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  • Report:  #11808

Complaint Review: Hacienda Realty - Coldwell Banker

New Mexico Silver City Real estate fraud Coldwell Banker, & Hacienda Realty ignorant, corrupt & don't give a d**n *REBUTTAL *UPDATE

  • Reported By:
    silver city nm
  • Submitted:
    Thu, January 17, 2002
  • Updated:
    Sun, April 20, 2003
  • Hacienda Realty - Coldwell Banker
    1628 Silver Heights Blvd.
    Silver City, New Mexico
  • Phone:
  • Category:

We purchased a home here in Silver City ,New Mexico on October 19th 2001.The very day we were moving in were contacted by our new neighbor,who proceded to wish us good luck on the ill fated purchase we made. Seems he has lived next door since the home was built barely 20 years ago,yet is literally falling apart at the seams.the former owner very cleverly concealed the extent of the damage to our dream home. Seems the four previous owners all had knowledge of serious settlement problems and devestating damage to the foundation.Two days later we hired a structurial engineer only to have our worse fears realized. The recommendation was that the home be condemned for economic reasons.To repair the damage would exceed the value of the home, and probably couldn't be guarenteed that it would stop the settling problem. Seems every one involved is either terribly ignorant, corrupt, or plainly don't give a d**n. We have made attempts at getting some help to no avail and are faced with expensive legal costs and lenghty litigation. Of course fingers were pointed at us for not obtaining our own homne inspection, which by the way means nothing in the state of New Mexico since a home inspector supposedly has no liability for inadequate or inconclusive reporting. I was told by the state board of realtors that this is a buyer beware state when it comes to buying real estate. Further,if we wanted an accurate inspection, we should have hired a liscensed contractor,yet the chosen inspector representing the seller was one of two in the entire county. I have serious doubts that the inspector,having inspected the house twice in a three month period, couild have overlooked such serious defects, All defects were cosmetically addressed and were discovered only after being alerted by the neighbor. We have forwarded some 100 plus pages of documentation along with a detailed videotape highlighting the damage.The main problem is that we love the home, the neighborhood,etc., and have serious misgivings about having to move again,yet the reality is that we can't remain in an unsafe home for long. No one seems to want to get involved and have spent their comission checks long ago and washed thier hands of the entire matter. This is all terribly distressing to me and I have taken it personal since I am a combat wounded veteran of Vietnam and daily put my life on the line to protect the very freedoms and rights that have been taken from me. Is there any one out there with enough integrity and guts to help me? Thanks to any and all feedback. Edward Conley New Mexico

8 Updates & Rebuttals


silver city,
New Mexico,

Final chapter ..I would just like to warn anyone considering moving to Silver City

#9Author of original report

Sat, April 19, 2003

As my time here in the money pit comes to an end, the vultures are beginning to gather. In spite of my situation being well known here in Silver City, realtors are ready for a quick sale once I am foreclosed on, probably within the next 60 days or so.

I can't help but wonder just how much cosmetic repair will be done and how much will actually be disclosed. My life has been tossed to the wind and my plight will soon be forgotten.My relationship has been destroyed, and I am so disgusted with America and the American lie that I am selling the remaining possesions I have and moving to Mexico.

At least in Mexico you know to be cautious and not assume you are being told the truth.

Although I have found after spending a month there, that there are probably more ethical, honest people there than here.

In parting I would just like to warn anyone considering moving to Silver City in particular and the state of New Mexico in general to hire a realestate attorney and a reputable engineering firm,if one can be found, before even considering buying realestate here.

So good bye Silver City, good bye USA.


Sun, November 03, 2002

Hasta La Vista Baby


Sun, November 03, 2002

As we celebrate the first anniversary of purchasing our "dream" home , we are now faced with saying good bye to this town and all that it is.

My credit will be shot, my confidence in authority shattered.

I finally received a response from the White House, which was what I expected. The usual,"sorry we can't help you" response. So I have gone from bottom to top trying to find some one to do the right thing, but I guess that is not possible. I will leave this state now, and not look back.I can only hope others will not have to endure the pain and suffering I have here inThe Land of Disenchantment.

