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  • Report:  #1329691

Complaint Review: No Nonsense Psychic Medium

No Nonsense Psychic Medium Jennifer Pantella Gets her "messages" based on manipulative questions. Trys to get you to take her "classes" Jim Thorpe PA

  • Reported By:
    Jgerrick — Lehighton Pennsylvania USA
  • Submitted:
    Fri, September 23, 2016
  • Updated:
    Fri, December 17, 2021

     First met with Jennifer Pantella back in June during a "Spiritual Advice and Spiritual Reading Day With Jennifer" In Pottsville PA.  Before we even got started she told me about all the classes she would be having and that she was taking early registraion and early payment for any classes I wanted to join.  I said no I only wanted a reading. 

    I was going through a rough time with a breakup a couple months prior and some downsizing at my company.  She first asked me a series of questions about my personal life and if I had anyone close to me die recently, and I said no.  She said she kept seeing a woman. 

    First she said she had red hair, then brown, then just dark hair.  I tried to ask her about my job, and she became rude and told me to be quiet while she listened to what the spirit had to say.  I told her that I was really worried about my job. She said I would be getting a promotion and that everything would be fine.

    Then she told me that me and my ex girlfriend were soul mates and that all we needed was time apart and we would find our way back to each other.  I didn't tell her but my ex was already married to her new husband and pregnant.  She had been seeing him while she was still with me and she had left me for him. 

     At this point I was very skeptical of this woman so I asked her about the woman and falsley told her my aunt had died a few months earlier.  She then told me that the woman she saw was that aunt.  I told her then that my aunt was actually alive and that I had only tested her and explained about my ex already being married and pregnant.  She got hostile and told me that If I was not going to be open to her then she couldnt help me.

     She then told me that she felt I was blocking her and that if I took her classes I could learn how to get in touch with my own psychic awareness and be able to see the truth clearly like she could.  I told her she hadnt seen any truth at all and had been wrong on all counts and I wasnt going to waste any more money on her

     She became irritated and told me that not everyone can handle or understand her "gifts"  This woman has no gifts, even her con game is bad.  He goal seems to be to lure people in with questions so she can shape her insights around them in the hopes that she will hit accidentally on some truth and then sucker you into one of her classes. 

     She reminds me of the Armando Montelongo infomercials.  Don't waste your time or money on this one. She is not a true psychic.  I have met a couple real psychics since I last saw Jennifer and I can tell you Jennifer is a fraud and only wants your money.  She calls herself the "No Nonsense Psychic Medium"  but all you get IS nonsense.

7 Updates & Rebuttals


Los Angeles,
United States

Update On My Original Report

#8General Comment

Fri, December 17, 2021

 First off, let me apologize for taking so long to update this report. I lost the credentials for my original account because it's been so long. Also I forgot about this because I've been very pleasantly distracted by my life since. Since my original report my career has really taken off to new heights and my personal life has been heaven personified. My new wife and family were the true missing pieces of my soul and I have been truly complete since I found them.

Also I want to thank those people who replied to my report with support for me. I really appreciate you and your kind words. Now on to the update. Jen's life has not been as good as mine has these last few years. After my trouble with her she ended up having even more problems with other customers who claimed she ripped them off too. It got so bad that some of them took her to court. The court ended up ruling against her and she had to pay fines, court costs, and restitution.

Her financial situation went down hill after that and she defaulted on her credit cards and got sued by the creditors over that too. After that Jennifer tried starting her own "spiritual ministry " and she even went as far as doing some online course to get her ministers license. Then she thought she could do some larger scale fund raising to pay for it all. Only by that time she had already defrauded too many people and even upset the other psychics, new age, and occult shops in the area to the point where no one would support her. So it wasn't long until that scheme failed for her too.

After that Jennifer had a bit of a mental breakdown and that, coupled with some addiction problems landed her in a private care facility a couple of times until she finally got sober and stayed sober. Once she got out, she denounced her psychic medium endeavors for good and joined her local evangelical church. She has been active with them and their community outreach programs ever since. It would seem that Jennifer Pantella is looking for forgiveness and redemption for her fraudulent con artist past.

The sad part is she has a lot to atone for. Jennifer hurt and disappointed a lot of people who put their trust in her, and they gave her money and support with that trust. She'll have to atone for a very long time if she hopes to ever make up for any of it.


