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  • Report:  #1239432

Complaint Review: Northwestern College Bridgeview IL

Northwestern College, Bridgeview Illinois Northwestern Business College This school took me for $30,000.00 in student loans and then made screwed me over by giving me bad references when places of employment would call them. All because I would not have sex with two legal intructors, Frank Marcello and Joe Pecko. Bridgeview  Illinois

  • Reported By:
    Ruby Parker — chicago Illinois USA
  • Submitted:
    Thu, July 02, 2015
  • Updated:
    Thu, September 07, 2017
*Author of original report: BBB Gets involved *Author of original report: Better Business Bureau Complaints against Northwestern College are not satisfied *Author of original report: Northwestern College thinks they are above the law *Author of original report: Northwestern College, Bridgeview Bad Reviews *Author of original report: BBB-Northwestern College-Ruby Parker *Author of original report: Mike McNamara goes to court *Author of original report: Legally, I can write my rippoff report. Nobody ever tryed to deter me when I was telling them in the emails that I was going to do something like this. *Author of original report: Northwestern College knows that I'm aftraid of retaliation *Author of original report: PROVING A LEGAL ISSUE WITH NORTHWESTERN COLLEGE *Author of original report: Donna Carroll, judge and jury in employment rights. *Author of original report: Welcoming Rebuttals *Author of original report: Thank you *Author of original report: Frank Marcello of Dominican University *Author of original report: Northwestern College didn't respond to my BBB complaint *Author of original report: BBB SENDS SECOND NOTICE *Author of original report: Why can't anyone from Northwestern address this in court. *Author of original report: Where the hell did Northwestern College go? *Author of original report: NORTHWESTERN COLLEGE WITH ALL THEIR POWER PLAYERS AVOIDS RESPONSIBLITY *Author of original report: Marcello, Pecko, Donna Carroll, Larry Schumacher, Mike McNamara rebut any of what I have stated! You people did this to me for over two years! *Author of original report: Better Business Bureau can be bought off! Now you can see it with your own eyes! *Author of original report: BBB Responds to my complaint against Northwestern College. This is unreal! *Author of original report: REBUT THIS DONNA CARROLL!!!!! *Author of original report: Have it in writing! *Author of original report: Fixing my last up date report *Author of original report: A Stich In Time Saves Nine! *Author of original report: Frank Marcello of Dominican University *Author of original report: Here we go again! *Author of original report: Thank God For Rip Off Report *Author of original report: Beware of Frank Marcello and Northwestern College *Author of original report: Federal Law states that peaceful protests on Rip Off Report is a 'protected' activity *Author of original report: Thanks Mr. Magedson *Author of original report: NORTHWESTERN COLLEGE, I WILL KICK YOUR A** IN COURT ON YOUR LACK OF CREDIBILITY *Author of original report: Attorney Generals office contacts me, Thanks, but no thanks. *Author of original report: I only trust Mr. Magedson right now! *Author of original report: Why didn't anyone respond to this letter? I am not a child I am an equal to all of you and I deserved a response to this letter and never recieved one. *Author of original report: Marcello and Pecko this is between me and you. *Author of original report: Who's IP address belongs to BZ? *Author of original report: Legal battles are for the courtroom and not Rip Off Report *Author of original report: This will never make it to court but the witch hunt continues. I need to prove a point. *Author of original report: I'm posting more pictures of how I lived. *Author of original report: another picture of the conditions *Author of original report: The Graduation rate at Northwestern College is very low 24% *Author of original report: This picture will prove that I wanted to leave Northwestern College also. *Author of original report: Northwestern College Statistics *Author of original report: Why I'm on Ripoff Report *Author of original report: Picture of me eight years after graduation *Author of original report: One more picture *Author of original report: Northwestern Likes to hide in the shadows, so I decided to due some research for you *Author of original report: Student Reviews *Author of original report: Deceptive advertising *Author of original report: Surveillance because of this report is illegal! *Author of original report: These reports have been posted with my name on all of the reports and I have not been deemed guilty of slander. *Author of original report: I was never denied admission to Northwestern College *Author of original report: Subjective criteria is used in admissions decisions *Author of original report: Alumni Services continues after a student graduates from Northwestern College *Author of original report: All bought and paid for by Owner/CEO Larry Schumacher *Author of original report: My My My *Author of original report: Anything that happens outside of the court from this day forward is just harassment *Author of original report: RECKLESS DISREGARD FOR THE TRUTH *Author of original report: Ethics? PLEASE *Author of original report: Northwestern College is the most expensive 2 year college in the state *Author of original report: Financial concerns Northwestern College has not been attending to. *Author of original report: What will be, will be *Author of original report: Seventh Amendment *Author of original report: First Amendment to the United States Constitution *Author of original report: Northwestern College, Bridgeview IL
Are you still looking for donations for Licensed For Life? You bought a house with Desiree T in 2001 at 426 North Cleveland. You didn't have herpes at that time. Medical records will prove that you got herpes in 2009. She stayed with you anyway, because she is still on the title of the house. That is disgusting. This is a direct confrontation on what you tried to do to me in April of 2014. You did go behind my back talking s*** to get donations, when acting like my friend to me at the same time.
I can be served at (((REDACTED))) Chicago, IL 60632. Bring Frank Marcello, Instructor at Dominican University, Donna Carroll, President of Dominican University, Larry Schumacher, President of Northwestern College and Joe Pecko, Program Director of Legal Studies, but don't forget your medical records and phone records for that time either. Am I crazy? Let's go to court and find out.
You Sons of B****** need to face me directly, through the proper legal channels, instead of all the behind my back b*******. This will be your blog.
Ruby P
-----Original Message-----From: Sent: Sunday, March 9, 2014 12:03 PM To:
I don’t mean to bother you. I don’t know who to turn to. You where a good friend to me a long time ago. We both know that I have a really bad temper. I am trying so hard to stay out of trouble but I really want to hurt some men that are making my life hell. I been praying but God doesn’t help. I grew up in a very tuff Irish neighborhood and we didn’t call police. I have seen more violence then you. I want to stay a good person but what I have been put through by these men is unreal. I want to fight back. No body helps poor people.
-------- Original message --------From:  Date: 03/10/2014 3:09 PM (GMT-06:00) To:  Subject: Re:
Knowing you have a bad temper is the first step in trying to control it. If what these people are doing to you is illegal, make a police report. What did they do?
-----Original Message-----From:Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 06:03 PM To:  Subject: Re:
Stalking me
-------- Original message --------From:  Date: 03/11/2014 9:17 PM (GMT-06:00) To:  Subject: Re:
Several questions...have you told them not to contact you? Are they calling, writing, emailing showing up where you live or work? The law states if you have told them not to do the things I just listed, and they have then done some or all of them more than twice, it's stalking, which is a felony. Let me know more so I can give you better information. Last and most important you feel you are in physical harm?
-----Original Message-----From:  Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 07:47 PM To:  Subject: Re:
I told them to leave me alone. Then I told them to f**k off. Then I got so creeped out by one of them because he is like Nick. He does not take no for a answer. I went into hiding months ago. I only walk on the side street and I always look around to see if there around. I walk out of my way to a buss stop to avoid them. When I did see one of them I grabbed my phone and then he started walking the other way like he wasn’t doing anything. The last time I went to the library he came in and stood at a distance just watching me. I don’t want to hide anymore. I am so depressed. I thought if I would get them recorded on my cell phone telling them to leave me alone. Then the next time they approached me I could spray pepper spray in their face and t I could call the police and have proof. When I did see one of them I grabbed my phone and then he started walking the other way like he wasn’t doing anything. The last time I went to the library he came in and stood at a distance just watching me. I don’t want to hide anymore. I am so depressed. I thought if I would get them recorded on my cell phone telling them to leave me alone. Then the next time they approached me I could spray pepper spray in their face and then I could call the police and have proof. Then they would leave me alone
-------- Original message --------From:  Date: 03/13/2014 9:28 AM (GMT-06:00) To:  Subject: Re:
The first thing yo need to do is to have the police write a case report. Tell them about all the times you were followed or otherwise stalked. Don't worry about getting a photo of them before you do this. Remember you have to go to the police in the town this happened. They will ask: How do these people know you? Is there a previous personal or professional relationship with you? How often (and specific dates if you remember)did these instances happen. Did they ever verbally make threats to you? Did they ever make physical harm to you? Did they ever display weapons? Have they threatened any other family member of yours? Get that case reort started and you will be able to follow up on them. OK? Let me know.
-----Original Message-----From:Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 08:26 PM To: Subject: Re:
Do I call 911 or 311. If I call 311 how long does it take the police to arrive? Can I legally carry a box cutter?
-------- Original message --------From:  Date: 03/14/2014 5:10 AM (GMT-06:00) To: Subject: Re:
I don't know what 3-1-1 is...don't call 9-1-1 unless they( your stalkers) are right there at the time. You can also just stop at the station in Chicago. A box cutter by it self is not illegal to carry but if you use it and it's not in defense of your life it could be considered an illegal weapon. OC spray is better for self defense.
-----Original Message-----From:  Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 09:37 AM To:  Subject: Re:
I do not know the names of them. That is why I was going to get proof on video of them acting weird on my phone. That way the police would understand what is making me feel creeped out and would know who I was talking about. Right now it is my word against theirs.
-------- Original message --------From:  Date: 03/14/2014 4:16 PM (GMT-06:00) To:Subject: Re:
I see your point but I think a case report to start would later pave the way for criminal complaints. Who are these guys anyway, if you don't mind my asking?
-----Original Message-----From:  Sent: Saturday, March 15, 2014 02:52 PM To: Subject: Re:
I first met them at the library. When it got to the point that I had to tell them to leave me alone the really creepy guy followed me home. Then I told them to f**k off (not uncommon language in Chicago). Then that is when they would try to approach me after all that and when I would go for my phone they would pretend they weren't doing anything. Oh, guess what? I was a truly gifted artist everyone said I could make real money at it. After I was hurt I told God that he could take that gift and stick it up his a*s. I haven't painted since. That was thirty years ago. I really feel like I want to do it again. I don't think it. I feel it. It is so cool. I have two three foot by four foot canvas. Mothers day is coming up an the kids asked me what I wanted. I am going to get art supplies. When I finish my first painting I will take a picture of it and send it to you as an attachment. Thanks for the legal advise.
-------- Original message --------From:  Date: 03/20/2014 6:09 PM (GMT-06:00) To:  Subject: Re:
If you are still having trouble with these guys I hope you have called the police. They can make an informational case report so that if there is further trouble you can show this has been going on. Otherwise the; police will not know how long it has been going on accurately.
-----Original Message-----From: Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 08:05 PM To:  Subject: Re:
Hi Mike, I am still going out of my way to avoid them. That one guy is really creepy. The other is a homeless drunk that drinks Everclear. The homeless guy says the police knows him by name. He thinks that is funny. The police give tickets out here to the riff raff. Sometimes they just make them go out of their jurisdiction. That is the other side of Kedzie Avenue. Because they get tired of the paper work. The other guy is really weird. He seems to want to control me. If I still lived in Caneyville I wouldn’t be afraid. Caneyville is where I grew up. The people there would stop them and keep me safe. But, I moved to Brighton Park and it is different. Look up Caneyville. It is tougher then Englewood. But it was real safe for me. This neighborhood is different.
------- Original message --------From:  Date: 03/21/2014 6:18 AM (GMT-06:00) To: Subject: Re:
I know Canaryville and I understand. Is the creepy guy just creepy to you or to everybody? Is he following you? Do you see him where you are when there is no reason for him to be there, such as does he work there? If he doesn't, still think about making a police report Does he follow you around and try t talk to you or is he just always nearby? If he doesn't really have a legitimate reason to be there then the police are more inclined to make a report. O.C. spray is also a good thing to carry around. Make sure it is the strong kind...5% or 10%, not like the weak kind they sell in a lot of places. Be careful.
-----Original Message-----From:  Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2014 07:33 AM To:  Subject: Re:
I remember the last time I saw him was November 1. When he saw me he started smiling and walking by Me and Megan. We were waiting for CEDA. I went for my phone and he pretended like he wasn’t doing anything I had told him off on October 17 in front of Kelley high school. A crossing guard saw and heard me. She would remember that because I told him he needed to stop following me around because it was creepy. She smiled at me when I finished going off on him and said real nice how are you. I said that I was fine and walked away. She would remember that. Because I was real mean to him. He put his hands in the air like he was surrendering. He said I am just trying to be a nice guy. The workers at the library noticed how weird he was. You can call them at the Brighton park library. Talk to the manager. I wish my dad was 50 years old and not 90. My dad would make him stop.
-----Original Message-----From:  Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2014 08:07 AM To:  Subject: Re:
If I went to the library with my phone I could get video of how weird he acts with me.
-------- Original message --------From:  Date: 03/23/2014 9:03 AM (GMT-06:00) To: Subject: Re:
You have done a good job of documenting this. Try to get the names of the security guard and the librarian, then go to the police and make a report. When you make a report and he follows you again, you have more evidence against him and then go to court!
-------- Original message --------From:  Date: 03/24/2014 8:07 AM (GMT-06:00) To:  Subject: Re:
There is more complicated then you realize. Could you call me when you get a chance. 773-584- 2938.
-------- Original message --------From:  Date: 04/01/2014 2:01 PM (GMT-06:00) To:  Subject: Re:
I am hoping there are no problems with these guys. If the police and file a report. Take care.
-------- Original message --------From:  Date: 04/01/2014 7:30 PM (GMT-06:00) To:  Subject: Re:
I never went out. I can win a law suite with that school and the school knows it. If I go out I will only be walking into a trap. You can not believe how sad I am. Thanks for being my friend.
-----Original Message-----From:  Sent: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 09:59 PM To:  Subject: Re:
My last message seems weird. But it is true. The instructor made it a point to tell me I would never get a job in the legal field. He also was openly talking about an affair he was having with a student. One that he started living with I know where that is too. He bought it on my birthday. when I lost my job at Chicago Legal Cafe the other stupid instructor that I had to contact for documents wrote a message on her blog. His IP address is all over that one. That was just days after she let me go. He wanted her to think it was me. In the schools investigation he said that I wanted him to buy me a house. I can prove I was never in his classes. I only had him two quarters in the ten quarters I was there. I am typing with my thumbs. Please excuse the mistakes. If you need money call Frank Marcello or Joseph Pecko. They need all the help they can get. The school should pay well too. I’m tired, depressed. I only keep going for the kids. God knows I want to go home.
-------- Original message --------From:  Date: 04/02/2014 7:08 AM (GMT-06:00) To: Subject: Re:
I know it's tough for you but don't forget that you are in charge of the situation there. Don't let them think they can control you! Try to stay strong.
-------- Original message --------From:  Date: 04/02/2014 6:32 PM (GMT-06:00) To:  Subject: Re:
I do not understand. They are in control. I have no job. I have no money. I have 30,000.00 in student loans. My character has been destroyed. Mike, they have had control for a long time. All I wanted was a good paying job so that I could have a good life. Rape is about violence. Some a*****e comes along a decides if you will live or die. It is not about the sex. Survivors could care a less about the sex act when it’s over. They are just so happy to be alive. What they have done to me is more like rape that people think of when they hear that word. I feel so dead inside
-------- Original message --------From: Date: 04/02/2014 7:08 PM (GMT-06:00) To:  Subject: RE: E-mail
This is a email I sent to one of the assholes.
-------- Original message --------From: Date: 11/29/2013 7:36 AM (GMT-06:00) To:  Cc:  Subject: E-mail
This email is to inform you as I informed Frank Marcello, that I have reason to believe that again you and Marcello are attacking my character behind my back. In an attempt to save your reputations. Because of the sexual harrassment that I was subject by you and Marcello when I attended NWC. I have reason to believe that you are offering jobs and / or money people to people save your reputations for what you did to me. As I told Marcello via email, I am telling you. I have every intention to fight you like a pitbull. You will not like the publicity that it bring to you. NWC, or Marcello. You, Marcello and NWC have had the chance to take me to court for slander because all my attacks have been out in the open and I can prove you were aware of what and why I was attacking you. If you think that you can have other people come forward while these people recieve jobs or money I have every intention to make it very public.
------- Original message --------From: Date: 04/02/2014 7:47 PM (GMT-06:00) To: Subject: Re:
I don’t feel like emailing anymore. It is my mess. It is ok. Don’t feel obligated. Call them. You really can make some money out of this.
-------- Original message --------From:  Date: 04/19/2014 5:25 PM (GMT-06:00) To: Subject: Re:
Just checking up that everything is going all right. Are they leaving you alone? Stay strong against them.
Mike McNamara’s phone records for (708) 473-0682 and (815) 933-0889, from April 1, 2014 to May 15, 2014, will prove that Mike called these people and then denied it, when I questioned him on it. Larry Schumacher also denied this through his lawyer by email (email is attached) when I demanded to know if anyone had contacted him about me behind my back around the same time.
Larry Schumacher, President of Northwestern College’s phone number is (847) 318-8555
Or 847-233-7700
Joseph Pecko, Director of Legal Studies at Northwestern College’s phone number is (708) 237-5060
Mike McNamara’s phone number is (708) 473-0682 and (815) 933-0889.
On April 20, 2014, when I tried to respond to his email with the email that I had been using since our first contact the email address was blocked and when I questioned him on it, he denied it. This is after I told Mike I didn’t want to email anymore.
-----Original Message-----Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2014 09:16 AM To: 'mike mcnamara' Subject: DOREEN
Hi Mike, I tried to send you an email from Megan's phone but your email rejected it. Did someone put me on your reject list for emails.
I never go out. So, nobody can bother me. I applie for jobs on Megan's smart phone. Thanks for being my friend. How are you? Are you ok? I really hope so. You are such a good person. Most people pretend to be good but their not. But I always liked you because you really are a kind and honest person. You have a strong character. And nothing to proove. BIG HEART.
This is when McNamara started playing games
From: ;  Subject: Re: DOREEN Sent: Sun, Apr 20, 2014 2:11:41 PM
Thanks for the kind words. No, there is no block for Megan's phone. Take care and try to get will feel better in the long run.
-----Original Message-----From:  Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2014 10:24 AM To: 'mike mcnamara' Subject: Re: DOREEN
I am not going out. People are evil. When men can't have me they become vindictive. Nope, I am not going out.
From: <>; To: Ruby Parker <>; Subject: Re: DOREEN Sent: Mon, Apr 21, 2014 2:40:22 AM
ok, try to stay strong.
-----Original Message----->From:  Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 06:57 AM >To: 'mike mcnamara'>>
I am not doing so good mentally. Where esn't work. These bastards are getting away with rape. I cry because God won't help. I keep thinking about revenge. Where is the law? >>>>
From:  >Subject: Re: >Sent: Thu, Apr 24, 2014 3:03:09 PM
God will always help...we just don't know when. Keep trying and continue to fight!!! >
-----Original Message----->From:  Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2014 08:38 AM >To: 'mike mcnamara'> Subject: Re: >>
I don't know how to fight anymore. I have done everything I could with no success. They are painting a picture that I am a desperate s**t. I have not had sex since July 2006. The thought of sex makes me sick. They said that I wanted a house. If I wanted a house I could have got one years ago. The truth is I did not want a man around my kids when they were growing up. Bednar started that s**t when he got a crush on me 16 years ago. I told him to go away. He came back and I was mean to him. So, he made my life hell for years. I did not have sex with these men. > I had my fun years ago.I was in a sexless marriage for years I never cheated on that b*****d. So when I became free, I had some fun. I did not care what they thought.Bednar was a vindictive son of a b***h though. When I first through my husband out he kept telling me how he liked me. He really did. Then he kept crying like a little girl how his boss was being mean to him. I always knew that was you. I just wanted him to go away. Nick was just too stupid to be real. Jim, too pretty to not try. Did I want a husband? f**k no. Do I want one now? Only if he promises to die in a year and I get all his goodies. I like you because you respected my boundaries and had my back. God knows that my kids where all that mattered to me. I lived for them. I would die for them. God knows I would kill for them.
------------------------------On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 10:11 AM PDT  wrote:
>You need to get out of the house even if it means having one of your children be with you when you are out. You are letting these bums run your life. They cannot do that if you step up against them, as you have, and sty against them. Don't let them run you or keep you from the life you want to live.
-------- Original message --------From:  Date: 04/02/2014 7:08 PM (GMT-06:00) To:  Subject: RE: E-mail
This is a email I sent to one of the assholes
-------- Original message --------FromDate: 11/29/2013 7:36 AM (GMT-06:00) To: Subject: E-mail
This email is to inform you as I informed Frank Marcello, that I have reason to believe that again you and Marcello are attacking my character behind my back. In an attempt to save your reputations. Because of the sexual harassment that I was subject by you and Marcello when I attended NWC. I have reason to believe that you are offering jobs and / or money people to people save your reputations for what you did to me. As I told Marcello via email, I am telling you. I have every intention to fight you like a pit-bull. You will not like the publicity that it bring to you. NWC, or Marcello. You, Marcello and NWC have had the chance to take me to court for slander because all my attacks have been out in the open and I can prove you were aware of what and why I was attacking you. If you think that you can have other people come forward while these people receive jobs or money I have every intention to make it very public.
From:  Subject: Re: Sent: Sun, May 4, 2014 6:34:52 PM
I am sick and f**king tired of these men feeding off my pain. They make it so that I can not find work and then say that I am a s**t because they made me poor. I have been screwed around behind my back by everyone. Yet nobody knows anything about me. My mom is worth about seven hundred and fifty thousand dollar free and clear and none of that was handed to her. And she only has three years of high school under her belt. She told me since I was a child people will
slit your throat for a dime. She is right. When she bought a twenty two thousand dollar car she had the cash in a jewel bag. She is a tough b***h. I was not raised to be as weak as I have been lately. I am going for their throats. I can do it. I can expose all the bullshit and everyone that chose to help them with their lies.
On May 5, 2014, I asked Mike if he did call Northwestern College and say anything bad about me.
On May 5, 2014, Mike responded by stating “of course not!”
-----Original Message-----From: Sent: Monday, May 5, 2014 04:27 PM To:  Subject: Re:
Mike I am going to ask you out right. Would you call Northwestern College and say anything bad about me? I need to know. Dor
----Forwarded message----From:  Sent: Mon, May 5, 2014 3:01 PM PDT Subject: Re:
of course not!
Sent: Fri, May 9, 2014 3:07 AM PDT
Subject: Fw: Dor
What I meant to say was how bad I have been feeling. Between wanting to kill them to wanting to kill myself. Did you betray my trust I swear to God I will never contact you again. I need an answer. Did you do that? WHEN YOU KNOW HOW HARD THIS HAS BEEN ON ME.
>----Forwarded message----
>Sent: Fri, May 9, 2014 9:05 AM PDT
>Subject: Doreen
>I am going to send every message we exchange to Donna Carroll at Dominican University
You just pretended to be my friend. You just care about yourself and money
From: >;
To: ;
Subject: Ruby Parker
Sent: Sun, May 11, 2014 4:16:13 PM
May 10, 2014
Dear Mike,
After our three minute conversation on 05/09/14 I asked you if you called Marcello or Pecko or anyone at Northwestern College. You said no. You asked me if someone contacted me. You asked me if that could be what is causing the problem. I said no. The last investigation was a year ago, is how I responded. I said that the lawyers wouldn't help. Mike, you paused again. Just like you always do when you assume something. Not good for me.
I sent all the messages that we exchanged to Donna Carroll, Frank Marcello s boss. I demanded via email that Northwestern tell me if anyone has contacted them about my character. I finally got a email response from their lawyer after four days of continuous emails sent on my behalf. It is stating that up until that time period 05/09/14 nobody did. I have that email saved for further proof if needed. That is why I am requesting that any and all contact with you stops after this last and final email.
In order to protect myself in the future all contact with you will stop to this day 05/11/14. If you did go behind my back your emails only help to show all the pain and suffering that Northwestern College, Frank Marcello and Joseph has caused me and nothing more. If it was to help Marcello save face with his employer it didn't. All our emails were sent to Donna Carroll. He just looks that much more like a low life in her eyes.
In all our email exchanges I never asked you for anything except for compassion and understanding. As I reread my messages it is obvious that I was becoming more confused and angry and distrustful. If you went behind my back and had contact with Northwestern College, Frank Marcello or Joseph Pecko you will look like a parasite. If you did not, well then you will look like someone just trying to support a friend.
I am not going to end this last email with you stating that I believed your intensions in our emails were evil. However, if they were to profit or to make allies with my enemies in the future it will back fire on you in such a despicable way. If our emails were designed to help their creditability and hurt mine you failed in that attempt. If not and you were honestly attempting to console a friend in pain, then I want to end this letter by saying thank you for being my friend and being there for me when I needed you.
Ruby Doreen Parker
(emails copied and pasted for your review)
----From:  Sent: Tue, May 6, 2014 5:27 PM PDT Subject: Request for information
Ms. Canfield,
I am requesting names and any information in regards to people that would have contacted you or your boss with information about me. I am requesting this information because I feel that it is a direct attempt at slander of me as a person. If you fail to respond to my request I will take it as a direct attempt to purposely hide this to use it in the future. Of course there would be nothing for you to hide? Right
From:  Sent: Wed, May 7, 2014 6:53 PM PDT Subject: FW: Request for information
Mr. Schumacher.
I have made several attempts by email requesting information. In good faith I paid you 45.000.00 to get an applied science degree as a paralegal. I have a GPA of 3.67 and graduated in 2008. My hard work, good grades and effort did not pay off. I am left with 30.000.00 in student loans and no job to this day no matter how many jobs I applied too over the years.
Now I am asking you for at least the respect that I deserve with some sort of response to my request. That is a very fair request. I will only be excepting email responses from yourself or your staff. I want the names and dates of everyone that has contacted you in regards to me. I want all information that you have received. If I continue to be ignored I have no other way to view it except for an intentional attempt at slander against my name because of my past complaint of sexual harassment against your legal instructors lawyer Frank Marcello and Joseph Pecko..

