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  • Report:  #164604

Complaint Review: New England Pet Center - AKA - Debby's PetLand

New England Pet Center - AKA - Debby's PetLand Fired for being honest Kingston Massachusetts

  • Reported By:
    carver Massachusetts
  • Submitted:
    Tue, November 15, 2005
  • Updated:
    Tue, July 17, 2012
  • New England Pet Center - AKA - Debby's PetLand
    420 Turnpike Street
    Kingston, Massachusetts
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

My name is Tori. When I turned 18 on September 18th, I started working for Debby's Pet Land on September 19th. I was REALLY excited because I love dogs. It seemed like an easy job and paid A LOT! I was REALLY good at my job. I sold more dogs than anyone and made the most in commissions. I thought this was fantastic at first..then I started to realize what was going on there.

There is a quarantine room in the back for sick dogs, and a quarantine room for dogs that have been returned for what ever reason. In the front of the store there are 25 cages for the dogs. Yes cages, metal cages. The puppies look like they are in jail. Most of the dogs were WAY too big for them too. Dogs such as Bull Mastiffs, Saint Bernards, Akitas & etc. were locked up with barely enough room to turn around..and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

In the back quarantine room for sick dogs there were 8 cages and usually 2 dogs to a cage. YEA! Great idea. Lets put 2 sick dogs together that have two different illnesses so they can continue to pass them back and forth to eachother. Idiots. That was the first mistake. BIGGEST mistake was enforced by the owner, a complete a*****e, Chris. He wanted the store to look immaculate, there for everyone busted a*s out front. Because we were under staffed the back with the sick dogs got neglected. There was a time where the kennels back there didn't get cleaned for literally 48 f***ing hours. I had to do it myself and that wasn't even my job, it was a kennel workers job. What a quality idea huh? Let sick dogs that already feel like s**t lay around IN THEIR s**t!

When cleaning the back room the other week, I found dead mice and crickets behind the nebulizer. The nebulizer is what pumps the 'clean' air into the quarantine room. NO WONDER THESE DOG REMAIN SICK! It is revolting.

Many people blame the dogs illness's on Dr. Mark Verbin. Honestly, they really shouldn't. It is TOTALLY and completely the employees fault. A majority of that is because Chris, the owner, gives us a s**t space to work with and inadiquate supplies that we NEED!

As a matter of fact an article on about Dr. Verbin has a quote from the former president of the Massachusetts Veterinary Medical Association Wendy Emerson who was investigating the sick dogs in pet shops. She says "I know there are bad veterinarians out there, but I don't think this is the veterinary profession's fault." Here is the rest of the article..

"Offered meager pay, no exam area or equipment and plenty of pressure from the store's owner to pass animals, Emerson says she was left to improvise on many occasions. 'I brought my own stethoscope, thermometer, and set up an exam table on a box,' she says. "It's not like you do blood work or take x-rays. You don't even have a microscope to do a fecal on these animals. Basically you examine these animals for frank signs of ill health. Even when I would find something, the owners would get angry with me if I wouldn't pass a puppy on hold. The pet store ties your hands."

Emerson adds, "Even if I would find something and then prescribe an appropriate treatment, these animals were kept at the pet store; any quarantine was woefully inadequate." --DMV Magazine, February 1, 2005, article by Jennifer Fiala.

No one likes to give shots or try and shove pills down the dogs they just initial the med books and say they did. It really is a pain in the a*s to shove a horse pill down a Pomeranians throat, or give a Bull Mastiff 10 cc of Panacur using 1 cc syringes. No one wants to do it. BUT IT'S THEIR JOB! It's not like working at a clothing department where you can slack off. These dogs lives depend on us the employees.

Dr. Verbin is a great guy. A lot of people dislike him, but I love 'em and think he is under appreciated. I think others dislike him because he 'yells' at people when they @#$% up with the dogs. Every Monday when he comes in to do a vet check I learn more and more from him. He trained me to give shots & IV's. Which I had to do a few times in the 6 weeks I worked there. The day before I got fired I had to give a Japanese Chin that was puking up coffee ground looking blood 150 ML Sub Q fluids and two shots.

Dr. Verbin checks all the dogs thoroughly. He fails a couple dogs a week. If a dog is sick, he writes out what actions should be taken and what antibiotics to put the dog on. What happens from there is up to the employees. An American Eskimo failed but was never moved into quarantine and was sold sick. When the Sales Associate was going over the paper work and was showing the buyer the medical records he should have noticed that, but he didn't. The dog went home really sick, and was returned and exchanged for another dog that night.

