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  • Report:  #1211781

Complaint Review: NueVision ICS

NueVision ICS NueVision In Store Client Marketing; Shomax Marketing; Shomax Management and Associates New name. Same dirty cheating company. Portland Oregon

  • Reported By:
    Anonymous — Portland Oregon
  • Submitted:
    Thu, February 26, 2015
  • Updated:
    Fri, August 21, 2015

 Do any of those company names ring a bell?? Yeah it's because Shomax Management had so many bad reviews online, they had to change their name to NueVision. If you don't believe me, just look up Shomax on Rip Off Report and Facebook. Not only has this company mysteriously changed locations from Modesto, CA to Portland, but now they are changing their names. They are still the same dirty, cheating, liars working inside of Costco and Fred Meyer. You want to know what they do at this shady company? They recruit on every job board in the area because they are desperate for individuals they can brainwash into their little sales program. From there, they teach you the sleazy things to say to customers to get them to sign up for DirecTV by lying and telling customers the dishes can see through trees. The puppet master behind it all is a slick talking Jamaican man named Shodel who tries to look cool working in a Portland high rise, but don't let it deceive you. They run their scam with a bunch of other Smart Circle organizations in this area. Take a look on Craigslist and they say they are looking for Sports-Minded Individuals. All you'll be doing is standing around in a Costco store all day trying to talk people into signing up through you for Directv. Want to neglect your family and social life 6 days a week? Want to work crappy hours making barely minimum wage? Want to buy into their pyramid scheme of making thousands of dollars a week? Go in for an interview and don't say I didn't warn you. I'm sure they'll cut you off the moment you question the sleaziness of this company.

10 Updates & Rebuttals



Do your homewoek

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, August 21, 2015

 As a former employee privy to the inside information and hidden agendas of the company I can tell you this company misleads you and says things to motivate you that aren't true. Do your homework on this company and companies a like by googling smart circle and multi level marketing


Portland ,

Shodel says he hasn't smoked weed a day in his life lol

#11UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Thu, July 30, 2015

 Well I find it hilarious that shodel the owner of Nuevisionics is telling new employees he's never smoked weed a day in his life. That is once again another lie out of his mouth, coming from a owner that shodel him self promoted i can personally say I have smoked weed with shodel. If shodel is speaking there is a high chance that he's lying.



NueVision ICS IS a REAL Company with REAL Advancement

#11UPDATE Employee

Fri, July 24, 2015

I have been working with NueVision ICS for almost a year now and I couldn't be more grateful. Coming to work everyday is a fun experience, I have been able to gain friendships with everyone in the office. Everyone here is working towards the same goal so if you ever fall behind someone will pick you up. The manager Shodel is awesome. He is always so hands on with his employees to make sure they are taken care of. Its funny to think I almost didn't come into the interview because of a Ripoff Report and what other companies said about Shodel and his company.Then it started to make sense, that their is a reason the competitors are fighting so hard against NueVision, he must be winning! Now almost a year later I have built great friendships and have gained financial stability. Which feels AMAZING!!! 

Dom C


NueVision ICS is an AWESOME Org. to be apart of!!!!!

#11UPDATE Employee

Tue, May 12, 2015

I work at NueVision ICS. I am the Admin and in training for Recruiting at the moment. Working here has given me so much opportunity for growth and has really made me feel like family here. We are a team here, we take care of each other. And i love that so much! I look forward to coming to work everyday. I enjoy being here at work and learning new things everyday and growing within the Organization. We have team night EVERY Thursday and meetings ever Sunday and it truely brings us together as a team and allows everyone to network with eachother when others are struggling. We give you the chance to grow and give you all the tools to do so. I love working here and I wouldnt have it any other way. 



NueVision is a great Company

#11UPDATE Employee

Mon, May 11, 2015

I've been working with NueVision ICS for about a year now and I am so glad that I got the opportunity I did. Being able to come into work everyday where there is always a positive enviroment and the team memebers are awesome. I cant wait to see what NueVision does next because watching this company grow is so exciting not only for them but my career as well.

Did Shodel Pay You for the Rebuttals??

#11Author of original report

Sat, May 09, 2015

Anyone else notice that the rebuttals are all dated on May 8th?  Did someone have a little talk with his team and ask them to make an account at Rip Off Report and say nice things about his company?  Yeah....I think he did.