New Jersey,
United States

That's Crazy that she put you through that

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, April 22, 2018

I hope this doe s not turn you off to the counsel a medium, psychic, or spiritual worker can provide.  Just remember a couple simple guidelines when choosing one.  If you ever do so again, and I hope you do.  First pick one who is well established with a verifiable history that spans years.  The longer a medium or any psychic has been using their gifts and helping people the easier it will be for you to research them to see how authemtic and real they are.  Second really research them.  Find as mamny different past clients who are willing to speak to you about them or read as many reviews from as many sites as you can.  Also trust your own instincts.  AEveryone has their own gifts of intuition, learn to listen to it.  If sa self proclaimed medium gives you a bad feeling or otherwise disturbs you then do not engage them.  Last but certainly not least give very little to the medium.  Birthdates, personal belongings, taking them on a tour of certain places and other similarlly non specific things.  Anything more you give a genuine medium will only serve to hinder the reading.  Any medium who asks for more is cold reading you.  Remember all fot his and have faith that you have souls, guides, or whatever you wish to call them, around you and they want to speak and be heard.  It just takes someone gifted enough to hear them and relay the messages and visions they give.


New Jersey,
United States

Worried About Jen

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, April 22, 2018

Jen was recommended to me by a couple of friends of mine who live in the lehigh valley area of Pennsylvania.  I have been using my gift to help people since I was 17.  Many Many moons ago now.  As strong as my gifts are sometimes it helps me greatly to get a fresh view on something I have seen, experienced or felt in order to make sense of whatever I am being given. I haven't needed to do that often but over the years I have reached out to other psychics and mediums for assistance when I needed to.  Doing so keeps me humble and keeps me grounded as a way of reminding me that my gifts, however strong they may be, sometimes arent going to show things clear enough for me to interpret them as accurately as possible. Since the distance to Jen was farther than I wished to travel I chose to call her instead for the reading. The call did not go well.  Jen came across as very confused and seemed to have no idea what she was seeing or doing.  I always maintain a level of strict privacy with the clients I read for and the medium services I am contracted to provide so I will not go into details about what Jen said and I did not go into specific details about the case I was working on or the people involved that I was asking her to do the reading for me about.  I will say this though, she kept changing her description of what and whom she saw.  She kept asking me to tell her more of what I had experienced.  I got as detailed with her as possible, without breaking the client confidentiality that I maintain, and it only seemed to confuse her more.  At one point she had to put me on hold.  She said she had a child issue to handle and would be right back but promised not to charge me for the time I was on hold.  That bothered me a bit and I thought it was unprofessional in my opinion.  It would have been much better to end the call before the alotted time was up, adjust the payment to reflect the shortened time for the session and schedule a call back or an in person reading. 

A few minutes later she came back on the phone and she was very different in her demeanor and her attitude.  I could sense, through my own gifts that something was wrong.  Immediately I felt hostility from her towards me.  She asked me if I had a genuine reason for the session or if I was trying to somehow check out the competition as she put it and "test" her.  I found that to be rude and presumptuous.  I kept my irritation in check and assured her that I had no intention of evaulating her as competitionr or "testing" her as she put it.  I explained to Jen that I also never charge for the spiritual work I do and pick the cases I work on carefully.  I told her that the reason I was calling was due to a serious spiritual matter involving a situation that had actually been testing the limits of my own gifts which was why I needed a fresh medium's vision to help clarify and help make sense of what I had already seen and been dealing with.  Again Jen seemed confused and she kept throwing out one possibility after another as if she were trying to do a cold reading on me.  This started to upset me as I tend to not react well to the scammers out there who practice that technique.  I had no reason yet to say for sure if she was trying to scam me or not but it was beginning to feel that way.  She started asking me for more information.  I got uncomfortable with that because my client's privacy is very important to me.  She wanted to know specific locations of events and she wanted to know details about what I had already seen that would also infringe on my client's right to privacy.  I told her I could not do that.  Jen got upset and said she could not help me and that she had no time for someone who was trying to play games with her.  I tried telling her that I was not being disingenuous, but she ended the session anyway.  The full time of our session had ended so I paid the money she asked for using the method she asked for and that as they say was that. 

