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  • Report:  #444784

Complaint Review: Nimbus Communications / Pharmazone Labs / Stimulex / Viapren

Nimbus Communications / Pharmazone Labs / Stimulex / Viapren Customer or Employee, You'll all be treated like junk Scottsdale Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Saco Maine
  • Submitted:
    Sat, April 18, 2009
  • Updated:
    Sat, April 18, 2009
  • Nimbus Communications / Pharmazone Labs / Stimulex / Viapren
    9393 N. 90th St #207
    Scottsdale, Arizona
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I just wanted to share a letter with you all who have had problem with Nimbus, either as an employee or a customer. This letter was sent to my email box approximately 3 weeks ago, and two weeks before I quit.

After examining the details of the email and the posts on this board I've discovered that Nimbus treats it's employees and customers equally like garbage.

I have removed names from this email because there were alot of good people who tried to make Nimbus an honorable company, and they don't deserve their names run through the mud.

Dear Nimbus Employee,
After watching the steady deterioration of this company over the past 4 months, there are several of us who feel it is time that we band together as a group and make the management of this company understand that it is in fact us that keep this company moving.

If Nimbus continues on it's current path, none of us will have jobs, and in this economy no one can afford that.

Let's speak facts:

-Our managers are micromanaged into the ground. They are not allowed to do the jobs they were hired to do. Good strong people have turned into people who are in constant fear of losing their jobs. They are threatened daily. This is not only ridiculous, but extremely counter-productive.

-It has become habitual to hire and fire so many managers, purely on a whim, that we are running out of people who can actually take a leadership role in this company.

-Some of the best of this company have been fired or allowed to leave These were the people who actually worked hard. Yet others have been brought back or we've kept people who are seriously detrimental to Nimbus. We have a mod who run the floor from their cell phones (!), and worse yet, we've re-employed a man who sexually harassed a number of female employees. Another great employee was removed from his job (he stepped down, but with little choice) because he refused to take part in illegal practices in order to get the Add-Ons out the door. Does our owner know this? Of course he does. Does he care? Apparently not.

-Our pay scale is changed on an almost monthly basis because nothing is thought out before it's implemented.
-Our managers are slow to answer problems because they are so overwhelmed with holding the hand of our owner that they don't have time to be here for us, or in a few cases, they are just here to collect their big paychecks, and they do as little as possible to service us or Nimbus.

-Of our 5 top sales people, 4 are seriously considering leaving Nimbus because it's become a very scary place to work.

- The customer service department at Pharmazone is a joke, full of people who insult the customers and piss them off (when they decide to answer the phone), leading them back to us, where they call us and complain about CS, or the lack thereof. That affects our numbers seriously. If you didn't have to clean up the CS mess constantly, wouldn't you have a much better close rate?

The final insult came today when Tim Isaac our 'Owner' decided it was ok to rip his managers off by lowering their pay and not telling them. He took several thousand dollars from his employees on a whim, because HE FELT LIKE IT. This man is absolutely dishonest, and if given the chance, HE WILL RIP YOU OFF TOO!

Nimbus is a sinking ship unless we do something to stop this immediately. Please remember that management is paid to tell you that everything is ok. Everything is NOT OK.
You need to speak your piece, even if it's anonymous. Your voice needs to be heard on these issues and any others you may have. This company can not run without the very people who keep it afloat, and THAT IS ALL OF US!! Please show your opposition to these very serious bad practices, and let our owner know that you want to work for a company that treats you with respect and that you don't want to and don't deserve to work for a company that is so unstable that you are not sure you'll be employed from day to day.

Let's stop this crap before it goes any further.
Write to our owner, LET HIM KNOW THIS IS NOT OK.
If you don't get a positive response, your next step should be the labor board.

Fight this garbage before it goes any further, Please.

(((email redacted)))



Scary isn't it? That this comes from INSIDE Nimbus. Imagine what the customer feels like, if this is how an employee feels.

Here are some common practices at Nimbus, related to both employees and customers.


Employees are promised paid training when they start at Nimbus, but then find out they are not getting paid for it.