To address some of the points of these rebuttals:

Yes, Shodel AND his team do in fact smoke pot.  How do I know this?  Because I did it with them at a hotel in Seattle when we had to be there for a meeting back in February.  The entire floor smelled.  Oh and have you been invited to one of Shodel's "team nights"?  Yeah, those are at his house in Vancouver and let's say we get a little lit up there too.

You know why Trailblazers and D3 marketing are brought up in these rebuttals?  Because these are the other companies in this area who work in sales, selling the same products as Nue Vision.  But to Shodel and his team, they are the little people.  He sees them as the competition and not as a sister company trying to accomplish the same goals.  So instead of Shodel being a real leader and trying to help out these companies, he trashes them and bad mouths them to the big wigs of Smart Circle to get them shut down.  Shodel doesn't know how to be a leader.  He knows how to be cutthroat and viscious and will lie to get the competition out of the way.  He did it in California to the owners in Modesto, and he is doing it now up here in Oregon.  

And it's sad that his team drinks the Kool-Aid and think that it's the type of cutthroat attitude that needs to help you make it in this business.  Everyone who works for Smart Circle shoves compliance down the owner's throats.  Do you know how uncompliant Shodel's business is?  I've been to the Costco's in the area and have seen the DirecTV reps out of uniform, not by their work station in electronics, telling customers that satellites can see through trees to just get sales.  When you sell DirecTV in a Costco, the company makes money on the SALE not the INSTALLATION.  So if you actually take a look at NueVision's averages, their SALES look great, but their INSTALLs are terrible.  And that's because THEY LIE TO CUSTOMERS!!!  To Smart Circle, they only care about the SALES and since Shodel was making SALES, he looks like the big hero.  But if he really cared about what's best for the customer, he'd be trying to improve his install average to reflect those sales.

I truly feel sorry for you people that you believe Shomax aka NueVision is a legitimate company where you can have a future.  Keep drinking the Kool Aid, my friends.  

Gerardo G


Thank You for your interest in NueVision ICS

#11UPDATE Employee

Sat, May 09, 2015

 My name is Gerardo and I am currently the Director of Operations for NueVision ICS. I have been working w/ Shodel for just under 3 years. This ripoff report has a couple of issues I would personally like to address because I feel it is an attack on our company and the values of our company as well. We started in Modesto Ca over 4 years ago under the name Shomax Marketing. In California we rose to become the top office in the nation working w/ Fortune 500 companies. I have excluded the names for the obvious reason of not wanting to attach their names or brands to any type of slander like this ripoff report. (Sorry but even while defending our company, our clients come first so once again I will not mention them by name) One in particular happens to be the most popular satellite provider in the nation) and the other happens to be the nations top big box retailer. If anybody has ever been to this big box retailer then you are already aware of their elite experience they provide for their members. The way we became the top office was by properly training the individuals we work w/ and NOT cutting any corners when it comes to the members or customers experience. Sales is is 1/3 of the job description for our entry level position, the other 2/3 would be our excellent Customer Service. That's not a typo, Customer Service is just twice as important to us! Our main focus is for the experience of our clients potential and current customers to be that of elite status. This great service we provide caught the attention of our clients and when it came time for expansion, our office was selected to bring our expertise to the Pacific NorthWest. A brand new expansion that our clients selected us for, to be first to represent them in this area. This is quite the accomplishment and anybody in business knows being selected to lead a new expansion FIRST says a lot about that company.

Less than a year into our expansion we have surpassed all expectations and have grown from 6 locations to ALL 10 locations in the region. About 6 months in, other clients became interested in us working w/ them as well. Suddenly our vision of where we were and where we could go began to grow bigger and bigger. All of this w/ our clients satisfaction being our top priority. Adding more clients began to give us a New Vision, thus our newer, bigger, and even better NUE VISION was born. We no longer have 2 clients, we have grown to numerous clients and even more on the horizon. The name change reflected on our growth and quite frankly we wanted to be known for more than management. We provided management on a great level, now we provide management and even more so management in addition to In-Store Client Services. NueVision ICS is here to stay! As Director of Operations I personally oversee the training of new hires and supervisors in our company. Never and by never I mean not once would myself or anybody in a supervisor or manager role allow any member of our team to represent our clients, our business, or themselves in any other form or fashion than with that of the upmost integrity. If somebody is not interested in our services our response is "Thank you for your time sir/ma'am you have yourself a great day! If you ever have any questions or there is anything I can help you with, please let me know." That's right out of our training manual, and we have ZERO toleration for anything less than excellent customer service with respect and integrity. Do some individuals work 6 days a week? Yes! If somebody has schedule restrictions where they can't do mornings or specific days for whatever personal reasons we are flexible to work around their schedule and sometimes people work 6 days to hit their desired hours. Sometimes they hit their desired hours in 5 days. We work around the schedule of our clients so sometimes that can conflict w/ an applicants schedule and for that I apologize but our clients have hired us to provide them a service on their terms, we can't really dictate the terms and expect to continue to grown.