66 Updates & Rebuttals

Northwestern College, Bridgeview IL

#67Author of original report

Thu, September 07, 2017

I enrolled here 11 years ago. I graduated 8 years ago. I filed a complaint against a pig that worked here 4 years ago. I posted a Ripoff Report 2 years ago. The ULR below will give you the basic information on how this school handles business.


Gail Schumacher Executive Vice President of ... - Cheater Report

First Amendment to the United States Constitution

#67Author of original report

Wed, August 09, 2017

God Bless America


Until Northwestern College files a lawsuit against me, I will continue to exercise my right to the freedom of speech by communicating information on the Internet about this crappy college.


I would also like to publicly thank Ed Magedson. Ed Magedson is the owner of Ripoff Report.


Thanks Ed for helping people stand up to the rich bullies.

Seventh Amendment

#67Author of original report

Tue, August 08, 2017

The owner of Northwestern College is so stupid that he seems to think that I don't have a right to a civil trial in this matter. He seems to think that I don't have any rights. I do have rights, plenty of them.  

I have the right to a trial in this matter. If given the chance, I would kick his a*s in court Pro Se. Like I've been posting on this report for over two years, "Larry Schumacher, CEO of Northwestern College isn't very smart."


Seventh Amendment


In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

What will be, will be

#67Author of original report

Mon, July 17, 2017

I wrote this report two years ago. What you don't see is how hard I fought behind the scenes to defend my honor and because of that, I have not been happy for a long time. 

I decided to forget about this report and everyone in it and just be happy again. I'm going to take long walks again, workout,  dance in my kitchen with my headphones on and most of all, I'm going to laugh with my kids again.





Financial concerns Northwestern College has not been attending to.

#67Author of original report

Mon, June 26, 2017



CLICK HERE: Northwestern College, Bridgeview | A topnotch site

Northwestern College is the most expensive 2 year college in the state

#67Author of original report

Sat, June 24, 2017

I’ll be the one that will be accused of being notoriously difficult because I had the courage to assert a strong opinion about all this bulls*. 

The behavior by the owners of Northwestern College and its stakeholders has been an indirect resistance to my demands and a direct avoidance of a legal confrontation for the past two years. Northwestern College as well as their stakeholders have been procrastinating and manipulating behind the scenes for more than two years, to no avail.  



Click   Here: Northwestern College – Colleges & Universities – 4829 N Lipps Ave … › Education › Colleges & Universities

Click   Here: Northwestern College – 14 Photos – Colleges & Universities – 7725 S …› Education › Colleges & Universities

 CLICK HERE; Northwestern   College – Chicago (StudentsReview) – Comments …



CLICK HERE: 4 reviews


ANOTHER REVIEW: Northwestern  College Reviews | Glassdoor


Annual Costs

Undergraduate Tuition

Tuition for Northwestern College Southwestern Campus is $17,280 for the 2015/2016 academic year. This is 25% more expensive than the national average private for-profit two year college tuition of $13,845. The cost is 89% more expensive than the average Illinois tuition of $9,126 for 2 year colleges. Tuition ranks 59th in Illinois amongst 2 year colleges for affordability and is the most expensive 2 year college in the state. Price does not vary by residence.

The school charges an additional fees of $325 in addition to tuition bringing the total effective in-state tuition to $17,605.

We’ve compared the out of state cost of the most popular undergraduate areas of study at Northwestern College Southwestern Campus to the national average for all other colleges offering the same major. Use this comparison to determine particular programs where this school offers value relative to other colleges.

Area of Study


vs National Avg

Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration Associate’s Degree


40% costlier

Legal Assistant/Paralegal Associate’s Degree


51% costlier

Business Administration and Management, General Associate’s Degree


46% costlier

Medical/Clinical Assistant Associate’s Degree


50% costlier

Accounting Technology/Technician and Bookkeeping Associate’s Degree


59% costlier

Health Information/Medical Records Technology/Technician Associate’s Degree


59% costlier

Massage Therapy/Therapeutic Massage Associate’s Degree


47% costlier

Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, General Associate’s Degree


70% costlier

Management Information Systems, General Associate’s Degree


46% costlier


Cost per credit hour and per class at Northwestern College Southwestern Campus

Price per credit hour


Cost for one class (3 credit hours)


Cost for one class (4 credit hours)


CLICK HERE; Tuition, net price and cost to go Northwestern College Southwestern …

 Default Rates Even With Graduates Using The Career Placement Service

Three-year Official Cohort Default Rates

Fiscal Year




Default rate




Number in default




Number in repayment




  • These default rates apply to all locations of this institution.
  • For further information on default rates please visit the Cohort Default Rate Home Page. This school system’s six-digit OPE ID is 012362.

Aid Programs

  • Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan)



But when a bipartisan group of 118 Members of Congress urge the Education Department to re-evaluate ‘gainful employment’; when Members of the Congressional Black Caucus and Congressional Hispanic Caucus express concern over how the regulation would affect minorities; and when the department’s own inspector general opens a probe into whether Wall Street short-sellers were given undue access and influence, you know it’s time to take a step back and start over,” said Lawrence Schumacher, president of Northwestern College.

“Tragically, we have now reached a point in this process where real people with real desires to obtain college degrees will be effectively shut out of opportunities to gain the specialty training and skills necessary for an ever-competitive job market,” added Schumacher. “Instead of publishing this harmful, misguided rule, the ‘reset’ button needs to be hit, before real damage is done.”





W. MR.



Northwestern College/President  $10,000 03/25/2015 NRCC – Republican





CLICK HERE; Lawrence Schumacher – $15,400 in Political Contributions


One month after the political donation, the low-lifes went to Washington DC

Dated: April 24, 2015

The greedy low-lifes that own Northwestern College paid $10,000.00 to talk to these Congressional leaders, most importantly, those heading up the US House Education and Workforce Committee because they don’t want to be held accountable to the graduates or the government for the very high debt-to-income and default rates of the former students.

They know the prices that they charge for these degrees will have annual loan payments more than 8 percent of the graduates total earnings or more than 20 percent of their discretionary earnings. 

The owners of Northwestern College were more concerned about the impact that the federal regulatory agenda was having on their own family.

In the mean time,  the owners of Northwestern College were living in a house worth $1,350,573.00.




Northwestern College President Lawrence Schumacher and his wife Gail, the College’s Executive Vice President of Operations, recently had the opportunity to travel to Washington, DC to meet with numerous Congressional leaders, most importantly, those heading up the US House Education and Workforce Committee. The purpose of the trip was to discuss higher education, the Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, and most importantly, the impact that the federal regulatory agenda was having on family-owned institutions like Northwestern College, a 113 year old college located in the Chicagoland area.

“Higher Education institutions don’t operate in a bubble,” commented President Lawrence Schumacher. “We are highly regulated and operate under the direction of our accreditor – the Higher Learning Commission – in addition to the statutory guidelines set out by the federal and state governments and the administrative rules set forth by the US Department of Education and the Illinois Board of Higher Education. Having an opportunity to talk to congressional leadership and to share with them both the positive and negative impacts of these statutory and administrative dictates has become a necessity in the operations of our institution.” President Schumacher further commented that he and his wife were warmly received by each of the Representatives they engaged with, and that they were grateful to have had the opportunity to discuss higher education with so many fine Congressmen that have the ability to impact how Northwestern College operates.

Over the course of their two days in the nation’s Capital, the Schumachers (long-time owners of Northwestern College), were able to speak one on one with Congressman John Kline of Minnesota (Chairman of the House Education & Workforce Committee); Congressman Virginia Foxx of North Carolina (Chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Higher Education & Workforce Training); and Congressman Ann Wagner of Missouri (Senior Deputy Whip).


CLICK HERE; Northwestern  College Leadership Confer with US


Illinois Lt. Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti, knew about the BBB complaint and the deception and still did her speech for Northwestern College


Illinois Lt. Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti, Northwestern College’s 2016 commencement speaker.

Laura Pollastrini

Northwestern College President Lawrence Schumacher announced that the 2016 Commencement Speaker for Northwestern College’s June 10th ceremony will be Lt. Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti. She is the state’s 47th lieutenant governor and the first Latina lieutenant governor in the United States.

A wife and working mother of three young children, she is an attorney by trade and formerly an adjunct professor of law. Her storybook rise to Lt. Governor began as a child of teenage parents outside of Miami, Florida, an Ecuadorian immigrant father and a Cuban refugee mother. Despite extreme poverty, a language barrier with Spanish as her first language and some enormous odds, her love of learning and the determination of her parents to create a better life for their children helped to set her on a course to make history.

“Lt. Governor Sanguinetti’s personal story is sure to provide an inspirational message to the College’s 2016 graduates,” commented President Schumacher. “Her path to the state’s capitol evidences that no goal is beyond anyone’s reach, despite the odds!”

This year’s Northwestern College commencement ceremony will take place on Friday, June 10, at the Arie Crown Theater in Chicago at McCormick Place, 2301 S. Lake Shore Drive. The ceremony will begin at 5 p.m. and include approximately 300 graduates. In the past, commencement ceremonies have yielded nearly 4,000 attendees in support of the graduation class.

As a young child, Sanguinetti’s parents introduced her to the piano at the local community center. It was her love of piano and her gift to play that led to Sanguinetti’s acceptance into The New World School of the Arts in Miami where she became an accomplished pianist. This educational opportunity helped open the door to college for her; she attended Florida International University where she received her bachelor’s degree in piano performance.

After graduation Sanguinetti moved to Chicago to attend The John Marshall Law School where she not only acquired a passion for the law, but fell in love with Chicago and Illinois. She began her legal career as an Assistant Attorney General in Illinois and settled into the state that she now calls home. After marrying her husband Raymond they had three children, which led to involvement in their elementary and middle schools, parent-teacher associations, Cub Scouts, park districts and youth baseball associations.

Sanguinetti’s political roots began in 2011 when she was elected to the Wheaton City Council. Then in 2014 Bruce Rauner selected her to be his running mate for Governor. In January of 2015, Sanguinetti was sworn in as lieutenant governor, making history not only in Illinois as the state’s first Hispanic lieutenant governor, but as the first Latina lieutenant governor in the nation.

Lt. Governor Sanguinetti will give the keynote address at Northwestern College’s Commencement Ceremony on June 10. The College has well over a century of history in the Chicago area, having been established in 1902. It was purchased by the Schumacher Family in 1958 and has grown from one campus in Chicago serving a handful of students in accounting and stenography, to two campuses (Bridgeview and Chicago-Jefferson Park) in addition to NC Online. Today the college serves approximately 1,500 students and maintains several dozen areas of study. In 2010 Northwestern College opened its Violet L. Schumacher School of Nursing, named for President Lawrence Schumacher’s mother who purchased the college in 1958.

“We are excited that Illinois Lieutenant Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti has agreed to provide the Commencement Address for our Class of 2016!” commented President Schumacher. “Her life has taken some amazing turns, yielded her a great education, and made history across this nation. We look forward to her sharing that story with our Northwestern College Class of 2016!”



CLICK HERE: Lt. Gov. Sanguinetti to be Northwestern College

Ethics? PLEASE

#67Author of original report

Mon, January 09, 2017

Northwestern College, Bridgeview, IL | Perverts that teach in colleges


#67Author of original report

Sun, January 08, 2017

reckless disregard for the truth

1: disregard of the truth or falsity of a defamatory statement by a person who is highly aware of its probable falsity or entertains serious doubts about its truth or when there are obvious reasons to doubt the veracity and accuracy of a source [the knowingly false statement and the false statement made with reckless disregard of the truth , do not enjoy constitutional protection "Garrison v. Louisiana , 379 U.S. 64 (1964)"]
2: a reckless lack of attention to the truth that misleads or deceives another (as a magistrate) [whether false statements were made intentionally or in reckless disregard of the truth in support of the warrant "State v. O'Neil , 879 P.2d 950 (1994)"]

Why Does IL Attorney General Lisa Madigan Refuse To Prosecute ...