No wonder it is the poorest state in the union, second worst educational system, and second highest taxed state.

It truly is a "bannana republic" .

Hasta La Vista Baby


Sun, November 03, 2002

As we celebrate the first anniversary of purchasing our "dream" home , we are now faced with saying good bye to this town and all that it is.

My credit will be shot, my confidence in authority shattered.

I finally received a response from the White House, which was what I expected. The usual,"sorry we can't help you" response. So I have gone from bottom to top trying to find some one to do the right thing, but I guess that is not possible. I will leave this state now, and not look back.I can only hope others will not have to endure the pain and suffering I have here inThe Land of Disenchantment.

No wonder it is the poorest state in the union, second worst educational system, and second highest taxed state.

It truly is a "bannana republic" .

Final Straw


Fri, September 20, 2002

I read the rebuttal posted earlier and would like to first respond to that by asking if that person happens to be a realtor? I suspect so since the attitude is common among thieves.

I had a choice to either fix,which would cost a minimum of $30,000, that is by doing a lot of the work my self, or suing,

having to hire an attorney from out of town since none here will take the case.That will cost me a cool $30,000 up front, been there done that, then face years of litigation and may or may not win. Even if I do, they can always appeal it and I am back at square one.If I did finally win, maybe five years from now, collecting the money is another matter.Meantime my house continues to fall down.

So tell me wise one, what would you do? I am not a rich real estate specullator that can take a nice tax write off, this was to be my HOME.Where I planned to live out the rest of my life.

I have gone the complete circle,contacted allt he proper authorities, and have basically been given the finger.

Is it legal? Probably.Is it morally correct, absolutely not!!

I know that other states require realtors,especially with a CRS designation, have at least a working knowledge of construction and tell tale signs of sever problems, a friend of mine is a realtor in Arizona and said he would have refused to list this property based on his own honest opinion!! Go figure, an honest opinion.He isn't an engineer, nor a building inspector, just an honest guy.

Yes you are right ,I could sue the seller, but the fact is that the home inspector lied too.

But as you pointed out, the small print that the realtors fail to point out protect the inspector and he has no liability.

In spite of the fact that he was paid $300 to make the report.

Seems a little more like fraud to me.

I am so sickened by this mess that I am walking away from it and allowing the bank to forclose on it.

So, stupid me..I trusted the wrong people.

To me these are much worst terrorists than the ones we are supposedly fighting now.

At least those terrorists don't lie about thier intentions.

Final Straw


Fri, September 20, 2002

read below



Get yourself a lawyer and go after the seller.

#9UPDATE Employee

Wed, July 03, 2002

I am unfamiliar with NM real estate law, but most states require a Sellers Disclosure Form to be completed by the sellers. They are required to disclose any defects of which they are aware, including any brought to their attention during a home inspection. Did you receive such a form at closing?

Real estate agents are not schooled in engineering, construction, building codes, etc. I fail to see, therefore, how your agent could be responsible for the condition of your house. He/she was probably as taken in as you were, especially if the defects were disguised and/or covered up. Same thing for the listing agent. A realtor who assisted his/her seller hide or cover up such serious flaws would be subject to harsh penalities by the state. But one cannot expect the agent to assume responsibility for the integrity of each and every house he/she lists or sells, any more than the druggist who sells you a prescription is responsible if it doesn't cure your malady.

Get yourself a lawyer and go after the seller.


Mon, March 18, 2002

Well, here we are two months an several hundred dollars later and still hanging in limbo. As the house continues to deteriorate, we keep being put off by everyone. The mortage company was kind enough to grant us a six month moritorium on our payments, but that only postones the payments till later. The New Mexico Attorney General is supposedly sending out letters to all involved, including inspectors,the appraiser,and former owner, to try to get this arbitrated out of court. If they decide not to deal with us, we will most likely have to just"walk"..People be warned New Mexico in general and Silver City in particular are riddled with corruption, and collusion. The powers that be try to portray Silver City as some kind of "retirement Mecca" , but please heed my warning, if you plan to buy real estate here bring your own lawyer, inspector,and appraiser along since you'll not find any here that are not one of the "good ole boys" This ain't no Shangrila!!

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