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  • Report:  #800558

Complaint Review: Nu Skin

Nu Skin nuskin systematic corporate deception, civil rights violation Provo, Utah

  • Reported By:
    victor — Golden Colorado United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Tue, November 22, 2011
  • Updated:
    Thu, February 16, 2012

When we heard about Adam's blog from our friends in Salt Lake City who, like us, are former Nu Skin distributors, we were thrilled that someone was finally speaking up. We signed up in 1998 and
worked hard and reached ruby executive and then the Big Planet I-phone came and killed our down-line. We tried the business again with the Bio-Photonic scanner and rebounded for a year only to lose out when people found out that this too was a scam.

I read all the Nu Skin sponsored fake reports about how 'hard work and perseverance' will get you results but let me tell you, we've done it all by the book and found that people are just not buying it once they find out that its simply a gimmick. When we think of the enormous effort it took to try to be successful in this Nu Skin business and then to read from Adam how Sandie Tillotson would allow him to buy all of these cars, air planes and a yacht they never used, and it angered us! Then we did a thorough Google search and found a link to a home built by Sandie's first ex husband, Craig Tillotson, in Boulder, Nevada. Just one look at his 'out of this world' complex will show what level of waste we are talking about. These people live on an entirely different planet and it is all paid for by the losses of the many millions who joined Nu Skin like we did and eventually lost.

Prior to hearing about Adam's blog we wondered how it was possible to have so many disillusioned distributors who placed their story online only to see it purged out or brushed away by Nu Skin. We now know that this is done by Nu Skin employees and lawyers, probably the same who purged Adam's blogs and related articles off the internet bypassing the legal system. What chances do thelittle guys have if big businesses are able to control the media and internet; how will our stories of corruption and deceit ever be heard? If only there was some kind of law or protection such as Freedom of Speech or due process *sarcasm*; this Rip Off Report website will have to do for now.

 I have called many of my former distributors and their response was a unison call to protest. The appalling deceit of how these Nu Skin owners stuff their pockets while posing with a few African children acting all charitable while we and others lost our shirt is something that should be brought to the attention of the national media. I am calling out to all Nu Skin distributors to come forward and file a complaint on this protected Rip Off Report site; with enough complaints maybe we can start a class action suit. This kind of abuse needs to be stopped. If Nu Skin can lobby in favor of laws that keep their deceptive business going, we as former distributors need to lobby to make sure laws are actually applied to stop them.

If anyone doubts the urgency of this call to act have a look at what an authority on multi-leveled marketing (or MLM) describes as the actual reality of MLM and particularly Nu Skin. Note that if Dr. Jon Taylor Ph.D. was lying he would have been sued by Nu Skin for slander. Since he has not been sued nor did his web sites get removed and since he appears on radio shows and is called to testify as an expert witness in people vs. MLM legal cases, his information and statistics are sound. One good look at Jon's web site will remove any doubt that things need to change to put a halt to these deceptive business models and we are calling you to act with us.

To make sure that everyone gets to see the real story behind Nu Skin and the scanner we decided to place this blog. We include all the articles and cloned Adams blog and hope that this will help get people to think before joining this scam!

I hope more people will step forward and expose the reality of this business.

Jon Taylor said it well in his books:

Book burning in America: a tale of Nu Skin byJoe Alfieri

Contra Costa County Conservative Examiner

November 5, 2011 -

There are moments in a persons life that shake you to your foundation, that cause you to rethink everything you think you know, moments that hit like a two by four upside your head. Just such moment arrived for me late on a Friday afternoon.

A friend of mine, lets call him Adam, since thats his name, has self-published a book, Formerly Filthy Rich, My Scandalous Life with a Billionaire Cougar, and is actively and aggressively promoting the book, as every author does, and most especially those who self publish. Now his book is at the very least R-rated, and its an account of his six year marriage
to Nu Skin co-founder SandieTillotson.  Nu Skin, for those of you who dont know, is a multi-level marketing company which sells skin care and nutrition products through a network of independent distributors.  Thats the official, and polite
definition. For those who have at one time or another been touched by an MLM operation, its more commonly referred to as a pyramid company. Some might say a scam. Whatever the reality, or whatever your perspective, Nu Skin is among
the biggest and richest MLM companies, a Goliath.