Family-Owned Northwestern College Honored With Better Business ...


Ruby Doreen Parker

05/28/14 at 7:00 AM

Complaint ID#: 94501615

Business Name: Northwestern College


Thank you for contacting the BBB. Your case was received by the Bureau on May 17, 2014 and has been assigned case # 94501615 in our files.


Your case has been applied to the following business:

Northwestern College

7725 S Harlem Ave

Bridgeview, IL 60455-1318


The case has been reviewed by one of our Case Specialists and has now been forwarded to the business for their response. The business is allowed ten days to respond. If we do not receive a response from them after ten days, we will send them a second notification. You will be informed once a response has been received.

As this case progresses, you may also consider using BBB alternative dispute resolution services such as binding arbitration. For more details about arbitration, please visit:

We encourage you to use our ONLINE COMPLAINT system to keep up with the progress of this case. Please do not reply to this e-mail as this is a general e-mail address, please use the ONLINE COMPLAINT system. The URL (website address) below will take you directly to this case on our website:

If the above link does not work for you, please copy and paste this URL into your browser:


Sarah Riggins

Dispute Resolution Specialist

Laura Pollastrini who is a lawyer that works for northwestern college, not only posted the lie about Northwestern College, Bridgeview being complaint free for the year of 2014, but she is still employed at Northwestern College.

LauraPollastrini | - Northwestern College

Laura Pollastrini

Laura Pollastrini is licensed to practice law in the State of Illinoisand worked as a private attorney in a Chicago law firm. Her practice primarily focused on local government matters, including municipal, school district, library, township, and election law. In addition, she conducted local prosecutions for communities in Cook, DuPage, Lake and Will Counties, although she maintained clients throughout the entire State of Illinois. Prior to obtaining her law degree, Pollastrini spent a decade handling media and public relations for the DuPage County State’s Attorney’s Office. In addition, she has five years of experience with the Illinois Senate as Legislative Aid and District Office Manager to an Illinois Senator who rose to become President of the Illinois Senate. Currently, Pollastrini is utilizing her legal, legislative and public relations skills to advocate on behalf of Northwestern College with local, state and federal officials as well as stakeholders in government agencies and the media. She provides strategic and tactical government affairs/public relations consultation and support to both enhance the image of the school, and to adequately respond to changes in rules promulgated by the US Department of Education and laws proposed by the US Congress and Illinois General Assembly. Pollastini holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Loyola University and a Juris Doctor degree from DePaul University College of Law.



Ruby Doreen Parker

06/24/14 at 7:06 AM


Dear Ruby D Parker,


At BBB, we know the importance of great customer service. We see examples every day when communication fails between a business and their customers. We too want to make sure that we are providing the best possible service, and are asking for your feedback. We've prepared a brief five minute survey with questions regarding your experience in using BBB to resolve your recent complaint with Northwestern College. Please take a moment to share your experience with us so that we too can work on improving our services for you. The data collected in this survey will be of great value to improve our services. Rest assured that we will keep all responses confidential unless you specifically give us authorization to share. You can access the survey. If you are able, please fill out this short survey by July 4, 2014.

For any questions or concerns about this survey, please direct them to Steve Bernas at


Steve Bernas


Hope Nightingale the lawyer that northwestern college has on retainer knew about this lie posted on the internet by a fellow attorney and she still works as the attorney for northwestern college.  She has also failed to address this Ripoff Report in court.

Litchfield Cavo LLP - Hope G. Nightingale | Chicago Commercial ...

I filed for divorce from this wife beating piece of Sh**. He is on his third wife and his current wife is on her third husband.

Case Information Summary for Case Number



Ruby Parker


Carmen Parker




Filing Date: 1/21/1997




Division: Domestic Relations Division


District: First Municipal


Ad Damnum: $0.00


Calendar: 0Z

Activity Date: 7/2/1998

Participant: PARKER RUBY








Give me a break


Steve Bernas and Lisa Madigan Criticize Abusive, Illegal Debt ...

Anything that happens outside of the court from this day forward is just harassment

#67Author of original report

Tue, January 03, 2017

I have been sitting on this report for a year and a half. These people with so much power and money have sat on this report and waited to harass me, instead of taking me to court. They have motive to harass me and this report proves it.  


(either harris-meant or huh-rass-meant) n. the act of systematic and/or continued unwanted and annoying actions of one party or a group, including threats and demands. The purposes may vary, including posting a Ripoff Report, racial prejudice, personal malice, an attempt to force someone to quit a job or grant sexual favors, apply illegal pressure to collect a bill, or merely gain sadistic pleasure from making someone fearful or anxious. Such activities may be the basis for a lawsuit if due to discrimination based on race or sex, a violation on the statutory limitations on collection agencies, involve revenge by an ex-spouse.

My My My

#67Author of original report

Tue, January 03, 2017


Why Does IL Attorney General Lisa Madigan Refuse To Prosecute ...


Family-Owned Northwestern College Honored With Better Business ...

All bought and paid for by Owner/CEO Larry Schumacher

#67Author of original report

Mon, January 02, 2017


Family-Owned Northwestern College Honored With Better Business ...

 LauraPollastrini | - Northwestern College

Laura Pollastrini is licensed to practice law in the State of Illinois and worked as a private attorney in a Chicago law firm. Her practice primarily focused on local ...

 Northwestern College Announces 2016 Commencement Speaker: IL ...

 Northwestern College Leadership Confer with US Congressional ...

 US Congressman Dan Lipinski Celebrates Northwestern College's ...

Northwestern College Celebrates 110th Anniversary with Ribbon ...

Lawrence Schumacher - $23,500 in Political Contributions for 2012

Download all contribution records for this person
from 1999 to present
To a Spreadsheet or Other File Type

2016 Transaction Count/Amount


2014 Transaction Count/Amount


2012 Transaction Count/Amount


2010 Transaction Count/Amount


2008 Transaction Count/Amount


2006 Transaction Count/Amount


2004 Transaction Count/Amount


2002 Transaction Count/Amount


2000 Transaction Count/Amount


Download all contribution records for this person
from 1999 to present
To a Spreadsheet or Other File Type




Top of Form

Bottom of Form


Alumni Services continues after a student graduates from Northwestern College

#67Author of original report

Wed, December 21, 2016

Sexual Harassment in Education: Title IX states, “Recipients of federal funds must comply with rules and regulations issued to accomplish the objectives of Title IX.”

I am a graduate with a formal agreement with Northwestern College to use the lifetime career assistance program.

[PDF]2016-2017 College Catalog - Northwestern College


Alumni Services The services offered through the Office of Career Development & Alumni Services continues after a student graduates from Northwestern College. Alumni are offered lifetime career assistance and may visit and use the career resources of the office anytime during their career.



No. 96—1866

[June 22, 1998]

Justice O’Connor delivered the opinion of the Court.

The question in this case is when a school district may be held liable in damages in an implied right of action under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 86 Stat. 373, as amended, 20 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq. (Title IX), for the sexual harassment of a student by one of the district’s teachers. We conclude that damages may not be recovered in those circumstances unless an official of the school district who at a minimum has authority to institute corrective measures on the district’s behalf has actual notice of, and is deliberately indifferent to, the teacher’s misconduct.

The services offered through the Office of Career Development & Alumni Services continues after a student graduates from Northwestern College. Northwestern College had actual public notice of the continued sexual harassment in the form of surveillance by some people in my neighborhood. It is posted on Ripoff Report, Northwestern College, Bridgeview, IL.

I distinctly stated repeatedly in my Ripoff Report, Northwestern College, Bridgeview that I was placed under the surveillance and it was another form of continuing sexual harassment by Northwestern College.  It also proves that the officials of the school who at a minimum had the authority to institute corrective measures and the officials chose not to address the complaints.

I used Ripoff Report, Northwestern College, Bridgeview, IL as a form of public notice and public record. It proves that I gave the proper officials of Northwestern College, Bridgeview, IL actual knowledge of my grievance and they were deliberately indifferent to my complaints. Therefore, that gives me a claim for recovery for my tuition from Northwestern College.  


Subjective criteria is used in admissions decisions

#67Author of original report

Wed, December 07, 2016

2016-2017 College Catalog - Northwestern College


Northwestern College does not make admissions decisions solely on the basis of objective criteria. Subjective criteria, including applicants' on-campus interviews, personal statements/essays, life experience, work experience, personal character, overall suitability for our programs, and likelihood of success are all considered.

I was never denied admission to Northwestern College

#67Author of original report

Tue, December 06, 2016

2015-2016 College Catalog - Northwestern College



This catalog is applicable for one academic year beginning September 1, 2016. It contains Northwestern College regulations and information about the programs and courses offered. This is neither a contract, nor an offer of a contract. Fees, deadlines, academic requirements, courses, degree programs, and other matters described in this catalog may change without notice. Not all courses are offered each quarter and/or academic year. Faculty assignments may change. Courses and/or programs of study may be added and/or discontinued. Courses in all programs of study may be offered in both classroom and online formats. Northwestern College reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to waive any documentation normally required for admission. It also reserves the right to admit or deny a student admission whenever it believes there is sufficient evidence for that decision. For the most up-to-date version of this catalog, please visit our website at


3.67 GPA…………………………………………………………………TOTAL $30,986.24

These reports have been posted with my name on all of the reports and I have not been deemed guilty of slander.

#67Author of original report

Sun, December 04, 2016

740 ILCS 145/ Slander and Libel Act. - Illinois General Assembly


(740 ILCS 145/) Slander and Libel Act.

    (740 ILCS 145/0.01) (from Ch. 126, par. 0.01)
    Sec. 0.01. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Slander and Libel Act.
(Source: P.A. 86-1324.)


(740 ILCS 145/1) (from Ch. 126, par. 1)
    Sec. 1. That if any person shall falsely use, utter or publish words, which in their common acceptance, shall amount to charge any person with having been guilty of fornication or adultery, such words so spoken shall be deemed actionable, and he shall be deemed guilty of slander.
(Source: R.S. 1874, p. 992.)


    (740 ILCS 145/2) (from Ch. 126, par. 2)
    Sec. 2. It shall be deemed slander, and shall be actionable, to charge any person with swearing falsely, or with having sworn falsely, or for using uttering or publishing words of, to or concerning any person, which, in their common acceptation, amount to such charge, whether the words be spoken in conversation of, and concerning a judicial proceeding or not.
(Source: R.S. 1874, p. 992.)


    (740 ILCS 145/3) (from Ch. 126, par. 3)
    Sec. 3. In actions for slander or libel, an unproved allegation of the truth of the matter charged shall not be deemed proof of malice, unless the jury, on the whole case, find that such defense was made with malicious intent. And it shall be competent for the defendant to establish the truth of the matter charged by a preponderance of testimony.
(Source: R.S. 1874, p. 992.)


Perverts that teach in colleges | A topnotch site

Northwestern College, 4811 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL Northwestern College, 7725 S Harlem Ave, Bridgeview, IL Northwestern College, 1809 N Mill St, Ste ...


Joe Pecko, Northwestern College, Bridgeview IL | Cheater Report

Jun 21, 2016 - He hired a pervert by the name of Joe Pecko as the Director of Legal ... They have a lawyer on retainer for things of this nature and your lawyer ...

Frank Marcello of Dominican University | Cheater Report

May 29, 2016 - Frank Marcello of Dominican University does not believe in ... I have posted Frank Marcello and Dominican University on Ripoff Report. The title ...

Frank Marcello of Northwestern College - Illinois | Cheater Report

May 30, 2016 - Frank Marcello was the only daytime legal instructor. ... Carroll, President of Dominican University and Attorney and pervert, Frank Marcello.

Mike McNamara, Licensed for Life, Illinois | Cheater Report

May 29, 2016 - Mike McNamara from Licensed for Life and retired Deputy Chief of Police from Park Forest IL is posted on Ripoff Report, Northwestern College, ...

Surveillance because of this report is illegal!

#67Author of original report

Thu, August 04, 2016

Illinois General Assembly - Illinois Compiled Statutes

Illinois General Assembly


(720 ILCS 5/12-7.3) (from Ch. 38, par. 12-7.3)
Sec. 12-7.3. Stalking.
(a) A person commits stalking when he or she knowingly engages in a course of conduct directed at a specific person, and he or she knows or should know that this course of conduct would cause a reasonable person to:
(1) fear for his or her safety or the safety of a


third person; or


(2) suffer other emotional distress.
(a-3) A person commits stalking when he or she, knowingly and without lawful justification, on at least 2 separate occasions follows another person or places the person under surveillance or any combination thereof and: 7

Deceptive advertising

#67Author of original report

Sun, April 03, 2016

Family-Owned Northwestern College Honored With Better ...

Chicago Tribune

Feb 24, 2015 - "We are honored to once again receive the Better Business Bureau's Complaint Free Award, this time for the year 2014," commented Lawrence ...

Northwestern College - Better Business Bureau

Better Business Bureau

Rating: 3.7 - 1 reviewBBB's Business Review For Northwestern College that includes background information, ... Investigation Suggestion · Consumer Resource Guide · Free Consumer ... BBB Complaint Process | File a Complaint against Northwestern College ... Northwestern College has received 3.68 out of 5 stars based on 1 Customer ...


Ruby Doreen Parker

05/28/14 at 7:00 AM

Complaint ID#: 94501615
Business Name: Northwestern College

Thank you for contacting the BBB. Your case was received by the Bureau on May 17, 2014 and has been assigned case # 94501615 in our files.

Your case has been applied to the following business:
Northwestern College
7725 S Harlem Ave
Bridgeview, IL 60455-1318

The case has been reviewed by one of our Case Specialists and has now been forwarded to the business for their response. The business is allowed ten days to respond. If we do not receive a response from them after ten days, we will send them a second notification. You will be informed once a response has been received.

As this case progresses, you may also consider using BBB alternative dispute resolution services such as binding arbitration. For more details about arbitration, please visit:

We encourage you to use our ONLINE COMPLAINT system to keep up with the progress of this case. Please do not reply to this e-mail as this is a general e-mail address, please use the ONLINE COMPLAINT system. The URL (website address) below will take you directly to this case on our website:

If the above link does not work for you, please copy and paste this URL into your browser:


Sarah Riggins
Dispute Resolution Specialist


Ruby Doreen Parker

06/13/14 at 1:14 PM

Complaint ID#: 94501615
Business Name: Northwestern College

The BBB has received a response from the business in the above referenced complaint case. Please review their response to your original complaint and advise us of your position in the matter. The response may have already been mailed to you by the company. The details of the complaint (including the business' response) can be accessed by clicking. Please be sure to indicate whether the company's response is satisfactory or not within ten (10) days.

If you are not satisfied with the company's response and wish to provide additional information relevant to your complaint (such as a copy of your contract, invoice, receipt, work order, warranty, etc.) please submit it with your rebuttal by the aforementioned date. If the Bureau does not receive a response from you within ten (10) days, your complaint will close as Assumed Resolved.

Please do not reply to this e-mail as this is a general e-mail address, please use the ONLINE COMPLAINT system. If the above link does not work for you, please copy and paste this URL into your browser:


Sarah Riggins
Dispute Resolution Specialist

Contact Name and Title: Tony Sapata

Contact Phone: 708-2

Contact Email: ************

Ms. Parker is a graduate of Northwestern College's Paralegal Program. The College has various mechanisms in place to assist graduates in finding employment including a department of Career Services which is dedicated to this effort. It is my understanding Ms. Parker has not utilized the services of this department to assist with her job search. Of course there are many factors that contribute to a person's ability to secure employment including the overall economic climate, the candidates resume, experience, presentation and response to questions during the interview, etc. None-the-less, Northwestern College nor any other post-secondary institution guarantees employment after graduation.We invite and encourage Ms. Parker to reach out to our Department of Career Development for assistance with her job search


Ruby Doreen Parker

06/24/14 at 7:06 AM

Dear Ruby D Parker,

At BBB, we know the importance of great customer service. We see examples every day when communication fails between a business and their customers. We too want to make sure that we are providing the best possible service, and are asking for your feedback. We've prepared a brief five minute survey with questions regarding your experience in using BBB to resolve your recent complaint with Northwestern College. Please take a moment to share your experience with us so that we too can work on improving our services for you. The data collected in this survey will be of great value to improve our services. Rest assured that we will keep all responses confidential unless you specifically give us authorization to share. You can access the survey. If you are able, please fill out this short survey by July 4, 2014.

For any questions or concerns about this survey, please direct them to Steve Bernas at

Steve Bernas


Ruby Parker

07/13/15 at 7:05 AM

Business Name: Northwestern College

Thank you for contacting the BBB. Your case was received by the Bureau on July 10, 2015 and has been assigned case # 94560373 in our files.

Your case has been applied to the following business:
Northwestern College
7725 S Harlem Ave
Bridgeview, IL 60455-1318

The case has been reviewed by one of our Customer Relations Advocate and has now been forwarded to the business for their response. The business is allowed fourteen days to respond. If we do not receive a response from them after fourteen days, we will send them a second notification. You will be informed once a response has been received.

As this case progresses, you may also consider using BBB alternative dispute resolution services such as binding arbitration. For more details about arbitration, please visit:

We encourage you to use our ONLINE COMPLAINT system to keep up with the progress of this case. Please do not reply to this e-mail as this is a general e-mail address, please use the ONLINE COMPLAINT system. The URL (website address) below will take you directly to this case on our website:


Your BBB Customer Relations Advocate


Better Business Bureau (Do Not Reply To This Email Address) <>


Ruby Parker

08/10/15 at 6:14 PM

The case was received by the BBB on July 10, 2015 and has been assigned case # 94560373 in our files.

We are sorry we cannot assist you as the BBB cannot process cases in certain professional services disputes, such as those with accountants, architects, dentists, locksmiths, real estate agents, and veterinarians.

We suggest you contact the following agency which regulates that profession concerning your dispute.

Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulations
Complaint Intake Unit
100 W. Randolph St.
Suite 9-300
Chicago, IL 60601
(312) 814-4500

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.


Your BBB Customer Relations Advocate



Today at 6:08 AM

Ms. Salas,

I'm a Paralegal Major. So why am I being sent this message?

Ruby P


The case was received by the BBB on July 10, 2015 and has been assigned case # 94560373 in our files.

We are sorry we cannot assist you as the BBB cannot process cases in certain professional services disputes, such as those with accountants, architects, dentists, locksmiths, real estate agents, and veterinarians.

We suggest you contact the following agency which regulates that profession concerning your dispute.

Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulations
Complaint Intake Unit
100 W. Randolph St.
Suite 9-300
Chicago, IL 60601
(312) 814-4500

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.