After I got off the phone with her, I got a clear vision of what she looked like underneath the exterior mask she was wearing.  It is not my place to give those details since I must respect her privacy too.  What I will say is that she should reexamine the path she is on and really reachout to the light for guidance as well as seeking medical help.  I feel she can be of no real help to anyone unless she can deal with her own personal physical, emotional, and psychological turmoil first.  I hate to have to write this review here but when I did a search online for the "no nonsense medium" and complaints this site came up. 



Positive Experience

#8Consumer Comment

Fri, October 14, 2016

I know Jennifer personally, and with my experience with her, she is the real deal! I have had readings with her that are so amazing! Not only with me but with family and friends, and friends of friends. Not only is she talented, but she is also very kind and funny! So, when I saw this report about her I was floored!! I've been to a few of her parties, and she has never asked for cash, even offered a money back guarentee!(always through PayPal) and a free follow up if a good connection couldnt be established, thats amazing!! I never heard of a psychic-medium doing that! I was so pleased to hear that, and made me even more confident in her, not only as a psychic but also just as a person in general. So, that report about her can in no way be true with my experience with her. She is a blessing to this earth, and I will continue to support her in her journey as a lighworker. 

Truths to clear the record

#8Author of original report

Wed, September 28, 2016

It turns out my legal situation as I mentioned above is not as it was presented to me.  Turns out the people who contacted me claimiing to be representative of Ms. Pantella were not in fact legal representation at all and were merely calling me claiming to be such.  Who they were or why they called presenting themselves as someone and something they were not I do not know and I do not wish to speculate or accuse anyone of being culpable in that.

I stand by everything I said in both my first report about the facts I posted, and the rebuttal retraction I posted second where I apologized for any damage professional or personal my report caused.  I sincerely meant and still do mean that apology.  As for the calls I received those were very convincing, up until I found out they were faked later in the day after I posted my retraction.  As I said I do not know who made those calls and I do not wish to speculate or accuse anyone as I have no proof to their origin or the identities of the perpetrators.  However there are a few details I am free to add to this report now that I am not under an apparent gag order.  Foremost, my report is my opinion based soley on my experience with Ms. Pantella and nothing else.  I seek no monetary reimbursment nor do I seek to cause any harm to her reputation or her business.  I am merely relaying my experience from my perspective as it occurred based on my opinion of the reading. 

Onto her next points. I have not nor have I ever been a competitor of Ms. Pantellas.  I claim no psychic or paranormal gifts of any kind, nor do I do any work in those related fields.  I have never given a "reading" nor have I ever given spiritual advice.  I am not nor have I ever been affiliated in anyway with anyone else or any "storefront" that Ms. Pantella works in.  I am an HR manager at the firm of which I am now employed.

Next the event in which I had my reading was attended by men. I was one of 3.  I should know because those other two arrived when I did but did not stay I never did get introduced to them.  I am not sure what party Ms. Pantella is referring to, but there were not 28 guests at the one I attended.  There was more like 8 or 9.  The title of the gathering was as I stated.  Upon further investigation myself, I see that Ms. Pantella did hold another event by that title on the 4rth, that was not the event I attended and I cannot speak to it or who attended it.  My interaction with her occurred much later in the month and was at someone's home.  I will not post any addresses or identifying details or information here.

Next, I paid Ms. Pantella in cash for the reading and there was no reciept given, nor did I ask for one.  She was only taking cash for her readings and as far as I could tell no one there received any kind of a receipt.  She did not write names down that I could see and it was pretty much a come as you were, first come first serve, type of atmosphere.  So I am in agreement with Ms. Pantella that she would have no record of me there or the money I paid her since she kept no records of anyone that day.  So I do not know what she tried to "look up".

Next.  During that event she did mention classes she would be trying to hold in the near future.  She mentioned how she was gathering material for a curriculum that she felt was going to be very positive.  She had no dates or places at that time picked to hold such classes.  It was those classes she wanted me to agree to sign up for and she did say she would accept money for them in advance.  She asked for my email address so that she could send me the registration information as soon as she had it ready and I refused to give it to her.