Our pay has and never will be minimum wage. We start entry level partners above minimum wage and after the first 5 days of training they are GUARANTEED anywhere from a $1 to $4 raise based on their evaluation of their first 5 days of training w/ their supervisor. I almost don't like to talk about the money because that's not what motivates me, what motivates me is the coaching and team environment with structure that allows any of our partners to go as far in the business as they please. There's plenty of opportunities for great pay as well so don't get me wrong, but to me what keeps me excited and engaged everyday is being proud of my career. I haven't had a career I was more proud of being a part of since my career in the military, and the cool thing is my family can be proud of me without the worry. Thank you for your time, Gerardo



Nuevision Last Paycheck Surprise

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, May 08, 2015

I worked here and recently was let go due to low performance. When it came time to receive my final paycheck, I had to wait a couple of days, because the payroll manager was away on work. It made me pretty pissed off beuase now I was out of a job and of course I needed my money.

I came to find out that Shodel was the last person that payroll had to be ran through and for some reason they had problems contacting him. 

I finally received my paycheck 2 days later. It had an apology hand written note from Shodel. A recommendation letter and a $50 bonus. It made me so mad, because the last thing he wrote we go 49ers. And he knows I am a seahawks fan. 

Don't let this report fool you, this is a great team to be around. Wish I still work there. 



NueVision ICS is sooo not a scam...I still work here

#11UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Fri, May 08, 2015

I recently got hired on here in April of 2015. I did alot in interviews in the Portland area, and I chose to interview here last due to all this report. Every marketing and sales office I interviewed in all brought up this company. D3, Trail Blazers, Olympus......I wondered if this was the mercedes benz, or Iphone of marketing companies. If every other business hates NueVision ICS that use to be Shomax so much, they must have something going for them, since they are the bench mark for comparison.

I played softball, so I applied to the ad because they wanted sports minded individuals. I like the competitive nature of sales, and its not like Shodel and Gerardo didn't explain the job in detailed from the 3 step interview process. But the job isnt sales, its learning client management so you can be crossed trained into supervisor and management positions.

Whoever wrote this report never worked at NueVision ICS, because the moment you trying to say something sleezy like the report mention above, Gerardo, the director, will be on you so hard!!! they really hate sales people at Nuevision because they will do anything for a sale. They want to hire quality individuals who dont have a sales background and then teach them minimal sales skills, with the focus of management. I mean we partner with Costco, how could we be lying in that retailer.


And I made a $480 bonus on my paycheck my 5th week.


PDX Woker


NueVision ICS - Scam Report

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, May 08, 2015

I am marketing majr from U of O, (Go Ducks!!!). I recently graduated and I was seeking a job in the Portland area in my field. I tried to do some reearch on a fee companies that I was applying for and I almost didn't apply for NueVision ICS because oof what I read here.

  • They pay 11-14 dollars an hour, plus comission bonuses. My third week in coming out of training my paycheck was 689 dollars for working 23 hours.


  •  Shodel the president, is Jamaican, which is awesome. This guy told me that he has never smoked weed a day in his life before, and never will. I thought that was awesome, but he is the most honest down to earth guy I have met. I didn't have fear my boss syndrome. When I did the interview he even told me, that he doesn't care how long he knows someone whether it was 5 mins or 5 years he always looks out for them. This is so true, I didn't have money to buy lunch one day in the stores, and while he was secreting shopping me, I told him this and he gave me $20 with out even blinking. I offered to pay him back and he said, just leep doing a big job and growing in the business.


  • Third, I am pretty sure you know Costco, and this was a scam, why would Costco have them in the warehoue. Dont you think Costco would have done there research on the company it self before bringing them into every warehouse across the country.


  • Fourth, Before working for the business I interviewed at Trail Blazers and D3 and all they talked about was NueVision ICS and Shomax. It seemed as if one them wrote this negativereview. This is why i didn't try working for them, becuase they all try to attack this one company.



I dont work at NueVision ICS anymore, but I can tell you that, this report isn't reliable

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