I unlike other employees didn't wait until every Monday for him to check the dogs if they looked sick. On a Wednesday if I saw a bulldog with a runny nose or a Pekingese sneezing, I would call him. I was directed on what to do, and I did it. Since he is the Vet for a number of stores, it is impossible for him to come in and look at EVERY dog that might be sick but he came in on random days when we were really worried about certain dogs.

I am very proud of myself as a matter of fact for how well I helped those dogs. I now because of him know what '50mg Doxy POBID #14 7 days' means, how to give MLs of Sub Q fluids and how to administer shots.

On down time I would go through every dog and cut their nails, clean their ears & eyes, groom them and bathe them every few days. No one else wanted to do it. Puppies get sick really easily, so if no one takes care of them, how are they supposed to remain healthy?!

So, you're probably wondering if I seemed to be such a great employee, why did I get fired? When a customer put a dog on hold, if there was a dog whose health was in question, I would tell them. I am not a Vet so I can't say for sure if the dog is sick. So I would give the option of putting the dog on hold until Dr. Verbin could get in to seeing the puppy. I REFUSE to sell someone a sick dog. Other people are there for the commissions, it's all about the money for most of them. I'd rather not sell a dog, see it quarantined and get better and sold a week later, to the same person, or someone else. I would tell people that were afraid to buy a pet shop puppy to go to a shelter and adopt one for $100. That turns away business. SO WHAT? As long as the family is happy with their animal, who cares where it comes from? I myself would never buy a pet shop puppy, especially after witnessing this bullshit. I will all through life adopt dogs from shelters. I honestly don't care for the 2 1/2 mo old little cute things. I want all my dogs to weigh more than me when full grown, so adopting a 1-2 yr old dog is not an issue, they have better immune systems then anyways.

Today I visited the store to see my former manager, someone I got along great with. Later after the manager left someone who bought a Lab there a year ago and spent over $3,000 in medical bills came and purchased an English Bulldog. Who went over the warranty with them and did all the paper work for the dog? ME! I DON'T EVEN WORK THERE ANYMORE!..but there was no one on shift that knew fully how to sell a dog. Legit the woman that 'sold' the dog didn't know how to fill out or file paperwork. Oh yea, also, no one told them that English Bulldogs are prone to get hip dysphasia. If you are going to buy a $3,500 dog you should be informed of that!

Although I miss the puppies, Dr. Verbin, my manager and the great pay..I am glad I no longer work there. I have applied to a few animal hospitals and pet stores that don't sell animals as high maintenance as puppies.

In conclusion, New England Pet Center - AKA - Debby's Pet Land sucks. I highly recommend NOT buying a dog from there..[ESPECIALLY the one in Kingston MA] and fully encourage taking legal action against NE Pet Center if you have been taken advantage of and lied to by them.

One of the biggest rules there was 'NEVER GIVE OUT CHRIS'S PERSONAL CELL PHONE NUMBER TO CUSTOMERS'. You know what, @#$% THAT GUY! Anyone that has beef with him and is sick of trying to get to him through the head quarters, call him directly. Tell him I gave you his number if you'd like. I honestly don't care. In return for that, I ask that no one blame Dr. Verbin for the sick dogs, as a former employee, I know who's fault it was for the ridiculous amounts of sick puppies, and that would be the employees.

[Chris's Personal Cell Number - 508-320-9853]

Victoria carver, Massachusetts

12 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

I have never worked at the Kingston Debbies Pet land

#13General Comment

Sat, February 13, 2010

..but I did work for a Veterinary Clinic near that particular store.  I  can't vouch for Tori's story but I can honestly say that whenever we recieved a very sick and weak  puppy (from kennel cough or god knows what else) the first words out of the vet techs mouth would be "Debbies Pet Land?". 

The fact of the matter is, not everyone is a dissatisfied customer but the ratio certainly is unacceptable and it is upsetting to say the least.  My hope would always be that the pet seeker would go to the nearest animal shelter, but if a particular breed is really desired - please please please do your homework and find a reputable breeder.




Concerned Customer

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, April 13, 2009

Well, in response to many, I happen to actually live in the town that this Petland is located in and i happen to think that it is not a very good store. I have gone into that store my whole life and it has always been pretty grungy and neglected. The dogs are indeed stuffed into far too small metal cages, which is highly unhealthy. All dogs need a decent amount of exercise and i highly doubt they get any. I bet you they have never been on a walk in their lives. If dogs don't get their much needed exercise they do get depressed and most likely sick. I always feel bad seeing them all trapped and lonely in those cold, claustrophobic cages.

