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  • Report:  #751219

Complaint Review: Nexxus Business Alliance

Nexxus Business Alliance Tom McKenzie - Mac MacKenzie - Mac McKenzie - Ernie Mac Mott ADVANCE FEE SCAM Internet

  • Reported By:
    Falonso — Niagara Ontario USA
  • Submitted:
    Sun, July 10, 2011
  • Updated:
    Thu, January 26, 2017

Advance FEE SCAM- Tom McKenzie back at it - formerly of Gateway Business Force - after I shut him down he is now going by Nexxus Business Alliance

Check this: same people, just names that change. one time ernie or mac mott, another time to mckenzie with his daughter who calls herself louise busch and sometimes michalea barrett.

Tom Mckenzie is the personality behind a group of websites mainly with addresses in Ontario Canada. He claims to have access to capital to fund projects and charges upfront fees claiming to undertake due diligence.

There is no evidence or testimonials to prove that anyone has ever received funds.

The websites have common factors that make the whole picture very suspicious originally the name was Prospexx Integrated Capital and however those two websites along with Barrett Capital Exchange have had many disgruntled clients complaining on the internet.

The website has been replicated with a name change and now appears under the name of Canada Capital so rather than proving it is a reputable company it has just changed its web name and making the same unsubstantiated claims.

Tom Mckenzie is the common thread within this suite of websites that seems to make false statements. These web sites have identical addresses and contact details and 4025 Dorchester Rd. Suite 305 Niagara Falls, ON, Canada L2E 7K8 is the same address used by and there are generic similarities to these and other sites.

The address 150 Battery Street, Fort Erie Ontario Canada is used by Prospexx Integrated Capital. Number Contact 905.481.2329 this number is common to Prospexx Integrated Capital, Barrett Capital Exchange and now Peregrine funding Partners and Canada Capital Resources.

Trideca Advisors is a website that has only recently become live but makes identical claims to previous sites. It also has an address listed in the USA Suite 331, 266 Elmwood Av Buffalo, New York, USA.14222 and Toms direct line is listed on the contact details. An almost direct replication of this site is also at domain name The information desk number is the same 905 Trideca Advisors and the address 2-504 Steele Street Suite 156 Port Colborne, Ontario L3K 6A7 Canada is common to,, and

All these sites make similar claims by what seems to be Tom Mckenzie that after charging upfront fees he has access to funding this is not supported by any proof.

He has posted some limited explanations to clients on the internet that seems to indicate that his clients agreed to paying him fees for trying to achieve funding but there is no proof he ever has.

This is the major problem with the claims on these websites and it is Mr Thomas Mckenzie that has to prove he has or can fund anything or the negative conclusions on the Internet must be assumed to be correct.

Is it a simple misrepresentation charging fees claiming the ability to access funds when there is no evidence to support that claim.

Is this a classic example of abuse on the internet to charge fees while making claims that can never be fulfilled? Or is it just a scam? a week after speaking to him, all of a sudden he has press releases about funding automotive industries. Ernest (Mac) Mott -- similar to thomas ERNEST mckenzie

No record of gateway business force on Canadian BBB!/mckenzienoman found this link on a forum thread.. sadly, he resembles the man Brian described to me a month ago.!/BromotCapital 716.989.0142google this number relating to Gateway business force Brian discussed a client he is helping in Scotland... Ireland is pretty close to there ???? same website---old alias michalea barrett match up names strange.. automotive.. Mac mott mckenzie loved the automotive industry too. just like ernest mac mott does now? wow seems very identical to link above huh ??? even their birthdays match !!

I am working with a man allegedly called Ernest Mac Mott and his daughter Mac Louise, of Gateway Business Force. After matching up posts and related addresses, which are not the exactly the same, I have a feeling they are running their scam under a new name. familiar name and story a google search of the phone number produces these results... mac mott and gateway business force

I thought I included these two sites on my previous email but I didn't.. but these two are the icing on the cake. 100% conclusively ties in tom mckenzie and mac mott with absolutely no uncertainty.

Please Tom or Mac however you go by these days

When developing your own press releases you might want to be more original. I was tipped about this from my Canadian source.

Bromot Capital Consulting is again Tom Mckenzie and a simple google of this business name explains more of the same.

Proceed with Caution..Mac or Tom what ever he goes by knows who I am. I encourage anyone who seeks information about gateway business force please email me at I have pending investigations with several entities. Anyone can post a press release on those sites. It does not make them legit. I have documented all emails.

