC calls every single day. At first I did not mind taking them for I kinda liked going back to my technical ways. BUT it got to the point where I was no longer taking any home theater calls... And what pissed me off even more was that I was the only one in Magnolia as well as my friend taking these calls. This was such BULLSH*T because that dumb b*ch from workforce kept purposely routing calls to our phones, especially when our supervisor was gone. I spoke to Brenda again, and she stated that I HAD to take the calls. I asked why and she couldn't give me a legit reason. All she said was that EVERYONE was taking EVERY TYPE of calls. Ok well I told her that I don't mind taking overflow calls but chances are, I WILL TROUBLESHOOT the clients I speak to. She told me not to do that. And I told her that I will if workforce keeps routing the calls to me and setting me on Priority 1. Well guess what happened... I started getting back to back calls from EMC. This was ridiculous because all the other EMC agents were NOT receiving any calls back to back as I was. Well I was getting pretty pissed off. I noticed that me and another few agents were the only ones taking these calls. We looked up at the screen and saw that there was not any calls waiting in que. This made us even more upset. This was NOT even overflow. Well I went and told that b***h from workforce and she tells me that there is NOTHING she can do, and that I need to speak to my supervisor. I told her for what!? Your the one routing calls and changing my skill set. She still didnt care. So neither did I. I was either troubleshooting my calls, OR warm transferring back to EMC. I would continuously do this for days, and days.

    Finally one day Nestor, WHO IS NOT MY SUPERVISOR decides to monitor my calls. Well he realized what I was doing. So he went and snitched to Brenda about what I did. He made me write a statement of what I was doing. I gladly wrote the statement FRONT AND BACK. Then he has the nerve to ask what is taking so long to write it. Come on now, you want a statement? than bet your a*s ima right my statement with DETAILS. Well this occurred on a Tuesday. I was off weds and Thursday, and came back Friday. My shift started and everything seemed normal. Vanessa to me to AUX 3(Meeting). At this point I already had a gut feeling of what was about to happen. Nestor then saw me and told me to go to the one on one room. As I was sitting there, he came in and told me to wait for Brenda. So after minutes and minutes of waiting , Brenda, Vanessa, and Nestor all came in. She had like a bunch of paper work in hand. Basically telling me how I had a trace and they were watching what I was doing. I explained to her since she wanted to hear it from my own mouth. Then she was telling me how I was avoiding calls, and abusing Aux 4. She started giving me some BS speech about, "How this job is probably not meant for me." I just listened and gave her a smirk. I already knew where she was going with this. Next thing you know she slips a paper in front of me stating that I was terminated. I looked at it and somewhat smiled. I signed it and she asked for my badge and headset. I gladly gave it to her. Then she had her little b*ch Nestor escort me out the building. As I was walking out, several of my colleagues and friends were standing in disbelief. They knew right away what had happened. I waved good bye to a few that saw me. Once I walked out the building, I felt a sense of relief and weight off my shoulders. I felt all that stress come to an end. My time at NCO was complete. And like quoted from a fellow friend of mine "Its pretty sad that there is a certain person at NCO whose main goal in life is to catch other people slippin and mess everything up for them." Well said my friend well said. I hope you read this Nestor. All this s**t you do isnt gonna get you anywhere in life. You are NOT gonna move up or get promoted for this. So as I conclude my story, I would like to end this "Thank you NCO, for all this sh*t you put me through and F*K YOU! ! !"

8 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

NCO is the worst company i have ever worked for

#9UPDATE Employee

Fri, December 14, 2012

When I first started this company I was 19 and had 3 1/2 years of experience in customer service. I thought that this would be the perfect Job being that I was in my second year of college and the work hours would be "flexible" I was trained for a week in home warantys and on the last day of training before we were suppose to go through ABAY and work on the floor, I was told that they lost the contract and if we wanted to wait and apply again for another training they would be happy to work with us. So they left out the room and came back asked us if we would like to work for BB GeekSQ just doing troubleshooting. I really needed a job although I was pissed at how things went. Went to the training class and it was a total different ball game. It was a lot of information to remember and although the other trainees had two weeks of training we only had a week.

I actually worked for NCO for a year before I resigned. I learned that NCO is a company for fresh out of high school students and people that really cant find anything eles. It was like a high school reunion. All of Nimitiz, Eisenhower, westfield, and some of North shore. I meet a few honestly good hearted people whom I keep in touch with. Fatma (however you spell it) I can not stand her, her attitude is so rude, Nancy is rude else hell and turn her nose up at the agents, Shawn Francis is a h*e and want to f**k with everything walking and has a f**king wife at home, he was caught by his wife once when the agent called his phone and he was sitting on the toliet early in the morning :), yes he remember. Nestor is all about saving his own a*s but he's cool as long as you never need him for anything. When I left NCO I was pregnant with my first child and they were trying to fire me. I had to turn in another dr. notice that stated i was under care, and when i went back to work on a tuesday i worked until friday and my supervisor told me to never clock in although i clocked in anyway and never got payed but for the 6hrs i clocked in. my supervisor acted as though he could not remember the day and times and went on vacation the next day. I never recieved my last paycheck, and everyone argued me down about the money. It really pissed me off to know that I have bills and was counting on that money which resulted in me loosing my car...I WOULD NEVER WORK FOR NCO EVER AGAIN.

thanking God that I am on my last year of college!!!