Your BBB Customer Relations Advocate


BBB Customer Review Rating plus BBB Rating is not a guarantee of a business' reliability or performance, and BBB recommends that consumers consider a business' BBB Rating and Customer Review Rating in addition to all other available information about the business. If the BBB Rating is NR then only Customer Reviews are used for the Star Rating.

As a matter of policy, BBB does not endorse any product, service or business.

BBB Business Reviews are provided solely to assist you in exercising your own best judgment.

Information in this BBB Business Review is believed reliable but not guaranteed as to accuracy.

BBB Business Reviews generally cover a three-year reporting period. BBB Business Reviews are subject to change at any time.


Student Reviews

#67Author of original report

Wed, March 23, 2016

I would like to apologize for my sloppy title on the next attachment. I was in a rush to post it and I just did sloppy work. I know that Like should have been like and that do shouldn't have been due. Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy. Anyway, I also forgot to post this web-site in my rush.

Northwestern College - Chicago (StudentsReview ...

Student and alumni reviews of Northwestern College - Chicago, Chicago, IL at StudentsReview ™ -- Tuition, Application, Sports of Northwestern College - Chicago. See what current and former ... undergraduate degree 16 negative, 3 positive.

Northwestern Likes to hide in the shadows, so I decided to due some research for you

#67Author of original report

Wed, March 23, 2016

Northwestern College-Chicago Campus
4829 North Lipps Avenue, Chicago, IL 60630
(773) 777-4220 Private

Colleges in Chicago, IL - Search For Schools and Colleges

National Center for Education Statistics

National Center for Education Statistics · Institute of .... for-profit less-than-2-year. Cain's Barber College Inc 365 E 51st St, Chicago, IL 60615-3510 (773) 536- ...



Academic year prices for full-time, first-time undergraduate students





Tuition & fees




Books and supplies






Room and board




Other expenses




Off-campus with family


Other expenses




For-Profit Colleges Encourage Huge Student Debt - Forbes


Jul 12, 2015 - It turns out that many of the biggest beneficiaries of federal loan programs for graduate schools are low quality, for-profit universities that have figured out how to turn federal largesse into nice fat profits. A new study from the Center for American Progress finds that just 20 ...


HYPNorthwestern College Chicago: Review & Facts | American ...

Detailed information about Northwestern College Chicago: enrollment information, tuition costs, ... Quality: Education Quality Rating - Very Bad ... This school was originated in 1902 and is one of the 81 schools located in Chicago, Illinois.

Student Retention

37%The rate of student retention at Northwestern College Chicago is very low at 37% (way below Illinois average). Taking this statistic into consideration, apparently students do not seem to enjoy their stay at this school.

The graduation rate at Northwestern College Chicago is very low - 24%.

93%According to government data, 332 applications were submitted and 310 were accepted; so it is very easy to enroll at this school.


$30,986.24 $3.44 Pay Loans


1-01 $2,691.74 2.35% $0.00 04/23/2015



1-02 $5,021.76 2.35% $0.00 04/23/2015



1-03 $6,196.48 6.8% $0.82 04/23/2015



1-04 $2,936.95 6.8% $0.50 04/23/2015



1-05 $1,305.75 6.8% $0.21 04/23/2015



1-06 $1,977.94 6.8% $0.26 04/23/2015



1-07 $5,034.67 6.8% $0.86 04/23/2015



1-08 $5,820.95 6.8% $0.79 04/23/2015


TOTAL $30,986.24 $3.44


May 17, 2014,
I filed a complaint with BBB.
Better Business Bureau Complaint ID#: 94501615

Contact Name and Title: Tony Sapata

Contact Phone: 708-2

Contact Email: ************

Ms. Parker is a graduate of Northwestern College's Paralegal Program. The College has various mechanisms in place to assist graduates in finding employment including a department of Career Services which is dedicated to this effort. It is my understanding Ms. has not utilized the services of this department to assist with her job search. Of course there are many factors that contribute to a person's ability to secure employment including the overall economic climate, the candidates resume, experience, presentation and response to questions during the interview, etc. None-the-less, Northwestern College nor any other post-secondary institution guarantees employment after graduation.We invite and encourage Ms. to reach out to our Department of Career Development for assistance with her job search

One more picture

#67Author of original report

Sat, February 06, 2016

This is what I look like eight years after graduating from Northwestern College. I want to know why these people can't take this to court! They have my name. All they have to do is file a motion against me to have this report removed from the google search engine. They have sat on this report for seven months and my name has been on the top of this report since day one.


Picture of me eight years after graduation

#67Author of original report

Sat, February 06, 2016

These people in this report would like you to think that I was desprate when I was a student over eight years ago for a man and that I am desprate now for a man. So, I am posting my picture to show you what I look like. If I was half the loser that they want me to be, my a*s would have been to court about this matter by now.

Why I'm on Ripoff Report

#67Author of original report

Fri, December 18, 2015

The only reason that I have written this Ripoff Report was because I can't get any of these son of a b****** in court. We are talking about real powerful people here. If they do this s*** to me, then they will do it to you.

People go behind my back all the time to try to make money or brownie points with Larry Schumacher. My current boss just did it. Northwestern College has my SS#. The library just did it again on the 7th of November. Before that it was an old lady in my neighborhood. The list goes on an on. The people that got involved in this know who they are and so do I.  Phone records will prove that I'm telling the truth. I do keep very good records of this bull****.

I grew up really tough and I can read people very well. My current boss, had her fun and got in with Marcello and Schumacher, but it bit her in the a**. I went after her for it and posted her on Ripoff Report. Now I'm trying to free her from the grips  of Ripoff Report. The library people did it when I went to the libary on the 7th of November. I knew they would when I walked in there.

I let it go and was waiting to get word from Mr. Magedson. He never said a word about it to me. I played stupid just to see how he handles business. He disappointed me. Magedson is smart, but I noticed that he uses the mathmatical side of his brain.

He has kept the last posting of my ripoff report at Sept. 9, 2015. That is when I gave everyone the impression that I was a just a sweet domistic survivor . He seemed to like that weakness in me. I find that to be very intertaining.

Mr. Magedson, I can be every bit as smart as you you. You push people to lead and they like to follow me. I am leading just like you, none the less. I will not be with a man until I have a good income and that is all there is to it. I will never be in a situation where I am trapped again in my life. I will stay poor before that happens.

The people at Northwestern College are idiots. Most people wouldn't have subjected themselves to all this bull****. I can't let it go. I refuse to let these men with low self esteem step on me. If they want to try, then they will just have to knock my a** down, because I refuse to lay down for it.

Northwestern College Statistics

#67Author of original report

Tue, October 20, 2015

Northwestern College - Bridgeview - Statistics - Niche

Information about Northwestern ... Northwestern College - Bridgeview Statistics. Location Bridgeview, IL; ... IL 60455 (888) 205-2283


Admissions Statistics

Overall Admissions Statistics

Total Applicants:


Male Applicants:


Female Applicants:


Total Acceptances:


Male Acceptances:


Female Acceptances:


Acceptance Rate:


Yield: ?


The graduation rate at Northwestern College Chicago is very low - 24%.

I have been accused of trying to find a man while I was a student at Northwestern College because I was a single mother that didn't have a lot of money. These people have ruined my chances at a career and they have tried to make me look bad.

Common since would tell you that if I was man hunting, I would have went to a school that had a better male to female ratio. Yet, Northwestern College has a very high transfer rate of mostly female students. I'm telling you, these instructors are really trying to hook up with these pretty female students and they can make your life hell after graduation. I am living proof of that.

I have been accused of trying to find a man at my public library since I graduated over seven years ago, like the pickings there are so great.

I never had a facebook account where I could really go on a man hunt if that was my mission and the only picture that I ever had on the internet was the picture I took for my Rip Off Report, and it was a very modest picture of me.


This picture will prove that I wanted to leave Northwestern College also.

#67Author of original report

Thu, October 08, 2015

Northwestern College has a very high transfer rate. I wanted to post my transfer paper to show you that I wanted to leave like everyone else. The only reason that I stayed was because I thought I could avoid the trouble makers and just walk away from this school when I finished.

It has been over seven years that I graduated and between what a male employee at Northwestern College had to say behind my back after graduation and the unexplained time gap since graduation, I couldn't get a job as a paralegal to save my life.  Sure, I've been offered a interview since my rip off report, but it was a 'day late and a dollar short.'

If I was a consumer looking for a college, I really would pass on this 'for profit', store front college. It really is a joke. Except in the end you won't be laughing. Northwestern College will be laughing. All the way to the bank.


The Graduation rate at Northwestern College is very low 24%

#67Author of original report

Fri, September 25, 2015


Northwestern College Chicago: Review & Facts | American ...
Detailed information about Northwestern College Chicago: enrollment information, ... ReviewMajors / RatingsTuition / LoansFaculty / SalariesCampus Crime
Student Retention

The rate of student retention at Northwestern College Chicago is very low at 37% (way below Illinois average). Taking this statistic into consideration, apparently students do not seem to enjoy their stay at this school.

The graduation rate at Northwestern College Chicago is very low - 24%.


I have a picture of my transfer papers to leave Northwestern College but I can't seem to download the picture of it on this site for your review.


The date on the paper is Nov. 1, 2006.That was less then one year after I started classes at this sad excuse of a school. That proves that I wanted to join everyone else that was leaving Northwestern College. I would have taken about a $5,000.00 loss if I left. I see now that I should have just taken the loss.


another picture of the conditions

#67Author of original report

Fri, September 25, 2015

More pictures of what I put up with.

I'm posting more pictures of how I lived.

#67Author of original report

Fri, September 25, 2015

I want to show you how I lived to get this useless education.

This will never make it to court but the witch hunt continues. I need to prove a point.

#67Author of original report

Fri, September 25, 2015

In the my "Pursuit of Happiness" just like in the movie, I made all kinds of sacrifices to obtain my dream. I down sized on my quality of living and made do with what I had. Because I was a woman, I was called a desperate s**t.

 I made the mistake of enrolling at Northwestern College. I studied very hard. I graduated with a 3.67 GPA. All I got for my hard work an $45,000.00 was dealing with a lot of arrogant people that feel that they are the law. I was going to make adjustments to my Rip Off Report, but then it wouldn't have done justice to my legal research and internet research skills. There shouldn't be any excuse for the situation that I am and I have not been giving excuses. I have done nothing but point out cold hard facts.
This is a case that could have been resolved a long time ago in the court system but that wasn't and isn't needed  because these people are the law. I mean, I am willing to stand in front of a judge by myself and they still refuse to go to court.
I am posting pictures of the apartment that I lived in to show you the sacrifices that I made. I wanted that education this bad. I moved here just before I enrolled at Northwestern College and the rent was $500.00 a month for a 1200 sqaure apartment. I could afford to go to school by living like this. I lived here until two years after I graduated because I couldn't upgrade my quality of living because I was trying to find a job in the in the legal field and couldn't find one because of bad references being given by Joe Pecko an employee of Northwestern College.
I had my gas turned off for 10 months and used space heaters after I graduated, but I still kept trying to peruse my dream. I just wasn't giving up, just like the man in the movie. But again, someone will find an excuse to call me a s**t because I am a female and not a man and that's just how it goes.
 I was evicted because after five years and $30,000.00 later the landlady didn't make one repair. So, I withheld my rent and was trying to save $600.00 for first months rent, $600.00 for deposit and $600.00 for movers. I was living on about $785.00 child support $565.00 food stamps and $650.00 that was paid directly to CEDA for my gas and lights.
So, I had $785.00 a month to save each month to get out of this place. I found a job, but when I contacted Joe Pecko at Northwestern College for information within days of being hired, I lost that job. So, I was back to saving $785.00 a month. I could have asked my mom for the money but I don't ask anyone for anything. I was pissed and so was the landlady. It was a war.
I now live in a real cute apartment and I will be taking pictures of that too. I have nothing to hide and that is why I want to go to court.
This school claims to make professional dreams come true and I believed the false advertisements on the internet. Instead I have been called a s*** and given nothing but the run around by this school for well over seven years. A school that has a 24% graduation rate. At least that's what one of the college reviews web-site claims.  I will post my transfer papers also. I wanted to leave also but a lot of the credits aren't transferable.

Legal battles are for the courtroom and not Rip Off Report

#67Author of original report

Tue, September 22, 2015

For all the people that have been watching my report, I have been fighting my case as if I were on trial. In a civil case you only need to prove your case by 51% to win.  I would kick Northwestern Colleges *** in court at this point. 

I was mistaken for feeling that I was on trial here on  Rip Off Report. I am not on  trial. Trials are for the courtroom not here. I won't be posting anymore. I will let you know if I get served. I won't and I aready know that. So, if you are looking for a college to serve you future needs, unless you want to be put through what I have been put through stay away from Northwestern College and Frank Marcello because you should never gamble on your future.


Shumacher, you won't do **** to my face, you little sneak. Marcello and Pecko I'll never see you in court and I know that. Mike McNamara you would have nailed my a*s to the wall for posting this on Rip Off Report if you didn't have herpes and if your phone records proved that you didn't make that back stabbing call.


I don't think I ever gave the impression of being helpless on this site. Besides, I already did all the work on this case.  So, if anyone claims to be compassionate, I just don't buy it at this point, and that should be understandable.


I have the heart of an angel and I could give the devil a fight he wouldn't forget. My next post will be if I get served court papers.


Peace out world,



Ruby Parker

Who's IP address belongs to BZ?

#67Author of original report

Tue, September 22, 2015

I was paid cash after working here for a couple of days and then let go of this job after I contacted Joe Pecko

for inforamtion. Soon after that, I lost my apartment.

(trust, I can't give, what I don't have.)



Inspired by 'Legal Rebel,' Solo Opens Chicago Legal Café

\l "


ABA Journal

May 24, 2010 - Solo practitioner Mazie Harris was inspired to start her new business, the Chicago Legal Café, when she opened up the September issue of the ...





Inspired by ‘Legal Rebel,’ Solo Opens Chicago Legal Café

Posted May 24, 2010 10:30 am CDT

By Debra Cassens Weiss



Chicago Legal Café



Solo practitioner Mazie Harris was inspired to start her new business, the Chicago Legal Café, when she opened up the September issue of the ABA Journal.

An article about "legal rebels" who are remaking the profession featured Jeffrey Hughes, a California lawyer who had opened up a combination coffeehouse and storefront law office in Santa Monica.

"It kind of sparked my attention because I’m always trying to think outside the box" when it comes to the practice of law, Harris tells the ABA Journal. Hughes’ idea was appealing because he served the same clientele as she didthe working-class community. She also liked the idea of providing legal services in a relaxed environment.

"I’ve never seen myself practicing law in a high-rise, that whole kind of traditional approach to practicing law," she says. Harris favors gym shoes even when she wears a nice blouse or skirt, and wants her clients to feel just as comfortable.

In November, Harris was on a plane to meet with Hughes. She spent three days learning about his practice model and decided to bring the concept to Chicago. The Chicago Legal Café opened for business this spring in the city’s West Loop.

Customers can buy coffee or pastries, and if they have a legal problem, help is available. Harris’ law firm is housed in the café, in a loft area just above the coffee business. Harris handles real estate and civil litigation and has a network of about 15 other lawyers for cases ranging from criminal defense to personal injury to medical malpractice.

Would-be clients who venture into the loft go through an intake procedure and are matched with a lawyer who can handle their problem. The law firm earns the $75 fee the clients pay for a consultation with a lawyer, and it also receives a one-third referral fee. Harris makes sure all the lawyers in the network have malpractice insurance, requires monthly status reports on the cases, and checks in with the clients as well.

Each lawyer in the network comes to the café once a month for a four-hour stint, although an additional meeting may be scheduled when a new client needs a consultation. One lawyer comes in every Tuesday to draft wills. Copy and fax services are also available.

In a few weeks of operation, Harris’ new law firm has generated about 10 clients. The feedback, she says, has been positive. A lot of the new clients didn’t know where to find a lawyer and didn’t want to just pick one out of the phone book. They liked the relaxed atmosphere and the quick turnaround. They also liked the coffee.

Additional coverage:

Chicago Journal: "Coffee and compiled statutes"

WGN-TV: "Leshock: Coffee Shop-slash-Law Firm Opens In Chicago"

Home of Law Classmate Who Sued Judge, Alleging $500K Debt, Is Raided by Authorities

AMA Takes Page from ABA Playbook, Sues FTC Over Red Flags Rule


Filed under:

Law Firms | Law Practice Management | Careers | Solos/Small Firms | Business of Law


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We welcome your comments, but please adhere to our comment policy. Flag comment for moderator.


B. McLeod said:

I think the Legal Rebels project could be even more inspiring if the tour crew were to do a song or two on the next go-round. Linking their "songs of the day" to the coverage just doesn't provide the same muscial element that a few rousing group sing-alongs would. So, I'm thinking, wouldn't it be great to displace a couple minutes of the daily small talk between destinations with a group song? (Then, in addition to the logo T-shirts, they could sell collections of the Rebels Tour sing-alongs).

Posted: May 24, 2010 02:45 pm CDT
| Flag this comment for moderation

David Gotzh said:

I think a bar and some pub chips would be great. Waitresses on roller skates. And don't forget HDTV's for the Big Game.

Posted: May 24, 2010 03:18 pm CDT
| Flag this comment for moderation said:

This would work better as a bar. You're already supposed to be able to get advice from your bar tender, and people who are in trouble and need a lawyer would be better served by alcohol than coffee.

Posted: May 24, 2010 03:23 pm CDT
| Flag this comment for moderation

BZ said:

No one with any sense would put his or her life or fortune in the hands of a lawyer who makes a living selling booze, coffee or hot dogs.

Posted: May 28, 2010 02:31 pm CDT
| Flag this comment for moderation said:

BZ: I'd probably trust a lawyer more if he sold booze. Judge Roy Bean held court in a saloon. Definitely wouldn't want an attorney who sold coffee or hotdogs though.

Posted: May 28, 2010 02:34 pm CDT
| Flag this comment for moderation

classjustice said:

please, bz. that's like saying no one with any sense would put their haircut in the hands of Super Cuts. the fact is, the working class has legal problems, and 99% of these people can't foot the minimum 5k retainer at most small to mid size firms required to just get through the door. i think this is a great idea, particularly in light of the emergence of a "limited representation" era where attorneys are only assuming small chunks of larger litigation issues and legal problems. maybe no one with any sense who is silver spoon/privileged would do this, but for most people, it may be the best option they have.

Posted: May 28, 2010 05:45 pm CDT
| Flag this comment for moderation

BZ said:

Whenever I needed to hire a lawyer it seemed they charged more per hour than me but I paid it to get the representation I needed -- even if I couldn't afford it.

The bar, hot dog stand, or coffee shop providing legal advice is a cute marketing ploy but has to be the worst way possible to find a lawyer.

Since, as another series of comments around this site claim there are many lawyers out of work or unable to find work, there may be a big market for inexpensive lawyers who provide service to those who can't afford the big law firm.