CLASH put it together, dig deeper and you will come to same conclusion I have. Google everything, match up similarties, phone numbers, everything. I have several emails from prior victims ... well Mac calls them liars. Anyone dealing with Brian the broker in the USA he knows very well what is going on.


Make sure you register and submit a claim. Do not just reply to info email. REGISTER and get a claim number.

If you are a victim report them. NO LONGER A WORKING WEBPAGE I WONDER WHY -- Gateway is using old press releases from his other illegal websites and frauduant businesses.

Do not worry Mac, that page was saved to my computer, and the people in power who need to know already viewed the page.


If you are a victim in the USA file a report with your local police department. FILE a fruad calim with the SEC. Be very specific --- include emails - receipts -- BROKER's name -- EVERYTHING


they will call you a liar, threaten to ruin your reputation then just plain ignore you. You can not ruin the reputation of a victim, with every email and evidence to back up their claim against you.


THey want to charge you 10K Plus to prove you are not a crook, ask to verify them !!! HE cant, HE wont !! Ask to see verification of funds.

No record of Gateway Business force in any Canadian government website. A company formed in 1991 would have record with Canadian BBB, information about them that goes further back than 12/01/10.

If you already sent money to them---dont hold your breath to receive your funds.


Related to previous post. Tom Mckenzie sure thinks a lot like Ernie Mac Mott !!!



9 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America


#10Consumer Comment

Sat, September 22, 2012

Erie Business Force Tom Mckenzie They actually fund deals. Internet, Internet

In the world of wanting to get your project funded everyone wants a sure thing. Well the main reason deals do not get funded is because they are not good deals. There are many things that cause this, a poor plan, inexperience of the creator, a poor team, not asking for enough or too little money and most of all the back ground of the person creating the plan.

All investors check you out, do a back ground, run a D+B and most of all verify that your plan works or in fact is your plan. This is called diligence and it costs money and the average cost is in the $500.00 range, but if it is done in house the cost is lower.

The next time an investor approaches you on funding your project you do your diligence and do a back ground check, a D+B, a credit report and back ground on the investor. Do this instead of posting the investor on a website to see if anyone has dealings with them. Posting some on a website is scounterproductive and is not doing your diligence.

Because sooner or later the real scammers will start posting positive responses to your postings and then they really will scam you. In the world of business intelligence this is what is called counter intelligence. You counter the threat by being proactive instead of listening to rumors. Do your real due diligence and not creating a rumor mill.


United States of America

They fund

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, September 21, 2012

Before Tom or as he is know by his friends as "Mack" posted on his web site all of the companies he provided funding for or was a part of the funding project. He is now retired, but still does take a few projects that are worthy. The people that posted this blog were some of the few that did not get funded. The reason for this was that upon investigation of the project it was found not to hold water or information found when the back ground check was done did not match what the company owner had represented to be of their fact.

This information was then presented to the company owner or broker who presented the project and a letter was generated stating that their project was not a valid undertaking and the Mack would not nor will he be part of theproject presented. The owner of the project took it upon themselves and chose to post a blog disparaging any and all parties. This is their right, since it is protected under the "Freedom of speech act". Is it morally right, no. It is their opinion., but they should stand up and say who they are so Mack and his people can defend themselves against who is posting the blog. Their animosity is what they used to hide and speak from the shadows instead of coming into the light so we can dispute their claims and let it be heard for all to hear. Instead of hiding behind a curtain

Bill Franks

Los Angeles,
United States of America

Mack funds deals!

#10Consumer Comment

Wed, September 12, 2012

Mack does actually fund deals, unlike most of the scams out there. So far this year he has funded over 5 deals that I know of for sure to verify. He is currently working on 4 deals for us, he is careful and does his dilagence, but he pulls no punches and tells it like it is.The others take your money and run.

I personally reccomend Mack to anyone, but if you are a svcammer as have been most of the compalints he will find you and expose you for what you a scammer!


United States of America

He has verified references of hundreds of clients WHO DID receive funding

#10General Comment

Wed, September 12, 2012

The negative comments might be from people whose projects were declined after due diligence, I work in this industry and MANY applicants are caught lying, and committing fraud, obviously they will not receive money from anyone.