United States of America

NCO is sad

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, April 14, 2012

You mentioned the security, they are very sad. At least two or three vehicles are broken into everynight. I think they are called Allied Barton, they were told not to patrol the parking lot in other words just let the vehicles be broken into. HPD and Metro police actually refuse to investigate the car break ins because there are so many.


United States of America

I feel you

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, April 14, 2012

I worked there for a little over a year and half, first off this company is horrible. 

Im not just saying that because I don't work there it truly is horrible.. My car was broken too as well, and they did nothing at all. The security guy for one is supposed to drive around the parking lot to make sure stuff is okay.. For starters I was mid shift and I had to park in BFE just to find a parking space. You ask when most have cleared out to move your car they look at you like your freaking stupid.. Our supervisor quite after me being on our team for 6 months.. We had someone from our group as well as I trade off being supervisor, I had training for it so i knew what I was doing.. 

I was often missing money from many of my paychecks that I had to wait for weeks for it to be straighten out. I moved teams after our team was broken up. Well my house was broken into one day so I had to leave early I even cleared it through the big boss and not just a supervisor.. I came back on my next day of working which was one day after I had to leave because I had a day off.. Only to find out that I was written up for leaving early.. ARe you kidding me, seriously I had an emergency to which a police officer came to my work to inform me of, and I got written up..  

If you were not getting advances from upper management as in sexual harassment you were getting fired because of you turning them down.. I know two of my friends were fired after one of the HR men approached them and made sexual advances towards them . That was taken care of in court because I had to testify to both cases, it was degrading and disgusting to have that happen.  

I filed a complaint to HR and nothing was ever done , I filed the same complaint once again to Hr and once again it was just put on the back burner.. until that HR lady was fired, why I wasn't sure but she was replaced with someone who actually heard my complaint about me being written up for leaving early because of an emergency. That was taken off of my record or so I thought.. Not only wasn't it not taken off of my record but one day that I called in sick because I was in the ER, that night and into the morning and wasn't going to be able to go to work, I was written up for that. 

I didn't know about that until I got to work after I was better with a note from the ER doctor with all the paper work stating that I had stayed in the hospital overnight, and what not. They called me into an office and told me I was fired, to wait up front and that they would give me my things.. 
They brought me my things and I left.. 

It was the worse job that I have ever had in my life, ever.. Not only was I fired wrongfully they told me it was just cause. Well I am still dealing with that wrongful firing till this day.. 

My recommendation dont ever work for them ever.. I never got my bonus stuff expect once and my call rates and sales were above and beyond. I had perfect calls and even people called back for me specifically when they needed help. 
I was glad to be done with that job, I was going to quit because I had found another job that payed more and had better management. Needless to say this was the biggest mistake I ever made working for this place.  


United States of America

NCO is still the same

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, September 24, 2011

Gary , after reading your story i truly feel for what you went through at NCO.I'am very familiar with the process and HR policies that really leads to loop holes. It just funny how you mention people names that still manage at NCO like Jared , FAZ, Fatima, Claudia.( And talk about True stories about Claudia and mental issue with Fatima-serious mother issue).You have to take a step back and realize that you are young and seem very skilled in other field. Which is a huge blessing in disguise because thier is a lot of companies looking for that kind of talent? And you have to realize the people that you just mention are comfortable where they are at and there is no way those type of people are going to leave their comfort zone. Now a couple of thing that is definitely wrong with this picture and just a few pointers:
Have you taken this issue and filed with the TEXAS LABOR BOARD
Keep in mind , when you are ask to go in on your day off and doing company work. You are entitled to company pay( that is why there is labor boards)
Have you file din law suit against the company for not providing a safe environment ?( 5 years or maybe 6 a employee father was stabbed in the parking lot while he was there to pick up his daughter from work. Security saw this and took no action or render aid)
Even though it been 4 month and despite the paper work you may have signed , you can still go to the Texas labor board and file wrongful termination based on the info and that you feel threaten to sign with that many presence of people in the room based on what you have just shared.( If you want to be spiteful)
What i know about NCO during my time .We were MCI before switching to geek squad. And yes we were promised pay raises and bigger Capps and pay differentials. But it never happened.
Yes i attended several group meeting and discussion and was promised a more pay through a different trial .It never happened.
I was a supervisor there for 2 years and saw all the drugs that was being shared between Management and agents( FAZ, Claudia ,Jared, Fatima-they wouldnt pass a drug test).And yes the hooks up was very strong in my time as well , supervisor with agents, agent with management , hr and agents , HR and supervisor.( That is why they had Club for the top performers because it was just a big hook up-Same people :Faz,Caludia,Jared and Fatima)
No , i dont see you story as a whining thing. I see it as a frustrating issue because unfortunately there is more bad than good in that company. And the people that want to truly make a career and want to do a good job. Those are the one that is suffering. That what frustrated me when i saw good people leaving or being termed because that agent knew to much and was at risk of saying something to corporate.
It will get better just hang in there.
My car was stolen and it was parked in front of the camera at the employee entrace.But security didnt see anything either.