Posted: May 28, 2010 05:50 pm CDT
| Flag this comment for moderation

aka Gregor Samsa said:

We're contemplating something similar in a Shalom Zone location to be set up next year on the westside of different Midwest city, not as a marketing ploy, but to provide neighborhood access to affordable legal services that are not provided by public defenders or legal aid. It's about providing neighborhood access to the law.

Posted: May 28, 2010 09:27 pm CDT
| Flag this comment for moderation

AndytheLawyer said:

#1 -- Presumably those songs would include David Bowie's "Rebel Rebel," the Shirelles' "He's a Rebel," Billy Idol's "Rebel Yell" and, of course, "Dixie."

Posted: May 30, 2010 02:31 pm CDT
| Flag this comment for moderation

Carolyn Elefant said:

I presume that referral fees are permissible in Chicago. I was once opposed to referral fees, but I think that allowing for referral fees can give lawyers a stream of income and spawn innovative ideas like this one.

Posted: Jun 03, 2010 12:23 pm CDT
| Flag this comment for moderation

Commenting is not available in this channel entry


Marcello and Pecko this is between me and you.

#67Author of original report

Tue, September 22, 2015

Dear Frank Marcello and Joe Pecko,


If there is one thing that I learned from my my mom and that I live by to this day, and it's, " don't run off at the mouth unless you have the a** to back it up." Take me to court and back up whatever your story is at this stage of the game. If you don't, than that is a really bad reflection on Donna Carroll and Larry Schumacher for sticking by your side. Are you going to just throw them under the bus? I bet you do!


Ruby Parker

Why didn't anyone respond to this letter? I am not a child I am an equal to all of you and I deserved a response to this letter and never recieved one.

#67Author of original report

Tue, September 22, 2015

Frank Marcello, Donna Carroll and Larry Schumacher the fight is still on!


----Forwarded message----
From: ***********
To: *************
Sent: Sun, Nov 9, 2014 6:38 PM CST
Subject: RE:

In Illinois law, all employers must take all reasonable steps to prevent future retaliation for a person speaking up on the matter harassment and protecting the employees or students and in my case, that means going to school to seek future employment and that EEOC also feels are obligated to be protected.

If I am fabricating such allegations then that would be a direct lie and is actionable in court as slander by the accused, whom are both lawyers that chose not to defend themselves against me in the past with a legal remedy. Why? If I'm a liar, then take me to court and prove it. It shouldn't be hard for them.

In my case, it would be defamation against the accused, because all my interactions with the harassers and executives enrolled was in fact in writing by e-mail for a period of more than a year. All they would have to do is prove defamation.

It wouldn't be unique for a person in my position to lie. A female that is unemployed in a bad economy. But, BBB is now involved. So, there is now an obligation on both sides to find a remedy to this long standing problem. There is no protection in place to prevent retaliation in the future. That is my fear. I will find work now. Will I keep it?

Am I conjuring up sexual harassment? Is there a chance of future retaliation? Is this just retaliation because of my inability to get employment in six years post graduation because of a bad economy, or substandard performance in applying for work? Such as resume, cover letters or interviewing skills? We are talking about six years that have past.

Is it unreasonable for me to believe that there will be no reasonable steps to prevent future retaliation, post employment from these men? After all, the accused are still considered innocent by the executives, when it comes to their actions, career and/or public-reputation.

School transcripts will prove that I graduated in 2008 with a 3.67 GPA, with Associates in an Applied Science Degree: Major, Paralegal. So, therefore it can not be underperformance or substandard performance reviews as far as my work goes. Because those are documented facts. You put the work in front of me, I do it very well.

Or are there negative reviews on my character over these past years, "She's a s**t." Is this one of the most common conspiracies used to cover up the sexual harassment by the defendants? That is a logical conclusion for me to come to in a case like this. What else could it be?

Even if I were a "s**t", (which I am not) it is still viewed as sexual harassment, if that gossip prevented me from employment for six years. I have all my e-mail as evidence. Showing that I wanted a legal remedy taken to prevent future retaliation and none was offered. I was not treated as an equal. It's pretty sad, if you see how hard I tried to be heard and the e-mail to the executives prove it.

In this case, I'm alleging, "this for that." The instructors were asking for sex and dates from me in order for me to gain employment after graduation. That is why I am in this situation. Not because I'm stupid or unprofessional.

It is now my burden to prove that the legal instructors, Joe Pecko and Frank Marcello first made unwanted sexual advances. Then prove that employment after graduation in my field of study was conditioned on acceptance of those sexual advances.

I will not prove that fact with what they did as evidence, but what they chose not to do. They both have chosen not to address this very serious matter in court. I requested this many, many times over a long period of time e-mail's to executives to prove it.

Out of fairness to the executives that the e-mail's are addressed to, I have to argue that it is common for people to allege that an employee of theirs made a concrete sexual advance, with a clear "or else" condition attached to it, when in fact they were just acting like jerks.

Why isn't it strange to the executives that these men would still run away from the matter? I have e-mail's proving I was writing a lot and that someone should have done something and nothing has changed.

From an evidence standpoint, my attached e-mail and all relevant documents will in fact tell the real story. The complete story.

I don't expect anything other than a false compassion from all parties involved at this point. But, I don't want compassion, as if I am a child or a person of a lower value. I never did. I am an equal to each and every one of the people involved because of the civil rights that I was born with as an American.

I want to be addressed and treated as an equal to prevent future retaliation. They should know that, with all of their education and power. It's time to address this issue properly, so that I do not worry about retaliation in the future, when I do gain employment.

It is not an unfair request.

I only trust Mr. Magedson right now!

#67Author of original report

Sun, September 20, 2015

 I only trust Mr. Magedson right now!




larry schmacher

Jun 4 at 10:56 AM 

Dear Mr. Schumacher,

I really want this job! I hope they call and at least give me an interview. If they do, I will send you an email telling you all about it.

Ruby Parker

--- On Thu, 6/4/15, Ruby Parker (((redacted))) wrote:

> From: Ruby Parker (((redacted)))
> Subject: RE: Legal Administrative Position
> To:
> Date: Thursday, June 4, 2015, 10:34 AM
> To Whom It May Concern:
> It is with continued interest and enthusiasm that I respond
> to your recruitment posting for the legal position and my
> resume is attached for your review and consideration.
> Although I am newcomer to the legal field, I have earned my
> Associates Degree in Paralegal Studies, graduating with a
> 3.6 GPA. I have more than three years of office experience
> providing administrative and clerical support to a real
> estate office of sixty-five agents. I am confident that I
> possess the expertise and dedication that will make an
> immediate and significant contribution to the efficiency and
> organization of your office.
> It has long been my dream to associate with the top
> professionals in the legal field. Where better to continue
> my professional development than within the 'Office of the
> Attorney General.'
> I am sure that you are looking for a legal support
> professional that is committed to the highest standards of
> performance and is self-directing and highly motivated. I
> assure you that I am that person. I will make myself
> available at your earliest convenience for an interview.
> Sincerely yours,
> Ruby Parker

Attorney Generals office contacts me, Thanks, but no thanks.

#67Author of original report

Fri, September 18, 2015

I have not applied for any legal positions since June of 2015, that was since I posted my Rip Off Report and just before I filed my BBB complaint against Northwestern College. I will not be applying for any legal positions in the future because I am now holding a 'peace protest' against Northwestern College's sexual discriminatory employment practices. For eight years I could not get employment in the legal field no matter how hard I tried.


It is September 17, 2015, I received a call that went into my voice mail. I listened to the message and it was from Lisa Madigan's office. They are offering me an interview for an Administrative/Clerk for the Civil Rights and Disability Rights Bureau at the Attorney Generals Office. I did not return the call. Well, I called and hung up right away as if I were a child. I don't know why I did that.


Thank you Ms. Madigan very much, but I will have to decline the offer for the interview at this time. I am sure you understand why I feel that this action that I am taking against Northwestern College and its affiliates that is posted on Rip Off Report is necessary. I feel that excepting the position in your office at this time, if the interview went well, would currently conflict with my own civil rights case. I have to win my case against Northwestern College and get my tuition returned first.


I will not be needing your services or your office to investigate this matter either. I sent you my complaint and stated that I did not want you to contact Northwestern College and that is still in effect. I sent that to you, so you would have Northwestern College on file in your office. Mr. Magedson and Rip Off Report is and has been serving my needs rather well.


Northwestern College, if you want to make a mends, then give me and my children eight years of our lives back or pay me for the years of employment that I had stolen from me. I write that statement with tears in my eyes from the rage that I feel against all of you. Take back all the pain that all of you have caused me and my family over the years. You even let me defend my honor as a female on top of everything else that I was put through. That's what they call, “ adding insult to injury.”


You people took something as basic as going outside away from me for a year. Ms. Carroll, I have the emails proving that you let me be afraid to go out because my honor as a woman was under attack by strangers or acquaintances and you did nothing to address that issue with me. I never once got any feed back from you.


You didn't even email me back. Ok, because of your evasiveness, you can deny that and say I'm paranoid. That is when I will call you out. Your lack of action taken on my behalf let me feel even more concerned. I'm thinking, “maybe her employee was having me watched and followed.” That's kind of sadistic of you.


Ms. Carroll, President of Dominican University wrote in one of her blogs about herself, “I was a good Catholic girl.” Ms. Carroll, were you even listening to the preacher on Sunday? Like when he talked about the golden rule, “do onto others as you would have them do onto you.” Maybe, Ms. Carroll just didn't see me as your equal, so that rule didn't apply? Is that it Ms. Carroll? We are not equals. I am a better person then you because I don't judge people like you do and I wouldn't have let someone ask repeatedly for help and not respond to them. You earn a lot of money and I am poor, but I am still a better person then you.


So, Ms. Carroll go ahead and pray for Jesus's help or ask for forgiveness and then ask for his help, or whatever you feel you need from him as a good Catholic. Don't forget something else that same preacher would have talked about when you were such a good Catholic girl, “ you reap what you sow.”


I would be a hypocrite if I said that I'm a perfect Christian, because Jesus also said, “ love thy enemies.” I couldn't honestly tell Jesus that I was sorry for being angry and resentful if I died tonight and was standing in front of him on 'my' judgment day. Maybe, that's what he really meant when he said that we needed his love to get into heaven. You need to think about that Ms. Carroll!



#67Author of original report

Wed, September 16, 2015




  • Submitted: Thu, July 02, 2015

  • Updated: Wed, September 09, 2015

  • Reported By: Ruby Parker — chicago Illinois USA

Northwestern College, Bridgeview IL

7725 S. Harlem Ave. Bridgeview Il, Illinois USA

  • Phone:

  • Web:

  • Category: Adult Career & Continuing Education



------------------------------On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 9:00 AM CDT Canfield, Cheri wrote:


>Dear Ms. Parker: >>Northwestern College has conducted an investigation into the allegations that you communicated to the College last month. This included the information provided by our telephone conversation as well as written communications, in particular your March 14, 2013 Final Account of Facts Statement. Our investigation did not reveal facts that would support a claim that you were treated improperly or unlawfully by Northwestern College or its personnel. We are therefore closing our investigation into this matter. >>Sincerely, >Cheri Canfield >>>>Cheri Canfield >Chief Human Resources Officer - Human Resources >Northwestern College >Central Administration Offices >9501 Technology Blvd. Suite 425 >Rosemont, IL 60018 >



Family-Owned Northwestern College Honored With Better ...

Feb 25, 2015 · From the community: Family-Owned Northwestern College Honored With Better Business Bureau’s 2014 Complaint Free Award!



Contact Name and Title: Tony Sapata

Contact Phone: 708-2

Contact Email: ************

Thanks Mr. Magedson

#67Author of original report

Wed, September 09, 2015

I posted a very good legal argument just below this post and before that legal arrangement I have posted evidence to fight my case. I know that by now a lot of people are reading this post to see what I will do next. I feel that I need to post this letter on Rip Off Report to state a few things.

 If you are capable of doing legal research, you can check my court cases and see that nine times out of ten I have won my arguments Pro Se in a lot of motions. Mr. Marcello once told me that the reason that I won my cases so often was because I was pretty and that's not true.

 I would be a liar if I stated that it hurt my cases by being pretty. The real reason that I would win so often is because I like judges very much and it shows when I talk to them. I see them as being very protective and they make me feel safe and I trust them. I don't see judges as mean at all even when they had to be strict on me.

I could always tell they felt bad when they had to be strict. They're just really, really powerful and protective. Judge Martin at the Markham Courthouse was one of my favorites. When I talk to them, I do only what they ask of me, “tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.” They ask me questions as a lawyer would do, and I answer them honestly.

As you read my Rip Off Report, I did put in the legal and internet research and fought my cases against these people very hard on my own, just like I would do in front of a judge. So, to say that I am asking Mr. Magedson to fight my case for me because I'm pretty would be a horrible injustice to me and my legal skills and for what Rip Off Report stands for. That is the ability for people to express their first amendment right to the freedom of speech without his interference. I did just what the instructions on Rip Off Report said to do, “tell the truth”

Logic would tell you that if I walked through this world using my charms and looks on men, then I wouldn't have been struggling to put myself through college for a better future. A college that advertises on the internet that they improve the quality of life for single mothers upon graduation.

Nobody goes into $30,000.00 in bad debt to find a man at school. Only a narcissistic person could come up with that reasoning. Larry Schumacher's argument that I enrolled in school to hook up with an instructor, again goes against his advertisement on the internet about improving single mothers quality of life if they work hard and investment in his product. It doesn't state that female students had to have a lot of money. If they had money, then they wouldn't need his stupid school. Mr. Schumacher is not very bright, but I'll give him credit, he will try to buy his way out of a mess.

Mr. Magedson has been helping me, when nobody else could give a d**n about what happened to me and my family. I am a mature adult that has a lot of bad student loan debt, for no other reason but because two legal instructors couldn't take no for an answer. I am on Rip Off Report because I will never earn enough to pay off this student loan. I asked Mr. Magedson for help and he has been helping me.

 It has been said that, “Magedson breaks kneecaps.” Marcello, Pecko, Ms. Carroll and Mr. Schumacher get me in front of a judge and let's see if he doesn't make you feel like your kneecaps have been broken.



Federal Law states that peaceful protests on Rip Off Report is a 'protected' activity

#67Author of original report

Mon, September 07, 2015


Courts do protect my right to inform consumers about Northwestern College on Rip Off Report for as long as Mr. Magedson feels it's necessary for me to use his services and I will continue my peaceful protest on Rip Off Report as I oppose the sexual discriminatory employment practices by Northwestern College and all of it's affiliates.

Northwestern College and their former employee’s Joe Pecko and Frank Marcello’s surveillance that they have had me under by the people in my neighborhood was and is a deliberate attempt to deter my 'protected' activity.

My public criticism on Rip Off Report against Northwestern College, President Larry Schumacher, Attorney at Law and former Legal Instructor Frank Marcello, Attorney at Law and former Legal Instructor and Director of Legal Studies, Joseph Pecko, Retired Deputy Chief of Police and Executive Director of Licensed for Life, Mike McNamara and President of Dominican University, Donna Carroll is a 'protected' activity and the surveillance that I have been put under constitutes as an 'adverse action' taken against me and it is unlawful.

In a state or in a federal court of law, a violation could be found against any and all of these people that I have listed on Rip Off Report, whether the violation took place in or out of Northwestern College. In order for me to prove unlawful retaliation, I have direct evidence with my recent post to Rip Off Report. These people would also have a motive to take this adverse action against me since my EEOC complaint in the form of surveillance for the soul purpose of collecting any negative reviews against me.

Even if Northwestern College produces recent evidence of a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason against my sexual discrimination charge, a violation could still be found against Northwestern College, Frank Marcello, Joe Pecko, Mike McNamara and Donna Carroll if this explanation is a pretext designed to hide their true retaliatory motive.

Northwestern College treated me differently from other graduates from Northwestern College since I graduated in June of 2008 and the emails that I have sent to each and everyone of these people over the years defending my sexuality, as if were a employment prerequisite proves that.

Northwestern College's current adverse action taken against me will not be believable because of the time it took them to address this in a court of law since my first complaints that I sent by email to Frank Marcello, Joe Pecko, Larry Schumacher and Donna Carroll. I can also show that Northwestern College and the people involved subjected me to heightened scrutiny over my sexuality after I engaged in the 'protected' activity with EEOC.

That is when my emails to them and my EEOC “letter of the right to sue' and Rip Off Report complaint in addition to their phone records will serve as direct evidence on my behalf. My emails to Mike McNamara also proved that I suffered emotional distress and depression because of all that I have been put through by Northwestern College and it's associates in this unlawful act of retaliation.

As for my opponents trying to state that it was incompetence on my part that prevented me from employment in the legal field for over seven years post graduation and using my typo's in my emails to them and on Rip Off Report against me, then I will produce my school transcripts proving that I earned a 3.67 GPA. I will also have direct evidence that I did not use Northwestern College's 'Career Placement Service' in fear of retaliation and then produce a prescription for glasses for the judge to review as evidence, proving that I do have a disability that I can not afford to remedy this problem at this time, even though I did buy over the counter Reading Glasses this summer, which help with the problem, but it was not a cure.

Beware of Frank Marcello and Northwestern College

#67Author of original report

Mon, August 31, 2015


For all the future students looking for an education, I think that you really need to know what to avoid when picking a college or an instructor to invest your hard work and money into.

So, today I am writing you a letter to tell you of some my experiences when I was a student at Northwestern College with Frank Marcello. The emails to Mike McNamara explain the stalking by Frank Marcello, Joe Pecko and Northwestern College. That continue in other forms as of this day.

On my first day of class at the Northwestern College, I met Legal Instructor, Frank Marcello. He was dressed to the nines and very arrogant as he walked into the class for the first time. I had just moved and I was so tired that I needed to hold my head up by propping it against my hand.

I am the type of person that hates arrogance in any form because that is the fastest way to become a victim. I know this because I have mastered using peoples arrogance against them, when I am back in to a corner. Sociopaths and Psychopaths depend on arrogance from people to catch their prey. Unless they're manic, then they'll just attack. Narcissistic people use their own arrogance and charm to catch their prey. Lot's and lot's of charm in the beginning.

I have met all three types of people in person. I really have. Sociopaths watch body language. Psychopaths could care a less about body language. It's like they don't have a central nervous system and they just seem to look through you, instead of at you. They really are creepy and you can't understand why. Narcissistic people lure the victim in with charm and then they trap you, just like a spider does to fly in it's web. They are very cruel to their victims over a long period of time.

  • Ted Bundy used his looks, education, charm and by sometimes using fake casts to seem harmless. He was a psychopath, meaning he was born evil.

  • Albert Fish used his old age to give the impression that he was just a harmless old grandfather type. He was a sociopath, meaning he was turned evil by his life experiences.