Adam Baker, on the other hand, is a nice guy, with an attractive wife and adorable kids, who has a story to tell about what he knows about the company. And since he was married to a co-founder, was a distributor, had an office in the headquarters, and travelled the world on Nu Skins Gulfstream, he apparently knows quite a bit. Nu Skin thinks he knows too much, or at the very least says too much, and on this particular Friday afternoon used its team of lawyers to shut down distribution of Formerly Filthy Rich by Barnes & Noble and Amazon. Let me say that another way, in case you missed it: they got the book banned. A figurative burning of a book, but in the world of electronic publishing a burning none the less.A burning worthy of n**i Germany, or Fahrenheit 451.Book burning and censorship in America,

The lawyers argued (at least to B&N, their story to Amazon was quite different, which well address in a moment) that the book was defamatory. It may be, but defamation is best argued before a court of law, where each side presents its case. Adam says he stands by every word hes written, and is ready to produce witnesses. If thats the case, then there is
no defamation. Nu Skin says burn the book anyway, before anyone gets to read it. Barnes & Noble rolled over and pulled the book from its website quicker than you could say, oh, Sarah Palin. The Joe McGinnis book about Palin,
if youre keeping score, is still available, even if it is defamation, or claimed to be.

The story presented to Amazon by Robert S. Clark of Peer Brown Gee & Loveless of Salt Lake City, said nothing about defamation, but the result was the same. Nu Skin argued that the material in the book was not
Adams. Baker says that of course its his story, and is ready to produce his drafts and copyrights to prove it. No matter, Amazon has pulled the book pending investigation.

Earlier in the week Adams WordPress blog was shut down, and although he hasnt gotten word as to why from notoriously slow to respond WordPress, one has to think theres something of a pattern here.

And here then is the Thumper betrayed Bambi moment, for me, dear reader. I celebrate and proclaim on a continual basis, loudly and very proudly, the freedom we enjoy as Americans, even as I watch good people slandered, lies told, and reputations destroyed in the press on a daily basis because of that freedom. I tell myself its the exchange of ideas in a public forum, and that the truth will out in the end, that its the price paid for freedom of speech. And that we all enjoy that freedom, that were all equal in the marketplace of ideas and free speech. But I am shaken by this story of
David and Goliath, by the idea that a woman with over a billion dollars and the company she owns a good deal of can prevent the publication of a book that might do them harm, even if the tale is true. Im shaken by the story because I
cant imagine it happening in this country, where we supposedly value the truth, unvarnished, and equally distributed. Am I wrong? Id like to think that David will slay Goliath, because if he doesnt, then perhaps all is lost, and
those mobs on the street in Oakland braying against evil corporations may have more truth in them than even they know. 

Continue reading on Book
burning in America: a tale of Nu Skin - San Francisco Conservative |


David vs. Goliath: an update on Nu Skin's attempt to ban a book by Joe Alfieri

Contra Costa County Conservative Examiner

November 11, 2011 -

In my last column, I wrote about Adam Bakers book, Formerly Filthy Rich - My Scandalous Life with a Billionaire Cougar, and the battle to get it published.  Baker is the former trophy husband of Nu Skin co-founder SandieTillotson, and his book is chock full of details of sexual escapades, political influence peddling, corrupt business practices, and possible criminal activity. The book is self-published, and was released on Amazon and Barnes & Noble for the
Kindle and Nook, and in a print on demand version from LuLu.  Bakers apparently kicked over a hornets nest, and Nu Skins lawyers have spent the better part of the last two weeks swatting at all the buzzing the book has
generated. For the most part, unfortunately, theyve been successful in gagging him. Heres a partial list of venues shut down:

& NobleLuLuWordPress
interview removed from archives



Bruce -

I had seen the Stephanie Mencimer article - in fact I posted a positive comment.  By the way, she is looking
for MLM victims to interview for another story.  I would encourage all of you to help her find some likely candidates - she is looking in particular for people who turned to MLM as a result of the bad economy.   Her email is

I had not seen the article
about Sandi Tillotson's ex's book.   Wow.   Very
nasty.  Looks like it may be difficult to get a copy - did any of you get
one before Amazon banned it?


