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  • Report:  #1074337



  • Reported By:
    DavidNYC — New York
  • Submitted:
    Fri, August 09, 2013
  • Updated:
    Wed, October 16, 2013

Letter written after my "professional" paint job. I've called mutilple times since with no answer...

I am writing to express my utter disappointment in the work your company provided for my wife and me yesterday. I think you may be aware of this job already.
I'll start with the positive, since I'm looking for something to be pleased about. Both gentleman who came (and also the manager/boss who responded later in the evening) were all very pleasant, polite and had professional attitudes. I am not trying to get your painters in trouble, its the fault of your company for either hiring people with no painting skill OR not training them properly before you send them out to represent your company. 
Unfortunately, that is all I can comment on that was positive about the experience. Your advertisement says pay only if you are satisfied. We paid the $450 agreed upon, but PLEASE do NOT take this as a sign of satisfaction. It hurt me to pay that money for what we received, but the crew put in so many hours (almost 16 with my wife helping the whole time) that I felt guilty not giving them payment, as bad as the job was. 
I am not sure how 5 rooms, 3 of which are very tiny, WITHOUT ceilings being painted can possibly take 16 hours for 2 men, but it did. That was for 1 very sloppy coat of paint (in many areas I can still see the old paint showing through).  Window sills, doors, hot water pipes, all closets, radiators, and half the molding was forgotten about by the painters and still remain unpainted (they would have been here for another 5 hours had we asked them to complete the job) The saddest part is I don't think they even noticed.  And the lines between the molding and walls are so bad I'm sure I could have done them better free hand but your painters used tape!! 
I attached some photographs of examples, but these are just a few spots... I couldn't possibly capture the quality of work in a few photographs. Let's be clear, these men were very nice and worked hard for 16 hours, but unlike what your advertisement states, these men were NOT professional painters. They weren't even amateur painters. Your advertisement states 1 painters can typically do 2 -3 rooms/375 sq feet in an 8 hour day.  I just checked my exact square footage from a recent appraisal and my square footage is 670 ... hiring two painters with my wife working hard alongside... again... 16 HOURS, 1 coat, spots missing, parts of the apartment left unpainted. I am trying to figure out what they were actually doing for 16 hours?? I could have painted an entire house alone and with better quality in this time.
I must say I was not expecting the most amazing job, because you're rates are fairly low and there is some truth to the adage that you get what you pay for. I was hoping it was not the case because I am the President of this Co-op building and we are always having indoor and outdoor painting done so I was hoping i found a hidden gem in your company so that I could use them for other projects in the future (which would be enough to keep a company busy).
I spent a couple of days buying all the items you requested in your email. I actually found it hopeful that you requested particular brands of brushes etc, but it gave me hope that the painters would be meticulous. I even had to drive to Home Depot in Long Island City Queens to get the joint compound # 20, because none of the stores in Manhattan carried it. My wife called your number verify we had everything needed and specifically asked if the painters have their own drop cloths (very different from having cheap plastic tarps) for the floors and she was told yes.  So you can understand my annoyance when one of the painters who showed up 30 minutes late and then said he had to go to the store to buy drop clothes (he bought cheap plastic) and poles for the rollers. He came back after awhile, ate breakfast and then said he needed to go out again to buy sandpaper. This is in additions to the multiple smoking breaks etc. Look, despite your advertisement, I have no objection to a person taking a break here and there. they are human being. and at the end of the day they ended up putting in 16 hours, but my initial impression of your painters couldn't have been further from what you advertised.
So what did we end up with:
1. Minus $450
2. My wife stressed out and having to help your painters for 16 hours because she didn't trust them not to damage anything.
3. A partially and poorly painted apartment that we now have to either pay someone...again... to fix or do ourselves. We have to paint the doors and molding including fixing the terrible lines. We have to give a second coat to the spots missed and where you can see the old paint showing through. 
5. Your painters didn't think to either move the fridge or tell me they don't move them and I would have done it, because now we have a huge place they didn't paint and 2 colors on our walls.
6. I have to now paint the ceiling, which was FINE before they came (and that's why we didn't ask them to paint it), but they hit it all over with their rollers and now there are multicolor paint patches on our ceiling.
7. I broken mosaic table which your painter moved (we didn't ask him to) and it fell over and smashed.  We didn't get angry at the time because everyone makes mistakes.  
8. Also we discovered after they left, a painting was broken due to one of the painters standing on our bed.  Our bed was covered in a blanket and a tarp to protect the paintings. We provided two ladders (which I am glad we did because the painters showed up with one step stool), but the painter chose to stand on our bed instead. What professional painter would stand on someones bed to paint without AT LEAST checking to see if it is ok?  My wife said she saw him standing on the bed and asked him to get off because there was a painting beneath it, but couldn't get to it to check the condition.
9. Paint tracks on our varnished hardwood floor because he didn't have DROP CLOTHS like a professional painter and instead bought plastic. Anyone knows a drop cloth would absorb any stray paint while it just sits on plastic and either drags from your shoe or drips off the plastic. Even after their trip to the hardware store to buy tarps my wife had to go buy three more because they needed more and tried to take the plastic covering off our furniture to use as an extra tarp for beneath their workspace.
10. I tub full of paint and plaster in the drain. My wife pointed it out to the painter and he tried hard to clean most of it, but the water is still slow, and I now have to pay a plumber.
So what do you think? Do you think this comes close to your Advertisement? The damage the painters left to my apartment is going to be triple what you charge. 
I look forward to your response.