It seems to me as though the employees are not very enthusiastic and are quite lackadaisical. They don't seem to do much with the animals, and seem to just stand around all day until someone asks them to see something. They should definitely give that store a good cleaning.

Might I add that the mice always smell horrible? I know male mice to have a strong odor, which means their cages should be cleaned every few days to avoid that horrible stench. So, since the smell is usually so bad that I don't want to get anywhere near the back of the store, I'd say they're not being properly taken care of. Although they are just mice, they are still living animals and deserve to live in a clean environment. How would you like to live in you're own filth until someone decided to clean it up since they couldn't stand the smell anymore, or until they HAD to? I'm sure you wouldn't like it too much.

As for the "quarantine room". I can attest to that. Although I have never personally been in the back room, I do recall on several occasions hearing dogs barking and wining from back there, and I am sure they were most likely not just chillen back there. There most likely was some problem with them which is why they were not out front.

I find it puzzling that people actually care more about selling animals just to get their weekly quotas, overlooking their conditions and ailments, and selling these poor, unhealthy animals to unknowing customers who soon find out their animal is not a healthy pet. They then have to either spend more money trying to make it better, or just end up returning it to the place where it was neglected in the first place where it can get neglected some more. I would not be surprised if dogs have died there before, probably from simple things that could have been treated.

To the comment about cutting costs for sanitation, medication, vaccinations, bedding and supplies, I think that is completely stupid because these animals still need the same treatments and care others would. If they don't spend the money on those things where is all that saved money going to? If all these animals are sick and being sold to customers and end up dying, or end up being returned because they're sick, then the company isn't making any money anyway. They might as well just put the money into helping these animals stay healthy so they can actually make a few bucks by successfully selling an animals.

Also, if the employees have no clue what they are doing when filling out paperwork or whatnot, i think there's a problem. Maybe they should stop hiring random people off the streets just because they are looking for a job, and hire people who actually have some experience with, and knowledge, about animals; Then they might actually have a clue about what the hell they're supposed to be doing, and care about the animals' well beings and take care of them properly.

If some people actually had a heart they would see that a lot of the things going on in these cheap pet shops is wrong and is a form of animal cruelty. I just hope something can be done to help these poor animals and save them from being neglected and mistreated.



Another former employee

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, March 28, 2009

As a former employee I have a lot to say about Debby's Pet Land. Rather than bore you with a long rant I will keep it short and to the point.

While most of the employees truly want to do what's best for the animals they are restricted by the corporation that runs them. Debby's Pet Land, as a corporation, has little regard for the animals. They have no concern for who the animals go home with or what kind of homes they will be given. The employees will be fired if they don't meet a weekly quota of how many puppies they sell and they get commission and bonus' on the ones they do sell so they will tell you ANYTHING to sell you a puppy.

The corporation cuts corners on sanitation, medication, vaccinations, bedding and supplies to save money. I have seen unclean cages, missed vaccinations and missed doses of medications, which cause set backs and relapses in even minor illnesses, all due to laziness on the employees part. Ask them about their "back room" or "ISO rooms" which most often they will deny having. It is where all the sick puppies are kept. A Vet comes once a week to look at the puppies but seems extremely short and rushed with the puppies. Also most of the illnesses are called in to the vet based on what the employee tells them and a medication is prescribed until the following visit.

Again...most of the employees are really concerned and do the best with what they have to care for the animals. However, they will ALL tell you that their puppies are from "USDA Certified Breeders". Well...that's if you consider a person who breeds numerous kinds of dogs in mass quantities a breeder. I also happen to know for a fact based upon my own experience and investigations that a very large percent of the puppies come from puppy mills. I also know for a fact the USDA and other agencies sworn to protect the animals are extremely under staffed and unable to investigate every problem. In some cases they never even visit the places they certify. There are also numerous cases of fraudulent registration papers mostly through AKC, non-existing breeders and wrong papers going home with the puppy. Bottom line...they only care about money. Not the animals. Check out the following links for more information or just do a search on google for "Debby's Pet Land" or "New England Pet Center" and find out for yourself.


Iowa City,


#13UPDATE Employee

Tue, September 02, 2008

Well firstly it sounds like this Debby's place is a horrible place to work. There are so many complaints on her about them! Secondly, I work at a Petland and I can empathize with the last poster. You have to work as a team and you all have to take responsibility whether good or bad. I am always cleaning up after others who simply have a horrible work ethic. But people like that are everywhere. Whether you're folding t-shirts at the Gap or scraping poop off the grate in a kennel, you need to have pride in what you do and do it well.

