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  • Report:  #782945

Complaint Review: Northwest Publishing Company

Northwest Publishing Company The Trivia Page/Trivia pages/Regal Publishing This Company Did not even try to keep me as an Employee and would not train me at all Portland , Oregon

  • Reported By:
    Patricia — portland Oregon United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Thu, September 29, 2011
  • Updated:
    Thu, September 29, 2011

This company re-hired me on 9/26/2011 after I worked there 6 and a half years ago. They fired me after 3 days and said Lack of production. These guys did not even train me or show me the ropes on anything about what the company does and what they set appointments for.  Nor did they even try to do anything to help me even set a lead or appointment. They never let me listen to an experienced rep or split in with anyone even tho they told me they would on 9/26/2011. They did not introduce me to anyone, did not show me the bathroom or the break room either and was on my own on those things. No one there in the entire place said hi to me or thanks for choosing us and thanks for choosing this place to work in Portland Oregon. Not one person said Hi to me at all. It seemed to me that hundreds of people were going in and out of there and what would be the point to hire me if you as a company knew that you were going to turn right around and let me go 72 hours later no matter what no ifs, ands, or butts. The automatically assumed that since I last worked there in January of 2005 that I would not of forgot anything about working there before and did not train me whatsoever. I forgot everything from a bad bad accident that I was in in summer of 2006.  The gave me no training on anything or any subject whatsoever. They were supposed to teach me the rebuttles and teach me how to get a lead or appointment.  The rebuttles did not work at all and did not in the least answer any of the reasons why the businesses would not take the advertisment or why they were really NI. All the note sheets they gave me were assorted reasons and lines of gobbligook. They basically talked 1000% around why the potential customers were NI and did not address any of the Not Interested issues at all. The sample was so bad and we called from papers and the numbers were from 9-12 years ago and most of the businesses were out of business and about 8% of the numbers were Big Big corporations which mean the business owners we were to talk to were not in these stores or businesses and were out of the country and you could not talk to them. Alot of the businesses were disconnected as well. So when figuring the math and all the negative only about 79-80% of the numbers were actually callable numbers and you could even begin to set appointments with or do anything with for that matter.  Nothing at all made sense about this call center. The really did not want me to succeed at all and wanted me to fail I am 100% sure of. Many many people were going in and out the doors over there all the time it looked like. The big question I have is why they would want so many people to fail there at this job. I do not get it and for the rest of my life will not at all get it about this call center.  Because Oregon is an "at will" state and not a Right To Work state this is why so many companies are doing this to people. I do not care what the ADA says workers still have no rights here. BOLI told me 5 years ago about another company that treated me bad called Northwest Marketing in Beaverton Oregon that to file a complaint with them you have to have 50-75 people willing to back you up and say this is what happened to you and how can you do that when you know no one and are never introduced to no one. You cannot also do that because no one ever said Hi to you and were snobs and felt like they did not have to talk to you. I set up front on the early shift and all there was was people running up and down all the isles and yelling and screaming all the time where you could not hear the people you were trying to tell about the advertising and why it was important to take the advertisment. How could you do a thing with all this yelling and screaming going on where you could hear nothing on the telephones at all? I feel this was rude and disrespectful to me as well as the customers on the telephone. If you really wanted people to sell and make leads then you would have conditions where they could set leads and thrive rather than conditions that made them 100% fail in every way. Do not ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever never ever ever never ever ever never ever never ever never ever ever go to The Trivia Pages/Northwest Publishing to work because of how they treat workers. The head lady boss never says Hi to you and you cannot ask any questions and they will not answer any questions even if you have any about the job. It is totally ran like a prison. It is like being in a jail it is so bad to work there. I wish I would of never ever ever never set foot there again if I would of known that 72 hours later I was going to be let go for something I never did. They do not want any one to succeed-they want you to fail for sure.  They wanted me to just like Northwest Marketing did in 2010 when Sheila could not look me in the face to even fire me in the summer of 2010.

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