United States of America

Agreement with Gary

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, September 07, 2011

Everything that Gary says is completely true, I used to work for them and it was so sickening until I resigned. NCO is a very low class and unprofessional place to work.  He didn't mention that a few agents were caught in the act of having sex in an outside break area visible from the street Aldine-Westfield and no one in upper management was informed about it by the supervisors and securit why I don't know maybe the ones caught was some supervisor's star agents, I've never been to prison but this place reminds me of a prison at least the ones I see on TV. Gary is also right about security, the company is called Allied Barton and they have some very untrained and inexperienced security officers, yes they re-hired some new security officers but some friends of mine working with Geek Squad told me that they are much worst because they are told to help NCO in making a case to get someone fired by submitting their names to HR for anything they think is wrong and it looks like they are happy to do it. If you complain about your vehicle being damaged or stolen they will reluctantly write an incident report, and refuse to give you a copy of it or let you see what they wrote, they'll tell you to call the police. But a police officer friend of mine said that no officer on patrol wants to even deal with NCO Financial Group and so they take their time arriving or they won't show up at all. Speaking of their secuiry again,  My friend heard one security officer openly make fun of a lady for being what she thought was a l*****n, of course this was done behind the lady's back. Could you imagine what would have happened if this lady had heard her and started a confrontation with this security officer? My friend wanted to tell her but he thought it would cause a great big mess and he would be caught up in the middle of it. The dress code for the agents there is basically anything goes, the women that dress like men and men that dress like women and that's probably why the security officer made her unprofessional remark. There's weed smoking inside and outside of the building and nothing is done about it, I wish that one day the HPD or some other law enforcement agency would bring in the dogs. I guarantee that you'll read about the big drug bust at the NCO the next day in the Houston Chronicle. I have thought about calling the U. S. Labor Department about what goes on at NCO. The problem is they will hire any and everybody that fills out an application, I'm told that there are possibly some bloods and crips working for them.  I won't be as long as Gary because he basically said it all, but if there is anyone even thinking about working for NCO Financial of Humble, Texas located @ 3200 1960 West, please DON'T DO IT!!! They are paid by companies like Best Buy, Advance Auto Parts, and Pizza Hut to hire you and after they get their money from hiring you be careful because if they don't like you for whatever reason they will terminate you. They hire and fire on the average of eight to ten people a day (no kidding), one lady was fired because her cell phone accidently fell out of her purse on to the floor, and it was cut off. In closing, NCO Financial is a slimy and sleezy place to work for, it's the kind of place you go when there is absolutely no where else to go, but still don't do it because just like Gary and I you will eventually regret it and it will hurt your employment history.




#9Consumer Comment

Tue, August 17, 2010

 Give the guy a break.  This forum is for people to help people.  He is 18 yrs old and learned a few things. 

If NCO owes you money for wages contact your state Wage and hour division.  You must file a complaint within a year.  Do it teach them a lesson.  As for the other issues.  It sounds like a inside job that your car was stolen.  The odds are you were set up.  You would have to investigate and get evidence.  The police will catch on and setup a sting and catch the bad guys.  Then the bad guys will rat on the other bad guys to save their own necks (plea bargining). 

I wish you the best in the future.  Keep your chin up and think Positive Mental Attitude.  Go to college and soar with the eagle not with the ducks on the ground.

Remember your teachers always said make good choices....think before you act. and do the right thing.







Some advise..

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, March 30, 2010

While NCO is generally no more than a "Bottom Feeding Collection Agency", your report really lacks any sympathy for your part.

All this report seems is a rant by someone who appears to be very disgruntled.  You could have transposed the name of the company with probably just about any employer out there.  When perhaps you should be exposing any violations they may be doing in reference to the Fair Credit Reporting Act and Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.   That is unless you don't see a problem if those regulations are not really followed.

We don't need 3 paragraphs about how your car was stolen and you think it is actually NCO's fault.  We don't need paragraph upon paragraph detailing what appears to be little more than "office politics".  Since this was your first job perhaps you are really unfamilar with "office politics".  So just as fair warning don't expect your next company to be drama free.

