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  • Report:  #1100518

Complaint Review: New York Office of Court Administration (

New York Office of Court Administration ("OCA") Jewish Plantation, Torture Chamber, Social Petri Dish, Star Chamber New York New York

  • Reported By:
    Lex Luthor — New York New York
  • Submitted:
    Tue, November 19, 2013
  • Updated:
    Wed, June 18, 2014

The Painfully Obvious New York “Plantation” Form of Government and Corruption in the Courts

The New York State Office of Court Administration (“OCA”) is essentially run, as Hillary Clinton once said, as a “Plantation” with Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman as its Jewish-White Plantation Owner, and tens of thousands of African-American black and Bridge and Tunnel white-trash slaves working as “Law Clerks” or “Staff” in varying capacities from the top-most (Judges or Magistrates) all the way to the lowest levels (Janitors and Filing Clerks).

Each one of these African-American or White-Trash slaves know exactly how to rise on this Plantation, which is by doing things and acting in ways (even unethical or illegal) that please the Plantation Owner, Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman, his boss Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Attorney General Eric Schneidermann, or their Overlord-Boss, Governor Andrew Cuomo (all these men are Jewish by the way).

This means that all “Sub-Plantations” under Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman which consist of the Civil Court, Supreme Court, Family Court, Criminal Court, and Small Claims Court, and all the spaces in between, such as the Departmental Disciplinary Committee, the NYCLA Fee Dispute Committee, and the Appellate Courts, are literally used as torture chambers and petri dishes to “mete out justice” to any of Michael Bloomberg’s or Jonathan Lippman’s or Eric Schneidermann’s or Andrew Cuomo’s enemies (all these men are Jewish by the way), or the enemies of those people that have either paid off, or funded, or financed, or are close to, or are friendly with, Michael Bloomberg or Jonathan Lippman or Eric Schneidermann or Andrew Cuomo (all these men are Jewish by the way).

Justice, or who is right on the law, or the law itself, is completely and totally meaningless on this Plantation - if you are not in the right “club” or paying off the right people, you will LOSE in Court every single time, you will be nailed to the wall by the Departmental Disciplinary Committees or the Fee Dispute Committees, your children will be stolen from you in the Family Courts and sold as sex slaves, your freedom will be taken from you in the Criminal Courts and you will be jailed and a**-f***** and stabbed in the shower, your business will be bankrupted and destroyed in the Small Claims, Civil and Supreme Courts, and you reputation and livelihood will be destroyed in the other arenas by the slaves/servants/house-n****** of the OCA Plantation.

This is how it was, this is how it is, and this is how it will always be, because no one in New York State either gives a s**t, or knows that it is run this way. And if you complain about it, or report it to the authorities, you will be retaliated against, punished, whipped, destroyed, ruined, bankrupted, murdered, harassed, attacked, audited, jailed, humiliated, feminized, emasculated, threatened, isolated, tortured, and smeared until there is nothing left of you, your life, your family, your career, your finances, or your existence. And the New York Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) will be the chief enforcement agency in charge of doing all of this to you. Because while you stupidly and foolishly think that the FBI exists to protect and serve you from the civil and human rights and corruption abuses that the OCA Plantation regularly hands out like bolts of lightening to its victims, the FBI is in fact merely making a list, and checking it twice, gonna find out who’s naughty and nice, and then helping the above Jewish Plantation Owners to absolutely and totally f****** destroy you.

Welcome to New York - there is no Justice m**********.

1 Updates & Rebuttals



Crazy much???

#2General Comment

Mon, June 16, 2014

 While Im sure in that foggy little melon of yours, your rant makes perfect sense. However, I am COMPLETLY offended by your racism. It sounds like YOU had a issue and are lashing out and have targeted the jewish community. How dare YOU!!! You have accused them of crimes that cannot be verified or proven. You have slandered an entire community because YOU have an issue. There is NOTHING lower then sleezy people like you. In this day and age, with the ultra connectivity of our world, I find it hard to believe that ignorant mouth breathers like YOU still exist. You should be ashamed of yourself, your family should be ashamed that they allowed you to continue acting this way in the world today.

In Law there is a winner and a loser. So you lost. THAT is no excuse for this type of behavior. Get over it and grow the hell up!! People like you DESERVE every a*s beating you get. Every aside and snide remark as well. Thankfully "Lex" they have a remedy against YOUR ignorance. It will be a legal remedy. Since YOU have posted your drivel online and you have presented YOUR opinions as fact. THAT is illegal. Im going to forward YOUR post to each and every one of the individuals YOU have named. YOUR level of stupidity and ignorance MUST be punished.

And since THEY have the right connections at the courthouse, it will be a simple matter for them to prove that YOU created this post. While I myself am not Jewish, there are members of my family that are. YOUR bigotry sickens me and I cant wait to see how you plan on back peddling out what you have posted. While you do have the right to say whatever you wish as an American Citizen, that right comes with a cost. YOUR rights DO NOT superceed or override another citizens rights. The right to say what you want doesn't protect you from your own ignorance. Its just the same as yelling fire in a crowded area. If someone gets hurt or dies because of what YOU said, then YOU are 100% liable for that persons injury or death. Secondly, the web IS a media outlet.

This means that what you write is under the very same laws as every printed publication in the US. This means that you CANNOT present your opinions as fact and that you CANNOT use the verbage you have without being sued. Good Luck in your up coming court case. They have MUCH better lawyers then YOU can ever afford and its a open and shut case. And to think at some point in your life you will look back and see how if you had only kept that trap of yours shut, you wouldn't be facing a potential lawsuit. But BIGOTS like you need to be taught tough lessons. Its obvious that you cant learn on your own, then an object lesson is called for.

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