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NCSTC National Creative Scents Twin Cities, Ultima Fragrance, Star Wholesale Fragrance Distributor Office Manager Scam Minneapolis, Minnesota
This company goes under many names and is, as of January 2013, operating outside of Minneapolis, Minnesota under the name NCSTC. They post an ad on craigslist offering an office manager job, bring tons of people in for interviews, hire them all under the guise of being managers-in-training and turn them into sales people. My roommate interviewed and was offered a job which he was going to take until we read the previous reports here about Ultima Fragrance and several other pseudonyms these people have used in the past. Read those reports for more information, but just know that they are currently operating under this name. They also make the interviewees sign agreements not to slander, which is a scare tactic because it's only slander if it's false.