Employees opened up their pay checks 2 weeks ago to find out that they had been deducted 19% of their pay to cover losses at Nimbus. The employees were NOT notified of this cut in pay. When contacted about it, the gentleman responsible for payroll tried to convince several people that 19% of their orders were not good. When asked to prove these allegations, it was finally made semi-public (through a limited amount of employees emails) that this would be implemented as a weekly practice and that it was company wide and NOT due to individual performance. Strictly a greed move.

Employees were 'encouraged' to pitch the rush at an extra $2. per order on their commissions, only to find out (again after the fact, when they received their pay checks) that unless they actually got over 50% of their customers to take the $5. rush, the agent didn't get paid on them. That is thousands of dollars that Pharmazone/Nimbus ripped off from their own employees and lined their own pockets with.

Their Add-on trainer, who (as per the letter above) was fired at least twice because he sexually harassed female employees is once again working for Nimbus, in the same capacity. He is also the common-law brother-in-law of Nimbus' new COO Josh Fulton.

Pharmazone encourages it's Customer Service department to be rude to customers, hang up on them, leave them on hold for upwards of an hour, yell at them, refuse them refunds, etc.

Tim Isaac treats his management like they are his personal slaves, calling them at all hours of the day and night, to the detriment of some people's home lives. He also calls his employees assorted names, (F***ing scumbags, BULLS**T,SCAMMERS, etc) on phone calls and in emails and IMs. He has treated so many people so poorly that they have quit in droves. In this economy, to be unemployed is crazy, but to work for Nimbus seems crazier to some people.


Pharmazone/Nimbus offers it's customers a 10 day trial (from the date of the order) but actually ships out the next order 7 days after the order date, thus charging unsuspecting customers almost 60 dollars extra, often times before they even get to try the product.

$5. is charged for the 2 day RUSH shipping, but the product is NEVER rushed, I personally received about 30 calls a week from angry customers who paid for a rush and didn't have the product 6-7 days later.

Although the product is promoted to be, 'Similar to Listerine Breath Strips', often customers will receive the product and it will be all dry and flaky inside the package, or conversely the strips will be all stuck together in a lump, like the product was not stored properly in the warehouse.

I always wondered why the company separated the charges on the customer's credit card. It used to be $9.41 and 1.14 the next day for the pleasure ring. Now the price has gone up, it's $12. and change, plus $.97 for the topical lotions.

Why the second charge? I found out the other day it's to cut down on 'Charge backs' with the credit card company. Because you can't charge back a credit card charge under $5. So by making this extra charge they can never fall below 50% chargebacks, which in turn keeps them in the good graces of the credit card companies.

Customers are forced to shut off their own credit cards and close bank accounts just so Pharmazone/Nimbus can not touch any more of their cash, because this company just won't stop. Unless a bank, the AG, the BBB or the Labor Board intercedes, they continue to charge, and charge.... and charge.

Pharmazone/Nimbus also purposely lists people's names as employees, even though these peole DO NOT WORK FOR THEM. Why they do this is beyond me, unless it's to take some heat off themselves.

I know for a fact that most of the people in the above posts DO NOT WORK FOR NIMBUS, including Dave, Missy, and Amy, who all left because of Nimbus' bad practices, or were fired because they would not adhere to them.

I also know, as a long time higher-up employee at Nimbus that the Gilettes never worked for Nimbus or Pharmazone, so let's put that one to rest and stop harassing innocents over this crap.

Tim Isaac has several indictments against him and Pharmazone/Nimbus. If you see these ads in your paper, or hear them on the radio, RUN THE OTHER WAY. The product does not work, and it will be a living nightmare to get rid of these clowns.

If you want to stop these people, feel free to use the contact information in the above post, or contact Mr. Isaac himself. He is the NOT SO SILENT PARTNER. He pulls all the strings.

Contact him at:
Tim Isaac
Phone: 623-203-6573
Address: 10747 W Ivory Lane
Avondale, AZ 85392

This company is imploding, and I am going to pop some popcorn, grab a beer and enjoy the show.

Ex nimbus employee
Saco, Maine

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