By the way a Mall is also Private Property.

Gary Nguyen


NCO Financial Group NCO Group = BS, LIES, and SECRETS revealed!

#9Author of original report

Tue, March 30, 2010

I Gary Nguyen, have been working at NCO for almost 3 years now. As my very 1st job at 18 years old, I was excited to be part of what was said to be "A GREAT COMPANY"... Umm yeah right. Now im gonna try and make this as short as possible, for I can sit and type for HOURS about all the BS that goes around NCO.. Well actually I am. So here I go...     During my 1st week of training, I learned quite a few things. Most of the things that we "learned" in class, were more like a review to me, since I was already knowledgeable in the computer field. As far as the selling, and customer service, that was entirely new and a different experience. At the end of our 2nd week of training we finally received our 1st paycheck. This was a good feeling for me. When I went to pick it up that morning, I noticed that I was missing a lot of hours... I thought to myself "I wonder if everyone elses is the same?"...Well it actually was, but only a few of us. Can you believe that? My 1st paycheck and it was already F@#$ !  I had to wait a few more days for HR to give me the rest. Anyways, weeks passed and we all finally graduated.     After graduating and finally being on the floor with ABAY, I was finally getting a feel for the call center. I was taking phone calls and setting people up with services. It was somewhat stressful at 1st, but was easy to get use to.. After ABAY, I was given my normal shift schedule. That following Monday, I met my 1st supervisor ever. Her name was Jocelyn Hill. She was a very sweet and caring person, whom I still speak to til this very day. I also met the other members within my team.     One day I started noticing a lot of strange things within the company. Most of what Ive seen, I have kept to myself and never brought to anyones attention. I also noticed the type of people that worked there. I seen employees harassing each other in inappropriate and sexual ways. As well as kissing outside in the break room. Now you would think that this type of thing isnt allowed. In my opinion this doesn't show professionalism whatsoever. I will actually be honest. I find it DISGUSTING to see 2 grown a*s men kissing outside next to me. Like seriously, keep that SH*T outside of work. PLEASE.

Time had passed and one day I decided to go on my lunch at 10:30pm. I go outside and dont see my car anywhere in site. I walk, walk and walk, til I finally knew for a fact that my car was not there. I looked at my watch and noticed my lunch was already over. I ran inside to tell my supervisor. She was somewhat worried. I logged out of my phone. I walked over to Fatima Reyes who was actually with a new supervisor during this time. Brenda Trevino is her name. I explained to them what had happened, and I was surprised to hear what they told me. 1st off BOTH of them found it funny that my car was stolen. I found this extremely rude and unprofessional. 2nd of all, Brenda made a little statement to me.."Gary if you go back outside, can you make sure that my Beetle is still their?" WOW like are you F*KING serious Brenda? How are you going to ask me such a stupid question like that? I had so much anger inside of me, and til this day VERY LITTLE respect for that woman. She is one that should NOT be in the position she is in today. And its not just because of that. There is MANY more things that I can discuss about her like when she was caught smoking WEED with another agent outside. EVERYONE knew about this. Brenda was gone for about a week or so, until Fatima called her back. Well anyways back on this topic, I turned around and went outside. I told the security guard what had happened. Well tells me "Oh you probably forgot where you parked your car!" Again I am thinking to myself like what is wrong with these people here. Are you kidding me? I told they guy that I already searched for my car and that it doesn't take more than 30 minutes to find a car in a small parking lot like that. He finally got off his lazy a*s and decided to go look around the parking lot using the small go cart or whatever its called. Well he finally realized that I was right. I called the police to file a report with them. There was issues with jurisdictions where NCO was located. They didn't know if it was Harris County Constable or HPD that needed to come to the scene.  Well the authorities never arrived. I had to get a ride home that night. I told my parents and they flipped out.

    The next morning, I called 911 and asked for help. They had actually located my car under the hardy toll road. That was actually 2 minutes away from NCO. I asked for details, but they refused to give me any over the phone. I was told that the car was near Tidwell and an impound. I had my neighbor drive me there. When I got there I was shocked to see my car was on the ground. Literally. Someone had stole my rims and my cds. I had to pay close to $300 dollars just to get my car out of the impound, and almost $200 dollars to get it towed to my fathers mechanic.