Now, to the original poster and the girl who lost the puppy (i'm sorry about your loss btw) It is ultimately the responsibility of the consumer to do research and decide for themselves what they want. You don't simply walk into Best Buy and buy the first thing the sales person suggests. You do research, you ask opinions, price compare... If a person walks into a pet shop, like any other business, and simply points and buys... they're stupid.

Granted the job of a pet counselor is to educate and inform, but not every counselor can be an expert on every breed. Some know more about certain breeds because they have personal experience. But while I could give history and antidotal info about beagles because my grandparents had one, I can't speak intelligently on more rare breed like shar-pei.



In response to Matthew..

#13UPDATE Employee

Tue, March 20, 2007

Only becuase of a recent wrongful termination at Debbys Petland, I was lead to this website. I would of have been the one that walked into that store and cleaned all the mice and crickets not the disgruntled employee (i.e. Tori).

You cannot just blame one person for a chain of events, having been in this business for over four years, I personally find it appauling that unless u are in the shoes of someone taking care of puppies u have no right to critisize. When u sign on for the job, u know the backround and the history of the comapny your working for.

You can either make a difference or u can try to claim credit for the things u didnt do, like the disgruntled employee mentioned earlier. Only becuase when i was sent to the store, i was told to fire the afore mentioned disgruntled employee, but i figured everyone deserved the benefit of the doubt. Stop kidding yourself, you suck. It was the other emplyees and myself who took care of the puppies not you. we worked as a team, and you were not apart of that team.

And actually, according to Dr. Verbin, you were not all that and a bag of chips. Ms. "I love animals so much", did u forget the days u used to tape up ferrets inside of boxes, or would stare at a dog eating its own s**t? Did you think I wouldn't see this s**t? Conme on, who are you kidding. It's not fair that you would trash anyone of us that were there for the puppies and not the commission.

When u sign on to trash your co-workers, you really need to look in the mirror, because it is you that made the errors. Nobody liked you at that store anyway. And as for you Matthew, if you really wanna know why she was fired, I'll let you know. She had no problem stealing sales and selling sick dogs.

Another employee screwed by Debby's Petland



In Response To Kathy From Prospect Hights Comments

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, January 22, 2007

Hi Kathy

First and foremost, I am deeply sorry for your loss of your puppy. As a dog lover and owner, I can only imagine how horrible having to go through what you did, and having to deal with such an incompassionate company afterwards. I do believe you were ripped off, and I hope the whole experience has not turned you off from dog ownership in any way.

I do wish to make a few comments here though and hope you can take them into light.

First Yes, there are indeed problems with sick canines being sold in stores. Some come from bad breeders or "puppy mills", and some stores are not properly staffed. But a big problem quite often seen is the staffing of young and inexperienced teens put into the position of caring for the animals. Tori is a perfect example. I have never met her, but in her above report, she makes it very apparent that she originally believed that the job would be easy and alot of pay would be the reward. In addition her foul language, lack of communication with her bosses, and comments such as "it was not my job" and "I had to bust a*s", clearly show that she was not responsible enough to care for the dogs in her charge. Who in their right mind would let dogs sit in uncleaned cages for 48 hours without telling the manager(with whom she claimed she got along great with)that no care was being given...or at least go in and care for them herself? I can see where you are coming from in your response...but do you truly believe that this person has good ethics to be applauded? In my opinion, from what I have read, she appears to have been a major part of the problem.

Second: Concerning your actions. You did the right thing by calling the Dept of Consumer Protections, as well as the various authorities. If need be, keep hounding them until you get your desired response. But in all honesty, what does wearing shirts saying "Boycott Petland" or staging protests do to help any situation with sick puppies being sold? Many people (myself included)see street protestors as annoying. And with several so-called "animal rights groups" partaking in activities bordering on terrorism while hiding behind a tax-exempt status, your true focus of your efforts will be lost, shrugged off as "another nut carrying a sign". Why not channel your anger into a positive. People will be more respondant to someone promoting a positive rather than ranting about a negative. Why not pass out literature explaining the positives of adopting a dog from the local shelter? Explain how many dogs are often dumped off and are just as good, if not better, than any dog sold in the store. Organize a drive to get people to adopt, foster a stray, or do whatever they can to help the dogs who need it the most. The more people in your area who adopt from a shelter or from the many purebreed rescue sites, the less people will feel the need to buy canines from unscruplelous dealers. For those who want to buy a purebreed, take what you have learned from your experience, and teach people how to search for a reputable breeder, and what to look for in a puppy, and explain all that goes into caring for a dog.

