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  • Report:  #1237389

Complaint Review: north american whitetail deer


  • Reported By:
    ARTHUR — dahlonega Georgia USA
  • Submitted:
    Tue, June 23, 2015
  • Updated:
    Tue, June 23, 2015
  • north american whitetail deer
    PO BOX 244022
    MONTGOMERY, Alabama
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Ok, so about 4 months ago, I got a phonecall from Buckmasters. They were wondering if I would be interested in subscribing to their magazine. I said "yeah I might possibly be interested." So right away the lady says, "well all we need is your credit card number and address and you'll be good to go." Well that was an immediate red flag to me. I proceeded to say, "Well if I decide to subscribe Id rather pay with a check. Is there any way you could just send me the information about pricing, # of magazines per year, etc.?" The lady then said, "Yes sir we can do that for you. Just give me your address and we'll send it so you can read it over." Ok sounds good gave my address and she thanked me and said, "ok sir, my manager would like to talk to you." He answers the phone and fairly rudely says, "thanks for subscribing sir. We'll send the information." he then set the phone down, but did not hang up. I could hear him conversing in the backround with someone for a few minutes while thinking to myself, "well thats not very professional" and eventually hung up.

Two weeks later, I get the mail and there's a Buckmasters magazine in the mailbox. I think to myself, "hmm that's odd. Why did they send me a magazine but I still haven't gotten the paperwork I requested?" Didn't really think anything of it and set the magazine aside, and I still have not opened it up and read it to this day. 

About a week after that, I started getting calls from the number 800-795-4567. I never answered them, thinking it was a telemarketer. One day I had an envelope from Buckmasters. "Well that took them long enough, they mustv'e sent that magazine to me so I could preview the whole thing before I made a decision." I said to myself as I was opening the envelope. Well, the document inside the envelope was not the information I requested. Rather it was a statement invoice for $136.90!!!! "What the holy heck is this all about?!" I set it aside and forgot about it for about 2 weeks. I then recieved an envelope from Chase collection agency. I started getting a call EVERY day from that 800-795-4567 number but still never answered. "Now what in the world is this all about?! Im not in debt and I always try paying everything in full right away so I have good credit!" Here it was a copied Buckmaster's statement invoice for a total of again $136.90! Ok Im calling this Chase place right now to see what is going on. Turns out Buckmasters turned my information over to a debt collection agency!!

I was very polite with the person from Chase and said, "Ok, Buckmasters called me asking if I would be interested in subscribing to their magazine and I said I might be, but did not want to pay with a credit card over the phone and requested some basic information about the pricing and number of magazines per year I would get from them and I would decide from their. They told me they would mail me the information. They sent me a magazine a little while back and then a statement saying I owed them $136.90. So what exactly is going on here?" The person from Chase went on to say, "Well they said that you agreed to a 5-year subscription and you didnt send your payment in so they turned it over to us. We're contracted to them just to help the payment process." I went on to tell the person that I never agreed to a subscription, much less a 5-year!!

I said I definately do not want it at all after all of this. "Well, you have to at least do a 1-year subscription because you have already recieved one magazine. A 1-year subscription will be $27.95 for 6 issues." I started laughing and asked if it was even legal for them to do that and said again that I didnt even want a 1-year subscription. "well you have to at least pay for the 1-year." Now Im thinking to myself, "Wow. I just got hosed by one of the biggest names in the hunting community!! I cant believe this is happening." "FINE! I will pay for the 1-year subscription and THAT IS IT! I never agreed to it in the first place! So where do I mail this $27.95 check to?" Person gave me the address and I asked, "so thats it then right, Ill pay for the one year, get my 6 issues and everything will be good, right?" The person from Chase confirmed my questions and the phone call was ended. I mailed the checked and it was cashed around a week later. 

My second magazine issue came. The calls from 800-795-4567 kept coming. One day I finally answered. I said, "Hello. This wouldnt happen to be that no-good Buckmasters that has royally ripped me off is it?" The guy replied, "No sir, this is Buckmasters. How are you doing today? We would just like to thank you for your subscription to our magazine." I said, "My mood just went from at ease to furious now that I know whos been calling me every single day for the past how many weeks. And I would like to un-thank you for you unimagineably poor and down right discusting way of ripping me off. I NEVER agreed to a subscription in the first place and now I got scammed into paying for a 1-year subscription that I really didn't want in the first place.

I have already talked to Chase, sent the check for $27.95 and it has been cashed. Everything should be square for a 1-year subscription and that is the most I want. Why am I getting harrassed by you people?!" He replied, "ok sir, we'll set everything straight so you only do the 1-year and everything should be good. Have a great day! Do you have any other questions?" I said, "No I do not. I dont want to hear from Buckmasters ever again after my forced and unwanted 1-year subscription and I have lost all respect for Jackie Bushman because he is a flat out crook. If you call me and harrass me any more you guys will be in trouble and will be getting a letter from my lawyer!" He then said "Alright sir, we set everything straight. Have a great day!"

Ah finally the calls have stopped!! I will never hear from that downright dirty company again, besides my other 4 issues that I will more than gladly use to start my smoker with! WRONG!

A few weeks later the calls started again!!! I then got another invoice from Buckmasters that said I had paid $27.95 of my original due of $136.90 and a minimum payment of $22.82 was due. I didnt answer the first few days and then called the number myself when I had time to talk. A man answered, I told him the same story, and he said "Ok sire, we'll get everything squared up and you will be good to go." I said GOOD! It better be good to go!" He told me to have a good day and hung up. But wait a minute....he never asked my name, account number, or any other information. Did he even know who he was talking to? Maybe he could figure it out from my cell phone number, but he didnt even ask if it was really me!! Whatever, on with life, I have more important things to worry about. 

Phone calls stopped again. For a week. Then, another statement invoice! I filled it out this the box saying "amount enclosed" I wrote $0.00. I personally hand wrote my whole story on the front and back of the piece to be sent in stating everything is supposed to be good for a 1-year subscription and thats it and I was immensly un-impressed by the unprofessionalism and downright dirtiness of Buckmasters and how I have lost all respect for Jackie Bushman, the crook! Then, perhaps a bit childishly, I went to my closet with some board games in it. LIFE! Haha I know what I will do! Ill put some Life money in the envelope and see how they like that! I then decided to write that if I get any more calls or statements that I would be comeing back a Buckmasters for harassment and fraud and that I would try my hardest to get an ad on the Sportmen's Channel and the Outdoor Channel about this little scam. 

Ok, finally, the calls have stopped for a month, no more invoices. All is good. Until this week starting monday. Everyday this week so far the calls have started coming from the 800-795-4567 number. I get home from work today, another invoice statement from them saying I still owe $108.95. I HAVE HAD IT! I am ready to go straight to Jackie's house and settle this, but I know that is not the thing to do.

SO, WITH AAAALLL OF THAT, what exactly do I do from here?! I dont know what I can or should do. Should I answer tomorrow and tell them Im getting a lawyer? Do I somehow post this on every single social media and forum on the world wide web as well as TV stations? Do I go to a big news station with my story? I know there are a LOT of other people that have had this same thing happen to them with Buckmasters, but it's gotta stop. NOW! Please help and thank you to all who read this whole thing. Again, I appologize for writing a novel, but I am flat-out TICKED!


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