    This was all of NCO's fault. Why? Well because I parked towards the front of the parking lot where my car can be seen at all times. And what happens? Someone decides to take it in front of security and the cameras. Gimme a break. And I will tell you now that this is NOT the 1st time someones car has been stolen from NCO. A few other occurrences and MANY break ins happened at this company. There was definitely something fishy going on within the security.  Something wasn't right. All because of the shitty security that NCO contracted. Well the next day I went to work because I needed some answers. This was a Saturday actually. I was off on the weekends. The 1st person I crossed paths was Fatima Reyes...Not guess what the 1st words that came out of her mouth?... "Gary are you here to make up the hours that you missed from last night?" Again I was shocked at her response to me. I told her that I was NOT going to do overtime, because I came to speak to someone in upper management OR Corporate. Then she tells me that their is NO point of me speaking to them. She started telling me that, I should NOT try and attempt to sue the company. Well these were not my intentions anyways, so she was just putting thoughts in my mind. She then told me this... "Gary you know my car got broken into and their wasn't nothing I could do" Wow that's a great comparison isn't it? Her car broken into, and mine STOLEN? She then tells me "If you go to the mall, and your car gets stolen, you think the mall is responsible? The same applies to NCO. We are NOT responsible..!" That makes no sense and is a STUPID comparison. 1st off the mall is a public area for people to go to. Obviously you are going there at your own risk. Now 2nd, NCO IS PRIVATE PROPERTY! I AM AN EMPLOYEE THERE. WHY IS THERE SECURITY IF THEY ARE NOT DOING THERE JOBS>?! So don't compare a NCO to a dumb mall. PLEASE. Now I walked away from her an finally got to speak to a guy from upper management. He actually understood my situation and was more empathetic. He told me that I could ask security for the tape so I can see what time they took my car. Well when I requested to see the tapes, they refused and told me it was against "company policy" and I needed permission from someone else. I told the idiot that I did in fact get permission from upper management. Long story short I was never able to review to tape with my own eyes. Now one of the guys from security actually watched the tape and informed me that my car was stolen 3 hours after my shift had started. I recall my shift was from 3:30 to 11pm.. or something like that. This was ridiculous because I didnt know my car was gone until 10pm that night when I had took my lunch. In the end, I was NOT able to do anything about the situation. I was at a loss of money and time, all because of the carelessness and lack of everything from security. Not only that, but there were A LOT MORE break ins at work. Doesn't this sound suspicious, if security NEVER knows what is going on? Well guess what, one of my friends was close to one of the guards WHO ADMITTED calling his friends to steal my car/break in tp others. She reported this to HR and they eventually hired new security guards.     Now I will start to get to the actual point of my rant(s)... NCO besides what was stated above has A LOT of fraud and corruption. The company is ran by a bunch of idiots. Especially within the upper management. You would be surprised to know, who is sleeping with who, and how some got in the position they are in today. There is also a lot of favoritism within the center.I know there is many "supervisors" that DO NOT deserve to be in the position they are in. In fact I know some of them HAVE NOT taking any type of "management preparatory" classes. But it seems nowadays, one must kiss someone elses a*s in order to move up. Even then I don't see why anyone would want to be a supervisor with all the BS you go through. Now there is a lot of mis-communication within superiors and their agents, as well as lack of motivation and knowledge from a supervisor. I swear I have had atleast 6-7 superiors within the short period of time working at NCO. A good handful of them were dumber than a rock, I couldnt ask a question without them stuttering or having NOT ONE F*KING CLUE of what I was talking about. Some of these supervisors, back then and currently now ARE A JOKE. Im not gonna embarrass them and say any names at the moment.