  • Frank Marcello, Professor of Dominican University uses his looks and power to manipulate the truth and to charm people. I call it, mirror refection bulls***. He will tell you whatever you want to hear to get his way. This man really has issues. If he didn't, he would have taken this to court by now, instead of having me stalked and watched by people in my neighborhood for well over two years.

    I am sure that if you ever questioned any soldier, he would agree with me about the dangers of being arrogant in the battle field. I hate arrogance in all forms.

So, what I do when I meet Frank Marcello for the first time? I said to the Dr. Marcello, “you're a lawyer aren't you?” I had to say that! He proudly stated that he was, while standing in front of a room of all female students.

Ok, now I'm fascinated and I'm going to watch him, as if he was a bug that I just captured in a jar. Spiders were always my favorite to capture and watch when I was a little girl. They don't seem to have a central nervous system like I noticed about a psychopath that I met.

At this point, I could care a less what he has to say, I'm watching body language at this point. My first thought was, “how in the hell does he have time to teach day classes at a college four days a week and still have time to practice law?” I thought to myself, “how successful of a lawyer could he be if he supplements his income by teaching during courtroom hours?” I also thought to myself, “Hm, that's strange,”. Ok, I'm only five minutes into this class and I'm intrigued by this proverbial spider in a jar.

Well, he decides to make complete eye contact with me for the rest of the class. I'm thinking, “he is very confidant with putting the make on me in front of all of the other students.” I thought to myself, “Oh, that's not good”,.

I get a little uncomfortable and start thinking, “what the hell does he know, that I don't know?” He asked me out to a five hundred dollar diner, right there in front of everyone. I'm thinking, “I look like crap, (because I was so tired from the move) so why the hell is this man asking me out?” Then my second thought is, “ how the hell does someone act at a five hundred dollar diner?” That didn't sound like any fun. My final thought was, “why isn't he afraid of being reported?”

I'm not so intrigued by him anymore. I'm more nervous at this point. It's like the spider escaped from the jar and could bite me now and the fun is now over for me. He stood in front of class and bragged about himself and his accomplishments as any true narcissistic person would do. Narcissistic people are less of a physical threat then sociopaths and psychopaths, but very cruel in other ways none the less.

I'm not impressed, I'm getting turned off at this point, just adding to my nervousness. Then he mentions Richard Speck and said that he met him. Richard Speck is the drunken low life that got sh** faced drunk and killed all those nurses. I got very excited. You see, I had just moved back to my hometown where I was raped. I was secretly afraid for my life, although everyone said I would be safe. In the end, they were right, I was safe.

Ok, this game of watching the show-off lawyer was defiantly over for me. He noticed my excitement and then started telling me that his dad and his brother could not get along. His dad was a cop and owned a jewelry store and his brother was a Coke-head. Dr. Frank Marcello looks me straight in the face and starts telling me about his personal pain on this subject and how his dad had a conversation with his brother that night in the jewelry store moments before his dad shot his own son point blank.

This was getting too weird for me. I was beyond uncomfortable at this point. I leave at the end of class and put in a transfer to evening classes to avoid this man. I got to class early to put my transfer paper on his desk soon after this incident and then sat down. He comes into the classroom a few minutes later and reads the paper and signs it and walks over to me and went to hand it to me, but he wouldn't let go of the paper. I snatched the paper from his hand, because he was just to weird to deal with at this point.

I had Marcello's class the next quarter. I thought maybe he got the message that I wasn't interested and that would be the end of the subject. Well, Marcello offer's to buy me a house at this time. I'm thinking, “this guy just doesn't give up.” I sat as quite as a Church Mouse. I mean, I wasn't even impressed by it. It was just too weird. Let's think about this, “if he buys me a house, then he's my landlord expecting benefits.” I thought to myself, “hell no, because if I don't put out, I'll have to get out.” In the mean time, I'm the one paying the note on the deed. That would be a nice set up for him.

I completely avoided him for a year and three months after that. I finally took two of his classes September of 2007, because he was the only day time legal instructor and I had to finish my internship at the courthouse about a mile away from the college. That's when he would make threats. He said, "you'll never get a job in the legal field." I never did get a good references from Joe Pecko, at Northwestern College and I never became a paralegal, but I do have the bad debt from it. Since my EEOC complaint in early 2013, there has been a lot of retaliation from all the people involved. Mostly by offering people to come forward against me for money.

They could have easily taken me to court a long time ago, but they didn't. I mean this stalking and other bullsh** has been going on for two and a half years in my neighborhood. That should be your first clue as a consumer to stay away from Northwestern College and Frank Marcello.

Ruby Parker

Thank God For Rip Off Report

#67Author of original report

Fri, August 28, 2015

Northwestern College Business Review in Bridgeview, IL ...


BBB Accredited Business since 08/01/1973

Northwestern College

7725 S Harlem Ave, Bridgeview, IL 60455-1318

Has an A with the BBB

On a scale of A+ to F

BBB Accreditation

A BBB Accredited Business since 08/01/1973

BBB has determined that Northwestern College meets BBB accreditation standards, which include a commitment to make a good faith effort to resolve any consumer complaints. BBB Accredited Businesses pay a fee for accreditation review/monitoring and for support of BBB services to the public.



BBB Customer Review Rating plus BBB Rating is not a guarantee of a business' reliability or performance, and BBB recommends that consumers consider a business' BBB Rating and Customer Review Rating in addition to all other available information about the business. If the BBB Rating is NR then only Customer Reviews are used for the Star Rating.

As a matter of policy, BBB does not endorse any product, service or business.

BBB Business Reviews are provided solely to assist you in exercising your own best judgment.

Information in this BBB Business Review is believed reliable but not guaranteed as to accuracy.

BBB Business Reviews generally cover a three-year reporting period. BBB Business Reviews are subject to change at any time.



Here we go again!

#67Author of original report

Wed, August 26, 2015

As you read my Rip Off Report, you will see that I complained of stalking. Well, I blew the hell out of that stupid plan after it got to the point that I just couldn't let Frank Marcello and Joe Pecko control me like that anymore. I'll have proof of that later if the time comes.

You see, I use the Wi-Fi or hot-spot off of my daughters phone and when she isn't home and I'm not working, I will walk six blocks to the public library and sit outside and use their Wi-Fi. Mostly to check my emails.  

I don't stay long maybe about 20 minutes. I'll send out my emails or check them and then just leave. Well, I was talking to an older lady the other day, I see her about four or five times a year. She's nice to talk too. Well, I feel that she could have been made an offer to come foward against me. Why not, everyone else has been, and I have the emails to prove it. 

Anyway, the library people don't like me much anymore because they got involved in this stupidity soon after I got my letter of the right to sue, by EEOC. I have the emails to prove that I complained about it to Mr. Schumacher. I'll prove that later too.

I also have the emails to Donna Carroll of Dominican University, stating that it all started at the library and that it was concern, with no response from her. The emails address my concerns just like the emails with Mike McNamara, Retired Deputy Chief of Police. Except, I never went off on Donna Carroll.

Anyway, I have kept very good records of dates and times of when calls would have been made from the staff at the library to either Joe Pecko, Frank Marcello or Larry Schumacher.  

Mr. Schumacher, you feel you can buy anyone. That's why you think that I am trying to be bought, that's your hang up and not mine. I'm not for sale and I never was, you might have bought your wife, after all you did give her a million dollar home and very nice job,  but I'm not for sale and I never will be. I can very easily take a picture with hair, makeup and full picture with my figure showing and I think that I proved that I'm not stupid by now. So, to say that I'm so desprate to look for a man at the library is completely stupid.

You're last purchase was BBB, and you can't deny it. Go ahead and buy these people or have Marcello or Pecko cut a deal with them, but it won't do any of you a d**n bit of good. Marcello and Pecko had since March of 2013 to come forward with anyone they felt could help their case. Why has it taken so long guys?

So, if you have something to say, say it now, and if you have people that can back up your story then let's talk about it right now on Rip Off Report. I will not be watched and talked about behind my back and I refuse to look over my shoulder anymore. 

Fixing my last up date report

#67Author of original report

Sat, August 15, 2015

My last update was a really good one, but my Source wouldn't take me to the web-site. I don't want to have anything I'm stating to seem made up. The other one will take you to the web-site, but only if you copy and paste the title. I'm sorry.


Family-Owned Northwestern College Honored With Better ...

Feb 25, 2015 · From the community: Family-Owned Northwestern College Honored With Better Business Bureau’s 2014 Complaint Free Award!

Have it in writing!

#67Author of original report

Sat, August 15, 2015

(I have done everything in this case by email, starting with the investigation in Feb, 2013.)
(I learned years ago not to trust
ANYONE in this case and I can prove that in writing.)
(Northwestern College, uses power players word of mouth, yet nobody will send me anything in writing, NOBODY)

Family-Owned Northwestern College Honored With Better Business Bureau’s 2014 Complaint Free Award!

This is another lie, I filed my complaint in May 2014

We are honored to once again receive the Better Business Bureau’s Complaint Free Award, this time for the year 2014,” commented Lawrence Schumacher, President. “For over 113 years Northwestern College has strives to prepare and empower our diverse student body to pursue their professional and educational goals. Today’s Better Business Bureau Complaint Free Award for 2014 is a remarkable testament to the ongoing and consistent commitment we have to our students.”

Written by Laura Pollastrini: Currently, Pollastrini is utilizing her legal, legislative and public relations skills to advocate on behalf of Northwestern College with local, state and federal officials as well as stakeholders in government agencies and the media.

Laura Pollastrini's Experience:Prior to obtaining her law degree, Pollastrini spent a decade handling media and public relations for the DuPage County State’s Attorney’s Office.

Correspondence between Laura Pollastrini and myself since 2013: None


BBB-Northwestern College-Ruby Parker (original complaint to BBB)

Northwestern College didn't respond to my BBB complaint

BBB sends second notice (Northwestern College didn't respond)

Better Business Bureau can be bought off! Now you can see it with your own eyes! (stupid response from the BBB)

BBB Responds to my complaint against Northwestern College. This is unreal! (I email BBB to try to find out what is going on. No response.)


#67Author of original report

Tue, August 11, 2015

Donna M. Carroll - The Chicago Network


Our Purpose:


  • Foster meaningful connections among Chicago women business leaders

  • Encourage dialogue on the advancement of women in the workplace

  • Exchange ideas and information on women’s leadership

  • Cultivate the next generation of women leaders




When I first started my Rip Off Report, Frank Marcello chose to counteract by creating illusions of being fantastic, extraordinary, pleasing and noteworthy. That was posted on the internet for everyone to see. To me, he came across as being very narcissistic.

Ms. Carroll, you knew d**n well what has been going on between me, Northwestern College and Frank Marcello for over two years, and I have the emails to prove it. You have done nothing to address the issue. You have denied that this problem exists between me, your employee and Northwestern College and you have been reluctant to deal openly about the nature and extent of this problem.


Proving to me that you are just a self-rigthious hypercrite, just like all the priests that molested those children and the people in power that covered it up.



 I AM NOT A s**t!!!!


What, if Marcello gets enough votes on the internet, then he's not a pig? 

BBB Responds to my complaint against Northwestern College. This is unreal!

#67Author of original report

Tue, August 11, 2015


Today at 6:08 AM

Better Business Bureau can be bought off! Now you can see it with your own eyes!

#67Author of original report

Tue, August 11, 2015

The Better Business Bureau comes in with a lame a** excuse why they can't help me with my complaint when they said they resolved my complaint in the past. I went to school to become a paralegal. I don't know what the hell Schumacher is trying to pull?  

Better Business Bureau (Do Not Reply To This Email Address) The case was received by the BBB on July 10, 2015 and has been assigned case # 94560373 in our files. We are sorry we cannot assist you as the BBB cannot process cases in certain professional services



Ruby P

Aug 10 at 6:14 PM

The case was received by the BBB on July 10, 2015 and has been assigned case # 94560373 in our files.

We are sorry we cannot assist you as the BBB cannot process cases in certain professional services disputes, such as those with accountants, architects, dentists, locksmiths, real estate agents, and veterinarians.

We suggest you contact the following agency which regulates that profession concerning your dispute.

Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulations
Complaint Intake Unit
100 W. Randolph St.
Suite 9-300
Chicago, IL 60601
(312) 814-4500

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.


Your BBB Customer Relations Advocate

Marcello, Pecko, Donna Carroll, Larry Schumacher, Mike McNamara rebut any of what I have stated! You people did this to me for over two years!

#67Author of original report

Sat, August 08, 2015

These excutives and lawyers did all of this to me!

Outrage management in cases of sexual harassment as revealed in judicial decisions


The outrage management model applied to sexual harassment

Gene Sharp, a central figure in research on nonviolent action, observed that when peaceful protesters are brutally assaulted, this action sometimes generates much greater support for the protesters from third parties. He called this process "political jiu-jitsu" in analogy with jiu-jitsu, a system of unarmed combat in which an opponent's energy is used against them (Sharp, 1973, p. 657). Martin (2007) observed that in many assaults the jiu-jitsu effect does not occur and, to explain this anomaly, analysed methods used by attackers to minimise adverse public reaction to their actions.

Examining a wide range of cases, he found that when powerful individuals or groups behave in a way that others might potentially perceive as unjust,

they are likely to use one or more of the following five types of tactics to dampen public outrage:

(a) cover up the action;

(b) devalue the target;

  1. reinterpret the events by lying, minimising, framing or blaming;

    (d) use official channels to give an appearance of justice; and

    (e) intimidate or bribe people involved. When these methods fail, the action may be counterproductive for the perpetrators; in other words, it backfires.



#67Author of original report

Sat, August 08, 2015

Capitalism does not permit an even flow of economic resources. With this system, a small privileged few are rich beyond conscience, and almost all others are doomed to be poor at some level. That's the way the system works. And since we know that the system will not change the rules, we are going to have to change the system. Martin Luther King, Jr.



Larry Schumacher
President, CEO
Northwestern College
9700 W. Higgins Road
Suite 750
Rosemont, Illinois 60018

Frank Marcello
Former Instructor and Northwestern College
Adjunct Faculty
Communication Arts and Sciences
7900 West Division Street
River Forest, IL 60305

Joseph Pecko
Former Director of Legal Studies 7725 South Harlem Ave.
Bridgeview, IL 60455

Donna M. Carroll
Dominican University
7900 West Division Street
River Forest, IL 60305

Mike McNamara
Executive Director



Chery Baczek
Executive Director


Hope G. Nightingale
Attorney for Northwestern
303 W. Madison
Chicago, IL
Suite 300

Amy Buoscio
Career Development and Alumni Relations Coordinator - Career Development & Alumni Relations Northwestern College Bridgeview Campus 7725 South Harlem Avenue Bridgeview, IL 60455


Margie Bennecke
Director of Human
Resources - Human Resources
Northwestern College
Central Administration Offices
9501 Technology Blvd. Suite 425
Rosemont, IL 60018
847-233-7700 Ext. 2139


June 2008, I graduated from Northwestern Business College with an Associate in Applied Science Degree, Major: Paralegal with a 3.67 GPA. From the campus located at 7725 South Harlem Ave, Bridgeview, IL 60455

The Applied Science Degree that I paid for has not performed at all for its intended purpose, and that is to improve the quality of my life, even when taking into consideration the recession. I now have $30,986.24 grand total pending payments in federal loans with Sallie Mae. That hang over my head.

Northwestern College employed Instructor and Attorney at Law, Frank Marcello and his supervisor Program Director, Attorney at Law, Joseph Pecko.

I was harassed by Mr. Marcello and when I complained to Mr. Pecko he did not even look into the matter. That is the real reason that I can not find employment in my field of study.

When I brought it to the attention of the President of Northwestern College, years later he did nothing to rectify the situation. On April 5, 2013 he found no fault with his personnel’s professional behavior. On April 10, 2013, EEOC did find fault with his employees’ behavior and gave me the right to sue because of it.

It has been my experience in dealing with Northwestern College, that reality will always be very different from my expectations, even when trying to stay nice and be positive.

I have made a lot of enemies because of my refusal to let this go and to submit to defeat. Even being offered the employment assistance by Northwestern College, I worry about retaliation in the future because of past experience, as the statements in my emails will show. Then, I would be back to square one again.



Ruby Parker

Where the hell did Northwestern College go?

#67Author of original report

Sat, August 08, 2015

Ruby Parker Dear Ms. Salas, I am concerned that Northwestern College, Bridgeveiw Campus has not responded to my complaint. Case # 94560373. Could you please email me and let me know what is going on with the case



Today at 8:07 PM

Dear Ms. Salas,

I am concerned that Northwestern College, Bridgeveiw Campus has not responded to my complaint. Case # 94560373.

Could you please email me and let me know what is going on with the case?

Thank you,

Ruby Parker


On Wednesday, August 5, 2015 10:27 AM, Isabel Salas <> wrote:

Thank you for contacting your BBB serving Chicago and Northern Illinois.
We received the complaint on 07-1015 and was sent to the business, the business had 14 days to reply to your complaint. On 07-27-15 was the business’ dead line but we have not received a response yet. On 07-28-15 we sent the business a second notice. They will have 10 days to reply to this complaint.
Please feel free to contact us should you have additional concerns.
Best Regards,

BBB serving Chicago & Northern Illinois Inc.
330 North Wabash Avenue, Suite 3120
Chicago, IL 60611


Frank Marcello of Dominican University

#67Author of original report

Thu, July 30, 2015

(That's scary)

Frank Marcello at Dominican University - RateMyProfessors ...


Frank Marcello at Dominican University (Dominican) | Uloop


Frank Marcello's Photos, Phone, Email, Address - Spokeo


Frank Marcello - Dominican University |


Frank F. Marcello (born August 11, 1961), American ...


Faculty - Vitae


First - Vitae


Frank Marcello | LinkedIn


A Stich In Time Saves Nine!

#67Author of original report

Wed, July 29, 2015


Today at 9:15 AM


#67Author of original report

Tue, July 28, 2015

I will check the progress every day.  


Ruby Parker


Isabel Salas


Good morning,


Thank you for contacting your BBB serving Chicago and Northern Illinois. We received your complaint on 7-10-15 and was sent to the business. Since they have not responded we have sent th


Ruby Parker


Info Account

Today at 8:55 AM


Good morning,


Thank you for contacting your BBB serving Chicago and Northern Illinois.


We received your complaint on 7-10-15 and was sent to the business. Since they have not responded we have sent them a second noticed, they will have 10 days to reply back to us.


Please do not hesitate to contact us directly at 312-832-0500 should you have any questions.