Next, she did ask if I wanted my money refunded and I told her no.  It was my choice to agree to the reading and I did so of my own free will.  The money was never an issue to me.  She did offer to schedule another reading for me at a later date, but she did not say it would be free or even if it would cost me any money at all.  I refused that as well and then I quietly left the event.  I have known a couple of legitimate psychics, one in reading, and the other in kutztown, so natually when I heard of a psychic closer to my home I decided to give her a try.  It did not turn out so well. 

Next the reasons why I chose to post this report so long after the event in question was first, that I had just started my new job 2 weeks ago and it reminded me of how wrong she had been in her reading.  Second, I had had a talk with a coworker about our mutual interest in psychic phenomena and the legitimacy of it.  It turned out that we had both been to the same psychic in reading and had very positive experiences with her.  That is when I brought the subject of Jennifer Pantella up and I had asked my coworker if she had ever heard of her and she told me she had and she too had heard negative things about her.  It was then I chose to post this report.  So there was no mysterious conspiracy or any dark motive for waiting this long.  I simply did not think about it until my job started and her name came up in conversation. 

I do not know exactly why my opinion should matter in this situation or why she would post so much speculation about who I am, and then I get 2 mysterious phone calls later claiming she would seek legal action against me for my report here.  Since at some point either her, or someone who knew her did remember me, or someone told her who I was( I am still not 100% sure how that outing of my identity happened but I still DO NOT blame ripoff report) then she would know I was not a competitor or anyone other than one random customer.  At that point she should have remembered exactl who I am and could have called me herself personally.  I do not know what problems she would have with her competitors for her to insinuate that I was one, nor do I care since I was just a customer.  All I know is that I have relayed with accuracy what, in my opinion, was an unsatisfactory experience. 

There I think I have covered every point.  I sincerely hope this is the last time I have to either be contacted about this, or in anyway have to respond to this "nonsense".  Had I known a simple report like this would have caused my afternoon to be this unpleasant, while I was at work no less, I would not have bothered.  In closing let me just remind Ms. Pantella that first my evaluation, and my subsequent posting about it in both my responses here, of my reading and experience with her is soley my opinion, based on my experience.  The facts I relayed are true to the best of my recollection, but still nothing more than my opinion of her performance.  Nothing more nothing less.  I am not one and I do not represent one of her competitors.  I am not trying to hurt her reputation or her business and I am promoting anyone to see anyone else in her stead.  I am not and I have never been affiliated with any storefronts and I do not advocate for or advertise for any.

In closing let me just say that if my one negative report has been such an issue, then your course of action at this point is clear.  Work harder at what you do and let your work speak for itself. 

Sincerely Jim


The Truth Shall Always Out

#8Author of original report

Tue, September 27, 2016

Since my initial report, and since the rebuttal posted to it, I have received a couple of phone calls explaining to me the legal consequences of filing my report, regardless of the factual information I posted in it.  The truth may set us free but in my case, telling it threatens to penalize me. 

So in accordance with the advice of a close friend and legal counsel and an agreement I made with those claiming representation of Jennifer Pantella, I have elected to retract all of my previous report, and all of it's statements.  I apologize for any damage both professional and personal my report caused to Ms. Pantella or anyone associated with her.

Ripoff Report makes it clear that they protect the identity of the people who make reports on this site and they are 100% correct.  They have and do protect the identities and the first amendment rights of all who post here.  In my case, my identity was found out by someone outside of and not affiliated in anyway with ripoff report.  I told someone I thought of as a close friend that I made this report, and that is how my identity got known by those people i mentioned who contacted me.

I want to make it 100% clear that I DO NOT blame ripoff report in anyway for the discovery of my identity or for the fact that I was contacted personally over my report here.  My advice to any and all who make reports here is do so ANONYMOUSLY.  Ripoff report will protect your identity on the site, but they cannot control who you tell outside of the site about your report.  So maintain that same anonymity off this site as well if you wish to remain fully protected.

Not every state has laws protecting people from posting negative reports no matter how truthful and factual they might be.  Often even the most factual and truthful negative report can get someone sued depending on the laws in the state of those posting the report.  So look up the laws in your state first before making a negative report or review or someone, their services, or their business.