    There is so many misconceptions and misleading things that you are brainwashed with when 1st applying. When you 1st get hired, they promise you SOOOO many benefits that you will receive. This goes with compensation/commission/payout, or whatever you wanna call it. There is always some obstacle that WILL get in your way when trying to achieve it. At 1st you think "Oh this is gonna be simple to get some extra commission" Well actually NO because s**t is always changed around with the rules of what you can and cannot do. And if you do get "Payout" or something, well chances are you gonna get F*KED anyways and NOT get your money. TRUST ME. This has happened to me numerous amounts of times. There was a few times where I was the number one agent on my team(Back when we were ranked) and I never received my money. I met all my qualifiers. My AHT, CLOSE RATE, and everything else were on point and close to perfect. I never missed a day of work, and was always on time. Were was my money then? This was something that kept continuing to happen. At a certain point, I no longer cared about selling services... What for? Just to bring more money to Best Buy and I not get my share? I dont think so. I then started to troubleshoot all of my clients that called in. Whether it was a hardware or virus related. I was helping clients remove viruses over the phone. I was helping them save hundreds of dollars, since Geek Squad obviously likes ripping people off with their ridiculously overpriced services. I continued each and every day, helping clients with their needs. It was to the point where they would call back and request to speak to me again. I swear these people had such joy in their voices, knowing that someone wasn't worried about taking their money. Again this continued on... By this time I was probably on another team. My schedule was changed so many times as well as my days off. I don't recall what supervisor I had during this time, but I do remember when I was "caught in the act" of troubleshooting. As a matter of fact Fatima Reyes was the one that was monitoring me that day. I was on a call for about 1 hour already. She told me to get off the call, but I didn't. I was already half way through resolving the clients issue. After I got off the call, I was sent to the 1 on 1 room where me a Fatima had a conversation. She basically gave me a verbal warning or something like that. Well Ill tell you know, that did not stop me whatsoever, as I continued my successful troubleshooting with my clients. Again time passed and once again I was being monitored, and here we went again...     Now at this point im not sure what had happened, but apparently someone from upper management, liked the fact that I and others were going "above and beyond" with my clients. Some corporate guys from Minneapolis Minnesota, flew from over there to Houston just to speak to us.They knew the great job I and others were doing even before the troubleshooting. They wanted to start a new program at the call center where it would consist of myself and another small handful of knowledgeable agents. I would say it was only like 8-13 of us AT MOST. We had a corporate meeting one day where we all discussed what we'd do with our clients. It was funny because all of us stated the same thing. Corporate knew we were great agents. As a matter of fact, each one of use were ranked one of the highest on our teams. So we all had much in common. The people from corporate and upper management had a proposition for us. Basically they liked the idea of what we did, and wanted to bring a program called "STEALTH" to the table. It was funny because I and some friends had a little thing called "Stealth" as well. But ill discuss that a little later. Back on point, we were all interested and wanted more details. From what we were told, we were going to be the ONLY ones in the whole entire call center, that would basically offer FREE TECHNICAL SUPPORT. This sounded great to us, but we knew there was a catch to all of this. Well they stated that we were NOT allowed to troubleshoot or assist with virus issues, but could help with any other need. This sounded like a pretty good deal to us. So we agreed. They had us come in for more meetings with them within those few days. We discussed many things and finally they made us official. They promised us benefits as well as a possible pay raise...Which Ill tell you now, NEVER happened.     After they gave us our own little bay and supervisor, we were pretty happy with ourselves. We felt as if we made an actual difference. I actually always looked forward to going to work each and everyday. It was a great feeling that I could go home knowing I made a difference to my clients. I brought joy and satisfaction to them. They saw Geek Squad differently in a good way. Well time passed, and the decided to break us up and have us on other teams. They wanted us spread throughout the center, so if someone had a technical question, they could ask us. I didnt mind at all. Infact I thought it was a great Idea. Well during this "Stealth Era" myself and a few others that worked at NCO, had already started a side business outside of work. Coincidentally we called ourselves "Undercover Stealth Agents" or USA. Basically we had our own website which was created by Lissette from work. She was our web designer. Anyways long story short, word spread around the center and site leaked to management.. We were sent to HR individually the day we started our shifts. Basically they interrogated each one of us to see what information they could get. I was asked all these silly questions like "What do you do when you receive a local caller from Houston?" "Do your write down their information and call them later and offer your cheaper services" "Have you stolen or gotten anyones credit information?" WOW like SERIOUSLY?  Afterwards all 5 of us got suspended because of "Conflict or policy of interest." I had no clue what this had meant, but HR explained this to us then we signed some BS paper. I swear that document or policy was so fake. When they made me read it, I could tell immediately, that it was recently typed up for us. It had so many typos and grammar mistakes. Well they also accused us of possibly stealing the name "Stealth" from them... That's BULLSH*T because we had stealth and our website up and running far back months BEFORE this other "Stealth" was brought to NCO. It was just a huge coincidence, and we never mentioned anything.HR then said they were gonna have IT look back into our computer history and everything to see if we had did any type of fraud. They had that look of certainty in their eyes as if they were gonna find something we did wrong. Well guess what they didnt.  After like 3 days of suspension, they brought us back. Im sure they felt so stupid, they must of had there heads way deep up their asses.     