In all honesty, if you close down all the pet shops in the world, the owners of the puppy mills will find other ways to sell their dogs. Just surf the net at all the online dog kennels who will accept Paypal and ship the next day. There will always be a funnel of dogs being pumped out to the general public. Rather than try to stop any more sick dogs from being sold, why not try to help the millions of dogs that are healthy but who are in danger of being put to sleep? People will be more responsive to somone trying to promote a positive. Every time I see the rescue groups standing in the front of a pet supply with a big smile on their face and a beautiful Greyhound or Pitbull leaning against their legs, I go over and talk with them and will learn more about their cause. I even offer a donation and take their cards to pass out to friends. Whenever I see protestors with signs trying to push their will on me, I walk away. And for that group who's goals may be truly a benefit to the will be lost.

Again I am truly sorry for what you went through and I hope you find the results you are looking for, but please take into consideration to what I have said here.

Best of luck to you.~Matt



In Response To Kathy From Prospect Hights Comments

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, January 22, 2007

Hi Kathy

First and foremost, I am deeply sorry for your loss of your puppy. As a dog lover and owner, I can only imagine how horrible having to go through what you did, and having to deal with such an incompassionate company afterwards. I do believe you were ripped off, and I hope the whole experience has not turned you off from dog ownership in any way.

I do wish to make a few comments here though and hope you can take them into light.

First Yes, there are indeed problems with sick canines being sold in stores. Some come from bad breeders or "puppy mills", and some stores are not properly staffed. But a big problem quite often seen is the staffing of young and inexperienced teens put into the position of caring for the animals. Tori is a perfect example. I have never met her, but in her above report, she makes it very apparent that she originally believed that the job would be easy and alot of pay would be the reward. In addition her foul language, lack of communication with her bosses, and comments such as "it was not my job" and "I had to bust a*s", clearly show that she was not responsible enough to care for the dogs in her charge. Who in their right mind would let dogs sit in uncleaned cages for 48 hours without telling the manager(with whom she claimed she got along great with)that no care was being given...or at least go in and care for them herself? I can see where you are coming from in your response...but do you truly believe that this person has good ethics to be applauded? In my opinion, from what I have read, she appears to have been a major part of the problem.

Second: Concerning your actions. You did the right thing by calling the Dept of Consumer Protections, as well as the various authorities. If need be, keep hounding them until you get your desired response. But in all honesty, what does wearing shirts saying "Boycott Petland" or staging protests do to help any situation with sick puppies being sold? Many people (myself included)see street protestors as annoying. And with several so-called "animal rights groups" partaking in activities bordering on terrorism while hiding behind a tax-exempt status, your true focus of your efforts will be lost, shrugged off as "another nut carrying a sign". Why not channel your anger into a positive. People will be more respondant to someone promoting a positive rather than ranting about a negative. Why not pass out literature explaining the positives of adopting a dog from the local shelter? Explain how many dogs are often dumped off and are just as good, if not better, than any dog sold in the store. Organize a drive to get people to adopt, foster a stray, or do whatever they can to help the dogs who need it the most. The more people in your area who adopt from a shelter or from the many purebreed rescue sites, the less people will feel the need to buy canines from unscruplelous dealers. For those who want to buy a purebreed, take what you have learned from your experience, and teach people how to search for a reputable breeder, and what to look for in a puppy, and explain all that goes into caring for a dog.

In all honesty, if you close down all the pet shops in the world, the owners of the puppy mills will find other ways to sell their dogs. Just surf the net at all the online dog kennels who will accept Paypal and ship the next day. There will always be a funnel of dogs being pumped out to the general public. Rather than try to stop any more sick dogs from being sold, why not try to help the millions of dogs that are healthy but who are in danger of being put to sleep? People will be more responsive to somone trying to promote a positive. Every time I see the rescue groups standing in the front of a pet supply with a big smile on their face and a beautiful Greyhound or Pitbull leaning against their legs, I go over and talk with them and will learn more about their cause. I even offer a donation and take their cards to pass out to friends. Whenever I see protestors with signs trying to push their will on me, I walk away. And for that group who's goals may be truly a benefit to the will be lost.

Again I am truly sorry for what you went through and I hope you find the results you are looking for, but please take into consideration to what I have said here.