To anyone else who might read this, do not let my experience discourage you from making reports here.  Ripoff Report is not and was not at fault for the unfortunate outcome that I have experienced as a result of making my report. The truth can still set you free as long as you make sure you are protected first before telling it.  

I hope this satisfies any and all legal requirements on my part that were agreed upon, and that I shall receive no further contact either from you Ms. Pantella or anyone else associated with you on this matter be they legal representatives or otherwise and that no further action need be taken concerning this matter.






the truth shall set you free

jim thorpe,

The truth shall set you free. Here are the facts.

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, September 26, 2016

Hello Reader,
First I want to thank you for taking the time to research who you seek out! That's honestly the best thing you can do in this industry & I am all for it!

I am the subject of this report and I am responding to it with some facts. Every story has two sides and here is mine.

First fact & then a it & see what makes sense to you....
This report is dated Friday 9/23. I just happened to cut ties with a male competitor on Weds 9/21 due to toxic behaviors with myself & female owners of the storefront we both worked in. Literally two days later is a negative public review of me. Hmmm... ok.... could be a coincidence. This would be my first complaint out of the almost 1000 readings I have done. What do you think?? Would someone from a June 4th party wait until September 23rd to write a review about someone?? I suppose its possible, so lets examine further anyway...

The second fact & another question...
The event where this person supposidly met me had no male clients. NONE! Many witnesses can attest to that.
We're me & 28+ guests all delusional & there really was a guy there & no one knew????

That was my first big red flag on the complete falsity of this claim.

Another fun fact... male clients are so sparse in this industry, in my regional area, that they do in fact stand out & I remember my only TWO male clients very well, one of which I still have a very positive relationship with, the other is the competitor mentioned above... but lets double check anyway...

In my shock over finding this report I scoured my memory, my client lists, as well as income records, trying to locate the "client" (JGerrick) I honestly wanted to know because I care so much about all of my clients I can't see how this could have possibly happened. I have never had an instance such as this occur. I would not have forgotten a circumstance like this... all of my research comes back to the same conclusion.

This report is compltely false.

Factoid number 4....I have very few clients from Lehighton. I have a couple female clients but being as though it's my hometown I know them well...

Fun fact # 5, I have no payments from a J Gerrick or any version of that name (trust me I looked it over several times to be 100% sure)

Another little fact is that i did not start offering classes until I joined a storefront with the ability to host the classes. This is the same storefront where he had to stop working due to his own actions with the owners. This was not until Late August, NOT JUNE like the report clams. I simply was NOT offering them at that time. Of course I have witnesses to attest to that as well as marketing materials that state the date.

Fact #6 I am infact so intent on customer satisfaction that I provide a money back gaurentee (which is almost unheard of in this industry) thats how confident I am about my abilities, and comitted to my client satisfaction. I love my clients and only want the best for them. (Even if it's not me) .... allow me to provide the details about my guarantee...

If for any reason I have difficulty during your initial reading, I asked that you give me a second chance with a second reading free of charge. Nobody is perfect and even mediums can have off days, however it is important ethically and morally that if I cannot perform to mine or my clients standards that I provide a course of action for them! If we do a second reading and it still does not meet mine or my clients standards I offer a no nonsense money back guarantee.

Again, this is almost unheard of in this industry, but I hold myself to high standards ethically & morally.

Obviously by this point you can already see how the picture painted of me is a bit off...maybe you can see right through what really happened here.

I implore the author of this claim to provide proof of this encounter because I have plenty of proof that it's all FALSE!!

I hope that he realizes the severity of his actions & redacts his statements however if not I know that there is legal recourse, and other avenues to take so that's good!

I have many references available and would like to share a couple of them with you. They can assure you that I can handle the most difficult of clients with grace, civility, & no nonsense honesty! That's who I am & that's what I do!

Larissa 570-657-7303

William M 267-312-8621

Marlena B 484-633-0012

MANY MANY others can be found on my page as well as tons of testimonials. Feel free to check them out as well!

Thanks for reading & more importantly for making an informed decision on your choice of spiritual advisor!

I hope that this false claim doesn't deter too many people from my services, & that everyone will see it for what it is!

If nothing else it has given me the opportunity to publicly show everyone that I offer money back guarantees as well as how I handle difficult situations! (Always find the bright side!)

Lots of love & light to you all!


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