Months and a year passed by, and there I was still working in that sh*t hole. I stayed with them and tried to move on not thinking about what had happened to my car and all the BS I had been through. There had been opportunities to advance to another department called MAGNOLIA HOME THEATER. My 1st attempts to getting over there were not to good. I had an interview with Jesus Faz. After interviewing with him, I was told that someone or himself would get back to me.. Months passed and nothing. I heard from no one. Well turns out they were no longer hiring and the spots were filled. I waited months again to get another chance. Finally that time came. This time I found it strange how I had to get re-interviewed not by one but 4 people. My 1st interview was with Faz and Claudia. After passing that one, I waited a few days. Now I had an interview with Jarod, who was the manager of Magnolia Home Theater. After passing that one I waited a few more days once again.. This time I had my last and final interview with Greg*Crack head*. He was someone within the upper management. Well it seemed to have went well. A few weeks had passed and I was finally accepted to Magnolia Home Theater. I was pretty excited because I was pretty knowledgeable in the home theater area. I was also told that my pay would increase to 12 per hour + my extra 1 dollar since I was bilingual. I was really happy.     Days,weeks and months had passed with home theater. I had made new friends and gained much more knowledge. I was still getting paid less than everyone else. I had NOT received my pay raise. I kept getting the run around with supervisors and upper management once again. I was continuously told that emails were sent and phone calls were made. To who is what I wanted to know? Because if I saw them in person, I would probably slap them in the face. It literally took 5-6months for me to FINALLY get my pay raise and RETRO. Meaning they owed me for every hour I worked from that period of time. Now the thing was they originally tried to give it to us as COMPENSATION and not RETRO. Now the thing with this is that you get taxed much higher that way. We reported this to management because this was not right. Now we had to wait about 2 more weeks while "who knows who" was contacted. Finally after waiting I got my retro.     Well there I was still working at NCO. More and more time had passed and I was getting closer to my official 3 year mark. One day Claudia went up to me and said "I heard you are knowledgeable with cars?, could you come in tomorrow morning so we can have a corporate meeting?" I asked what this was about, and she just told me that it was "mandatory" that I come in. Well I actually did come in the next day since it was my off day. I also canceled my morning plans I had arranged. When I arrived to the center, I go into the corporate room, and I see a few of my co workers in there. So there we were,sitting and asking each other whats going on. Finally Claudia walks in with a small group of people. 2 of them in which looked VERY familiar. Actually I remembered them perfectly. They were the same guys from Minneapolis Minnesota, that had originally came the 1st time when I and the others helped bring "Stealth" or what is now called EMC. Well turns out that they were NO LONGER contracted with Best Buy and they had some partnership with AAP(Advance Auto Parts). Anyways there they were asking us about "what we could bring to the table" They basically wanted to bring AAP to the call center, and start a new program. One of the guys that was in the room was recording the whole meeting we had. They had brought us food and stuff also. We thought it was pretty cool and wanted to know what was in it for us. They stated that we were possibly gonna get the same or better pay if we moved to that department. Well Ill tell you now, that NEVER happened. Not only that, once that department was made official at NCO, we were NEVER asked if we wanted to transfer over with them. So there we were stuck in Magnolia, thinking we were gonna try something new. A few weeks had passed and they already had hired some agents for AAP. That day, they were gonna graduate. During that time, those corporate guys were there and also NCO management. They had the graduation in the conference room right across home theater. What really upset us, was the fact that we DID NOT, get any type of recognition or a simple thank you from anyone. It would have been real nice if they could have atleast gave recognition or a simple handshake for what we had brought to the center.. but no.. It was upsetting to know that we were just being used...     One day they decided to split up home theater into different teams. They obviously dont like the fact that we were all together. I can also bet that they didnt like the fact that we got paid 12-13bucks per hour as well. I went from Faz's team to Vanessas team. I was told that my scheduled time was changed from 230-11pm to 2-10:30pm, with the same off days. I was coming in on my "new" scheduled time. Well one day I go to check my aspect, and it shows that I have been working the wrong shift the whole time. This was BS. I told Vanessa and she told me that I needed to work my normal shift again. I was like WOW. Also another thing was when I was given a new login supposedly. Well actually it wasn't new because it was my old Geek Squad Avaya login(28653)... When I had moved to home theater I was told NOT to use that one anymore and my new Best Buy Avaya login was (26421). There was some issues one day. Nestors f*g*ot a$s, told me to use some other weird login. I did so, only to later tell me there was a mix up with mine and another agent on my team. I was like ok.... So later on that night, that stupid b***h from workforce who I hate, comes and tells me that I am NOT shown present in her system. Meaning she thought I was absent all day, even though I was at work taking calls. Well turns out that there was lack of communication within the people of workforce AND superiors. I was given all these stupid logins that didn't work. I was even given some login id that was only for T-Mobile calls. Come on now, T-Mobile calls? Anyways when my check finally came in it was really REALLY short. I got paid maybe half of what my check normally was. I went to work the next day and looked at my hours. It showed that I had only did about 28hours within the 2 week pay period. That was such BS. I told Brenda, and she is gonna tell me "Its probably because of all your log outs Gary." I just stared at her. There was NO WAY IN HELL that I log out that much for my check to be that short. I did of course have a bad habit of logging out an average of 1-2 hrs a day at most. So obviously I wasn't doing my full 80hrs. My checks were around 15-20 hours short each time. So maybe around 60-65hrs average each pay period. So if my