Best of luck to you.~Matt



In Response To Kathy From Prospect Hights Comments

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, January 22, 2007

Hi Kathy

First and foremost, I am deeply sorry for your loss of your puppy. As a dog lover and owner, I can only imagine how horrible having to go through what you did, and having to deal with such an incompassionate company afterwards. I do believe you were ripped off, and I hope the whole experience has not turned you off from dog ownership in any way.

I do wish to make a few comments here though and hope you can take them into light.

First Yes, there are indeed problems with sick canines being sold in stores. Some come from bad breeders or "puppy mills", and some stores are not properly staffed. But a big problem quite often seen is the staffing of young and inexperienced teens put into the position of caring for the animals. Tori is a perfect example. I have never met her, but in her above report, she makes it very apparent that she originally believed that the job would be easy and alot of pay would be the reward. In addition her foul language, lack of communication with her bosses, and comments such as "it was not my job" and "I had to bust a*s", clearly show that she was not responsible enough to care for the dogs in her charge. Who in their right mind would let dogs sit in uncleaned cages for 48 hours without telling the manager(with whom she claimed she got along great with)that no care was being given...or at least go in and care for them herself? I can see where you are coming from in your response...but do you truly believe that this person has good ethics to be applauded? In my opinion, from what I have read, she appears to have been a major part of the problem.

Second: Concerning your actions. You did the right thing by calling the Dept of Consumer Protections, as well as the various authorities. If need be, keep hounding them until you get your desired response. But in all honesty, what does wearing shirts saying "Boycott Petland" or staging protests do to help any situation with sick puppies being sold? Many people (myself included)see street protestors as annoying. And with several so-called "animal rights groups" partaking in activities bordering on terrorism while hiding behind a tax-exempt status, your true focus of your efforts will be lost, shrugged off as "another nut carrying a sign". Why not channel your anger into a positive. People will be more respondant to someone promoting a positive rather than ranting about a negative. Why not pass out literature explaining the positives of adopting a dog from the local shelter? Explain how many dogs are often dumped off and are just as good, if not better, than any dog sold in the store. Organize a drive to get people to adopt, foster a stray, or do whatever they can to help the dogs who need it the most. The more people in your area who adopt from a shelter or from the many purebreed rescue sites, the less people will feel the need to buy canines from unscruplelous dealers. For those who want to buy a purebreed, take what you have learned from your experience, and teach people how to search for a reputable breeder, and what to look for in a puppy, and explain all that goes into caring for a dog.

In all honesty, if you close down all the pet shops in the world, the owners of the puppy mills will find other ways to sell their dogs. Just surf the net at all the online dog kennels who will accept Paypal and ship the next day. There will always be a funnel of dogs being pumped out to the general public. Rather than try to stop any more sick dogs from being sold, why not try to help the millions of dogs that are healthy but who are in danger of being put to sleep? People will be more responsive to somone trying to promote a positive. Every time I see the rescue groups standing in the front of a pet supply with a big smile on their face and a beautiful Greyhound or Pitbull leaning against their legs, I go over and talk with them and will learn more about their cause. I even offer a donation and take their cards to pass out to friends. Whenever I see protestors with signs trying to push their will on me, I walk away. And for that group who's goals may be truly a benefit to the will be lost.

Again I am truly sorry for what you went through and I hope you find the results you are looking for, but please take into consideration to what I have said here.

Best of luck to you.~Matt



In Response To Kathy From Prospect Hights Comments

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, January 22, 2007

Hi Kathy

First and foremost, I am deeply sorry for your loss of your puppy. As a dog lover and owner, I can only imagine how horrible having to go through what you did, and having to deal with such an incompassionate company afterwards. I do believe you were ripped off, and I hope the whole experience has not turned you off from dog ownership in any way.

I do wish to make a few comments here though and hope you can take them into light.

First Yes, there are indeed problems with sick canines being sold in stores. Some come from bad breeders or "puppy mills", and some stores are not properly staffed. But a big problem quite often seen is the staffing of young and inexperienced teens put into the position of caring for the animals. Tori is a perfect example. I have never met her, but in her above report, she makes it very apparent that she originally believed that the job would be easy and alot of pay would be the reward. In addition her foul language, lack of communication with her bosses, and comments such as "it was not my job" and "I had to bust a*s", clearly show that she was not responsible enough to care for the dogs in her charge. Who in their right mind would let dogs sit in uncleaned cages for 48 hours without telling the manager(with whom she claimed she got along great with)that no care was being given...or at least go in and care for them herself? I can see where you are coming from in your response...but do you truly believe that this person has good ethics to be applauded? In my opinion, from what I have read, she appears to have been a major part of the problem.