Best Regards,

BBB serving Chicago & Northern Illinois Inc.
330 North Wabash Avenue, Suite 3120
Chicago, IL 60611
PH:  312.832.0500
F: 312.595.9760
 | Start With Trust®

BBB CASE#: 94560373

*** We are waiting for the business to respond. They have until August 07, 2015 to respond to this complaint.

If you have more information regarding this complaint or if you are satisfied with the business' response to this complaint, please click here. ***

Ruby Parker    (More)


Second Notification     (More)






Second Notification 



Inform AB of Case 



Send Acknowledgement to Consumer 



Accredited Business Case Reviewed by BBB 



Case Received by BBB 




They are stating on the internet that all BBB complaints are resolved. That's a lie. I don't have a job,...     (More) They are stating on the internet that all BBB complaints are resolved. That's a lie. I don't have a job, even after a year of trying to stay positive and being nice to these people and using this stupid service. I have had only three job interviews and two of them was with the same law firm. That was since I started using this service a year ago. The job was paying $12.00 an hour. I had one more offer of $9.00 dollars an hour and I earn more than that now. Those were my only three interviews in the past year. I owe $178.00 a month in student loans and I owe $30,000.00 to Sallie Mae.

I have copied and pasted the email exchanges with the "Career Placement Service" for your review. She couldn't get anything right. She even sent my resume back to me with typo's, when there wasn't any typo's on it when I sent it to her. She couldn't even get something as simple as my email address correct. I still tried to stay positive and nice about everything.

From: Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 6:05 PM To: Buoscio, Amy Subject: Re: Hi Amy,
My email is I use a Nook tablet so I am very limited with Microsoft Word. I noticed that references is messed up on the resume. If I try to fix it on what I have available, which is Quick Office, it will mess everything on the resume up. I will register on the websites tonight. So, what should we do about the externship that I did? Leave it off? It's a good reference but I really didn't do much. Have a nice weekend. Thank you *****
From:"Buoscio, Amy" Date:Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 3:55 pm Subject:Your job search Ruby: Please let me know which email you prefer us to forward job leads. Your resume indicates Let me know if this is the email you prefer. Thanks, Amy Buoscio
From:"Ruby" Date:Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 6:30 pm Subject:Re: Your job search Dear Ms Buoscio,
We went over this already. I have copied and pasted that message that I sent you on June 20th.
Friday, June 20, 2014 6:05 PM To: Buoscio, Amy Subject: Re: Hi Amy, My email is ******oreen@ I use a Nook tablet so I am very limited with > Microsoft Word. I noticed that references is messed up on the > resume. If I try to fix it on what I have available, which is > Quick Office, it will mess everything on the resume up. I will > register on the websites tonight. So, what should we do about > the externship that I did? Leave it off? It's a good reference but I really didn't do much. Have a nice weekend. Thank you *****
From:"Ruby" To: Buoscio, Amy Date:Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 10:11 pm Subject:Fw: Re: Your job search Amy, I saved the last attachment that you sent me back and just started downloading it everywhere like that form said because you sent it to me as Word and I wanted to keep it as Word. I thought you understood that it needed to be changed on the resume when I said my email address is ****** when you were making corrections because I explained I couldnt make corections with Quick Office. I will to go to the library and fix that with their Word and then save it to their desktop and download it on all the sights again and then make new drafts with it attached. I can't do it with my Nook. Please send all job leads to also.


Service Issues 



I want my money back...     (More) I want my money back     (Less)


Optional: You may download a copy of this complaint so you can print it for your records
Once you have submitted your response, you can download a copy of this complaint including your reponse by clicking the link above.


Northwestern College didn't respond to my BBB complaint

#67Author of original report

Mon, July 27, 2015




But when a bipartisan group of 118 Members of Congress urge the Education Department to re-evaluate ‘gainful employment’; when Members of the Congressional Black Caucus and Congressional Hispanic Caucus express concern over how the regulation would affect minorities; and when the department’s own inspector general opens a probe into whether Wall Street short-sellers were given undue access and influence, you know it’s time to take a step back and start over,” said Lawrence Schumacher, president of Northwestern College.

Tragically, we have now reached a point in this process where real people with real desires to obtain college degrees will be effectively shut out of opportunities to gain the specialty training and skills necessary for an ever-competitive job market,” added Schumacher. “Instead of publishing this harmful, misguided rule, the ‘reset’ button needs to be hit, before real damage is done.”



$30,986.24 $3.44 Pay Loans


1-01 $2,691.74 2.35% $0.00 04/23/2015



1-02 $5,021.76 2.35% $0.00 04/23/2015



1-03 $6,196.48 6.8% $0.82 04/23/2015



1-04 $2,936.95 6.8% $0.50 04/23/2015



1-05 $1,305.75 6.8% $0.21 04/23/2015



1-06 $1,977.94 6.8% $0.26 04/23/2015



1-07 $5,034.67 6.8% $0.86 04/23/2015



1-08 $5,820.95 6.8% $0.79 04/23/2015


TOTAL $30,986.24 $3.44

May 17, 2014, I filed a complaint with BBB.
Better Business Bureau Complaint ID#:


Contact Name and Title: Tony Sapata

Contact Phone: 708-2

Contact Email: ************

Ms. Parker is a graduate of Northwestern College's Paralegal Program. The College has various mechanisms in place to assist graduates in finding employment including a department of Career Services which is dedicated to this effort. It is my understanding Ms. has not utilized the services of this department to assist with her job search. Of course there are many factors that contribute to a person's ability to secure employment including the overall economic climate, the candidates resume, experience, presentation and response to questions during the interview, etc.
None-the-less, Northwestern College nor any other post-secondary institution guarantees employment after graduation.We invite and encourage Ms. to reach out to our Department of Career Development for assistance with her job search.

Today is July 27, 2015 and nobody answered my complaint yet. I'm going to email the Better Business Bureau tonight.

BBB CASE#: 94560373

*** We are waiting for the business to respond. They have until July 27, 2015 to respond to this complaint.

If you have more information regarding this complaint or if you are satisfied with the business' response to this complaint, please click here. ***

Complaint filed by:

Complaint filed against:


Case Description:

BBB Designated Category:

Case opened date:

Case closed date:

Desired Resolution:


Optional: You may download a copy of this complaint so you can print it for your records
Once you have submitted your response

Frank Marcello of Dominican University

#67Author of original report

Thu, July 23, 2015

Frank Marcello has been plastering his face all over the internet, as if to say, "look at me, I'm so great." Well, I took my picture this morning. There Marcello, we can both be superficial jerks.

Thank you

#67Author of original report

Wed, July 22, 2015

I have been looking on the internet at the people that are involved in my complaint. They are all putting up a lot of stuff on the internet, as if it will push back my complaint. These people have so much power but they choose not to rebut what I have stated. I'm not afraid if they did. I even signed my name because I didn't do anything to be ashamed of. Mr. Magedson, thank you so much for giving me a voice. You reminded me of how I felt when I was protected by the men in my neighborhood when I was growing up. Tonight, I am so, so happy. It has been a long time since I felt like this. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Ruby Parker

Welcoming Rebuttals

#67Author of original report

Fri, July 17, 2015

I understand that the issues with Northwestern College and myself can be resolved with the assistance of the Corporate Advocacy Program on Ripoff Report.

If Northwestern College does want to take advantage of the Corporate Advocacy Program, I want to go on record stating that I am only willing to except a full refund of my tuition.

If Northwestern College is not interested in my offer, they can take advantage of their First Amendment Rights and file a rebuttal against any and/or all of my complaints.


Ruby Parker

Donna Carroll, judge and jury in employment rights.

#67Author of original report

Wed, July 15, 2015

I have sent hundreds of emails in the past two years to the people invlolved in this flesh-market at Northwestern College. I want to send a shout-out to Donna Carroll, President of Dominican University. I can't leave her out of this party. That wouldn't be fair.

Ms. Carroll, you let me send you over 87 emails in defense of my sexuality in the past year as if it were an employment prerequisite. Not good, princess. Oh wait, putting a label on someone isn't politically, ethically or legally correct when it comes to employment. Is it? You let me explain to you over and over again, that I wasn't a sl**. Because I believed that I needed to defend my honor to you. I have the emails to prove it. Yeah, you're a money-cow to the right person alright. Nervous? I bet you are.


Ruby Parker


#67Author of original report

Wed, July 15, 2015



Jun 14


Dear Mr. Schumacher,

It's Sunday morning and I felt like talking to someone. Sometimes when I think about the games that Pecko, Marcello and Polk played, I get mad. Not at you, because you would have never allowed them to do the stuff that they were doing. I see that now.

I wish that I would have told you what they were doing when I was a student,
but they had me intimidated  to the point that I thought that you would have
never believed me becuase I was so out numbered, at least that's what they told
me. You can see that I really did try to avoid them when I was a student and
now you know why.  I think how they placed such a stereo type on me. That couldn't be further from the truth of who I am. I raised two wonderful 'people' all by myself. I didn't have any room in my home for a man and his stupid option about how children should be raised. I was so content being a single mother and being the queen of my castle.

It was like I was living in a house of muppets when they were growing up and I liked it. They were so innocent, sweet and loveable. I can still remember the sounds of laugher in my home. I remember how on laundry day, I would have to check behind the couch cushions for dirty socks because they just didn't want to walk upstairs to put them in the dirty clothes when they were watching TV and how I would look for pop cycle sticks under the couch and loveseat on Saturday's when I cleaned house because they didn't want to get up and put them in the garbage.       

I remember how they didn't like to come in to eat  because they were having so much fun playing outside with their friends. I remember how they would go upstairs to the bathroom in pairs to protect each other for the monsters. 
I remember how my son got stuck up in an old Oak tree, three stories high
in the preachers backyard and how I sent his sister up there to talk him down.
I remember one Christmas they had this great ideal to drink coffee, so that they could stay up and catch Santa. So, I made them a pot of coffee and giggled when they were coaching each other on how to hold their noses to drink that bitter stuff.       

I liked the inocents of it all. I felt that a man would make an issue of my childern, just being childern. There was laughter, love, kindness and innocent's and my home was a safe place for all three of us. What I am trying to say is, I didn't need to own my own house to have a home. I was so loved when I was raising them, I really was. I never felt that I was missing anything by not having some man come in our home and pay our bills, boss my childern around and make me feel like a woman with his love.

I felt complete and I was content with the way we had things set up.        Marcello would talk about how he was strict on Julie Polk's son, Michael. I remember how he said her son hated him. I rememeber how he yelled at her in public and she just stood there and let him humiliate her. I couldn't understand why she picked himover her son. Her son's love was the real love, yet she needed Marcello's love and approval.

That's really sad how some people put value on being a person. They think it's so importantto be seen by other people instead of looking in the mirror and liking who they see.

Mr. Schumacher, I was/am five feet two inches tall, I weight 100 pounds and my measurements are 32, 26, 33. I have bright green eyes, fair skin and freckles. I worked out real hard andI lived a very healthy life style. I had more trouble fighting jerks like Marcello and Pecko off then getting men like them.

They say, 'nothing in life is free.' Guys not only give sex away for free, sometimes they try to push it off on women. That's the truth. I have had plenty of battles with jerks like them since I became a single mom.       

If Marcello would have mistreated my kids, all hell would have broke loose. Chances are I would have gotten real violant on his a*s and then went to jail. If I had to pick something up to fight, I would have. When it comes to my kids, I would fight the devil for them. I have no fear when it came to defending my kids, none!! There is no way in hell, I would have picked a man over my kids.


My kids went to their dad's every other weekend and that's when I would be a 'woman' if I felt like it, but I never went to bars and stuff to pick up men. I'm not a drinker, I don't like bars, I don't like drunks and it's just plain tacky!! I never had men come around my home when my kids where home. That's were McNamara comes into the picture.       

Mike was my stud for over a year. That's true and I don't make any appologizes for it. He was a decent man that respected me and had my back and understood that I was only interested in raising my kids. There is something to say about a man that wins seven gold medals in Karata. But he felt the same way about me and my looks and it was all good.       

He knew that it was important for me to raise my kids in a good, clean moral Christian home. That's one of the things he respected so much about me. Mr. Schumacher, he can say whatever he wants now, but there was a time that he would have faught any man for
my honor and that includes the men that worked under him at the police station and the police chief stepped back and let him.


I'm a good Christian woman, I raised two childern by myself for 16 years, I am far from ugly and I am as tough as I have to be when backed in a corner. But to say that I have been vainly searching for a man to love me, take care of me or give me nice things in life to no avail is stupid. My self esteem doesn't come from having sex with a man. I don't think after all this time of being single that I could do the 50/50 give and take in a marriage.

I am just too stuburn and independent after holding my own for 18 years. 
I haven't been with a man sexually since 2006 because they just seem to repulse me now.

Honestly, I just want a career, and then maybe find some old fart that has some equity, you know like a nice Social Secrurity check and a house that's paid off and he's ready to die in a year. He doesn't have to be rich, just have a nice little nest egg.Trust me, he's not over at the library and I wasn't looking for a man at the library. I haven't even been looking for this dream man, because I've been too busy trying to get my career started. 
Everyone is so interested in how I think and why I feel the way I feel. Well, there you go, that's
how I feel about men.


A recap: Men bug me for the most part. I have a lot of self respect. I want a career and it bugs the hell  out of me that this is a mans world. I am pig headed,  pretty and a good Christian. I have $30,000.00 in student loans and I am hell bent on getting my career going

If I ever do get married, I will treat my husband like a God, but I expect him to die ofold age in a year. Then after he dies and leaves me his goodies, then I will continue to workat my career hold firmly on my independence, then find another stud. He doesn't have to love me,  just respect me and he want to travel around the world. (first stop, Vietnam)       

Trust me, Marcello and Pecko are not my type of men. I avoided them because I didn't like them.They are both so phony and mean by nature and I just wasn't going to ruin my chances of a career by mixing business with personal stuff.

                                       PROVING A POINT


To Lschumacher

Jun 15


McNamara's title proves that he bought a house with Desiree Tunstall in 2001. She earns $70,000.00 a year. Her live in boyfriend has contracted 2009 and she stayed with him. Do I have the right to contact her employer and give out that kind of information? THE ANSWER IS 

Did I try having sex with Mike in my emails to him?  THE ANSWER IS NO

If I did sleep with Mike, should that effect me getting a job?
Do I have a right to contact the schools that Mike goes to and tell them about his sex life?


Should he have to answer to them or me or you about who he sleeping with and why and whatVD's he has? THE ANSWER IS NO.


Do I have the right to stalk Marcello, Pecko, Donna Carroll and you to find out what you are doing sexually, to use against you for employment purposes if the person was
legally of age? THE ANSWER IS NO

Did Bill Clinton lose his job for having sex with another woman while he was married? THE ANSWER IS NO

If you had an employee that was gay, do you have the right question them on it? Do you
have the right to hire of fire them on it? THE ANSWER IS NO

Should my sex life or my love life have cost me employment for seven years after graduating?THE ANSWER IS NO


Legally does anyone have the right to stalk me or have me stalked? THE ANSWER IS NO

Should my dating habits be anyone's business for employment purposes?

Is my sex life Marcello's business? THE ANSWER IS NO

If I married a hundred year old man, legally can that be used against me
 to get a job? THE ANSWER IS NO


If I wanted to marry someone for the money whether they were eighteen or a hundred
male or female should I have to explain that to get a job? THE ANSWER IS NO

Should anything about sex, love or relationships if they were of legal age
have cost me seven years of employment? THE ANSWER IS NO

So, was the act of spreading all the rumors legal? THE ANSWER IS NO

Was the act of anyone letting answer those questions fair? THE ANSWER IS NO

Was it wrong for me to feel like my job counted on explaining that to you
legal? THE ANSWER IS Yes

If I wanted to take on a 'stud' and travel, is that an employers business?

Was all of this illegal? THE ANSWER IS YES

I know that I always make typos, but I got good grades in school because I wasn't in such a desperate need of glasses.  If I had gotten a job a long time ago, I could have gotten them. Right now I use 22 font and I still struggle


Northwestern College knows that I'm aftraid of retaliation

#67Author of original report

Wed, July 15, 2015



--- On Wed, 11/19/14,From: Subject: To: Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2014, 10:49 AM

Mr. Pecko,

I have directly confronted you on sexual harassment and retaliation against me after graduation. You do nothing about it to defend yourself.You could have taken me to court about this matter along time ago. You're a lawyer. Why do you continue to avoid this subject and hide like a little school girl instead of standing up like a real man. I know what your stupid little game is at this point in time. Six years post graduation you have recently been talking a lot of sh* about what you have been doing to me behind my back for the soul purpose so that I couldn't get work. You were the low life preventing me from employment by what you had to say about me behind my back because I didn't want to sleep with your ugly a**. If you feel so strong about it let's go to court and address all the issues in court. You’ll hide and do just what expect you to do. Go behind my back and talk sh** about me. Yeah, you'll give a good reference to get my foot in the door of some law firm to get your boss, Mr. Schumacherat Northwestern College off of your back and out of the mess he's in because BBB. But that is when the fun begins for you. I will be harassed so badly at my new job by the people there at your request to the point where I can't stay. Then everyone will say it was my fault and that I can’t get along with anyone. Well, I'm blowing the hell out of that stupid little plan right now, by confronting you on that bull* right now. Because at this stage of the game the story that I needed a man to take care of me because I can't find one, is as dumb as hell. Besides, If I wanted someone to drop hot wax on my a**, that is none of your or anyone else's f*** business. Do you understand that! Do you understand that, you big dumb arrogant, ugly as***. Yeah; you'll get my foot in the door, alright! But when sh** takes place at my new job like I say it will, I have every reason to go after your boss, Mr.Schumacher. By EEOC's standards my complaint about employment retaliation carry’s over to my next employer. Why the hell don't you stand up like a real man and face me? Because you are just a low life pervert that can't take no for an answer. If you don't like what I am saying then take me to court. You are so full of sh**. Does it hurt your pride that much to be rejected sexually, that you need to show your power overme? You are nothing but a coward. I am going to explain something to you. That is called retaliation and your boss in subject to punishment in the future because of it.



"Bennecke Margie" <>
"*********" <**********>

Your email dated November 19, 2014 to did not reach Joe Pecko. He left Northwestern College several months ago.


Margie Bennecke, Director of Administration - Campus Administration Northwestern College Bridgeview

7725 South Harlem Avenue Bridgeview, IL


On Tuesday, May 26, 2015 9:57 PM,wrote:

Dear Mr. Schumacher,

I am very sorry for the repeated emails. I am very tired right now because I cleaned two houses today and maybe that is why I feel so upset about seeing Joseph Pecko's resume on the internet stating that he is still working at Northwestern College. People lie all the time and maybe he's lying and I am making an issue of this because I am so tired. Your staff emailed me in November of 2014 and stated that he left your school months before that date.


Today, I am seeing that he is stating that he is currently an employee there. I am tired and confused and very concerned about this issue. I never had any reason to disregard what I was told in that email from your staff in November of 2014. I have even addressed the issue with you, proving that I believed he was gone. That proves that I didn't have any reason to disbelieve what I was told.


Mr. Schumacher is he working there, as of today? Is he lying about his current employment?