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Dist of Columbia,

Customers pay when happy or don't pay.

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, October 16, 2013

please disregard the previous messages made by a competitor.

we have been being harassed by this person for a very long time.

For future customers you Don't pay any money up front you pay at the end of the work day when satisfied. You have nothing to lose and money to save! This guy "David" is a competitor who has been texting us daily with his threats.


New York,
New York,

Travis you're a criminal

#4Author of original report

Tue, October 15, 2013

Yes that's your standard response, must be a competitor. I am no competitor, I'm not even a painter, I'm a guy who was suckered by this guys Craigslist ads. There are MANY of us around the country because Travis operates all over even though he is based in Virginia. Thanks to the internet he can rip people off in multiple places. They send you an email asking you to pick up specific supplies, certain brands of paint brushes and then they send you people who have never picked up a f*cking paintbrush. One of the guys sent to my place was nice enough to tell my wife how he just got out of prison and he needed this job.. Travis is being investigated by the Attornies General and BBB in NY, Arizona and Virginia. Spend twice the money, even 3 times and have your job done properly. With Travis you'll be out $450, waste paint and brushes and then have to hire someone to fix his "painters" f*ck ups. I had more paint on my appliances and floors than I did on my walls



Dist of Columbia,

The above complaints are obviously by a competitor to slander us

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, October 15, 2013

The above complaints are obviously by a competitor to slander us

Just mention you've seen these false reviews online and we will extend a $50 discount to you. Remember you don't pay the balance of the job to our painters until you're happy with the work so we guarantee your satisfaction. This is absolutely a honest day's work for a honest day's pay. Don't let a angry competitor make up a false review online and make you go somewhere else to spend more money. That's eactly what they want you to do so they can get your business!

If your looking to save money on your painting project Please give us a call for a free no obligation phone consultation. (8OO)376-4066 CALL TODAY! PAINT TOMORROW! We work 7 days week.

We offer affordable painting crew for the day rates. Each painter can paint approximately 375 sq feet of production per day. Typically that would be 2-3 rooms per painter on average. We cannot guarantee that type of production but we do guarantee the quality of work will be done professionally. Wall repairs, multiple coats. ceilings, trim and doors take away from the overall production. Regardless whether you hire us or someone else to do your painting it should take the same amount of time and with our lower overhead costs we are able to help you save more money.

Please feel free to compare our prices to others. We do not have the extra overhead costs other companies will have. We receive a high call volume if we had to do an on site evaluation for each person who inquired about a painting project we would certainly have to raise our prices. For instance we do not have to pay estimators salaries, gas costs, parking fees, Maintenance on estimators vehicles, sales commissions to salespeople and the list goes on. If you are receiving other quotes simply ask the salesperson how many painters are needed and how long the job should take and compare their price to ours to see which best suits your needs. No reason to spend more on an overpriced estimate. Rent a painting crew for the day and save!!

We also get substantial paint store savings up to 60% off at Sherwin Williams. Our best discount is on Pro Mar 200 brand paint. Some paint contractors will offer to include the cost of paint in your estimate. These contractors will be making money off purchasing your paint. You should use our discount code to save money on your paint. The paint store salesperson will be happy to give you a color consultation and they are trained to tell you how much paint to buy and which kind of paint would work best for you.

We are a fully insured full service painting company. We can do anything you need done painting related. Our painters are also able to do minor handyman tasks at no additional costs at the crews discretion. It's a honest day's work for a honest day's day pay. If you require an additional day of work we would be happy to get you on the schedule for the following day or another day that works best for you.

We can do any job big or small but we specialize in small jobs. We started our painting crew for the day program after researching that many of our customers weren't getting any return calls from painting contractors willing to commit their labor force that didn't return larger dollar amounts. We focus on small jobs ranging from a couple rooms to a deck that needs to re-stained. Anything that's small that can be done in 1 day. Another way we help homeowners save money is we provide all of our top of the line painting equipment so they don't have to purchase expensive painting equipment that they would not use on a regular basis.

If you are shopping around with other companies please beware of companies with no websites, language barriers, or ones who show up with no company trucks or uniforms these could be potential red flags for fly by night contractors. Also avoid high priced estimates with contractors who may rush to complete the job to maximize profits. If our painters your job early please feel free to find them something else to paint for the remainder of the 8 hour day.

Our prices can't be beat by a reputable painting company! Why pay someone else more? You pay our painters at the end of the day once you are happy with the work so there would be no reason to spend more anywhere else!

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