Second: Concerning your actions. You did the right thing by calling the Dept of Consumer Protections, as well as the various authorities. If need be, keep hounding them until you get your desired response. But in all honesty, what does wearing shirts saying "Boycott Petland" or staging protests do to help any situation with sick puppies being sold? Many people (myself included)see street protestors as annoying. And with several so-called "animal rights groups" partaking in activities bordering on terrorism while hiding behind a tax-exempt status, your true focus of your efforts will be lost, shrugged off as "another nut carrying a sign". Why not channel your anger into a positive. People will be more respondant to someone promoting a positive rather than ranting about a negative. Why not pass out literature explaining the positives of adopting a dog from the local shelter? Explain how many dogs are often dumped off and are just as good, if not better, than any dog sold in the store. Organize a drive to get people to adopt, foster a stray, or do whatever they can to help the dogs who need it the most. The more people in your area who adopt from a shelter or from the many purebreed rescue sites, the less people will feel the need to buy canines from unscruplelous dealers. For those who want to buy a purebreed, take what you have learned from your experience, and teach people how to search for a reputable breeder, and what to look for in a puppy, and explain all that goes into caring for a dog.

In all honesty, if you close down all the pet shops in the world, the owners of the puppy mills will find other ways to sell their dogs. Just surf the net at all the online dog kennels who will accept Paypal and ship the next day. There will always be a funnel of dogs being pumped out to the general public. Rather than try to stop any more sick dogs from being sold, why not try to help the millions of dogs that are healthy but who are in danger of being put to sleep? People will be more responsive to somone trying to promote a positive. Every time I see the rescue groups standing in the front of a pet supply with a big smile on their face and a beautiful Greyhound or Pitbull leaning against their legs, I go over and talk with them and will learn more about their cause. I even offer a donation and take their cards to pass out to friends. Whenever I see protestors with signs trying to push their will on me, I walk away. And for that group who's goals may be truly a benefit to the will be lost.

Again I am truly sorry for what you went through and I hope you find the results you are looking for, but please take into consideration to what I have said here.

Best of luck to you.~Matt



In Response to Tori's Complaint

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, January 20, 2007

Like the above respondant, I too have had a hard time digesting this report you have written. I wish to make some comments about this whole messy subject.

First of all, the purpose of this website is for consumers, who feel they have been ripped off by a company or another person, to explain what happened to them in an effort to seek justice, advice, and a solution to their problem. You were a former employee of this company in question...not a consumer. Your report here appears to be nothing more than an attempt to "get even" with your former boss.

Like what was said by the other individual responding, this is a very poorly written in which total immaturity on your behalf is clearly shown. Making use of excessive foul language does nothing but make you look like a child fighting with her big brother, rather than an adult attempting to explain what took place at the pet shop. As for you posting Chris' telephone number over the internet, you clearly are showing the world that you are out only for revenge against him alone...and are not interested in actually solving any problems down at the pet shop. (I seriously recommend that you remove his cell phone number...unless you are ready to deal with legal action).

As for what happened down at your former place of employment...There may have indeed been problems with the dogs in the kennel. You stated that you "got along great" with the manager. Why didn't you voice your concerns to him or her? Concerns such as the condition of the nebulizor or the cages? Concerning you berating the visiting owner "wanting the store immaculate"...did you even explain your concerns to him about the conditions in the back? Did you explain your concerns about the staffing issues to either Chris or your managers? It sounds like there was zero communication between you and your bosses. You were paid to do a job...and that job not only includes caring for animals and cleaning also includes passing on important informations to the boss and upper management that they can't see all the time. They depend on you not only to keep the operation running, but to be their "eyes" for things amiss. So again I ask...did you even attempt to voice your concerns in a mature and buisnesslike manner? Or did your "d**n..Chris is making me work!!!" frame of mind keep popping up?

I too am curious as to why you were fired. Your adventures in Petland here have made my stomach turn flips with just the thought that you were entrusted to the care of puppies (I love dogs) and went into the whole thing with the additude of "It seemed like an easy job and paid alot"...and "I made the most commissions". Not to mention the fact that you stated that working in the quaranteen room "is not my job". Rule of thumb...when caring for animals...EVERYBODY is a team player. You seemed more concerned with making LOTS OF MONEY easilly, yet when it came time to "bust a*s" and fell over backwards.