Nu Skin Enterprises' gross profit margins may top the personal products industry, and co-founder SandieTillotson may earn press accolades for her business acumen and charitable contributions, but a new book may shake
the foundations of the company by revealing some of the less than honorable business practices of the Utah-based giant and the salacious life of its most visible executive and co-founder. The book, Formerly Filthy Rich, My Scandalous
Life with a Billionaire Cougar, by Adam Baker, is an account of his six year marriage to Tillotson, which ended in divorce in 2008.

A child star in the Ice Follies with his five sisters and parents in an act known as The Baker Family, Adam married Tillotson shortly after they met when he was a dancer at a club in Salt Lake City. Baker discovered that beyond the
trappings of a life of enormous wealth, corporate jets and exotic homes lay a world of lies and deceit that were the foundation of Tillotson's personal wealth and the Nu Skin empire.

As an example, Adam cites a trip to a company convention in Kuala Lumpur, Singapore. "Sandie came in like a movie star with a motorcycle escort for the ride from the hotel to the convention. It was a wild scene getting out of
the limousine, with Nu Skin distributors reaching out to shake her hand or just touch her gown. I got her through the crowd, and once we were inside she screamed at me to get her hand sanitizer, that she couldn't stand these people
and they all smelled like garlic" he says. "Now remember, these are people who paid for Nu Skin distributorships, and Sandie made a handsome profit on them. And she couldn't stand them. It was unbelievable. It was the same with
her Force for Good charity. We flew to Malawi and she couldn't stand to touch the children. "

"Her whole life was built on lies" Adam continues. "She wouldn't even use the products she sold, because she said they were junk." Baker recounts the story of what he calls "the ultimate scam," the company's patented Biophotonic scanner. "The scanner is supposed to measure the carotenoid levels in a person's skin, and has a money back guarantee. The idea is that if your levels are low, you take some Nu Skin supplements and, bingo, the levels are magically where they're supposed to be. But the device only works because it knows the identity of the person being scanned. Sandie said it was the only way they can have the money back guarantee, and not pay any money out."

But the marriage gave Adam everything he ever dreamed of: luxurious homes around the world, million-dollar shopping sprees, a private Gulfstream, champagne-laden dinners at five star restaurants with celebrities, corporate
moguls, and politicians. "We dined with Anthony Hopkins, Kathie Lee and Frank Gifford, went to the horse races with Jon Huntsman, threw fundraisers for Mitt Romney in our penthouse in New York City." An endless supply of money fueled Adam's ever-increasing appetite for adrenaline adventure, and kept him in the fold. But the deceits continued, and he came to realize that his gilded cage was in fact a prison, and he was forced to re-examine his marriage to Tillotson and his life. What he found was a secret so shocking it threatens to destroy Sandie's entire empire.

"I'm here to tell that secret" he says, "because the world needs to know what kind of a person she is, what she's done to people. It goes beyond business, beyond our personal issues. The evidence in this book shows a very
different and dangerous person from the person the public sees. "

Formerly Filthy Rich, My Scandalous Life with a Billionaire Cougar, by Adam Baker, was available on line at,, and at

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Estelle de Cloutier


Is it really Adam Baker?

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, February 15, 2012

The previous statements is hilarious!

Here is a woman who claims she was Adam's lover and tells the world what a loser he is in the same sentence, lol
Who makes that the biggest idiot of the two?

I don't know Adam well, other then seeing him at some NS functions, but Adam married successful woman (at least the last two), while she who says to be a former lover states that he is an idiot but fails to mention that he has a pilots license, dances like only a few guys can, and has done quite some other stuff that most man love to do but simply do not or can not.

Despite all that, from what I have seen, he is perhaps not the brightest light but that may be due to lack of education. However, again, maybe it is the woman who sleep with him that should be blamed for doing so if they really felt that he was a leeching loser.