 On Wednesday, May 27, 2015 7:44 AM, "Bennecke, Margie" <> wrote:


Please be advised, Joe Pecko is no longer employed with Northwestern College – information posted on external websites regarding Joe Pecko is not managed by the College.





Margie Bennecke
Director of Human Resources - Human Resources
Northwestern College
Central Administration Offices
9501 Technology Blvd. Suite 425
Rosemont, IL 60018
t. 847-233-7700 Ext.

Legally, I can write my rippoff report. Nobody ever tryed to deter me when I was telling them in the emails that I was going to do something like this.

#67Author of original report

Tue, July 14, 2015

For the record, I wasn't crazy when I was paying the high tution at Northwestern College. If I were, then I couldn't have legally signed a binding contract with Northwestern College. So, they better not say I nuts. (that's funny)

Frank Marcello, Attorney at Law and Joe Pecko, Attorney at Law were both sent these emails in 11/29/2014. I told them that I was going to go public in the emails. Nobody did anything to stop me. Matter of fact, nobody responded, so I legally I have their permission to post this. (that's funny)

From: Date: 11/29/2013 7:36 AM (GMT-06:00) To: Cc: Subject: E-mail


This email is to inform you as I informed Frank Marcello, that I have reason to believe that again you and Marcello are attacking my character behind my back. In an attempt to save your reputations. Because of the sexual harassment that I was subjected to by you and Marcello when I attended NC. I have reason to believe that you are offering jobs and / or money to people save your reputations for what you did to me. As I told Marcello via email, I am telling you. I have every intention to fight you like a pit bull. You will not like the publicity that it brings to you. NC, or Marcello. You, Marcello and NC have had the chance to take me to court for slander because all my attacks have been out in the open and I can prove you were aware of what and why I was attacking you. If you think that you can have other people come forward while these people receive jobs or money, I have every intention to make it very public.

I sent this email to Mike McNamara over a year ago and because he chose not to do anything to stop me or even deter me, I legally had his permission to use it for this site too. If I'm crazy, well then I can't legally be held accountable for my behavior, because I don't know right from wrong. (that's funny)

I learned this stuff in Marcello and Pecko's classes. (that's funny too)

From:To:Sent: Sat, Jun 21, 2014 1:16 PM PDT Subject: FW: Re: Mike McNamara

I know that Desiree Tunstall is your long time girlfriend and that she earns $71,0000.00 a year. I downloaded the web site so you have that going for your argument. You can say that you don't need the money bad enough to act like a friend to a poor single mom for donations to licensed for life. But to erase my statement about what you did to me you have to produce medical records proving in fact you don't have herpes. And produce phone records from your two phones showing you did not have contact with Northwestern College, Schumacher, Pecko or Marcello for a time period that we were in fact emailing and you were acting like a supportive friend. In order to have my blog erased for slander.Phone records and medical records. The only other option is leave it up for ever one to see or pay me to take it down.



Mike McNamara goes to court

#67Author of original report

Tue, July 14, 2015

I have copied and pasted the web-sites that pop-up now for Licensed for Life.
I was mad as hell, so this weekend I plastered all over the internet about Retired Deputy Chief, Mike McNamara from  Licensed For Life. I have stated over and over that I wanted to go to court for two years and I have all the emails to the people involved in this battle to prove it. Well, I'm going to get my wish. Honestly, I don't know how Dr. Martin Luther King did what he did. God bless him. Because this is hard.
Now Northwestern College, Frank Marcello, Donna Carroll and Joe Pecko can let McNamara fight this battle.

LICENSED FOR LIFE - Mike McNamara from Licensed ...

Jul 09, 2015 · Mike McNamara from Licensed for life has ... Retired Deputy Chief of Police and Executive Director of LICENSED FOR LIFE Mike McNamara is a liar with herpes

  1. Ripoff Report | Northwestern College, Bridgeview...

BBB-Northwestern College-Ruby Parker

#67Author of original report

Tue, July 14, 2015

Better Business Bureau (Do Not Reply To This Email Address) Business Name: Northwestern College Thank you for contacting the BBB. Your case was received by the Bureau on July 10, 2015 and has been assigned case # 94560373 in our files. Your case has been appli

Ruby Parker
Today at 7:05 AM

Why can't anyone from Northwestern address this in court.

#67Author of original report

Mon, July 13, 2015


(no response)


----Forwarded message----
From: ***********
To: *************
Sent: Sun, Nov 9, 2014 6:38 PM CST
Subject: RE:

In Illinois law, all employers must take all reasonable steps to prevent future retaliation for a person speaking up on the matter harassment and protecting the employees or students and in my case, that means going to school to seek future employment and that EEOC also feels are obligated to be protected.

If I am fabricating such allegations then that would be a direct lie and is actionable in court as slander by the accused, whom are both lawyers that chose not to defend themselves against me in the past with a legal remedy. Why? If I'm a liar, then take me to court and prove it. It shouldn't be hard for them.

In my case, it would be defamation against the accused, because all my interactions with the harassers and executives enrolled was in fact in writing by e-mail for a period of more than a year. All they would have to do is prove defamation.

It wouldn't be unique for a person in my position to lie. A female that is unemployed in a bad economy. But, BBB is now involved. So, there is now an obligation on both sides to find a remedy to this long standing problem. There is no protection in place to prevent retaliation in the future. That is my fear. I will find work now. Will I keep it?

Am I conjuring up sexual harassment? Is there a chance of future retaliation? Is this just retaliation because of my inability to get employment in six years post graduation because of a bad economy, or substandard performance in applying for work? Such as resume, cover letters or interviewing skills? We are talking about six years that have past.

Is it unreasonable for me to believe that there will be no reasonable steps to prevent future retaliation, post employment from these men? After all, the accused are still considered innocent by the executives, when it comes to their actions, career and/or public-reputation.

School transcripts will prove that I graduated in 2008 with a 3.67 GPA, with Associates in an Applied Science Degree: Major, Paralegal. So, therefore it can not be underperformance or substandard performance reviews as far as my work goes. Because those are documented facts. You put the work in front of me, I do it very well.

Or are there negative reviews on my character over these past years, "She's a s**t." Is this one of the most common conspiracies used to cover up the sexual harassment by the defendants? That is a logical conclusion for me to come to in a case like this. What else could it be?

Even if I were a "s**t", (which I am not) it is still viewed as sexual harassment, if that gossip prevented me from employment for six years. I have all my e-mail as evidence. Showing that I wanted a legal remedy taken to prevent future retaliation and none was offered. I was not treated as an equal. It's pretty sad, if you see how hard I tried to be heard and the e-mail to the executives prove it.

In this case, I'm alleging, "this for that." The instructors were asking for sex and dates from me in order for me to gain employment after graduation. That is why I am in this situation. Not because I'm stupid or unprofessional.

It is now my burden to prove that the legal instructors, Joe Pecko and Frank Marcello first made unwanted sexual advances. Then prove that employment after graduation in my field of study was conditioned on acceptance of those sexual advances.

I will not prove that fact with what they did as evidence, but what they chose not to do. They both have chosen not to address this very serious matter in court. I requested this many, many times over a long period of time e-mail's to executives to prove it.

Out of fairness to the executives that the e-mail's are addressed to, I have to argue that it is common for people to allege that an employee of theirs made a concrete sexual advance, with a clear "or else" condition attached to it, when in fact they were just acting like jerks.

Why isn't it strange to the executives that these men would still run away from the matter? I have e-mail's proving I was writing a lot and that someone should have done something and nothing has changed.

From an evidence standpoint, my attached e-mail and all relevant documents will in fact tell the real story. The complete story.

I don't expect anything other than a false compassion from all parties involved at this point. But, I don't want compassion, as if I am a child or a person of a lower value. I never did. I am an equal to each and every one of the people involved because of the civil rights that I was born with as an American.

I want to be addressed and treated as an equal to prevent future retaliation. They should know that, with all of their education and power. It's time to address this issue properly, so that I do not worry about retaliation in the future, when I do gain employment.

It is not an unfair request.


--- On Wed, 11/19/14, wrote:

From:  Subject: Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2014, 10:49 AM

Mr. Pecko,

I have directly confronted you on sexual harassment and retaliation against me after graduation. You do nothing about it to defend yourself.You could have taken me to court about this matter along time ago. You're a lawyer. Why do you continue to avoid this subject and hide like a little school girl instead of standing up like a real man. I know what your stupid little game is at this point in time. Six years post graduation you have recently been talking a lot of s**t about what you have been doing to me behind my back for the soul purpose so that I couldn't get work. You were the low life preventing me from employment by what you had to say about me behind my back because I didn't want to sleep with your ugly a*s. If you feel so strong about it let's go to court and address all the issues in court. You’ll hide and do just what expect you to do. Go behind my back and talk s**t about me. Yeah, you'll give a good reference to get my foot in the door of some law firm to get your boss, Mr. Schumacherat Northwestern College off of your

back and out of the mess he's in because BBB. But that is when the fun begins for you. I will be harassed so badly at my new job by the people there at your request to the point where I can't stay. Then everyone will say it was my fault and that I can’t get along with anyone. Well, I'm blowing the hell out of that stupid little plan right now, by confronting you on that bullshit right now. Because at this stage of the game the story that I needed a man to take care of me because I can't find one, is as dumb as hell. Besides, If I wanted someone to drop hot wax on my a*s, that is none of your or anyone else's f**king business. Do you understand that! Do you understand that, you big dumb arrogant, ugly a*****e. Yeah; you'll get my foot in the door, alright! But when s**t takes place at my new job like I say it will, I have every reason to go after your boss, Mr.Schumacher. By EEOC's standards my complaint about employment retaliation carry’s over to my next employer. Why the hell don't you stand up like a real man and face me? Because you are just a low life pervert that can't take no for an answer. If you don't like what I am saying then take me to court. You are so full of s**t. Does it hurt your pride that much to be rejected sexually, that you need to show your power overme? You are nothing but a coward. I am going to explain something to you. That is called retaliation and your boss in subject to punishment in the future because of it.
Ruby Parker



"Bennecke Margie"
"Ruby Parker"

Your email dated November 19, 2014 to jp



"*********" <**********>

Your email dated November 19, 2014 did not reach Joe Pecko. He left Northwestern College several months ago.


Margie Bennecke

Director of Administration - Campus Administration Northwestern College Bridgeview

7725 South Harlem Avenue Bridgeview, IL



Northwestern College thinks they are above the law

#67Author of original report

Mon, July 13, 2015





President, CEO: Larry Schumacher

Northwestern College, 4811 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL

Northwestern College, 7725 S Harlem Ave, Bridgeview, IL

Northwestern College, 1809 N Mill St, Naperville, IL

INCOME: $45,000.00 per student



Executive Directors: Mike McNamara and Cheryl Baczek

INCOME: Donations from big corporations


(The only editing of these emails was typo's made because of rage, stress, lack of sleep and poor vision because I can not afford real glasses )


On June, 2008, I graduated from Northwestern College with an Associate in Applied Science Degree, Major: Paralegal with a 3.67 GPA, the cost of the degree between $40,000.00 and $45,000.000. From the campus located at 7725 South Harlem Avenue, Bridgeview, IL


From June 2008 to June 2014, I suffered from retaliation in the form of bad references given to potential employers that called the school for not having sex with Joseph Pecko, Former Program Director and Legal Instructor, Frank Marcello at Northwestern College.


February of 2013, four years post graduation; I filed a complaint by email and insisted the whole investigation be done by email and I was addressing sexual harassment and retaliation directed against me by Frank Marcello, Former Legal Instructor and Joseph Pecko.


On March 14, 2013, Northwestern College’s HR department emailed me and stated that they found no fault with the personnel’s professional behavior while I was a student and closed the investigation.


------------------------------On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 9:00 AM CDT Canfield, Cheri wrote:


>Dear Ms. Parker: >>Northwestern College has conducted an investigation into the allegations that you communicated to the College last month. This included the information provided by our telephone conversation as well as written communications, in particular your March 14, 2013 Final Account of Facts Statement. Our investigation did not reveal facts that would support a claim that you were treated improperly or unlawfully by Northwestern College or its personnel. We are therefore closing our investigation into this matter. >>Sincerely, >Cheri Canfield >>>>Cheri Canfield >Chief Human Resources Officer - Human Resources >Northwestern College >Central Administration Offices >9501 Technology Blvd. Suite 425 >Rosemont, IL 60018 >


On April 10, 2013, EEOC did find that Northwestern College discriminated against me based on sex and awarded me the ‘Letter of the Right to Sue.’ I still have the letter.



(no response)


To: From:Sent: Friday, July 3, 2015 5:21 AM

Doesn't anyone know how to file a d**n motion in court? I want to address this issue of the incident that happened in April and May and June of 2014 in court. If I'm a crazy, unprofessional stupid s**t that couldn't find work after graduating from Northwestern College seven years ago because of incompetence then let's address the issues. Because I am as mad as hell and it's time people come out and address this issue in the proper way and not this behind the seen bullshit. Fine, if I'm crazy, let's address that issue.

You have two lawyers, Frank Marcello, Attorney at Law and Instructor at Dominican University, Joe Pecko. Attorney at Law, and Program Director at Northwestern College. Two executives, Donna Carroll, President of Dominican University and your boss Larry Schumacher, President of Northwestern College. One retired Deputy Chief of Police, Mike McNamara.


So what the hell is the delay? My address to be served? ******, Chicago, IL 60632.


Better Business Bureau Complaints against Northwestern College are not satisfied

#67Author of original report

Sun, July 12, 2015

I went to Northwestern College and paid Schumacher $45,000.00 for a associates degree and I earned a 3.67 GPA. I am now stuck with $30,000.00 in student loans and no job in my field of study.

In Larry Schumachers uncanny way to twist things around, he had his employee, Amy Bouscio, the Career Development and Alumni Relations Coordinator from Northwestern College inform me to direct all of my concerns to her.

Get this, she writes, "they were so happy to be of assistance in my job search." I have been using that stupid, 'Career Placement Service' for over a year and I still don't have a job. So, I don't know what the hell they're talking about.   

Since when are consumer complaints addressed by a career development coordinator? I had a business agreement with Schumacher. I paid Schumacher. My concerns were rightfully directed to him.

His response pissed me off beyond belief and so I directly contacted him and his attorney by email and confronted them both on his shitty approach to the situation. I'm not happy. Yeh, they're happy because they're $45,000.00 richer because of me.

I am not going to let him play this off as if he's 'accommodating' a perceived problem-child with his phony cooperative gestures and letting me use his stupid Career Placement Service, just to turn around and advertise on the internet that all BBB complaints have had a successful ending, because that's a bunch of bull*.


Northwestern College, Bridgeview Bad Reviews

#67Author of original report

Sat, July 11, 2015

You need to do your research. My ripoff report is not just one bad review. This school has a history of bad reviews.

SOURCE: Northwestern College (StudentsReview) – College

SOURCE: Northwestern College Chicago: Review & Facts

BBB Gets involved

#67Author of original report

Fri, July 03, 2015

 My complaint was received by the Better Business Bureau on May 17, 2014. It was against Northwestern College at 7725 S Harlem Ave Bridgeview, IL 60455-1318 I have copied and pasted Northwestern College's bull%^&* response to my complaint for you to see for yourself how they lie and cheat people out of their money. They didn't say this bull%^&* when they were recruiting me as a student and they won't say it to you either. Now they have my $45,000.00 and they could care a less about what happens to me. I'm a 3.67 GPA graduate. Contact Name and Title: ******Contact Phone: *******Contact Email: ******** Ms. ***** is a graduate of Northwestern College's Paralegal Program. The College has various mechanisms in place to assist graduates in finding employment including a department of Career Services which is dedicated to this effort. It is my understanding Ms. ***** has not utilized the services of this department to assist with her job search. Of course there are many factors that contribute to a person's ability to secure employment including the overall economic climate, the candidates resume, experience, presentation and response to questions during the interview, etc. None-the-less, Northwestern College nor any other post-secondary institution guarantees employment after graduation. We invite and encourage Ms. ***** to reach out to our Department of Career Development for assistance with her job search. They are also stating on the internet that all BBB complaints are resolved. That's a lie and I'm proof of that. I don't have a job, even after a year of trying to stay positive and being nice to these people and using this stupid service. I have had only three interviews and two of them was with the same law firm and the only reason that I didn't get that one was because I didn't have a car to file their motions in court. The other offer was with Robert Half Legal for $9.00 an hour and I declined because I earn more than that now. Those were my big offers with their help. I owe $178.00 a month in student loans and I owe $30,000.00. The truth, Joe Pecko, Program Director at Northwestern College couldn't give me bad references when employer's called anymore because BBB was on the case. I have copied and pasted the email exchanges with the bull%^&* “Career Placement Service” for your review. She couldn't get anything right. She even sent my resume back to me with typo's, when there wasn't any typo's on it when I sent it to her. She couldn't even get something as simple as my email address correct. From: ****** Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 6:05 PM To: Buoscio, Amy Subject: Re: Hi Amy, My email is ******* I use a Nook tablet so I am very limited with Microsoft Word. I noticed that references is messed up on the resume. If I try to fix it on what I have available, which is Quick Office, it will mess everything on the resume up. I will register on the websites tonight. So, what should we do about the externship that I did? Leave it off? It's a good reference but I really didn't do much. Have a nice weekend. Thank you ***** From:"Buoscio, Amy" <>Date:Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 3:55 pm Subject:Your job search *****: Please let me know which email you prefer us to forward job leads. Your resume indicates ****** Let me know if this is the email you prefer. Thanks, Amy Buoscio From:"*******" <*****>Date:Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 6:30 pm Subject:Re: Your job search Dear Ms Buoscio, We went over this already. I have copied and pasted that message that I sent you on June 20th. Friday, June 20, 2014 6:05 PM >>>> To: Buoscio, Amy >>>> Subject: Re: >>>>>> Hi Amy, >> My email is ******oreen@ >> I use a Nook tablet so I am very limited with > Microsoft >> Word. I noticed that references is messed up on the > resume. >> If I try to fix it on what I have available, which is > Quick >> Office, >> it will mess everything on the resume up. I will > register >> on the websites tonight. So, what should we do about > the >> externship that I did? Leave it off? It's a good >> reference but I really didn't do much. Have a nice >> weekend. >> Thank you >> *****>> From:"*******" <******>To: Buoscio, Amy Date:Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 10:11 pm Subject:Fw: Re: Your job search Amy, I saved the last attachment that you sent me back and just started downloading it everywhere like that form said because you sent it to me as Word and I wanted to keep it as Word. I thought you understood that it needed to be changed.on the resume when I said my email address is ****** when you were making corrections because I explained I couldnt make corections with Quick Office. I will to go to the library and fix that with their Word and then save it to their desktop and download it on all the sights again and then make new drafts with it attached. I can't do it with my Nook. Please send all job leads to ******* also.

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