mathematics are correct 28hrs in 2 weeks is completely off. I told Vanessa and she told me that she was gonna "email someone". Again there I was listening to this email crap. I was also told that I was gonna get the missing hours on my next check. Well guess what happened? That day came and I DID NOT have my other hours and I was also at 48hours this time! Not only were my hours short AGAIN, I didn't get the amount from the last pay period. Remember those "emails" that were sent? Well I talked to Brenda and she didnt even give a d**n of the situation. Basically blew me off and said there was nothing she could do about it. I then went to HR and payroll and explained the situation. The lady there was shocked because she was never informed of what had happened in the 1st place. So I had to explain the whole story to her. Well afterwards she said that she was gonna get back to me. Well I waited about 1 week or so until I finally got a response. My hours were basically messed up because of all the different logins I was using. Well she said that I need to speak to my supervisor(Vanessa) in order link all my hours on each login I used. This process took about another 2-3days. After they were all linked my hours were still too short. Turns out that the system should be absent for 5 days straight. I don't see how this was possible. Well if you add the 20hrs found + the 28hrs I was paid that equals 48. Isn't it ironic how my last check was also 48hrs. I was so fed up and knew there was nothing else I could do. So I just accepted the check they gave me. After that I went back to my normal login and my pay checks were about normal as always.    Now just recently, (I dont know who),had a bright idea*sarcasm*,to "cross-train" all the Geek Squad and Best Buy agents at NCO. Umm basically meaning, EVERYONE would take each others calls and vice versa. Well I think this was one of the STUPIDEST ideas one can come up with. And I will tell you why. 1st of all 95% of the people working there are so dumb, they can only rely on their "training" abilities. I can assure that without training they wouldn't have a clue, what the client is talking about or what to even say. I cannot begin to say how much escalations this brought. I was constantly receiving all these complaints from clients telling me that "someone" supposedly assisted with their issue, and actually made the situation worse. So now I'm sitting there wondering WTF is going on here? 2nd of all there is NO notes from the agent and I don't have a clue of what department they come from since EVERYONE takes Home Theater calls also. So there I am having to put up with this irate client who is now expecting ME to help with whatever issue it is. This was getting ridiculous. I then started to receive EMC calls every single day. At first I did not mind taking them for I kinda liked going back to my technical ways. BUT it got to the point where I was no longer taking any home theater calls... And what pissed me off even more was that I was the only one in Magnolia as well as my friend taking these calls. This was such BULLSH*T because that dumb b*ch from workforce kept purposely routing calls to our phones, especially when our supervisor was gone. I spoke to Brenda again, and she stated that I HAD to take the calls. I asked why and she couldn't give me a legit reason. All she said was that EVERYONE was taking EVERY TYPE of calls. Ok well I told her that I don't mind taking overflow calls but chances are, I WILL TROUBLESHOOT the clients I speak to. She told me not to do that. And I told her that I will if workforce keeps routing the calls to me and setting me on Priority 1. Well guess what happened... I started getting back to back calls from EMC. This was ridiculous because all the other EMC agents were NOT receiving any calls back to back as I was. Well I was getting pretty pissed off. I noticed that me and another few agents were the only ones taking these calls. We looked up at the screen and saw that there was not any calls waiting in que. This made us even more upset. This was NOT even overflow. Well I went and told that b***h from workforce and she tells me that there is NOTHING she can do, and that I need to speak to my supervisor. I told her for what!? Your the one routing calls and changing my skill set. She still didnt care. So neither did I. I was either troubleshooting my calls, OR warm transferring back to EMC. I would continuously do this for days, and days.     Finally one day Nestor, WHO IS NOT MY SUPERVISOR decides to monitor my calls. Well he realized what I was doing. So he went and snitched to Brenda about what I did. He made me write a statement of what I was doing. I gladly wrote the statement FRONT AND BACK. Then he has the nerve to ask what is taking so long to write it. Come on now, you want a statement? than bet your a*s ima right my statement with DETAILS. Well this occurred on a Tuesday. I was off weds and Thursday, and came back Friday. My shift started and everything seemed normal. Vanessa to me to AUX 3(Meeting). At this point I already had a gut feeling of what was about to happen. Nestor then saw me and told me to go to the one on one room. As I was sitting there, he came in and told me to wait for Brenda. So after minutes and minutes of waiting , Brenda, Vanessa, and Nestor all came in. She had like a bunch of paper work in hand. Basically telling me how I had a trace and they were watching what I was doing. I explained to her since she wanted to hear it from my own mouth. Then she was telling me how I was avoiding calls, and abusing Aux 4. She started giving me some BS speech about, "How this job is probably not meant for me." I just listened and gave her a smirk. I already knew where she was going with this. Next thing you know she slips a paper in front of me stating that I was terminated. I looked at it and somewhat smiled. I signed it and she asked for my badge and headset. I gladly gave it to her. Then she had her little b*ch Nestor escort me out the building. As I was walking out, several of my colleagues and friends were standing in disbelief. They knew right away what had happened. I waved good bye to a few that saw me. Once I walked out the building, I felt a sense of relief and weight off my shoulders. I felt all that stress come to an end. My time at NCO was complete. And like quoted from a fellow friend of mine "Its pretty sad that there is a certain person at NCO whose main goal in life is to catch other people slippin and mess everything up for them." Well said my friend well said. I hope you read this Nestor. All this s**t you do isnt gonna get you anywhere in life. You are NOT gonna move up or get promoted for this. So as I conclude my story, I would like to end this "Thank you NCO, for all this sh*t you put me through and F*K YOU! ! !"

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