There may indeed have been problems at the pet shop, lots of places of this nature do get into trouble from time to time....and one can point the finger at the store itself, or the upper management, but there are other factors as well. The biggest mistakes that are made are the hiring of teens who are not quite mature enough to handle the job. In my opinion, this job was too much for you to handle at your age and maturity level (your maturity level indeed is apparent in this profanity-laced revenge against your former boss). It's not just you...I can't tell you how many times I have walked into a certain South Florida puppy store, only to be greeted by pups rolling in filth and various teenage girls gabbing with their boyfriends on the phone.

Tori, you state that you are attempting to find work at an animal hospital. If you think your former boss Chris is tough and the sick animals are overwhelming...wait until you are confronted with the rigors of a vet clinic, with tons of sick animals in need of help IMMEDIATLY, animals in intensive care that need constant cleaning, and doctors and vet techs constantly calling orders to you left and right. The way you composed yourself at the pet store, and the work load you had to may want to reconsider your line of work.


San Diego,

HOLY CRAP!!! Or should I say holey as your story is full of holes.

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, November 26, 2005

I can't believe I read your entire 'report'. Tori, since you are only 18, and obviously young naive and stupid, I am going to give you some advice. Please read this entire message, no matter how uncomfortable you may feel, because I really wasn't that comfortable reading your report...and I don't even know anyone you are talking about.

First, and most important, remove Chris's phone number. No matter how disillusioned you are about the owner of that company, I doubt he gave you permission to print his personal information on the internet. In doing this, you reveal a lot about yourself, and you are obviously not a kind or wise person. I am glad you are no longer responsible for other living beings.

Second, there is a forum much more practical to handle your concerns, and if your concerns hold any value at all, then you will foward them to the government, pet stores are regulated. I do not know much about the industry, but if they were blatantly breaking the law, or endangering animals, then soemone more inmportant than you would put a stop to it. Wire cages or not.

Third, same thing holds true about the quarantine room.

Fourth, I would imagine that when Chris wanted the "entire" store cleaned, he meant the ENTIRE store. Is the quarantine room NOT a part of the entire store? Poor you for having to do a little extra for a job that, through your own admission, paid A LOT. Also, help me understand, when you found the crickets and mice in the same quarantine room, was that before or after you already cleaned it?

It is good to see you at least think highly of this Dr. Verbin, but only stupid people like you would blame someone for a dogs sickness. I got a cold last week, but I understand it was probably some virus in the air, or a dirty door handle. I suppose someone at work might have purposely sneezed on my keyboard, but I think Dr. Verbin should rest assured that no one really thinks he spreading disease among the canine world, or at least I hope.

(Side note: Your report is not well written at all. Your quote from the magazaine does not support your article or your point.)

Finally, you speak so highly of your manager, but if you witnessed other employees slacking off, and endangering the animals, why didn't you tell this awesome manager? Or that awesome Dr. Verbin? Why wait until you are fired and blame the owner?

Your entire story is contradictory to itself. You had an awsome manager, but are trying to kill the business. You make Dr. Verbin sound like a god for simply doing his job ( was there a thing between you two? I'm just curious) Also, you have supplied no evidence that Chris is lacking as owner of the operation. It seems to me that it is just you because you did not inform your manager, or place blame where it belongs.

I also do not have a clear explanation of why you were terminated. is it because you didnt want to sell a dog? Because it MIGHT be sick? Did you not trust that Dr. Verbin was doing his job? Or that you manager ultimatey holds responsibility? Or that there is some sort of guarantee of health, just incase it MIGHT be sick? I dont think it is important for you to further explain it though, I probably will not read this again. What you have already written has given me a headache.

You are foolish, and need to supply further information if you want anyone to think anything but a disgruntled employee.


Prospect Heights,


#13REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, November 20, 2005

Hi Tori,
I applaud you for standing in your excellence and your values. I understand your anger. I invite you to turn that anger into some positive action. I bought a l0 week old puppy from Petland in Arlington Heights, IL. I was ignorant to pet stores using puppymill puppies. My puppy died of parvo four days later and Petland used every excuse in the book. If a vet supposidly examined Payton, then they would have detected Parvo. No, to Petland these poor pets are throwaway items. The owner offered me another puppy at 50% off! I told him now that I learned about the puppymills where you purchase your puppies I do not want to contribute anymore to this murderous industry. I encourage you to take your story and get it told. I reported my case to the Better Business Bureau, The Department of Agriculture's Humane Society. I reported the vet to the IVMA. I called all our major news stations and am organizing some demonstrations at the store. I bought shirts that say Boycott Petland and we wear them all around town. I have brochures that I brought to my local library and every time I go to a doctor they go with me.

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