Thomas McKenzie's web site contains hundreds of verified clients who have received funding, no bank or lender gives money to every applicant because MANY applicants are caught lying, and committing fraud, obviously they will not receive money from anyone.



Again More Lies

#10Author of original report

Sun, November 27, 2011

A. I do not need a highschool drop out to give their two cents on my project. Fact is - very viable project and several people who have looked at it agree. Fact is you are horrilbe with your personal finances and your only hope is Mac with his lies to get you money. Your business is about bankrupt and your credit sucks. Do you serioulsy think any lender will touch you? More importantly how could Mac? He is not an investor!! nor does he know any investors.

B. Mac said he was going to fund my project- he loved it.

C. He loves your project--- YET YOU ARE STILL NOT FUNDED !!!!!  I have proof your post before was a lie.

D. My timeline- My requests- My emails - Again confirm Mac is a 100% full blown liar and fraud. I HAVE A LIST OF OVER 20 PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN RAPED BY MAC. Dont worry, we are currently and aggressively

going after this perp, From every continent on this planet. For anyone who cares please email me and you can decide for yourself.

E. Bottom line- Soon when it turns 2013 maybe you will understand you were fooled too. I promise you Mac will not fund you never had intention on doing so. My advice, Be a Man not some little girl who sits there and believes everything a liar tells him.

BTW for anyone out there this guy has been dealing with mac For close to a year and a half... STILL NOT FUNDED ? does anyone seriously think Mac will fund him? FIND ONE PERSON IN THIS WORLD WHO HAS RECEIVED MONEY FROM MAC-- YOU CAN NOT-- NEVER HAPPENED.

He said he was funded in September and over the phone then said it was in escrow.. It is now three months later and still not funded!!! Wake up and smell the scam BUD.. we all have. Mac tells people he will fund them in 30 days or latest 60 days. HE says he uses his own cash for this..aka doesnt matter what the world is doing- he is not a bank. personal investors, but uses excuses banks use not to lend. My previous promise still remains, but Sam make me a promise. IF you are not funded my March 2013 will you finally agree with the rest of us? Or still be that hopeful 13 year old naive girl...believing everything daddy tells her ?


United States of America


#10Consumer Comment

Sun, November 27, 2011

To Vince:

My response to you is get a life. Yo are still pissed that your project was not funded. In my opinion and yes I am entitled to an opinion your project had no chance of ever being funded, was a at best a crap shoot so stop the negativity and go on with your life. All you are doing is trying to hold on to something that is past. You are your own worst enemy.



Update To Sam- Buras Group

#10Author of original report

Sat, September 17, 2011

As of 9-15-11 Sam WAS NOT FUNDED by Mac/Tom McKenzie.

I taped recorded the conversation and he clearly states He should be funded next week by Tom's group.

By that admission alone, everything this person wrote is false. He was not funded by Tom's Group.  When He can provide evidence that shows funding next week by Tom's Group, I will personally visit every forum and write an apology to Tom and his Company. Notice I did mention Tom Mckenzie or His company must fund the deal. He presents himself as NOT a broker.  I will do my best to retract every posting there is negative about Tom. Until then the facts are unchanged and no one outside Sam has posted anything positive about Tom. Taped recording to illustrate my point email vince 1231 @ yahoo .   Enjoy


United States of America

Pissed consumer

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, August 30, 2011

This is the same thread over and over. Get a clue. Your project did not hold water and it was a pipe dream at best. Quit blaming Mack for your crap, he has funded our project and many others so stop yourgames or post your project and let us see what you were trying to sell as a project when it was a scam!

Samuel L. Key

The Buras Group


United States of America

Pissed consumer

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, August 30, 2011

I am amazed at how people blame everyone but themselves for their actions. They are like spoiled children. The above poster would not give their name, but blames Mack for his lot in life. What a joke. It is time for this person to become responsible for their own actions.

Mack and his company funded our project when no one would touch us. That I owe him. Sure it took a year, but look at the economy nothing happens overnight. 

The main constent has been an individual on a goldmine and a person who want Mack to fund a small car lot in Las vegas. Both of these projects are crap shoots at best. Mack having been in business for over 30 years knows what is going on. After doing back grounds on these two projects he chose to walk. In regards to the dilagence fees, no one works for free. 

The posters need to look at themselves, mack gets a lot of projects and yes he does fund some, but not all that come his way. So I say to you "get over it"!. 

Samuel L. Key

The Buras Group 

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