What ever Adam or any of her other lovers are, for Sandie, a shareholder of a billion dollar outfit, to marry a fellow like him speaks of her more than it speaks of him. Given her history, she is the one to question.

I also read online about the drama surrounding Ron Gratzinger and some of her other lovers. She truly has a screw lose but gets away with it because of her wealth which enables her to manipulate reality. Exactly that is at trial here; the ability of the 1% of the super wealthy to abuse and manipulate the 99% who can't defend them self.

All of this dirt on Sandie or Adam doesn't changes NuSkin's deceptive business model. It doesn't remove the fact that NSI is run by a bunch of LDS (mormon) freaks whose obsession to enter the next realm, free of Earthly stains, (while ripping people off on a grand scale), should be upsetting the masses.

Ask your self how it is possible that a brainwashed cheater like Blake Roney who is now heading on a Mormon mission to slime balls his way in to an imaginary, illusive heaven after life, and/or Sandie who's acting all charitable and sweet on camera but then will abuse her power to hurt people in her private sphere, blowing millions on her egoistic lifestyle. (Read Adam's book).

So, again, is Adam really the bad guy for exposing these dirty manipulators for what they are?

I am a former employee of a company that supplies NSI, and when it comes to NSI, I have seen it all, and some.
They maybe big and powerful, they may even look good on the outside, but now, since that curtain is lifted, we get to see what is at their core.

Don't be fooled by their ability to shine and don't be mislead by the reward they give a few on top who suck dry the masses who lose!

And certainly do not ignore their abusive business model and personal behavior!

Whatever you believe, ask any basic CPA BEFORE you sign up in to their bs and waste your time and money!

F. S. Hains-Bragg, Fairfield, CA.

I know him

Salt Lake City,
United States of America

Adam Baker is far from a saint

#4General Comment

Sat, January 21, 2012

I cannot comment on anything to do with NuSkin; much of it may be true. However I know Adam and I know him to be the most dishonest, decetful person I have ever known. He has no skills, cannot read or write (his latest wife probably actually wrote the book). He was hardly a star of any ice shows, he helped his family run a small ice rink. He got his first wife pregnant when she was 16, and proceeded to have total of 5 kids with no means of support. He was always on the take. Somehow got a loan for a house, never made any payments and lost that, then moved his young family into a self storage "closet" without heat of water or toilets for a time. He used each of his kids social Sec # to obtain credit for loans for cars, furnature at places like RC Willey with no intention of ever paying for a thing. He became a male stripper, abandoned his 5 kids and married again. Then left her and married Sandi. Adam is not smart - you can only imagine what her standards must be like. But in Sandi's defense, she took in his 5 kids, paid for things they needed, took them on trips and after their split she still supported them quite a bit. Adam has paid nearly zero child support to date !  Adam is on about his 4th marrage - always looking for someone to take care of him, because remember he never got past about 8th grade and has no skills except stripping, ice skating and spending someone else's money. He can't be trusted so take some of what he says with a grain of salt from a scorned lover as well.


United States of America

Adam Baker's book, Formerly Filthy Rich, really made me think

#4General Comment

Wed, November 23, 2011

I have been approached regularly by independent Nu Skin distributors; some of whom are actually related to me. I wouldn't have responded to Adam's book had I not attended a Nu Skin opportunity meeting and experienced the deception first hand.

Adam's book was sent to me by an acquaintance who has been an active distributor but never had much success and is rather disgruntled. After reading the book, I found some of it hard to believe, but he sure got me to surf the web and I was appalled at what i found.

Reading the postings by independent journalists clearly shows a level of ignorance that I had not expected from people in her position. Several other individuals seem to have fallen for the abuse dished out by Ms. Tillotson. A while back I heard about a Park City based divorce case describing Adam's ex wife Sandie in unflattering terms, but I got online to find it and it seems to have vanished. It irks me that a large corporation will simple strong-arm and remove any negative material even if it's true, all to protect their precious image. Who else have they abused and silenced.

I also wonder why they need lobbyists if their business was up to snuff. In any case I will be watching the development of this debacle with great interest. I hope it leads to more protest and action from other victims of Nu Skin. I'm really surprised there aren't more blogs on the web about it.

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